Willis Cockrell

  • commented on The Essential Climate Change and Global Heating Facts Everyone Should Know 2022-08-07 17:46:12 -0700
    I am of an advanced age being in my mid-seventies. I comment frequently on Medium when responding to posted articles about our climate emergency. Not always, but often, I will reference Job One for Humanity as a good source for the facts and projections about where we have been and where we are headed in our current extinction event. The basic truth that the laws of nature will severely cut back the human population by billions of individuals globally in the next few decades is a sobering reality. As a resident of North Carolina and the United States my speculations about how the climate emergency will shape federal and state politics consume a lot of my brain time. It takes a deliberate act of will to stay engaged with near-term discussions about the retrograde actions of the American right wing when one is simultaneously thinking that by 2030 the consequences of global heating will be driving human death, relocation, and conflict—not arguments over Critical Race Theory, abortion, or the demise of the entire capitalist economic system that supports the American Way of exploitation. The uncertainty of how life will reorganize in the USA during the coming collapse of many individual state governments where drought will make life extremely difficult is just one example of how such cognitive dissonance makes logical projections of “what to do next” susceptible to confusion and uncertainty. As a result, I’m concentrating on staying practical in the present and being close to nature.

  • donated 2022-05-24 08:43:28 -0700

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  • commented on New UN Climate Report Dire, But Still Hiding Much From the Public 2021-08-12 05:59:12 -0700
    Large picture: our present day, and the upcoming future humanity has engineered for earth, holds only tumult, death, and desperation. There is no way past that reality. I’m 73 years old and I cannot envision how humanity can “science” its way out of the desperate consequences that we are and will continue to experience in every increasing amplitude. As a species “man” is not equipped psychologically, emotionally, or socially to jump out of our current way of living to stop the damage that is ongoing. We are in a trap of our own making. It’s likely that Nature will eliminate us and move on to the next iteration of its alpha life form…which may be jellyfish for a few million years…as the planet resets.
    Small picture: I cannot fathom how anything will change culturally, politically, or economically by 2025-2030. Most people will still be in denial about the horrific future that is unfolding for the planet. I also don’t think the climate path will be a straight line to “hot everywhere.” If the ocean currents are disrupted that could be a very rapid impact that will disrupt economies, politics, and institutions. Parts of the world could go into a deep freeze for some period of time. People will be in a panic. It’s difficult to game-out what happens then.

  • commented on Your 2020 Global Warming Predictions 2019-12-30 07:50:14 -0800
    I admire the Job One effort in bringing this discussion to the public. When I first started reading about the climate emergency I thought maybe actions would be taken to reduce carbon emissions. But that is not happening. Then I thought about Plan B, and the possible strategies of trying to wiggle through the warming catastrophe to live a little longer within the ravages of a hot world. But the coldest parts of the world right now are having the biggest changes. Where I live in North Carolina there are warming effects, more flooding and so on, but the state overall is not as dramatically impacted as say Greenland with its melting glaciers (as one example). Anyway, it’s probably not possible to out maneuverer such dramatic and chaotic change. Plus changes are happening faster than were predicted just a few years ago. I’m coming to the conclusion that I’ll just have to act locally as seems best and live through or die in whatever hot mess is to coming this way. Maybe, in the long run, some little pockets of human society will continue to exist here and there on Earth. Or, we will just be gone as an advanced technology species because we could not figure out how to coexist with our living planet.

  • commented on Climate Change Emergency Preparations 2019-07-26 13:58:13 -0700
    Lawrence, two rich guys (Musk and Bezos) talk about living on Mars or on spaceships as possible ways to continue humanity post Climageddon. They also spend lots of money related to their concepts of survival in space. Would it not be less fantastical for a government or group to prepare outposts on our actual planet Earth that could be hardened with advanced survival technology to create a hail Mary chance that some small group of humans might preserve knowledge and genetic variety that would allow a human presence to continue on Earth in its version 2.0 climate? It might not work, but should the attempt be made? Are you aware of any such attempts being talked about or planned?

