Brenda Choi

  • signed Intel Agency Climate Change Petition 2022-05-16 19:11:35 -0700

    Petition to National Intelligence Agencies to Get Them Take Over the Climate Change Risk Analysis & Research From the UN's Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change

    101 signatures

    Please read and then sign the petition form at the bottom of the page! 

    After signing, you will also receive the full petition by email, which you can forward to others. This powerful petition will be sent to the world's major intelligence agencies.

    The National Intelligence Agency Petition

    All national and international efforts to contain and reverse escalating climate change and global warming depend upon the complete and accurate information and risk analysis of all key factors surrounding the climate change emergency. Currently, the recognized authority handling final climate change risk analysis is the under-resourced, underfunded, and politically-conflicted Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (the IPCC of the United Nations.) Unfortunately, having the IPCC act as the world's authority on climate change has not been working well.

    The IPCC has been creating risk analysis reports and holding solution conferences for almost 30 years, and in spite of all their efforts, global warming causing carbon and methane in the atmosphere measured in particles per million (ppm) is rising—not slightly but exponentially! The reality of rapidly rising carbon parts per million levels (carbon ppm levels in our atmosphere) when they should be dropping or at least leveling off is about as good a definition of climate change risk analysis and reduction failure as any rational person would need.



    By continuing to rely on the IPCC’s reports and conferences to resolve escalating climate change, we collectively are in essence doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, which is the classic Einsteinian definition of insanity.

    In addition to failure to improve the climate change condition, the IPCC’s previous risk analysis reports have also been plagued with underestimation errors in the 20 to 40% range. They have also failed to adequately include critical global warming climate tipping point prediction scenarios whose consequences would make clear to our politicians what a hellish nightmare will occur if any of such global warming climate tipping points are crossed.  

    We are also getting climate change risk analysis updates from the IPCC too infrequently for the escalating nature of the emergency (about once every 5 to 7 years.) It is now obvious we are also getting climate change risk analyses from a clearly non-optimal source.

    It's time to stop engaging in this irrational false hope and failed experiment with an underfunded United Nations agency taking on the responsibility for the future of the whole world! It's time to assign the responsibility for creating an accurate risk analysis for the threat of climate change and global warming and annual updates to those organizations that are far more qualified, far better resourced, and that has a far greater strategic interest in what’s at stake.

    The intelligence agencies of each nation are the ones that should be the primary parties tasked with creating a new escalating climate change risk analysis report as well as annual updates for their nations’ leaders, the people of their own nations, and for the rest of humanity. They also should be responsible for monitoring all fossil fuel reduction progress.

    Moving these responsibilities away from the United Nations’ underfunded IPCC is a logical transference of threat research and threat risk analysis and remedial recommendation responsibilities to those who also are far more credible as well as legally and morally accountable for such risk and threat analysis for the individual nations of the world.

    Our national intelligence agencies already were established solely to protect the nations of the world from immediate, midterm, and long-term threats to their security. Escalating climate change is the most serious risk to national security and humanity, other than a nuclear war, on immediate, midterm, and long-term levels.

    Because of the preceding reasons, the full responsibility for all climate change risk analysis and annual update risk and progress reports needs to be assigned to where they should have always been! The intelligence agencies of the world have the budgets, resources, and expertise of every kind to do these annual climate change risk analysis updates far better than an easily influenced, infiltrated, and/or grossly underpaid IPCC staff and volunteers ever could.

    Additionally, the politicians of the nation whose intelligence agency has just produced the report will tend to give that report far more credibility than any report by an underfunded, under-resourced, and expertise-challenged UN agency. Furthermore, not only would having these annual climate change reports produced by national intelligence agencies influence their national politicians more forcefully, but they also would more credibly educate and influence the public of that nation.

    This could also have the beneficial side effect of a better informed national public more forcefully holding their politicians to account for what they do with each new national intelligence agency risk analysis update on the escalating climate change emergency.

    By having every intelligence agency in the world produce its own annual risk analysis and public report on the current state of escalating climate change, we would also have inherent checks and balances against some other nations hiding critical climate change information that would benefit their nation and be adverse to other nations. In time, most national intelligence agencies would see the huge benefit of cooperating on certain levels of climate change research and sharing their risk analysis data and conclusions, realizing that escalating climate change is the one common exterior threat to all nations that will eventually undo human civilization and the stability of all nations.

