Lawrence Wollersheim published $50 Gift Ebooks & Membership Promotion in Us 2022-04-19 15:03:54 -0700
Special $50 Free Gift Promotional for Five Climate-Related Ebooks and 1 Year Membership at Job One for Humanity (a Non-Profit Climate Change Think Tank)
The five free ebooks and the 1-year free membership to the members-only sections of this website (a combined $50 value) are part of a collaborative and supportive arrangement that we have made with the organization that has given you this gift offer.
Here are the climate change relocation, migration, and managed retreat topics found in our members-only section
Hundreds of thousands of smart individuals are already relocating because of climate change. Here is the essential information you will need to do it without making serious location mistakes or wasting time and money.
It includes:
What is the most updated information about climate change migration, relocation, or managed retreat?
How to Know Where and When to Migrate Because of Accelerating Global Warming and Climate Change?
Before relocating, what must I know about climate change migration and relocation?
What Climate Change Migration, Relocation, and Managed Retreat Evaluation Factors are the Most Important?
What are the Climate Change Safer Zones Within the United States and Worldwide?
Do you have a robust checklist for climate change safer, land and home purchasing, migration, relocation, or managed retreat? (This 6-page checklist will help keep you from making poor or inadequate land or home purchases that will not add to your climate safety and longevity.)
Why find, join, or create a ClimateSafe Village-like resilient eco-community to significantly improve my long-term climate change survive and thrive possibilities? Click here.
What are the worst migration challenges and difficult choices that I must face in a high-probability climate change-driven Great Global Collapse? Click here.
Here are the Other Critical Topics Covered in Our Members-Only Section
It includes:
What are the most critical climate change consequence timeframes I will need to know to plan a safe future for myself, my family, and my business?
What are the seven new climate change rules for real estate buying, selling, and investment in the age of accelerating climate change?
What are the financial loss timeframes and percentages for the coming local, state, national, and global financial losses due to accelerating climate change consequences? (Learn how climate change will destabilize the world economy to levels that will take decades to recover.)
How will Climate Change Create Stock Market Opportunities and Massive Future Market Losses and Instabilities? (What stocks will be the biggest winners and losers as climate change accelerates?)
How will Climate Change Cause Wild Fluctuations and Unpredictability in Future Commodity Prices? Click here. (What commodities will be the biggest winners and losers as climate change accelerates?)
The predictions for how climate change will affect political conflict or instability probabilities, particularly relating to a nation's regionalized specific global warming consequences.
What are the Basics for Recovery From Climate Change Losses and Related Disasters?
How do I get All of the Free Climate Change-Related Ebooks available to all Members? Click here.
What is the Climageddon Extinction Scenario and its Timetables for a Climate Change-Driven Global Collapse? Click here.
Do you have Special Member-Only Briefings and Alerts On Climate Change? Click here.
How will escalating climate change break down the strongest democracies, roll back existing human rights, and threaten worldwide political stability?
We continually update the members-only information as new climate change research arrives.
Here is a list of the available five climate-related ebooks you will also recieve:
"In Our Hands" by Wilford H Welch is a $9.99 ebook. In Our Hands is the result of extensive research into climate science and the use of systems thinking and driving forces analysis. Using these methods, Wilford makes sense of the climate crisis and what we all need to do to address it. He lays out two futures, one looking back from 2050 and the actions we took to save ourselves; the other, entitled "The Road to Ruin," shows how the world collapsed into chaos by mid-century due to our failure to take effective actions. Here are some reviews of just updated great book on Amazon.
"Climageddon: the Climate Change and Global Warming Survival Kit" by Lawrence Wollersheim is an $8.95 value. The Climageddon book will show you the scientific evidence on how bad global warming really is, how bad it will get, and how soon the worst of the now unavoidable consequences of global warming will destabilize you, your family, business, or nation. Climageddon describes the 20 worst global warming consequences. It also lays out the 11 most critical global warming tipping points. These tipping points are striking terror in the minds and hearts of everyone involved in short-term, mid-range, and long-range essential planning. Understanding the 11 global warming tipping points is critical because crossing a few more of them, left unchecked, will initiate the end of humanity and civilization over the next several decades. The systemic analysis found within Climageddon also shows you how to stay ahead of the coming global warming-related financial market unpredictability and drops. These will occur naturally because of the escalating consequences of continually rising temperatures on food crops, related businesses, and global political stability. Climageddon has scores of great reviews on Amazon. You can download it in one of the three most popular ebook reader formats.
For those who do not like reading complex climate change scientific research and still want to be entertained and educated, we have the ebook version of "On Vestige Way" by David Spielberg (a $9.00 ebook value.) It is an emotion-packed CLI-Fi (climate fiction) novel about how global warming affects the future and fate of Millennials, Generation Z, and corporations. It also describes a massive rearrangement of the political alliances we take for granted. It is so hard to put down that you will be missing work and sleep wondering what happens next to the story's heroes and heroines struggling with the genuine global heating future the younger generations will face. Yet, it is one of the most scientifically accurate CLI-FI books on the market. You can read the Amazon reviews on this book here.
Climate and Ecological Delusions and Contradictions that Will Soon End Humanity" by Michael Mielke. This $8.95 value ebook explains and elaborates in great detail on the carbon capture technology delusion and the many other global crises we face, such as resource Overshoot—a necessary read and update on new technology delusions that will not save us in time.
You will also receive a free ebook copy of "Collapse 2020, Vol 1: Fall of the First Global Civilization" by Bruce Nappi. This $8.95 value ebook lays out a strong case on why we must prepare for the first-ever climate change-aggravated, global collapse coming within mere decades. Collapse 2020 digs into the major chaos of today's world: climate change, liberal-conservative polarization, gridlock in governments, and massive social injustice. (PDF format only.)
And, there are several other important additional gifts included:
1. You also will get the one-year Job One for Humanity membership a $9.00 value. You will have full members-only access to nonpublic climate and global heating website information as described below:
critical prediction information on how, when, and where the escalating global warming emergency will affect:
local, regional, and national real estate values and finances,
stock market values, specifically corporations whose stocks and bonds will be most affected as the global warming emergency worsens,
commodity prices as regionalized crops and other commodities fail because of increased heat or other global warming consequences, as well as which food prices will rise the fastest, etc.,
2. increased political conflict or instability probabilities, particularly relating to a nation's regionalized specific global warming consequences.
3. first alerts and early warnings about the coming global warming catastrophes,
4. exclusive global warming emergency preparation and adaptation information for your family, home, and business.
5. well-researched global warming family and business migration options for the sparse global warming safer zones (For those of you who live in global warming high-risk areas.)
The members-only area of our website will provide critical details on how and when the consequences of the global warming emergency can affect your investments, financial transactions, real estate, and even your individual or business physical survival.
2. You will also receive one year of online email support to help you prepare for the worsening global heating consequences. This online support will help you get through all parts of the Job One for Humanity Global Heating Resilience Plan. This global heating plan will help you reduce your fossil fuel use, become more sustainable, and keep you motivated and demanding your government acts before it is too late!
You also will be able to ask global heating plan questions and share your successes, knowledge, and experiences via this new online support system.
For answers to all of your remaining questions about climate change and global warming, click here for our new climate change FAQ. It has over one hundred of the most asked questions and answers about climate change.
Lawrence Wollersheim published IPCC's "Perfect Day" Climate Modeling Problems in 60 Years of Climate Change Fossil Fuel Reduction Failure by our Governments, and Why Most of Today's Climate Change Studies and Predictions Are Wrong? 2022-04-07 14:59:15 -0700
The World has been Blindsided by the IPCC's "Perfect Day" Climate Change Computer Modeling Problems
The world's leading authority on climate change, the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC,] is not accurately telling our governments what they need to know to save us from climate extinction because of...
the IPCC's "Perfect Day" problem.
Our governments are in serious climate risk analysis trouble because they rely upon the IPCC's "authoritative" climate consequence scenario projections and remedies. Moreover, the world's governments, military, intelligence agencies, hedge funds, investment banks (like Goldman Sachs,) stock and commodity markets, foundations, think tanks, national and international reserve banks, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the World Economic Forum all use the same IPCC climate research, predictions, and remedies for their climate risk analysis.
All of the previously mentioned entities are being dangerously weakened by what is known as the IPCC's climate computer modeling "Perfect Day" problem.
The Perfect Day problem and how it works
The IPCC uses computer modeling to predict future climate consequences and calculate how much fossil fuel we must reduce globally to keep ourselves safe. Every 3 to 5 years, the IPCC creates 4-7 updated best to worst climate prediction scenarios and what we must do to prevent them from occurring.
The governments, organizations, corporations, and individuals that rely upon these IPCC climate scenarios to create their internal climate risk analyses are being told by the IPCC and their governments these climate scenarios are reasonably accurate projections of probable future climate conditions. But, unfortunately, the truth is they are far from it.
The IPCC's climate computer models actually reflect "Perfect Day" climate scenarios far more than they reflect more probable climate scenarios. The IPCC's climate computer models are plagued with this "Perfect Day" problem because they seldom include most of the following critical climate modeling factors. These are the critical climate-related but often missing factors that regularly and routinely occur both within and between the complex adaptive systems within our climate's multiple systems and subsystems.
The IPPC's climate computer models and multiple predictive scenarios still fail to capture:
a. many of the interconnected or interdependent primary and secondary tipping points within and between the climate system and its subsystems.
b. most of the many powerful self-reinforcing feedback loops within and between the climate systems and their subsystems.
c. most of the non-linear cause and effect relationships within and between the climate systems and their subsystems. (Non-linear cause and effect relationships are a regular aspect of the behavior of complex adaptive systems.)
d. far too many of the cause and effect interconnections and critical interdependencies within and between the climate system and its subsystems. And,
e. many of the critical points of no return within and between the climate systems and their subsystems. (These crucial points of no return help signal and predict coming tipping points and most often dangerous system crashes and collapses that occur after a tipping point is crossed.)
The result of omitting so many to most of the essential a-e factors above from climate computer models is that what you get is more like a Perfect Day prediction scenario. This Perfect Day climate scenario is where either no or far too few of the many, many a-e factors are accounted for within the computer-modeled climate calculations and predictions.
The crucial thing to know about items a - e above is that they embrace thousands of essential regularly unaccounted-for or under-accounted-for climate factors that are also at play in creating reliable and probable climate predictions and risk assessments. Moreover, many of the climate factors listed in a-e above are so powerful that just omitting a single one can radically alter the trajectory and usefulness of any of the IPCC's current climate prediction scenarios or suggested remedies.
For example, suppose the IPCC has predicted that the average global temperature will rise to 2 degrees Celcius above pre-industrial levels by 2040 in one of their multiple prediction scenarios. Now factor in that they did not add to that computer model essential tipping points, feedback loops, or other non-linear cause and effect factors within the climate system and its subsystems. In that case, this a-e omission could quickly move their predicted average global temperature rise of 2 degrees Celsius by 2040 (with all of its associated risks and consequences) to far more than 2 degrees Celsius far sooner than 2040!
Worse yet, the world's political, corporate and the leaders of the other organizations mentioned earlier do not know about the Perfect day issue, which is that the IPCC predictions and their remedial climate recommendations do not reliably computer model the contexts, relationships, processes, and many ongoing transformations within the interacting climate, human and biological systems, and subsystems.
This "Perfect Day" problem means that the REAL climate risk and threat probabilities for humanity's climate future are being grossly underestimated! Unfortunately, this also means that our governments, largest corporations, and the leaders of the other organizations mentioned earlier are ALL currently operating on grossly inadequate climate risk assessments. As a result, within these organizations, our current climate condition's actual risk and threat levels and its fundamental uncertainties are far higher than what they understand and what we are being told. Consequently, we are currently not managing or preparing for our actual climate risks and uncertainties.
At Job One, we estimate that if you take all of the factors in a-e above (and all the IPCC's many other political, prediction modeling, and summary report problems described in the additional links at the end of this page), we should treat the IPCC's current predictions and climate remedies as being underestimated on the average by about 20-40%. This means we are underestimating both the severity and frequency of climate consequences and when these climate consequences will arrive by about 20-40%.
If one makes these 20-40% reasonable allowances for non-perfect day climate items in a-e above and the other IPPC problems linked at the end of this page, the world's governments and corporations should be panicking.
On the other hand, if they were making appropriate allowances for the many a-e missing climate factors and risks, the corporations listed previously would demand our governments immediately declare an international climate extinction emergency. They would also demand that our governments cooperate globally to enforce the fossil fuel reductions needed to at least save some small portion of humanity. (If you would like to see the horrific chain of climate consequences with adjusted timelines when making allowances for the IPPC's problems, click here.)
But, here is the really bad news about the climate system factors listed in a-e above. As the climate continues to heat, the climate and its subsystems will become more interactive, agitated, and unstable, and you will see many more of the a-e climate system factors occurring causing greater and greater climate disruption.
Imagine these a-e climate system factors interacting within the climate and churning and boiling like the water in a pressure cooker as you turn up the heat. Unfortunately, as our temperatures continue to rise, the a-e climate factors above will also occur at ever faster rates. This escalating rise in temperature will also create significantly more future climate predictive uncertainty. This will then lessen our ability to develop helpful risk analysis as the climate worsens.
Knowing about this inherent dilemma of diminishing predictive power as temperatures rise helps let us know that we must prevent the climate system from EVER crossing this first extinction-triggering tipping point. If we cross this extinction-triggering tipping point, global warming will move into a runaway mode where reliable climate consequence predictions and timeframes will be all but impossible to construct.
Because of the Perfect Day problem and so much missing from the IPCC's computer climate modeling, any organization that uses the IPCC's data must immediately reevaluate their climate risks and adjust them at least, 20-40% to the negative. With this new modeling problem information, these organizations will then be able to create a far more realistic climate risk analysis for their specific operations and conditions.
The biggest danger of the IPCC Perfect Day problem
The real climate change risk and threat level to all entities listed above is far beyond what they believe and are telling themselves, their citizens, or their clients. This serious risk analysis problem is not just dangerous. It will not only be very costly over time, but it also will likely turn into a serious legal liability for those entities as their citizens and clients discover the climate risk levels they were advised about were grossly underestimated.
The Perfect Day problem is also crippling our ability to find and use the correct collective climate change management strategies needed to save humanity itself. Because of the IPCC's Perfect Day problem, we are not dealing with the actual climate change risks appropriately and rationally.
As a result, we are operating on incorrect climate change risk and threat assessments far below what they genuinely are. And, that will be the final recipe for a soon-arriving collective mass extinction.
The climate change risk analysis the world is operating on from the IPCC makes the world think it still has many decades left to fix the climate change emergency and prevent extinction when at best, it only has about another 3-9 years. Yet, the IPCC continues to sell the world their grossly incomplete "Perfect Day" climate change prediction and remedy computer models and scenarios as reliable and probable representations of our climate future when they are grossly inadequate and underestimated!
