The Latest Facts On Run Away Global Warming, Climate Change & Our Story

"You cannot be called an alarmist if there really is something to be alarmed about." 

You are about to read some very alarming facts about our current global warming situation. We trust you to make up your own mind about what to do after thinking carefully about the facts that we are presenting.

Most individuals who use this website have come to the conclusion that unless we make painful and required global fossil fuel use reductions by 2025, humanity is well on its way toward mass extinction within their lifetimes. (Mass extinction is defined as 35-70% of humanity.)

This extinction threat comes from the current global warming emergency and the 11 other major global challenges facing humanity. All of the key facts are explained below.

Job One for Humanity is a not-for-profit organization based in the USA dedicated to telling the truth about the global warming extinction emergency and giving you the information you need to survive Climate Change, since 2008. Our members and visitors appreciate Job One for Humanity because we treat them with respect as adults and we tell the difficult truths we now must hear to make the best of our almost impossible global warming situation.  


We have learned that not everyone decides to take the same remedial, protective, or preparatory actions once they have time to process the shock of what they are about to read. Because of this, we have provided the Job One for Humanity Plan which contains many options for very different kinds of individual or collective responses to the global warming crisis.

Because it is always best to get the bad news out-of-the-way before the good news, we will start with the bad global warming (aka climate change,) news first. Keep in mind as you read the bad news that there is much good news about what you can do to improve our situation further down this page.

Here are the most current global warming facts that will define the quality of life and length of life for almost everyone on earth.

Some time ago it became clear to our nonprofit organization that the world's leading global warming authorities (the U.N's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC],) in charge of the 2016 International Paris Climate Conference agreement had grossly misinformed the public about both the consequences and timetables of future global warming and, we had to do something about it.

At the last international climate conference the IPCC failed to:

a. warn the public of both the actual severity of future global warming consequences and,

b. how soon these consequences will actually begin occurring.

For years, the IPCC, governments, and environmental organizations they influence have told the public:  

  1. that global warming is still manageable (in the sense that we are currently and will continue to make steady and adequate progress in lessening global warming for the foreseeable future,)
  2. that global warming consequences will occur gradually,
  3. that global warming consequences will remain generally mild until about 2100 And,
  4. the very worst consequences of global warming will occur after 2100 long after most of us living today are gone.

Nothing listed in items 1-4 above could be farther from the truth!

1. The public has no idea that we have managed global warming so incredibly poorly for the last 35 plus years that it has now become out of our meaningful control for at least another 30-50 years with horrific and unavoidable consequences arriving far sooner than any of us are prepared to deal with.

The rest of this document plus the dozen reasons for why global warming already may be uncontrollable for at least another 30-50 years (found at the top of this dozen reasons page,) will conclusively prove to you that global warming is, in fact, now our of our meaningful control and we are already in deep trouble.

2. Global warming is now far worse than just unavoidable horrible future consequences. What we can still do now to reduce fossil fuel use will be critical in determining how much time we have left to prepare for what is coming, and how much longer more of humanity will live as a global warming-driven massive human, animal and biological extinction event unfolds within the next 30-50 years.

What the above gross misinformation about global warming by the IPCC means for those who use their predictions and your future!

In spite of what is being reported in the media, the global warming reduction strategies currently being promoted or executed by the IPCC, our governments, and most other environmental organizations will not work in time to save most of humanity from unconscionable levels of suffering and death far sooner than we are being told, within just decades in fact! Their inaccurate global warming remedial strategies will not save us from:

a.) the 20 worst consequences of global warming continually increasing in frequency, severity, and scale, 



b.) crossing the 3 most dangerous global warming tipping points and deadlines found on this page.

c.) triggering most of the 11 most dangerous global warming tipping points leading to spiking and cascading ecological, economic, political and social system catastrophes and collapses and finally, 



d.) a 6th mass extinction event for much of humanity, (This will be caused when we cross the cataclysmic tipping point of carbon 600 ppm (particles per million in the atmosphere,) about 50 to 70 years from now if we are very lucky. 

Mass extinction is not new to either evolution or nature. There have been five previous mass extinction events. More will be said about carbon 600 PPM farther down this page. (For more information about the carbon particles per million (ppm) in the atmosphere causing global warming, click here.)

How fast it gets worse from where we are today and how much time we have left before the above a, b or c type global warming consequences begin to directly or indirectly affect you, your family, business or nation depends completely on your current location and how much we cut fossil fuel use. In fact, some of you around the world are already experiencing many of the above severe type a and b type consequences.

Some areas we'll be hit a lot harder by escalating global warming than others

In general, some areas of the world will suffer more frequent and severe global warming consequences covering increasingly large areas. Using the map below as a guide this is what consequence distribution will look like:

1. The a and b type consequence severity will increase rapidly in severity, frequency, and scale within the next 5-10 years in the areas between the 25th parallel north and the 25th parallel south.

2. Within the next 10 to 15 years, the areas of increasing consequences severity, frequency, and scale for the a and b consequences listed above will generally expand throughout the areas between the 35th parallel north and the 35th parallel south.

3. Within 15 to 20 years, life will regularly become highly chaotic and unstable for those unfortunate individuals and businesses still trying to live and operate below the 45th parallel north or the 45th parallel south. Global warming consequences within that area will also continue to increase in severity, frequency, and scale.

4. Trying to live above the 55th parallel north or south will be extremely difficult for many reasons as well. This means that only about 5% of the world's total available land will be what we call global warming safer.

Depending on your current and ultimate location, the intensity of financial loss, starvation and death tolls from global warming-related catastrophes will rise steadily but at different rates until we reached what we call the last phases of the Climageddon Scenario. This is where as much as 70-90% of the world's total population will die within as little as 30-50 years.

This will occur primarily because at some point we will have crossed the carbon 600 ppm tipping point and because of starvation, migration wars, civil unrest and many of the other 20 worst global warming consequences and 11 dangerous tipping points are occurring and cross-triggering each other. (This new mass extinction event and future reality will be explained in more detail further down this page and other linked pages below.)"

Here is the Bad News We are Now Forced to Face

If we do not engage in anything less than the greatest mass mobilization of resources in human history directed toward radically cutting fossil fuel use to hit or come very close to the critical 2025 targets while simultaneously increasing green energy generation to slow the escalating 20 worst consequences of global warming, we will cross over the carbon 425-450 ppm climate cliff and rapidly cross the near-extinction atmospheric carbon tipping point level of carbon 500 ppm (parts per million.) This is predicted to happen in as soon as 20-25 years from now about 2038-2042. Once we cross the carbon 500 ppm tipping point it is almost certain that we will cross the carbon 600 ppm extinction-level tipping point not too long after that. 

This will be explained in far more detail as you keep reading but, as essential background, it is necessary to know that the carbon ppm level in the atmosphere comes from our burning of fossil fuels. Because of the known effects of carbon (one of the main greenhouse gases,) an increasing carbon ppm level in our atmosphere is one of the best, if not the best predictor of future global warming temperature increases. (If you do not understand how global warming occurs, you will find basic illustrations and the science by clicking here.)

Keep the following in mind as you read the rest of this document:

a. On average over the last 60 years, for every additional 25 PPM of carbon that goes into the atmosphere, our average global temperature goes up .5 degrees Fahrenheit or about .25 degrees C.

b. As of July of 2019, we are currently at carbon 414 ppm level. We are also adding another 3+ carbon ppm each year into the atmosphere as the global economy and world population grows.

As you can see from the graph below, carbon PPM is now rising at near exponential levels in spite of everything we are being told about all the governmental and environmental programs that are supposed to be reducing global warming and the harmful effects of our using fossil fuels. As you can clearly see from the rising carbon ppm graph below, our current programs and strategies to reduce global warming are failing horribly!

Worse yet, when we cross the near extinction carbon 500 ppm tipping point in about 25 to 30 years (from 2018 about 2043-2048,) our average global temperature will inescapably soar to at least 4°C (7.2 degrees Fahrenheit). At 4°C, all ice on earth will begin melting as it has done repeatedly in the past, sea levels will eventually rise about 240-270 feet, and a large portion of humanity (as much as 30-60%) will die of starvation, or from rising temperatures and global warming's other related 20 worst consequences.) At carbon 500 ppm many struggling or weakened governments and societies will collapse in many areas of the world.

