Lawrence Wollersheim published Did James Hansen and other climate scientists release the scariest climate change research paper ever? in Blog 2023-05-22 17:06:49 -0700
Did James Hansen and other climate scientists release the scariest climate change research paper ever?
James Hansen, the former NASA scientist, first warned us that climate change could drive humanity to extinction. He now has a new research paper that takes the air out of your lungs if you have a climate science or strong science background.
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Lawrence Wollersheim published One Third Of Forest Fires Are Spurred By Global Carbon Companies — And They Will Be Accountable in Blog 2023-05-22 16:08:06 -0700
One Third Of Forest Fires Are Spurred By Global Carbon Companies — And They Will Be Accountable
In Alberta alone more than a million acres of forest have been consumed by fire this year.
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Lawrence Wollersheim published ClimateSafe Villages FAQ - Topic Index in ClimateSafe Villages 2023-05-22 13:35:32 -0700
Lawrence Wollersheim published ClimateSafe Village Exit Policies in ClimateSafe Villages 2023-05-17 15:41:46 -0700
ClimateSafe Village Leaving Guidelines and Exit Policies
Last updated 3.29.23
Welcome to the original CSV master model for everything you ever would want to know about ClimateSafe Villages (CSV), the climate-resilient eco-communities of the future. Of course, the ongoing discussion forums at CSV will continue to add to the factors found in our 6-page CSV master model.
Review this page only if you are seriously interested and are near to making a final decision about creating a local version of your own or if you want to join one of our four ClimateSafe Village models. If you are browsing or want to get a beginning sense of who we are and what we are doing, we strongly recommend you explore the new ClimateSafe Villages website to more easily introduce you to the many benefits of these unique and now necessary communities.
Please click here to go to our new, far less complex ClimateSafe Village website to start exploring the many positive possibilities.
Both the entry application process and exit process should be available to all potential new ClimateSafe Villages members before they join. This promotes informed consent and a realistic view of all aspects of eco-community life.
The application processes for each of our four ClimateSafe Village models are found on this page in the section that describes each model. In addition, the ClimateSafe Villages Bellingham headquarters application process is found on this page. Our current ClimateSafe Village exit policies and process description are found below.
Last Updated 5.23.23
There will be many different reasons that ClimateSafe Village members leave the community. Some individuals will have unexpected personal situations requiring them to leave the community for long periods or permanently to remedy those situations. The community will ask other individuals to leave because of serious infractions of our internal Social Contract or additional health safety or security rules.
This document provides an overview introduction to how communities will deal with this process. Each independent ecovillage will provide a complete listing of such guidelines as those guidelines are developed.
Remember that the ClimateSafe Village program addresses four different models: 1. urban, 2. rural, 3. hybrid, and 4. virtual. While some policies will be general and apply to all types, many specific policies will differ for each model and each ClimateSafe Village due to location or other factors. This document will present example policies for the general case and each ecovillage type. In the future, each independent ClimateSafe Village will adapt these policies as appropriate.
General Policies for all ClimateSafe Villages
There are many reasons a member might leave a ClimateSafe Village. These can be grouped into three categories by who initiated the move: 1. the individual, 2. the ClimateSafe Village, or 3. an external cause.
For a decision made by an individual, some examples are the individual:
- decided to move to another community;
- disagree with coordinators or other community matters;
- found that the ecovillage culture wasn’t what they really wanted;
- weren’t ready for the increased level of community involvement;
- weren’t prepared for the increased level of personal responsibility for the ClimateSafe Village;
- couldn’t find members with similar interests;
- couldn’t adjust to the change in culture from the outside world;
- couldn’t adapt to the educational focus of the ClimateSafe Villages.
Some additional examples are:
- others in their family decided to move;
- failing personal health beyond the ecovillages ability to help;
- financial problems;
- employment issues
For a decision made by the ClimateSafe Village, some examples are:
- the view of the ecovillage that any of the conditions in the list above were occurring, but the member wouldn’t or couldn’t acknowledge them;
- the member did not understand or wouldn’t take action to understand the provisions of the Social Contract;
- the member did not understand or wouldn’t take action to understand and obey the laws of the surrounding Climate Safer Ecovillage
- The individual committed a serious crime inside the community, and law enforcement had to be notified to apprehend and remove them.
For a decision forced by external factors, some examples are:
- The individual committed a crime and was removed from the ecovillage by law enforcement;
- The individual died or was hospitalized for long-term care;
- A job change forced a move to a different location.
Policies for Urban ClimateSafe Villages
Some examples of a member leaving a ClimateSafe Village that would specifically apply to urban communities are:
- A home eviction of the member forcing relocation. For an urban community, the community would most often not be involved in covering housing costs.
Policies for Rural ClimateSafe Villages
Some examples of a member leaving an ecovillage that would specifically apply to a rural ecovillage are:
- A medical condition arises that requires treatment not convenient in or near the ecovillage.
- An unexpected breakdown of some utility that is vital to the ecovillage. An example would be the contamination of the water supply.
Policies for Hybrid ClimateSafe Villages
A Hybrid ecovillage has the advantage of members living in an urban or suburban area but within commuting distance of a rural eco-community.
Some examples of a member leaving an ecovillage that would specifically apply to a hybrid ClimateSafe Village are:
- The shutdown of ferry service between the two communities, with no plans for reopening. The hybrid ClimateSafe Village might switch to urban status in such a case.
Policies for Virtual Communities
Some examples of a member leaving a ClimateSafe Village that would specifically apply to a virtual eco-community are:
- Loss of internet connectivity
- Change of work commitment that no longer provided time for ecovillage involvement.
- The virtual community might be forced to block or ban that member because of severe, repeated violations of virtual online eco-community rules.
Typical Exit Process methods
The purpose of conducting a formal exit process includes the following:
- Seeking an eco-community benefit from the exiting person's skills, knowledge, and prior experience. If their experience is positive, they may keep ties with the eco-community.
- Determining how the eco-community can support the exiting person's transition out of the eco-community in the most positive ways, fully recognizing their contributions.
- By policy, the eco-community should always try to conduct the separation process on good terms. This may not always be possible. The case above for criminal activity is an example.
- The eco-community should always try to understand the reasons the individual is leaving. A discussion should always be held by a coordinator who can make it clear to the member and who the member can accept as having no intent to blame the member for anything. Using a Personalized Democracy principle, in such a discussion, there are NO adversaries. Both people are joining a process to search for answers, to search for truths from which both parties can learn and benefit.
- Provide as much time as possible before the member exit to have the discussion. Follow-on discussions may also be planned for future times after the member leaves.
- Announce the member's departure to the community in the most positive of ways and arrange the next steps for anyone who will be taking over their responsibilities. Reward the leaving member, if appropriate, to conduct a special effort to transfer knowledge. This might include, for example, summaries of their projects and deadlines.
- Allow time for the departing member to train their replacement or other members who will assume their efforts. If there's not enough time to do this in person, request instructions in writing.
- If the departing member will leave a community-owned home or a privately owned home with no person remaining that has lived in the house, ask them to help prepare a history of problems with the home and leave it in a clean and suitable condition so that other community members could move in soon after they leave
- Document the departure with a letter of resignation or termination.
- In some cases, provide a going away event where community members can thank them for their contributions and wish them the best in whatever happens next in their lives.
Dealing with real estate that you have purchased within the ClimateSafe Village when exiting the ClimateSafe Village
Some individuals will want to start building their own net-zero climate-safe homes once we have purchased the eco-community land and completed an architectural design for the eco-community layout. We will allow this to expedite community construction while we are still fundraising for these communities. Still, these private home builders must acknowledge in their land lease contracts that these homes may never be sold or rented to non-members.
They will also guarantee these privately built homes can not be used as collateral and a sizable asset on any loan outside of existing community members. Additionally, they guarantee they will keep up with all appropriate local and state taxes so that the government cannot seize the home.
It is essential to keep the original and any subsequent community land purchases intact and contiguous over time and not subject to being broken up by leaving members or other outside situations. Only this way will the community maintain its wholeness and integrity and fulfill its purposes. A community-managed nonprofit organization will probably make all land purchases, and the lands will be put into a land trust where it is specified that this land can only be used for the community mission-aligned purposes of sustainability, conservation, and education.
We will soon be developing specific real estate contracts that deal with anyone who has built a home on community-owned land and is leaving the community for one reason or another. These contracts generally state that the community will buy back the house at a fair market value, excluding the land and unique neighborhood values the ecovillage collectively already owns.
The contract will specify that the community will make monthly payments on the home based on a market rate 20 or 30-year mortgage repayment plan.
Any privately built home on ecovillage land will be based on a 99-year lease contract. The land lease contract will include all the restrictions on using and resale of that home. All land lease contracts will contain provisions about maintaining the privately built home to community standards and fair and reasonable procedures for the community to take emergency possession of the home if the member fails to pay local, state, or federal taxes on the property and the house becomes subject to outside or governmental seizure. The land lease contract will contain provisions about paying the monthly community homeowners fees set by each community to cover such things as snow removal and upgrades and repairs to community infrastructure, buildings, and local ecovillage taxes, etc.
Privately built homes will always have to be sold back to the community under the terms of the lease agreement to maintain the contiguous land integrity of the ecovillage. However, privately built homes on eco-community land may be rented out to potential and provisionally approved members who want to live in the community on provisional status or for short-term retreats for permanent eco-community members from other areas.
We anticipate a steady demand for retreats or provisional member housing so that community members may temporarily leave their privately built homes and still have an income source.
These 99-year leases will allow you to pass the homes to your heirs. Still, these homes can only be occupied by accepted or provisional eco-community members.
If the individual has privately purchased some other large piece of community equipment ( a snowplow, community transport tractor, etc.) valued over $3,000, which has contributed to the community use, and now seeks some form of compensation for it, on their exit, the community will repurchase this equipment at fair market value for its current used condition and make monthly payments which are deemed affordable to the eco-community for this unexpected repurchase.
Timeshare Private Built Homes
There is a possibility when we start various fundraising programs that, we might allow members to build private homes and do that with others as timeshares. In these timeshare homes, the funders could spend specific times of the year with us or rent their space to other members only. If we allow this, we will create a contract similar to our 99-year land lease contract. All timeshare homes will also be responsible for paying a monthly ecovillage membership expenses fee as described elsewhere.
Timeshare Private Homes Exit Policy
In addition to the private owners disposing of timeshare property through their channels exclusively to another member of our eco-community, there are three options to exit the timeshare or curtail monthly timeshare obligations:
1. Gift Deed Over your property to the ClimateSafe Village
2. Rent your property in the ecovillage’s retreat and provisional member housing program.
Gift Deed Over your property to the ClimateSafe Village
The Property Coordinating Group of the ecovillage must first accept the gift of this property.
a. The owner must be current on all assessments, fees, fines, taxes, or any other charges associated with the account of the property to be gifted.
b. The owner pays all title transfer fees unless the ecovillage is willing to pay this.
Rent your home property to the ClimateSafe Village for their retreat or provisional member rental program
The Property Coordinating Group of the ClimateSafe Village must first accept responsibility for the rental of this property, and both parties sign a contract that spells out all the terms and conditions.
1. Owner properties for rent will be promoted on the ClimateSafe Village’s members-only website.
2. The ClimateSafe Village will provide administrative assistance in the rental process.
3. The Owner, in collaboration with the ClimateSafe Village, will set the rental price and the minimum days of a rental, if renting for less than a full week is offered as an option. The ClimateSafe Village will have the final determination of a fair market retail prices that includes both the home value and the value of the community lands and services. The ClimateSafe Village and the owner will come to a mutually agreed split of the rental fees where the ClimateSafe Village's percentage will also never be lower than 30 percent, which would cover the minimum for administering the rental.
4. The owner must be current on all assessments, fees, fines, taxes, or any other charges on the property to be rented.
All other rental terms will be in the owner's ecovillage rental contract.
Additional exit information relevant to living within the reality of the external society: criminal acts
While the ClimateSafe Village program attempts to adopt practices that eliminate the problems of the outside world, unless the program grows to the scale of a nation, it will always be subject to the laws of the surrounding society. While the ClimateSafe Village will do as much as possible to counter adverse conditions outside of the ecovillage, complete protection is impossible. So an actual condition of the ClimateSafe Village Social Contract is that all members must comply with external law.
A standard of practice that generally occurs is that the ClimateSafe Village will be asked to allow external law enforcement free access to patrol the ClimateSafe Village. So the condition that members must comply with external law implies that members support this practice and use ClimateSafe Village methods to make it a positive practice.
The issue of crime
The condition of external law also implies ClimateSafe Village’s response to another factor: crime. A basic tenet of the Social Contract is the adoption of Personalized Democracy. Because of its structure, almost all conditions that lead to “crime” in current society will no longer be present. This means the ClimateSafe Village itself is not expected to require or have a significant “police” component. However, if an ecovillage member does something seriously harmful, it will probably also constitute a crime by the standards of the surrounding eco-community. In such a case, an appointed ClimateSafe Village coordinator would be expected to notify the appropriate external law enforcement for action.
The issue of breeches of the Social Contract
Concerning breeches of the Social Contract that do not break external law, Personalized Democracy directly addresses this in its structure. That is, PD eliminates ALL practices of “negative” reinforcement to address social behaviors. For example, the concept of “jails” and “prisons” no longer exists. (This, by the way, is a practice well-known to modern society in Scandinavian countries.)
Instead, the basis for addressing social behavior is through “positive” reinforcement. Principle 4 of Personalized Democracy states: “Rewards in proportion to social contribution.” Through its collective productivity and surpluses, the ClimateSafe Village will always seek to provide a “livable” level of “basic life support.” Most members will enjoy a lifestyle well above that level. Their contribution to the ecovillage society will determine that level. If a member breaches the Social Contract, support for that higher level would be reduced, and social privileges would be withdrawn.
Other Pages in the ClimateSafe Village Guide
Page 1: Introduction, Overview, and Goals
Page 2: ClimateSafe Village Qualities, Processes, Income Sources, and Safeguards
Page 3: The Four ClimateSafe Village Models and Their Operations
Page 4: Our New Personal Democracy ClimateSafe Village Management Model
Page 5: About ClimateSafe Villages Bellingham, a Unique Rural ClimateSafe Village
Page 6: Our The ClimateSafe Villages Bellingham ClimateSafe Village Application Process
Appendix Materials
The ClimateSafe Village Social Contract Page
Online Rules for Our Virtual ClimateSafe Village
Procedures and Policies for Exiting Our ClimateSafe Villages or Applying for Membership
Personal Democracy White Paper
The ClimateSafe Villages Issues FAQ of frequently asked questions for only issues directly relating to ClimateSafe Villages issues
The ClimateSafe Villages Climate FAQ of frequently asked questions for every question you have about climate change
Click here for our ClimateSafe Village online guide master table of contents
Sign up here to learn more about ClimateSafe Villages
Lawrence Wollersheim published Is the new Personal Democracy like a democratic assembly? in ClimateSave Villages FAQ 2023-05-07 08:59:14 -0700
Is the new Personal Democracy like a democratic assembly?
A:The phrase “democratic assemblies” easily becomes confusing when related to Personalized Democracy (PD).In general, Personalized Democracy is focused more around individuals than groups. Asking Google to define it:A democratic, or “popular" assembly is typically a gathering that addresses what participants feel are the effects of a democratic deficit in representative democratic systems. Sometimes assemblies are created to form an alternative power structure.The KEY factor behind the assembly is that they expect to take “votes” on issues. The “winner” is determined by some form of “majority”.In criticisms of “democracy”, the idea of a “majority vote”, of any kind, is that it creates a “tyranny of the majority”. The example often given to show an extremely negative case of this is a “Lynch mob”.In Personalized Democracy, there is never any voting. What would be done in a PD “democratic assembly” is:- Issues are raised
- Individuals get to speak about the issues
- When it comes time for “action”, EVERY person involved in the assembly submits their opinion or viewpoint. This is where computers win the day. The result is more like a survey.
- The organizers then “summarize” the responses.
- THEN, what makes PD different, “no single decision is made. The organizers must then take the survey back to a “systems group” that tries to determine what kind of actions can be taken so that “ALL” of the opinions and viewpoints are “positively addressed for action” within the constraints of “principles”. Some examples of the principles are: sustainability, equity, morals, financial resources, skills availability, etc.
Advanced Actions for Climate Change Emergency Activists
Last updated 10.25.23
If you do not understand what climate change and global warming are or what is causing them, first click here for this essential explanation of how climate change works, then come back to this page and continue with the six-part action checklist below.
Step 1: Click here (or on Greta Thunberg's image below) to sign a simple climate change and global heating emergency personal action pledge.
Greta Thunberg, the teen global climate activist, urges declaring a global climate change emergency and committing to personal climate education and action! Humanity's future survival depends upon getting as many individuals as possible through the climate change action steps on this page and, most importantly, getting our politicians to get our governments to fix climate change before it goes out of our control sometime between 2025 and 2031.
Step 2: Click here or the image below to discover the most dangerous things people do not understand about the runaway global heating emergency.
Step 3: Start telling everyone you love and know about climate change and the global warming emergency.
Now that you have read the above ten most important climate change facts and read about our Job One for Humanity Plan B, it is up to you to get our climate change and runaway global heating analysis and remedial climate actions to all of your open-minded friends, neighbors, work associates, and local media. If you do not tell others, they will believe the grossly underestimated climate summary reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change spread by the media worldwide.
Then, falsely thinking they are safe and there is little urgency, they will do little to nothing to prepare for the coming climate consequences or help fix this escalating emergency. Consequently, we will ALL suffer needlessly, and far too many of us will perish.
We need everyone working on this! Please do not wait to start educating. We are almost out of time. We only have until 2025-2031 at best, to prevent a near-total extinction event from occurring over the following decades! Getting others aware of the real urgency of the climate and global heating emergency is the absolute least anyone can do to do their part to help themselves and humanity out of this rapidly worsening climate nightmare!
We have provided the following suggestions to help you get started educating others as everyone's climate Project 1. You can do the following in any order you like, but it is critical that everyone does their part in reaching out to others before it is too late to prevent the worst coming runaway global heating consequences:
Part a: You can begin by using our simple climate change and global heating "elevator pitch" found here to start conversations with friends, neighbors, work associates, and strangers and let them know how serious the current climate emergency is. In these conversations, personally share what you have learned about the runaway global heating emergency. Or,
Part b: You can start conversations with friends, neighbors, work associates, and strangers and let them know the many wondrous benefits they, the society, and the world will receive when we get the runaway global heating emergency under control. Click here to read about the many benefits of global heating and climate change if you have not done so already. This benefits page is the most read page of our website, with over 2 million visits. Or,
Part c: You can email your friends or the people you talk to this critical link to the ten critical climate facts on the Job One website. This one page and its links will quickly educate anyone on our perilous climate change condition. You can also email them the global heating benefits page if you think that will be better.
Step 4: Get busy letting your local, state, and national politicians know they must act now before it is too late to avert unconscionable accelerating climate change consequences.
Click here or on the image above of our inactive, bumbling, and sad politicians (above) who are not protecting us from the accelerating climate change emergency. This link has effective ideas and tips for getting the climate change emergency message to your politicians.
Step 5: Become a Job One for Humanity volunteer and do more to help clean up our climate emergency and nightmare.
Click here or on the image below. We will immediately email you a set of possible first volunteer projects.
Step 6: Become a donor and supporting member of the Job One for Humanity non-profit organization and community.
All donors will also get five free amazing climate-related ebooks, a $42 value!
Click here or on the image below to become a member or make a donation.
Four things you can always be sure of in the climate change emergency and about our climate future
Despite all of the climate change challenges and severe global warming consequences that are possible and discussed on this website, the single constant truth for the best possible outcomes for humanity is that; the faster we reduce global fossil fuel use toward meeting or getting as close as possible to the 2025 global targets:
a. the more time we will "buy" and have to prepare and adapt to the many global warming consequences that we can no longer avoid! (See
Part 1 and Part 2 of the Job One Plan.)
b. the more people that can survive longer and more comfortably to carry on human and biological life, and our beautiful civilization into the future (See Parts 3 of the Job One Plan for how we can still get our governments to act in time to save us from climate destabilization and catastrophe.)
c. the surviving future generations will suffer far less from accelerating global warming consequences and catastrophes, and most importantly
d. we preserve a fighting chance to avoid our own near-total extinction.
e. we can also obtain these other amazing benefits and even bring about a Great Global Rebirth.
More people surviving longer and more people having time to get themselves, their families, and their businesses prepared to ride out what is coming is an undeniable good, particularly when you weigh it against the consequences of doing nothing or the failure to make the needed sacrifices to get climate change under the decent survival-for-humanity, level of control.
Never forget, we still have time left (until 2025 and maybe as long as 2031 if humanity is very, very fortunate) to:
1. get close to the required radical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets and after that,
2. complete the necessary emergency preparations and,
3. adapt to soonest-arriving global warming consequences, which, unfortunately, are already "baked in" and which we can no longer avoid or change!
For Information about the Job One for Humanity climate change think tank and organization, click here.
Lawrence Wollersheim published Social Contract for ClimateSafe Villages in ClimateSafe Villages 2023-05-04 13:46:36 -0700
Here is Our Basic Social Contract for ClimateSafe Villages
Last updated 3.29.23
Welcome to the original CSV master model for everything you ever would want to know about ClimateSafe Villages (CSV), the climate-resilient eco-communities of the future. Of course, the ongoing discussion forums at CSV will continue to add to the factors found in our 6-page CSV master model.
Review this page only if you are seriously interested and are near to making a final decision about creating a local version of your own or if you want to join one of our four ClimateSafe Village models. If you are browsing or want to get a beginning sense of who we are and what we are doing, we strongly recommend you explore the new ClimateSafe Villages website to more easily introduce you to the many benefits of these unique and now necessary communities.
Please click here to go to our new, far less complex ClimateSafe Village website to start exploring the many positive possibilities.
A social contract is a document that spells out the basic principles that members of a group or community agree to use to guide their actions and decisions. It is also something they agree to live by.
The following is the base social contract used in the Job One for Humanity ClimateSafe Village four models. Each independent Job One for Humanity ClimateSafe Village may add additional items or delete items as that ClimateSafe Village so chooses. Fully independent ClimateSafe Village may construct completely different social contracts.
When someone is accepted into one of the Job One for Humanity ClimateSafe Village models, they are asked to sign the following social contract signifying their agreement with its principles for guiding our ClimateSafe Villages.
The Basic Social Contract
At present, there are only 11 principles all members must understand and agree to live by:
Principle 1: Society shall respect and protect the Quality of Life for each individual. That is, this new Principle turns the focus of a new society away from the distraction of “solidifying government power” to understanding the goals of life for each individual on our planet.
Principle 2: ALL ORGANIZATIONS created by society are for the benefit of the individuals in the society. That is, every organization in society must be organized for the primary benefit of the individuals in the society, not the other way around.