We believe that when the entities listed above redo their climate risk analysis using the information on this website and other websites critical of IPCC climate work, and which also includes the climate factors listed in a -e above, they will discover the following:
- We are currently at a level of extreme climate change risk. We passed high climate risk decades ago.
- When we cross the atmospheric carbon threshold of carbon 425 to 450 parts per million (ppm), we have entered the climate risk zone of unavoidable extinction for much of humanity by 2050.
- When we cross the atmospheric carbon threshold of carbon 450 to 500 ppm, we have entered the climate risk zone of near-total to total human extinction beginning as soon as 2070 or sooner.
As you can see from the illustration above, for the last 65 years, atmospheric carbon levels have been getting worse even faster. As a result, we are about 3-9 years away from moving into the climate risk zone of unavoidable extinction for much of humanity by 2050.
Building a plan, a risk analysis, or a climate scenario on everything going perfectly has always been the perfect plan for failure. Unfortunately, because of the above, our world is in a far deeper climate change extinction emergency than it believes it is in.
And finally, there is another way to grasp the dire danger of the IPCC's Perfect Day problem. Ask yourself, when was the last time everything went perfectly according to your projected perfect plan?
What can you do about the Perfect Day problem which is drastically impeding our progress on executing effective climate solutions?
1. If you have any contacts with power at any of the organizations listed on this page, you can email them a copy of this article. It would help if you also referred them to this page. This page makes considerably better (but still not perfect) allowances for the IPCC's Perfect Day problem by more realistically adjusting climate consequence scenarios and timeframes to include and make allowances for more of the above a-e factors.
Here are the key organizations to reach out to so they can update their internal critical climate risk analysis, so they become a better reflection of today's actual climate reality. You will be doing them a favor! Unfortunately, operating on the IPCC's flawed climate prediction scenarios for their internal climate risk analysis will eventually embarrass them. It could also expose them to severe legal liability for incorrect actions or incorrect advice.
This risk updating process may also assist them in doing what is logical and necessary to help better manage our climate extinction emergency. There may be other entities you will think of as well:
World governments, the world's military, intelligence agencies, hedge funds, investment banks (like Goldman Sachs,) stock and commodity markets, foundations, think tanks, national and international reserve banks, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the World Economic Forum and corporations dealing with essential commodities and infrastructure needed for the future.
2. Get started with the Job One for Humanity Climate and Global Crises Resilience Plan.
Other critical IPCC consequence prediction and timetable problems that rapidly need to be adjusted for in future government and corporate climate risk analysis
1. Click here to see the four most crucial extinction-triggering tipping points that must be factored into every adjusted future climate risk analysis.
2. Click here to see how the accelerating primary and secondary consequences of climate change interact with and worsen humanity's 11 other major global crises.
3. Click here to see the risk analysis adjusted 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets and why we must get close to a 75% reduction in total global fossil fuel use (oil, natural gas, coal, etc.) by 2025, not the far, far less net-zero emission levels they have pledged by 2050 or 2040! (In the technical notes at the bottom of the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction specification page, you will see each calculation and compensation for the various factors that make up the required correct global fossil fuel reduction numbers.)
4. In addition to the "Perfect Day" problem previously described, below you will find essential additional links on the checkered history of the IPCC climate consequence predictions and research problems. These links will provide a valuable context for the relationships, processes, and climate research transformations going on within the IPPC.
You will learn precisely how the IPCC constructs and calculates its climate consequence risk scenarios and recommended climate change remedies. Unfortunately, you also will discover that there are many other serious calculation and process problems going on within the IPCC in addition to the Perfect Day problem. The additional problems below further call into question the reliability and risk analysis usefulness of the IPCC's current prediction scenarios and climate remedies.
(Please note: In the links below, we are not attacking or criticizing any of the thousands of hard-working and honest volunteer scientists worldwide who submit their climate research to the IPCC. Instead, we call attention to the IPCC's administrative processes and politicized leadership. They are the ones who alter and contort the real climate science received by these scientists into 5-7 year climate summary reports. Before they are released, these 5-7 year summary reports must get the line-by-line sign-off of the IPCC's major funders, the fossil fuel producing nations, and the fossil fuel-dependent nations.)
Click here to understand the long-term history of the IPCC underestimating the consequences, timeframes, and the needed global fossil fuel reduction targets by as much as 20-40% or more.
Click here to see precisely how the IPCC "cooked the books" and grossly skewed the current IPCC global fossil fuel reduction calculations by including unproven and non-existent "carbon sucking unicorn" technology into their projections.
Click here to see the eleven key climate change tipping points that have been mostly excluded from the IPCC calculations on how much fossil fuel use we must reduce each year globally.
Click here to see the four key reasons why the IPCC's 26 global climate conferences have failed to produce results or legitimate global fossil fuel reduction targets.
Click here to see the latest 2022 IPCC climate change summary report on the critical climate sensitivity error. Because of only this ongoing climate sensitivity error, the IPCC's newest climate consequence predictions, timeframes, and remedial action information will be underestimated by as much as 25% or more. (This 25% does not include the effect of the other IPCC errors described in the links just above.)
Click here to see a new study showing that the IPCC does not include many critical climate system factors in its computer climate modeling. Those missing factors equal wrong and distorted results. This Feb 2022 paper strongly refutes the absurd IPCC claim that the Arctic sea ice melt-decline is reversible. It is not reversible, and that is a monster problem for humanity's weather, seasonal climate, and future!
All of the above linked decades of IPCC error, calculation, and polarization problems mean that the IPCC is an unreliable partner for truthful and accurate climate change information. Their climate consequence predictions, timeframes, and remedial action information are grossly underestimated by 25 - 50 %+ and possibly more!
It is time to find new more reliable sources for climate change prediction and management information.
Lawrence Wollersheim published World's Authority on Climate Change Gives Very Scary "now or Never" New Report, But... in Blog 2022-04-04 13:09:17 -0700
World's Authority on Climate Change Gives a Very Scary "Now or Never" New Report, But...
The world's climate authority in its new "Now or Never" report is still grossly underestimating how bad climate consequences, timeframes, and the needed global fossil fuel reductions must be --- by a shocking 20-40% or more!
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Lawrence Wollersheim published Our March Climate Change Newsletter in Blog 2022-03-31 13:33:33 -0700
Our March Climate Change Newsletter Has More than the Usual Climate Change Surprises
Knowing what will happen ahead of time with our climate allows you to either plan for it or wisely get out of the way before it harms you. This month's newsletter is about assisting you to see what is coming with the climate without denial or spin.
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@JobOneForHuman1 tweeted link to Special Promotional Activation Page. 2022-03-21 12:17:36 -0700Check out Job One for Humanity. I just joined. https://www.joboneforhumanity.org/special_membership_page?recruiter_id=2
Special Promotion Activation Page: Get 5 free Climate Change Related Ebooks and 1 Year Membership a $50 Value Here
You have been given this special downloading access link to receive five free climate-related ebooks (a $50 value) and a 1-year free membership to access climate change information available only in the members-only sections of this website. This special promotion is part of our collaborative arrangement with the organization that referred you to this downloading access link.
After you sign the downloading access form below, we will immediately email you the instructions for downloading your five free climate change-related ebooks and accessing the members-only sections of the Job One for Humanity website. Please also indicate which subjects most interest you on the checkbox form below the signup area.
You have only a five-day timed access period to download your five free ebooks from the date you signup below.
You were awarded this gift because you are an executive, member, subscriber, newsgroup, or visitor of an organization friendly to Job One for Humanity's critical climate change emergency educational mission.
(If you would like a description of each of the five climate-related ebooks and the many other members-only benefits you will receive, click the following link, the five free ebooks description. Then come back to this download activation page to proceed.)
Please do not share this special program activation and downloading link with anyone else!
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Lawrence Wollersheim published Why Major Intelligence Agencies Must Immediately Re-Do the UN IPCC's Climate Change Calculations, Consequence Predictions, Deadlines, and Global Fossil Fuel Reduction Requirements and More? in Blog 2022-03-09 19:34:30 -0800
Why major intelligence agencies must re-do the UN IPCC's climate change calculations, consequence predictions, deadlines, and global fossil fuel reduction requirements?
Only world's intelligence agencies may now be able to stop humanity from committing collective climate change suicide. Find out why and how much time is left?
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Lawrence Wollersheim published IPCC climate summary reports problem in 60 Years of Climate Change Fossil Fuel Reduction Failure by our Governments, and Why Most of Today's Climate Change Studies and Predictions Are Wrong? 2022-03-04 10:04:33 -0800
The 2022 IPCC climate summary report problem
Last Updated 11.13.23
A new major climate change study has just been released which dramatically increases the IPCC's serious underestimation and error problems considerably. We strongly recommend you start with this article and then come back and read the page below.
The newly released 2022 IPCC climate change report is terrifying. But, unfortunately, the IPCC is still not disclosing that our climate future is about twice as bad as they are willing to admit!
Here is the crucial corrective information you need to reach a higher climate fact accuracy level than that found in the IPCC's newest climate report.
Their statement is the A statement. Ours is the B statement. The B statement corrects or adds to the IPCC's latest report to a higher level of climate accuracy.Example 1:
a.) The report shows that extreme weather events linked to climate change like floods and heatwaves are hitting humans and other species much harder than previous assessments indicated.
b.) This is due to the IPCC's past assessments being underestimated by as much as 20-40+ percent due to a myriad of IPPC politicization and calculation error issues as discussed in the documentation links on this page.
Example 2:
a.) The IPCC reports spell out how the world must take ambitious climate action within this decade to keep warming to within 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial temperatures. That requires decreasing carbon pollution by 45 percent from 2010 levels by 2030 and reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
b.) The truth is we must reduce total global fossil fuel use by 75% by 2025 to prevent the extinction of half of humanity by mid-century. If we are lucky enough to do that, we might keep the average global temperature under a 1.9C to 2.5C increase.
Example 3: (Every coastal city worldwide should take notice and start preparing!)
a.) The IPPC predicts about a 1-foot global sea-level rise by 2050.
b.) By 2050, global sea levels will rise by 2-3 feet and by as much as 7-9+feet by 2100.
Example 4:
a.) The IPCC says that humans and nature are being pushed beyond their abilities to adapt. Still, there remains a brief window of opportunity to avoid the very worst of climate change.
b.) That is true, but the critical information they omit is that loss of our ability to adapt will happen within the next 3-9 years because our last window of opportunity to control our climate futures will also close within the next 3-9 years!
Example 5:
a.) The IPCC also says that many of the impacts of global warming are now simply "irreversible."
b.) That is true. But, once again, the IPCC fails to tell us that because we have squandered four decades when we should have been steadily cutting global fossil fuel use, the die-off of half of humanity by mid-century is now unavoidable --- no matter what we do!
Example 6:
a.) Over 40% of the world's population is "highly vulnerable" to climate change.
b.) Within the next 3-9 years, over 70% of the world's population will be experiencing an exponential explosion of climate consequences, for which there is grossly insufficient preparation or resilience.
Here are documentation links to the IPCC's underestimation and other errors and issues
The immediate survival of humanity is at stake. We can no longer rely upon the IPPC's climate calculations to survive. (Please note: In the links below, we are not attacking or criticizing any of the thousands of hard-working and honest volunteer scientists worldwide who submit their climate research to the IPCC. Instead, we call attention to the IPCC's administrative processes and politicized leadership. They are the ones who alter and contort the real climate science received by these scientists into 5-7 year climate summary reports. Before they are released, these 5-7 year summary reports must get the line-by-line sign-off of the IPCC's major funders, the fossil fuel producing nations, and the fossil fuel-dependent nations.)
Click here to understand the long-term history of the IPCC underestimating the consequences, timeframes, and the needed global fossil fuel reduction targets by as much as 20-40% or more.
Click here to see precisely how the IPCC literally "cooked the books" and grossly skewed the current IPCC global fossil fuel reduction calculations far lower than they should be by including unproven and non-existent "carbon sucking unicorn" technology into their projections. This corruption and falsification of the global carbon reduction calculations allowed the major fossil fuel producing nations and fossil-fuel industries to continue to do "business as usual."
Click here to see the IPCC's Perfect Day problem with its computer climate modeling. This alone will significantly lower the accuracy of all of the IPCC's consequence predictions, timetables, and fossil fuel reduction remedies.
Click here to see the eleven key climate change tipping points that have been almost entirely excluded from the IPCC calculations for how much fossil fuel use we must reduce each year globally.
Click here to see the four key reasons why the IPCC's 26 global climate conferences have failed to produce results or legitimate global fossil fuel reduction targets.
Click here to see the IPCC's huge atmospheric methane calculation problem. This again produces a huge drop in the reliability and usefulness of the IPCC climate prediction and remedy work.
Click here to see the latest 2022 IPCC climate change summary report on the critical climate sensitivity error. Because of only this ongoing climate sensitivity error, the IPCC's newest climate consequence predictions, timeframes, and remedial action information will be underestimated by as much as 25% or more. (This 25% does not include the effect of the other IPCC errors described in the links just above.)
Click here to see a new study showing that the IPCC does not include many critical climate system factors in its computer climate modeling. Those missing factors equal wrong and distorted results. This Feb 2022 paper strongly refutes the absurd IPCC claim that the Arctic sea ice melt-decline is reversible. It is not reversible, and that is a monster problem for humanity's weather, seasonal climate, and future!
All of the above linked decades of IPCC error, calculation, and polarization problems mean that the IPCC is an unreliable partner for truthful and accurate climate change information. Their climate consequence predictions, timeframes, and remedial action information are grossly underestimated by 25 - 50 %+ and possibly more!
What you can do about the climate emergency?
Click here and select the action plan that is best for your situation and resources.
Click here to sign the climate change emergency petition!
Lawrence Wollersheim published The New 2022 IPCC climate report still grossly underestimates how bad climate change is going to get---and the IPCC says the future will be absolutely horrible! in Blog 2022-03-04 09:51:03 -0800
The New 2022 IPCC climate report still grossly underestimates how bad climate change is going to get---and the IPCC says the future will be absolutely horrible!
The newly released 2022 IPCC climate change report is terrifying. But, unfortunately, the IPCC is still not disclosing that our climate future is about twice as bad as they are willing to admit!
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Lawrence Wollersheim published IPCC's Big Climate Sensitivity Error in 60 Years of Climate Change Fossil Fuel Reduction Failure by our Governments, and Why Most of Today's Climate Change Studies and Predictions Are Wrong? 2022-03-01 11:12:50 -0800
The IPCC's Big Climate Sensitivity Error raising more doubts about a survivable future!