    To properly and adequately create the new escalating climate change risk analysis and annual risk and progress updates, the intelligence agencies of all nations will also be required to include risk analysis and prediction scenarios that clearly show what will happen if any one or more of the critical global warming climate tipping points are crossed.

    (Our rapidly rising atmospheric methane levels pose a particularly dangerous climate tipping point and extinction risk.) 



    Knowing and avoiding the critical global warming climate tipping points is paramount. If we do not know where these tipping points are and when and how they will likely unfold, we could easily unconsciously or inadvertently throw ourselves into irreversible climate change and global warming or extinction-level climate destabilization.

    Because of all of the reasons mentioned above, I hereby demand that the intelligence agencies of my nation take over all climate change risk analysis work from the United Nation’s IPCC. I also demand that these annual climate change risk analyses are made fully public, uncensored, and shared with other intelligence agencies from other nations and their peoples.

    It is my strongest belief that by my nation’s intelligence agencies acting in this manner (producing credible annual climate change risk analysis and progress reports) they are also performing their sworn duties and obligations to protect our nation from all serious threats. I firmly believe that other than the case of immediate global thermonuclear war, no other threat poses greater national and global harm to our nation and more of humanity over a greater length of time than the escalating climate change emergency and its looming tipping points.

    In closing, I also demand that our intelligence agencies also make your most up-to-date national climate change consequence predictions, timeframes, remedies, and progress reports clear to the nations' politicians and the nation’s public after you have completed each annual report. (End of the petition.)

    Please sign this national intelligence agency petition by going to the bottom of this page!

    If You Need More Information About Why This Intelligence Agency Petition is So Important!

    If you or any of your friends need to be better informed about why the world’s intelligence agencies need to immediately take over the annual climate change risk analysis, research, recommended remedies, and tracking of national and international fossil fuel reductions away from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, you can refer them to the following link which explains ALL of the additional reasons not covered in the petition above.

    Why Major Intelligence Agencies Must Immediately Re-Do the IPCC Climate Calculations, Consequence Predictions, Deadlines, and Global Fossil Fuel Reduction Requirements and More?

    What will happen with this petition?

    When we reach the required number of petition signatures, we will submit the following petition with all signatures to all of the major national intelligence agencies on your behalf, demanding that they act upon its demands.


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  • signed Divest From Fossil Fuels Pledge 2022-05-16 19:11:16 -0700

    Divest out of fossil fuels pledge

    Divesting from all fossil fuels and moving fully to green energy generation is critical to our survival.

    378 signatures

    In order to stop escalating global warming and climate change emergency, I pledge I will divest out of all of my holdings in the dead-end fossil fuel industry. I will then do everything within my zone of influence to convince others to do the same. I will work toward convincing other individuals, businesses, pension funds, endowments, and national governments to also divest out of the dying fossil fuel industry as soon as possible.

    Sign Below Now

    Why Divest?

    1. Money is real influential power! Money talks and it talks effectively! One very strong way to convince our governments and the power elite that the age of fossil fuels is over and the age of green energy generation is here is to pull all financial support and subsidies from the fossil fuels industry as soon as possible.

    2. Personally divesting from all fossil fuel holdings helps us keep fossil fuels in the ground and is one of the more effective personal action steps in the Job One for Humanity Climate Restabilization Plan.

    3. The fossil fuel industry is a bad investment. Other than for limited use in the future for the military, air travel, space exploration, and other limited applications, the age of fossil fuel has already ended. No individuals or organizations will want to invest in an industry with its subsidies being removed, its profits being taxed at increasing rates, and growing legal liability to restore damage done to the environment over the last 130 years. Get out before you get caught since there is little future left for fossil fuel energy on a planet that has to move rapidly to green energy generation.

    "Money does not just talk, it screams influence and power. If you want to see a change happen fast, properly incentivize it with strong monetary rewards or penalize it by removing its profit."               — Lawrence Wollersheim

    Still not convinced?

