Climate Change Adaptation Actions Steps 9 to Step 18 of the Job One for Humanity Plan, Part 2


Last Updated 10.25.2023

Individual Action Step 9: Reduce your carbon footprint by investing in durable, reusable products

The manufacturing of bottles to meet the American demand for bottled water requires enough oil to fuel 100,000 cars for a year (more than 1.5 million barrels). Every minute, 1 million disposable plastic bags are consumed worldwide (over 500 billion annually). Decreasing the number of disposable products in your life decreases your carbon footprint from manufacturing, transportation, and disposal.

To reduce your carbon footprint in this way, invest in durable, reusable bags, bottles, towels, mops, pots and pans, and anything else you need. Over the life of the products, you will reduce waste, reduce the energy-intensive extraction of virgin resources, and save money. Want more info?  Visit

Now that you understand this important step, what is your plan to execute it, and when can you start? Make some to-do notes for yourself before going on to the next step.


Individual Action Step 10: Buy carbon offsets for your annual fossil fuel use that will go directly to help reduce carbon emissions and increase green energy generation

(Please note that this step is not a substitute for first radically reducing your fossil fuel use to help meet the 2025 fossil fuel reduction targets.)

Here is a simple description of what to do that was given to us by one of our members. "Go to and calculate their carbon footprint, then buy at least enough carbon offsets each year to offset your entire carbon footprint. I was shocked to see I could offset my wife and my 31 tons/year footprint for $15.50 by buying wind turbine funding at $0.50 per ton! I'm pretty psyched about encouraging everyone to do this because I think they will."

When you begin this carbon offset process, you will be taken to the United Nations website. You will also be given a choice of many projects around the world to support your carbon offset. The United Nations guarantees that 100% of what you pay for your carbon offset goes directly to the carbon reduction or green energy generation project you select in the country you select.

While this will not get us to our 2025 critical fossil fuel reduction targets, it will get you, your home, and your business to carbon-neutral, but do not stop from continuing to do all of the other actions on this page that are possible for you. It won't do us any real or lasting good if you buy carbon offsets and do not also alter the rest of your high carbon use lifestyle.

Now that you understand this important step, what is your plan to execute it, and when can you start? Make some to-do notes for yourself before going on to the next step.


Individual Action Step 11: Water conservation



Another important energy conservation measure is water conservation at home or in your business. Up to 30% of a household's energy footprint can come from moving water from its source to the home. (This water energy use would include transporting and processing the water from its original source to your home for safe home use.)

A faucet that is dripping just one drop per second will waste about four gallons of water in just one day, or 1,400 gallons in a year. The average household could conserve 34% of its water per year by installing water-efficient fixtures and appliances. You can also conserve water by installing faucet aerators, low-flow showerheads, and low-flush toilets, and fixing leaks as soon as detected.

There are also easy water conservation behavioral changes you can make. In your kitchen, if you wash dishes by hand, fill a bucket or the sink first instead of letting the water run continuously. If you use the dishwasher, run it only when it is full. Run the clothes washer only with a full load. Take shorter showers. Turn off the faucet when shaving or brushing your teeth.

Cut down on outside sprinkler use. Landscaping alone accounts for 20-30% of all residential water use. Growing native plants can save more than 50% of the water normally used to care for outdoor plants.

Allow the grass to grow slightly taller. It will reduce water loss by providing more ground shade. Water your lawn in the late evening or early morning to minimize evaporation.

Now that you understand this important step, what is your plan to execute it, and when can you start? Make some to-do notes for yourself before going on to the next step.


Individual Action Step 12: If you are of a spiritual nature, work within your faith community to help educate others to help them survive climate change and global warming as well



Spiritually based motivations are among the strongest and most sustaining of all human motivations. If you are spiritual by nature, it is important to find additional support and motivation for this challenging advocacy work within your faith community.

Support from within your spiritual community will help you survive escalating global warming consequences as well as execute the Job One individual action steps. In this challenge, we absolutely need all the support and motivational resources we can find before it's too late. Additionally, we also need to engage the amazing leverage of members of all the faith communities of the world to resolve this immediate threat to all people of the planet.

Unless more of the major religions quickly get on board with emergency preparations and migration, there will be few places left safe and stable enough for them to provide their spiritual services and other social benefit work for and with their members.

In addition to killing hundreds of millions of their members, the later stages of the Climageddon Scenario will also destabilize the resources and structures of the world's major religions when they will be needed most to help their migrating and trapped members deal with the extreme environmental, social, political, and economic chaos, which will occur as more global warming tipping points are crossed.

It's easy to get started. Encourage your religious or spiritual group members to support and sign the global warming State of Emergency Petition, as well as the other petitions and actions found on the Job One for Humanity website.

If we succeed in slowing and lessening the emergency enough so some of us will survive, it will be a time of gratitude. If we fail, it will be a time when spiritual persons will need their deep faith and prayer for the strength to endure what is coming.

