Divest out of fossil fuels pledge

Divesting from all fossil fuels and moving fully to green energy generation is critical to our survival.

In order to stop escalating global warming and climate change emergency, I pledge I will divest out of all of my holdings in the dead-end fossil fuel industry. I will then do everything within my zone of influence to convince others to do the same. I will work toward convincing other individuals, businesses, pension funds, endowments, and national governments to also divest out of the dying fossil fuel industry as soon as possible.

Sign Below Now

Why Divest?

  1. Money is real influential power! Money talks and it talks effectively! One very strong way to convince our governments and the power elite that the age of fossil fuels is over and the age of green energy generation is here is to pull all financial support and subsidies from the fossil fuels industry as soon as possible.

  2. Personally divesting from all fossil fuel holdings helps us keep fossil fuels in the ground and is one of the more effective personal action steps in the Job One for Humanity Climate Restabilization Plan.

  3. The fossil fuel industry is a bad investment. Other than for limited use in the future for the military, air travel, space exploration, and other limited applications, the age of fossil fuel has already ended. No individuals or organizations will want to invest in an industry with its subsidies being removed, its profits being taxed at increasing rates, and growing legal liability to restore damage done to the environment over the last 130 years. Get out before you get caught since there is little future left for fossil fuel energy on a planet that has to move rapidly to green energy generation.

"Money does not just talk, it screams influence and power. If you want to see a change happen fast, properly incentivize it with strong monetary rewards or penalize it by removing its profit."               — Lawrence Wollersheim

Still not convinced?

Please view, What is fossil fuel divestment and why does it matter?


Sign the pledge now to divest in the box below now!

"I pledge to divest as soon as possible from any of my holdings that invest directly or indirectly in fossil fuels. I now encourage my family, friends, and the organizations and businesses I am associated with to do the same."

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