Even though it will take many centuries for the seas to rise the full 230 feet, there will still be sea level rise spurts within those centuries where the sea level rise up to 10 feet or more in just a few decades as it has also done repeatedly in Earth's past. 

Take a moment to visualize the seas eventually but steadily rising 230 feet and what this will mean to our coastal cities, our national borders and the generations that follow us. Take a moment to visualize the ever-increasing massive worldwide crop failures because of the ever-increasing heat and the consequent mass suffering of slow starvation as we approach and pass the carbon 500 ppm near-extinction tipping point.

Also, take a moment and let the following sink in. Anything at or above a 4°Celcius increase in average global temperature would be incompatible with an organized global society and would be beyond adaptation!)

When we cross the "all ice on earth melts" carbon 500 ppm critical tipping point level, it is highly probable we also will quickly reach the carbon 600 ppm extinction level tipping point within as little as another 25-30 years, about 2063-2072. (There are at least a dozen reasons why the world will cross through these two critical tipping points. To see these reasons and know that we are not exaggerating crossing these tipping points, click here,)

Crossing the carbon 600 ppm level will raise the average global temperature to 5°C (9 degrees Fahrenheit) and bring about the beginning of massive methane clathrate releases from ocean coastal shelves as it has done before in the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum 56 million years ago, and most notably the Permian–Triassic extinction event, when up to 96% of all marine species became extinct, 252 million years ago. (Please click here to watch a short video that brilliantly explains the extinction process once we start releasing methane clathrate from our coastal shelves. New research shows we actually begin this release process once we reach 5°C and by 6°C it is in full bloom.) 

Because methane, when released as a gas from methane clathrate is 86 times more potent than carbon as a temperature increasing greenhouse gas, it will once again rapidly spike up the average global temperatures once again. The following is a methane graph (found at in which you can see how total atmospheric methane levels from all sources have exponentially skyrocketed particularly during the last 50 years.

If it continues to rise from there towards carbon 600 ppm and the 5°C average global temperature rise, it will eventually bring about the extinction of most if not all of humanity (70-90%) and the end of civilization as we know it in the final phases of the Climageddon Scenario.

Please note, if we do not reach the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction goals, there is currently no mathematical way for us to prevent crossing the carbon 500 ppm tipping point where all ice on earth will melt! Beyond its mathematical certainty and the dozen reasons discussed on this page, there are numerous climate scientists who believe that crossing the carbon 500 ppm is also inevitable because we will soon cross the other climate, biological and human system tipping points illustrated near the top of this page. These factors leading to the inevitable crossing of the carbon 500 ppm tipping point does not even include the other accelerating global warming positive feedback loops already occurring throughout our climate system. (Positive feedback loops enhance or amplify changes; this also (like tipping points,) tends to move a system away from its equilibrium state and make it more unstable. 

Numerous climate scientists also believe that no matter what we do, we have already missed our window of opportunity to prevent crossing the carbon 600 ppm tipping point and that once we have crossed the carbon 500 ppm tipping point, we will not be able to keep from reaching carbon 800 ppm (the near-final phase of the Climageddon Scenario.) Reaching 800 ppm would occur because of the accumulating effects of crossing more and more global warming tipping points that will continue occurring even more rapidly after we cross the carbon 500 ppm tipping point.)

Fortunately, there is still an acceptable possibility that we can slow our crossing the carbon 600 ppm final tipping point long enough so that we can save more of humanity and transfer needed infrastructure into the global warming safer zones. Just slowing our crossing the carbon 600 ppm extinction tipping point will be a Herculean task of massive global cooperation and mobilization. (We could do this slowing action by immediately enacting all of the actions described in part three of the Job One Plan.)

The speck of good news here is that the probability that we can at least temporarily, slow many of the 20 worst non-extinction global warming consequences is still good and this will allow us more time to get prepared for consequences we can no longer avoid.

How Important is it to Understand the Carbon 600 ppm Extinction Level Tipping?

The above bad news, particularly the inevitably of crossing the 500 PPM tipping point, is truly the most important message of the 21st-century. This is because other than thermonuclear war, the new reality of out of control global warming for at least the next 50 years has become humanity's single greatest security threat and greatest global disruptor of future economic, political and social stability! It has also become the single greatest threat multiplier for humanity's other biggest global challenges. (To see humanity's other biggest challenges other than global warming, click here.)

The escalating consequences of global warming will not occur gradually and definitely, will not be mild to moderate as we are being told. These changes will come at us, not on a linear increasing curve, but on a steadily rising exponentially increasing curve.

Great suffering, starvation, financial loss, large-scale migrations, climate wars, and death are already occurring all over the world for millions of people from the 20 major consequences of escalating global warming. Worse yet, these consequences will continue to increase in frequency, severity, and scale almost every year. Soon tens of millions then hundreds of millions and eventually billions of people will be affected!

What clearly needs to be understood by everyone is --- that if the average global temperature rises just 3° C above pre-industrial levels, almost no one and no nation will be spared levels of severe and massive financial loss, suffering, and death that will make Earth into a living hell. We are now as little as just 10-15 years away from where we are locked into this deadly 3°C temperature rise.

If we do not take immediate action to radically cut fossil fuel use to be 2025 targets and increase green energy generation (as described in our Job One for Humanity Plan Part 3) to slow down crossing the final extinction tipping point of carbon 600 ppm, the unconscionable suffering and death of 70-90% of everyone on earth will become a dominant reality for much of the world's total population—not by 2100 or later, but by as soon as 2063-2072. 

Our current global warming extinction emergency does not mean everything is hopeless and that there is nothing we can do. But it does mean we are now at an extremely serious juncture and we have little remaining time left to prepare for and adapt to the unavoidable and massive global warming consequences that will, at the minimum, steadily worsen for another 30-50 plus years! 

How the three extinction-evoking tipping points of carbon 425, 500 and 600 ppm create a condition where global warming management becomes out of humanity's future control

What most people really do not realize about crossing the above three tipping points is that, at some soon point after passing them, it will be "too little too late" to make any real difference in avoiding the worst global warming catastrophes at some future point when we finally do begin making the required fossil fuel reductions. This loss of control is because soon after we cross the carbon 425 ppm climate cliff, we begin to trigger other natural climate system tipping points. After we cross carbon 425 ppm, we will trigger much larger naturally increasing methane releases from the tundra, permafrost, and ocean shelves. We will also trigger massive additional natural carbon releases from our deep oceans, trees, and soils. 

Eventually, these natural system tipping points will also go into positive feedback loops with each other. These activated positive feedback loops will further intensify the crossing of more natural tipping points. 

These positive feedback loops in the climates natural systems increase average global temperature. This further triggers increased-heat caused releases of more naturally generated methane and carbon, which once again, further increases average global temperature in an endless cycle. Unfortunately, these increasing temperatures will go on and on until the Earth finally corrects itself hundreds or thousands of years in the future. 

Unlike humanity's remaining ability to control its use or not use of fossil fuels, if we cross the previously mentioned natural climate system tipping points, the future is almost exclusively under nature's control! There is little to nothing we can do to keep the other natural sources of carbon and methane from becoming a runaway train of ever-increasing average global temperature. 

Humanity's inability to control these large and complex natural systems, tipping points and positive feedback loops IS the crucial reason why we cannot fail to meet the 2025 global targets. If we do, as soon as 2025, we will let any remaining control of the global warming extinction emergency slip out our hands for many human lifespans. 

We do not have until 2050 to make the required global fossil fuel reductions to save ourselves as many governments and fossil fuel companies want you to believe. We also do not have until even 2035 to make the required fossil fuel reductions as many prominent but ill-informed environmental groups want you to believe.

We have only until 2025 to make the required global fossil fuel cuts to prevent going over the carbon 425 ppm climate cliff and losing all meaningful control of our global warming future. 

This emergency creates a 600 trillion dollar question hanging in the air. Why aren't the brightest minds in the world's intelligence agencies screaming at their national politicians about this nearly out of control emergency? Why aren't they making our politicians understand this is our last 5-year window of control to keep a super-destructive new global Pandora from getting out of her box

Why aren't our intelligence agencies (as well as the world's wealthiest individuals and corporations,) shaming our politicians into realizing that they have exposed ALL of humanity to an imminent and irrational extinction risk? Why aren't these recognized as risk and threat levels that should NEVER be endured or justified? (600 trillion dollars plus is the estimate for the total global costs that we will occur if we survive, and if we go over the climate cliff and trigger the carbon 500 ppm near-extinction tipping point and the carbon 600 ppm final-extinction tipping point as discussed above.)