Now that you understand this important step, what is your plan to execute it, and when can you start? Make some to-do notes for yourself before going on to the next step.


Individual Action Step 13: If you are planning on having a family, have only one child



The Earth has a carrying capacity of about 1 1/2 - 2 billion people. Currently, we are near 8 billion people adding about 130 million additional people each year racing to 9.8 billion by or before 2050. (About 50 million people a year normally die.)  Having more people uses more fossil fuel and causes more global warming. It is that simple.

We are way over sustainable population levels already yet, no government other than China seems willing to set a one child per couple policy! Future and current generations will suffer unthinkable ecological, social, and economic catastrophes because, as humanity, we failed to manage the size of our global population to match the carrying capacity of our global environment and the Earth's available resources. (Please click this carrying capacity link to learn more about why our rapidly rising overpopulation challenge is so dangerous.)

Please note that as the global population continues to rise, the additional population serves to further amplify and multiply the most harmful consequences of almost all the 12 other global challenges and consequences listed on this page.) One could easily say that overpopulation and its inherent over-consumption beyond our carrying capacity is also a major cause behind today's global warming emergency and most of the world's other critical problems. 

Many experts feel that overpopulation is one of the biggest if not the biggest contributor to our global warming emergency. For a candid and balanced article on the immense suffering caused by our overpopulation global challenge, please see this article, Population, the Great Knee-Jerker: A Holistic Survey and Plea to Reduce Suffering.

Now that you understand this important step, what is your plan to execute it, and when can you start? Make some to-do notes for yourself before going on to the next step.


Individual Action Step 14: Do everything possible to also protect and preserve the biological life and ecological systems within your zones of influence and resources while also protecting yourself and your loved ones by practicing the principles of Sustainable Prosperity.



(This step is so crucial to our future successful adaptation to the difficult conditions ahead of us, we have repeated it from Part 1 of the Job one Plan. It is all about the deepest and most profound causes of what has put humanity in the horrible runaway global heating extinction emergency in which it now finds itself.)

Humanity cannot exist for long without protecting and preserving our biological life and ecological systems. We have been overconsuming and wasting for far too long. 

As difficult as it seems to understand, at the deepest levels and as a driving prime cause, the current climate change extinction emergency, our deteriorating environment, and many of the world's other 11 major global crises are directly or indirectly caused by the concept and problem of Overshoot. Overshoot simply means that resource demand is over and beyond that of that particular resource's regeneration or renewal capacity. 

Excessive demand leading to overshoot is driven by both consumption and population. Right now, the human population's need and demand for the Earth's resources have well exceeded the Earth's carrying capacity to regenerate those resources. For example, our current fossil fuel use, which is causing the global warming emergency, is caused by our increasing population demanding more consumer goods. As a result, not only are we depleting the non-renewable fossil fuels that took millions of years to create, but we are also polluting and poisoning our atmosphere and oceans with toxic fossil fuel by-products.

One also could call overshoot an environmental and energy management ignorance or even greed in simple moral or ethical terms. But, whatever you call it, our taking more resources from the Earth than the Earth can renewably supply or resupply is the single deepest cause of most of today's major global problems. It contributes significantly to our air, water, and land pollution and even many of our current economic and social inequalities. 

While our current global warming emergency is directly caused by burning fossil fuels and polluting the atmosphere and our oceans with carbon, methane, etc., for its complete long-term solution, it is critical to address the deeper, underlying overshoot issues on ecological, economic, social, and energy management levels. It bears repeating that many of these same overshoot issues also fuel our 11 major global crises' worsening.

The opposite of overshoot would also include creating a sustainable population level balanced with its available renewable resources. (This is commonly known as the carrying capacity of an area.) For humanity to begin to live within its carrying capacity and not continue to overshoot its resources, we will have to do something radically new, which we call living the principles of Sustainable Prosperity.

The path to a survivable "No Overshoot" future: Living the principles of Sustainable Prosperity.

Unfortunately, the principles of Sustainable Prosperity (below) may come into widespread use only after the climate-triggered  Great Global Collapse has occurred. The reasons for this are:

1. Existing economic, political, and social systems and human power structures are so entrenched and self-protecting that they rarely allow the needed fundamental changes, which in many cases would remove their positions of special privilege, advantage, and power.

2. The populations which support the existing economic, political, and social systems are widely ignorant of the concept of resource overshoot and its accelerating extinction dangers. They also have become so used to the comforts these systems provide; they will resist all needed improvements until something happens to them that is so devastating (the Great Global Collapse) that they will finally be ready to change. It is like the old saying, "people will only change when the pain going forward is less than the pain of staying where they are."

As you read about Sustainable Prosperity in this booklet, you will discover the many social, economic, and even political policy overshoot causes hidden behind our inability to create long-term global heating solutions and many of our other 11 major global crisesIf we do not quickly apply the principles of Sustainable Prosperity to our lives, livelihoods, and societies, we and humanity will become like "dead man walking" who will be unable to slow or stop our own biological, ecological, economic, and social demise. 