    Please view, What is fossil fuel divestment and why does it matter? 

    Sign the pledge now to divest in the box below now!

    "I pledge to divest as soon as possible from any of my holdings that invest directly or indirectly in fossil fuels. I now encourage my family, friends, and the organizations and businesses I am associated with to do the same."

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  • signed Climate Action Personal Pledge 2022-05-16 19:09:59 -0700

    I pledge to help resolve climate change and the global heating emergency

    (Sign at page bottom.)

    I pledge:

    1. I will educate my friends about the climate change emergency. 

    2. Within my influence and resource zones, I will begin the Job One for Humanity Plan's practical climate solutions and resilience-building actions.  

    3. I will become a climate education activist, and with my vote, I will keep pushing my local, state, and national politicians to act until this emergency is under control. And,

    “Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings, and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way.

    I have earned deep respect for one of Goethe's couplets:

    Whatever you can do or dream you can begin it.

    Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it!”  William H. Murray

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    890 signatures

    I pledge:

    1. I will educate my friends about the climate and global heating emergency. 

    2. I will remain a climate educational activist until this emergency is under control. And, 

    3. Within my zones of influence and resources, I will enact the practical climate management actions of the Job One for Humanity Climate Plan.  

    “Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings, and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way.

    I have earned deep respect for one of Goethe's couplets:

    Whatever you can do or dream you can begin it.

    Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it!”  William H. Murray


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  • signed Why Stop Saying "Climate Change" Pledge 2022-05-05 12:38:26 -0700

    Pledge to Stop Saying "Climate Change" for These Critical Reasons and Start Using These More Accurate Terms.

    Last Updated 10.27.23


    Words have power. Words can be used to frame a discussion fairly or unfairly to limit and control how the members of that discussion can think about the presented concepts and issues. This framing can be done completely without the members knowing that their thinking (or options) to understand (or resolve) some issue has been invisibly limited and controlled. On political and social levels, the unfair or inaccurate reframing of words is called propaganda.

    There are four reasons why we must stop using the term "climate change" wherever possible and immediately use only climate change extinction emergency, the climate change holocaust, or the runaway global heating emergency,

    Reason 1: The term “climate change” was heavily promoted by Republican strategist Frank Luntz, who suggested using it in government publications and discussions because it’s less “frightening” than saying “global warming.” This was then picked up by the fossil fuel lobbyists. 

    The well-funded fossil fuel industry and its lobbyists have successfully re-framed our real runaway global heating extinction emergency into the widespread use of the vague and non-threatening concept and term called climate change. Unfortunately, this clever re-framing of our current extinction-triggering global heating as climate change has dramatically hindered the public's ability to think accurately about the absolute urgency and severity of the runaway global heating extinction threat.




    Well-funded fossil fuel lobbyists have invisibly and successfully re-framed the global heating emergency by getting governments, worldwide media, and even many unwitting environmental groups to use the innocuous, vague, and relatively calming "climate change" term. This climate change propaganda is designed to redefine (or confuse) the ordinary meaning of words and their concepts to control a target's ability to think about those concepts or, even hold specific "undesirable" concepts in their minds, which the source of propaganda does not want to be considered.

    This term re-framing technique is how the 28 trillion dollar-a-year fossil fuel industry and its lobbyists have successfully redefined the truth and power of what we are facing, namely, the runaway global heating extinction emergency. As a result, the fossil fuel industry has redirected the mass public's attention away from the urgency of the real threat to something that the average citizen does not see as a threat or problem, the mushy climate change idea and term.

    This sleight-of-hand terminology swap has turned a scary and honest global heating truth that needs to be dealt with on an urgent and emergency basis into the nebulous and benign concept in the average citizen's mind. In the average citizen's mind, this looks like the ideas that, "the climate (the weather) is always changing. It is changing exactly how it has customarily and always behaved during my lifetime."

    Because of this intentional misdirection and climate condition terminology reframing, people falsely feel safe. They then believe that nothing much needs to be done (or is done) to deal with the "ever-changing natural and seasonal processes of the climate." Unfortunately, nothing could be farther from the truth!

    Reason 2: We need to use terms that most reflect the actual reality of our current climate condition. Unfortunately, the term climate change does not do that or even come close.