So, let's work together with the appropriate urgency and do what needs to be done to fix this emergency before it is too late. 

The above listed natural climate tipping points and positive feedback loops are complicated, but we have simplified their descriptions and interactions on this pageThis page will help you understand how the increasing methane releases from the tundra, permafrost, and ocean shelves occur. It will also help you know how massive new carbon releases from our deep oceans, trees, and soils will occur.

What Options Do We Have to Save Humanity and the future?

As you can see from the first atmospheric carbon ppm graph at the top of this page, we are not making anything even close to the required radical cuts in our fossil fuel use to reduce the carbon going into our atmosphere and slow or reverse rising temperature.

In order to prepare you for the shocking REAL fossil fuel reductions that must be made if we are going to save humanity from unimaginable loss, suffering, death, and likely extinction, it is first necessary to see just how poorly our previous fossil fuel reduction agreements and actions have fared since we were first notified about the global warming extinction danger by our scientists over 35 years ago. 

What has been hidden from you: 

1. We have actually increased fossil fuel use more this century than in the last two decades of the 20th century. To make this point alarmingly clear, more than half of all fossil fuel emissions that have been released in the last 25 years and parked in the atmosphere are more than were released in all of recorded history before 1990. 

2. Even though we have had over 20 international conferences on fossil fuel use reduction, and we had international treaties since at least 1993 pledging we would reduce global warming, worldwide we still are about 67% higher in carbon emissions than the early 1990s. (Atmospheric carbon emissions is probably the best way to measure future global warming.)

3. In 2018 carbon emissions increased another dramatic 2.7% and they are projected to increase once again in 2019.

now take one more look at the blue atmospheric carbon CO2 graph a little bit above this area. Yes, intentionally or through ignorance, our governments, the media, and most of the world's environmental groups have not been telling us the REAL facts about how what our REAL lack of any progress whatsoever in reducing the rate of fossil fuel use increases, much less the complete absence of any substantive reductions across the world in reducing atmospheric carbon.

Keeping the preceding horrific failure of any appreciable efforts to take seriously fossil fuel reductions, or even reducing the rates of increases, now please explore the REAL fossil fuel reductions that must be made to save our future. (If you don't believe we are telling you the facts about our dismal failure in reducing global warming over the last 35 years, click here to view a short video by climate Professor Kevin Anderson in a recent presentation to the Oxford University Climate Society.)

To slow and prevent the processes of likely going extinct, here is what is now needed to happen. 

The absolute minimum amount we need to reduce fossil fuel use to slow and prevent the processes of likely going extinct in the next few decades is as follows:

a. All industrially developed nations must reduce their total fossil fuel use by 75% by 2025 and then continue reducing fossil fuel use to net zero carbon emissions by 2035.  Net carbon zero emissions in this solution means that no additional fossil fuel emissions are going into the atmosphere that are not also simultaneously being removed from the atmosphere by natural means. (Only about 20 countries produce 70% or more of the world's carbon emissions.)

Think of developed nations like most members of the G 20 group; Argentina, Australia, Canada, the European Union, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Japan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States, China, and India. (See technical note 1 near the end of this page for why China and India had to be included in the list of developed countries.) 

b. All developing nations must maintain their total fossil fuel emission levels as they are at the beginning of 2019 and not allow them to go any higher. Then by 2045, all developing nations must also be at net zero carbon emissions. This means they will have to reduce their fossil fuel use about 6 % per year starting now.

This allowance for developing nations to stay at the level they are now and gradually reduce down to net zero carbon emissions by 2045 is part of an essential justice and equity equation. The developed nations created their wealth by producing the far greatest majority of all carbon emissions in the atmosphere today, thus causing almost all of our current global warming extinction emergency. (See technical note 2 near the end of this page for more about justice and equity allowances.)

Here's another way of describing why the above 2025 fossil fuel reduction targets are so important to achieve. If we do not engage in anything less than the greatest mass mobilization of resources in human history directed toward radically cutting fossil fuel use to hit or get very close to the critical 2025 targets described above, we will without a doubt cross what is known as our "last chance" carbon 425-450 ppm climate cliff and we will go over the other two extinction-evoking tipping points quickly. 

If we continue only to the carbon 425 ppm climate cliff tipping point level, in about 6 years or less we can expect an eventual increase in average global temperature of about 2.2°-2.7° Celsius (4°-4.9° Fahrenheit) from preindustrial levels. At those temperature levels, millions and millions of people will be forced to either migrate or die. 

When we cross the carbon 425 carbon ppm climate cliff tipping point, we will have also reached the key threshold transition level where we will continue near uncontrollably to 3°, 4°, 5°, and 6° Celsius average global temperature increases (5.4°, 7.2°, 9°, and 10.8° Fahrenheit.) These soon-arriving even higher temperatures of 3°, 4°, 5°, and 6° Celsius will be due our continuing to add more fossil fuel carbon to the atmosphere but also from the crossing additional global warming tipping points and triggering other positive feedback loops and points of no return within the many systems and subsystems of the global climate.

There is much more information including what our individual, business and national annual targets would be, what will happen if we don't hit these targets, and the technical footnotes that will help explain the severity of these 2025 fossil fuel reductions above in detail. We strongly suggest you go to this page and read the technical notes and other information on these absolutely essential fossil fuel cuts before continuing on... 

Getting real and preparing for the worst while working passionately for the best possible outcomes

To grasp how difficult these cuts will be, imagine that in the next six years you personally will have to cut all of your home (appliance and heating/cooling etc use,) auto, plane and other travel that uses fossil fuels as well as all business activities that use fossil fuels by 75%, then cut back to zero fossil fuel use within the next 10 years. Now imagine everyone else doing this all across the planet in all of the developed countries.

If you live in a developed country, are you doing this now? Does that seem likely or possible to you that you would voluntarily so change your normal life so fast? Do you see the governments of the developed nations of the world coming together and in a great act of cooperation passing the laws, verification procedures and the enforceable punishments necessary to make sure these cuts actually occur?

It is more likely that the citizens of the developed world who did not fully understand both the urgency and critical importance of why they needed to make these radical, immediate and painful sacrifices would literally throw any politician out of office or would even overthrow any government that tried to enforce these kinds of radical energy and fossil fuel usage cuts to their comfortable or even subsistence level lifestyles and livelihoods?

Now imagine all of the individuals, corporations and governments in the developed nations that depend upon fossil fuel use and sales directly or indirectly seeing their livelihoods disappear by 75% in the next six years and then drop to zero over the following 10 years until eventually their industries no longer exist. How much of a fight and a global disinformation program would those individuals, industries, and nations create and put up to preserve their often luxurious livelihoods and their futures?

What would the fossil fuel industry be capable of doing to preserve a $28 trillion year market segment? How far would they go to preserve their one-third piece of the world's total gross domestic product (GDP) in what they would have to see as a life and death struggle?

If you're a pragmatist, this (and the other dozen or so reasons we will not be able to stop escalating global warming for as much as another 30-50 years found on this page, means we will not be able to prevent massive global temperature increases, horrendous climate calamities, and the near extinction or total extinction of humanity far sooner than imagined. (We strongly recommend reading the reasons found on this page for why we will not make the necessary global fossil fuel reductions in time. it is found about 1/3 of the way down the page.)

This means that for as much as another 30-50 years, we have already passed the point of being able to control rising global warming as well as all of its related unavoidable and unthinkable consequences unless we can immediately cut our fossil fuel use by the required 2025 percentages described above. But can we really make those life-critical cuts in time?

If your pragmatist, you will most likely believe that it is highly improbable (or even impossible,) that we will ever make the critically needed cuts to our fossil fuel usage in time to save ourselves. There are several reasons you are probably correct.

1. Each year we continue to delay in making the needed radical fossil fuel usage cuts means that any future cuts will need to be even more extreme, which makes them even less likely to be done because of the even more severe hardships that they will impose globally.