Principle 3: Respect for individual thinking but not individual conclusions. While the “right” of each individual to “think” whatever they want, would still be “respected,” what they “conclude,” and specifically, “what they say or express,” is no longer unlimited. In fact, every statement or expression a person makes would be weighed according to the other principles.
Principle 4: Rewards in proportion to social contribution. This principle recognizes an inherent human need for motivation to produce effort. It also recognizes that each individual shares their space and activity on the planet with many others. It also recognizes the need to replace luck, which is an unearned reward, with the reliability of results, which are earned through effort and wisdom.
Principle 5: Sustainable world, sustainable society. This principle forces societies to use system methods and scientific measurements to plan their actions for long-term sustainability with respect for the ecosystems in which they live.
Principle 6: Efficiency to support sustainability. This requires the application of system analysis to minimize waste in both material and effort. When done in harmony with Principle 1, the human benefit is greatly increased. And with the application of wise efficiencies in a sustainable productivity there are surpluses for charity and unexpected emergencies.
Principle 7: Beauty should be captured throughout human environments. To understand this, consider the images of the architecture of the ancient world. Why has humanity replaced this with slums and miles of “strip malls”? Why have we “paved paradise to put up parking lots”?
Principle 8: Responsibility for personal, family, and local society development. A primary goal for all eco-community level actions would be to understand how to nurture value in personal, family, and social efforts for how social coordination benefits all people.
Principle 9: Respect logical thinking based on material reality. This principle rejects organizing society in any way that relies on appeals to magic, superstition, human intuition, or supernatural interventions, without proof based on tangible and verifiable natural observations. It also prevents an individual or group from imposing their views on others.
Principle 10: Understand Human Psychology, Evolution, and History. This stresses the need for society to study, in a formal and global way, the immense and often negative impact that human psychology, evolution, and history have in shaping the behaviors that create human culture. New wisdom that results from these studies should be incorporated into the guiding principles that shape world culture. Understanding human psychology, evolution, and history is also critical to understanding how to avoid the mistakes of the past and how to create a better future.
Principle 11: Understand that ALL individual and community freedoms have corresponding and equal responsibilities. This principle also creates healthy boundaries with others and the community. This principle is essential for individual and community peace, stability, and growth.
This set of 11 fundamental principles was developed to build a new foundation for an improved society. These principles capture the wisdom of the great sages of history and the discoveries of underlying flaws that caused modern society’s collapse. While superficially appearing to be simple common wisdom, they are actually a rigorous system derived by applying System Analysis design methods to over 3600 vital concepts related to social harmony. The results provide answers to many of the enduring questions of the ages. They also lay out a path to understanding the major social puzzles of our time and eliminating the world insanity we are living with.
Please also note that in the Job One for Humanity ClimateSafe Villages, members also agree to strive to achieve and live the individual and community values expressed on this page.
Other Pages in the ClimateSafe Village Guide
Page 1: Introduction, Overview, and Goals
Page 2: ClimateSafe Village Qualities, Processes, Income Sources, and Safeguards
Page 3: The Four ClimateSafe Village Models and Their Operations
Page 4: Our New Personal Democracy ClimateSafe Village Management Model
Page 5: About ClimateSafe Villages Bellingham, a Unique Rural ClimateSafe Village
Page 6: Our The ClimateSafe Villages Bellingham ClimateSafe Village Application Process
Appendix Materials
The ClimateSafe Village Social Contract Page
Online Rules for Our Virtual ClimateSafe Village
Procedures and Policies for Exiting Our ClimateSafe Villages or Applying for Membership
Personal Democracy White Paper
The ClimateSafe Villages Issues FAQ of frequently asked questions for only issues directly relating to ClimateSafe Villages issues
The ClimateSafe Villages Climate FAQ of frequently asked questions for every question you have about climate change
Click here for our ClimateSafe Village online guide master table of contents
Sign up here to learn more about ClimateSafe Villages
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the nonprofit ClimateSafe Villages organization by clicking here. Every donation helps us expand and assist everyone coming to us for climate change resilience-building information and support.
Your tax-deductible donation also helps pay for all CSV models' ongoing research and development. This funding allows us to add more knowledge, tools, forms, contracts, and architectural net-zero and climate change-resilient building, home, and community designs for all worldwide ClimateSafe Villages, other eco-villages, and intentional communities. Our information is always shared with everyone trying to manage the climate change emergency in an open-access manner.
Lawrence Wollersheim published Personal Democracy White Paper in ClimateSafe Villages 2023-05-04 12:55:28 -0700
The Personal Democracy White Paper for ClimateSafe Villages
Review this page only if you are seriously interested and are near to making a final decision about creating a local version of your own or if you want to join one of our four ClimateSafe Village models. If you are browsing or want to get a beginning sense of who we are and what we are doing, we strongly recommend you explore the new ClimateSafe Villages website to more easily introduce you to the many benefits of these unique and now necessary communities.
Please click here to go to our new, far less complex ClimateSafe Village website to start exploring the many positive possibilities.
This vision page provides a high-level overview of a new form of democracy called Personalized Democracy (PD) that addresses the cultural environment of modern society. It was designed using modern “Systems Analysis” methods to capture all the cherished hopes and dreams of past civilizations. The challenge was doing so in the face of the totally new requirements of large populations, overlapping cultures, instant world-side communication, and precise interaction requirements needed for complex technologies. This page takes on the additional challenge of showing how such a complex governing structure was also designed to be manageable for use by everyday people in small communities.
The section titles found on this page are:
1. Introduction to Personalized Democracy for Eco-communities
2. Background: Problems with Current “Democratic” Governments
3. Personalized Democracy – Some Basics
4. The Basic Concepts in Practice
5. Some examples of how it might work in Eco-communities
6. How to introduce Personalized Democracy in small communities
7. Conclusion
1. Introduction to Personalized Democracy for ClimateSafe Villages
World society, as it enters the 21st century, has many serious problems. This paper presents the view that all modern governing forms, including all current democracies, are founded on social and governing models that date to ancient cultures. Those early societies all exhibited the homogeneity of a low-population agricultural community with a single national religion. The technology of the time was simple and mechanical. Every person understood, and could interact with, all of this. Interaction with other cultures was rare. For the Western world of 500 BC, Athenian Democracy fully captured these structures. Tragically, that model of democracy is no longer applicable to a modern world with a very complex, diverse, massive, and completely interwoven global population.
A new form of “democracy” referred to as “Personalized Democracy” was developed to address all these factors of modern society. System Analysis methods were used to capture the highest ideals of cultures around the world over the full timeline of organized civilizations. After extensive modeling, a new social and coordination structure was found that finally describes an approach that can solve most of the inequities and confusions of the modern world. At the same time, it amazingly provides a path to the most cherished goals of “full personal inclusion” and “inherent social harmony” sought, but never achieved, by the original Democracy.
Before continuing, please click here for a short summary of Personal Democracy benefits.
2. Background: Problems with Current “Democratic” Governments, Current governments are in serious trouble
The status of world society, as it enters the 21st century, is in serious trouble. This century started with average citizens having access to goods and services that, only a century earlier, were only “pipe dreams.” In less than a day, common people could travel to any corner of the globe in relative comfort. A century earlier, this option was not only unavailable to most people, even the richest couldn’t do it in less than many months, and with great difficulty. These same average people could also talk with people worldwide in an instant, again something not even achievable a century ago. Humans have walked on the moon, and traveled to the deepest floor of the oceans. In advanced cities, shopping “warehouses” are filled with goods from every corner of the globe.
The internet has also brought access to a great swath of world knowledge for most people. Ironically, there is so much knowledge available, no person is capable of assimilating and understanding more than a small fraction of it. As they encounter new knowledge, they are not easily capable of discerning what is truthful. The free rein of giant corporations to dominate the internet, has allowed them to design programs that control what each person sees. The result is, when political groups want to force people to make decisions about national and regional leadership, they are easily able to selectively push information at every individual in society. This includes information that is purposely untrue and misleading.
Yet, in the face of this immense knowledge explosion, government legislative bodies, like congresses or parliaments, essentially use the same forms of interpersonal interaction that they used 2 centuries ago! That is, they sit down in groups, around large tables, for face-to-face verbal discussions and negotiations.
Because of the prevalence of “majority-rule” democracies in the late 20th century, many Western countries have developed two-party systems. The dynamics of such structures lead most citizens to support one view or the other, with third-party views much less considered. Populations tend to be split about equally between the two-party views. Legislative groups do the same. The same dynamic that divides the viewpoints, unfortunately, leads to both views taking extreme positions. This leads to the implementation of fragmented and often competing programs as the party in power switches back and forth over time. From a citizens’ perspective, the social structure appears to continually have broken parts.
For example, despite the “overabundance” of hard goods now available, about 10% of humans worldwide still live daily with hunger (1), and 28% live in slums (2). In the last decade, in the U.S., students graduating with college degrees find well-paying jobs so hard to find, and the cost of housing so high, they are forced to live with their parents for extended periods. 25% of renters now pay more than 50% of their income on housing. (3) 70% of current homeowners could not buy a new “median price” home in the U.S. (4), and nearly 70% of millennials, at their current level of income, say they cannot afford to even purchase a starter house. At median incomes and expenses, it would take 15 years for them to save sufficient funds for a down payment. (5)
In the face of clear “existential” threats to life quality and liberty worldwide, the same extreme divide is preventing governments across the globe from taking appropriate action. All of this failure to take action, or to implement a rocky road of alternating extreme and ineffective actions is what led to the opening statement of this section.
{ While this paper is focused on democracy, it should be added that the current “siren song” attraction of “authoritarian” leadership will face many multiples of the impact of the knowledge explosion due to the inability of any single person to make complex decisions.}
The foundation for current democracies
Democratic governments in modern society are derived from the governing principles of Athenian Democracy and the Roman Republic. Citizens of these modern governments believe their democratic forms “vest power in the people,” as the term “democracy” implied in Greek. But this is far from the actual situation. In addition to this common misbelief, pronouncements from leaders of these modern governments reinforce the belief. The strife of America’s Civil War, for example, relied on this democracy myth, assured by the words of Abraham Lincoln, “a government… OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE.”
The internet now allows people worldwide to examine and compare the processes of governments throughout history and in current times. Such an examination produces very different observations.
The social environment in Athens, Greece – 550 BC
The first examination might be to compare a modern democracy to the democracy that was originally created in Athens, Greece, in 550 BC. As a basis, it is important to understand the social environment of Athens itself.
At that time, most of the population were farmers and soldiers. When there was no war going on, the soldiers also worked on the farms. This means:
- The lives they lived were based on similar interactions with the environment and each other.
- They all understood the principles of growing and processing food. They all understood the functions of the simple tools they used for farming and how to make most of the items needed for personal use, like clothes, transportation, and housing.
- In addition, nations at that time all had a “national religion”. In Greece, this was the belief in the gods of Mount Olympus, the world those gods created, and the interactions expected of humans with those gods.
- It was also common at that time for nations to be “ruled” by a king or queen, who would prescribe a “singular” set of social rules to be followed!
The key importance of these four factors is to realize that the entire population had a very uniform structure for their social beliefs.
In 550 BC, the Athenian population no longer believed that the unitary decision-making and control by a king fairly represented the wishes of the people. They didn’t, however, challenge the fact that their social order could be described by a single set of rules that all should follow. Their agreement was broad enough that they were able to convince the then-current ruler, Cleisthenes, to restructure decision making as a “joint effort” with the populace. They called the new system of coordination “Democracy,” which translates: “strength of the people”.
A major observation to draw from these factors is that, when there were disagreements about social policy between what the king wanted, and what the society wanted, the basic factors to be considered were very well understood by all parties, and the options to be considered were largely constrained by the simplicity of their common lives.
It is also important, however, to clarify that at that time, the term “people” did not mean “all” people. It only meant the “adult” leaders of land-holding families, and soldiers, who, at the time when decisions were raised, were also working on the farms. This further constrained the range of options.
Another factor was the population size. In 550 BC, the entire population of the Athens area was about 200,000 people. These were divided into 10 “tribes.” Each tribe was allowed to select 50 representatives for their democratic process (the council of 500). This meant, each representative, represented about 40 “people” (i.e., the owner or soldier per farm) who had a “world view” very similar to his own, as well as to all the other representatives. For Athens, all of these people were also located close together. Athens would typically call together an “Assembly” of the representatives every week! The Assembly was open to all citizens, and drew an attendance of up to 60,000 for important questions! Note, this was 30% of the entire population of voting “people.”
The way Athens chose to make decisions for issues that were raised was through the process we call “voting” using “majority rule.” The purpose of the detailed description above for Athenian society is the importance of being able to visualize such a “majority voting” process in the context of the homogeneity, simplicity, and small localized population of the society.
When a decision was needed to resolve a social issue, no matter what that decision was:
a.) it wasn’t going to force anyone to change their role in society much from the social structures already in place.
b. ) No matter what the issue to be discussed was, everyone in the society had most of the knowledge needed to understand all the implications of the decision and any options presented.
c.) No matter what option was presented, it could usually be constructed to minimize the impact on, or even to compensate those impacted, if the decision did not favor them.
The social environment in the U.S. at the time of its founding in 1786.
At the time of the U.S. revolution against the government of King George of England, the social conditions in the American colonies were not much different from those just prior to 550 BC in Athens. Most people were farmers. The technology of farming and industrial equipment was not much more complex. The speed and technology of communications and travel, being based on the horse, were similar and family structures, including slavery, were not much different. And while there was no specification of a single “national” religion, most people followed the similar fundamental beliefs of various versions of “Protestant” Christianity - even if there was constant argument among them over details.
This means, ironically, when the Revolution occurred, the formation of the new U.S.A. as a “Democracy” was made under social conditions very similar to those in Ancient Greece! This included the similarity of the first 13 colonies to the 10 tribes of Athens. The population of the Colonies, for sure, was a lot bigger - 2.5M. Because of the much greater geographical spread, and time needed to travel for a “democratic” meeting, however, it was not possible to directly involve the high percentage of citizens that Athens could, or address issues as quickly as a one-week cycle. Despite these differences, the 4 key foundations of “Athenian” democracy listed above could still be achieved. The constitutional government established at that time could therefore, “still,” be considered, and conducted, in the form of an “Athenian Democracy” fashioned as a republic.
The social environment of modern society
The modern world is now radically different from that of ancient Athens. Specifically, we can no longer describe any modern population as “mostly” farmers! The number of “employment” roles for citizens is now counted as many thousands or even millions! These vary from farmers to astronauts, from house painters to Olympic event planners to neuro surgeons. This diversity scatters individuals into living conditions ranging from small homes in rural towns with a single country store, that they rarely move from, to diverse specialists, who are always on the move and fly around the world continually. If some social decision is placed before the public for a vote, the impact on many of these lives can be drastic!
Along with the huge variety of employment and life roles, our world is now filled with an explosion of products and technology. To coordinate the use of these items, our society has also been flooded with very complex processes and institutions.
We must now admit, no matter what issue is presented to the public for discussion, NO ONE in the society will have the knowledge needed to understand all the implications or consequences of the decision and the related options presented! In fact, most people will not even be able to understand the highest-level summaries of the issues or their related consequences. In addition, we now have a massive breakdown in modern communications from a rapid-fire saturation of poorly informed voices, and a media filled with outright lies and deception.
The result is, modern society can no longer even pretend to have a population where every person has the knowledge needed to understand the implications of the decisions and options presented to them. The “common knowledge” in all world societies, has become insufficient to either understand the complexity of most issues presented, or the impacts of any option presented on every other person. It is now impossible to construct any broad options that reliably maximize the positive impact on most citizens and minimize the negative impact on the smallest number. Instead, average people, elected to be in charge, use their power to install their own “limited knowledge” agendas, or, even worse, “punish” those with opposing views.
In summary, the great promises of “Democracy”, in the vision and version developed in Ancient Athens, can no longer even come close to working in the modern world. Ironically, the same analysis completely applies to, and is even more detrimental to, any attempt at forming an “authoritarian government” where decisions are in even few hands.
3. Personalized Democracy – Some Basics, The overarching goals
The social framework called Personalized Democracy (PD) was developed, using methods called “Systems Analysis,” to specifically achieve the following high-level goals:
- Create an entirely new social model that captures the “fundamental hopes” of Athenian Democracy, as well as the highest universal moral codes that have existed throughout history.
- Uncover any critical flaws in these past universal moral codes, as well as in humanity’s fundamental institutions, that have blocked the achievement of a high level of shared prosperity and equity.
- Ensure that none of the new principles being developed would reintroduce any of the discovered flaws or current world problems into the conditions or environment of an anticipated new world.
The outcome of the initial historical review effort produced the following fundamental social goals:
- Life decisions for the entire society must include the direct involvement of every individual for both the structure of society and the implementation of that structure for each individual.
- New characteristics of the modern world that have never existed before must be addressed:
- large population size and density
- advanced, widespread, and pervasive technologies
- a scope that includes the entire world
- the hard realization that humanity must live within the limited stocks of natural resources
- the technologies of telecommunication and transportation have spatially and non-uniformly merged cultures all around the world. , What were formerly isolated beliefs about religion, social structures, and social ideals, are now viewed by youth and young adults around the globe against an endless sea of alternatives and contradictions.
- Logic, based on the truths of material reality, must be used as the ultimate guideline for action. Only human action can be relied on to achieve results.
To successfully guide any new society toward conditions of sustainable and equitable living, any new set of principles must address all of the previous issues, simultaneously, and in great depth.
Based on these fundamental goals, the following guidelines and changes were seen to be necessary:
- Since most of the structures of current democracies have been implemented using the principles that addressed the social conditions in ancient Athens, and not the modern world, to be workable, any future government structures must redesign the existing forms.
- All social planning must be based on future-looking dynamic system models, not models that only look at the past and project future trends based on the past.
- While nationalism and spiritual organizations should be shown “respect” for positive roles they have formerly played, no “element” of such beliefs can be tolerated that prescribe harm to any other organization of society at both national and global levels.
- The need to ultimately depend on logic and truth-based material reality does not mean the views of religion or intuition must be excluded from consideration. Supernatural views, or intuition, may not, however, take precedence over material reality as the final determinant.
- Modern life has become so complex, it is no longer possible to address any problem, with broad social implications, in isolation. Since almost every form of the current legislative process still uses an isolation approach – education bills, budget bills, job bills, etc. – society’s entire approach to legislation must be changed to an integrated system analysis method involving many qualified people with the correct skills, education, and experience for the issues at hand.
Factors That Personalized Democracy Must Correct
This part describes key elements of current governance that Personalized Democracy would replace.
We have to give up majority rule and voting
While most people believe these processes are the only way to make decisions for society, and believe majority rule is a basic principle of life, it isn’t. It was just a convenient and practical simplification for the social conditions of ancient Athens. The system analysis review of past moral codes revealed new solutions.
In critiques of democracy, “majority rule” has been criticized as actually just producing a “tyranny of the majority.” That is, once 51% or more of a population decides on some policy, those not in this group are “forced” to accept that policy against their wishes. For the minority, it appears they are living under an autocracy. This is a problem because it directly conflicts with society’s desire that each individual still has personal freedom. To date, society has not been able to resolve this contradiction. This is especially true for the protections collected in documents with labels like a bill of rights. It is especially problematic in the hands of functions like “supreme courts,” where the agreement of such a small group of people overrules the “rights” of millions!
We have to give up two-party systems
The occurrence of such systems – 2 political parties; 2 houses of parliament – is a fluke of the 51% majority concept. With the “51% wins” rule, all one of the 2 groups needs to do is work extra hard to reach that 51% level. They can then use this narrow 1% advantage to restrain the other group to 49% or less. This approach was designed into governments through a process referred to as a “spoils systems”. It is another throwback to the model of ancient wars, where the winner would “erase” the leadership of conquered nations.
Once there are two parties in place, it is “assumed” that each would produce a legislation “bill” that favors its members, and a “vote” would be taken to choose one for implementation. Each of these “bills” can contain many provisions, hundreds in some cases. Because the provisions for each bill will favor its own members, however, the result will be two very different bills. When a vote is taken, and one bill is chosen, its “collection of provisions” is very likely to be mostly or completely unwelcome to many in the other group.
Furthermore, in modern society, because of the large differences among millions of individuals, there will be elements in any chosen bill that offend many people in both groups!
A first thought for a solution might be to increase the number of parties. In many countries, that is the case. It is a better approach, but still falls short because social diversity is so high, and handling the multiple parties introduces other problems, like consent as power-seeking.
Personalized Democracy replaces both of these approaches by adopting a very strong support for diversity and inclusion of everyone! That is, by intention, PD expects very wide differences in people’s attitudes, including on an individual-by-individual basis. So, rather than having any political parties that develop only two or a few alternative bills for representatives to choose from, PD again applies the process of systems analysis. In this application, however, it views every individual citizen as their own political party.
Because of modern computer systems, the promises of Personal Democacy’s benefits are attainable. Here is how it will work.
In practice, the Personal Democracy systems analysis process is organized at the highest levels as one single oversight process. That highest level process is actually composed of many smaller “subsystem” processes, each with a different technical or economic focus as needed. Those combined processes, working together, would be able to find “optimal” solutions for the interaction of millions of individual requests, desires, or needs at the same time.
To make this new system work, for every situation in an individual’s life that involves the larger community, that individual would be expected when needed to describe their personal condition and viewpoints to the “coordinating” system. Those personal condition and viewpoints inputs would then be routed to all the subsystems area that need them for the collective planning and implementation processes.
What is eventually produced would be a set of guidelines for each individual that best captures their entire set of conditions and viewpoints on a viewpoint-by-viewpoint basis! The following example should help make this more clear.
If you are a young student, living in a desert climate, interested in reading and music, with goals to be a rock star, these and many other details about your life would be entered with the Personal Democracy system. In return, you would be given a set of suggestions for alternatives to follow to best walk that life path. In coordination with each suggestion for your “life plan,” arrangements would be reserved with private and system services to help you through each step in the plan. The system will continually follow your progress and adjust to any changes you request, at every step.
As another example, if you were an older “senior” living in the north woods, interested in art, gardening, and travel, you would also periodically update your “life plan” on the system. A very different set of Personal Democracy-related life plan suggestions would be provided. In fact, no two individuals would be expected to be given the same life plan guidance.
In summary, each individual would have given up the process we call “voting,” which is a: “one-way” transfer; of a “single opinion,”; a very simplified opinion selected from only a few options; that only occurs as a single vote every few years”; and where the single “opinion” is mashed together with millions of other opinions.
In return, with Personal Democracy, they would get a: “two-way” interaction; that accepts an unlimited number of opinions and observations; expressed in complex and interactive form; without limitations as to scope; on a continual basis; and where collective and individual action is taken on every one on a completely individualized basis!
Furthermore, to ensure that actions are being taken in response to their inputs, the system will continually check with the individual to determine how well their viewpoints are being respected. This continual feedback system will also provide supporting information to explain how the suggestions and opportunities being provided represent the “best” opportunities that can be provided within the sustainable conditions of life and culture.