Last Updated 11.13.23
A new major climate change study has just been released which dramatically increases the IPCC's serious underestimation and error problems considerably. We strongly recommend you start with this article and then come back and read the page below.
For decades the recognized world's leading authority on climate change, UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (the IPCC), has been plagued by climate change calculation and politicization problems. Here is it's latest!
Job one for Humanity Editor's Forward
The IPCC just released its latest 2022 climate report. No matter how bad this new 2022 climate change report seems, it is still grossly underestimated!
The IPCC's history of climate change calculation problems and other errors includes:
a. the politicization of climate science,
b. serious errors in their calculations and assumptions, and
c. serious computer modeling omissions.
Items a, b, and c above all result in the gross underestimation of current climate change consequences, timetables, and remedies. The new article below is about another serious IPCC climate change calculation error. It is called the IPCC climate sensitivity error.
Climate sensitivity is a critical measurement in climate science, and it is used as a mathematical constant in the various formulas the IPCC uses for many of its climate calculations and predictions. Climate sensitivity measures how much Earth's surface will cool or warm after a specified factor causes a change in its climate system, such as how much it will heat for a doubling in the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration.
Making sure one uses the correct climate sensitivity in climate computer models is critical. If you get this sensitivity mathematical constant number wrong, all risk assessment and climate planning based on that incorrect climate sensitivity constant level will be wrong and dangerous for anyone relying on it. This new climate sensitivity error makes the current IPCC's current climate change consequences, consequence timetables, and remedies underestimated by another approximate 25%.
The following article discusses in depth the IPCC's climate sensitivity error. It is full of climate sensitivity science, but most people can still understand it.
When reading it, keep in mind that in order to determine the proper climate risk and threat assessment spectrum, one should always use the higher climate sensitivity range to envision the true risk and threat spectrum one faces.
In the article below, it is you who gets to be the judge if the IPCC has underestimated future climate change model projections by up to 25% or more by skewing the climate sensitivity calculations for the benefit of global fossil fuel interests.
The following climate sensitivity section of this article was written by Peter Carter. Peter Carter was an expert reviewer for the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) fifth climate change assessment (AR5, 2014) and the IPCC’s 2018 Special Report on 1.5ºC. In 2018, he published Unprecedented Crime: Climate Science Denial and Game Changers for Survival, which he co-authored with Elizabeth Woodworth. He is published on climate change, biodiversity, and environmental health.
And more proof just arrived
James Hansen, the NASA scientist who warned the world about global warming's extinction dangers, has just published a new climate study that also supports disclosing the problems with the IPCC's current climate sensitivity numbers not producing accurate climate consequence predictions and timetables. Click here to see this very discouraging new 2023 climate study. It will be hard not to become very upset when you visit his new global heating temperature predictions, which are way beyond what we are told. Also see his clear and scary comments on the false criticisms of his new study here.
The IPCC does not adequately assess global climate change for risk
The IPCC 2021 sixth assessment climate sensitivity is fatally flawed, making the entire assessment fatally flawed for policymaking.
Climate sensitivity is the fundamental metric used in climate change computer modeling. It determines by how much and how fast the global average (land-ocean) temperature will increase over the coming many centuries in response to an increased atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide.
Originally, back in the 1980s, this climate sensitivity was chosen as a single fixed metric of an increase of 3°C (from the pre-industrial period) if atmospheric carbon dioxide doubled, even though the models have always given a very wide range for climate sensitivity. Furthermore, a conclusion of a 2004 IPCC workshop on climate was that “sensitivity cannot be only one global number.”
Before I complain about the IPCC’s bad sense of science, I must say that the most important and truthful statements on climate change ever were made by the IPCC Chair at the last two UN climate conferences.
At the opening of the UN Madrid COP25 (2 Dec 2019), IPCC Chair Hoesung Lee said:
“Let me start by reminding you that our assessments show that climate stabilization implies that greenhouse gas emissions must start to peak from next year.” Global emissions had to be in decline by 2020!
At the opening of the UN Glasgow COP26 (31 October 2021), he said:
“It is now unequivocal that human influence is causing climate change, making extreme events more frequent and more severe. Global warming of 1.5°C and 2°C will be exceeded during this century unless immediate, rapid, and large-scale reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, especially of carbon dioxide and methane, occur in the nearest future.” Global emissions have to be in decline now for any chance of limiting to the catastrophic 2°C.
This was completely ignored by all concerned who to this day are claiming global warming can be limited to 1.5°C. This is an absurd, misleading falsehood. As the 2018 IPCC 1.5°C Report and the 2021 6th assessment Working Group 1 The Science said, the current emissions scenario puts the world at 1.5°C around 2030. This is now absolutely unavoidable.
However, both of these most important climate science statements went completely unreported even though the IPCC put them out as media releases.
Computer models designed by experts are used to estimate how the global climate, oceans and land regions will change due to greenhouse gas (GHG) global heating emissions. At every stage of the projections, from an increase in atmospheric CO2 to global surface warming and to the melting of Arctic sea ice (for example), the computer models project a very wide range of results.
There are, therefore, fatal fundamental flaws in the IPCC 2021 sixth assessment (AR6) climate change science. Not only has the IPCC rejected risk, it arrived at a climate sensitivity number lower than the latest models.
There is nothing in climate science more important than the climate sensitivity because it is the metric used to calculate how much the average surface temperature warms for any given atmospheric concentration of CO2.
As applied in climate change assessment, climate sensitivity has always been a single — virtually unchanging — global average temperature increase, estimated from a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide. It is defined as the ultra long-term equilibrium climate sensitivity (ES), which takes many hundreds of years.
The metric is arrived at by computer projecting the increase in long-term equilibrium global surface temperature with a doubling of atmospheric CO2. The computer models result in a very wide range of temperature increases. 2014 IPCC fifth assessment has a “likely” range of climate sensitivity of up to 4.5°C, but the IPCC gave the same fixed 3°C for policymaking. The 2021 sixth assessment gave a likely upper range of 5°C, but the IPCC still only gave the single fixed 3°C for policymaking. For risk, this is obviously the wrong number to choose. The right number for policymaking is the top of the “likely range” (IPCC). This was 4.5°C in 2014 and, with new models, 5°C in 2021.
There is another reason why climate sensitivity has to be at least 4.5°C if not 5°C. Applying the single 3°C for projecting a temperature increase also gives a very wide range that gets wider over time as the temperature increases higher. Under the worst-case scenario (which the world is on, by the way), at 2050 the IPCC gives a temperature increase of 2.4°C, but the IPCC says the “likely range” is up to 3°C, and by 2100 the range increases to 5.7°C — while the IPCC gives 4.4°C for policymaking. In the best-case scenario for 2050, the IPCC gives 1.6°C but the likely upper range is 2°C.
The IPCC takes the median of this range, but the best model projection could be the one projecting the highest. As a single fixed temperature increase, climate sensitivity has always been flawed for future projections, and the AR6 makes it worse. It was originally used as a fixed standard to compare the different climate models developed by different climate centers. The IPCC’s climate sensitivity does not account for increased concentrations of the other main greenhouse gases, methane and nitrous oxide, which the scientists assume make no difference.
The IPCC does not include in its climate sensitivity the extra warming from large planetary sources of amplifying feedbacks, nor the damage that warming does to forests that reduces their capacity as a carbon sink, and nor the reduced ocean carbon sink from ocean heating.
The new models (called CMIP6) projected much higher sensitivities, which was largely due to better representations of the feedback from clouds as temperature increases.
In fact, there have always been some individual model results of sensitivity far higher than the 3°C used by the IPCC.
Going back to the fifth assessment in 2014, there were some models that, by studying actual cloud changes closely, had arrived at values much higher than 3°C and with upper limits higher again. Four out of ten models had an upper limit double the 3°C mean that was used. These upper ranges were so extremely much higher than 3°C that applying a higher sensitivity than 3°C became an imperative.
To conclude, the IPCC has fudged the sixth assessment’s most crucial number, making it truly fatally flawed in a way that exposes the future to climate catastrophe, benefitting no one except the fossil fuel industry. It is basic to risk assessment that the higher number — not the single median number — be applied for future projections. The difference between a climate sensitivity of 3°C against 4.5°C is life and death for our future and all life. (End of Peter Carter's article.)
The following are illustrations showing the IPCC climate sensitivities and the much higher climate sensitivities created by other qualified climate scientists or climate research organizations.
Despite far higher climate sensitivities being the appropriate sensitivity choice, once again in their newest just released 2021 report, the IPCC uses the lower 3C climate sensitivity estimate to appease its fossil fuel producing and using supporters!
Job One for Humanity Editor's Epilogue
The IPCC has fudged the most current sixth assessment's most important number making it fatally flawed in a way that exposes the future to endless climate catastrophes, benefitting no one except the fossil fuel industry. It may be assumed this massive additional source of climate calculation error was the work of the government policymakers who sit on the IPCC panel and have the power of line-by-line approval for the final assessment to be published.
The question, of course, is how could climate scientists reject any possibility of climate sensitivity above 3°C, when the models consistently gave results far higher than 3°C, and when avoiding global climate catastrophe depends upon choosing the correct climate sensitivity with the highest and most accurate sensitivity. The answer to this question is the extraordinary unique make-up of the IPCC panel.
This panel had government representatives sitting on the panel who had to approve every line of the assessment before it could be published. This means the big fossil fuel producing or supporting governments have not permitted a climate sensitivity to go higher than the first 1990 IPCC assessment of 3°C.
What does this new error mean for your future, and who is most at risk using the IPCC's current climate data for their risk assessments and climate planning
The danger of this severe climate sensitivity calculation error and the many other IPPC errors (described further below) is that it will cause the gross underestimation of climate consequences, timetables, and remedies. Yet, the world's governments, intelligence agencies, national reserve banks, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, trans-national global corporations, think tanks, risk assessment firms, hedge funds, investment bankers, and insurance companies all use and currently depend upon the IPCC's grossly underestimated summary reports for their climate change planning, strategies, projections, etc.
This widespread use of the IPCC's seriously unreliable climate consequence predictions, timeframes, and remedial action information means:
1. these critical organizations (and the rest of us) are in for a massive series of unpredicted, expensive, and painful climate consequence shocks within our many economic, political, and social systems, and
2. The world's foremost organizations have grossly underestimated the actual climate change threat levels, risks, and the timeframes of an already unfolding climate change-driven system collapse and extinction scenario.
3. Because of only the ongoing climate sensitivity error, the IPCC's newest climate consequence predictions, timeframes, and remedial action information will be underestimated by as much as 25% or more. (This 25% does not include the effect of the other IPCC errors described further below.)
Because the underestimation and other errors of the IPCC are so considerable and so extensive, and the foremost organizations we rely upon for stability are using that flawed climate information, humanity and global society are in for a painful, wild, and chaotic ride that will lead us well into mass human extinction and if not fixed soon, total extinction.
Here are more links explaining the decades-long history of the IPCC's many serious climate change calculation errors making their reports too unreliable for the world's survival
The immediate survival of humanity is at stake in the climate emergency. We can no longer rely upon the IPPC's climate calculations to create reliable risk assessments or for future climate change-related planning actions.
(Please note: In the links below, we are not attacking or criticizing any of the thousands of hard-working and honest volunteer scientists worldwide who submit their climate research to the IPCC. Instead, we call attention to the IPCC's administrative processes and politicized leadership. They are the ones who alter and contort the real climate science received by these scientists into 5-7 year climate summary reports. Before they are released, these 5-7 year summary reports must get the line-by-line sign-off of the IPCC's major funders, the fossil fuel producing nations, and the fossil fuel-dependent nations.)
Click here to understand the long-term history of the IPCC underestimating the consequences, timeframes, and the needed global fossil fuel reduction targets by as much as 20-40% or more.
Click here to see precisely how the IPCC "cooked the books" and grossly skewed the current IPCC global fossil fuel reduction calculations by including unproven and non-existent "carbon sucking unicorn" technology into their projections.
Click here to see the IPCC's Perfect Day problem with its computer climate modeling.
Click here to see the eleven key climate change tipping points that have been mostly excluded from the IPCC calculations on how much fossil fuel use we must reduce each year globally.
Click here to see the four key reasons why the IPCC's 26 global climate conferences have failed to produce results or legitimate global fossil fuel reduction targets.
Click here to see the IPCC's huge atmospheric methane calculation problem.
Click here to see the latest 2022 IPCC climate change summary report on the critical climate sensitivity error. Because of only this ongoing climate sensitivity error, the IPCC's newest climate consequence predictions, timeframes, and remedial action information will be underestimated by as much as 25% or more. (This 25% does not include the effect of the other IPCC errors described in the links just above.)
Click here to see a new study showing that the IPCC does not include many critical climate system factors in its computer climate modeling. Those missing factors equal wrong and distorted results. This Feb 2022 paper strongly refutes the absurd IPCC claim that the Arctic sea ice melt-decline is reversible. It is not reversible, and that is a monster problem for humanity's weather, seasonal climate, and future!
All of the above linked decades of IPCC error, miscalculation, and polarization problems also means that the IPCC is an unreliable partner for truthful and accurate climate change information. Their climate consequence predictions, timeframes, and remedial action information are grossly underestimated by 25 - 50 %+ and possibly more!
In general, if the IPCC currently says some climate consequence will happen or something must be done in ten years, it is more likely to occur in 5-6 years. For example, if the IPCC says we must reduce global fossil fuel use by 45% by 2030, the actual amount will be 75% by 2025-2026. Start discounting everything coming out of the IPCC by 50% to compensate for all of their decades of errors, miscalculations, and polarization, and you will not be too far from the truth, which they are desperately trying to hide or disguise.
At the minimum, we hope that by the time you this article and its documentation, you too will adopt the general rule of thumb that, whatever the IPCC tells you about the coming climate change consequences, timeframes, and remedies will be underestimated by at least 20-40%!
What you can do about the climate emergency?
Click here and select the action plan that is best for your situation and resources.
Lawrence Wollersheim published How to Get Our Governments & Politicians to Act to Prevent a Climate Change-Driven Extinction: The 2,000 Billionaires Plan in Blog 2022-02-23 14:36:10 -0800
The 2,000 Billionaires Plan: How to Get Our Governments & Politicians to Act to Prevent Our Climate Change-Driven Extinction
It may be that only the world's 2,000 billionaires have enough governmental influence to get our governments to act upon the climate change emergency in time to save humanity from extinction!
Read more
Petition to National Intelligence Agencies to Get Them Take Over the Climate Change Risk Analysis & Research From the UN's Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change
Please read and then sign the petition form at the bottom of the page!
After signing, you will also receive the full petition by email, which you can forward to others. This powerful petition will be sent to the world's major intelligence agencies.