2. it is unlikely we will make the needed cuts soon enough to save ourselves is because of what is called Garrett's Global Warming Dilemma. This research states that because of the laws of physics and mathematics, almost all of our fossil fuel based global economy must first collapse in a necessary and steep global recession or global depression in order to produce the required cuts in our fossil fuel use to save humanity in time. This well-documented climate research by Professor Garrett is the research most often ignored by environmental groups around the world because it produces a horrible dilemma for which either answer is unthinkable as well as un-sellable. (if you're a science person, please click here and read a summary of Prof. Garrett's alarming research on atmospheric carbon, global warming, and the necessary fossil fuel reductions we must make to save the future.)

3. The absolutely horrible side effects if we do cut fossil fuel radically to the 2025 levels described above. One of the most horrible effects is that global agriculture will crash when we radically reduce fossil fuel use.

Agriculture is heavily dependent upon fossil fuels such as methane to make the essential fertilizers and other chemicals to allow mass food production to occur. Agriculture also depends heavily upon fossil fuels to run the equipment essential to creating and processing our mass food production and its distribution.

Once we come anywhere close to the absolutely essential levels of global fossil fuel reductions that we need to execute to save the future, global agriculture which is dependent upon fossil fuels will crash and up to 50% of the population will die of starvation not long after that. 

4. The required fossil fuel reduction calculations discussed above are based on attempting to keep the average global temperature from rising two degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels. It is calculated that if we cross that 2°C maximum level of average global temperature increase above our preindustrial level, somehow we still will be able to control the extremely slippery slope which can quickly lead us to 3, 4 and 5° Celsius increases in average global temperature.

There is additional strong evidence beyond what has been discussed above, that even we are successful in achieving the immediate 2025 fossil fuel reductions described above, the average global temperature will still rise to 3°C and likely quickly beyond with many unavoidable and horrendous consequences. This means that we are in a real quandary as far as making the only the above-required fossil fuel reductions.

While it is absolutely true that we have to at least make the required 2025 fossil fuel reductions no matter what! It is also true that even those steep fossil fuel reductions are still not enough to avoid the unthinkable suffering or the wide-scale reduction of the human population through starvation by as much as 50%.

On the other side of this painful quandary is an even scarier fact. If we do not make those immediate 2025 global fossil fuel use reductions, it is very likely that we will lose everything in as little as 30 to 50 years where as much as 70 to 90% of humanity (if not all,) will suffer and die. So ultimately, what other choice do we have other than to make the required 2025 fossil fuel reductions above while at the same time knowing we're probably going to have to make even steeper fossil fuel reductions as more research becomes available?

The big take-away from this page

What we do know is that, no matter what, and in spite of all of the challenges and bad outcomes that are possiblethe single constant truth for our best possible global warming outcomes is that the faster and more we reduce global fossil fuel use:

a. the more people we will survive to carry on our civilization,

b. the longer we will have to prepare for what we can not avoid, and

c. future generations will suffer less from the ever-increasing sequence of global warming consequences (described fully in what is called the Climageddon Scenario.)

Because of Garrett's Global Warming Dilemma and side effects as well as these many other disturbing reasons environmental groups hide Garrett's critical research away as well as other global warming bad news and ignore it like dirty laundry. At this point, itis hard to imagine that fossil fuels use will ever be cut to anything close to the critical levels needed.

At least not until we are faced with truly massive global financial losses and billions of dead and suffering. By that time, the worst consequences and higher temperatures of global warming will be irreversible for timescales far, far beyond the human lifespan. 

If you are a pragmatist and a mature adult, you have begun to realize that for all intents and purposes, we have already crossed the point of having meaningful global warming control. What we must do now is limit the total damages by preparing for, adapting to and making the best of, what we can no longer avoid. It is now time to save and salvage what we can!

Depending upon if you are in or close to a global warming safe location, for the next 5 to 20 years, your life should still be somewhat stable and you should fill your life with as much joy and satisfaction as is possible. The time to enjoy what remains of the quality of your life is now because escalating global warming is going to make life progressively worse faster and faster until in almost all locations survival is extremely difficult. 

We can still hope that we will slow what is coming just enough so that we have more time to prepare and some of humanity and civilization will survive in the global warming safe zones of the future.

The twist

There is also another very dark possibility that will allow some of humanity and our civilization to survive. If we do not successfully either radically cut fossil fuel use by the 2025 target percentages listed previously or allow the world economy to go into a severe recession or depression, the other most probable way that we will finally same a small part of humanity and successfully curtail our fossil for use is through a massive die-off of 70 to 90% of the human population when we cross the final carbon 600 ppm tipping point. This will occur in part due to massive crop failures and starvation linked to soaring global warming temperatures.

As billions die of starvation, or in migration and resource wars or because of the other worst consequences of global warming, fossil fuel use will drop radically in what may be adark "last resort solution” that saves some of humanity in the end. But remember: even if this happens, it will still take centuries to thousands of years before the average global temperature and the planet recovers from what we have done to it.

Survivors will be living a nightmare of high temperatures, extreme weather and chains of other global warming-related consequences we can barely envision. (To understand more about the year-by-year sequence of consequences on how billions will die, migrate or perish in global warming-related resource wars, click here and read about the Climageddon Scenario.)

From the above and the many difficult reasons found on this page, you can see that there is no realistic or practical escape from the coming consequences. We would be lucky beyond belief to have just a one in 1 million chance of hitting the 2025 fossil fuel reduction targets.

In every situation, the only way we save any part of a liveable future for at least a part of humanity is to radically and immediately cut fossil fuel use to slow things down enough that we have time to prepare, migrate and adapt as well as possible.

In all of the above-discussed scenarios, no matter what, we must still do what we can and make the best of a horrible escalating emergency. To do this we need to come together immediately and get very busy with what we still can do! (More of these specific "must do" actions are in the new JOB ONE PLAN AND described farther down this page in a section called, What You Can Do Right Now to Help Slow Our Global Warming Consequences and Improve Your Chances of Survival?) 

"Outside" ongoing global challenges and contextual factors that will interact directly or indirectly to worsen the coming global warming consequences

Our coming global warming extinction consequences do not take place in a vacuum. They take place in a global context in which other 11 major global challenges and worsening consequences are already occurring in the world.

In addition to all of the global warming consequences mentioned above, we also have these 11 other major global challenges that will directly or indirectly interact with and collide into global warming consequences. These additional interactions with the other global challenges below will make our lives and the other global warming consequences considerably worse. Please keep these 11 additional contextualizing global challenges in mind as you come to grips with the convergence of all of humanity's massive problems facing us currently:

(For a great video by a famous English professor with wonderful illustrations that explain most of the 11 global challenges and the coming Great Convergence of catastrophes please click here. This video is well worth your time to better understand meal most impossible context humanity finds itself in.)

You now have a better idea of the volatile and dangerous context in which the following Climageddon Scenario global warming extinction model will take place. (Please note the global warming extinction emergency is also known as the climate extinction emergency, Holocene extinction, sixth mass extinction event, climate crisis, climate emergency, run-away global warming.)

What We Still Can Do to Face Widespread Climate, Ecological, and Human Systems Collapse.

There is much counterbalancing good news in this horrible situation. It will help us persevere and stay motivated to prepare for and adapt to the many destabilizing consequences of the global warming extinction emergency.

Our simple good news is that in order to create the best possible outcome for ourselves and those we love, we prepare, adapt and slow down global warming as much as we still can!

Here is how:

1. We still have time to honestly face this emergency and slow our crossing the final extinction tipping point of carbon 600 ppm. We can only do this by radical and immediate global fossil fuel usage reductions as described in the 2025 targets elsewhere on this page. It will take the most coordinated mass mobilization of human resources in our history, a Herculean but life-critical effort.

2. We also still have time to migrate, prepare for and adapt to the unavoidable coming worst consequences so more of us may survive, but only if we start immediately preparing and we work together to motivate our governments to execute an effective, deadline-driven, and prioritized plan to slow down global warming like the 2025 targets and action steps of part 3 of the Job One for Humanity Plan.

Our expanded good news is:

1. We should be encouraged by the fact that in the last 4.5 billion years of Earth's evolution, life has always found a way to survive the 5 previous mass extinctions. Enough of us should be able to make it through this escalating global warming evolutionary bottleneck and minimize the worst of this temporary transitional evolutionary retrogression that we are currently in (and creating.)

2. Working together we will by necessity need to build many new sustainable prosperity eco-communities. These new eco-communities will serve as a critically necessary backup plan for humanity and civilization. These eco-communities will also act as successful examples and "beacons of light" teaching the new sustainable lifestyles and livelihoods vital to even having a future if we are able to make it through this emergency. (For more information on these new backup eco-communities see the eco-community model at our sister website.)