As part of this final Part 1 action step, we super-strongly recommend you get and read the book Overshoot. Then, cut down on your current over-consumption. 

Next, do absolutely everything you can to protect and preserve our biological life and the ecological systems within your surrounding area by living in a better balance with nature and executing the principles of Sustainable Prosperity at this link.

As things worsen in the runaway global heating extinction emergency, you will become more and more dependent upon how well you have protected and preserved the biological life around you and your surrounding ecological systems. Reestablishing a balance with and in nature will be especially critical for any remnants and survivors of the great global collapse.

Sustainable Prosperity principles are about the additional ways we will need to create both a sufficient and sustainable future for all. They are also about living within intelligent, realistic limits and boundaries. Sustainable Prosperity is also about using the new triple-bottom-line economics that will help us see and create the thriving new lifestyles and livelihoods of the future.

Unfortunately, there is still more critical adaptation and sustainability information to learn and enact in your life and business. These additional principles contain more critical individual and business action steps not listed in this document. These additional action steps will help you build these new actions into habits that we are desperately going to need to survive and thrive through:

a. the current runaway global heating emergency,

b. the 11 other major global crises we face, and

c. having a post-collapse future (the Great Global Rebirth) that will work. 

This Sustainable Prosperity learning step is one of the most important things to do to get you through the coming transition that we all must all now make to minimize our future suffering and maximize our safety! 

Please take the time to read all of the Sustainable Prosperity principles and begin practicing them by, clicking here. (19)

Individual Action Step 15: Use our effective ways to educate others about the climate change extinction emergency and engage them in its solution.

Our most current and practical climate education projects, tools, and advice are found on this continually updated page. This step may be the most crucial individual action step if we are ever to get our governments to prevent the near-total extinction of humanity. Please do not skip this critical action step!

Individual Action Step 16: Think and feel in new ways about the future.

To survive the climate change-driven future emotionally and psychologically, you will need to think about it in new ways and feel differently about it in new ways. Below are a few ideas to help you transition and adapt to our new lives of fewer things, less consumption, and more sustainability.

Some of these new ways of thinking and feeling are based in part on the principles of the Degrowth Movement, the concepts of Sustainable Prosperity, and the ideas of Appropriate Technology. 

(When you are done reading this section, be sure to come back and read the linked definitions of these terms. Their intriguing and needed perspectives will also help evolve your thoughts and feelings about the future and its wise possibilities.) 

Please carefully consider the following:

New ways of living together sustainable and equitably will inevitably emerge in predicable, unpredictable and in unexpected forms and on an ad hoc basis. Our existing major institutions are not up to the task of massive adaptation and the speed that will be needed.. 

Several organizations are studying how smaller-scale institutions can organize and survive what is coming. We are aware of the Post Carbon Institute's Resilience program. It is primarily focused on local communities. The Synergia Institute emphasizes transition strategies and cooperative efforts. Other groups are concerned with survival when present institutions are shattered or become ineffective.

 One of the most critical adaptations and decisions most individuals will make sooner or later is joining what we call ClimateSafe Villages, which are designed to be highly resilient, sustainable, and functional eco-communities. If you have not read about our four ClimateSafe Villages models, please do so here or click the logo below.

We are not going to avoid the climate change and other coming global disasters. We will not find technological solutions that will let us continue to live as we do now. Our institutions are unprepared even to find adequate solutions to living in today's predicament.

With the breakdown of familiar institutions and the resulting major disruptions in everyone's life, I think it extraordinarily important to look within ourselves to avoid anxiety, attain equanimity, and find peace of mind. To do so, we must ask: How can we be more human and humane in a turbulent world where each of us will face new conditions of life?

How might we reassess what it is to be human while living in a collapsing civilization? What are some humane ways a person might adapt to the existential predicament before us? How can we, as individual humans, live in a world in which our actions and our current belief systems are failing? Below I list the thoughts of several people and one climate change organization that are deeply concerned about the collapsing societies in which we live. They have accepted that life within the next decades will present many challenges and have suggested how individuals may adjust to continuing to live humane lives.