The National Intelligence Agency Petition
All national and international efforts to contain and reverse escalating climate change and global warming depend upon the complete and accurate information and risk analysis of all key factors surrounding the climate change emergency. Currently, the recognized authority handling final climate change risk analysis is the under-resourced, underfunded, and politically-conflicted Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (the IPCC of the United Nations.) Unfortunately, having the IPCC act as the world's authority on climate change has not been working well.
The IPCC has been creating risk analysis reports and holding solution conferences for almost 30 years, and in spite of all their efforts, global warming causing carbon and methane in the atmosphere measured in particles per million (ppm) is rising—not slightly but exponentially! The reality of rapidly rising carbon parts per million levels (carbon ppm levels in our atmosphere) when they should be dropping or at least leveling off is about as good a definition of climate change risk analysis and reduction failure as any rational person would need.
By continuing to rely on the IPCC’s reports and conferences to resolve escalating climate change, we collectively are in essence doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, which is the classic Einsteinian definition of insanity.
In addition to failure to improve the climate change condition, the IPCC’s previous risk analysis reports have also been plagued with underestimation errors in the 20 to 40% range. They have also failed to adequately include critical global warming climate tipping point prediction scenarios whose consequences would make clear to our politicians what a hellish nightmare will occur if any of such global warming climate tipping points are crossed.
We are also getting climate change risk analysis updates from the IPCC too infrequently for the escalating nature of the emergency (about once every 5 to 7 years.) It is now obvious we are also getting climate change risk analyses from a clearly non-optimal source.
It's time to stop engaging in this irrational false hope and failed experiment with an underfunded United Nations agency taking on the responsibility for the future of the whole world! It's time to assign the responsibility for creating an accurate risk analysis for the threat of climate change and global warming and annual updates to those organizations that are far more qualified, far better resourced, and that has a far greater strategic interest in what’s at stake.
The intelligence agencies of each nation are the ones that should be the primary parties tasked with creating a new escalating climate change risk analysis report as well as annual updates for their nations’ leaders, the people of their own nations, and for the rest of humanity. They also should be responsible for monitoring all fossil fuel reduction progress.
Moving these responsibilities away from the United Nations’ underfunded IPCC is a logical transference of threat research and threat risk analysis and remedial recommendation responsibilities to those who also are far more credible as well as legally and morally accountable for such risk and threat analysis for the individual nations of the world.
Our national intelligence agencies already were established solely to protect the nations of the world from immediate, midterm, and long-term threats to their security. Escalating climate change is the most serious risk to national security and humanity, other than a nuclear war, on immediate, midterm, and long-term levels.
Because of the preceding reasons, the full responsibility for all climate change risk analysis and annual update risk and progress reports needs to be assigned to where they should have always been! The intelligence agencies of the world have the budgets, resources, and expertise of every kind to do these annual climate change risk analysis updates far better than an easily influenced, infiltrated, and/or grossly underpaid IPCC staff and volunteers ever could.
Additionally, the politicians of the nation whose intelligence agency has just produced the report will tend to give that report far more credibility than any report by an underfunded, under-resourced, and expertise-challenged UN agency. Furthermore, not only would having these annual climate change reports produced by national intelligence agencies influence their national politicians more forcefully, but they also would more credibly educate and influence the public of that nation.
This could also have the beneficial side effect of a better informed national public more forcefully holding their politicians to account for what they do with each new national intelligence agency risk analysis update on the escalating climate change emergency.
By having every intelligence agency in the world produce its own annual risk analysis and public report on the current state of escalating climate change, we would also have inherent checks and balances against some other nations hiding critical climate change information that would benefit their nation and be adverse to other nations. In time, most national intelligence agencies would see the huge benefit of cooperating on certain levels of climate change research and sharing their risk analysis data and conclusions, realizing that escalating climate change is the one common exterior threat to all nations that will eventually undo human civilization and the stability of all nations.
To properly and adequately create the new escalating climate change risk analysis and annual risk and progress updates, the intelligence agencies of all nations will also be required to include risk analysis and prediction scenarios that clearly show what will happen if any one or more of the critical global warming climate tipping points are crossed.
(Our rapidly rising atmospheric methane levels pose a particularly dangerous climate tipping point and extinction risk.)
Knowing and avoiding the critical global warming climate tipping points is paramount. If we do not know where these tipping points are and when and how they will likely unfold, we could easily unconsciously or inadvertently throw ourselves into irreversible climate change and global warming or extinction-level climate destabilization.
Because of all of the reasons mentioned above, I hereby demand that the intelligence agencies of my nation take over all climate change risk analysis work from the United Nation’s IPCC. I also demand that these annual climate change risk analyses are made fully public, uncensored, and shared with other intelligence agencies from other nations and their peoples.
It is my strongest belief that by my nation’s intelligence agencies acting in this manner (producing credible annual climate change risk analysis and progress reports) they are also performing their sworn duties and obligations to protect our nation from all serious threats. I firmly believe that other than the case of immediate global thermonuclear war, no other threat poses greater national and global harm to our nation and more of humanity over a greater length of time than the escalating climate change emergency and its looming tipping points.
In closing, I also demand that our intelligence agencies also make your most up-to-date national climate change consequence predictions, timeframes, remedies, and progress reports clear to the nations' politicians and the nation’s public after you have completed each annual report. (End of the petition.)
Please sign this national intelligence agency petition by going to the bottom of this page!
If You Need More Information About Why This Intelligence Agency Petition is So Important!
If you or any of your friends need to be better informed about why the world’s intelligence agencies need to immediately take over the annual climate change risk analysis, research, recommended remedies, and tracking of national and international fossil fuel reductions away from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, you can refer them to the following link which explains ALL of the additional reasons not covered in the petition above.
What will happen with this petition?
When we reach the required number of petition signatures, we will submit the following petition with all signatures to all of the major national intelligence agencies on your behalf, demanding that they act upon its demands.
Lawrence Wollersheim published Intel Agencies Must Re-Do IPCC Work in 60 Years of Climate Change Fossil Fuel Reduction Failure by our Governments, and Why Most of Today's Climate Change Studies and Predictions Are Wrong? 2022-02-10 11:27:15 -0800
Why Major Intelligence Agencies Must Immediately Re-Do the UN IPCC's Climate Chang Calculations, Consequence Predictions, Deadlines, and Global Fossil Fuel Reduction Requirements and More?
Job One for Humanity is not the first to recommend that the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (the IPCC) be replaced by a reliable source of climate change information. Other government officials and some attendees at the international climate conferences have echoed the same request.
To prevent humanity from accidentally committing climate change suicide, our governments and politicians need accurate climate change information. This article discusses a new source for far more reliable climate change information and remedies. This new resource will also have far more influence and credibility over national politicians and governments than the world's current leading source of climate change information, the IPCC.
The United Nation's IPCC is the currently recognized world authority on climate change consequences, timeframes, and remedial actions. It has consistently:
a. politicized the climate science and,
b. grossly under-estimated the actual climate change consequences, time frames, and corrective actions.
The most significant danger with this gross under-estimation is that the world's governments, intelligence agencies, national reserve banks, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, global corporations, think tanks, risk assessment firms, hedge funds, investment bankers, and insurance companies all use the IPCC's grossly underestimated summary reports for their climate change planning, strategies, projections, rates, remedies, etc.
This widespread use of the IPCC's seriously unreliable climate change consequence prediction, timeframe, and remedial action recommendation information means:
1. these critical organizations (and the rest of us) are in for a series of unpredicted, massive climate consequence shocks within our many economic, political, and social systems, and
2. the major organizations of the world have grossly underestimated the real climate change threat, risks, and timeframes of a climate change-driven system collapse and extinction event.
Because the IPCC's climate consequence underestimation and other errors are so large and consistent and, so many of the major organizations we rely upon for our long-term economic, political, and social stability are using that flawed climate information, humanity and our global society now face an expensive, painful, and chaotic ride that will lead us well beyond national and regional collapses into widespread mass extinction.
Therefore, it is now necessary for our major national intelligence agencies to first redo and then take over regular updates of the climate calculation work of the IPCC. Only this will remedy this extreme national and global climate change risk situation.
How did the IPCC's climate information get so unreliable and, what can we do?
In the links below you will learn precisely how the IPCC constructs and calculates its climate consequence risk scenarios, timetables, and recommended climate change remedies. Unfortunately, you also will discover that there are many serious climate change calculation problems and IPCC administrative process problems going on within the IPCC.
The IPCC problems listed in the links below question both the reliability and the risk analysis usefulness of the IPCC's current climate change consequence prediction scenarios, timeframes, and climate remedies. By the time you finish the links below, you will have few remaining doubts as to why we urgently need to have the world's largest intelligence agencies immediately redo all IPPC climate calculations and eliminate their gross underestimation and other errors.
The immediate survival of humanity is now at stake Humanity can no longer rely upon the IPPC's climate calculations to survive. (Please note: In the links below, we are not attacking or criticizing any of the thousands of hard-working and honest volunteer scientists worldwide who submit their climate research to the IPCC. Instead, we call attention to the IPCC's administrative processes and politicized leadership. They are the ones who alter and contort the real climate science received by these scientists into 5-7 year climate summary reports. Before they are released, these 5-7 year summary reports must get the line-by-line sign-off of the IPCC's major funders, the fossil fuel producing nations, and the fossil fuel-dependent nations.)
The following linked material will make it painfully clear why the world's major intelligence agencies must immediately redo and correct the IPPC's faulty and misleading current climate calculations:
Click here to understand the long-term history of the IPCC underestimating the consequences, timeframes, and the needed global fossil fuel reduction targets by as much as 20-40% or more.
Click here to see precisely how the IPCC literally "cooked the books" and grossly skewed the current IPCC global fossil fuel reduction calculations far lower than they should be by including unproven and non-existent "carbon sucking unicorn" technology into their projections. This corruption and falsification of the global carbon reduction calculations allowed the major fossil fuel producing nations and fossil-fuel industries to continue to do "business as usual."
Click here to see the IPCC's Perfect Day problem with its computer climate modeling. This alone will significantly lower the accuracy of all of the IPCC's consequence predictions, timetables, and fossil fuel reduction remedies.
Click here to see the eleven key climate change tipping points that have been almost entirely excluded from the IPCC calculations for how much fossil fuel use we must reduce each year globally.
Click here to see the four key reasons why the IPCC's 26 global climate conferences have failed to produce results or legitimate global fossil fuel reduction targets.
Click here to see the IPCC's huge atmospheric methane calculation problem. This again produces a huge drop in the reliability and usefulness of the IPCC climate prediction and remedy work.
Click here to see the latest 2022 IPCC climate change summary report on the critical climate sensitivity error. Because of only this ongoing climate sensitivity error, the IPCC's newest climate consequence predictions, timeframes, and remedial action information will be underestimated by as much as 25% or more. (This 25% does not include the effect of the other IPCC errors described in the links just above.)
Click here to see a new study showing that the IPCC does not include many critical climate system factors in its computer climate modeling. Those missing factors equal wrong and distorted results. This Feb 2022 paper strongly refutes the absurd IPCC claim that the Arctic sea ice melt-decline is reversible. It is not reversible, and that is a monster problem for humanity's weather, seasonal climate, and future!
All of the decades of IPCC calculation and politicization problems conclusively prove that the IPCC is an unreliable partner for accurate climate change information. Their climate consequence predictions, timeframes, and remedial action information are consistently and grossly underestimated by as much as 25 - 50 %+ and possibly more!
Whenever an individual or organization provides critical error-ridden critical information in an urgent survival-level matter, it is the duty and obligation of those affected by that critical failure to bypass the failing individuals or organization. Their duty and responsibility then becomes to find a new resource capable of providing the accurate information needed to re-evaluate the current actual risks and illuminate effective remedies.
Because of the IPCC's extensive history of major calculation errors and gross underestimation, it is time to change who should be doing the climate change evaluation work before it is too late for the very survival of humanity!
The logical solution to the IPCC's history of continuous, serious climate calculation failures putting the world’s survival at risk is:
Step 1: Demand world political leaders require their respective national intelligence agencies and national security agencies (CIA, MI6, Mossad, the Russian FSB, The Chinese Ministry of State Security, the German and French agencies, etc,) to take immediate and full responsibility for re-analyzing current global warming research and rapidly reporting the updated climate-related security threats, predicted climate consequences, and new timetables. They would also monitor their nation's fossil fuel reduction progress as well as the accurate fossil fuel reduction progress of other nations.
It's time to stop engaging in the false hope that the highly politicized and underfunded Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change of the United Nations (the IPCC) can or should be taking on the lead research and analysis responsibility for the whole future of humanity or producing accurate climate change reports which include critical climate tipping points! The IPCC has consistently politicized the climate science and grossly under-estimated the actual climate change consequences, time frames, and corrective actions.
Because of the above information on the IPCC, it is time to recognize and publicly “reassign” the full final responsibility for creating a complete and accurate risk analysis for the current and future security threat levels of the climate change extinction emergency to our respective national intelligence agencies and security agencies. There are many other good reasons for “transferring” the critical climate change analysis responsibilities besides that the IPCC has failed to carry out its mandate effectively.
Those reasons are:
a. Escalating global warming is the one common security threat to their nation as well as all nations, which if not managed correctly, will eventually destabilize and end national stability and our global civilization. Intelligence agencies also have the best and brightest staff analysts. They understand that if they continue to fail to properly inform their politicians about accelerating climate change threats, they also fail to protect their nation and their own families, and the world!
They already know escalating global warming is the ultimate no-win game where we will all come to a painful end if their politicians do not have all of the non-politicized facts and then act effectively to protect and preserve our national and common well-being. Our intelligence agencies already know that if the climate change extinction emergency continues as it is accelerating now, it is the beginning of the end of civilization itself! (Click here to see the 80+ step-by-step unfolding actions of a climate change-triggered global collapse and extinction process.)
Because of the sheer power of national and individual self-preservation, it is realistic to believe many courageous individuals within our intelligence agencies will sooner or later fight through whatever bureaucratic or political resistance exists to ensure their respective politicians fully understand that climate change and global warming is the largest single and escalating security threat the world faces in the 21st-century.
b. Intelligence also agencies have the mandated first and final legal responsibility to speak truth to power. Excluding global thermonuclear war, escalating climate change and global warming is the single most serious risk to both national security and humanity. Therefore, the responsibility for accurate climate change and global warming risk analysis and reporting to our political leaders must be “re-assigned” to respective national intelligence agencies and national security agencies. These intelligence agencies are ethically and legally obligated to present this critical climate security information clearly and simply enough to their respective politicians so that they fully understand the scope and scale of all risks, time frames, and consequences involved.
c. Intelligence agencies of the world have the budgets, resources, research capabilities, and expert analytic capabilities to do these annual risk analysis updates far better than an easily politically influenced and grossly underfunded agency like the IPCC. Our well-funded intelligence agencies are far more capable of accessing and hiring the best climate scientists and related researchers to review and re-quantify the escalating security threat of global warming than any other existing entity or organization.
d. The politicians of any nation whose intelligence agency has produced such reports and briefings will tend to give those reports and briefings more credibility and legitimacy than any presented by an underfunded, under-resourced, and expertise-challenged UN agency. Consequently, it would be immeasurably more difficult for our politicians to ignore these credible dire warnings.