3. Overcoming this global warming extinction emergency will also help us better solve our other major converging global adaptive challenges as well as our currently unknown future challenges as one effective and united human family. Solving this challenge will help us eventually create sustainable prosperity for all. Click here to review the full meaning and actions of sustainable prosperity.

(It is important to understand what are our other major converging global adaptive challenges because the global warming extinction emergency is taking place as an integral part of those other challenges. Our global warming extinction emergency is not only a multiplier of those other global adaptive challenges it also helps cause or magnify our global warming extinction emergency and vice versa. Some of the other global adaptive challenges are even the roots of the deepest causes of the global warming extinction emergency.)

4. We are intelligent and adaptive beings and we are able to solve or adapt to almost anything.

5. The future is unknown and full of unpredictable negative and positive wild cards. This means that there is still hope for some of humanity and civilization to thrive and survive if we quickly exercise responsible, intelligent and effective, "first things first" critical path adaptive actions to manage the global warming extinction emergency. See Our Job One for Humanity Plan.

6. We can still fully enjoy each day (as best as we can, even in spite of the rapidly destabilizing climate, escalating global warming catastrophes and other deteriorating or retrogressing global challenges. We can and should make our lives as happy and as good as they can be during this hopefully temporary global warming retrogression and transitional period.

7. There are many more good news and surprise benefits about the global warming extinction emergency that offers additional hope for the evolution of humanity, click here for them. (This is one of the most-read pages on our website.)

As Michael Dowd the evolutionary teacher likes to say "what really matters is --- coming back into right relationship with reality." Because we have failed to effectively resolve escalating global warming over the last 35+ years of warnings by our best scientists, we will now literally be forced by its escalating consequences to come back into a new "right relationship" with its harsh and disruptive reality or we will perish!

To create a right relationship with the reality of out of control global warming our organization has recently evolved into an eco-community of sustainability advocates and Evolutioneers that value the wisdom of

a. appropriate threat preparedness,

b. adaptability and

c. living sustainably. 

We are not fear manipulated or fear dominated, but we also will never ignore painful data that should trigger protective and useful evolutionary fear reactions, like our current global warming extinction emergency. We use such "warning feedback" and appropriate evolutionary fear to wisely anticipate, avoid, prepare, and/or adapt.

What You Can Do Right Now to Help Slow Our Global Warming Consequences and Improve Your Chances of Survival?

A major part of our story as an organization is that we have created the Job One for Humanity Global Warming Plan to help you and society prepare for and adapt to the current global warming extinction emergency and save and salvage as much of humanity and civilization as is possible. 

The Job One Plan is a critical deadline-driven “first things first” plan designed to help individuals and groups:

  1. do everything within your power to slow the crossing the final catastrophic tipping point of carbon 600 ppm by cutting all global carbon emissions by the amounts and time tables mentioned previously. (See Part 3 of the Job One Plan and Part 4 of the Job One Plan.)
  2. make the necessary emergency backup and recovery preparations before it is too late, (Part 1 of the Job One Plan,)
  3. adapt locally to the new realities of out-of-control global warming. Click here for details on how to do this in Part 1 and Part 2 of the Job One Plan,
  4. plan and execute the necessary migration of individuals, families, businesses, and communities as well as critically needed infrastructure to areas that will be much safer from the 20 worst consequences of global warming, Part One Of the Job One Plan,)
  5. implement effective global warming slow and lessen strategies wherever possible in your current location as an individual, (Part 2 of the Job One Plan,) And
  6. promote effective sustainable lifestyle and livelihood action steps so that when we do get through this with whatever is left of humanity, we have already created the necessary new practices that will re-stabilize our climate and weather at or near its original state about carbon 270 ppm --- the  state which has successfully sustained humanity and humanities ancestors for hundreds of thousands of years, (Part 2 of the Job One Plan.)

Never forget, if we fail and cross the carbon 600 ppm threshold, there is no livable future you would want to inhabit (if we do not make or come very close to the required 2025 fossil fuel cuts mentioned previously)

Never forget we are not talking about vague low probability statistics and possibilities here. We are talking about the lives of you, your family, and billions of other individuals, families, and children all over the world! 

Click here to see your first action steps on the Job One plan.

Click here to read a short page on the four critical global warming deadlines to never forget. 

More good news: How our nonprofit organization is uniquely reacting to create the best possible outcomes

In addition to executing the Job One action plan above, we are also adapting as an organization in a uniue way that bears additional discussion before the unavoidable collapse that will continue occurring in many of our ecological, biological and human systems and sub-systems at accelerating rates.)

We are creating and slowly growing a Job One eco-community as well as promoting the creation of other national and international eco-communities in advance of the coming collapse. We are doing this solely because the current facts clearly shout that many of our ecological (and in some areas our economic, political, and social systems,) are in a severe challenge or, are nearing critical tipping points or collapse with no (or low,) remaining recovery resilience left to "right the ship." 

To the discerning evaluator and researcher, both human history and the current global warming emergency indicate that many of our other non-global warming converging global challenges will continue to get worse faster with little realistic hope of correction before a chain reaction of multiple or, cascading catastrophes and crossed tipping points shakes us and wakes us to the need for drastic and immediate evolutionary improvement toward more sustainable livelihoods and lifestyles.

Because of what we are now doing as a species (expanding fossil fuel use and its consequent atmospheric pollution,) and not doing, (immediately establishing strictly enforceable international fossil fuel use limitation laws,) as well as not living more sustainable lives, global warming continues to get worse but now on an exponential curveAnd, it will get much, much worse in the decades to come. This is because of our grossly inadequate political and economic global warming remedial actions.

We are not detached survivalists waiting for the end of the world! We are engaged sustainability advocates and Evolutioneers working actively to create a better world.

We believe whole-heartedly in working for the best possible future while at the same time wisely being prepared for the worst possible and hopefully temporary transition period. 

To help deal with this global warming extinction emergency, we envision that by necessity and as a safeguard, there also needs to be a widespread establishment of new sustainable eco-communities in all of the global warming safe zones. We hope Job One will play an essential role in securing the survival of humanity and civilization and in the establishment of the new sustainable prosperity vision within the post-global warming culture that survives the future and learns from the past.

By helping to create these new emergency backup eco-communities in the global warming save zones, driven into creation by the urgency of the global warming extinction emergency, we hope we can help create a better path for the possible long-term future of humanity and our civilization.

How we will achieve our above new eco-community goals

We will enact our mission and message only by using only peaceful and evolutionary means and where we can still find enjoyment and joy in relationship and experience of our day to day lives.

Even if the escalating global warming extinction emergency and the convergence of it with humanity's other major converging global adaptive challenges was somehow resolved in the next 30 to 50 years or turned out to be not as bad as is currently predicted, these new eco-communities would function even better and more joyously on their other goals of helping to co-create the necessary re-structuring and re-alignment of society necessary to create:

a.) sustainable prosperity for ALL of humanity (and because of the dangers of ignoring the 5000-year Sustainability rule,)

b.) a just civilization and

c.) thriving and meaning-filled individuals and communities --- all of which will better align with and forward a positive and progressive evolution of life in the universe. 

Ultimately, no matter how bad it gets, by focusing on adapting to the challenges in front of us and then learning from it, and taking whatever outcome that we are given using that outcome both as a foundation and as motivation for building a better world we are not only doing the best thing possible, we are also working for the best possible outcome. (Making a better world can be easier once all of the resistant previous human structures and systems have collapsed and are no longer resisting the necessary changes we should've made long ago,)

If there is this Great Collapse after the Great Convergence of our current global warming consequences converging with our other major global challenges, and if we are ready and humble enough to learn from our pre-Great Collapse mistakes, we have the opportunity for a Great Rebuilding with the reward of a much better world for all of us who are cooperative and smart enough to prepare, adapt, survive and learn.

As things get worse, try to keep your attention on the parts of the Job One Plan that you can get done. Try also to focus on the truth that if we collapse the world and its beautiful ecological, biological, social, and political systems, there hopefully will be a post-collapse beautiful new beginning that you will play an important role in helping to create.

To learn much more about these new eco-communities click here and, you will be taken to a sister website.