1. Jem Bendell is a professor of sustainability leadership at the University of Cumbria, who presented a paper in 2020 called Deep Adaptation. It stimulated the basis for a worldwide forum discussing the societal questions that arise with destructive climate change. He calls it an ethos of being engaged, of how to support each other, of how to engage in productive dialogue, and how to determine priorities. His book, Deep Adaptation, and YouTube videos expressing his views are available. Bendell writes, "Deep Adaptation is a framework for exploring ideas for how to attempt ... what we call the four Rs … These are all questions because we are in a very new situation where the expectation of simple answers given to us by somebody else are not going to help as much as we exploring together how to be and what to do. "

The essentials of Deep Adaptation are the four Rs. The Four Rs are questions we should always ask before acting to lessen our impact on Nature:

1. "What do we most value that we want to keep and how," is a question of Resilience
2. "What could we let go of so as not to make matters worse," is a question of relinquishment.
3. "What could we bring back to help us in these difficult times," is a question of restoration.
4. "With what and with whom shall we make peace as we awaken to our common mortality," is a question of reconciliation.
2. Richard Heinberg is a writer and journalist who is an authority on fossil fuels, their uses, and the politics and economics of their development. He is an expert on "peak oil," and the impact fossil fuels have on nature and human society. He is a senior advisor to the Post Climate Institute, contributing a column to its blog each month. The most recent of his over 40 books is simply called "Power." From this book, I extracted the following, Sixteen Words of Advice to Young People in the 21st Century.
I believe this advice is probably the most important practical recommendation for preparing for the future of those who will have to live their lives in a disintegrating society.
He writes:
1. Learn to grow food. Study permaculture.
2. Learn to read people. You will need to know whether people in your vicinity are trustworthy.
3. Be trustworthy. Otherwise, smart, and trustworthy people won't associate with you.
4. Learn to express yourself clearly and persuasively.
5. Consider making a commitment not to reproduce. There are already plenty of people in the world.
6. Learn to make decisions by consensus and to work collaboratively.  
7. Be a person with whom others enjoy working.
8. Learn to repair and use relatively simple technologies. Studying to be a computer programmer or hacker could pay off in the short run, but over the longer term, you'll benefit more from learning to fix farming and construction tools and small engines.
9. Learn to make spare parts from junk.
10. Learn how energy works. Be able to identify the sources of energy in your environment and find ways to harness that energy to do useful work.
11. 1Learn to defend yourself. Sadly, for the remainder of this century, the world is likely to be a more violent place. Even if that turns out not to be the case, martial arts can still be useful paths of self-discipline.
12. Learn to heal the human body via nutrition, herbs, and basic emergency care.
13. Learn to recognize the subjective effects of sex hormones, dopamine, and other brain chemicals, and find ways to use their effects to help achieve goals.
14. Learn about nature. Memorize the names of local plants, birds, and insects, and observe their habits. Learn to be comfortable in the wild.
15. Learn how to produce beauty via art, music, or movement and how to engage others in creative, celebratory activities.
16. Learn to emotionally process trauma and grief and to help others do so. Learn when and how to use humor to release tension.
(Editor's Note: We have added a 17th item to the list above. 
17. "Learn about our local, immediate watershed." It is your immediate watershed that sustains your lives. Most people do not even know that they live within a watershed, let alone know which watershed they live in, let alone know anything about their watershed and how to preserve and care for it. Safe water will be a major issue in the future.)
3. Al Urquhart. I am writing this article to alert you to some of the best ideas for living in the chaos that will soon affect most people on Earth. If you want a context to see how deeply you are embedded in these changing times and why it is necessary to humble yourself to the realities of earthly ecology, I suggest joining Environmentalists Anonymous, an informal practice in which I have engaged myself for almost 40 years. 
It is modeled after Alcoholics Anonymous' 12-step program, the best-known ecological immersion idea that has been practiced since the 1930s. In 1971 Gregory Bateson wrote: "It is asserted that the nonalcoholic world has many lessons which it might learn from the epistemology of systems theory and from the ways of A.A. If we continue to operate in terms of Cartesian dualism of mind versus matter, we shall probably also continue to see the world in terms of God versus man; elite versus people; chosen race versus others; nation versus nation; and man versus environment. It is doubtful whether a species having both an advanced technology and this strange way of looking at its world can endure.”
Environmentalists Anonymous. (Easing the emotional pain of living in a collapsing society.)
I believe that when a person discovers that his/her unconscious actions in modern society are not reconcilable with their thoughts about and knowledge of the Earth's ecology, they can only admit that their life is out of control; and that s/he is addicted to exploiting the Earth. If one realizes that they are caught in the double bind of a modern worldview versus the natural world ecology in which we are embedded, they will feel pain. These conflicting messages cannot be easily reconciled and will deprive us of sanity and health unless we admit them. 
The ten steps are a way of reconciliation: 
Step 1. We Admit that we are powerless over our exploitation of the environment--that our lives have become unmanageable. If we are to remain sane and healthy, we must find a way to recognize both (a) the life and culture in which we have lived and (b) that we are part of a system in which humans and the environment are not opposed. The realization that we are merely part of a naturally evolving and ecological world is a humbling experience for those of us raised in the traditions of The Enlightenment and Modern beliefs, which stress the power, rationality, and individuality of humans and humanity.
Step 2. We have come to believe that we are but a small part of the Earth's evolutionary and ecological systems. We accept that the power of those systems is greater than ourselves.
(Gregory Bateson wrote: "The self is but a small part of a much larger trial-and-error system which does the thinking, acting, and deciding." (If you want a name for that power, I suggest Gaia. Gaia is the primordial goddess who personified the Earth in Greek mythology. The Gaia principle proposes that living organisms interact with their inorganic surroundings on Earth to form a synergistic and self-regulatingcomplex system that helps to maintain and perpetuate the conditions for life on the planet.)  
Step 3. We have made a decision to turn our lives over to the care of Gaia. The third step toward sanity and mental health may be as difficult as the acknowledgment of our addiction. To surrender to this new way of thinking is, for most modern Americans, a great threat to our current ways of life. But viewed in the context in which every technological triumph disrupts some ecological or evolutionary relationship, often in startling and precipitous ways, one catches glimpses of disasters far more threatening than alterations of our current life styles. Continued human survival in ecologic and evolutionary terms rests outside our own control; our technological addictions only precipitate the disturbance of the many interrelated natural systems of which we are but a small part. However, if we act within this new way of thinking--this new epistemology--that emphasizes the conviction that we are merely "part of" something much greater than ourselves, we may extend the positive aspects of being human--love, learning, kindness, community support.
(Re Steps 4-10. If we accept this new fundamental perspective, we can actively and honestly become part of it by physically acknowledging and, wherever possible, rectifying the wrongs we have done in the past, not perpetuating them today and avoiding them in the future. Additionally, through learning and meditation about Gaia and bypassing this message to others, we may awaken ways of gaining greater sanity within our communities.) 
Step 4. We have made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. 
Step 5. We admit to Gaia, ourselves, and another human being the exact nature of our wrongs. 
Step 6. We have made a list of the environmental and ecological systems we have harmed and have become willing to make amends to them. 
Step 7. We have made direct amends to such systems wherever possible, except when to do so would further injure them.
Step 8. We continue to take personal inventory and, when we are wrong, promptly admit it.
Step 9. We seek to improve our conscious contact with Gaia through learning, meditation, and deep thought. 
Step 10. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we try to carry this message to others addicted to exploiting the Earth's natural systems and to practice these principles in all our affairs. 
Hello. My name is Al, and I am addicted to exploiting the Ecology and Evolution of the Earth. (Al is a member of the Job One for Humanity Advisory Board. More information on his background is found here.) 