A question that often arises after readers see this explanation is, “how will people ever find the time to enter and update all this information?” The answer is for each of us to realize how much data we already manage to conduct our lives and that the needed information can be added to the system piecemeal as situations arise, or all at once, much like what we already do.
For example, if a person wants to drive a car, they provide and frequently update a lot of identification information. If they want a bank loan, they provide a lot of financial information. Every year, to pay income taxes, we provide a huge amount of data. To visit a doctor, we provide extensive amounts of personal information. In a well-organized and coordinated world, we wouldn’t be required to keep reentering this information.
We have to change the roles of representatives
The current “representative” system is a broad failure. First, the representatives do NOT know the viewpoints of most of those they “represent.” They predominantly “represent” only a handful of extremely rich people who are their major financial supporters. For those contributors, they still only express and act on a very small number of issues.
Personal Democracy changes the role of representatives to that of a “social philosopher-interpreter.” That is, a PD representative would actually be charged with knowing the “spirit” of their community in a detailed way: what defines it, the range and number of similar viewpoints within it. They would be selected for skills interpreting such knowledge between the community and the global coordinating system. Their role becomes more like an ambassador and highly respected teacher and coordinator for their community. They would also work directly and indirectly with those qualified experts who had the needed education, skills, and experience with the issues being discussed and managed.
We have to change the expectations now placed on individual citizens for their role in social coordination
It is often said that the foundation of democracy relies on “educated” voters. In Athens, in 550 BC, that was actually possible because of the uniformity and technical simplicity of the society. Modern society has now become so complex that this is no longer even remotely possible, especially in the face of corruption in governments, the media, and academia. No one, in any community, now has the knowledge or brain power to comprehend all the elements of society that must be dealt with. Furthermore, they can’t even begin to visualize how all those elements interact with each other, and with all the people on the planet.
A disaster arises when the political arena tries to convince individuals that, through voting, they have the responsibility to choose the “right” person to save the world from disaster. The psychological stress this places on individuals is devastating. Violent actions taken by groups who get caught up in that propaganda cause harm to many people.
With PD, every citizen would only be expected to take on a role that represents their true impact on the world. They would only expect to understand how to help themself, and those people they know, to achieve their best level of well-being and social achievement within the framework of global sustainability, social equity, and social stability. Understanding the “large” issues that impact global society would still be encouraged. Activism related to these issues would actually be supported. But with much higher levels of global knowledge and cooperation available, the crises that pervade current society would mostly be gone. So individuals would be able to take meaningful steps for involvement in global issues, with clear knowledge of the value of their contributions.
4. The Basic Concepts in Practice
The new practices that Personal Democracy would bring to society relate to how community members interact with each other and jointly manage their common goals and efforts. This is especially so for small communities. The major ways the previous observations would be implemented are as follows.
1. The concept of “LEADERSHIP” would change
In current thinking, people always envision a “leader” as someone with power. When someone has a problem with a product, their first thought is to contact the “president” of the company to get action. What those individuals are actually trying to achieve is to comfort their minds by believing that they can manipulate the “president’s power” through personal contact.
Giving up this illusion is hard for modern individuals to comprehend, especially for a small community, because such a structure has been baked into human brains for millions of years. It has to be evolved into something better, for the reasons described above, because of modern complexity. When we do see such misuse of power, it is usually observed as corruption.
For a group’s interactions with the outside world, a member would be chosen from time to time to wear a “speaker’s badge.” Regarding community activities, however, this role would specifically be that of a community “coordinator - spokesperson” (as described previously.)
To make this easier to visualize, in a typical community, at least the following additional area specific “coordinators” would ALSO be needed: medicine, psychology, fire, home upkeep and repair, finance, banking, employment / HR, law, education, recreation, electricity, communications, sewer, water, agriculture, purchased food, purchased equipment, land use, and transportation. When questions came up, or decisions were needed for those specialties, the specialty coordinator would be expected to speak first for them. Ultimately, however, actions would depend on the views of all community members.
This raises the questions, “What about the “direction” of the community? Without a “leader,” isn’t the community just blowing in the wind?” In a Personal Democracy community, the directional “leadership” is not established by a person. It is established by a document! Such a document would typically be referred to as a social contract. Every person, including children, who joins a community, and is able to read and reason, would only be allowed to join if they freely agreed to, and signed the community contract.
2. The concepts of voting and majority rule would be replaced
Voting: Because each of the categories listed above represents such technical specialties, in almost every case, the members of the community will not have sufficient background in the category to make important decisions about it. They also wouldn’t be able to meaningfully select individuals to lead such positions. So, the idea of “voting” for candidates is no longer meaningful. The way individuals would be chosen as area-specific coordinators would be more like current methods in companies or institutions. This is, they are chosen based on demonstrated background criteria. For the position of community Legal Counsel, for example, as a minimum, they must have “legal” credentials. For a “Public health” leader, they must have some level of “medical” credential. During the early stages of a community, it may be necessary to pay an “outsider” to play the role of a consultant to the community.
Majority Rule: One of the cornerstones of Personal Democracy is the acceptance of diversity. Along with “voting” to elect individuals, current society presents a lot of cases where “issues” are presented for a vote. In those cases, there is a presumption that there is a group of people, who want to do something, that another group doesn’t want to do. This is the traditional way that minorities were suppressed. A community designed as a PD would never encounter this situation.
PD handles this in a number of different ways. The first attempts to manage it through the “Social Contract” by the acceptance provision that all members must strongly accept diversity. Any appearance of minority discrimination or suppression would not be tolerated or accepted.
The second way is by respecting the competence of credentialed or experienced specialists. If an unexpected “water” issue arose, for example, the first approach would be to ask the water specialist to find or create a process that automatically provides the answer based on natural conditions and individual user needs and views. That is, this is not a “human” preference decision. It is based on natural factors.
A third approach would be to let other related specialists get involved, all the way up to letting all of the specialists be involved. Again, they are not involved to make the decision through “personal” choice. They are involved to find quantitative natural criteria that determine the answer. If that fails, another process at the scientific research level would obviously be needed.
The proposed qualified expert solutions would then be referred back to all members of the community for further comment, and to have community members propose personal consequences of such recommendations that might not have been considered. This way, the expert coordinators could adjust their plans once again.
What should be clear after these three examples, is that, the traditional way of letting people with minimal skills make the decision makes very little sense.
All of these example approaches would also include considering diversity as a goal. That is, when an issue arises, a solution to explore would always be, “Why can’t it be handled through diversity? Why has the “issue” been defined in such a way that there appears to be only 2 or 3 solutions? Etc.?”
3. Direct Social Coordination
One of the major benefits of Personal Democracy is how it improves overall social coordination. As stated above, for every situation in an individual’s life that involves the larger community, as a situation arises, that individual would be expected to submit details about their personal condition and social viewpoints to one of the appropriate “coordination groups.” This would be done using the most efficient methods available to each person. Automated processes available in the groups would produce suggestions and connections to help the individual achieve their life goals. Social “coordination” is automatically produced by the overall interaction of all these group processes working together. Acceptance of the “flow” of society results because the criteria that guides the automated processes is fully transparent to all citizens and based on the principle that its foundation includes, and tries to achieve simultaneously, the values and well-being of every individual citizen.
4. The Social Contract
A concept called the “Social Contract” was mentioned above as a requirement for participation for every member of the community. That document would be the “guiding structure” that defines the requirements of interaction between all members. During the process of developing PD, a list of 10 principles emerged that would form the basis, and sections, of the Social Contract:
- Quality of Life
- All organizations exist to benefit individuals
- Respect individual thinking, not conclusions
- Rewards in proportion to social contribution
- Sustainable world, sustainable society
- Efficiency to support sustainability
- Beauty throughout human environments
- Personal, family and society development
- Respect logic and material reality
- Understand Human Psychology, Evolution, and History
- All individual and community freedoms have corresponding individual and community responsibilities
The key concepts behind the development of the principles shown in the list can be summarized as follows.
While humans have many differences, there are commitments to certain procedural universals which must be followed as fundamentally necessary. These are referred to as social constants. One of the more important constants is the recognition that, to form a civilization, shared attitudes, beliefs, and values are needed. This has been a basic but unstated justification for governments to force society to follow common sets of principles. They did it by creating common sets of laws, which commanded specific behaviors.
Current forms of democracy, however, have followed only one piece of this model. That is, there are no substantive universals in democracy. This means, democracy is simply a process for establishing laws to compel action. It is not a process that understands or expresses specific principles. For a society to operate in harmony, it must understand this distinction thoroughly and find new and appropriate principles that guide both needed processes and values.
The understanding of the effect of complexity and technology on Athenian democracy led to the new process steps described above. But that wasn’t enough. To arrive at these 11 principles, the process required using Systems Analysis methods to review: the history of humanity’s successes; the basic goals of worldwide peoples; and the failures of past empires.
While The Principles, as stated here, are presented as simple statements, they are only “labels” to represent concepts that are very far from simple. It is therefore important that readers prevent the same mistake of oversimplification that has occurred in the interpretation of many foundational documents like the U.S. Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, Christian and Jewish Bibles, the Koran, the Hindu and Buddhist books, and the teachings of Confucius.
For each of the 11 sections that these principles create in the Social Contract, an explanatory document like a “constitution” would also be needed to expand the Social Contract into structures of laws that can be acted on appropriately by different peoples around the world to get very different results appropriate for their local situation. This point needs to be emphasized. The process of describing principles and constitutions does NOT lead to only one result. It has been specifically designed to respect one of its own basic principles: diversity. It would take all of these documents, when viewed together, to essentially define “multiple” appropriate moralities for a new global civilization that would also work at national, state, city, and local community levels as well.
An expanded title for each principle is shown here, with a short note. Again, even as shown here, they are only generalized summaries:
Principle 1: Society shall respect and protect the Quality of Life (QoL) for each individual. That is, this new Principle turns the focus of a new society away from the distraction of “solidifying government power,” to understanding the goals of life for each individual on our planet.
Principle 2: ALL ORGANIZATIONS created by society are for the benefit of the individuals in the society. That is, every organization in society must be organized for the primary benefit of the individuals in the society, not the other way around.
Principle 3: Respect for individual thinking but not individual conclusions. While the “right” of each individual to “think” whatever they want, would still be “respected,” what they “conclude,” and specifically, “what they say or express,” is no longer unlimited. In fact, every statement or expression a person makes would be weighed according to the other principles.
Principle 4: Rewards in proportion to social contribution. This principle recognizes an inherent human need for motivation to produce effort. It also recognizes that each individual shares their space and activity on the planet with many others. It also recognizes the need to replace luck, which is an unearned reward, with the reliability of results, which are earned through effort and wisdom.
Principle 5: Sustainable world, sustainable society. This principle forces societies to use system methods and scientific measurements to plan their actions for long-term sustainability with respect for the ecosystems in which they live.
Principle 6: Efficiency to support sustainability. This requires the application of system analysis to minimize waste in both material and effort. When done in harmony with Principle 1, the human benefit is greatly increased. And with the application of wise efficiencies in a sustainable productivity there are surpluses for charity and unexpected emergencies.
Principle 7: Beauty should be captured throughout human environments. To understand this, consider the images of the architecture of the ancient world. Why has humanity replaced this with slums and miles of “strip malls”? Why have we “paved paradise to put up parking lots”?
Principle 8: Responsibility for personal, family, and local society development. A primary goal for all community level actions would be to understand how to nurture value in personal, family, and social efforts for how social coordination benefits all people.
Principle 9: Respect logical thinking based on material reality. This principle rejects organizing society in any way that relies on appeals to magic, superstition, human intuition, or supernatural interventions, without proof based on tangible and verifiable natural observations. It also prevents an individual or group from imposing their views on others.
Principle 10: Understand Human Psychology, Evolution, and History. This stresses the need for society to study, in a formal and global way, the immense and often negative impact that human psychology, evolution and history has in shaping the behaviors that create human culture. New wisdom that results from these studies should be incorporated into the guiding principles that shape world culture. Understanding human psychology, evolution, and history is also critical to understanding how to avoid the mistakes of the past and how to create a better future.
Principle 11: Understand that all individual and community freedoms have corresponding and equal responsibilities. This principle also creates healthy boundaries for others and the community. This principle is essential for individual and community peace, stability, and growth.
In summary, this set of 11 fundamental principles was developed to build a new foundation for a new society. These principles capture the wisdom of the great sages of history and the discoveries of underlying flaws that caused modern society’s collapse. While superficially appearing to be simple common wisdom, they are actually a rigorous system derived by applying System Analysis design methods to over 3600 vital concepts related to social harmony. The results provide answers to many of the enduring questions of the ages. They also lay out a path to understanding the major social puzzles of our time and eliminate the world insanity we are living with.
5. New level of “RESPONSIBILITY” for civic knowledge and action placed on citizens
Personalized Democracy brings major new recognition for each individual in society. This recognition is personal to them, allowing each to be heard, and their voice to carry high weight in establishing policy for the community. It should be clearly obvious that, having been given this new visibility and respect, there should also be a reciprocal element of “responsibility.” In fact, principle 4 of the 10 fundamental principles says right out: Rewards in proportion to social contribution. In short, this means, by accepting membership in the new community, each person must stand up for their contribution of responsibility.
In the full description of Personalized Democracy, the book goes into this concept in depth. It especially addresses principle 10: Understand Human Psychology Evolution and History. That is, recognizing that all humans have psychological traits based on evolution, that don’t always make it easy to take on responsibility, a successful implementation of PD requires that many cultural practices will be needed to make “responsible” decisions easier to make.
A quick example might help visualize this. This need has been recognized from the dawn of time. We actually see it quite frequently. In ancient societies, titles were given to people who held significant roles. In recent times, where authoritarian rule existed, there were titles like kings, queens, dukes, earls. In the military, there are ranks also identified by titles: general, major, corporal, sergeant, etc. Each of these had visual identifiers like stripes worn on the shoulder, or stars for hats.
It is also common for institutions to give out awards for special performances. An example is the Oscars for movies and Emmys for TV shows. Personalized Democracy adopts similar programs, but in much greater variety. Most important, however, they are “never” associated with either money or power, always with “social contribution”. This process, along with others, hopefully, will help every individual find social responsibility something of high value.
5. Some examples of how Personalized Democracy might work in Eco-communities
In this section, a number of examples are given to show how current practices might change under Personalized Democracy (PD).
Decisions for community action
Under PD, the concept of “voting” to make decisions would no longer be used. Instead, the new PD process would be used. For each issue that arises where the need for some change is suspected, a task would be created for an appropriate coordination team to determine or develop an understanding of why the need came up at all. That is, why, based on existing scientific and operational analysis, an answer wasn’t already obvious? Understanding this explanation may best be seen using an example.
Presume the community is planning a climate information rally for an upcoming weekend. Two reasonable choices are apparent: next weekend or the following weekend. In current society, getting this answer might be done by calling a “vote.” The weekend getting the most votes would win. PD takes a very different approach.
A coordinating group involved with “climate information outreach planning” would typically pull out an event planning guidebook. Such a guide would have a section titled: “How to choose the date for an event.” It might have a consideration like number of people available for each date. But it might also have many other considerations listed as well:
- Do any of the possible dates conflict with other events?
- Does the later date provide more time that would be critical for planning or advertising success?
- Does the earlier date benefit from surprise, etc?
A good guidebook would also suggest methods to evaluate each of these answers. This is the first point at which community members participate in the decision. Every member of the community would be asked their opinion about many factors: which date could you attend? Do you have any contributions for the following 4 approaches? Do you have any additional suggestions for approaches? Do either of the days conflict with a personal event you have planned? If you had more time to plan or prepare, would it help with your involvement? If we had the rally the first week, can you think of how this might be made a surprise?
The initial choice made would then be sent back to the community members for additional feedback and to add any missed consequences that that date might have on that member.
Using all the information provided, the process outlined in the guide would actually make the choice! If a simple “voting” approach were used, it would exhibit the typical flaws of voting: voter ignorance of an issue’s complexity; voters responding through emotions they aren’t even aware of; the volume of votes for or against not being the most significant factor for success; etc.
With the PD process, the outcome would always be very different. Each community member would be provided with options that apply, directly, to them personally. For example, Mary Smith might get the following example reply:
Mary. Thanks for your input. It appears you can go either day. People you’ve already attended rallies with are more available for the second weekend. The advantages of that weekend are a, b, c, etc. However, it appears many members would like to go both weekends. In that case, here are the advantages and possible plans for the first weekend as well.
Notice the differences that this approach presents:
- The elements of only 2 choices are not predetermined by some small groups of representatives for reasons that benefit them.
- Because no vote is involved, even if the weekend of choice for a majority of the members is not what you would have chosen, a program that supports your choice has also been developed.
- The program that has been provided for you to join addresses every input you provide on an individual basis with an attempt to include that input.
Decisions for selecting representatives
One of the most common applications for voting in current society is the election of “representatives.” The fundamental purpose of such a role is simple. The person selected is expected to present to some legislative body, accurate and comprehensive summaries of the views of those they represent. This, however, is never done!
Instead, the citizens of some “geographical” area, are presented with a number of “candidates” to choose from. Each citizen is expected to pick “one” candidate they believe will best represent their interests. When this candidate later acts as a representative for them, the candidate is then only expected to express mostly to only their own viewpoint. This approach has led to widespread corruption through the “buying” of candidates by special interests and “gerrymandering” of election areas.
PD completely eliminates both forms of corruption, by accurately implementing the fundamental purpose of having representatives to begin with. But it goes one step further. It directly collects every view of each individual, and inserts that view directly into the processes that representatives were supposed to accomplish. Understanding this explanation may best be seen using an example.
Presume a community is doing an expected update on how transportation of children will be done for “social group schooling.” Because education would look very different under PD, this example focuses only on one aspect: bringing students from their homes to a centralized learning environment. Such decisions are now typically made by elected representatives called “school boards.”
With PD, all educational activities would be organized by a qualified and experienced educational coordination group. The members of this group are not elected. They are paid or unpaid professionals with extensive training in coordinating and delivering educational activities and extensive knowledge or experience on the educational subject. Instead of members of this group meeting to discuss and decide on plans, the entire foundation of the process is direct information provided from every member of the community – including the students themselves! As in the previous example, the coordinators do not come together to present their personal knowledge.
They turn to a large collection of education planning guides. From that large collection, they gather the appropriate guides for the size, culture, and geography of the community. The guides would provide a large number of questions that each community member would be asked to address, possibly when they first joined the community. For parents, It might have questions like:
- What is your address?
- How many children do you have? What is each of their ages?
- Do they have active educational profiles already submitted to the system?
- Does your household have personal transportation that would be convenient for transporting your children to the education area? Provide details.
- Is there convenient public transportation access nearby? Provide details.
This community questionnaire could be constructed piece by piece over time as needed or, done all at once. If the answer to the previous question about do you already have an “active educational profile” of life is yes, many of these answers would already be filled in and presented to the proper coordinators to verify they have not changed.
Where PD really shows its “Personalized” responsiveness, when the process nears completion, it is not just the publication of “bus schedules.” Each student would be provided a suggested “optimized” plan for transportation. Upon review, changes, and finalization, the plan, for each individual student, would be activated.
On any single street in the community, each student might have a different solution, for each day of the week. Why? During some months, for example, when the educational plan includes field trips, a small group of students might be assigned to a local carpool to go directly to the training location – a local hospital, for example. Also, notice that the process is not locked in for an entire year. If a student’s needs change, for any reason, the system would automatically adjust for a new optimum plan. And to make this very clear, no current representative method can come anywhere near doing this.
6. How to introduce Personalized Democracy into small communities
Starting from scratch
The examples above assume the existence of large, complex, computing structures that accept thousands of inputs, from thousands of citizens, address thousands of options, and produce thousands of individualized outputs. When communities are just forming, and have under 200 members, the processes can be reduced to very simple approaches, most only requiring simple spreadsheets and document storage. What's critical for these communities, is to have access to just basic elements: a public access document storage mechanism like Google Drive for their Foundation documents, members familiar with Personalized Democracy, and a program to train members how PD works for their community.
The Foundation Documents
It is assumed that the community has a written FOUNDATION. That is, the founders have collected a comprehensive set of documents that describe what defines the community and how it differs from other communities and social structures. Such foundation documents would include things like the following.
Identifying the social goals and common beliefs that have pulled the group together. Some examples would be climate change, social justice, environmental conservation, fresh food, reduction of poverty, or poor living conditions.
Providing an Index of the foundation documents that summarizes and organizes the foundation documents. This should be a "working" document that grows and changes as the community develops. It would include sections like:
- The community's goals and beliefs. These might include:
- What are the social changes that the community would like to achieve?
- What benefits do you believe working together as a group can better achieve than working as individuals?
- What defines survival in a collapsing world?
- What structure will be set up to prevent the group from falling apart due to arguments or factions?
- What tradeoffs do members make going from being "single actors" to part of a group? What "obligations" for "mutual support" would working together imply?
These questions will probably raise quite a bit of discussion. Most people intuitively understand that group membership implies responsibilities. Modern society is so lax at discussing this that we are oblivious to the denials we have. For example, many people believe, since we live in a "free society," we all have complete freedom to do what we want. Explaining why this is not so and what is expected otherwise is critical.
The primary purpose of this effort is to describe how the benefits of joint work require an investment in the care of each other through things like time, effort, and resources.
Familiarization with Personalized Democracy
A key factor for launching a community with Personalized Democracy is finding one or more people who are able to envision and apply a coordinating structure different from what exists. All the basics are contained in the 2 volumes of Collapse 2020.
ClimateSafe Village Education
Personalized Democracy Terminology
Many of the elements that describe Eco-communities, including Personalized Democracy (PD), use terms that already have established meanings in society. The term "Democracy" is an example. The terms "Eco," "Community," and "leadership" are also examples. That means, new members, when they hear or read those terms, will try to understand them from their learned experience. The roles of "leadership" in Eco communities are better understood as mentoring or coordinating. Like all social efforts based on PD, the initiative for all activities is focused on contributions by all the members, not a directive from a "leader" or any government. Over time, it means that all members of the community should expect to be called on to help educate other members.
The effort of education coordinators will be to create educational experience models that members can use to clarify how important terms are used in the new Eco-communities. Since so many community features are approached in a "NEW" way, the opportunities for education will occur continuously. This especially applies to situations where the concepts of education "coordination" and "interaction" themselves apply.
The concept of COMMUNITY and membership
A key element of PD Eco-communities is that they are communities! This implies that such communities are not intended to be places for "hermits" or "isolationists" to come and hide out for protection. When people complain that "they want a voice in their government," when they get that wish fulfilled, it means they need to take an active role in providing that voice. If they expect the community to "provide" considerations for them, they must also accept that the community expects that they return value to the community. This means, for education "coordinators," a major focus will be helping members understand what "committing time, effort, and resources" to the community means.