Having climate change and global warming reports produced by national intelligence agencies would also help to educate and motivate the public. The key issue today is “believing” the simple truth that we are already in the middle of a climate change extinction emergency of the scope, scale, and urgency presented fully here.
e. Intelligence agency climate change factual support would help get our politicians to mass mobilize the needed climate change remedies. In 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. President Roosevelt used this as the catalyst to engender a US mass mobilization for warfare. Most people don’t recall that Roosevelt had begun planning and preparation for this mass mobilization and the military was ready to swing into full-scale action. Business was also ready to support the effort.
Currently, with our fractured political system, and with mobilization to leave the fossil fuel era remote and still only a suggestion, the first issue is to provide the optimal credibility mechanism so that the US and the nations of the world, along with their citizenry can “believe” that immediate mass mobilization is truly necessary. Our national intelligence and national security agencies can best substantiate the reality of the dire crisis we find ourselves in as described here and that they are the most likely organizations and entities that can be “believed.”
Having these highly credible sources also help educate the public on why radical fossil fuel reductions must take place immediately is critical. This public education factor could also have the beneficial side effect of creating a more accurately informed citizenry, which will better hold their politicians to account for any delays in taking immediate action to resolve the climate change extinction emergency.
(Our government-level mass mobilization strategies to fix climate change are found here.)
f. Regular climate change update reports and briefings from respective national intelligence agencies will be crucial to continue motivating political systems and their respective publics. For some time to come, it will likely be necessary to both combat and neutralize the anti-science, climate denial propaganda machine abundantly financed by a dying fossil fuel industry. These continuing intelligence agency update reports would also serve to validate and confirm good climate science, as well as accurate consequence prediction models and time frames. This near-continuous validation and credibility factor will be indispensable to politicians as they ask their citizens to make the many costly, difficult, and radical sacrifices now needed in order to save humanity and civilization.
Despite the military entanglements and extreme nationalism that pervades the histories of national security and intelligence agencies, these intelligence agencies are still the best mechanisms for persuading the world’s political systems and the public that the common enemy the escalating climate change extinction emergency is real.
While climate scientists and related disciplines have provided the complex information basis that asserts that the climate change extinction emergency is actually at the scope, scale, and urgency explained on the Job One for Humanity website, the unfortunate reality is that even the “relatively” uncomplex information related to the climate change extinction emergency is actively disputed and obscured by vested financial interests. Trillions of dollars are at stake for the dying fossil fuel industry, and it will be defended!
Therefore, the world’s intelligence agencies are one of the best last remaining options for both correcting the IPCC’s gross underestimations and their other fossil fuel reduction target and climate consequence deadline flaws as well as for establishing high credibility for the correct climate change and global warming information.
STEP 2: Have the world’s political leaders demand annual climate change and global warming updates from their respective intelligence agencies, which going forward will always include deadline-based projection scenarios that include crossing more tipping points.
In spite of the escalating climate emergency, update reports are far too infrequent (about once every 5 to 7 years from the IPCC). Carbon ppm levels are rising about 3 parts per million (ppm) each year when they should be dropping dramatically. Each increase in carbon ppm in our atmosphere tolls another warning bell of IPCC failure.
By continuing to rely on the IPCC for accurate global warming information, we are doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result—the classic Einsteinian definition of insanity. Our tipping point-prone escalating climate emergency is far too dangerous and moving far too fast to not have annual updates by the most qualified parties with the greatest resources and vested security interests.
We must also create a comprehensive climate change and global warming annual risk report that must at least include all of the deadlines for the consequences of crossing global warming tipping points. By having every major intelligence agency in the world produce an annual national update on the current state of the escalating climate change extinction emergency for both politicians and the public, we would also be creating inherent checks and balances against underestimation, errors, or intentional deceit by rogue intelligence agencies, outlier governments, or conflicting nongovernmental or privately funded organizations.
These multiple annual reports coming from many different intelligence agencies would quickly expose any nation hiding critical global warming information for their own temporary financial or other benefit. In time, these national intelligence agencies and the individuals within them would also see the many benefits of cooperating on research and sharing confirmable and comprehensive climate change risk analyses.
Similarly, it would be against the interest of rogue national intelligence agencies to be caught hiding critical information or falsifying information for a perceived temporary national benefit when the other nations’ intelligence agencies publish their contradicting annual global warming reports.
As an extra safeguard against deceptive practices, once the multiple intelligence agency annual global warming reports have been made publicly available, leading climate scientists from around the world can review them, looking for common patterns, omissions, or errors within and between these multiple intelligence agency reports. This would be similar to the way the scientific method works in advanced scientific systems, peer review and consolidation by non-intelligence community scientists would reveal additional valuable information that single intelligence agencies might miss or misrepresent, as well as reveal omissions that could serve to inequitably benefit any single nation.
Additionally, the intelligence agencies that produce the most accurate annual global warming reports will gain prestige around the world and become the standard for credibility and reliability. For the best agencies, this will likely result in increased funding and budget discretion.
To help the many intelligence agencies worldwide catch up on more accurate climate change analysis and prediction information (which compensates for many, but not all of the IPPC's errors,) see the links below.
The climate risk and threat analysis links below result from an extensive, continuous, and dynamic 11-year analysis that was based on:
a. classic logic and climate research-based on scientific methodology,
b. complex adaptive systems theory,
c. tipping point theory, and the 11 key climate tipping points.) and,
d. a dialectical meta-system theory-based analysis of ongoing climate research and the world's current fossil fuel reduction actions. A meta-systemic analysis method allows us to look at a situation from 28 unique dialectical perspectives relating to the contexts, relationships, processes, and transformations taking place or possible within that situation and its relationships.
In general, we have estimated that the IPCC consequence severity and consequence timeframes predictions were underestimated by an average of 20-40% and in some areas even more. When it comes to the IPCC calculations for how much the world must reduce global fossil fuel emissions, we discovered that the climate science and their calculations were so politicized that we had to completely re-adjust their recommendations based in part upon the work of respected climate scientists like Kevin Anderson.
Click here to see our re-adjusted 2025 global fossil fuel reduction calculations for far more accurate levels of required global fossil fuel use reductions to prevent humanity's total extinction beginning as soon as 2070. At the end of this article are the technical notes showing the many adjustments and calculations needed to compensate for the many IPCC errors.
If by chance, you have found this article and are a member of an intelligence agency, only assign the reading and analysis below to an analyst who is one of your absolute brightest and has had the essential training listed above. The many interacting complex adaptive systems and subsystems within the climate are super-complex and multi-layered.
Without most of the above training, the normal analyst will only grasp a portion of the immediate global survival danger we are in because of the mistakes and omissions in the decades of climate reports from the IPCC. On the other hand, if they have all of the above-prementioned skills and do the necessary analytical deep dive into these links, they too will soon experience the sheer terror that only a few scores of multi-system climate change researchers fully understand. (If our agency does not have analysts trained in dialectical meta-system theory, your agency is way behind the advanced analysis curve and at a severe disadvantage.)
Hopefully, once your intelligence agency analysts fully understand the actual and rapidly escalating climate change threats, they will explain this extinction emergency to their agency heads and not stop until they get it. Those informed intelligence agency heads will then bring it to their politicians.
Unfortunately, as this updated climate information goes worldwide, there will no doubt be some very embarrassed intelligence agency heads caught flat-footed because they have been and are still using the IPCC's grossly flawed climate change consequence predictions, timeframes, and remedial recommendations.
Here are the critical starter links for qualified agency analysts:
Click here to see the four major global warming extinction-evoking tipping points and how close we already are to crossing them. The first tipping point of carbon 425-450 parts per million (ppm) will explain precisely why climate change consequences will start growing exponentially in about 3-9 years.
Click here to see a detailed "big picture" catastrophic meltdown of our global warming consequences and tipping points. Their interactions with our other 11 major global crises will produce starvation and extinction for much of humanity by mid-century and near-total extinction beginning as soon as 2070.
(Read the following large illustration from the bottom up!)
To see the essential mass mobilization actions our governments must now take at this 11th hour to get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets and save humanity from near-total extinction, click here.
If we fail to control the climate extinction emergency within the next 3-9 years, there is a Plan B.
Please forward this article to anyone you know who falls within any of the following categories
The world is in a climate change-driven nightmare. Unless those with credible influence (like our intelligence agencies get to our politicians and educate them, our politicians and their families also will not survive this nightmare unless they enact and enforce the needed climate laws in time. If our politicians fail, they and all of the rest of us will suffer a slow and painful path to total extinction and global collapse.
Please do your part and forward this article to:
1. Anyone you know or has direct connections to anyone in a vital position in any world intelligence agency.
2. Anyone you know or directly connects to a senior position in national reserve banks, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, our largest global corporations, think tanks, risk assessment firms, hedge funds, investment bankers, big insurance companies. And,
3. Anyone you know or has direct connections to a national-level politician.
4. Anyone you know who is a billionaire or directly connected to a billionaire because they have vast political influence as well. (See this link for more information on how billionaires can do their civic duty and help end the climate change extinction nightmare as well.)
All four of the above types of individuals and organizations, if properly and fully informed about the urgency of only having 3-9 years left to prevent total human extinction, have the potential to act in the ways that will help avoid the soon-arriving climate change nightmare.
And finally, please also sign our new intelligence agency petition to get them to take over climate change research and resolutions!
Click here to sign our petition to get the world's intelligence agencies to take over producing and monitoring climate change consequence predictions, timeframes, and climate remedies that will work in time. We need them to take this work away from a failed IPCC. We need them to produce credible climate reports for their politicians and citizens.
We will send this petition to leading intelligence agencies around the world.
Once the information on this page makes it into the world's major intelligence agencies, there will be significant embarrassment and heads rolling in the climate analysis and prediction departments for relying upon and being so thoroughly deceived by the out-of-agency IPCC climate research. There will be a screaming urgency to get the calculations redone right as fast as possible.
Once done, we can only hope our intelligence agencies will bring the horrible reality of the correct climate consequence predictions, timeframes, and remedies to their politicians and then the public as fast as possible.
Let's hope those brave intelligence agency analysts who do the honest climate change redo work do not let their voices be stopped until their national politicians understand just how dire our climate situation is and that immediate mass mobilization is our only path to survival.
Lawrence Wollersheim published Why we have only 3-9 years left to get the climate change extinction emergency under our control in Blog 2022-02-02 12:41:53 -0800
What is runaway global heating and why do we have only until 2025-2031 to prevent near-total extinction within 3-7 decades?
Most people that hear our governments talking about fossil fuel reduction targets for 2040-2060 have no idea if we fail to make key reductions over the next 3-9 years, humanity is totally screwed! But Why?
Read more
Lawrence Wollersheim published Climate Primary & Secondary Consequences in Learn 2022-01-24 15:57:00 -0800
What are the Primary and Secondary Consequences of Climate Change?
Last updated 3.25.24.
This page contains and defines the major primary and secondary consequences of climate change. It will give you both a factual, comprehensive, and holistic sense of the climate future we all now face. At the end of this article is a section to help you decide what you want to do about the information in this article.
The following page helps explain why about half of humanity will perish by about 2050. When you read it, please remember that the climate change consequences described below are not only destructive by themselves.
Most climate change consequences described below will also interact with and amplify other interconnected climate change consequence areas. Then, these interacting secondary climate change areas will also experience amplification of their related climate change consequences. This is the scary escalating feedback cycle of climate change consequences interacting and amplifying each other. This interaction and amplification feedback cycle is one of the most unseen, unrecognized, and dangerous parts of our climate change nightmare and emergency.
We are already experiencing many of the climate consequences already. Over the next several decades, we will, unfortunately, experience many more of the following primary and secondary climate change-related consequences.
This will happen simply because we are failing horribly in reducing our global fossil fuel use! Over the last four decades, from the chart below, you can see that no national or global climate conference, government action, mass public protests, or educational movement by ANY climate or environmental group have done anything genuinely effective to slow or stop the rapid increase of dangerous carbon in the atmosphere! In fact, truth be told, increased carbon in the atmosphere, which causes ever-rising global warming, has gone from rising at a gradual and linear rate to rising exponentially!
Atmospheric carbon (CO2) as measured in parts per million (ppm) is the simple best, and easiest way to tell if we are making real climate progress in reducing global fossil fuel use and if our current climate change reduction strategies are working. It is the best way to measure our climate management success because of the immutable laws of physics. These immutable laws dictate that if atmospheric carbon ppm continues to rise, the average global temperature will continue to rise as it has faithfully done since the fossil fuel-powered industrial revolution began. (Carbon was at about 270 ppm level before the Industrial Revolution. It had been at about the 270 ppm level for hundreds of thousands of years before the Industrial Revolution began in around 1770.)
As you can see from the charts above, the current exponential increase of carbon in our atmosphere (primarily from burning fossil fuels) signals the collective failure of 40 years of strategies to slow climate change and that the climate emergency is getting worse at an even faster rate! (See the steeper line slope in the charts above as they approach 2022.)
The above charts help one to underscore the painful fact that as time passes, the following primary and secondary climate consequences will most likely also continue to increase in frequency, severity, and scale.
The most important thing to remember as the following primary and secondary climate consequences converge is that they will bring about additional later consequences even faster because of intrinsic climate feedback loops, synergies, interdependencies, and tipping points. Worse yet, as time passes, these climate change consequences will suddenly get exponentially worse, both unpredictably and regularly.
This is because these consequences will feed into and collide with each other and, they will also be fed by the worsening of these other 11 major global crises! As you will soon see for yourself, no government, global corporation, or global NGO will be able to stay up with the damages of these accelerating and interacting primary and secondary climate consequences listed below. These collective primary and secondary consequences accelerating and occurring very often simultaneously will create unimaginable global chaos.
Many of the following primary and secondary climate consequences are interconnected and interdependent. Some climate consequences below also exist in transformative relationships and within interconnected linear and non-linear cause-and-effect processes that can amplify or multiply the other's consequences and, in effect, further disrupt our abilities to predict or control these consequences.
Never forget that the primary and secondary climate consequences listed below are critical and powerful warning signs to watch for in the news to know that our climate change emergency is accelerating and worsening in your area and that you should act before it is too late.