More about changing the ways you think and feel, particularly how to create a new sense of satisfaction and peace of mind when surrounded by accelerating suffering, death, and climate chaos.
Being satisfied and at peace with the many new and limited conditions you will experience as climate change conditions worsen will be critical to maintaining your emotional and psychological well-being. Job One for Humanity also has excellent advice on the essential importance of "changing the way you think and feel" about your relationship with nature and the many lifestyle and livelihood changes you will have to make to survive what is coming and live in the new post-climate change collapse and extinction world. 

Unless one also changes their thinking and feelings about nature and their old way of living and working, they are highly likely to feel unhappy and dissatisfied and repeat the same mistakes that have created the climate change nightmare we now find ourselves in. Reading the following two books is crucial if you want to evolve your thoughts and feeling to an optimal place for personal survival and the survival of any team or community you might get involved with. 

The more everyone in your group understands the new attitudes and ideas of these two books, the more they will be on the same page, and the less complaining there will be about losses and changes from your old unsustainable lives.

Make it a requirement to read:

Overshoot, the Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change, By William R Catton Jr.

This book goes into some of the most profound deep causes of the climate change and environmental emergencies so powerfully that everyone concerned about climate change and our environment must read this book.

An Inconvenient Apocalypse, Environmental Collapse, Climate Crisis and the Fate of Humanity, by Wes Jackson and Robert Jensen

This book dives even deeper into the human causes of our current climate emergency (even deeper than our highly recommended Overshoot book) going back almost 10,000 years. You may be pleasantly surprised and challenged by what you discover in this timely and soulful book.

It is based on a credible overview of climate and environmental science. It will help you quickly evolve your thinking and feelings to the new reality of our global climate-driven collapse process and what comes next.

It is a must-read for everyone you think will be there with you trying to survive what is coming. It will not only help put everyone on the same page, but it will also help produce the emotional and psychological stability required in your family or group to survive the suffering, death, and the many climate change-driven primary and secondary consequences that are no longer avoidable. Do not skip reading this book!

And finally,

Being a contributing and dependable member of a well-prepared, resilient eco-community will be the final step for any wise preparation and adaption program for you, your family, or your business. Without some form of eco-community membership, you will face a cascade of hardships, mostly alone. You will not have many necessary resources and will not be adequately ready for the climate change emergency and our 11 other major global crises.

Click here to see the now independent ClimateSafe community project Job One helped to create to help you make good decisions about finding and joining the right eco-community.


Action Step 17: Additional critical climate change resilience-building factors for your home or business.

