Prepare for a profound truth about global warming. It will focus your mind and open your heart to what is real and important.
It is uniquely rare that a non-scientist and popular author can express the deeper truths of global warming in such a personal and useful way. The link below is to the recent New Yorker article by Jonathan Franzen called What if we stop pretending?
It will help you see your global warming future in a way that no climate scientist has yet been able to do in such a warm and simple way.
We strongly recommend that you do not miss reading this original article.
The Franzen article embodies much, but not all of the evolution which has occurred at Job One for Humanity over the last five years.
Here is the link to Jonathan Franzen's What if we stop pretending?
Please share this highly time-relevant New Yorker article with as many people and organizations as you can... And,
Once you have read it, you may then want to review the recently upgraded Job One Plan B. It will help you process and react to many of the heart-awakening ideas mentioned in the Frazen article.
After reading it you also may be ready for this original analysis of the current global warming situation. It will help you answer the question for yourself is global warming really out of our control and, is a global warming-caused mass extinction event unfolding over the next 30-50 years?
To help do something about the climate change and global warming emergency, click here.
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Take a look at our Plan B. It is active acceptance and doing what we still can do. see Plan B at
the Job One Team