When reading the climate change primary and secondary consequence lists, keep in mind that the consequences listed earlier on the lists are occurring now or will be occurring first. The consequences listed near the end of the lists will take longer to unfold.
And finally, no single global warming consequence listed below by itself creates global collapse, complete human extinction, or our doomsday entirely. But, cumulatively, synergistically, and over time, as the primary and secondary climate consequences below increase and unfold in continuous waves, if left unchecked, they will bring about Climageddon, our global warming doomsday, and extinction.
The primary climate change consequences and warning signs to watch to protect you, your family, and your immediate and long-term future
While reading the 32 most natural primary global warming consequences listed below, keep in mind there are also secondary consequences and warning signals. This secondary set of consequences and warning signals (further down) will show you how the mostly natural global warming consequences will directly affect you and your loved one's future well-being and survival. In addition, the secondary consequences will illustrate what will happen to humanity as the global warming consequences unfold and interact with our 11 other global crises.
As you read through the primary and secondary consequences, it will become clear to you how our economic, ecological, social, and political systems will destabilize and come ever closer to collapse. Taken collectively, the primary and secondary consequences and warning signs of accelerating global warming will give you a high-level, meta-systemic view of humanity's future.
Where applicable, for both primary and secondary consequences, we have also listed what we call panic-worthy or mega-warning signs. Although we do not want you to ever panic, these particular mega warning signs mean things are worsening very fast, even exponentially, and you have very little time left to prepare and adapt.
Please also remember while reading the following the history-grounded probability that no government, no matter how strong it is, will be able to manage and recover from more than a few of the following climate change-related primary and secondary consequences occurring simultaneously or in rapid sequence.
The primary phase one mostly natural climate change consequences and warning signs:
The primary climate change consequences have already begun. They will worsen exponentially once we enter the carbon 425-450 ppm threshold.
Above carbon 450 ppm, we enter into climate hell. As you read the following list of consequences, remember that the first nine primary consequences below will also have profound temporary and long-term effects on world travel, tourism, and world trade.
1. increased atmospheric heating, which increases the average global temperature. (This increased heat will cause many more days each summer and growing season that will be near or over 100 degrees. This increased heat will make all kinds of outdoor activities more difficult and less productive.)
Increased heat during winter seasons will also cause periodic rain in winter and dangerous freezing rain and ice storms. These winter ice and freezing rain storms will take down power lines and disrupt transportation, production, and life in general. (Increased heating also increases atmospheric turbulence and extreme wind events. Airplane rides will get a lot bumpier as global heating accelerates.)
2. extreme storms of all kinds (hurricanes, tornadoes, wind storms [Derechos,] rain bombs, bomb cyclones, etc.) Regarding hurricanes, if you hear we have had a category six hurricane or, worse yet, a category seven hurricane, this is a panic-worthy mega warning sign. It means that things have taken a very steep turn toward the worst-case scenarios. (A category six hurricane starts at a wind speed of about 180 - 185 mph. A category seven hurricane would have winds of at least 210 - 215 mph. By this scale, Hurricane Dorian was our first category six hurricane.)
Think of more global warming like heat under a pressure cooker. The more heat the pot (Earth) gets the more the contents inside our atmosphere become more turbulent and churn and "boil" onto extreme storms of ALL kinds.
Because of the direct and indirect churning and boiling-off effects of increasing global warming heat, there is now anywhere from 5 to 8% more water vapor circulating throughout the world's atmosphere than just a generation ago. This increased water vapor, combined with temperatures that are driving water up from the deep ocean in places where hurricanes typically form, has created the ideal potential for the next generation of monster hurricanes, for which we are totally unprepared. So when you start seeing category six hurricanes hitting different parts of the world, you will know the future of humanity is in deep peril.
Rain bombs (when days or weeks' worth of rain falls in hours or days) will start occurring everywhere. These rain bombs will be particularly destructive in cities where older street drainage systems will be quickly overwhelmed. These rain bombs will unexpectedly flood areas of cities that have never flooded before.
3. droughts (many areas of the world are currently experiencing global warming-aggravated mega-droughts that have lasted one or more decades.)
4. desertification,
5. increasing wildfires: Global wildfires burn roughly 865 million acres of land each year —an area five times larger than the size of Texas. Wildfires are expected to become more frequent and intense, and fire seasons are projected to last longer.
In the United States, approximately 7 to 9 million acres burn each year. Some studies predict a 50 to 100 percent increase in area burned in the United States by 2050, with the most severe changes occurring in Western states. It is reasonable to project that global wildfires will also increase by 50 to 100 percent in areas burned. Global wildfires will cost humanity in the range of 1/trillion dollars annually by 2050.
The greatest cost of global wildfires accelerating in acres burned as global warming increases is not financial. Instead, it will be in the millions of tons of carbon that these wildfires release into the atmosphere beyond what we are already releasing annually due to our current fossil fuel uses.
In 2019, global forest fires released about 7.5 billion tons of carbon into the atmosphere. As global forest fires increase by 50-100%, this extra carbon released into the atmosphere will further quickly push up global temperatures once again. This 50-100 % increase in global forest fires is another panic-worthy mega-warning signal if you see global wildfires rising rapidly to the 50-100% levels.
6. shrinking sea ice and ice shelves, glaciers, and snowpack (This further destabilizes seasonal climates and many biological systems.)
7. increasing flooding and sea-level rise. (If we are very, very lucky and we keep crossing climate tipping points as we are doing now, sea levels will rise by only 2-4 or more feet (2/3 meter to 1 and 1/3 meter) by 2050 and 4-10 feet (1 and 1/3 meter to 3 and 1/3 meters) by 2100.
Fifty percent of the global population lives at sea level. Based upon an unrealistically low 3-inch sea-level rise prediction, the chart below shows hundreds of millions of people will be displaced. This displacement will create massive migrations that no country is prepared to absorb.
Sea levels rising as little as one foot will cause immediate massive property losses worldwide and then the sudden migration of hundreds of millions away from coastal areas. A sea-level rise of 2 feet or more will cause billions of coastal dwellers to migrate. Worse yet, we are totally unprepared to abandon many of the world's largest coastal cities.
The illustration below does not include compensating calculations for crossing any climate tipping points. This lack of allowance for climate tipping points means the cities illustrated below will flood far faster than is shown below. Many of the worst sea-level flooding catastrophes are now just a few decades away!
Moreover, if we do not make radical global fossil fuel use reductions soon, the sea level will eventually rise about 230 feet over the next few centuries. If that was not bad enough, we have already baked in 60-100 feet (20-30 meters) of sea-level rise. This baked-in rise is from the carbon and methane we have put into the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution.
Massive sea-level rise is the vast, slow-moving global mega-catastrophe barrelling toward us. Currently, sea levels are rising by about 2 inches every decade, which is double what they rose just one decade ago! Suppose we add all the climate tipping points that will be crossed soon. In that case, sea levels will continue increasing exponentially and not gradually or linearly!
The illustration below also does not factor in any crossed climate tipping points. As a result, its worst-case scenario in red is likely considerably underestimated.
When you see sea levels start rising by anything close to an inch per year, you have reached another panic-worthy mega-warning sign!
8. increased toxic air pollution and air pollution-related deaths and diseases from the global burning and use of carbon and methane-based fossil fuels and other greenhouse gasses. Additionally, wildfire smoke (full of the most health-dangerous PM 2.5 particles will increase 50-100% over the next several decades due to increasing heat and droughts.
Air pollution a key consequence of global warming often gets the least climate change attention, yet in many ways, it has the most impact on a personal level. This is because air pollution from fossil fuel burning is a slow and invisible cause of excruciatingly painful respiratory disease and death. It is also responsible for aggravating many other diseases.
Directly or indirectly, air pollution causes approximately 11 to 13% (about 1 in 8) of ALL global deaths each year. (About 60 million people die globally each year.) According to a recent World Health Organization survey, 40 percent of deaths linked to outdoor air pollution are from heart disease; another 40 percent from strokes; 11 percent from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); 6 percent from lung cancer, (30) and 3 percent from acute lower respiratory infections in children.
China has the most air pollution fatalities, with nearly 1.4 million deaths a year. India has 645,000, and Pakistan has 110,000. To put this in perspective, air pollution kills more people each year than malaria and AIDS combined! Because air pollution supports weed growth, it is also a major accelerator of allergy attacks. It has been directly linked to asthma. Within the past 20 years, there has been an observed doubling of pediatric asthma prevalence.
This toxic air pollution also exacerbates pre-existing health conditions such as bronchitis and emphysema. Air pollution from fossil fuel burning also dramatically increases national and international health costs, and the burden for those increased health costs falls squarely upon individual taxpayers. Paul Epstein, with the Harvard School of Public Health, found that the hidden costs of burning fossil fuel coal in just the U.S. alone are $345 billion per year!
The worst news is that in the future, there will be many more than just the 1 in 8 global deaths attributed directly or indirectly to global warming and fossil fuel-related air pollution. Do not be surprised to see a 1 in 7 to a 1 in 5 global death rate in the future. This death rate increase will be related to increasing fossil fuel air pollution as the greenhouse gas amounts (carbon, methane, etc.) continue to rise in our atmosphere.
Receive Free Climate Change and Global Warming Info!9. ever-increasing starvation worldwide. This starvation will be primarily because of crop failures and crop yield reductions. Crops will fail or be stunted because of global warming-aggravated heatwaves, rain bombs, droughts, flooding, wildfires, out-of-season cold spells, hail, Derechos (severe wind storms), and other extreme weather or seasonal destabilization.
Please note that the world's five principal grains (rice, wheat, maize [corn], millet, and sorghum) are particularly vulnerable to massive crop failure. This crop failure occurs when temperatures (heat waves) are near or above 100 degrees Fahrenheit for more than 30 days during their regular growing seasons.
This increasing starvation will increase mass migration, which will cause even more mass starvation and soaring food prices. In addition, increased mass migrations will generate more local, regional, and national conflicts and economic instability.
Mass global starvation from crop failures and low harvests and its chain reaction of other downstream consequences will be the primary driver of the die-off of much of humanity by mid-century. Mass global starvation and resulting mass migrations also will be a significant underlying factor behind increasing local criminality. People desperate for food and resources will always do what they have to do to survive.
The global warming-triggered die-off of much of humanity will not occur all at once or suddenly around mid-century. It is happening already, and the global warming-fueled die-off will continue to kill more people every year for the next ten years on a rapidly rising linear curve. After that, each year, annual deaths will start to go up exponentially until by mid-century, 50% or more of humanity is no longer alive. (The UN estimated in 2020 that up to 100 million people died from the direct and indirect consequences of global warming, such as famine, migrations, and conflicts.)
One of the other things that will also worsen global starvation will be panic food buying and hoarding. Panic buying waves would likely occur as more people saw major crop failures, local food prices soaring, or regional food distribution failing.
Falling crop yields, growing local, regional, and national crop failures, and soaring food prices will lead to increased starvation at levels never seen before. This food issue is a critical mega-warning sign of quickly rising instability in social and economic systems! So keep a very close watch on lowered crop yields and crop failures in the news as well as in your grocery bills.
10. Increasing deaths and debilitating illnesses from the toxic plastic by-products of fossil fuels. As plastics produced from fossil fuels decay, they eventually become toxic micro-particles. These harmful microplastic particles are turning up in soils, water, and oceans to such a degree they are found in most fish and much of the plants and animals we eat.
This microplastic particle explosion is terrible for long-term human health. New studies show that these strange microplastic particles cannot be adequately processed by our bodies and are sources of cancers and other illnesses. As more research is done on our food and water supplies, it may turn out that this toxic microplastic by-product of fossil fuels will create more long-term problems than the poisonous carbon and other atmospheric pollution it produces when we burn fossil fuels.
The primary phase two mostly natural climate change consequences and warning signs:
11. we cross the mass extinction-accelerating carbon 425 parts per million (ppm) last battle line to prevent a mass human extinction event from unfolding. This crossed battle line begins a major acceleration for crossing more critical global warming tipping points even faster.
Once we cross the carbon 425 ppm tipping point, we pass a point of no return and we begin an unavoidable and continually worsening die-off of much of humanity by mid-century!
If we continue as we are now, we are projected to cross the carbon 425 ppm level by or before 2025.
If we cross the carbon 425 ppm level, we will rapidly shoot through the 2 degrees Celcius global temperature increase level, and we will be unable to stop ourselves from eventually reaching a 4 degrees Celcius global temperature increase level. (If you want all of the details on this first critical atmospheric carbon tipping point level, go to this page and to the section called "The first extinction-accelerating tipping point that we will cross at or before 2025: the carbon 425-450 ppm tipping point.")
The distinguished Professor of Meteorology Michael Mann from the University of Pennsylvania recently stated that once we reach the carbon 405 ppm level in our atmosphere, a 2 degrees C average global temperature increase is already baked in! Once that happens there is nothing we can do to stop it!
Because of global warming tipping points and positive feedback loops, Professor Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, director emeritus and founder of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, believes that if we go much above 2° C, we will quickly get to 4° C anyway and, a 4° C increase would spell the end of human civilization.
Johan Rockström, the head of one of Europe's leading climate research institutes, warned that in a 4°C warmer world, it would be "difficult to see how we could accommodate a billion people or even half of that. Not even a rich minority world survive with modern lifestyles in the post-4°C-warmer turbulent, conflict-ridden world".
Many other climate scientists have warned that once the climate warms 4 degrees C over our preindustrial average global temperature, human adaptation to these temperature levels will be all but impossible!
We are just about to cross the carbon 425 ppm tipping point that will rapidly take us to a 4-degree Celcius warmer world and all its horrors! Also, take a look at the atmospheric carbon (CO2) ppm graph just below. This graph tells us our global warming temperature future and that we have made literally no progress in reducing atmospheric carbon levels in spite of 40 years of valid scientific warnings!
This rise in carbon is also happening in spite of the 27-plus past global climate conferences and decades of international government agreements to reduce global fossil fuel use!
12. increased releases of methane from melting tundra and permafrost (methane as a heat-producing greenhouse gas is about 80 times more powerful than carbon in the atmosphere). If you hear about a sudden massive increase in permafrost melting far beyond what was predicted, this is another mega-warming sign.
The atmospheric methane (CH4) graph below is in parts per billion.
13. accelerating reef collapses around the world, which negatively affects fish spawning and feeding areas, which causes more collapse of global fish populations, which causes more human starvation around the world. (This is because fish protein is a major source of food for up to 70% of the world's poorer populations.)
14. new disease outbreaks, epidemics, and more COVID-19-like pandemics in areas where they have never been before. (This is due to loss of natural animal habitat, eating more wild animals, additional melting of the permafrost, overcrowding, less resilient health systems, and mass migrations. Because of accelerating global warming consequences, we could soon be experiencing COVID-19-type pandemics as often as every decade.)