    On the other hand, if we use terms like the climate change extinction emergency, the climate change holocaust, or the runaway global heating emergency, we will implant an accurate description of our current climate crisis into the minds of the public far more effectively. We will defeat the fossil fuel lobbyist strategy using the ancient principles of Aikido, the Japanese martial art of using the very direction, strength, and attack movement of the attacker as the best tool to defeat the attack itself.

    Using terms like the runaway global heating extinction emergency far more accurately reflects the reality of our current climate condition. We truly are in runaway global heating because we have already crossed critical amplifying climate feedback loops and climate tipping points, creating the beginning stages of runaway global heating. According to James Hansen, the respected NASA climate scientist, we entered runaway global heating when we passed the atmospheric carbon level (CO2) of about carbon 386 parts per million (ppm) level around 2015. (As of March of 2022, we are now at Carbon 421 ppm.)

    Runaway global warming is very serious. If you imagined runaway global heating like a train without brakes rolling down a mountain that is getting steeper and steeper, you would have a good idea about the seriousness of runaway global heating consequences and how they will keep increasing faster and faster.

    You can see our runaway global warming in the atmospheric carbon CO2 graph below. As atmospheric carbon rises faster and faster (the steepening dotted line), so is global heating.



    Reason 3: We are genuinely in an extinction emergency and a fight for the very survival of humanity. Reframing the runaway global heating extinction emergency into climate change was not the only clever propaganda manipulation by the fossil fuel lobbyists. 

    These fossil fuel lobbyists also have the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of the United Nations (as well as worldwide media and our governments) telling us that climate change is only a vague and nebulous "existential threat" at some yet unknown or unspoken date in our future.



    Here is the problem with telling people there is an existential threat sometime off in an unknown future:

    1. The average human IQ is 100.

    2. The majority of the human population has little to no idea what the word existential means. Does it relate to the existential philosophy of Soren Kierkegaard?

    3. Even if they look existential up, they get the definition of "relating to existence." That sure could mean a lot of vague things and not be experienced as anything close to what we are now facing, which is a rapidly accelerating global heating extinction threat to our soon-arriving future. (Extinction by mid-century for about half of humanity and around 2050- 2080 for most of the rest of humanity.)

    I think you can see why we have to stop feeding vagueness and using an "existential" threat. This is not a vague or low-probability threat. (Links at the end of this document will give you a deeper understanding of how runaway global heating has become an extinction emergency.

    We have to get the IPCC, our media, and our governments to start using the correct terms for our current climate condition, which average people can understand and that will motivate them into action. Imagine what could change if billion of citizens realized that their extinction from runaway global heating is just a few decades away or sooner.

    It is now time to do something about this hidden theft of our collective ability to think correctly about the runaway global heating extinction emergency and its imminent threat to all life! It is time to use more accurate climate terms and change how the world thinks about what is going on with runaway global heating.

    Reason 4: There is no current and credible scientific doubt consensus that we are currently experiencing global heating caused by humans burning fossil fuels. (See the global heating explanation link at the end of this page.)

    Please Take the "I Will Stop Using the Term Climate Change Whenever I Can" Pledge

    • I hereby pledge to stop using climate change in my daily conversations. Instead, I will use the terms climate change extinction emergency, the climate change holocaust,
      global heating, the runaway global heating extinction emergency, the global warming emergency, or out of control global heating to describe the current accelerating increase in the Earth's average global temperature and the ongoing and escalating destruction to our lives and the environment caused by global heating primarily due to our burning of fossil fuels.
    • I pledge that I will contest the fossil fuel industry lobbyists and climate deniers, mis-framing and falsely defining the real dangers of the runaway global heating extinction emergency by calling it climate change! 
    • I pledge that I will help forward this pledge to other individuals and environmental groups I know about.



    (Please note: Our organization does still occasionally use the term climate change on our website, but only to guide people to our website on the Internet using the still dominant climate change search term. We also use global heating-related terms when mentioning climate change on our website. 

    To learn more about why runaway global heating is a true extinction emergency, see this link.