Here are many climate change resilience-building actions you must be aware of for your home or business to survive. Some are new, and some have been discussed previously but are worth mentioning again in new ways because they are critical. The following list will make a lot more sense if you understand the essential frames of time and waves of climate change consequences that you will be experiencing over the following decades. (Our most updated climate change consequence timeframe document is in our member's section, found here.)

a. Have a Secure Water Supply: Water is life. It would be best if you were on a land with an abundant, safe, and dependable long-term clean water supply. A human can live three days without water and then dies. If the water is polluted are infected with bacteria or viruses, you will get sick, suffer, and probably die from most waterborne problems. You will also need water for a steady food supply from your garden and any animals or fish you may farm.

b. Heat management: As temperatures continue to break all previous records, all types of energy-efficient air conditioning and air cooling technology will be critical to survival for homes and businesses, particularly for older populations. A state-of-the-art air conditioner will be essential as temperatures soar and break all previous records. This cooling is because heat domes and heat waves will become more common and last longer. 

All new construction homes should also have basement areas for emergency cooling, food storage, and to deal with rising heat and regular power outages. In the later climate change phases of increasing heat and as mega-wildfires arrive worldwide, building or buying super-insulated, underground, bermed, or mostly underground homes could also be a wise way to handle multiple climate change risks. 

c. Wildfire Management: As global heat rises, we will go through a several-decade period with many of the world's major forests burning wildly simultaneously. Living in a highly forested area unless you have a fireproofed, underground, or bermed home will be a hazardous investment and a risky bet for your future. You will have to worry about wildfires if you live in a forest. You must also carefully check the prevailing winds during the fire season, even if you live miles away. This wind direction issue is because massive forest fires near you will produce so much wildfire smoke you will repeatedly be lining under hazardous air quality conditions. Some existing homes can be retrofitted to minimize fire dangers.

Fires will become one of the biggest problems as global warming temperatures soar and droughts turn foliage into tinder. All homes and buildings must be fire-resilient in areas where fires will regularly occur. If they are near a forest, there will be a clearing of at least 100 yards or more between any building, and it's the nearest trees or foliage. Also, all homes and buildings in high-risk fire areas should have other exterior watering systems that will keep these homes and buildings wet and protected from flying embers if a fire is in the area or passing through. 

There is no way to completely escape the fire risk in the future as temperatures soar, especially if you are near dried foliage or forests. If you're in a fire-prone area, you will need to fireproof all building roofs and walls and create high-quality wildfire smoke removal systems. The same high-quality smoke removal systems should also be purchased to remove other increasing pollutants from the worsening air quality you will breathe.

d. Wind Management: Increasing heat will also mean increasing and sporadic wind and wind speeds almost everywhere. It helps to think about the seldom discussed climate change increasing wind consequences like this. Our atmosphere will increasingly "boil and churn" as it continues to warm each year, much like you would see an increase in water boiling and churning as the heat is increased under a pressure cooker. 

This "pressure cooker" wind-increasing effect is because the top layer of our atmosphere acts like a pressure cooker lid keeping most of our climate change warming inside our lower atmosphere. Increasing winds worldwide will eventually become one of climate change's most damaging and consistent consequences. 

For example, the western coast of the United States will have significantly increased 70-100 miles per hour wind events. If you live in a hurricane cyclone area, you must also prepare for the coming category six hurricane or cyclones with 180 240-mile-an-hour winds. Many locations will now be subject to wind Derechos of 100 mph or more.

Our high wind future means that our buildings and homes must now be designed or refit to withstand those higher winds depending upon your area. More and more, you will see concrete or steel reinforced homes, land termed houses, or even more undergoes buildings that will also be safer against heat and fire threats.

e. Rain Bomb, Flooding, and Drainage Issues: There will be massive rain bombs dropping weeks or months' worth of rain in hours or days. Be sure you have superior drainage systems and are not too close to rivers or lakes that will massively overflow their 100-year flood plains with high water marks during these episodes. Start thinking in terms of 1,000-year floodplains. If you are looking at a valley with a river or all of your nearest local stores and supplies are located in a flood plain, think carefully about moving there even if your hand will be safe because the flooding will trap you where you are and keep you from the additional supplies you may need. If you live in a 1,000-year flood plain, we advise that you consider relocation (aka managed retreat) because you're going to flood out over and over again

Part of solving future drainage issues will be installing sump pumps in every home or business 3 to 4 times larger than the current sump pumps. Massive rain bombs of up to 30 inches of rain over 48 hours will produce enormous water amounts that will fill your basements, overflow your sewer systems and the lowest areas after major rain bombs.