The modern citizen takes for granted how many community interactions we each already do. To visualize this, look at the following list: food, housing, clothing, transportation, medical, psychology, education, information resources, employment, legal, childcare, meeting space, planning, financing, communicating. All of these will still occur in an Eco-community. An education element is therefore needed to teach the new PD process of coordination expected for each of these.
For example, consider the process of creating education experiences itself. A community, based on PD, will NOT have the "role" that we now associate with a "traditional leader." The traditional "leader" role, adopting a true "democratic" model, would be dispersed to many people in the form of a mentor or coordinator. Each would be identified as a "knowledgeable" spokesperson or coordinator for their specific areas of knowledge. These people would not be chosen for their personality alone using "elections." Each would first be identified and come forward based on demonstrated specialized knowledge and experience.
In modern society, every person in a trade – plumbers, electricians, hair dressers, doctors, lawyers – is required to demonstrate competence through some qualification process. To run for president of the U.S., or a senator or representative, there are zero requirements other than citizenship! It's complete madness!
In an Eco-community, each coordinator would also need to demonstrate some skill in communication of information related to that knowledge and experience. When it comes to explaining the community to external organizations like the news media, no single person would be expected to provide more than a very high-level overview of the community. To present more depth, many different members would have to speak for each of the "elements" listed above. The closest community role that would appear to the outside world as the "community leader" would be a community "speaker." They would essentially be chosen from one of the "philosophical mentors" for the community.
The concept of COORDINATION
For every form of community interaction listed above, and others that will also arise, a methodology for coordination will be needed. These, however, do not have to be designed from scratch. Current society already has "de facto" models in place for all of them. What is needed is to modify the existing models so they include and are based on the benefit of each individual separately, and the welfare of the entire community, not the benefit of any individual business or institution. Understanding this explanation may best be seen using an example.
The entire modern concept of competition developed as a natural progression of life from survival behavior from bacteria to modern humans. The expression of how humans express competition made abrupt changes along the way based almost exclusively on two parameters: human brain changes and the appearance of new technologies.
The key technology changes for the modern age were: the industrial revolution, electricity, medical birth control, and computers. The industrial revolution greatly speeded up the cultural change called the specialization of labor. This brought much of humanity out of a small farmer agrarian lifestyle and into industry, cities, and an explosion of innovation-driven complexity. The last three items, plus electric communication, quickly turned every population center into a Petri dish. How did humanity respond? Did we listen to the warnings? NO. Under the banner of "capitalism" – also known as the bacterial model on petroleum "steroids" - the focus turned intensively to market dominance. Its score sheet is what we call the daily stock market report.
The elements listed, of course, are not compatible with each other. They interact as in a paper-scissors-stone game. For example, innovation flourishes in an environment of freely shared learning. It is stifled, however, by the secrecy of organizations seeking market dominance. Think about how this has destroyed academia! Market dominance flourishes in the environment of aristocratic capitalism: secrecy, ambush, destruction of competition, control of markets, and extreme accumulation of wealth. The last two items, of course, are devastating to "free markets," the environment, and the Quality of Life for those in poverty.
Resolving these conflicts is where new Eco-communities should make clear changes. Since the growth of "tangible material items" must be greatly reduced to achieve sustainability, modern greed-based capitalism that does not also include the triple bottom line accounting principles and full production cycle sustainability principles should also be completely eliminated. The term "tangible material items" was highlighted because all growth does not "yet" have to stop. The growth of wisdom and knowledge, for example, should still be encouraged. The growth of respect and caring also have a long way to grow. Note the term "yet" highlighted above. The problem of "growth" is tricky. Even for knowledge, unlimited growth eventually fails. Cancer is a good example of the outcome of unlimited growth. At some point, the quantity of knowledge would become so great it would overwhelm any human ability to deal with it, even with computer support.
So, what would be an alternative for Eco-communities? A new society would do as much as possible to limit "society-produced motivations" that drive individuals to "primitive" and simple forms of thinking that, under stress, our brains feel more comfortable with. New models should be depicted that show safe environments with adequate, sustainable resources where cooperation is the appropriate method to solve problems.
To implement models like this, the challenge becomes how to invoke the emotional drivers of competition BUT in an environment of broad cooperation, not mutual destruction! There is a way that we've known about for millennia!
To do this, a specialized form of competition called "cooperative competition" should be applied. The model we have known about from antiquity is the Olympic games.
To understand this example, it is important to first eliminate the use of medals as awards for first, second, and third-place winners. This is a predatory distortion that parallels autocratic thinking. Instead, consider only the events where the criterion for winning is beating an old tangibly measurable record. These are events that measure performance using instruments like clocks and rulers. In such an event, every contestant who beats his or hers old record would get a medal. That medal does not compare any contestant against any other. It records the specific achievement that counts as a new record. For example, in a sprint, it would record the new shortest time for a 100-meter run. There could also be multiple levels of awards for coming close.
This changes the whole meaning of competition. Every contestant running on the track no longer sees other strong contestants as "threats." Instead, each such challenger actually becomes a "helper"! This occurs because they establish "achievements" of possibility that encourage all the others. The faster each person runs, the harder they push all the others toward winning as well. If the whole field of runners breaks the prior record, it's a win-win-win for all. Every contestant would get an award. If none break the old record, no "new-record" awards are given out.
The "de facto" models
Above, I provided a list of activities where human interactions occur: food, housing, clothing, transportation, etc. Human interactions for all of these will change under PD. What we shouldn't do is try to envision the new PD model out of thin air. Start with models we already have, and adapt them.
Food as a model
For example, take the first activity on the list: food. How do humans now interact with "food"? The first factor to consider is that there are so many varieties of food experiences in life. These range from getting candy from a vending machine to a feast at a wedding reception. More focus is needed. For each new Eco-community envisioned, try to think of the most basic food issues that will be faced. That is, for a typical day, how would most family groups currently get, transport, store, and process food?
A typical family in a small suburban rural town the U.S. would do the following:
- Drive to one or more grocery stores and buy needed items for the current week.
- Bring the items home, and carry them into the house.
- Divide them up into perishable and non-perishable piles.
- Put the perishables in a refrigerator or freezer.
- Put the non-perishables into cabinets.
- etc., for many more steps.
To use this as a simple process to visualize changes for implementing PD, ask the following two questions for each step:
- How have authoritarian structures of the past established rituals for daily life that define how we do them?
- If you now have the ability to approach the ritual based on giving each party involved a chance to have their personal approach to it included, what changes could be made that address the basic principles of PD. These were listed above in the section titled Social Contract. For convenience, 4 of the 10 list items are repeated here:
1. Quality of Life
2. All organizations exist to benefit individuals
3. Respect individual thinking, not conclusions
4. Rewards in proportion to social contribution
Right from square one, the whole issue of buying the "needed items" comes up. If the "family" unit is a couple and small children, the parents may decide this on their own. But, if the family unit is an apartment with 6 adults, this task takes on a whole new level of complexity. Sitcoms are written about conflicts that typically arise when multiple adults live together.
This is where implementing PD presents an excellent way to envision how a new community could be different. In current society, finding housing is terribly handled because it is driven to optimize sales business. Individuals typically only see the financial aspects of joining an apartment.
In a PD Eco-community, based on item 2 of the basic principles, the housing process is optimized for the benefit of both buyers and the people already in the apartment. Both the buyers and current occupants would be expected to provide extensive background information about themselves. The elements of the information would be determined by research showing how sharing such elements can improve the "Quality of Life" for all tenants. One of the information items would describe the "food practices" of the tenants already in the apartment and those of prospective tenants. If the apartment is in a city, and the current members are vegetarian and participate in a local "urban garden," this information would be available.
When it finally came time to make up the "weekly" shopping list, this wouldn't simply be checking in cabinets to see what was missing. If food was an important issue to the residents, it would be typical to have longer-term plans to experiment with their diets.
Education as a model
A second example is a brief look at education. In current society, a basic model we have for education is that it is provided to children as they grow to prepare them to enter the workforce and participate as "citizens" in a democracy. To prepare children, we draw on training material from books and videos. The material is gathered into subject groups and presented in gradually increasing complexity. We can start with that. But PD drastically changes the environment in which it is delivered.
To begin with, the major focus is not convenience for lecture delivery of the standardized curriculum. The major focus is the individual. Every individual, from their earliest entry into learning, would be given the support for a personalized education. The same "learning modules" that are felt appropriate for what we now call k-4 levels, would probably be included. But each child would be evaluated for both special needs, and special skills. A child with musical virtuosity at age 6, for example, would not be expected to slug through the same music learning as the bulk of children with more common skills. PD also envisions a return to a form of apprenticeship in parallel with general learning. Every business and occupation in the community would be expected, as a community contribution, to support this.
Jumping ahead to adults, PD envisions "education" to be a "lifelong" process. The same "apprenticeship" cooperation that is easy to visualize for children to explore new interests, would also be available to adults. The "education coordination" function of the community would coordinate all of this. In a newly forming community, it would require simple collections of personal information records and indexes of community opportunities.
Employment as a model
A third example is a brief look at employment. In this example, it only applies to roles considered part of community coordination itself.
The first element to understand is item 4 on the principles list: "Rewards in proportion to social contribution." Notice, this does not say "monetary" rewards. How can we put a monetary value on things like kindness, sympathy, or simple companionship in times of need? Some coordination tasks, however, like accounting, may have financial value. The point is, when someone acts as a coordinator, it is expected that they receive some fair exchange community reward for that service.
The second element is how PD handles the concept of "community." Again related to coordinators, every coordinator would be expected to maintain a "universal" member profile record. Think of this as a community "employee file." As circumstances change, new skills are learned, or personal goals change, a person might want to drop one role and take on another. Because of this community profile, the change could occur as simply as employees now change desks. (Ultimately, on a larger scale, PD uses this same model for all employment - a much longer discussion).
7. Conclusion
The initial description for Personalized Democracy at the beginning of this page was related to a fully implemented large-scale model. The last few sections gave examples of how it might apply to small communities in formation, especially those that are embedded within or near existing villages or cities. In those cases, only a few of its key components would be needed an in simpler implementations. In either case, a much more extensive description of Personalized Democracy is available in the book Collapse 2020 v2: Birth of Personalized Democracy, available at no cost to all members of the Eco-communities project.
Other Pages in the ClimateSafe Village Guide
Page 1: Introduction, Overview, and Goals
Page 2: ClimateSafe Village Qualities, Processes, Income Sources, and Safeguards
Page 3: The Four ClimateSafe Village Models and Their Operations
Page 4: Our New Personal Democracy ClimateSafe Village Management Model
Page 5: About ClimateSafe Villages Bellingham, a Unique Rural ClimateSafe Village
Page 6: Our ClimateSafe Villages Bellingham Application Process
Appendix Materials
The ClimateSafe Village Social Contract Page
Online Rules for Our Virtual ClimateSafe Village
Procedures and Policies for Exiting Our ClimateSafe Villages or Applying for Membership
Personal Democracy White Paper
The ClimateSafe Villages Issues FAQ of frequently asked questions for only issues directly relating to ClimateSafe Villages issues
The ClimateSafe Villages Climate FAQ of frequently asked questions for every question you have about climate change
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Last updated 8.4.24.
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Even if you are not or have not considered joining one of these communities, we have much to offer you in the form of open-access information on preparing, adapting, and building climate change resilience in your home or business right where you live today.
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The climate crisis is rapidly escalating, with devastating consequences for our planet and its inhabitants. Extreme weather events, biodiversity loss, and rising sea levels are just a few of our challenges. In response to this urgent situation, our ClimateSafe Villages initiative seeks to build resilient, sustainable communities that can adapt to these changing conditions. By adopting innovative models and fostering collaboration, we aim to create a more hopeful future in the face of unprecedented environmental challenges.
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A good quick way to think about who we are and what we do is:
We are a non-profit educational organization providing open-access information and classes designed to help create a network of sustainable, climate change, and disaster-resilient urban and rural eco-communities we call ClimateSafe Villages.
To do this, we teach the subjects needed to protect, preserve, and expand the viability of humanity to evolve a safer world and a better future. We focus on the world's most dangerous and destructive problems, but more importantly, their solutions (such as establishing climate change-resistant and resilient organic food production and creating climate change and disaster-resilient eco-homes, eco-buildings, and eco-communities.
To see some pages of the original climate-safe and climate-resilient home and village models, you will be asked to become a member. Membership is very reasonable, and if you are too poor for our humble membership, we will give you a no-cost scholarship grant so that you can view all our "survive and thrive" critical materials.
If you click on any page that is members-only, it will take you to our member's introduction page, where you can join. After joining, you will be able to see every "survive and thrive" critical page on our website.
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"ClimateSafe Villages is far more than just prepping for climate change or being a climate change prepper. Among many benefits, it offers uncensored and un-politicized climate change causes, facts, tools, analysis, and effective climate change resilience building, preparation, adaptation, and solutions." Lawrence Wollersheim
When we say we are creating survive and thrive new ClimateSafe Villages worldwide, people have many different ideas of what that means. They often think of similar communities like intentional communities, co-housing communities, sustainability communities, resilience communities, prepper communities, degrowth communities, ecovillages, conservation communities, simplicity communities, deep adaptation communities, evolutionary communities, agrihoods, progressive preppers, eco-prepper, farmers cooperatives, eco-spiritual, even survivalist communities.
While our four new ClimateSafe Village models may include and combine the best elements from many of these kinds of communities, they are also something new and quite unique. Our four ClimateSafe Village models also strive to transcend what we perceive to be the limitations, missing parts, or flaws in these other types of communities, and they are what you also could call true climate change-resilient survival communities.
Click here for our ClimateSafe Village Online Guide's Table of Contents.
Please Note: Nowhere on Earth will be 100% safe from all climate change consequences. But we can create climate-safer locations and communities using the practices of climate change preparation, adaptation, and resilience building. ClimateSafe Villages will help you make wherever you live as climate-safe as possible using these practices."
Why does the ClimateSafe Villages nonprofit organization exist?
Why are the wise preparing homes, businesses, and farms for rising climate change consequences?
The following article reviews discusses and links you to a professional video made by ABC TV in 2009 called Earth 2100. We are reviewing it and promoting it because it is even truer today than it was in 2009
This ABC TV video also helps explain why ClimateSafe Villages exist, and it does so considerably easier than all the climate science links on the Job One website or the documentation links at the bottom of this page. It may send a chill through your whole being.
Please watch this gripping video and share it with anyone you know who is seriously concerned about climate change and their future.
A little Job One history is relevant here
ClimateSafe Villages (CSV) grew from the climate research at the Job One climate change think tank. The networked climate researchers there understood that the climate change emergency would get much worse before it got better. They also could see from their climate research that creating climate change-resilient communities would be essential for long-term climate change survival.
This means that Climatesafe Villages came into existence because a small group of networked climate change researchers understood three things everyone should know about their climate change future:
1. many severe future climate change consequences are now unavoidable. (This is because our governments squandered the last 60 years with ineffective climate actions or no action.)
2. because of these unavoidable and soon-arriving climate change consequences, emergency preparation, intense adaptation, and resilience-building have now become mandatory actions that also must be completed at a community level to survive long term. (Individuals or families alone cannot do everything that needs to be prepared and managed.)
3. their most probable unprepared future would be climate change suffering, disruption, and likely death, and they also wanted to protect their families, children, and grandchildren.
Seeing their disturbing climate change future clearly, a team of volunteers at Job One then researched and developed a framework for what these new climate change-resilient communities must do to provide stable, long-term support and safety for their members.
The next challenge these climate researchers and educators had was to make the complex climate change knowledge they had acquired from studying tens of thousands of pages of climate science and research understood more easily. Many other individuals also needed to understand why these new CSV communities would be needed.
They did succeed to a degree, but still, few people were willing to spend the time reading long, complex pages of climate change science. Luckily, they also discovered the Earth 2100 ABC TV video that tells the story of our climate change future well without difficult science reading.
For those who do not want to read long climate science pages, this ABC TV video will quickly visualize the basic facts of your climate change future. It provides this information framed in an intriguing story about a girl born in 2009 and what she will face over the decades. We believe it may get you thinking deeply about how you will deal with our escalating climate change emergency.
This ABC TV video beautifully illuminates the future of humanity from 2009 to 2100. While we strongly recommend how good this video is, we also do so with important limitations and qualifications that we will share with you after you watch the video further down this page.
When you are done watching the ABC Earth 2100 video below, please fill in the survey below and continue reading the rest of the article because you also need to know the ABC TV video's climate change information has limitations and inaccuracies. Unfortunately, these "limitations and inaccuracies" make the concerns expressed in the movie even worse!
To watch the spellbinding ABC TV video, go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDqRpM72Odg
Here are a few of the 2009 ABC video limitations and inaccuracies and the 2023 climate updates
Over half of the above video's climate change timeframe and consequence predictions are relatively accurate. But many other critical consequences and timeframes are underestimated by as much as 20 to 40%. We suspect ABC TV was using the widely available climate science funded or influenced by the well-funded global fossil fuel cartel's disinformation campaigns. (Click here if you are curious to see how the global fossil fuel cartel has wholly corrupted the process for fixing climate change, climate change severity predictions, and climate change timetables over the last 60 years.)
- Most of what the ABC video says will happen by 2100 will probably be happening between 2060 and 2070.
- ABC did get very close to James Hanson's research, where he said once humanity crosses the carbon 386 parts per million in the atmosphere level, global warming becomes runaway global warming. That occurred in 2015. (Hansen is one of the world's most respected climate change researchers.)
- At the end of the video, where ABC proposes climate change solutions, they are far from being in the correct priority sequence, and those ABC solutions will not save humanity in time from the worst climate change consequences! This ABC climate solution error is critical because they assert that our lives could be better by 2050 if we did the solutions they recommend. If we follow their suggestions, half the world's population will die by 2050. (See the documentation section below for the correct solutions governments must enact.)
- Their proposed climate solutions are also tech and Wall Street finance-friendly. The idea we will "invest our way out of this crisis" is nonsense and shows they do not understand the real climate change timeframes and consequences. We have to radically cut fossil fuels right now to have any hope of having even a much smaller portion of humanity surviving. Climate change "business as usual" means we will cross more extinction-level climate change tipping points from 2025-2031.
- Nowhere in the ABC climate solutions do they call for sacrifice for our own families and future generations.
- More 2023 climate change updates are in the documentation links below.
Yet, despite all of the video's underestimation problems, the ABC video will walk you through the many layers of what your future will be like if we don't make radical global fossil fuel cuts before 2025 is over. Additionally, because it is doubtful we will cut global fossil fuel emissions by the required 75% by 2025, this video powerfully illuminates why you must start preparing, adapting, and possibly creating ClimateSafe Villages-like eco-communities worldwide so someone survives.
The ABC TV video is also great because it visually helps many understand why so many other individuals are waking up to their climate change-driven future and facing why they must immediately start preparing, adapting, and building climate change resilience in their homes, businesses, and communities.
After watching this video, we recommend you take the survey below and learn more about how ClimateSafe Villages can help you survive and thrive through the climate change emergency longer and more comfortably.
CSV is excited to announce that we are in the preliminary stages of forming our inaugural group of co-founding individuals who share our vision of creating a pioneering climate change-resilient eco-community. This community will be founded on the core principles and values that CSV holds dear, which include:
Climate Change Resilience: We aim to develop an eco-community (and an open access sharable eco-community model) that is not only aware of the challenges posed by climate change but is also prepared to adapt and thrive, and help others do so in the face of such challenges.
Equity: Our community will champion fairness and justice, ensuring that all members have equal opportunities and are treated with respect and dignity.
Education: We believe in the power of knowledge and will prioritize continuous learning and growth for all community members.
Environmental Sustainability: At the heart of our mission is a commitment to the environment. We will adopt practices that protect our planet and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.
If the idea of being part of this groundbreaking initiative resonates with you, we invite you to express your interest using this form. Please note that filling out this survey form does not bind you to any commitment or guarantee a spot at this stage. climatesafevillages.org
Here is the documentation for the article above
We have provided documentation links below if you want to read the climate analysis demonstrating the ABC video is overly optimistic and grossly underestimated by 20-40% in many areas. The climate science research and analysis below is based on the most updated climate science of 2023, not when the video was made in 2009.
The video above does a good job of telling the story of our future without having to read the complex climate science below. Here are the critical links needed to understand the current reality of the climate change mass disruption and extinction threat:
Click here to see the ten most critical illustrated facts about the climate and runaway global warming. It and its links will explain runaway global warming, what near-total extinction vs. total extinction means, and why we face only near-total extinction, not total extinction. Finally, it will explain humanity's tiny but real hope for a livable future.
Click here for the four extinction-driving climate tipping points, the first being crossed starting about 2025. This page will explain precisely why we only have from 2025 to 2031 (if humanity is very lucky) left to maintain some level of effective control over our climate future before the immutable laws of climate and atmospheric greenhouse gas physics take over.
Click here for the climate-driven processes of global collapse and mass to near-total extinction. Here, you will see the cascade of almost 80 primary and secondary climate change consequences unfolding and interacting with humanity's 11 other current major global crises. After reading this page, you will understand why the extinction of half of humanity by 2050 is already an unavoidable reality and that all that remains now is to fight to prevent our near-total extinction.
Click here to read the surprising reasons why ALL of humanity will most probably not go extinct, but you will not like how bitter this “medicine” will be.
Click here for accurate climate change-related consequence timetables relevant to massive global disruptions and system collapses in the environment, economics, politics, and society. These predicted timeframes have been reviewed and verified in multiple studies.
Click here to understand why the very painful 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets are our honest, last-chance fossil fuel reduction targets they need to make before it is too late to prevent near-total extinction. In addition, it has detailed technical notes on the many factors behind the correctly adjusted 2025 target calculations.
Click here to review honest climate change solutions that will save the lives of most of humanity.
Click here to read the ten most dangerous things almost everyone does not understand about the runaway global heating emergency. It is critical to understand the gross underestimation and other flaws and factors not being fully accounted for in current climate risk assessments based on the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) calculations and modeling. This will also offer additional critical climate momentum and inertia factors and other climate insights as to why the 1% only have 3-9 years left to maintain some level of effective control over our climate future.
Click here if you are curious to see how the global fossil fuel cartel has wholly corrupted the process for fixing climate change over the last 60 years.
Click here to understand the long-term history of the IPCC underestimating the consequences, timeframes, and the needed global fossil fuel reduction targets by as much as 20-40% or more. This page and its linked pages will help explain why the current 2025 global fossil fuel reductions are so severe to compensate for the 60-plus years society has delayed and failed to make the required gradual fossil fuel reductions.
Click here to see precisely how the IPCC "cooked the fossil fuel reduction calculations" and grossly skewed the current IPCC global fossil fuel reduction calculations by including unproven, non-existent, and unscalable "carbon-sucking unicorn" technology into their projections.
