"Money does not just talk, it screams influence and power. If you want to see a change happen fast, properly incentivize it with money or penalize it by removing its profit. Divestment from companies with unsustainable environmental practices is away for you to exert an immediate and powerful influence on their poor behavior." --Lawrence Wollersheim
Personal Action Step 3:
Divest out of all of your personal investments in the fossil fuel industry and all other businesses that have poor environmental records and unsustainable business practices. Then do everything within your zone of influence to convince others to do the same. Convince other individuals, businesses, pension funds, endowments, and national governments to also divest out of all of their investments in the dying fossil fuel industry or other businesses with unsustainable environmental practices as soon as possible.
Because money talks and it talks very, very effectively!
This is one powerful way to send a strong signal to our governments and the power elite that the age of fossil fuels and unsustainable environmental business practices is over and the age of green energy generation and Sustainable Prosperity is here. Each of us can do something to remove all government financial support and subsidies from the fossil fuels industry and all the other industries with unsustainable environmental business practices as soon as possible.
Personally divesting from all fossil fuel investments also will be one of the more effective ways of forwarding the Job One for Humanity Climate Re-stabilization Plan and lessening climate destabilization. (For more information on why you should become a fossil fuel divestment promoter please click here for a four-minute animation that explains this tactic in more detail.)
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