Drainage issues also involve the quality and size of drainage systems near your home or business.

f. Dehumidification: You will need the best dehumidifier you can buy in many areas. This is because many places are already experiencing high temperatures and extremely high humidity, which makes working outside nearly impossible. The human body cannot shed heat through sweat when the humidity is too high. When it cannot free enough of this heat, it dies. Because more heat causes more evaporation which causes more humidity and moisture in the air, do not neglect high-output dehumidification for your home or business.

g. Energy Independence: Your home or business building or remodeling must include plans for sustainable energy through wind, solar, or other sustainable, nonpolluting sources. It would be best not to rely upon existing energy delivery companies and structures as the climate worsens. There will be many energy shortages, delays, and price hikes. Additionally, we must stop polluting our atmosphere with fossil fuels.

h. Drought Independence: You will also need extensive water storage and water capture systems in drought-prone areas.

i. Compensating for Ongoing Global Crop Failures, Lowered Crop Yields, and Soaring Food Prices: There will be widespread failed food distribution and food insecurity issues. Food prices will keep soaring. 

You will eventually need to buy and store a year's worth of food. You will also need to sustainably grow or raise through four seasons most of your fruits, vegetables, animals, legumes, etc. You will need to have a good growing season and soils for your organic garden and farmland unless you are going to do permaculture, which can take 1 -3 years to establish. 

Working towards food independence is one of the most critical long-term factors for survival. Not only will traditional food supply distribution break down, but we will also have to develop sustainable agricultural practices that can survive extreme heat, extreme cold, extreme storms, fires, etc. 

In some cases and in some locations, this may mean growing food indoors using grow lights and other technologies to allow for four-season food production no matter what the outside weather might be. You will also need to utilize grow lights and some vertical hydroponics and larger-scale aquaponics or other new farming technologies inside specialized grow buildings. 

Soil quality building will also be a critical skill you must understand. Here is a helpful site for soil quality information: .

j. Food Storage: You will need a safe and stable year-round cool and always dry food storage or food preservation type cellar. Ideally, a basement or cellar dug into the ground can maintain a reasonably consistent cooler temperature year-round food storage without using any energy to cool it. 

k. Land Location, Isolation, Security, and Defensibility: If you and your children want to live as long as possible and ride out most of what is coming, you must carefully consider the factors of the location's isolation and defensibility, which equals its security level. Napoleon did many bad and foolish things, but he said something powerfully true. He said, "Geography is destiny." Therefore, the final relocation, migration, or managed retreat geography (location) you pick to live in will become your climate change destiny. Choose wisely and carefully. 

Over time, as global warming accelerates, crops fail, and mass migrations, criminality, and conflict rise keeping yourself and your resources safe will become your biggest survival issue! Your eventual location should be distant from any easy mass migration route. Increased civil and criminal unrest will happen first in large urban areas and then along the easier-to-take mass migration routes to the global warming safer regions above or below the 45th parallel North or South. The more isolated, difficult to reach, and the more defensible the land is, and the safer it will be for the longest possible time! An example of defensibility is only having one narrow, winding road leading to your land. Trees surround your land's perimeter, and you can put a gate in front of your entrance. Or, your land is in a canyon with steep walls and only one entrance.

In this document, the Job One member's only section describes many of the best cities and micro-climate areas within the US for land, homes, and businesses. This document also discusses the pros and cons of other regions worldwide.

And the bitter truth about about final location is this, no matter where you pick as your final location you will need to have a back up emergency bug out plan for a new location in case that location is eventually overrun. In prepping, there is a saying, one is none, two is one, and three is two. This means always backup your backups!

l. Sea Level Rise and Coastal Land and the Thwaites Doomsday Glacier Collapse Issues: If you are considering buying land, a home, or business near any ocean coast around the world and want to have this land for long-term survival, you will first need to factor in the correct level of sea level rise. With all types of global ice and snow melting, we predict that the correct level of sea level rise will be as much as 2-3 feet by 2050 and sea level rise by as much as 6-9 feet by 2100. 

It also would be best to allow some calculation for the worst and most likely arriving climate tipping point, the predicted collapse of the Thwaites "doomsday glacier" in Antarctica. It is about the size of England or Florida.

This glacier will produce an initial 2-3 feet of global sea level rise over several decades once it breaks off and collapses into the sea. An article in the Smithsonian magazine predicted at worst; Thwaites could collapse as soon as 3 to 5 years from 2022. But more likely, this collapse may be several decades away.

After Thwaites breaks off, the glaciers behind Thwaites on the Antarctic mountain range will begin sliding off the mountains into the sea. These other glaciers will raise the global sea level by about another seven to ten feet over the following decades. The speed at which huge pieces of this glacier are already breaking off has increased by six times over the last 30 years.)

When the Thwaites doomsday glacier does break off, it will also threaten the coastal infrastructure (roads, hospitals, food stores, sewage and water treatment facilities, ports, energy transport or generation, etc.) So if you are buying land near a coastal ocean area for long-term survival, be sure you allow for correct the height of the ground above the predicted sea level rise and for the loss of all services close to all low-lying infrastructure that will be inundated.