Click here to see the eleven major runaway global heating tipping points that have been all but excluded from the IPCC calculations on how much fossil fuel use the 1% must cause to be reduced each year globally. It also contains the tipping point theory and why crossing these climate tipping points is so dangerous to all aspects of our globalized society.
Click here to see the four key reasons why the IPCC's 26 global climate change conferences have failed to produce results or legitimate global fossil fuel reduction targets.
Click here to see the IPCC's huge atmospheric methane calculation problem.
Click here to see the latest 2022 IPCC climate change summary report on the critical climate sensitivity error. Because of only this ongoing climate sensitivity error, the IPCC's newest climate consequence predictions, timeframes, and remedial action information will be underestimated by as much as 25% or more. (This 25% does not include the effect of the other IPCC errors described in the links just above.)
All of the above-linked decades of IPCC error, calculation, and polarization problems mean that the IPCC is an unreliable partner for truthful and accurate climate change information. Their climate consequence predictions, timeframes, and remedial action information are grossly underestimated by 25 - 50 %+ and possibly more!
Please also note that since 2019, Job One has been aware of numerous climate change researchers who have been quietly moving their families to locations that are safer from climate change consequences. When climate change researchers move their families away from the higher climate change risk areas, it is reasonable to conclude that the escalating climate threat to our future is real.
We hope you liked the climate educational value of the ABC TV Earth 2100 video as much as we did at Job One.
The Job One for Humanity and ClimateSafe Villages Online and Offline Civility and Security Rules for all Subscribers, Members, and Volunteers
We are a non-profit organization. Part of our mission is to preserve and protect the well-being of all visitors and members. Our rules exist solely to preserve and protect that common well-being.
The Job One For Humanity online and offline rules cover all areas of our website, our website add-on apps, or stand-alone apps (like BaseCamp) used by our staff, the public, volunteers, members, subscribers, or visitors, either in online or offline actions. These rules also cover our online Virtual Eco-community.
This rules page contains several sections:
a. Why do we have these rules?
b. Online communication, civility, and security rules,
c. Volunteer rules and important volunteer legal factors,
d. Copyright rules,
e. Submissions of materials to Job One for Humanity rules.
Please review our rules as soon as possible. If you feel someone has violated our online or offline safety, communication civility, or security rules, contact us at ([email protected]). Be sure to copy the violation and any information on the poster in your rules violation email.
Repeatedly violating our online or offline rules can result in being banned or blocked from our website and organization.
The support team at Job One for Humanity is the final authority on determining if someone has violated a rule and what the punishment should be. If the offense is severe enough, the support team may send warnings as needed or act by banning or blocking without them. These online rules will be amended or added to as necessary.
- Why these online and offline rules
Having clear and open rules is essential for productive and healthy relationships. Having clear rules also helps protect and preserve civility, safety, and security, which also is essential for productive and healthy relationships.
Secondarily, and unfortunately, understanding our rules and why we have them is also critical so that the urgent and time-critical missions of our nonprofit organizations (JobOne for Humanity and ClimateSafe Villages) can grow and thrive and not be intentionally thwarted or sabotaged by climate change deniers, trolls, troublemakers, mentally unstable individuals, fake volunteers, anti-social individuals, or individuals or organizations acting as agent provocateurs. (These would be individuals or organizations with bad intentions toward our climate change consequence victim support or remedial mission or who are paid and working for hidden financial interests like the global fossil fuel cartel and its related industries.)
The global fossil fuel industry has the most to lose once people understand how dire the climate emergency really is, and they demand their politicians enforce the radical global fossil fuel reductions now required.
Do not underestimate the lengths that multinational fossil fuel cartel will go to protect its massive profits. It is the world's largest single industry, producing about 1/3 of the Earth's total gross domestic product, about $28 trillion annually. It is VERY powerful, and they are exceedingly unhappy with the independent and unpoliticized Job One for Humanity climate change think tank publishing of uncensored climate change research and analysis, not to mention publishing our honest global warming consequence prediction timetables and correct global fossil fuel reduction targets, found here.
Unfortunately, we already have dealt with numerous climate change deniers, trolls, and even several fake volunteers and agent provocateurs representing hidden interests attempting to infiltrate our organization as "volunteers" to harm our mission's progress or our organization's reputation and credibility.
The rules below will help keep you and our organization and its online tools civil, safe, and secure. They will also do a lot to prevent our mission from being hijacked, infiltrated, or harmed by climate deniers, trolls, fake volunteers, or paid agent provocateurs.
Please do your part to help keep our community civil, safe, and secure by reporting violations of our civility, safety, and security rules to ([email protected]).
As you read our rules, please remember that we are a non-profit organization. Part of our mission is to preserve and protect the well-being of all visitors and members. Our rules exist solely to preserve and protect that common well-being.
Because of our mission's urgency and time-critical nature, we will warn you once about not following our online and offline rules. For your first offense, we will temporarily bar you from our services until in writing, you apologize for your action, verify you have read all our on and offline rules, and promise you will not violate them again.
- Online Conduct Rules for Safety, Civility, and Security
By using this website or any service provided, you explicitly agree that:
(a) you will not provide any content or conduct yourself in any way that may be construed as unlawful; illegal; threatening; harmful; abusive; harassing; stalking; tortious; defamatory; libelous; vulgar; obscene; offensive; objectionable; pornographic; designed to interfere with or disrupt the operation of this website or any service provided; infect the website with a virus or other destructive or deleterious programming or routine; or give rise to civil or criminal liability; or in violation of any applicable local, national or international law;
(b) you will not impersonate or misrepresent your association with any person or entity; you will not forge or otherwise seek to conceal or misrepresent the origin of any content provided by you;
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(d) you will not provide, and you will not use this website to provide, any content or service in any commercial manner or in any manner that would involve junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of unauthorized advertising or commerce; you will not use this website to promote or operate any service or content without the website's prior written consent;
(e) you will not provide any content that may give rise to the website being held civilly or criminally liable, or that may be considered a violation of any local, national, or international law, including -- but not limited to -- laws relating to copyrights, trademarks, patents, or trade secrets.
(f) you agree and understand that this website might expose you to content that may dem to be objectionable or offensive. Job One for Humanity will not be responsible to you in any way for content displayed on this website nor for any error or omission in regulating such content.
(g) you agree not to use language that is inconsistent with our community standards. Do not swear or use profanity.
(h) you agree not to impede or otherwise prohibit communication. disrupt the discussion by using screen names in topical chats that are offensive to the topic and repeatedly posting off-topic comments in a topical chat.
(i) language or images that depicts violence in a gratuitous manner, without journalistic or artistic merit, primarily intended to agitate or cause emotional distress.
(j) language that is intended to victimize, harass, degrade, or intimidate an individual or group of individuals based on age, disability, ethnicity, gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Hate speech or images are always unacceptable anywhere on this website.
(k) personal information from a minor (under 18 years old). Personal information includes full name, home address, home telephone number, or other identifying information enabling ("offline") contact.
(l) information to this website that solicits for exchange, sale, or purchase of sexually explicit images and/or material harmful to minors. including, but not limited to, any photograph, film, video, or picture or computer-generated image or picture (actual or simulated).
(m) information to this website that is illegal or incites illegal activity, such as instructional information on how to build a bomb and/or make counterfeit money.
(n) or represent any person or entity in an attempt to deceive, harass or otherwise mislead another member.
(o) to get a password or other private information from a user. Remember: Job One for Humanity will NEVER ask for your password.
(p) the Job One for Humanity website team shall be the sole arbitrator of what does and what does not violate community standards.
(q) use the website email and its private message system to spam other members.
(r) use multiple accounts.
(s) post or comment on behalf of any banned member. This includes all forums, private messages, blogs, comments, and email features.
(t) If your actions involve a serious civil or criminal level crime, you understand we will provide that information to civil or criminal authorities upon request.
- Volunteer Rules
Here is our Critical Legal information for ALL Job One for Humanity volunteers!
Getting specific legal issues out in the open and out of the way is essential for a productive and healthy relationship.
Understanding the following is necessary so that our organization can grow and thrive and not be thwarted or sabotaged by fake volunteers or individuals or organizations acting as agent provocateurs who have either bad intentions toward our resolving climate change mission or are working for the hidden financial interests of the global fossil fuel conglomerate. (The global fossil fuel conglomerate is the largest industry, producing about 1/3 of the Earth's total gross domestic product, about $28 trillion a year. They are very, very powerful, and they are very unhappy with Job One publishing uncensored and unp[olitized climate change research and analysis, not to mention the required and honest global fossil fuel reduction targets found here.
Unfortunately, we have already dealt with several fake volunteers and agent provocateurs representing hidden interests attempting to infiltrate our organization as "volunteers" to harm our mission or our organization's reputation and credibility.
The clear legal boundaries you find below keep our organization and mission from being infiltrated by fake volunteers, or thwarted by agent provocateurs or others seeking to act in a way to harm the organization, moving its mission forward.
Our logo and website materials: How to correctly use and copy materials on our website for your local use
As an independent volunteer, in your efforts to help educate others, you may use (or restate) all of the non-members-only climate and runaway global heating materials you find on our website. (You may not copy and distribute anything you find in the Members section of our website.) However, we strongly recommend that you avoid rephrasing the science content of our web pages. Climate science is full of complexities and nuances that are easily misunderstood or not seen.
If you choose to restate or create your own climate or other materials using our materials, please always list Job One for Humanity as the source material and create a link back to the Job One for Humanity original page materials that you are using or rewriting! This way, people will ask us technical questions about the science, and they can see our linked references and methodology.
In any independent climate videos or other written materials you may produce, always say that the information in your videos or writings represents your humble opinion! In the US (and many developed countries,) as long as something is clearly labeled as your personal opinion, you cannot be successfully sued for saying any opinion or sharing any opinion. (IMHO, at the bottom of articles or videos is short for "in my humble opinion.")
Please also note that our educational materials are not meant for adolescents under 13 years old because of their serious and adult nature. Please allow children under 13 to be children and do not force them to deal with such an upsetting adult matter.
Never use our Job One for Humanity name or logo on anything you independently produce or alter and publish that is also found on our website that is not our unaltered authentic website materials with a link to our original web page without our prior written permission!
Volunteers are not legal agents or executives of Job One for Humanity
Job One for Humanity has no employees, but we have many worldwide independent, self-organizing volunteers forwarding our climate and runaway global heating analysis and remedial plans. Because you operate completely independently of our organization, please do not ever represent yourself as our legal agent or representative unless we have given you this special legal status from us in writing!
You do not make or change Job One for Humanity's organizational policy
As an independent, self-organizing volunteer, you are not authorized agents or legal representatives of the Job One for Humanity Organization for creating, altering, or publishing Job One policies. Only our board of directors may make policy or position statements, take public actions, or make public statements that officially represent our research or non-profit organization.
You choose your own actions
Job One for Humanity does not have any form of a central command center that either directs, orders, or selects your or any volunteer's independent projects. As a volunteer, only you choose, plan, and execute your projects to help resolve the runaway global heating extinction emergency. We may answer your climate questions or offer moral support for actions in alignment with our policies and the climate facts, but we will never tell you what to do or say.
You are solely responsible for materials you may submit or post on our website
Remember that Job One for Humanity acts as a climate change information distribution and sharing hub similar to Facebook, Reddit, Google Groups, etc. Accordingly, independent individuals and volunteers post their information and comments on our climate information distribution hub in the blog, discussion, or project management forums, our comments fields, and other areas.
Suppose you submit or post any materials on our website as an independent volunteer. In that case, YOU are responsible for ensuring that these materials do not contain ANY copyrighted materials you do not own! If you post copyrighted materials on our website for which you do not own the copyright, you can and will be held legally and financially responsible for those copyright violations with the lawful copyright owner.
This means that you agree that all information or data of any kind, whether text, software, code, music or sound, photographs or graphics, video or other materials ("content"), made available publicly or privately, by you will be provided and under the sole legal responsibility of the person providing the said content, or of the person whose user account is used.
You recognize that independent individuals who are not legal agents of Job One for Humanity regularly post information, articles, messages, and comments in numerous places on our climate change information distribution hub. If someone has a copyright issue with something you post, those copyright holders will be directed to contact the independent poster or creator of those materials directly.
Job One for Humanity is not liable for any postings in its comments areas, blogs, and message area made by independent individuals. Job One for Humanity volunteers are not legal agents of Job One for Humanity.
Confidential Job One for Humanity materials
While volunteering for Job One for Humanity, you may be exposed to or work with confidential materials belonging to this website and organization, such as email lists, donor lists, or other confidential member materials. You may not copy, distribute, or use this information in any way other than what has been shown to you regarding only the uses required for your volunteer position. It is a criminal offense to steal or distribute any confidential information you may have had access to while volunteering at Job One for Humanity unless fully authorized by our organization in writing.
Illegal or violent actions
And finally, never do anything illegal or violent. We NEVER endorse or support ANY illegal or violent activity. If you engage in any unlawful or violent activity because you are an independent volunteer it will be you and not us that could (or will be) held legally responsible by local authorities for your actions.
Our organization is absolutely against all physical violence or violent revolution. We only endorse peaceful protest and peaceful civil disobedience that would make Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela proud.
- Copyright Rules
You agree that all information or data of any kind, whether text, software, code, music or sound, photographs or graphics, video or other materials ("content"), made available publicly or privately, will be provided and under the sole legal responsibility of the person providing the said content, or of the person whose user account is used.
You recognize that Job One for Humanity is a climate change think tank and also a climate change information distribution and sharing hub similar to Facebook, Reddit, Google Groups, etc. Independent individuals who are not authorized legal agents of Job One for Humanity regularly post information, articles, messages, and comments in numerous places on our climate change information distribution hub. These independent individuals are solely responsible for the materials they post, including any copyright violation issues within their postings, messages, and comments they submit or post on our website.
If someone has a copyright issue with something you post, those copyright holders will contact you the independent poster or creator of those materials directly. Job One for Humanity is not liable for any postings in its comments areas, blogs, and message area made by independent individuals. Job One for Humanity volunteers are not legal agents of or for Job One for Humanity.
- Submission of Any Content to the Job One for Humanity Web Site
By providing any content to our website:
(a) you agree to grant to us a worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, non-exclusive right and license (including any moral rights or other necessary rights) to use, display, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, distribute, perform, promote, archive, translate, and to create derivative works and compilations, in whole or in part. Such license will apply with respect to any form, media, or technology known or later developed:
(b) you warrant and represent that you have all legal, moral, and other rights that may be necessary to grant us with the license terms set forth in this rule;
(c) you acknowledge and agree that we shall have the right (but not obligation), at our sole discretion, to refuse to publish or to remove or block access to any Content you provide at any time and for any reason, with or without notice.
Lawrence Wollersheim published Climate Change Goes Biblical As Privatized Energy Weakens Response in Blog 2023-04-21 14:01:03 -0700
Climate Change Goes Biblical As Privatized Energy Weakens Response
Climate change may not have triggered the recent Fort Lauderdale storm, (24 inches of rain in 24 hours) but it amplified the floods to biblical proportions.
Read more
Lawrence Wollersheim published A new United Nations Climate Change Report Has Come Out. It is bad, but... in Blog 2023-04-21 13:49:06 -0700
A new United Nations Climate Change Report Has Come Out. It is bad, but...
The new synthesis report from the United Nations IPCC sixth assessment (AR6) has arrived. Unfortunately, it still underestimates both climate consequences and timetables, But...
Lawrence Wollersheim published Universe One, a Unique CSV, P4 in ClimateSafe Villages 2023-04-10 16:39:21 -0700
The Universe One Unique ClimateSafe Village Version
Last updated 2.13.25. (Upgrades are currently in process.)
This is page 4 of our ClimateSafe Villages (CSV) master community vision online guide. This page is designed only for those seriously interested in CSV's unique Universe One community version.
If you are new to the climate change resilience concept or the vision of ClimateSafe Villages, please visit the easier and less complex ClimateSafe Village website. You can start exploring the many positive possibilities at the learning entry level. Once you understand what is happening, please come back and read about the very special and challenging-to-join Universe One evolutionary and civilization-preservational community.
"Universe One, forwarding One Humanity Family, One Global Country and, the Great Union of ALL of and Within the Universe."
The Universe One community is now accepting applications. We have included the details below.
The Universe One Overview
Welcome to the unique Universe One version of a CSV. It is the master model for everything you ever wanted to know about this unique ClimateSafe Village (CSV) and eco-community for the future. The following Universe One page contains advanced materials designed only for the most serious individuals or groups considering joining or starting the Universe One version of a ClimateSafe Village.
As you will soon discover, its membership requirements are considerably more demanding than other CSVs.
Universe One's primary focus, beyond building the maximum survival time for our community during the climate change-driven Great Collapse, is to plan out and design what will be needed politically, economically, and socially for the post-collapse Great Rebirth.
Universe One may be the most difficult CSV to join because of its many special functions. At the minimum, it will require many brilliant, rational individuals who are also socially and emotionally well-developed, financially stable, and have a history of ethical behavior.
If you have the qualities mentioned above, and you want to be a part of helping to create the Great Rebirth to revitalize humanity after the highly probable climate change emergency-driven Great Collapse, please keep reading. Being a part of the group that is consciously and intentionally working toward creating a Great Rebirth for humanity is a way for individuals, families, and businesses to survive and thrive and make the best of a horrific situation during the phases of the Great Collapse. It is a highly worthy and meaningful goal and purpose that provides reasonable hope for the future. Especially while we collectively endure and experience the increasing suffering and many consequences of the Great Collapse.
The Great Rebirth will need new economic, political, and social systems and laws that will finally establish a just, equitable, and sustainable world for ALL remaining survivors. The Great Rebirth will learn from all of the actions, policies, and systems that created the Great Collapse in order not to repeat them.
Members of Universe One will be Evolutioneers, leaders, and the ones creating the Great Rebirth, which will require new social, economic, and political systems.
Universe One is where exceptional individuals from all over the world will gather together to use their exceptional abilities first to survive what is coming and complete the process of learning from the mistakes creating the problems of the Great Collapse. Once they have learned from those mistakes, the same exceptional individuals would begin making the required new economic, political, and social improvements to ensure that the Great Collapse never happens again and that the Great Rebirth initiates and seeds a worldwide period of justice, equity, and sustainable prosperity for ALL of humanity.
Eventually, the Universe One CSV will likely become the new headquarters location for the Job One for Humanity climate change think tank, the Universe Institute, and a new online version of Universe College. At a later date, it will also be coming to headquarters for the Universe Spirit organization and the Universe Day organization.
Universe One will be exceptionally comfortable for practitioners of the Way of the Universe philosophy. More information about this philosophy is available on the page below.
The following are the section headings on this page
Please feel free to go ahead and skip directly to the section linked below that most interests you. You can go ahead and return to the other section titles later.
1. Important introduction to the unique Universe One intentional community. (Includes the section on the philosophy and worldview of Universe One.)
3. Launch Steps
5. More about the Universe Evolutionary Worldview used at Universe One and our Vision for a More Sustainable and Equitable Future for ALL.
6. At Universe One, We See Ourselves as Universe Citizens, Global Citizens, and Evolutioneers.
7. The Personal Spiritual Qualities and Values at Universe One
8. The Universe Institute is located at Universe One
9. Additional Reading on the Principles of Progressive Evolution held at Universe One.
10. Universe College Online at Universe One
11. Universe One and ClimateSafe Villages Community Contributors
12. Other Pages in ClimateSafe Villages Community MasterModel Materials
13. Updates to our vision and recent news
If you have not yet read this summary of the ten current climate change facts, please do so before reading the rest of this page. You will understand why many want to consider joining the unique Universe One version of the CSV community. Please also note that there may be a bit of repetition in some of the sections below due to the continual upgrading of the document.
1. Introduction to Universe One
Please do not consider the Universe One ClimateSafe Village like the other CSV models described elsewhere. While it embraces climate change resilience-building and many of the values and goals found on our six-page ClimateSafe Villages Master Model Overview, it also has many activities, values, goals, and a unique culture not typically found in the other ClimateSafe Villages models.
Part of what makes Universe One unique as an urban/rural community is that, unlike any other ClimateSafe Villages community, it will also be the new headquarters for the Job One for Humanity climate change think tank, the Universe Institute, Universe College, and, later, the Universe Spirit and Universe Day organizations.
After years of searching and researching at Job One, we decided that the global warming-safe and academically friendly areas of Bellingham, Washington; Marquette, Michigan; or Crestone, Colorado, were the best possible potential US areas for Universe One and these other organizations' new headquarters. When this Universe One urban/rural village is fully established, it promises to survive and thrive for many decades into an uncertain climate future.
As you read the following, we hope you will see the Universe One community as a new way of life and a philosophy for better living based on rationality, science, and living in balance with nature. At Universe One, the power of its core philosophy, values, and principles held firmly by its members will be one of the significant factors allowing it to survive the many unimaginable hardships coming with the climate change-driven Great Collapse. We are still developing the final philosophy of Universe One at Universe Spirit.
We call this new science-grounded philosophy The Way of the Universe. Even though the Way of the Universe philosophy is still in the near-final developmental state, there is still much that you can evaluate, learn, and begin practicing. To start exploring The Way of the Universe, you can find it on the Universe Spirit's new website. Click here.
Finally, if you want to live your future life like we describe in the Universe One and CSV materials and survive the greater social, economic, and political dysfunctionality you see around you, we welcome your help.
Quick Overview of What the Universe One Is and Does
The Universe ONE headquarters will strive to embody the highest possible level of the complete CSV vision. It will strive to be the most:
1. survivable,
2. sustainable and eco-friendly, and
3. healthy (physically, emotionally, and spiritually if you are also of a spiritual nature.)
To understand what we mean by the three qualities described above, please click this link and read the whole page.
Like other CSVs, the Universe One CSV will strive to be a necessary sanctuary and refuge from the world's escalating dangers and troubles during its rapid transition toward widespread ecological, economic, political, and social collapse. It will become a sanctuary and refuge to preserve peace and stability for a healthy body, mind, and spirit. Not unlike the monasteries of the Dark Ages, it will strive to maintain the best of our art, science, and civilization to seed the next Renaissance and Enlightenment eras.
While doing all this, it will also be the place for creating, testing, refining, and proving new and better economic, social, political, and even religious models for the post-collapse world that will finally forward true justice, sustainability, and equality for ALL of humanity.
Universe One will actively work toward the many justice, equality, and sustainability benefits as we create the post-collapse Great Rebirth described on this page. If you are serious about joining Universe One, read about the Great Rebirth described on this page to understand where we see our future going.
Universe One will also be unique because, if all goes as planned, it will have team members from the Job One for Humanity climate change think tank, the Universe Institute, Universe College, and, later, the Universe Spirit organization and the Universe Day organization living on-site. These members will contribute significantly to the Great Great Rebirth culture and growth of CSVs in addition to their mission work.
If you do not feel significantly aligned with the missions of the above-linked organizations, the Universe One CSV is not the right fit for you. However, other CSV locations could work well as they would not have the activities of all these organizations going on within the community.