15. increasing economic losses. (most nations will spend an ever-increasing percentage of their total gross domestic product (GDP) directly or indirectly paying for the many growing consequences of the global warming emergency. (Estimates for how much of a nation's total GDP will be spent on dealing with rising global warming consequences run from about 5% within a decade to as high as 30% within about 30 years.)
16. increased ocean acidification (Ocean heating and ocean acidification from carbon from global warming will eventually kill off much of the oceans' oxygen-producing plankton. These plankton are responsible for as much as 50% of all oxygen produced on the planet.)
17. decreased albedo from reduced snow cover, ice, and sea ice extent. When enough sunlight and atmospheric heat reaches ice it melts the ice. This also causes more Arctic, Antarctica, and global heat because of the lowered albedo effect of less ice being present. This decreased albedo effect also increases ice, wetland, or permafrost melting. (See Albedo effect illustration below.)
This is very bad because melting permafrost contains truly massive amounts of carbon and much worse than carbon, methane gas that would also be released into our atmosphere, raising average global temperatures and pushing us much closer and far faster into a self-accelerating runaway global heating scenario.
If you hear about far more arctic ice being melted or melted far sooner or longer than expected, this is another mega warning sign because the ice presence and its albedo effect have a powerful influence on global weather, weather seasonality, and critical ocean currents. If you see the preceding happening faster than expected, you can rely upon all types of weather becoming more extreme, unpredictable, and frequent.
The primary phase three climate change consequences and warning signs:
18. as the preceding consequences occur, real estate prices will drop and then begin steeper declines in the areas most affected by global warming consequences. In the areas most affected by global warming consequences, related insurance coverage prices will keep rising, and cancellations will also increase.
How will you deal with the massive insurance cancellations, failures to renew, and exponential increases in home, business, mortgage, and crop failure insurance? (This is occurring already as local, state, national, and international insurance and reinsurance companies rapidly quit all global warming high-risk areas and export and externalize those anticipated climate losses onto unprepared governments and nonprofit organizations.
The world's insurance agencies are doing this already because of the anticipated hundreds of trillions of dollars in climate consequence losses worldwide. Climate change consequences are predicted to soon cost nations 5% or more of their total GDP.
Smart insurance companies will not make themselves responsible for or expose themselves to out-of-control escalating climate risks because they know it will bankrupt all of them! Additionally, on renewal, many insurance companies are already adding new climate change exemption clauses to their existing policies.
These new exemptions will specifically deny climate change-related damages for most extreme weather events, such as heatwaves, droughts, wildfires, hurricanes, tornados, cyclones, flooding, rain bombs, wind storms [Derechos], dust storms, wildfire smoke events, unseasonable cold spells, and other abnormal unseasonal weather. The rising result of more insurance companies declining more high-risk climate change-affected coverages will be many more homes, businesses, and farms suddenly losing all or most of their value because they could not be insured (or the rates for that insurance would be beyond affordability.)
Simultaneously, real estate prices will rise and continue rising in the few areas that will be least affected by accelerating global warming consequences. As the listed global warming consequences increase in frequency, severity, and scale, the described destabilizing real estate pricing and the unsettling insurance changes will increase at even faster rates. (For more information on worldwide insurance cancellations, denials, and soaring rates for climate change-related policies and risks, see our new article by clicking here.)
19. as the preceding consequences occur, home and business insurance rates will rise steadily in the areas most affected by global warming consequences. At some point, insurance companies will begin canceling existing home and business insurance within all global warming high-risk areas. At the same time, home and business insurance rates will be much more favorable in the few places that will be least affected by accelerating global warming consequences.
As more global warming consequences occur, home and business insurance rates and insurance cancelations will increase at even faster rates. When home and business owners can't get fire, flood, and other critical insurance at manageable rates, it becomes far more challenging to maintain or sell existing homes or businesses. This growing uninsurability eventually causes the resale prices of homes or businesses to crash. (For more information on worldwide insurance cancellations, denials, and soaring rates for climate change-related policies and risks, see our new article by clicking here.)
20. increased clean drinking water scarcity,
21. forests that were a major stabilizing force absorbing carbon become neutral in their carbon absorption. This means these forests will stop taking in carbon from the atmosphere.
Some forest locations like the Amazon and the Boreal die-back/collapse are already releasing their vast carbon stores, pushing temperatures higher even faster. As global warming worsens, many more forests will begin releasing carbon instead of absorbing it. (It is not just forests that take in carbon from the atmosphere. Other global vegetation can do the same thing. This new study estimates that the ability of our global vegetation to take in atmospheric carbon will drop by 50% by 2040. This is decades ahead of earlier predictions.) This change from forests and vegetation taking in carbon to releasing mass amounts of carbon is another mega warning sign.
22. mass human migrations to the global warming safer zones. In 2019, the United Nations estimated 100 million individuals migrated from high-risk areas to safer countries or areas because of their homelands' deteriorating climate. Look for future climate migrations to soar to billions of people over the following decades. These massive accelerating migrations will create a whole series of new problems and emergencies unseen in human history. (You will also hear about these mass migrations more frequently in the news. They will often be described as "conflict" migrations. These actually are mass migrations initially caused by the global warming consequences you are reading about, which make living conditions impossible or unbearable. These dire conditions then cause the local population to react or rebel because of their many accelerating global warming-enhanced hardships.)
The primary phase four climate change consequences and warning signs:
23. The runaway melting of ALL global ice on Earth is the second major global warming tipping point. It is estimated to occur when we reach carbon 500 ppm sometime from 2042 to 2067.
When we cross the carbon 500 ppm level, ALL ice and ALL glaciers on Earth will enter a near-unstoppable process of a complete meltdown! Yes, you read that right! At carbon 500 ppm, we begin the melting of all global ice.
Crossing the carbon 500 ppm threshold has, in fact, repeatedly happened in Earth's geological history. When it occurred, the sea level inevitably rose to the 70 meters (230 feet) range. At our current annual carbon ppm emission rates, we will reach this catastrophic carbon 500 ppm range in just 20-25 more years. Worse yet, this global melting tipping point may not reverse itself for centuries to thousands of years once we stop carbonizing our atmosphere.
If we cross that critical tipping point, passing the atmospheric carbon level of 500 parts per million (ppm), our average global temperature will eventually soar to 4°C (7.2 degrees Fahrenheit). At 4°C, a large portion of humanity (hundreds of millions to billions) will die of global warming caused by crop failure and other global warming-related caused starvation (or die and suffer from increased heat's 19 other related consequences), and, governments and society will collapse in most areas of the world between the 35th parallel north and the 35th parallel south.
Even though it will take many centuries for the seas to rise the full 230 feet, there still will be shocking spurts of sea-level rise within those centuries where the sea level rises up to 10 feet or more in just a few decades as it also has done repeatedly in Earth's past.
Take a moment to visualize the seas eventually but steadily and in spurts rising 230 feet and what this will mean to our coastal cities, our national borders, and the generations that follow us. Take a moment to visualize the ever-increasing massive worldwide crop failures because of the ever-increasing heat and the consequent mass suffering of slow starvation as we approach and pass the carbon 500 ppm level.
To read the precise, detailed, and complex climate processes, steps, actions, and reactions that take place as we cross the carbon 500 ppm tipping point, please go to this page and go to the section called "The second global warming tipping point that we will cross as soon as 2042-2067 or earlier: It creates a runaway global ice melt." (We are currently in 2021 at about carbon 420, adding an average of 3 new carbon PPM per year.)
Long before the world reaches the carbon 550 ppm extinction-accelerating tipping point, there will be smaller but key melting glaciers to watch for in the news. One of them is the Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica, often called the Doomsday Glacier. Scientists recently predicted Thwaites could break away into the sea in as little as the next few decades.
Suppose Thwaites does soon cross key internal tipping points and break off and slide into the sea, and the glaciers behind it start breaking off into the sea. In that case, it will lead to as much as a 10-foot sea-level rise in just a matter of additional decades.
This 10-foot sea-level rise will not happen because of the immense size of the Thwaites glacier itself. Instead, it will happen because once the Thwaites glacier is in the ocean, it will no longer hold and prevent other large glaciers from sliding off the Antarctic mountains into the sea in an unstoppable chain reaction.
When the Thwaites glacier slides into the ocean, we have crossed a major climate-destabilizing tipping point. When Thwaites breaks off, it is your mega warning sign that global warming consequences will get far worse very fast, and many other climate tipping points will soon be crossed! It is a final warning to get your emergency preparations or relocation adaptations in order unless you want to try to prepare or adapt in the middle of an emergency when everyone else is also desperately trying to get whatever they need. So take a second and try to imagine what a sudden 10-foot global sea rise over a few decades will do to coastal communities and cities worldwide.
There are other dangerous large melting Antarctica glaciers (Larson A, or Larson B) and other melting Greenland glaciers that individually or collectively can of themselves or collectively raise global sea-level from a few inches to several feet. These glacier events will also lead to increasing coastal global catastrophes.
When you hear about even these smaller glaciers reaching their tipping points, are just about to break off, or do break off, it is time to get VERY concerned. These events signal that the interconnected and interdependent "soup" of global warming-related consequences you are reading on this page is about to get a whole lot worse very fast!
Giant Melting glaciers sliding off of their landmasses into the sea are most likely the first and near the worst set of crossed tipping points, which you will soon hear more about in the news. Worse yet, there is no fix for these sudden and glacier-driven unstoppable sea level rises once they occur.
(If you have not done so already, in alignment with the above illustration, please take the time to read about one very hazardous glacier collapse in particular. It is genuinely critical to your immediate and future well-being. Click here to read about the 2-3 foot quick and severe global sea level rise consequences of the Thwaites "doomsday glacier." It describes our first truly global climate catastrophe. This soon-collapsing massive glacier will give you a powerful glimpse into the global economic, social, and political turmoil that just this one major collapsing glacier will create.)
It is important to remember that whenever you hear about a tipping point being crossed in one part of the climate system, you can count on it feeding, pushing, and triggering other climate tipping points over their tipping points. (For an overview of the 11 key climate tipping points and how tipping points occur and unfold, click here.
24. increased animal and insect migrations,
25. loss of biodiversity through more extinctions,
26. at some point, the "big single consequence," a major crossed climate tipping point, or a group of global warming consequences will occur. This group of global warming consequences will be so enormous that the extinction emergency can no longer be ignored. It will take a single global warming catastrophe in a developed country that will cause that society 1/2 to 1 trillion dollars in total damages for the world to finally take this seriously and act.
When this 1/2 to 1 trillion dollar catastrophe happens, far more people globally will take notice and finally begin preparing for further predicted worsening disasters or migrating if needed. Once this single incident financial critical cost point is reached, the facts of the escalating Climageddon that we all will face will no longer be able to be hidden from the average citizen.
Be sure to watch for this critical financial mega-warning signal because once it occurs, many things relating to managing global warming and its consequences will begin to change at a much faster pace. But unfortunately, it will likely be far too late to resolve the worst threats.
27. jet stream disruption (additional disruption of seasonal weather patterns). Shifting jet streams will act to significantly change long-established weather patterns. This is already being witnessed in many areas of the world where the normal rains, snowfall, and seasonal temperatures are becoming more unpredictable and extreme.
In what may sound like a paradox, global warming will also produce cold waves in some areas due to the changing location of jet streams and ocean currents. In some areas, winter storms have already become more frequent and intense.
28. oceans overheating, and instead of absorbing atmospheric carbon, they begin releasing it (which also further increases global heating, all of which results in more heat speeding up the whole process of more positive feedback loops, more points of no return, and more crossed tipping points.)
29. soils overheating, and instead of absorbing atmospheric carbon, this will cause the soils to also begin releasing more carbon back into the atmosphere, further increasing heat,
30. slowing continues in the Atlantic Current. This further destabilizes global weather and our normal hot, cold, rainy, winter, and summer seasons. (8.6.2021 update: New research shows the Atlantic current has destabilized. This current destabilization will radically change stable weather patterns, particularly in Europe, but also in other areas near the current.) This is also a mega warning sign because of the radical weather and seasonal temperature changes this current slowdown will bring.
Receive Free Climate Change and Global Warming Info!31. increasing amounts of methane are already being continuously released from methane clathrate crystals on coastal shelves because of ever-warming oceans. This will be the third major global warming tipping point. This third tipping point is also the point where we begin the process of total extinction!
This methane release from methane clathrate crystals further increases heat and probable ocean current changes, which will result in even more extreme weather changes, all of which once again results in more global heat speeding up the whole process of more positive feedback loops, more points of no return, and crossing more dangerous tipping points.
The carbon 600 ppm level creates the beginning of a runaway mass methane release tipping point from methane clathrate crystals and the beginning of our total extinction. It is estimated to occur sometime from 2063-2072 or when we reach carbon 600 ppm, whichever comes sooner.
When we cross the carbon 600 ppm final extinction level, it will result in raising the average global temperature to 5°C (9 degrees Fahrenheit) and bring about even more massive methane clathrate releases from ocean coastal shelves as it has done before in the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum 56 million years ago, and most notably the Permian–Triassic extinction event, when up to 96% of all marine species became extinct, about 252 million years ago.
Please click here to watch a short video that brilliantly explains the methane extinction process once we start releasing methane clathrate from our coastal shelves.
New research shows we actually begin this new ocean shelf methane release process once we reach just 5°C, and by 6°C, it is in full bloom.
To make matters even worse, additional methane releases from the permafrost will also increase at significantly faster rates at these higher global temperatures.)
Because methane, when released as a gas from permafrost, coastal shelves, or fracking, is 86 times more potent than carbon as a temperature-increasing greenhouse gas, it will once again rapidly spike up the average global temperatures.
See how we have also radically increased the amounts of methane we have released into the atmosphere, just like we have done with carbon in the graph below. (CH4 is the chemical name of methane.)
The above is a methane graph (found at https://www.methanelevels.org) in which you can see how total atmospheric methane levels from all sources have exponentially skyrocketed, particularly during the last 50 years up until the current date and month. Increasing atmospheric methane may be the most dangerous mega-warning sign that our governments are not adequately tracking or making public!
(Please take the time to read the precise, detailed, and complex processes, steps, actions, and reactions that take place as we cross the carbon 600 ppm tipping point. Go to this page and go to the section called "The third global warming tipping point we will most probably cross as soon as 2063-2072 or earlier: It creates runaway methane releases accelerating the total extinction threat," or click the global methane level (CH4) image above.
When massive methane clathrate releases from ocean coastal shelves start occurring, we are looking at the beginning of near-total or total human extinction unfolding before near 2070.