For example, in the United States, Galveston, Texas, is looking to build a $30 billion seawall because of rising sea levels that will flood it regularly. The problem is that the sea wall they are contemplating building is based on a gross underestimation of sea level rise and timeframes. This means that even those who think they will be safe behind this new seawall will have a rough time. So think carefully when you purchase land or migrate to an area close to the coast. As a general rule, if you are going to live near the coast, we recommend you by land or relocate to an area at least 25 -35 feet above the highest previously recorded flood or storm surge, or tsunami. 

m. Cold Spells: as paradoxical as it seems, climate science has predicted severe cold spells will occur suddenly as the jetstream moves and other climate change-related conditions change worldwide. If you live in an area affected by cold spells, you may also need an emergency backup and a nonpolluting wood-burning stove. These new nonpolluting wood stoves exist, but they are about $6,000 or $7,000.

n. Other Critical Construction, Remodeling, or Emergency Preparation Factors: Remember to include in your building or remodeling plans to properly insulate your home to get your home or business as close to net-zero energy use as possible. You will also need an underground room or basement that stays close to the ground's temperature at 6-8 feet deep, which will maintain about 52 degrees F in most areas. If you do not have a basement or storage room for storing food, you will need energy-efficient air conditioning systems because of increasing heat spells. This is particularly true and important for older adults, young children, and infants. Both the elderly and the very young have poorly developed or degenerated sweat glands that do not remove heat from the body as efficiently as the sweat glands of adults. Life could be lost quickly if your air conditioning goes down in an extended heat wave or heat dome and you have no underground room to stay cool.

We also recommend having your well as a dependable water supply backup and an on-site water purification system. We also recommend having a septic tank. At some point, water, power, and sewage from the local area will all be affected. 

In emergency preparation, there is a saying that "one is none, two is one, and three is two." This means you must have multiple backup systems and critical parts redundancies to increase your independence and long-term survivability.

o. Allow at least 2-3 years to build or to remodel climate change-resilient old homes or businesses, or if you are relocating, create a new climate change-resilient home or business once you have found it: To do everything listed above or below, you will need to allow at least several years. This time delay is because there are already shortages of critical emergency and adaptation supplies you will need. Additionally, getting building or remodeling contractors to do the required work with the current weather extremes, seasonal changes, and other work scheduling challenges will take time and patience. Lastly, for most new gardeners, getting an organic garden or your garden's permaculture working right will take a few years. 

We suggest looking into fire-resistant or fireproof net-zero prefab homes if you want to cut that three-year time down. Prefab homes have come a long way over the decades, and if you carefully inspect what they are made out of and their claims for fire resistance and energy efficiency, etc., you should be able to find a quality net-zero prefab home at a reasonable price that can be delivered right to your build site.

p. Jet Stream Condition: The stability of the jet stream in your area or its variability or its motion in and out of your area will be a significant factor in radical weather changes and extreme weather conditions for your area. Check the most current projections for your area's jet stream location and condition before migrating, relocating, or doing a government-funded manage retreat.

This jet stream issue will also be made more difficult by high unpredictability as other climate tipping points are crossed, which also can affect the jet stream. (Click Here for a link to a new IPCC report that contains many new illustrations for projected weather worldwide.

Please be aware IPCC reports are usually 20-40% underestimated and incorrect because they do not include many of the scores of climate change tipping points in their computer modeling. Click here to learn more about the IPCC's history of underestimation.)

q. Local microclimate Issues: Suitable microclimates can be found within and outside our designated global warming safer areas. For various reasons, many areas within generally safer regions are not suitable microclimates. It will take additional work to ensure you are in a safe and usable microclimate.

Among the many microclimate factors is having a decent tolerable local climate now and as global warming accelerates. You also will need to ask yourself if most of your party can endure this new micro-climate. For example, will you and they be able to tolerate its normal or worst humidity levels, annual days of cloud cover, yearly days of wind or rain, annual snowfall amounts, average monthly temperatures, or various insect issues (mosquitos, ticks factors, etc. Annual worldwide weather patterns can be found at As you are discovering in this list, many environmental, climate, and social factors contribute to creating physical and psychological well-being in your new location.

r. Build local greater community climate change resilience. At some point, ClimateSafe Villages or other wise independent communities must reach out and help educate their local politicians, local government agency officials, zoning boards, etc. on the local danger areas they must preventively address to build full local community climate change resilience. Click here for the list of critical local community-level resilience-building issues that must be openly discussed and completed before more major climate change tipping points are crossed in your local community. This page has everything you need to get started on this essential action.


 Please check and start one of the Part 2 action steps below: 


Actions Step 1 to Step 8

Actions Step 9 to Step 17

Part 2 Summary


If you have not done so already, please read about the principles of the Degrowth Movement, the concepts of Sustainable Prosperity, and the ideas of Appropriate Technology. Their intriguing and needed perspectives will also help evolve your thoughts and feelings about better adapting to the future and its wise possibilities.) 

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