Universe One will eventually establish a highly developed sanctuary and refuge function for its members, along with the many other functions CSVs perform. Universe One will also be where new master model improvements for all CSV models (urban, rural, hybrid, and virtual) will be continually developed, tested, and refined.
Think of Universe One as an evolutionary and best-of-civilization preservational community. How it does those two things is described on the page below.
Why is Bellingham, Washington, under consideration along with Marquette, Michigan, and Crestone, Colorado?
The Universe One community will be intentionally located in a predominantly progressive area where many climate safety and security factors converge. The area is also reasonably affordable to middle-class and lower-middle-class individuals. Its climate has colder winters and some snowfall alternating with warmer summers. It also has distinct rainy and growing seasons.
It is off the significant earthquake faults common to Vancouver Island, the San Juan Islands, and the Seattle and Portland areas. While imperfect, its negative climate consequences, such as heat domes, rain bombs, and fires, can be managed by climate-resilient building, drainage, and fire mitigation designs constructed from the ground up in this urban/rural village.
Additionally, purchasing land within 2 to 3 miles of the Pacific Ocean (or any vast body of water like in Marquette, Michigan) and at a level at least 25 feet above sea level or any flood plain is also wise. This land selection will allow village temperatures to be 10 to 15° warmer in the winter and 10 to 15° cooler in the summer and not be flooded by sea level rise or intense storms coming off the ocean.
Any possible rural location will also be far enough away from the major highways that will eventually transport hundreds of thousands of climate migrants. (Significantly smaller numbers of climate migrants will travel far north, especially in winter.)
Finally, Bellingham is a progressive area with a university branch (like Marquette, Michigan, and in a lesser way like Crestone, Colorado, with a branch of the Colorado Mountain College). It will be considerably easier to build a CSV urban/rural community. Most progressives know that the climate change emergency is accurate and that we must start preparing and adapting to survive and thrive. Some of the best locations to create a CSV are progressive areas of the country with a university or college in a nearby town near the 45th parallel north or south.
If we cannot secure adequate land for a large community at a reasonable cost and within a 25-30-minute drive from Downtown Bellingham, we will move to our second or third choices, Marquette, Michigan, or Crestone, Colorado. They are similar to Bellingham, Washington, in several ways, for example, the university, a college, a progressive environment, less expensive land, loose zoning and building regulations, etc., but they are much colder and have much more snow.
It is survival of the most cooperative and reciprocating vs survival of the fittest
The Universe One CSV must endure the primary and secondary climate change consequences described in great detail here.
One of the things that's least understood about the Universe One CSV vision is that the more accurate evolutionary concept for long-term survival is "survival of the most cooperative and the most reciprocating." Wise cooperation is one of the most fundamental values of CSV and Universe One.
Survival of the fittest is an old evolutionary perspective. While valid at a smaller scale, it has only limited applicability when facing widespread global climate change catastrophe and the eventual global collapse the CSV communities will face.
At Job One For Humanity, we recently had to do our annual update and forecast for future climate change conditions. Again, we faced a climate change emergency that our governments had not honestly addressed or fixed. We had to face the fact that once humanity crossed the carbon 425 ppm threshold (which occurred on February 3, 2024), climate consequences would worsen dramatically and continue worsening in a runaway fashion.
This update forced us to reexamine certain assumptions that the projected community locations (about 150 to 500 people) would have enough members to provide adequate security for at least 20 to 30 years. Based on Job One for Humanity's latest climate conditions and forecasts worsening faster than they had predicted, we no longer believe that 150 to 500 people is a large enough community to survive even the next 30 years, much less 50 or more.
We now firmly believe that we must eventually create a far larger climate-resilient community of thousands to establish a more adequate, secure, and safe zone during the worst phases of the climate change emergency occurring 20-40 years from now.
Our long-term, top recruiting goal is ensuring the final Universe One location expands into many nearby communities. We will first establish the local rural Universe One CSV and then contact the many residents in the surrounding areas to join our preparation and resilience efforts. From there, we will continue reaching out to other more distant surrounding communities, helping them become climate-resilient.
The urban/rural Universe One community will and must eventually be well integrated with other local communities. Over time, Universe One will become heavily involved in helping the local communities build all the necessary levels of climate resilience, including managing climate refugees and creating surpluses. (Click here to see what building local community climate change resilience-building process looks like.)
The leadership teams from the multiple organizations that will be headquartered there will focus on and provide a persistent driving force for expanding reciprocal cooperation and collaboration to increasing numbers of communities in the local area. We must never stop that process. Eventually, we must aim to encompass collaboration and partnership on climate resiliency issues within all the states in which we are located.
The reason why Universe One and other CSV communities must adopt this "survival of the most cooperative" procedure is that unless they create larger and larger circles of cooperation and reciprocality, no matter how well their smaller local CSV community is prepared, it will not likely survive long-term (30 to 50+ years or more.)
This detailed description of what's coming is so powerful and intense that only having a large number of cooperating and collaborating individuals and communities who are highly climate-resilient will give that area the highest probability of long-term survival. Single, small communities will be unable to survive the continual onslaught of the many consequences described on this page.
When we first looked at the various possible Universe One locations, we estimated that it could survive 20 or 30 years as a single, isolated, and well-prepared community. Afterward, we realized that only by taking our climate-resilient skill set out to cooperate and collaborate with more and more outside local communities could we build something that would last 30- 50 years and beyond.
To solve the many survival challenges we will face, cooperation, defensibility, and reciprocation are possible with many communities or even a whole state. Thus, the probability of a single CSV surviving is exponentially greater if it collaborates and works with the larger communities in which it is embedded.
For example, suppose you're joining or creating a CSV community and want your group to survive 50 years or longer. In that case, you must ensure that you have a group of persistent, dedicated people inside that community dedicated to expanding cooperation, collaboration, and reciprocality with outside nearby communities to build mutual climate resilience and prepare for what's coming. Otherwise, no matter how isolated you are, sooner or later, your small community will be overrun or robbed, and you too will become a migrant yourself, whether it's to your second bug-out location or something else.
With the leadership of the various organizations to be headquartered there, the Universe One CSV will have that survival-critical, complete dedication, understanding, and commitment to expanding climate resilience cooperation with more and more surrounding communities until, ideally, the whole state in which it is located becomes the US's first climate resilient state. That is the type of perspective and action plan it will take to survive the unprecedented intensity of the many accelerating problems we now face.
One last thing: when we talk about cooperation and collaboration, we are talking about wise cooperation, which includes, at some point, reciprocality in some form. If you cooperate unwisely, you will be drained of your resources and will not survive well.
Suppose you doubt the concept of "survival of the most cooperative." In that case, we recommend reading our emergency preparations and adaptations thoroughly, which begin on this page for emergency preparations and on this page for emergency adaptations.
Universe One has the potential to be one of the longest-surviving CSVs. One of its most important goals is to help turn its surrounding area into one of the world's most climate-resilient and climate-change-prepared areas. Within a large, northerly region well-prepared for any eventuality as climate change consequences and other global crises unfold, it should become one of the safest places in the world to ride out the Great Collapse and the Great Rebirth within Universe One or a similar CSV community.
Long-term survival is impossible without extensive collaboration and climate resilience-building support to the largest possible areas surrounding CSVs.
Universe One location future security and emergency bug-out location concerns
Like every other wisely planned CSV, the Universe One rural CSV will also provide a carefully planned number of secure emergency storage facilities and possibly even additional vacant housing facilities for members of the local urban community who have chosen to create bug-out emergency backups within the Universe One rural community.
Suppose all goes really bad and far beyond the local government's or state's capacity to manage the masses of desperate and starving climate migrants that make it that far north. The Universe One rural CSV (like every other CSV) will also create multiple backup locations that are fully stocked for member escape if and when needed. CSVs generally follow the emergency backup principle that one backup is none, two backups are one, and three backups are two emergency backups if you want to be safe.
These locations will most likely be in other isolated and massive acreage CSVs in which CSVs have built long-term relationships and have pre-stocked everything needed or required.
No individual isolated CSV could take in ALL the members of another CSV. Therefore, any additional bug-out backup rural location for an existing rural CSV must be carefully planned with multiple, very isolated rural CSVs. This will ensure that the more isolated CSV will remain sustainable in an emergency if a group of members from another CSV relocates there. This advance planning and stocking must ensure that the relocating CSV members do not create an internal population overshoot-related problem for the more isolated backup CSVs.
More Community Security IssuesTo help you understand the extensive preparation and adaptation challenges for the Universe One community at a profound tactical and psychological level, we strongly recommend that everyone wanting to be part of Universe One, or any other CSV for that matter, get and read Spiral Dynamics: Mastering Values Leadership and Change by Don Edward Beck and Christopher See Cowan, published by Blackwell Publishing. This book will become part of the required reading for advanced-level membership in the Universe One community.This must-read book is an accessible summary of 50 years of research by Claire Graves, a Syracuse University professor who spent 50 years focused on answering one question: Why do people change?His powerful layered answer is simplified in Spiral Dynamics. This book will also help you understand how values and actions change and evolve as the conditions on the ground change and evolve. The CSV communities can be assured that they will continually deal with constantly evolving and worsening conditions surrounding them, which will directly or indirectly affect their internal dynamics.Understanding Professor Graves's answer to how and why people change and how conditions affect those changes is essential. It will help every CSV member realize what will happen to people emotionally and psychologically as things worsen and how we, as a community, must be willing to adapt and evolve to the changing local situation while still maintaining our humanity.If you are worried about how we defend the Universe One community, this book will help you understand what we must deal with, level by level, as things worsen. And even if you're not concerned about climate change or future security issues, this is a must-read book for everyone trying to live the best life they can right now.Be sure to read Spiral Dynamics before you join this community. The community's behavior will need to adapt and evolve as conditions change. Spiral Dynamics will give you a good idea of what that means during the great collapse, when humanity temporarily moves down the spiral memes mentioned in this book.Universe One and CSVs are not trying to create a utopia, but we are doing something urgently needed.
While we do not see ourselves working to create a rigid utopia-like structure, nor do we use utopia language, many see ourselves as experimenting visionaries, aka Evolutioneers.
In addition to our goals of building climate resilience through preparation and adaptation and ending the climate emergency through promoting immediate government climate action, CSVs have other potential goals besides promoting their members' long-term safety, security, and overall well-being.
Some CSVs, like the new Universe One, will be better models of our social, economic, political, and religious systems and interactions. They will design, test, and prove new evolutionary iterations for those systems.
After the widespread global collapse driven by the primary and secondary consequences of climate change, they will do this so that better solutions and proven examples will be available for future generations. Because of the horrendous shared post-global collapse trauma, we believe that new generations will be more open to new solutions for sustainably living together.
The preceding means that individuals participating in CSVs are far more than survivalists or progressive preppers with a detailed knowledge of climate change consequence timeframes. They can also, by choice, be future activists and Evolutioneers working to create the great global rebirth—a more sustainable, just, and equitable future for ALL of humanity despite the worsening global crises we all now face.
The Universe One CSV is an evolving, climate-change-resilient, ecological, social, economic, and democratic new model created to be shared.
A key Universe One community goal is to strive to reflect the highest application of the ideas, values, and principles described on the other CSV community design pages. In addition to that goal, Universe One is also to become a model for preparing the future survivors of the chain of climate change and 11 other related global crises and catastrophes. This new model creates a more sustainable, just, and equitable post-catastrophe world for ALL surviving humanity.
Preparing for the post-catastrophe world means experimenting with and innovating new solutions for today's most prominent ecological, social, economic, and political problems, refining, testing, and adapting those solutions until our Universe One ClimateSafe Villages community becomes a model, a living successful example, and a "beacon of light" for the future we must create.
"Only a crisis—actual or perceived—produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around. That, I believe, is our basic function: to develop alternatives to existing policies, to keep them alive and available until the politically impossible becomes the politically inevitable." Surprisingly, a quote from Milton Friedman, the economist.
At Universe One, we will create better ideas and proven new success models and, more importantly, keep them alive, available, and "lying around" until the post-catastrophe, politically impossible becomes politically inevitable.
We will also use an evolutionary new form of Personal Democracy (PD). It will play a significant role in managing the ClimateSafe Villages community. Based on PD principles, ClimateSafe Villages will not have traditional leaders.
Instead, it will have a group of coordinators knowledgeable in different crucial areas the eco-community needs. These knowledgeable coordinators will direct essential activities based on current science and the continual input of every member who could be affected by those decisions or actions. (Click here for a quick overview of the new Personal Democracy and its many benefits. Also, see the expanded Personal Democracy White Paper here.)
Here are some of the qualities and types of individuals we are seeking to join us at the urban/rural Universe One
The Universe One community members must be a good fit for our many values and goals. Universe One is also a place for futurist thinkers, activists, artists, and educators who agree with most of our "we need to build and live the master models for a better future society now" ideas and new science-grounded evolutionary worldview, which are expressed further down this page.
Universe One is a near-ideal place to flourish for those who already see themselves as highly intelligent and socio-emotionally balanced, creative global citizens or universe citizens. (More about global and universe citizenship is found in the links further down this page.)
If you choose to join Universe One, you will also be a co-creative part of the ongoing evolutionary search for the optimal ecological, social, economic, political, and even spiritual models needed for the post-collapse future.
Initially, Universe One co-founding members must be generally healthy, emotionally and psychologically strong, and stable. They will face many challenges in creating and maintaining this community as the outside environment worsens because of the climate emergency and our 11 other major global crises.
We seek a senior project manager/leader and a deputy project manager/leader as the most critical individuals for establishing the Universe One rural community project.
The other critical Universe One rural members we are looking for are in fundraising, finance, online and offline education, sustainable and energy-efficient general contracting, construction, plumbing, electrical, administrative management, recruiting, human resources, medical services, wellness services, therapeutic psychological services, internet security, software design, interpersonal conflict resolution, peace facilitation, think tank analysts, and public relations.
In collaboration with CSV, we will get most of our information on the following subjects from CSV's current work on eco-friendly architecture, community design, permaculture, aquaponics, vertical hydroponics, and organic gardening.
If you want to be one of the above Universe One co-founding individuals, please email [email protected] and let us know:
a. you want to join either the Universe One community,
b. you want access to the private CSV group and urban/rural discussion forums, and
c. let us know about your skills and experience. (More about the Universe One formal application process is further down this page.)
d. If you already live in any of the above-mentioned areas for Universe One's new location and are interested in getting involved in an urban CSV model before we begin the rural model, please email us at [email protected] with your skills and experience.
Universe One is committed to living and creating Sustainable Prosperity within and eventually outside of the CSV community
Sustainable Prosperity is a set of principles everyone in the Universe One community must agree to follow. These principles also make any CSV community considerably more sustainable and survivable. Of course, implementing all of these vital sustainability principles in this new community will take time. Click here to read the principles of Sustainable Prosperity.
The Way of the Universe Philosophy and Worldview of Universe One
Universe One has its own definite and well-defined worldview and philosophy. The strength and reality-tested accuracy of the worldview and philosophy behind any CSV are the best indicators of how long that CSV will last as the stressors and chaos of the global collapse continue to increase as climate change accelerates.
No CSV will survive the Great Collapse for long unless it has a powerful, science-grounded, reality-reflecting philosophy and worldview its members value, adhere to, and can unite around. This philosophy and worldview must also embrace a set of clear behavioral guidelines.
Numerous times, we have emphasized that only a philosophy and worldview that reflects objective reality in the most accurate possible ways will provide us with the deep philosophical roots and worldview that will not be blown over or be pulled out as Universe One and other CSV's try to survive the escalating stressors of what's coming. The principle at work here is simple. The more accurately a philosophy and worldview reflect reality, the easier it is for the members and leadership of a community to make rational, well-informed decisions.
Below, please look at what has been designed as the core philosophy and worldview for the unique Universe One CSV version. While evolutionary advances will always be added to this philosophy and worldview, enough has been completed over the last decade to get a good sense of how deep these new communities' required reality-recognizing philosophic and worldview roots must go.
The Philosophy and Worldview of Universe One:
At this point, having a common and standard definition of what a philosophy and a worldview are and do is wise.
Philosophy is defined as:
1. The study of the foundational nature of reality and existence, and
2. The theory or attitude a person or organization holds that acts as a guiding principle for behavior.
Philosophy is not an academic pursuit only for professors and the rich. It is the most essential activity every individual must actively engage in to create a good life.
Henry David Thoreau wisely said, "Philosophy helps us solve life's problems, not only theoretically but practically." Therefore, it stands to reason that everyone should actively engage in a lifelong, intentional learning process about the nature of reality and existence. This ongoing process will then naturally and logically improve the effectiveness and results of their guiding principles of behavior.
The philosophy at Universe One is based on a robust new worldview and new evolutionary science, and it includes the best of humanity's past philosophy. We call this new worldview-embracing new transcending and including philosophy, the "Way of the Universe." But the new worldview itself is called the Universe Evolutionary Worldview.
A worldview is defined as the most fundamental cognitive orientation of an individual or society, encompassing the whole of the individual's or society's knowledge and point of view. There have been only about five new worldviews in the history of human evolution. Whenever a new worldview emerges, there is great potential for major personal and societal shifts and improvement.
Every new worldview creates a significant transition, advances human history, and transcends previous worldviews. The powerful new worldview (the Universe Evolutionary Worldview) embraced within the Way of the Universe has arrived just in time.
Few would disagree that our world is experiencing continuous, accelerating crises fueled by our growing technological capabilities. Over the next several decades, humanity could quickly destroy itself.
This new worldview and the other information embraced within the Way of the Universe offers Universe One, individuals, and humanity the desperately needed tools and a realistic new hope essential to fuel and sustain fixing humanity's 12 worsening global crises.
Click here for a quick overview of the new Way of the Universe on the Universe Spirit website. It will be fundamental to Universe One's survival.
Click here to learn more about the Universe Principles of right action and right attitude, a key Universe One behavioral guide. (The Universe Principles are part of the Way of the Universe materials.)
The Universe Evolutionary Worldview will provide critical and reality-tested support for this new philosophy's values, actions, and stability, which are needed to hold a group together under extreme stress and pressure from an outside world that is moving into chaos and collapse. It will also provide stability, values, and guidelines for the community's interactions, which will also be subjected to regular stresses and problems as it adapts to the chaos outside of itself.
The Universe Evolutionary Worldview will help you live a more prosperous and sustainable life and help humanity manage its 12 biggest global crises. This new worldview provides more new tools and realistic hope for the future than any other previous worldview.
Below are critical links for explaining the New Universe Evolutionary Worldview. This new worldview offers humanity new, more effective, and powerful tools and a needed realistic hope for solving the many problems humanity faces globally.
This new Universe Evolutionary Worldview emerged from two foundational new developments.
1. the principles of Progressive Evolution and
2. The new thinking methodology for analyzing complex adaptive systems is called Dialectical Metasystemic Thinking.
Anything that helps to create a new worldview for humanity is genuinely a powerful emergence.
Please come back after reading this Universe One page and read about the Universe Evolutionary Worldview. Suppose you do not align with the ideas, principles, and values forwarded in the Universe Evolutionary Worldview. In that case, you would unlikely be a good candidate for membership in Universe One.
We hope that every CSV eventually adopts the science-grounded ideas, principles, values, and guidelines found within the new Universe Evolutionary Worldview and teaches its leading members how to analyze the complex adaptive problems and systems they will need to deal with using the new methodology of Dialectical Metasystemic Thinking.
The Legal Structure of Universe One
A 32-year-old, IRS-approved 501(c)3 nonprofit educational organization will purchase and set up Universe One. The nonprofit will always own all the land on the Universe One campus and all common buildings and equipment necessary for running the community. This is to ensure the totality of the campus always remains safe and secure. This nonprofit ownership of all land, common equipment, and buildings also makes it for community management and can significantly expedite the process of building and expanding the community.
Approved individuals may lease small personal land parcels of the Universe One campus on a 99-year lease and build pre-approved climate-safe homes and home-based businesses on these leased parcels. Universe One will also rent out temporary housing to owners of tiny houses, RVs, or travel trailers in designated areas for individuals who have obtained provisional living on campus membership and who are trying out Universe One to see if they want to call me a long-term or permanent member of the community.
The community is managed by the nonprofit organization's board of directors and its designated executives, subject to US and Colorado law governing the management of nonprofit organizations. At all times, the permanent community members living on campus will have access to present their needs and desires to the nonprofit's executives and board. The nonprofit's board and executives will do everything possible to meet the everyday needs and desires of the collective of permanent community members to the extent that the US and Colorado allow such to occur.
Universe One will explore, refine, and test the master survive and thrive model and template with other ClimateSafe Villages
Our primary focus is building the Universe One ClimateSafe Village, and we also help support others in creating ClimateSafe Villages in other locations. The Universe One location is also designed to do many things besides being the master model for other ClimatesSafe Villages locations like CSV Upper Peninsula Michigan, CSV British Columbia, Canada, CSV Inverness Scotland, ClimatesSafe Villages Berlin, etc.
In an open-access manner, we will continue sharing the Universe One community's climate-resilient architectural layout, net-zero home and building designs, legal structure, land leasing contracts, and member contracts, as well as all other design information we have gathered over the years to create a thriving long-term climate-resilient community. Other ClimateSafe Village locations may choose to use as much of the Universe One master model or as little as they like.
Accordingly, Universe One will continuously gather additional information to create and demonstrate the best master model that can be rapidly duplicated worldwide. Having almost every piece of the master model together, done, and easily transferable to other locations will significantly expedite their building and growth processes and prevent costly and time-consuming delays or mistakes.
At some point, while reading about the Universe One CSV, we believe you will come to realize that Universe One has also been designed to do what our politicians, governments, and other environmental leaders are either denying or not doing regarding the climate change emergency and its escalating consequence interactions with our 11 other global crises.
Our politicians, governments, and nearly all environmental leaders are doing little to directly prepare and adapt humanity and the world to the cataclysmic climate change and other consequences we can no longer avoid.
Because of this gross and negligent inaction by our politicians, governments, and environmental leaders, ClimateSafe Villages, particularly the new Universe Onenvillage, are bypassing the inactive (or incompetent) and addressing the many dangers and solutions ourselves.
This critical action of bypassing inaction or incompetence is no different from what many other nonprofit organizations often do when their local politicians, governments, and related organizations fail to act or are incompetent in the face of real danger.
If you feel well-aligned with Universe One's CSV ideas, values, and principles and are interested in joining the Universe One ClimateSafe Villages community, please continue reading the rest of this page and then begin the application instructions found on this page. The requirements for joining the Universe One CSV community will be considerably more demanding than those of other CSV communities due to its additional focus on CSV model building, experimentation, model testing, and education to create a better future.
