Climate-Change Fire Sale: California Joins Florida As Uninsurable State

The insurance industry proves the existence of climate change.

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Your 2025 Climate Change Consequences Forecast Preview

Here is your 2025 climate change consequence forecast sneak preview.

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From Ground to Air: US Energy Flow. A Climate Change Shocker

You will be shocked by how energy in the US is produced, consumed, and flows through the US economy. This information has jaw-dropping implications for rapidly worsening the climate change emergency and the future of humanity.

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Grapes are telling the story of climate change

Although this is a story about the wine industry in Canada, it applies to many, if not most, worldwide wine-makers. Many global wine-makers are changing locations now or considering it because of current and future climate change consequences and uncertainties. 

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Why humanity is failing to manage the accelerating climate change emergency?

There are many reasons for humanity's 60+ year total failure to stop accelerating climate change and global warming and for its relentless march toward climate change-driven mass extinction. Here are the big ones.

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Why Job One For Humanity's Climate Change Consequences Forecasts Are More Accurate Than Other Similar Organizations

There are five simple but still shocking reasons why Job One for Humanity's climate change think tank forecasts are so accurate.

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In today's stress-rich environment, there are three good climate change reasons to become a new Job One For Humanity Member!

Here are three empowering reasons to become a new member/donor at Job One for Humanity today.

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Zoom Call Reminder for Today, November 22nd! How will the new US politics radically worsen the climate emergency?

Zoom Call Subject: How will the new US politics radically worsen the climate emergency? By Job One for Humanity and

ClimateSafe Villages

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How will the new US politics worsen the climate emergency?

Have you been feeling anxious or having unsettling concerns after the US presidential election? Do you wonder what this election means for the climate emergency and your life over the next four years?

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The Billionaires Funding Climate Change Denial and the Attack on Our Democracy During the 2024 US Election!

The courageous investigative reporter team at Desmog has done it again. Read how "Big Money? is hiding the coming climate change nightmare from public awareness and discussion.

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The US presidential election is in days. The candidates either ignore the climate change emergency or minimize it as a distant future crisis. Why is that the worst possible position? 

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