To learn more about our specific and detailed global warming extinction emergency preparedness recommendations and strategies please click here. 

Also, see this page to learn more about the new Evolutioneers who will be building these new "beacon of light" eco-communities.

In spite of all the difficulties of doing so, more about why must we press on and meet the 2025 fossil fuel reduction targets

The most important reason that we must press on and meet the 2025 targets is simple and tremendously powerful. If we do hit the 2025 targets, as much as 50% of humanity suffer and die due to starvation over a relatively short period (1-2 decades.) (See this page [Reason # 2,] for why as much as 50% of humanity will die of starvation if we do hit the 2025 targets.) As horrible as much as 50% of humanity suffer and die is, this outcome is still far better than having 70-90% (or even all of humanity,) suffer and die over over the next 3-5 decades if we fail to hit the 2025 targets. 

There are only a few other things you can always be sure of in this global warming emergency. In spite of all of the challenges and probable adverse outcomes, the few things that you can always be sure relating to creating our best possible global warming outcomes is that:

a. The faster and more we reduce global fossil fuel use, the more people that will survive to carry on humanity. 

b. The faster and more we reduce global fossil fuel use, the less future generations will suffer from an ever-increasing sequence of escalating global warming catastrophes. And,

c. The faster and more we reduce global fossil fuel use, the more time we will have to get prepared.

Also never forget, we still have some time left to:

1. make the required radical fossil fuel reductions,

2. complete the necessary emergency preparations, and to

3. adapt to soon-arriving global warming consequences that we can no longer change.

Summary of Key Facts

Fact 1: Our governments were not prepared for the COVID-19 pandemic. They are even more unprepared for the accelerating global warming emergency. They have ignored 35 years of warnings by our best climate scientists, just like they ignored the warnings of the world's best pandemic scientists. 

Fact 2: Our governments have grossly under-estimated:

a. how bad global warming is going to get, 

b. how soon global warming will worsen, and 

c. the actual global warming fossil fuel reduction targets critically needed to save us from mass extinction. 

The world's governments have grossly under-estimated these three critical elements of global warming information because the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of the United Nations deliberately falsified the required global fossil fuel reduction calculations. These falsified calculations then caused all subsequent global warming consequences and timetable predictions also to be false.

These calculations are vitally important because the IPCC is the world's leading research authority on global warming and all governments rely upon them for their global warming consequence and timetable predictions.Because of this IPCC falsification of the calculations and targets, the world now believes they will be safe for many decades. In truth, the world is facing an accelerating extinction emergency that must be managed before the end of 2025 or, we go over the last chance global warming climate cliff. 

Because of many decades of systemic deception, consequence under-estimation, and denial, many of global warming's worst consequences are now unavoidable!

Click here to discover how the IPCC deliberately falsified essential global fossil fuel reduction calculations and targets. (It is an interesting, easy read. But, it takes a bit to explain how the IPCC pulled it off without the world calling foul play.) 

Click here to see the numerous other global fossil fuel reduction target manipulations and politicization problems coming from the IPCC.

Click here to learn about the climate cliff, the first extinction-accelerating global warming tipping point.

Fact 3: We have now reached a global warming acceleration level where only a worldwide government-driven mass mobilization similar in scope to the mass mobilization that occurred before World War II can save us from going over the climate cliff to mass extinction. It is far too late for individual actions to achieve the 2025 global fossil fuel reductions needed to save us from accelerating global warming-driven catastrophe and mass extinction. 

(Part 3 of our Job One for Humanity Plan will show you how our governments can complete the required mass mobilization and the required levels of fossil fuel reductions to save us.)

Fact 4: If we keep going the way we are now, our governments are less than five years away (2025) from going over the climate cliff and missing our last practical chance to reduce fossil fuel use sufficiently to meet the required safe target levels. Only by achieving these 2025 fossil fuel reduction targets do we maintain realistic control of our global warming futures and prevent the mass extinction of much of humanity by mid-century. 

The 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets will require most of us to reduce our total global fossil fuel use by a shocking 75%. This 75% global fossil fuel reduction means explicitly that all developed countries (including China and India) must reduce all auto, train, shipping, airline, industrial, agricultural, and home uses of all fossil fuels by 75% to meet these 2025 targets! 

Most undeveloped countries have considerably smaller 2025 fossil fuel reduction targets. These smaller targets are due to undeveloped countries having far lower historical fossil fuel use levels and because of what is fair in climate justice. 

(Click here to see the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction target details. If we fail to come close to these targets, it will take centuries to the planet to recover. )

Fact 5: Missing this 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets means we go over the climate cliff, and we accelerate the immutable laws of climate physics. Going over this climate cliff will trigger crossing more global warming tipping points at faster and faster rates. Failing to meet the 2025 targets also means we will not prevent the most catastrophic global warming consequences from occurring. 

For example, suppose we fail to meet the 2025 targets, that will produce accelerating temperatures, drought, rain bombs, flooding, and global warming's other forms of extreme weather. In that case, we will not be able to prevent the widespread collapse of global agriculture. If we allow global agriculture's widespread failure, the human population will quickly starve and collapse to a fraction of today's population. 

But this is not even the worse consequence of missing the 2025 targets. If we miss these 2025 targets, an even worse consequence called runaway global warming will eventually render our beautiful Planet Earth uninhabitable! (Runaway global warming means that global warming will run away from us and continue to get warmer and warmer due to crossed tipping points and because of other climate factors.)

Runaway global warming can only happen if we cannot stop ourselves from going over the 2025 climate cliff, and we cross the four key extinction-accelerating global warming tipping points

(Click here to read about how and when these four critical extinction-accelerating tipping points will unfold over the next few decades. It will also explain the global warming climate cliff and what happens once we cross it.) 

Fact 6: Despite horrible odds for successfully reaching the critical 2025 targets, it is still technically possible to reach them as long as we immediately execute a worldwide government-driven mass mobilization. If our governments gets us close to the 2025 targets, we can at least slow down (but not stop) the coming mass extinction event that will kill off much of humanity by mid-century. 

This mass extinction event will also trigger a collapse of most nations' economies and destroy much of their functioning civilization. Because of these two unthinkable global consequences, we must do everything possible to meet the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets and slow down the accelerating global warming mass extinction process. 

Fact 7: Only by getting close to the global 2025 fossil fuel reduction targets and successfully managing most of these other 11 non-global warming global problems will we give ourselves the needed time and resources to prevent a far worse total extinction of humanity occurring from 2070 to 2100. 

(If you think that either the mass extinction or total extinction global warming threats are overstated, please read this page first, then this page, and then please see this recent scientific summary by respected climate scientists.) 

Fact 8: We are horribly behind where we need to be in reducing global fossil fuel use to get even close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. We also are failing miserably to manage most of these other 11 critical global challenges that are amplifying, accelerating, and interacting with many global warming consequences to our severe detriment. 

Consequently, now is the time for wise individuals and businesses to create their own Plan B emergency backup plans. It is no longer reasonable to rely solely upon your limited-resourced governments to save you, your family, or your business from this rapidly accelerating emergency. (Plan B is simply an emergency preparation, adaptation, and survival plan that might even include migration or relocation to safer areas from global warming and other global threats.)

With your Plan B in place, you can keep working to help slow down global warming to achieve the best remaining global warming outcomes after you have prepared your family and business for the soon-arriving worst consequences.  

By having a personalized Plan B ready, you and your loved ones will be able to survive and thrive far longer and more comfortably. And, if we get through this extinction emergency, you will have also preserved your future opportunity to create a better life from the lessons learned.

(Click here to see the Job One for Humanity Plan B. Plan B includes saving and salvaging as much of our global civilization as we can for as long as we can so, it will be there for us in the post-collapse future where we will need it.)

(Click here to see the many best possible remaining outcomes if our governments mass mobilize and act in time.)

Fact 9: Depending on your location, many of you should still have enough time to prepare for and adapt to the myriad of now unavoidable global warming consequences. Additionally, it is wholly appropriate to feel fear at this dangerous juncture because of the known consequences of accelerating global warming and the worsening of these other 11 global problems

While fear or panic generally paralyzes, there are positive evolutionary reasons for why the emotion of fear exists. Positive fear exists when there are REAL threats to your survival. Positive fear mobilizes the observant and wise to act before it is too late! 