2. Universe One Launch Phases
No one can completely predict how something will grow. That being said, here is our best understanding of how the Universe One community will steadily grow and why it will eventually be necessary to bring many thousands of people to the final location of this urban/rural climate-resilient community by both local recruiting and actively promoting migration to that area.We see Universe ONE growing on two tracks simultaneously:
Track One involves a few people simply moving to the Universe One chosen area and working with locals to create an urban/rural climate change-resilient community. In this vision, people also move independently to the Universe One area, buy or rent homes in the city, or buy non-adjacent or noncontiguous acreage outside the city.Crestone, Colorado, may be the leading choice due to its inexpensive real estate and building costs, lack of zoning or other restrictions for building Earthships and other forms of inexpensive climate-resilient homes, microclimate, adequate water options, and isolation. Surprisingly, it also has a Colorado Mountain College and a tiny version of a Whole Foods-like store that is primarily organic, among other amenities that make it quite comfortable. (See our member section on locations for more information about Crestone, Colorado.)We also suggest you use Wikipedia for its unique and fascinating history and look at it in Google Maps' satellite view. Compared to many other locations, the potential to build a Universe One rural community there quickly and inexpensively is very high. Because of its previous development of roads and infrastructure after World War II, intended for thousands of GIs, its unused infrastructure now offers one of the most unique opportunities to support our new community vision, which could grow rapidly as climate change consequences accelerate.Those individuals buying non-adjacent or noncontiguous acreage outside the city would help support the local Universe One residents by setting up community gardens and providing secure storage for emergency supplies. In this first track, many nearby or adjacent homes and properties connect and work together for CSV community cooperation and success. This is a very organic way to grow, and it will grow faster than track two.Track two is where our nonprofit organization purchases a large tract of land, 100 to several hundred acres, where many community members (ideally about 150-500 max) will live in climate-resilient, self or community-purchased homes. There will be dormitories for singles and housing for individuals on work/share programs who do not have enough financing to build their own homes.
Zoning permitting, we are planning to allow individuals to live temporarily in tiny homes, RVs, travel trailers, or other forms of inexpensive housing like those modular homes that come from China or Boxable. These temporary homes would be for:
1. Individuals who wish to explore living in the community and have received provisional living status on the Universe One campus. (The membership section below outlines the provisional living status on campus.)
2. This more affordable entry-level option into the community would provide a more feasible financial choice for many individuals with limited assets.
3. Creating multiple spaces for tiny homes, RVs, travel trailers, and other forms of low-cost housing, such as modular homes from China or Boxable, enables residents to more swiftly and easily contribute to establishing more permanent community structures. These may include the community center, secure storage, and other essential community or staff housing buildings.
We also gain a significant advantage by permitting these "temporary" structures for individuals in transition or trial. These affordable structures have the potential to endure for many years, far beyond the slowly unfolding severe climate change impacts that may threaten them. Additionally, these "temporary" structures serve as a practical foundation, helping to provide the labor necessary for constructing the more permanent climate-resilient Earth ship-type homes and extensive underground facilities for safe emergency living, storage, and four-season growing that will be essential over the decades.
Track Two will take at least 3 to 7 years to complete once the land is purchased. Track Two will also take far more team members, organization, and funding than Track One, but it has considerably more social and other resilience advantages. In the Track Two vision:
a. The Universe One vision described on this page will most likely become a reality in the Track Two vision of the larger CSV Rural community of about 150 to 500 individuals/families.
b. The many physical, social, and cultural characteristics and qualities of a model CSV also have the highest probability of being realized.
c. The rural Universe One community will be able to achieve many of the goals of creating the new sustainable "survive and thrive" prosperity as described here.
d. At some point, Universe One will become a multigenerational community; assisted living and hospice care for older adults will eventually be available.
e. Once the Track Two Universe One rural community is finally established, it will connect with other local-area Track Two rural communities to create ever-larger circles of cooperation and safety.
Universe One will eventually become a multigenerational community, and assisted living and hospice care for older adults will also be possible and available.
Who will be the temporary lead coordinator helping to launch Universe One rural community?
Lawrence Wollersheim, a board member of the organizations listed above, will initially coordinate and facilitate the Universe One ClimateSafe Villages community project. Lawrence will move to the chosen location soon after he sells his home in Northern California.
The Job One for Humanity San Francisco office will move to the new Universe One area when Lawrence Wollersheim moves there or as soon as essential volunteer staff members complete the sale of their SF Bay area homes. Universe One will become the relocated home of other willing ClimateSafe Villages members, Job One for Humanity members, Universe Institute, Universe College, and Universe Spirit members, volunteers, and website subscribers, some of whom have been following our climate education and social advocacy work for decades.
Special Software Team Building and Project Management Tool Now Available Online for the Universe One CSV Launch
We are now using a fantastic project and team collaboration online software tool called Basecamp to launch the Universe One Urban/rural CSV. If you want to be involved in this urban/rural online collaboration and launch, email Leonora at ([email protected]). As soon as our final location has been set, we will initiate a Universe One online collaboration using this excellent Basecamp software tool.
There are now hundreds of people in the CSV master discussion forum in Basecamp and large groups of people in the various CSV advisory groups making it all happen.
3. More detailed Universe One Launch Steps have been moved to the end of this page.
The Universe One rural community is seeking new members and is now accepting applications!
If you want to become a Universe One CSV rural community member, email Lawrence Wollersheim at ([email protected]). Put Universe One in the subject line. He temporarily coordinates the Universe One rural community launch and will keep you informed of progress and developments. The following will tell you more about the challenging Universe One member requirements.
4. Universe One Membership and Application Process
At the Universe One rural location, there are three types of membership: local and supporting membership, living on campus membership, and senior organizational membership.
1. The Universe One local and supporting membership is the easiest to obtain. It is designed for people who will not live on the central Universe One campus but will either build or purchase homes or businesses in the local area surrounding our rural community. It is also for those who want to help support the creation and expansion of Universe One financially.
Local members pay a small annual membership fee to support Universe One's educational and other mission activities, such as educational classes and organic community gardens. For a reasonable additional fee, they can securely store accessible emergency supplies in designated private storage areas on the Universe One campus.
Local and supporting members will be allowed to attend events at the Universe One campus or visit during prescribed times.
To become a local and supporting member, one must submit an attestation that they agree closely with the principles, values, and goals of Universe One described on this page and with the CSV principles, values, and goals described on the CSV design and vision pages found on this website, beginning here. They must also pay the first year's annual membership fee.
If an individual comes to the community with a spiritual or religious background and seeks membership at this level, they are of a spiritual nature; they must demonstrate that they are at least at stage four, five, or six of Fowler's five stages of religious development. The reason for this is simple. Individuals at very low levels of spiritual or religious development are generally dogmatic and authoritarian, think in terms of black or white, and would not work well in this progressive and tolerant community.
The Spiral Dynamics book is also required for all potential new Universe One Members. It will help new members understand more about our values and why values and actions change under different conditions.
In addition to all of the values described on this page and found on this ClimateSafe Villages social and cultural characteristics master model page, new members of the Universe One seeking a local and supporting community membership should also hold at least the following Spiral Dynamics Green values. (You will better understand the values listed below once you have read the book.)
Promote a sense of community and unity.
Reach decisions through majority consensus.
Bring harmony
Share society's natural resources equitably among all (These natural resources are not the sharing of fruits of one's labors).
Liberate humans from greed and dogma.
Willing to explore the inner being of self and others
2. The living on the Universe One campus membership naturally is considerably more challenging to obtain for obvious reasons. Whether staff or general members living (on our 99-year lease parcels) or elsewhere on the Universe One campus in dorms, etc, must submit detailed background information, allow verification of their information, and go through a series of interviews before being about to move onto campus and be placed on a one-year provisional status. To live on campus, one must also be a general member in good standing.
After one year on campus or sooner if necessary, the applicant's actions are reviewed for alignment with community standards. The community then votes to either grant permanent residency under the rules of long-term or permanent residency or decides this individual's activities on campus do not align with the principles, values, and goals of Universe One, and that person is required to leave.
In addition to the values described on this page and found on this ClimateSafe Villages social and cultural characteristics master model page, new members of the Universe One community living on campus should also hold at least the following Spiral Dynamics Green values. (You will better understand the values listed below once you have read the book.)
You also hold the Spiral Dynamics Yellow values:
Focus on functionality, competence, flexibility, and spontaneity.
Find a natural mix of conflicting "truths" and "uncertainties."
Discovering personal freedom without harm to others or excesses of self-interest
Experience the fullness of living on an Earth of such diversity in multiple dimensions.
Demand integrative and open systems
Accept the inevitability of nature's flows and form.
To begin the application process for living on campus, please click here.
3. Senior organizational membership is the most challenging membership to obtain. It is only essential to individuals working as senior staff at Universe One, the Universe Institute, Job One for Humanity, Universe Spirit, Universe College, or Universe Day International. It is also required for all board members, advisory board members, and senior executive staff of the nonprofit organization that manages Universe One. These most challenging requirements are necessary so that the pre-mentioned organizations' leadership is of the highest quality possible.
To obtain a senior organizational membership, one must be a general member in good standing and, if they live on campus, must have obtained their permanent on-campus living status. They must also meet the following challenging requirements:
1. At least one of the adults in any family applying must have a Mensa level IQ of 140 or more and be at at least stage three or stage four of social-emotional development, as described in the work of Harvard professor Robert Keegan. (See Robert Keegan's five stages of social-emotional development in Wikipedia to see where you are.)
2. At least one of the adults in any family applying must also demonstrate that they understand the principles of logic, rational, analytical thinking, and scientific methodology, and hopefully also be learning how to do systems thinking and Dialectical Metasystemic Thinking.
3. We are looking for self-actualizing people who have a history of operating on their internal principles rather than by every cultural or social value held in our highly dysfunctional culture. Less than 5% of society is self-actualizing. We recommend reading about it on Wikipedia to see if you are self-actualizing.
In addition to all of the values described on this page and found on this ClimateSafe Villages social and cultural characteristics master model page, new Universe One community speaking senior organizational membership members should also hold at least the following Spiral Dynamics Green values. (You will better understand the values listed below once you have read the book.)
You should also hold the Spiral Dynamics Turquoise values:
Blending and harmonizing a strong collective of individuals
Focus on the good of all living entities as integrated systems.
Self is part of the larger, conscious whole that also serves self.
Global networking seen as routine
Acts for minimalist living, so less is more.
Expanded use of human brain/mind tools and competencies.
To begin the application process for living on campus, please click here.
Why such stringent requirements
The above are challenging member requirements for each membership level, and there is a very good reason for them. The hardship humanity will face in the Great Collapse, driven by climate change consequences interacting with its 11 other major crises, will be immense, unlike anything humanity has ever faced.
This means that any community trying to survive the coming nightmare must also be composed of a very high percentage of the best and brightest minds and the most stable personalities. Universe One makes no apologies for these very tough requirements, even though others may see them as elitist. If you look deeper into the many continuous challenges these communities will face, any rational individual would want these communities to have the highest percentage of brilliant, socially and emotionally well-developed, stable, and ethical individuals. Those who understand the depth of the challenge that's coming in the great global collapse will not see our very stringent requirements as elitist but as the epitome of extreme practicality.
Self and Community Funding Issues
Suppose you are applying for membership in the Universe One CSV community variation. In that case, initial members should be able to fully self-fund their own net-zero homes and personal startup living expenses. However, if you have the skills the community needs, we may waive all or part of the self-funding requirement in a work exchange arrangement.
Initial founding members will need additional funding to contribute a fair share of the startup eco-community legal costs, community-level land purchase, community center building, and other necessary shared community infrastructure. Once the community is functioning, there will be a reasonable monthly membership fee for group health and additional insurance and ongoing services that we must initially purchase from outside the community.
Here are the exceptions to the above self-funding requirements:
1. If you have a critical skill level needed to physically build, manage, or maintain the community, such as a skilled teacher, professional carpenter, plumber, electrician, master gardener, human resource administrator, emergency preparation expert, etc., you may be able to exchange your professional skills and time for almost everything you will need to live in the community, and you need not be fully self-funding.
2. If you are applying for membership to one of the other three CSV community models that do not require self-funding for their startup phase.
The volunteer staff and management team at Job One for Humanity and Universe Spirit will manage the Universe One rural community building project until construction is completed. The building will also be the headquarters for Universe Institute, Universe College, and Universe Day.
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to help us fund the Universe One
Every donation helps us build Universe One and expand and assist everyone coming to us for climate change resilience-building information and support. Job One for Humanity is taking the lead in funding Universe One.
With every donation of any amount, you will also get amazing gifts from Job One! Click the donate image below to see what these gifts are.
5. More about the Universe Evolutionary Worldview used at Universe One and our Vision for a More Sustainable and Equitable Future for ALL.
Universe One works toward achieving all the above goals, but it is much more!
(Humanity's closest evolutionary relative, the chimpanzee, has 98% of our DNA. As evolved chimpanzees and maybe something more, but at the minimum, nothing less than evolved chimpanzees, humanity has evolved many different worldviews.)
Why the New Worldview at Universe One
In a twist of the famous Albert Einstein quote, "The consciousness that created the problem is not the consciousness that will solve the problem," the same can be said for worldviews. This means that "the current worldview that has created our 12 major global crises will not be the worldview that can and will solve our 12 major global crises."
It also means that the previous philosophies and worldviews that have created today's economic, ecological, political, and social global problems causing the Great Collapse will not be the philosophies and worldviews that will solve these problems. We need a new worldview and philosophy to make the many problem-solving system changes humanity needs to survive.
At Universe One, we are building a community incorporating the many highly adaptive elements and principles from the New Universe Evolutionary Worldview. Not every CSV community model variation or location will adopt and use the New Universe Evolutionary Worldview or the ideas in the other links below, which is their choice.
However, Universe One team members will use and teach it because they believe this new transcending worldview has the powerful potential to:
a. better solve many of the world's biggest crises,
b. bring the world together in many unique and transformative ways,
c. set the foundation of the needed solutions in the post-mass extinction and collapse world and
d. It offers many other practical advantages for building strong communities with the best possibility of surviving what is coming.
We are at a terrifying point and opportunity in humanity's collective evolution. Either we evolve into a new and more adaptable worldview that will help to evolve our global systems intentionally and create a great transition to a more equitable, just, and sustainable world for All, or we evolve the hard way through widespread to near-total system collapse and mass extinction. This does not even include the painful, slow rebuilding process using the immense collective trauma of the extinction and collapse to motivate and compel us to make the required changes so it never happens again.
Here are additional advanced links related to the rationality and science behind the Universe Evolutionary Worldview and its beneficial evolutionary aspects for our eco-community models:
Click here to read about the many advantages to communities incorporating New Universe Evolutionary Worldview ideas and principles.
What is the great news and evolutionary hope provided by the Universe Evolutionary Worldview?
What are the practical benefits of the Universe Evolutionary Worldview?
What is the summary overview of the Universe Worldview?
Why is the Universe Worldview so Important to Our Future?
What are the evolutionary and practical art-of-living skills taught within the Universe Evolutionary Worldview essential for a meaningful, successful, and sustainable life?
How Does Progressive Evolution Create a New Worldview: The Universe Worldview?
What is the Evolutionary Impulse and Evolution's Prime Directive?
In What Ways is the Universe Worldview Becoming a Second Enlightenment for Humanity?
Click here to see how the Universe Evolutionary Worldview can become a set of universal guiding principles for day-to-day activities and right action at the individual, community, and national levels.
Click here to see how the Universe Evolutionary Worldview can become a set of universal guiding principles for day-to-day activities and the right attitude at the individual, community, and national levels.
What is the Highest Evolutionary Life Purpose of the Individual and Humanity?
In addition to reading the above links, please understand. niverse's worldview, we highly recommend that you read as many of the foundational books and papers behind the creation of this new worldview as possible so that you understand that it is realmore about the u vital to resolving the current crisis humanity faces. Please see the following link.
Who are some Thinkers, Authors, and Leaders of the Universe Worldview?
About the Universe One Community Name
The Universe One name was chosen to reflect the additional goals of this new evolutionary community: to develop a universe-level awareness and citizenship that transcends yet still includes global awareness and citizenship. The Universe One name was also chosen to reflect and remind community members of the existential and inherent union and oneness within the universe of all beings and things found within the universe.
6. At Universe One, We See Ourselves as Universe Citizens, Global Citizens, and Evolutioneers
Individuals who are part of Universe One see themselves as Evolutioneers and global citizens but often also see themselves as universe citizens. A significant goal of Universe One is to educate and create many more universe citizens who have developed what the book Spiral Dynamics refers to as Turquoise consciousness.
Suppose you wish to work at and contribute to the missions at the Universe Institute, Universe College, Universe Spirit, or the Universe Day organizations. In that case, they should also hold the Spiral Dynamics Turquoise values:
- Blending and harmonizing a strong collective of individuals
- Focus on the good of all living entities as integrated systems
- Expanded use of human brain/mind tools and competencies
- Self is part of the larger, conscious, spiritual whole that also serves self
- Global networking seen as routine
- Acts for minimalist living, so less is more
(At Universe One, we also will explore and help create the yet undefined Coral values and consciousness of Spiral Dynamics, which we believe transcends and includes all essential global values but also embraces universal values, universe consciousness, and a sense of universe citizenship.)
What is a Universe Citizen, and what does universe citizenship entail?
What is the Universe Declaration of Responsibilities for Universe Citizens, Evolutioneers, Planetary Citizens, and Universe Community Members?
What is the Universe Declaration of Rights for Universe Citizens, Planetary Evolutioneers, Evolutionaries, Planetary Citizens, and Universe Community Members?
What is the Universe Charter for Universe Citizens, Planetary Evolutioneers, Evolutionaries, Planetary Citizens, and Universe Community Members?
What are the Four Basic Attitudes/Actions of Evolutioneers
What do individuals who call themselves Evolutioneers do?
7. The Spiritual Qualities and Values at Universe One
Anyone at Universe One can choose and practice any form of personal or personalized spirituality they value, or they can choose to have and practice no form of personal spirituality or religion.
Universe One holds or promotes no official religion. This is because of the many historical problems, abuses, and irrational, destructive, and conflict-generating behavior of many organized religions.
In general, you will be a good fit at Universe One, and you are of a spiritual nature. If your spiritual practices and beliefs are found on the third or fourth level, as defined in Fowler's Four Levels of Religious or Spiritual Faith. If your beliefs and practices are within Fowler's Six Levels of Religious or Spiritual Faith, you will most likely be comfortable within our eco-community models.
(Click here to learn about Fowler's third, fourth, and beyond religious and spiritual development levels.)
In all forms of personal spirituality potentially present at Universe One, rationality and the facts of science will always override personal individual beliefs and opinions, whether spiritual or not. In other words, healthy and balanced spiritual beliefs should always naturally align with the realities of science and rationality. Or, as Saint Thomas Aquinas famously said, "If a faith belief contradicts reality, then that faith belief is wrong."
Some members of Universe One have adopted the Evolution Spirituality philosophy, a new form of Neo-Scientism grounded in the new Universe Evolutionary Worldview. The philosophy includes many secular, traditional, modern, and evolutionary spiritual values. Universe One also supports the principles and practices of Eco-Spirituality because they apply to our rapidly deteriorating environment.
No one will be excluded from the Universe One community for not holding the Neo-Scientism, Evolution Spirituality philosophy, or Eco-Spirituality principles. But, if your current religious or spiritual behaviors and actions strongly conflict with the liberal and progressive values of the Universe One community model and our principles of healthy spiritual practices described here and on this page in a similarly titled section, the ClimateSafe Villages community model will not be for you.
Furthermore, while the ClimateSafe Village models will protect an individual's right to have opinions and beliefs about anything, spiritual or otherwise, without interference, behaviors springing from those opinions or beliefs are subject to community examination and limitation.
In some ways, Universe One supports the principles of a new and emerging Neo-Scientism as the basis for our philosophy of acceptable spiritual beliefs and practices within the community.
Neo-scientism holds that science and scientific methodology are the best ways to discover objective truth about the world and reality. They must also be used as a rational grounding basis for any self-chosen spiritual inquiry and personal spiritual development.
Science demonstrates, through an independently repeatable and verifiable methodology, the reality of reality, or what can be widely agreed upon by rational individuals as reality. History has repeatedly shown us that things go horribly wrong whenever a spiritual or religious practice or group loses touch with reality. Instead of healthy personal and personalized spiritual practices, we get destructive cults and crazy authoritarian cult leaders.
Neo-Scientism is far more than the closed classical definition of Scientism found here.
Neo-scientism includes the critical realism work of the philosopher Roy Baskar, particularly his critical realism concepts that science (and the social sciences) always need to function in an open system. This new scientific open systems concept would allow undiscovered or yet-to-be-proven possibilities outside of science's standard scientific methodology and falsification processes. Neo-scientism aligns with Baskar's view that current science is an incomplete and ongoing process of increasing probabilities rather than absolute certainties.
Neo-scientism's open-system science principles allow for individual exploration of the many numinous possibilities of contemplating the mysteries of the universe and its origin, understanding the unknown Great Mystery and all of the other great existential questions of existence and life while still using the best of science and rationality as grounding points.
Our Neo-scientific concepts are still being developed. This description of Meta-Spirituality will give you a sense of how Neo-Scientism can combine the best of Roy Baskar's work on Critical Realism with the new concepts of Meta-Spirituality. In a few months, we hope to have more details about the core concepts of Neo-Scientism.
The good news about Neo-Scientism is that Neo-Scientism and rationality, when applied to a personally chosen spiritual or religious setting, help prevent the group from being harmed by dangerous or harmful beliefs, faith revelations, and practices.
Here are some additional factors to consider on this religion and spirituality topic:
1. Unfortunately, many beliefs and practices in today's religions harm or impede the creation of a sustainable, just, and equitable world for ALL. Therefore, self-selecting spiritual members should continually explore how to include the safe and healthy values and ideas of existing religions for their spirituality while transcending the no longer applicable, unjust, or unworkable religious practices, values, and beliefs from humanity's vast spiritual heritage.
2. We allow any individual of any spiritual denomination to join our community. Likewise, any humanist, agnostic, or atheist may join the eco-community. However, if their current religious or spiritual behaviors and actions strongly conflict with the values of our community model, it will not work out well. For example, suppose a potential member's spirituality/religion is intolerant, authoritarian, or "is the only or requires them to recruit and preach to others aggressively. In that case, the four eco-community models will not be a good fit.
3. While there are many dangers to forming a community around a particular religious or spiritual belief system, there is one crucial benefit if the belief system is healthy and noncoercive. As things get worse in the outside macro-culture, members within the community will witness unthinkable suffering and death. A healthy faith can provide deep roots of value that will give additional psychological and emotional resilience, which is dearly needed to survive.
4. We always educate every community member about actions of members or community managers that could harm individuals or the community by introducing or using these manipulative and harmful religious or spiritual practices within the community. We also proactively educate our members about the long-established principles of healthy spiritual practices, which apply to all religions and spiritual practices.