  • donated 2022-12-11 11:54:32 -0800

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    Job One for Humanity is a 100% publicly funded nonprofit climate change think tank. It is a DBA of a 30-year-old US, tax-exempt, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization called Factnet. We have received the highest possible nonprofit financial transparency trust rating of Platinum Transparency from Candid/Guidestar.



  • commented on The 5 most important global warming facts that will help you save your life, business and loved ones! 2019-01-30 12:34:56 -0800

    I want to thank you for leading an effort to make people aware of the life-ending disasters we face with climate change (global warming).

    The information you present and the scenarios your describe that are supported by science are distressing in the extreme.

    I find your best advice about planning ahead for the coming catastrophe to be the parts suggesting living in the moment and taking life day-by-day.

    It seems certain that what we see in nature now and in ourselves as human beings will all be passing away over the coming few decades.

    We must enjoy what exists now and mourn it simultaneously.

    Perhaps the ultra-rich will survive in some scattered enclaves here and there on earth; but it probably will be a desperate survival with little joy. Hubris is rarely rewarded by nature.

    But even so, if I were a young person I would be very motivated to follow many of your prescriptions for preparation as a way to live as comfortable as possible for as long as possible. I would already be migrating to Alaska or Canada or at least in some artic-like direction. But it’s too late for me as an elderly person to be in a mindset of trying to adapt to extreme challenge. That’s a young (and fit) person’s game.

    The best I can do is to look at the spiritual aspects of life in the day-to-day while staying active and aware and staying as fit as my aging body allows me to be.

    I do hope humankind survives in some form, but the odds are tilted heavily toward extinction. The universe will have to find some other consciousness to reveal itself to.

    In the meantime, I will work on my mental outlook and get all the joy I can out of the years of conscious delight that are left for me.

    Thank you for that insight.


  • commented on We’re Losing the Global Warming and Environmental Protection Races: “So, What Do We Do Now?” 2019-01-10 17:10:27 -0800
    The information available about global warming is formidable; and I do not doubt its veracity. The future-vision revealed by the science is actually overwhelming. I turn 71 years old in 2019. My generation will fade out just has CO2 levels get to the death-of-humanity-locked-in level. What I wonder about is what happens to human society over the next 10 to 20 years as the effects of global warming become more and more evident to the general population. Living in denial allows society to hold together as it’s currently constructed. But once the seriousness of the climate situation is widely realized politics will change, and not for the better. I can imagine scenarios where people living in Alaska, Canada, Russia, New Zealand begin to take actions to protect their territories from the hordes of people who will want to move out of the hot zones. Alaska might separate from the US and align with Canada or even Russia. Old people like myself living in the hot zones will be abandoned. The need for survival will justify many cruelties. People & societies that have the knowledge & wherewithal available to deploy in laboratories will develop coping strategies using genetic manipulation and human-to-AI combinations. And then there will be religion added to the CRAZY. What happens when Jerusalem and Mecca have to be abandoned? The insanity will be unstoppable. I truly believe that human reactions to a hot Earth will accelerate the sudden collapse of civilization as we know it now. Have you or others looked at the psychological and religious aspects of tipping points? Is there an estimation of the year people generally will accept the reality of the approaching hothouse Earth? Could societies in 2030 be psychologically traumatized by climate reality to such a degree that everything we have known suddenly collapses into a frenzy for survival—the weak be dammed?

  • commented on Signup Landing Page 2018-12-30 14:06:44 -0800
    I have this feeling when you see a nasty storm brewing. The wind and clouds and smell are clear to anyone who looks. But somehow people refuse to look; and if they do look they think the storm will skirt around somehow. And there are almost 10 billion of us! Our current rules of society and economics are not sustainable. The storm will hit. It will not miss us. Humans are about to be culled not by space aliens but by our own societal structures an innate fears that hold us back from quick and radical changes. Perhaps some form of a human descendant will exist in the far north augmented by artificial intelligence, but life will no longer be what we experience now. My only uncertainty is about the timeline; how fast will the changes happen? Will I live to see our demise acknowledged and accepted? Pity our children who will never know a world of peace and stability.

  • signed up on Free Climate Change Newsletter Sign Up 2019-04-24 11:55:12 -0700

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