    To learn more about the leading global heating extinction-accelerating tipping points and why we have only until 2025-2031 to prevent our near-total extinction, see this link.

    To see credible science on the existence of global heating, see this link.

    Please also, forward this article and pledge to anyone you know in the environmental and climate education groups.

    See how this pledge will be used


    496 signatures
    • I hereby pledge to stop using climate change in my daily conversations. Instead, I will use the terms global heating, the runaway global heating extinction emergency, the global warming emergency, escalating global warmingout of control global heating, or catastrophic climate destabilization to describe the current accelerating increase in the Earth's average global temperature and the ongoing and escalating destruction to our lives and the environment caused by global heating primarily due to our burning of fossil fuels.
    • I pledge that I will contest the fossil fuel industry lobbyists and climate deniers mis-framing and falsely defining the real dangers of the runaway global heating extinction emergency by calling it climate change! 
    • I pledge that I will help forward this pledge to others particularly, other environmental groups I know about.
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  • signed Sign Climate Emergency Petition 2022-05-16 19:08:57 -0700
    Brenda Choi

    Please Sign the Climate Change Emergency Petition

    Please sign electronically at the bottom of this page. You will receive an immediate email copy and acknowledgment. Over 100,000 individuals have signed this petition and similar petitions worldwide! 

    Climate Change Emergency Petition 

    We, the citizens of our nation and of the Earth, are endowed with certain rights, powers, and obligations, which demand we act to preserve and protect the future of humanity and Earth's other biological life.

    Our petition has four demands.

    Based on abundant scientific evidence or our own climate change experiences, we recognize that:

    a. The global climate is rapidly warming. 

    b. Despite 60 years of credible scientific warnings, climate change and global warming are still rising and have reached dangerous levels, causing widespread deterioration across our climate and environment.

    c. The global climate is becoming increasingly unstable due to atmospheric greenhouse gas pollution (carbon, methane, and nitrous oxide), which is dominantly coming from the burning of human-caused fossil fuels. This is an urgent crisis that demands immediate action.

    We are now facing a rapidly worsening climate change scenario.

    This climate change-driven environmental deterioration and escalating extinction threat can only be fixed by our politicians immediately enacting the scientifically correct 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.

    Getting close to the 2025 global targets will dramatically reduce the damaging atmospheric carbon, methane, and nitrous oxide and prevent the worst consequences of climate change.

    It will also help prevent the loss of at least 10 million lives a year worldwide from just the painful and debilitating health-related effects of the toxic air pollution caused by fossil fuel burning. 

    If we do not get close to the 2025 fossil fuel reduction targets, the frequency, severity, and size of global climate change consequences will rise dramatically from 2025-2031 and beyond and far beyond what we can quickly adapt to.

    Many of these climate change consequences will be catastrophic and last for hundreds to thousands of years.



    Therefore, I hereby demand that our politicians and government leaders meet to enact these four demands:

    1. Declare a national and international Climate Change Emergency. (We will never be able to manage worsening climate change unless we call the climate change emergency that it really is.)

    2. Immediately pass enforceable and verifiable national and international laws that will get us close to the required 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. (These climate change-related laws and actions are described here.)

    3. Order an immediate government mass mobilization of ALL necessary resources and personnel to execute ALL required governmental actions to come as close as possible to the correct 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. And finally,

    4. Start the necessary climate change disaster preparation, adaptation, and resilience-building needed for soon-arriving, severe climate change consequences that our nation can no longer avoid or prevent. (About one-half of humanity could die off by 2050-2070 if our politicians fail us once again.)

    By electronically signing this petition below, I am officially petitioning and demanding that my national politicians execute the four above actions to protect and preserve humanity and all biological life on Earth. 

    Furthermore, realizing that the climate change consequences that are already occurring will take centuries to thousands of years to repair (creating an unbearable nightmare for surviving generations), I further pledge to continue to help resolve our intensifying climate change emergency until it is fixed!

    Sign at the Bottom of this Page Now!


    Additional Petition Information, If Needed:

    1. See key information about how this petition will be used here.

    2. When you sign the petition, you give us permission to email you your petition signature acknowledgment copy and occasional climate change emergency progress updates about once a month.


    8,764 signatures
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