5. Small communities with religious or spiritual affiliations frequently adopt one or more destructive cultish behaviors. To safeguard against this, educate every community member about actions of members or community managers that could harm individuals or the community by having all members understand these fundamental tactics of destructive cults.
6. Furthermore, while the Universe One and ClimateSafe Village models will protect an individual's right to have opinions and beliefs about anything, spiritual or otherwise, and without interference, behaviors springing from those opinions or beliefs are entirely subject to community examination and limitation.
Click here to learn what Eco-Spirituality means.
Click here to learn more about the concepts of Meta-Spirituality.
Click here for a detailed explanation of the Evolution Spirituality philosophy. (Please note that Universe Spirit is moving to a new, improved website here. The old Universe Spirit website is here. Universe Spirt may also change its name shortly to either Universe Community or something else.)
One of the most essential spiritual goals for the Universe One community is to help evolve a new rational and universal form of a healthy and personizable science grounded in meta-spirituality that does not separate people from each other and foment religious conflicts between different peoples. That has been the primary goal of the Universe Spirit organization for decades.
Much work must be done to fully refine a workable and tested vision of universal meta-spirituality that would hugely benefit our post-climate change collapse world. All Universe One members will be invited to volunteer to help create, test, and refine this new vision. (The Universe Spirit organization will have its headquarters at Universe One.)
The Biggest Problem ALL CSVs Have to Resolve to Be Fully Successful
In the later stages of widespread worldwide collapse (2035-2050), conditions will become unbearable for billions of people unprepared for the endless stream of accelerating severe climate and other related consequences. This means billions of desperate, hungry individuals will migrate to survive.
How will CSVs and their members react to these worsening conditions while remaining rational and maintaining human dignity? This ongoing discussion must be resolved before CSV communities face this new challenge.
You can sign up for our eco-community information and alert mailing list by clicking here or on the image or link below.
Receive Free Eco-community Info!(Please note: Once the following non-profit organizations have been relocated, individuals can join them and work remotely with the headquarters of Universe Institute, Universe College, Job One for Humanity, or ClimateSafe Villages. They do not need to be on-site in the rural community.)
8. The Universe Institute is located at Universe One
ClimateSafe Villages is focused on education because lifelong education is one of our most essential values, along with honoring the critical role of teachers. Ongoing education for all will be vital to creating safe and sustainable villages and a secure and sustainable future once climate change and the other 11 major global crises have been resolved.
Two educational organizations will be at the center of Universe One CSV . One is the Universe Institute think tank, and the other is the online school we call Universe College, described below.
These two research and educational organizations exist for the following purposes:
1. To discover and educate individuals and groups on becoming more climate change-resilient so that more people will survive the worsening climate change emergency, multiplying and amplifying humanity's 11 other global crises. (This climate change resilience-building education includes every area that needs to be managed, particularly climate change-resilient small farm organic and sustainable food production necessary to counteract the coming food crises.)
2. To discover and educate about how and why our economic, social, religious, and political systems have created the worsening climate change emergency, multiplying and amplifying humanity's 11 other global crises.
3. To discover and educate about the new economic, social, religious, and political models that will be needed for the future survivors of the climate change emergency and humanity's 11 other global crises to prevent these 12 global crises from ever happening again. (We will share these new or upgraded models with all other ClimateSafe Villages and other outside groups and organizations that need and want them in an open access and Creative Commons manner.)
We actively engage in climate change resilience-building and the other actions described in 1, 2, and 3 above because they will reduce unnecessary suffering and death and save more lives. They will also support the evolution of our economic, social, religious, and political models based on painful lessons learned, which will help us create a more sustainable, equitable, and just future for ALL.
The Universe Institute information below is only for ClimateSafe Villages advanced members, advanced evaluator training, Universe Institute training, or individuals starting independent new eco-communities that wish to align closely with ClimateSafe Villages.
We will teach advanced students joining our Universe Institute think tank logic, scientific method, systems theory, and dialectical meta-systemic theory. We will also teach advanced students the new Universe Evolutionary Worldview, which incorporates many of the best elements from the Integral Philosophy Movement without this movement's less desirable qualities.
At the Universe One ClimateSafe Village, we may also sell our climate change think tank consulting services to large corporations and expand the think tank into researching new models of economics, global governance, and other solutions needed in the post-mass-extinction and post-collapse world.
9. Additional Reading on The Principles of Progressive Evolution Held at Universe One
The links below contain materials for ClimateSafe Villages' advanced members, leadership training, Universe Institute think tank training, or individuals starting independent new eco-communities that wish to align loosely with the Universe One ClimateSafe Village .
John Stewart is an Australian evolutionary scientist who is a member of the Evolution, Complexity, and Cognition (ECCO) Research Group at the Free Universityeer-reviewed papers in international science journals on the directionality of evolution and its implications for humanity of Brussels. He has published p.
Several of his recent papers have focused on psychological development, including the future evolution of consciousness.
He is the author of the internationally acclaimed book Evolution's Arrow: the Direction of Evolution and the Future of Humanity.' More recently, he has finalized The Evolutionary Manifesto, which outlines an evolutionary worldview and explores its relevance to humanity. It demonstrates the potential of a new evolutionary worldview to provide meaning and purpose for human existence.
His recent work also focuses on the evolutionary imperative for humanity to organize itself into a cooperative and evolvable planetary society underpinned by appropriate global governance.
His latest paper on these issues is The Self-Organizing Society: A Grower’s Guide, freely available at http://www.evolutionarymanifesto.com/SelfOrgSoc.pdf.
More about his work is at http://www.evolutionarymanifesto.com/about.html
Click here for the most updated and current evolutionary theory for organizing billionaires (and the 1%) to save us from the climate extinction emergency and other global existential threats. (This link also discusses the pros and cons of getting billionaires to work together from an evolutionary perspective. We do not hide the many negatives that can be anticipated when you try to get billionaires working together on a worthwhile project.)
If you want to see the original evolutionary theory behind the principles of how ‘The One Percent’ of Billionaires can be Organized to Fix Climate Change, click this link.<nbsp;
(Please note: Once the following non-profit organizations have been relocated, individuals can join them and work remotely with the headquarters of Universe Institute, Universe College, Job One for Humanity, or ClimateSafe Villages. They do not need to be on-site in the Universe One rural community.)
10. Universe College Online at Universe One
We will restart the Universe College (UniverseCollege.org) to do much of the preceding. It was online for almost eight years before we closed it. We plan to reopen it with new, far more effective online educational software. Here is the link to the original Universe College information.
Universe College's online educational courses and services will be invaluable to the effective educational efforts and processes underway within other ClimateSafe Villages.
One of the most important courses we will offer is on dialectical meta-systemic thinking, which creates very advanced dialectical multi-system-level thinking. This dialectical meta-systemic thinking is the critical new thinking needed for survival in the collapsing and post-collapse world. Suppose you want to work at the climate change thing tank Job One for Humanity, in addition to the usual climate research credentials. In that case, you will also need to develop the skills of dialectical meta-systemic thinking.
When it reopens, the new Universe College will educate people about many things online that are relevant to ClimateSafe Village life. Using the Information from the Universe Institute and other sources, Universe College will exist for the following additional purposes:
1. To educate about the reasons for how and why our economic, social, religious, and political systems have created the worsening climate change emergency, multiplying and amplifying humanity's 11 other global crises.
2. To educate about the new economic, social, religious, and political models that will be needed for the future survivors of the climate change emergency and humanity's 11 other global crises to prevent these 12 global crises from ever happening again. (We will share these new or upgraded models with all other ClimateSafe Villages and other outside groups and organizations that need and want them in an open access and Creative Commons manner.)
3. to continue to educate individuals and groups on how to become more climate change-resilient so that more people will survive the worsening change emergency, multiplying and amplifying humanity's 11 other global crises. (This climate change resilience-building education includes every area that needs to be managed, particularly climate change-resilient small farm organic and sustainable food production necessary to counteract the coming food crises.)
We actively engage in climate change resilience-building and the other actions described in 1, 2, and 3 above because they will reduce unnecessary suffering and death and save more lives. They will also support the evolution of our economic, social, religious, and political models based on painful lessons learned, which will help us create a more sustainable, equitable, and just future for ALL.
In addition to the above, it will teach the critical needed dialectical meta-systemic thinking and analysis, described in detail here. Dialectical meta-systemic thinking and analysis is currently the most advanced analysis system, far beyond systems thinking and logic alone. Unfortunately, worldwide, only a minimal number of people have mastered it, and that needs to be remedied.
The time is ripe for teaching the 28 forms of dialectical thinking. Here is just a tiny part of the reason why.
Organizations are fixated on currently applied capability (performance) alone and neglect or deny the existence of the current potential and the emergent potential capabilities of human agents, and since recent ‘breakthroughs’ such as chatbots are used mainly to strengthen instrumentalist thinking and de-agentify work, the teaching the new dialectical meta-systemic thinking and analysis processes could bring together what people COULD DO if given the right advanced dialectical thinking tools to address what is a slow or fast system breakdown our current economic, ecological, and political systems.
Teaching these new thinking skills could help remedy what Zachary Stein called the “cognitive fallacy.” This fallacy—the assumption that everybody operates at a peak level of cognitive maturity and has nothing more to learn about thinking except”— to be “critical" has become a fallacy about to engulf us. It is time to teach those at least 25-27 years old the advanced dialectical thinking systems that will help save the world.
When the teachers, staff, and funding are in place, we will reopen the Universe College to teach and share everything we have learned or offer at ClimateSafe Villages.
11. Universe One CSV Contributors
The Job One for Humanity and, to a significantly smaller part, the Universe Spirit organizations focus on educating individuals and businesses about what is avoidable and unavoidable in the face of many rapidly unfolding environmental and social global collapse processes. Its primary mission is to help individuals, as a society, prepare for and optimally adapt to survive the coming levels of extinction and collapse.
These nonprofit organizations will help individuals form groups and communities to evolve and create sustainable lifestyles and livelihoods in locations that are safer from global warming. Job One for Humanity will also continue to educate governments on climate-driven migration, infrastructure transfer, and emergency backup programs to support governments in the accelerating global warming extinction emergency.
Universe Spirit provides a broad science-based knowledge base, focusing on biological evolution, to explain what is developing in society and the physical world. This "fact-based" foundation is then used to create remedial "survive and thrive" strategies.
(Please note that at the Universe Institute, individuals will work on better solutions to many of the world's biggest problems. Universe College operated online for about eight years and will reopen at the new Universe One ClimateSafe Villages site. Universe Spirit is moving to an improved new website here and may even change its name to possibly the Universe Community or Neo-Scientism. The old Universe Spirit website is here. Many pages on the Universe Spirit website are decades old and a bit outdated in some areas. They are slowly being upgraded as they are transferred to the new Universe Spirit website.
The new and independent ClimateSafe Villages are vital to the Universe One project. The following history of their creation will help you understand CSV's ongoing and past contributions to Universe One.
The Job One for Humanity team spent many years anticipating the need to build climate-resilient communities. During those years, we designed a master plan for what we hoped would become such communities, which could simultaneously survive the climate change emergency and other global crises.
Initially, we called these climate-resilient communities eco-communities or the Universe One community.
In May 2023, under CSV's new leadership, we helped create a new nonprofit organization called ClimateSafe Villages. We sponsored it until December 31, 2023, just after the US government granted it nonprofit status.
We co-created ClimateSafe Villages so people would have the critical individual and community support needed to overcome the challenging tasks necessary to prepare for and adapt to the coming climate change emergency and other global crises. We also created it to collect and share all the information that anyone anywhere in the world would need to develop a climate-safe village in their location.
In March 2024, one of the lead Job One team members resigned from the ClimateSafe Villages board of directors because ClimateSafe Villages had the necessary skilled management team in place, and that Job One team member needed to return to their research and analysis work at Job One.
Today, Job One, Universe Spirit, Universe Institute, and Universe College team members are active ClimateSafe Villages members for their own survival and that of their families.
Much of everything on the Job One website describing the ClimateSafe Villages vision is based on our original master model research on creating individual and community climate resilience.
The current management of ClimateSafe Villages has full access to all Job One materials for their work. Job One for Humanity continues to collaborate with and regularly promotes ClimateSafe Villages' work.
Click here to visit the new and fully independent Climatesafe Villages organization and website.
(As of 2.13.2025 we are still in the process of updating the sections below.)
Here are the four major phases of developing the Universe One urban/rural community. (The four phases described below will eventually be incorporated into the detailed launch steps in the next section.)
Step 1: Lawrence Wollersheim moves the current Job One headquarters from San Francisco to the new long term Universe One final location. Some Job One and volunteers or members will probably join us either at the same time or shortly afterward. Until we have made the rural land purchase and have started infrastructure construction, everyone joining us will temporarily buy or rent homes in the area, start local organic gardens, and make other emergency-related preparations.
Step 2: Start an urban CSV model in the Universe One area with people already living there. When the time comes, urban CSV members can also help physically build the infrastructure needed for the new rural version.
If you are already in a climate-resilience area and interested in getting involved in the urban CSV model before joining a local rural model, please fill out this survey and email Leonora at [email protected]. She will then add you to the online CSV advisory group.
Step 3: After the local CSV urban community is hopefully established, the next activity will be to finalize a rural land purchase of the proper size 100-200+acres, soil quality, and other required factors on the land purchase checklist in the Job One members area here.
Next we will complete rural CSV infrastructure, buildings, and critical equipment funding.
We will use the best possible designs to complete the construction of our climate-resilient infrastructure, including the required community spaces, homes, dorms, gardens, four-season greenhouses, business, art, online educational production, and classroom areas.
Step 4: After the urban/rural Universe One CSV community and cooperative is nearly fully operational, we will promote widely and invite others to join us in the new area. Our first invitations will go to Job One, CSV, Universe Institute, Universe College, and Universe Spirit members to join us in rural or urban communities. They can temporarily buy or rent homes in the area or join the rural CSV version when the home is ready for occupancy.
3. Universe One Rural Version Launch Steps
The Universe One rural CSV should be considered a new type of optimized sustainable sanctuary designed to withstand the worst of the climate and the other 11 global crisis collapse processes while preparing for the needs of the post-collapse world.
Each step below will likely become a separate sub-project with a project manager coordinator and a volunteer team. (They will use our new project management and team-building software, Basecamp.) As more competent, climate crisis-aware individuals show up to help, the full rural ClimateSafe Village community will accelerate into existence.
Step 1.
Continue initial funding through donations, grant funding, government loan guarantee acquisition, large-scale "angel" fundraising, and CSV member land lease and personal building financial commitments or deposits to raise adequate rural launch finances for:
a. the salary for the full-time community coordinator/manager who will oversee all Universe One CSV growth activities. (This is a large-scale and time-consuming project. We can no longer rely exclusively on volunteers.)
b. the headquarters rural land purchase of 100 to 200 acres or more, depending on costs.
c. infrastructure costs, including the overall climate change-resilient architectural design for the community and all buildings. This infrastructure also includes roads, a net-zero community center, a community event kitchen, staff family homes, dorms for singles, independently owned homes of members on leased community land, gardening areas, greenhouses, agricultural areas, open areas, educational, business, and art buildings, and integrated water, septic, green power systems (solar/wind/hydro), and community-integrated high-speed internet.
d. costs for all net-zero climate change-resilient community buildings, dorms, sheds, greenhouses, etc.
Here is the new cost estimator we are continuing to develop for the Rural CSV. It can easily be adapted to other CSVs.
Step 2.
There is much to be done until the needed phased funding is in place. Individuals in various advisory groups must complete the many planning and research tasks listed below using the following principles of successful project execution.
1. Determine your in-house resources and obtainable out-of-house resources such as net-zero open-source architectural designs, volunteer knowledge contributions, etc.
2. Select the first most crucial sequential project that matches those resources.
3. Choose the project managers.
4. Draft a preliminary proposal and goals for a specific area, such as land acquisition quality, needed infrastructure, etc. (Proposal here means a substantial project PLAN - i.e., VILLAGE PLAN.)
5. Find a preliminary sponsor if funding is already not in place.
6. Begin critical development efforts.
7. Specify performance, time, and cost to achieve the goal.
8. Obtain additional funding commitments to complete.
9. Organize for the implementation long haul.While the above-phased fundraising is being completed and the CSV Urban Villages is being launched, special CSV online advisory committees will work on the following with our new project management software:
a. Complete the best legal structure for the new community's land preservation (possibly a non-profit corporation, a social benefit corporation, a conservation land trust, etc.). Having a legal structure that wisely maintains the community's contagious land purchase integrity from all contingencies is critical and foundational. (Most past communities fail when their land is broken up or lost from various causes, like members failing to pay taxes on their individually owned and leased homes, inter-community disputes, lawsuits, etc.)
b. Complete all legal contracts for member involvement, including equitable contracts for leasing homes or business spaces on community land. This contracts area will also include any other contracts or community exit procedures so that all required community agreements are clear and fair to all parties. Community-related contracts will have an equitable but mandatory binding arbitration clause to prevent costly, time-consuming, or frivolous litigation that could harm the community.
c. Completing community rural land acquisition evaluation using our existing comprehensive soil, environmental, and water testing and quality standards checklists.
d. Complete all local zoning and building checks and approvals needed for a small educational climate change-resilient farm (an agrihood), a school, a community center for the school and staff, classrooms, dorms, private net-zero private homes, or tiny homes, greenhouses and related service and storage buildings, etc. This process will also include local zoning approval for temporary or permanent RV pads for construction workers, having educational retreats in the community using available housing and classroom and other spaces, septic systems, off-grid power systems, community roads, and drainage systems, and many other zoning and related checks as described in our six-page land purchase, home buying, and migration checklist found in the Members-only section of our website. We must also check to see if local zoning regulations will allow us to eventually build a sanctuary-like structure that would serve the community for interfaith services and individual or group meditations, reflections, etc. (To see this checklist, log into our website and join.)
e. Complete researching community-wide climate-resilience and safety design standards for individually-owned net-zero homes that would be on community land and leased to the owners who paid for their construction on something like a 99-year lease. This lease would specify that the owners or their heirs would be required to comply with common community regulations and standards and keep all related local tax assessments paid. These 99-year lease agreements would have equitable buy-back agreements for the community and homeowner/lessors if the owner/lessor had to leave the community for some reason.
f. Complete the initial community four-season food production organic garden, greenhouse, aquaponics, vertical hydroponics, and agricultural plan.
g. Complete the community member screening criteria (found here) and begin new member screenings.
h. Complete the all-community new Personal Democracy vision.
i. Complete potential ongoing income sources and plans for both the community and community members. (Please note that some community members already have income sources to sustain themselves that are eco-community compatible and can be continued within the eco-community.)
j. Recruit first volunteer educator teachers to help design and begin creating member educational materials and teach online courses.
K. Complete all funding requirements for the next phase.
l. Begin eco-community infrastructure construction. Our newly purchased land site will be prepared for numerous RV or tiny home sites to be used for the community infrastructure building team's housing during construction. These RV and tiny home sites can later be used by visiting members for retreats or new members wanting to experience the community before joining and building their own net-zero homes. (As we raise enough funding, as a community, we may pre-build all net-zero homes and long-term lease them to members or exchange their leasing fees for services rendered to the eco-community.)
m. Select which new or offline barter system might work best within the eco-community between members and the community and with other Universe model eco-communities.
n. While the macro-culture is still relatively stable, once the community infrastructure (community kitchen, meeting rooms, etc.) has been installed, those ready members could begin building their net-zero homes on our new land.
o. Recruit other key member positions needed at the rural village.
p. Help launch introductory online or offline community member education and training courses in the new fully online Universe College software.
Once the rural community has become fully operational, raise additional funds to:
a. Establish community food, water, and energy reserves and backup parts and systems.
b. Enhance community community defensibility to protect against coming emergencies.
c. Initiate outreach to help other new CSV communities form using our community model, tools, forms, contracts, architectural plans, etc.
d. Initiate outreach to help the greater local communities to build stronger climate change resilience in those communities as described in part on this page.
e. Initiate outreach to more isolated CSV communities to create an emergency backup and bug-out capacity for those members who have negotiated and established a special mutually beneficial prior relationship with those more isolated CSVs for shelter in a temporary or extended emergency that is facing their current CSV.
f. As needed, recruit and expand CSV, Universe Institute, Universe Spirit, and Universe Day team members. (Universe Institute, Universe Spirit, and Universe Day are described further down this page.)
Step 3.
Once we have successfully established ClimateSafe Villages and it has reached its growth limit by buying adjacent lands (of about 150-500 people), we will ask qualified members to help establish a network of other ClimateSafe Villages-like eco-communities in other safer locations worldwide. (These closely affiliated new eco-communities could be known as ClimateSafe Villages Berlin, ClimateSafe Villages Tokyo, etc., to distinguish them from the founding flagship Universe One, ClimateSafe Villages community.
Step 4. To be determined.
12. Other Pages in the Job One, ClimateSafe Village Master Model
Page 1: Introduction, Overview, and Goals
Page 2: Climate Safe Village Qualities, Processes, Income Sources, and Safeguards
Page 3: The Four ClimateSafe Village Models and Their Operations
Page 4: Our New Personal Democracy ClimateSafer Village Management Model
Page 5: About ClimateSafe Villages, a Unique Rural ClimateSafe Village
Page 6: Our ClimateSafe Villages ClimateSafe Village Application Process
13. Updates to our vision and other recent news
A. The Universe One CSV vision now includes partial veganism as a qualification for new members of the Universe One CSV vision. What we mean by this is that we will try to be mostly vegan, but may allow eating some of the fish when they reach maturity from our aquaponics facility.
The movement toward near- or complete veganism and away from large-scale animal consumption aligns well with rebalancing our world's ecosystems and away from the monocultures that have taken over much of it.
It is also our feeling that vegans or near-vegans will generally more easily align with manyals, purposes, and directions of the Universe. of the other go One version of a CSV.Appendix Materials
The ClimateSafe Village Social Contract Page
Online Rules for Our Virtual ClimateSafe Village
Procedures and Policies for Exiting Our ClimateSafe Villages or Applying for Membership
Personal Democracy White Paper
The ClimateSafe Villages Issues FAQ of frequently asked questions for only issues directly relating to ClimateSafe Villages issues
The ClimateSafe Villages Climate FAQ of frequently asked questions for every question you have about climate change
Click here for our ClimateSafe Village online guide master table of contents
Sign up here to learn more about ClimateSafe Villages
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to help us fund the Universe One
Every donation helps us build Universe One and expand and assist everyone coming to us for climate change resilience-building information and support. Job One for Humanity is taking the lead in funding Universe One.
With every donation of any amount, you will also get amazing gifts from Job One! Click the donate image below to see what these gifts are.
For answers to your questions about climate change and global warming, click here for our new climate change FAQ. It has over one hundred of the most asked questions and answers about climate change.
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Job One for Humanity Executive Director
The honest climate change analysis it provides free will help save many lives.
Preventing Global Warming Extinction, #Climageddon