To support the positive use of fear on our real and soon-arriving global warming consequences, here are the most critical global warming deadlines to remember: 

a. The 5-year deadline: (From now until the end of 2025.) At this time, it is appropriate to admit it is all but impossible for us to reach the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets! But, we still do have enough time left to slow down (but not avoid,) a mid-century mass extinction event for much of humanity. Although we can no longer avoid mass extinction, we still can maintain some level of control of our global warming future, and most importantly, we can still prevent total extinction! 

To avoid total extinction, we must make radical global fossil fuel reductions immediately and still come very close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. (This extinction danger also means we have to continue to educate the world about the climate cliff and tipping point deadlines of this emergency after preparing our personal survive and thrive provisions and creating eco-community cooperatives and sanctuaries. It is also essential to know that within this first 5-year period, if you are in a high-risk location, land prices in the safer global warming locations will start rising at a faster rate.)

b. The 5-10-year deadline: (This assumes we will miss the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.) From 2020 to 2027, global warming consequences will steadily worsen in a rising but linear progression. More people will migrate. Millions more will die because of climate-related catastrophes. 

If you have prepared, adapted, and are in a global warming safer location before 2027 and have a good Plan B in place, depending upon your location, relative stability and security for family and business are probable until 2030 to 2040. (See this Plan B page, which discusses how to prepare the safest and least safe places to ride out the global warming extinction emergency.)

c. The 10-15 year deadline: (This assumes we will miss the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.) After 2030-2035 many other climate, human, ecological, political, and economic tipping points will be crossed due to global warming, and most of these 11 other critical global challenges will worsen. The stability and security of even the safest and best prepared global warming safer locations will lessen and become increasingly challenging. Those individuals in supportive cooperatives or eco-communities should be significantly safer and better adapted than those who are not.

d. The 15-25 year deadline: (This assumes we will miss the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.) Beginning around 2030, the frequency, severity, and size of 20 worst global warming consequences will move from a rising linear progression into an exponential progression. Stability and security for even the safest and best prepared, safer global warming locations, cooperatives, and eco-communities will become far more difficult and dangerous.

e. The 25-30-year deadline: (This assumes we will miss the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.) By mid-century, mass extinction for much of humanity is unavoidableFrom 2030-2050 will be the riskiest period to survive for much to most of society. Generally, things will be better in safer global warming locations, cooperatives, and eco-communities. Even there, survival is far from guaranteed without the highest preparation, adaptation, and cooperation levels.

(If you still have ANY remaining doubts that we will cross extinction-evoking tipping points and that it will be as bad as we are saying, please read this page first, then this page!)

f. The 50-year deadline: (This assumes we will miss the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.) We will face the worst consequences of runaway global warming, and we will be heading toward the beginning of the runaway greenhouse gas effect, which ripped the atmosphere off Venus. Because of this escalating runaway global warming reality, humanity will face a total extinction event (what we describe as the Climageddon Scenario) beginning as soon as 2070-2100. 

Many people believe that geoengineering, carbon capture, or some other new miracle technology will ride in like a knight on a white horse at the last minute to save humanity from the natural consequences of its previous climate decisions, actions, inactions, and mistakes. 

(Click here to read about why this fairy tale carbon capture technology is not going to happen or will be "too little too late" to save us.)

(Click here to read how challenging it will be to reach the 2025 fossil fuel reduction targets.)


1. The IPCC has deceived us and our governments about the real global fossil fuel reduction targets and how bad and fast global warming catastrophe and mass extinction is coming.

2. Our governments are failing magnificently in achieving the real 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. This will push the world over to the climate cliff and bring about the mass extinction of much of humanity by mid-century.

3. If we do not get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, we will also be facing total extinction in the second half of the 21st century. We will face total extinction because we will not be able to stop ourselves from crossing the four most critical extinction-accelerating global warming tipping points.

4. The battle to prevent mass extinction is over. The fight to prevent total extinction has begun. It is now the last chance for our governments to finally mass mobilize and act together with the correct actions to prevent humanity's total extinction. 

5. While we try to get our governments to mass mobilize and come close to the 2025 targets, it IS also time for individuals and businesses to execute a Plan B for this emergency. Plan B consists of preparing for and adapting to the soon-arriving climate mega-catastrophes and the inevitable mass extinction of much of humanity by mid-century. 

6. The comprehensive Job One Plan offers honest reality-based hope for the future. It covers:

a. the real 2025 fossil fuel targets,

b. the correct actions our governments need to do slow down mass extinction and prevent total extinction, and

c. what we as individuals, businesses, and governments must do to have the right emergency backup Plan B in place to ride out what is coming. 

Unfortunately, to prevent the required painful global fossil fuel reductions to save us from total extinction as well as public panic, our governments and politicians will continue to deny the above facts. At this time too many governments and environmental groups have been compromised by the money and influence of fossil fuel producing nations, fossil fuel-related industries, and their lobbyists. 

To keep the public calm and ignorant of the imminent extinction dangers described above, it is very likely our governments will continue to issue false or misleading global warming reduction progress reports. Our governments will also likely seek to distract us with false hope solutions like the existing and illusionary carbon capture and geoengineering schemes.

For humanity to survive and thrive, we must go where the science and the facts lead us and face the cold and bitter reality of our current extinction emergency. 

We must continue to speak truth to power no matter how uncomfortable those facts might be. 

Please share these critical nine global warming facts with everyone you can and, please sign this

Global Warming Emergency Petition

And, if you read nothing else from the links above, read this page!

Our Mission

We have already crossed the point of no return for at least the next 30-50 years with all of its associated unavoidable consequences and what we must do now is to prepare for and adapt to what we cannot avoid while still trying to slow down global warming enough so that we still have enough time left to save and salvage whatever we can. Therefore the Mission of Job One for Humanity must, at all costs, be to help society and its members slow global warming to prevent complete human extinction due to rapidly escalating global warming consequences.

We do this by:

a. warning you (and society,) about our current state of out of control global warming (for at least the next 30-50 years,) and why we must radically reduce fossil fuel use to slow down the process of crossing the carbon 600 ppm extinction tipping point. (The timetables for  global warming's 20 worst consequences and 11 key tipping points is found on our website and in the new book Climageddon.)

b. helping you prepare for and adapt to the reality of the likelihood of living in a world where as much as 70-90+ percent of the unprepared human population will die soon. Global warming extinction is no longer a remote possibility coming sometime after 2100 as we have been told, it will be arriving as soon as the next 30 to 50 years if we do not immediately make the required fossil fuel cuts! (We are, unfortunately, already moving rapidly through the 6 phases of the Climageddon Scenario extinction model. For information on how to prepare and adapt information so more of us live longer and suffer less is contained in both Part 1 of the Job One Plan as well as Part 2 of the Job One Plan) and,

c. do everything we can to get our governments to slow escalating global warming so more of us can survive longer and suffer less. (Parts three and Part four of the Job One plan.

d. helping inclined individuals and groups create sustainable, self-organizing and independent eco-communities in global warming-safe locations to help make sure that enough of these new communities are established and well-prepared to survive the escalating onslaught of now unavoidable global warming catastrophes. These new experimental communities will likely be essential to help carry forward the survival of humanity, human culture, and civilization if we fail to make the required fossil fuel reductions. (See the Universe Community sections of our sister website for all the information you will need to do to create and self-organize your own sustainable eco-community in a global warming-safe zone.)

e. Once we have survived the global warming extinction emergency and have learned the hard experiential lessons it will teach us, we (this organization and the new eco-communities mentioned above,) will promote a new and proven understanding of sustainable living and sustainable livelihoods to help transform the trauma and loss of the coming global warming collapse into a springboard for building a better and more just world that will thrive again for hundreds of generations. (Click here to learn about that new Sustainable Prosperity.)

f. We will work toward achieving the above points in a way that always embodies cooperation, empathy, and justice.

What we do know is that, no matter what, and in spite of all of the challenges and bad outcomes that are possiblethe single constant truth for the best possible global warming outcome is that --- the faster and more we reduce global fossil fuel use, the more people we will survive to carry on our civilization, and that future generations will suffer less from the ever-increasing sequence of global warming consequences as described fully in what is called the Climageddon Scenario.


Sign the Petition to Declare a Global Warming State of Emergency


Are you feeling sad, upset, depressed, angry or anxious about the global warming emergency?

There is a lot of horrible news to digest about global warming. Any person who realizes that our governments are not doing enough to save us from unthinkable suffering and loss will naturally experience sadness, anger, depression, or significant anxiety.

The Job One for Humanity staff also has had to digest all the dreadful global warming news. To get our team though it emotionally, we learned about something called the Kubler Ross model of change. This emotional management model helped our team deal with all of the challenging emotions that today's global warming news evokes. 

We felt it would be irresponsible to leave our readers without some of these tools to manage the intense feelings that the global warming emergency can create. Accordingly, we are providing the following images and tools that should help you come to emotional terms with the new realities of global warming. Here's how these global warming caused emotional reactions, transitions, and healings usually look for most people:

1. If you're like most people, what you have learned about the global warming emergency will cause you to initially react with denial and shock. 


2. If you have the tenacity to explore more concerning how bad our governments have let global warming become, you will likely also become frustrated and angry at "how could our politicians and governments ever allow this to happen.

3. If you continue examing the facts of the global warming emergency and its solutions, you will most likely then enter into a bargaining or experimenting phase to find some way to deal with such disturbing and disruptive information on your life and future.

4. If you continue verifying the facts of the global warming emergency as well as it's honest but difficult and painful solutions, you will most likely next enter into a transitional feeling of grief or depression. 

5. As you work your way through your grief or depression, you will eventually come to a level of acceptance of what is scientifically accurate. (Even though it is currently is being suppressed by the fossil fuel industry, mass media, and the politicians owned by the fossil fuel industry.)

A bit more about the Kubler Ross Model emotional management model

The five primary emotional transition levels above are vital parts of the Kubler Ross model. Over time, this model is a useful tool to help you deal with the global warming denial, anger, fear, grief or anxiety that any healthy person would experience once they truly realize the current nature of our global warming emergency.

The Kubler Ross model is used to help people deal with the medical news that they are going to die. But, it still has powerful relevance here.

This is true because as you wrestle with the new global warming realities, you will most likely go through these five emotional phases over and over again. You will do this in numerous waves until you finally reach a profound and deeply stable state of acceptance, peace, and hopefully motivation to do whatever you can to reduce this threat.

When you finally realize how bad our global warming emergency is the challenging emotional effects is a real thing! If you don't believe us, please click here to read about a new report called, The Psychological Effects of Global Warming on the United States and Why the U.S. Mental Health Care System Is Not Adequately Prepared.

Reaching necessary emotional acceptance and getting into action

Once you reach a level of emotional acceptance for what you have learned about the global warming emergency, you will be more willing and ready to begin new ways to solve the global warming emergency. You also will find yourself being better prepared to make new decisions on how to adapt and integrate this critical information into your life and business. 

You may begin even emergency preparations for the unavoidable coming global warming consequences. This way, you are better able to protect you, your family and business and wisely maximize the chances of staying out of harm's way.

Once one reaches the critical state of emotional acceptance of the reality of what one is facing, most mature adults do as they have done for millennia. They accept what they cannot change and start finding ways to adapt to it. (There are also many adaptation steps found in the Job One Plan.) They also accept the truth of the bad news, and they get busy working on whatever they can do to change and improve it. (In this case, the get active on the Job One Plan action steps.) 

We at Job One have found that the best thing to help minimize the emotional pain and trauma is to get busy completing the action steps of the Job One Plan. This is true even if you have not fully reached the acceptance level of your emotional recovery. The Job One Plan's many action steps proactively focus your attention on what can still be done. This focus on the needed action also minimizes your available attention on the negatives (once they have served their purpose of redirecting you to action the deeper truths of this emergency.)

Therapy or support groups also can help you work through having the painful realization that humanity is in the worst existential crisis on its history and, we do not have much time left (until 2025,) to effectively prevent mass extinction. Therapy or support groups can also help get you motivated to do whatever you can on the many action steps of the Job One Plan.

As you continue to understand the scale of our global warming emergency, you may also come to realize that our lives and our children's lives are going to be far shorter than we ever imagined. But that still can be changed if we immediately react to the challenge of radically reducing our global fossil fuel usage to meet the 2025 targets!

One last emotional recovery tip 

Not everything about our global warming extinction emergency is emotionally disheartening. There are many surprising benefits to this emergency. Click here to read the single most read page on our website on these many benefits. At Job One we review this list regularly to maintain the mental well-being of our own staff. We also discovered that regular review of this good news and benefits list was critical to keeping our volunteers on-mission and maintaining their motivation as well. 


Because most of you that have understood the previous facts (that do not fall into a defensive denial,) will naturally and appropriately feel shocked, sad, angry or even betrayed, the most logical and best thing to do to deal with those often overwhelming feelings is to work for "the best" while you prepare for "the worst," just in case we fail. What this means is that you will need to focus as much as your energy and resources on just two main action strategies:

a. Get busy on getting the 2025 reduction targets met by getting our governments enacting and enforcing the laws needed to reach the 2025 targets. (Click here to learn what you need to know to get started on this.) and,

b. Get busy with emergency preparations and adaptations for you, your family and/or your business for many of the now unavoidable consequences that will be arriving soon. (Click here to begin this process.)

These two action-based strategies will minimize the natural feelings of being shocked, sad, angry or feeling completely betrayed by our current world leaders until you can get additional emotional support or assistance from other outsides sources or from working through the above Kubler Ross model on your own.

No matter what, and in spite of all of the challenges and bad outcomes that are possible, the core constant truth for the best possible global warming outcome for humanity is that:

a. The faster and more we reduce global fossil fuel use, the more people that will survive to carry on humanity. 

b. The faster and more we reduce global fossil fuel use, the less future generations will suffer from an ever-increasing sequence of escalating global warming catastrophes.

Help us get the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction goals met by signing the global warming extinction emergency petition now.

Other related information:

If you would like to know more about how this gross misinformation of the public over a 30-year timeframe concerning the global warming extinction emergency occurred, click here and go to the end of the page to the subtitle, How this Gross Misinformation Occurred

You can also review this page to prove to yourself that we are not exaggerating how bad our future will become for all of those who are unprepared for it.
To understand more about the year-by-year sequence of consequences on how billions will die, migrate or perish in global warming-related resource wars, click here and read about the Climageddon Scenario.
Be sure to also check out our recently upgraded mission here!
And, In case you are wondering...

How Was This Horrendous Global Warming Nightmare Ever Allowed to Get to this Point?

The current global warming remedial strategies forwarded by our governments, most environmental organizations, and the IPPC will not save us in time because they are simply not acknowledging to either themselves or to the public the painful new reality that we have already reached the level of out of control global warming for at least the next 30-50 years. Because they are not acknowledging that this new reality exists, they are not also not preparing for or dealing with it!

There are many reasons the pre-mentioned organizations are not telling the full truth about our global warming future. Some organizations and nations are truly ignorant and have not put all the research pieces and probable timelines together at the necessary systems or meta-systemic analysis level. Some organizations and nations fear the public will panic if they tell the whole truth. Some organizations and nations are keeping this news private to a privileged few so that those individuals or nations can seek or maintain security or economic advantages.

If we as individuals are consciously paying attention to the destabilizing climate around us, it is not hard to see reality is already "forcing" us to face the bad global warming news in the form of increasingly more severe, frequent and larger scaled global warming consequences.

The good news here is that as adults, many of us have already learned the valuable lesson for the need to face bad news and painful realities. We have also learned that whenever we do not face the reality of some important problem and deal with it, that particular reality (problem,) not only gets worse, it also usually lasts longer.

As an organization we have the courage and duty to speak out about these difficult global warming truths, but please do not mistake us for some kind of survivalist organization or apocalyptic community just because we inform you candidly about the soon-coming and life-ending consequences of our current out of control global warming extinction emergency. 

We are a non-profit global warming education organization working for the benefit of society. 

Our message is simple. Because global warming has already become out of our meaningful control for at least the next 30-50 years, we need to adapt to this new reality and try to slow down the worst of it so that we have more time to prepare and/or migrate so that more us can survive as best we can. Our hope is also that those who do survive will learn from what has happened and from those lessons they will be the "seeds" of a better future. 

It's time to accept the bitter reality that the battle to keep our current level of global warming from continuing to rise steadily for as long as the next 30-50+ years and prevent now unavoidable consequences is near certainly over! We now need to face and process this difficult reality and slow down global warming in any way we can while also moving on to whatever we can still save and salvage. 

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