32. massive tectonic plate weight change from weight changes in melting ice and rising seas above the tectonic plates causing increased earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes, all of which, except the earthquakes and volcanoes, result in more heat speeding up the whole process of more positive feedback loops, more points of no return and crossing more tipping points.
33. The runaway global warming total extinction and final global warming tipping point. This global warming extinction tipping point is estimated to begin when we reach carbon 750 ppm sometime between 2070-2090. (Please read the precise, detailed, and complex climate processes, steps, actions, and reactions that take place as we cross the carbon 750 ppm tipping point. Go to this page and go to the section called, "The fourth and most dangerous global warming total extinction tipping point, that we will begin crossing into sometime after 2070: It creates the runaway greenhouse gas effect global and total extinction," or click the image of the atmosphere being ripped off the planet below.
We strongly recommend that you copy the above global warming emergency warming signs and consequences and post them on a wall. As you hear new media reports, you will be able to see the consequence patterns evolving, and this will assist you to adjust your emergency preparations.
What happens when most of our 12 global crises "feed" into each other's consequences and are amplified by global warming
Welcome to the rapidly unfolding first great global collapse.
The future is not just a single global crisis getting worse. It is most of the 12 crises getting worse simultaneously, and these individual global crises push other global crises faster and faster toward their internal tipping points. This cumulative and synergetic process of most of the 12 interconnected and often interdependent global crises pushing each other over their individual internal tipping points will produce a sudden and abrupt global collapse that will be all but impossible to recover from for almost all existing nations.
This worsening situation means that those living today (and future generations) will face a cascading convergence of worsening global catastrophes. These catastrophes collectively will crush the possibility of having a stable, predictable, or liveable future.
If left poorly managed as they are now, hundreds of millions, then billions will suffer and die. Paradoxically, because so many will die, many of the above global crises will lessen dramatically or be radically reduced because there will be so few people left competing or fighting for survival or using fossil fuels.
There also could be a point where most of the coming mass human die-off will not be coming solely from starvation, global warming, or other global challenges. It will most likely come from scarce resources or border wars that could go nuclear, biological, or chemical as the remaining stable nations try to protect their boundaries and survival.
Take a few moments at this point. Ask yourself the following questions. How long do you think humanity can muddle on into the 21st century without effectively resolving the global warming doomsday emergency and the 11 other critical global challenges? Will we last until 2030, 2040, 2050, 2060, 2070, or the end of the 21st century? Most well-informed people think humanity will be lucky to make it into the 2040s or 2050s.
Now ask yourself, are our leaders and governments effectively handing all, most, or even any of these 12 critical global crises to our future?
The reality is that no existing emergency preparedness program, government, NGO, or international organization is even remotely close to being prepared for or capable of recovering from the convergence of Earth's greatest global crises fueled and accelerated by the great disruptor and keystone threat multiplier of accelerating global warming.
The "Great Convergence" of these 12 global challenges creates a whole planetary system emergency never before seen or experienced in human history. This "Great Convergence" is also the 'perfect storm of perfect storms' and the most likely spiraling initiator and combined cause for the extinction of the human species and the collapse of civilization within a few decades. (The latest 2004 update of the Club of Rome study anticipated that by around 2050, with a "business as usual" industry and the world population growth, over 70% of humanity could perish. Additionally, everyone left on the planet would be severely impacted.)
To help you understand only the global warming side of "Great Global Collapse," review the following global warming cascading meltdown illustration starting from the bottom up! Starting from the bottom, this illustration reflects the unfolding natural progression of ever-worsening and interacting consequences and tipping point processes that will occur as global warming continues to escalate, pushing us toward our extinction.
The top of the illustration shows you the later phase Climageddon Scenario extinction model consequences. The bottom shows you the earlier consequences. For now just get a general idea of all the global warming consequences, tipping points, and human system factors that will be interacting and colliding as well as amplifying and multiplying each other as the Climageddon extinction scenario unfolds in phases and waves. (Full explanations of each tipping point and consequence are found here, the 11 key global warming tipping points and, here the 20 worst global warming consequences.)
Remember to start reviewing this illustration from the bottom up beginning with the heating of global warming escalating!
The above illustration helps to illuminate how the Great Global Collapse will likely unfold and how it will affect everyone in its path In one way or another, directly or indirectly, as the above list of heat-driven global warming-related consequences increase in severity, frequency, and scale (because of our failure to meet the life-critical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.)
What people seldom realize about the primary and even the secondary global warming consequences is that they not only affect the area in which they are occurring. They often will cause massive disruptions in areas surrounding where the consequences happened. Expect significant disruptions in the distribution of food, medicine, and other products vital to day-to-day life in the surrounding areas.
It is crucial to say that well before we reach the mass extinction point (driven mainly through starvation, mass migrations, and localized conflicts by about 2050,) once we have crossed the carbon 450 ppm tipping point, the likelihood that humanity will destroy itself near-totally in much larger multi-regional or global conflicts and wars is exceptionally high. This exceptionally high probability of much larger conflicts and wars is directly due to climate change's many accelerating secondary consequences, which will naturally trigger larger-scale conflicts and wars. (These dangerous secondary consequences of climate change are described fully about 1/2 way down this page.)
How human system-related secondary global warming consequences will interact with, accelerate, and amplify our other 11 major global crises
The following more detailed secondary consequences will also occur as we grow closer to our doomsday for humanity and the collapse of global civilization. While you are reading the following secondary consequences, again, imagine how these consequences might control or destroy essential areas of your life, family, business, or nation.
Most of the following secondary consequences are contextually interconnected and interdependent. Some also exist in transformational relationships and processes, which will amplify or multiply each other's consequences or disrupt our abilities to control these consequences.
Many of the following secondary global warming consequences are already occurring today at some level. When reading the following global collapse secondary consequence list, keep in mind that the primary consequences listed earlier on the list are occurring now or will be occurring first. The secondary consequences listed near the end of the following list will take longer to unfold.
The more humanized secondary consequences listed below are also critical warning signs to watch for in the news so you know that the global collapse process is worsening or accelerating in your area. Many of the following secondary global warming consequences are also powerful drivers that will accelerate mass migrations from high-risk areas.
The secondary more dangerous, quality-of-life consequences, warning signals, and predictions for your immediate and long-term future
For most people, it is painful and challenging to grasp that "as bad as the primary consequences of global warming are (listed above,) the secondary consequences below (driven directly or indirectly by accelerating global warming) will be far worse!" This is because the secondary consequences will more directly affect and destabilize your day-to-day personal life.
Many of these secondary consequences are already occurring or will occur concurrently with many of the later primary consequences as they unfold! Imagine your worst visions of an expanding Mad Max-like dystopian world as the mass human extinction deepens. Imagine a world where police, mental health, prison, medical, governmental systems, and governments are collapsing or have collapsed.
Imagine roaming warlords, criminal gangs, and starving people fighting for survival, taking whatever they want whenever they want. That is a glimpse of the descending hell of the worsening secondary consequences that will unfold while the primary global warming consequences are also unfolding.
One of the most significant cumulative effects of the primary consequences occurring concurrently with the secondary global heating consequences will be the rapid deterioration of the rule of law that holds modern societies together. Once the cumulative global heating consequences disrupt the rule of law (and order,) national economies will fall, then the national political systems. One could say that any politician who is not working to fix global heating and its many disruptive consequences could be considered to be acting in a way that is treasonous to the existence and stability of their nation.
Here are the secondary and indirect consequences and warning signals of accelerating climate change:
1. Because of increased global warming and other global challenge-related work disruptions and stresses, the total human capacity to work outside of enclosures and even inside will go down significantly. This will cause more business and product distribution interruptions, business and personal uncertainty, unemployment, and homelessness.
2. As we experience the worsening of climate change-related consequences as described on this page, there will be more shortages of necessary raw and manufactured resources. Because of increasing climate-related work interruptions and the other climate consequences listed on this page, the dependable production and distribution of food, medical supplies, and other essential supplies will continue to be significantly reduced or break down entirely.
The critical thing to understand about shortages of raw and manufactured resources is that they bring out the worst in people. Resource shortages in populations have been shown in numerous studies to produce more competitiveness, aggression, polarization, "othering," and blame. When a population goes under the duress of resource shortages, they look for scapegoats to blame for their conditions and often target those "othered" scapegoats for severe retribution. These natural resource scarcity reactions will further make living conditions considerably worse.
Social, economic, and political polarization, which is already significant and widespread worldwide, may, of and by itself, use other worsening consequences on this page as a trigger for initiating massive civil disorder long before the worst climate consequences can unfold. To say the world is highly volatile right now and that many of its existing economic and political systems (listed above in the global crises section) are already weakened, and that it won't take much of a match to explode global societal stability is a huge understatement.
As a result of the coming anticipated resource shortages and other problems listed, individuals, businesses, and nations will need to store far more emergency backup supplies, become far more resilient and adaptable, and, in many cases, begin directly producing their food and other critical supplies locally. (During the Covid pandemic, we saw this resource supply and distribution crisis occur in global, national, and even local manufacturing, supply, and distribution chains.)
3. There will be less food available from failed and shrinking food crops due to accelerating and escalating climate consequences. The factors that will wreak havoc on crops are extreme heat lasting 30 days or more during the growing season; hail; wildfires; droughts; fields flooding for extended periods after planting or during the growing season due to rain bombs; high wind events like Derechos or hurricanes; nonseasonal weather; and other extreme weather which will continue to increase in frequency, severity, and scale. It cannot be emphasized enough that starvation, far beyond anything we can envision today, will be a leading and ever-escalating cause of increasing human death as we approach mid-century.
4. Because of extended droughts, long-held water rights will begin to be lost to emergency government regulations as sporadic and long-term droughts affect vital areas of nations. Despite previous water rights and laws, governments will be forced to intervene and seize those rights to provide water for their citizens and other critical uses.
5. Food prices will rise considerably more than the normal cost of living increases. Most food costs will go up by an estimated 30% or more in the next 3-9 years! (For example, fish prices will rise considerably as the remaining over-stressed fish stocks are depleted to near extinction.
6. More and more people will be starving worldwide. No charity, NGO, or government agency responsible for emergencies and disaster recovery will ever be able to keep up with the costs of the food, housing, medical, or other needs created by continuously escalating climate catastrophes as they continue to increase in frequency, severity, and scale.
This starvation and increasing shortages of medical and other critical supplies will drive people to unfathomable violence to meet their survival needs. There will be intense anger because those who previously had adequate food and other essentials will no longer have those basic needs and stability. These starving individuals will also begin violent attacks on any groups, businesses, or governments they blame for their predicament.
7. The cost of living for repair, maintenance, building, or rebuilding in the very limited global warming safer areas will continue to rise significantly. There will be more homelessness everywhere.8. There will be increasing and more frequent pandemics, disease outbreaks, and epidemics as conditions worsen and health services are stretched thin.
9. Because of both the worsening of the primary and secondary consequences in this document and the every-rising percentage of the GDP of countries having to go towards global warming consequence recovery and repair, first local, then regional, and then the national banks in the weaker nations will fail. Next, banks and national reserve banks in stronger national will also fail. Finally, even the largest multinational banking institutions will fall as smaller banks fail. As we approach the end, not even the World Bank, the IMF, or the richest national sovereign wealth funds and reserves will remain stable.
10. There be rapidly increasing mass migrations of hundreds of millions, then billions of starving, sick, and unemployed people fleeing from the many growing climate consequences and an ever-increasing number of unstable or collapsed economies or nations. (These individuals will soon accelerate their migrations out of Central and South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia as temperatures continue to rise and conditions worsen faster in those areas.)
11. There will be widespread, survival-driven criminality by larger and larger portions of the starving, unemployed, poor, homeless, or migrant population. (Imagine increasing numbers of desperate individuals and groups trying to stay alive by any means possible. Now imagine your favorite dystopian movie like Mad Max. This will give you a small taste of what the future struggle to stay alive will be like as most of the global challenges mentioned earlier continue to worsen.
12. Climate change-related crimes will rise significantly during this period. Governments will have to create larger police forces, courts, and jails to handle the rising crime as society becomes more unstable due to accelerating climate change loss and damage. Increasing numbers of climate change-displaced individuals whose resources have been severely depleted by climate change loss and damage will turn to crime to stay alive.
13. Because of the growing survival-driven violence and criminality, migrations, and social and political chaos, governments will impose states of emergency, new draconian migration regulations, and martial law, resulting in increased severe restrictions, suffering, and the loss of many hard-won human rights. Nations will be forced to become more nationalistic, military, and totalitarian in their control of the population to deal with the growing starvation, chaos, and shortages of essential resources. Political societies will regress to more authoritarian or tribal and warlike leaders and governments as fear and related consequences increase.
The runaway global heating safer nations above the 45th parallel will increasingly fortify their borders with walls and other defensive barricades. They will enhance and expand all other methods to keep the ever-rising hoards of starving desperate climagees from crossing their borders. Do not be surprised to see in the news that runaway global heating safer nations start enacting increasing fines and prison sentences for anyone aiding, sheltering, or employing illegal climagees.
It is important to be aware that democracies can only exist and grow with an environmental surplus or sufficiency. Because of the many accelerating global heating-related consequences, democracies worldwide will be forced to become less democratic and more authoritarian. This political change in democracies will happen because global heating will continue to destroy valuable resources and create more instability. With more destroyed or unusable resources, the world's population also will become significantly more competitive, more aggressive, and even more polarized than it is now.
As governments become more authoritarian and dictatorial, there will be more terrorism because, under the increased suppression by governments, normal justice procedures no longer exist. Desperate individuals will use the desperation of terrorist acts to try to effect change.
Consider accelerating climate change consequences as democracy's and human rights's worst enemy!
Receive Free Climate Change and Global Warming Info!14. As the social, economic, and political chaos spreads, it will trigger many more regional, national, and international conflicts and conventional wars. Governments will eventually declare martial law as things deteriorate, and more human rights will be suspended. People in fear will rally behind any "strongman" or dictator who promises them food and security. In this chaotic environment, injustices and inequities will rise exponentially and make the atmosphere even worse. (Think of almost any current injustice or inequity and imagine what will happen to them in an even more unstable and resource-scarce social climate.)
After governments break down, warlords, tribes, clans, and criminal gangs will take control, and chaos will grow even greater. As governments weaken, they will no longer be able to maintain security in jails and prisons or maintain mental institutions. The inmates will be set free or escape and will become part of the chaotic, desperate survivors.
As governments break down, normal social security nets will break down. Pensioners will not receive their pension payments. Individuals receiving food, medical, or other forms of assistance will no longer receive that assistance and critical support. These individuals will be added to the quickly accelerating list of desperate survivors as well.
As conflict conditions worsen and governmental failure and chaos spread, it is also highly probable that remaining regional, national, or international conflicts will also become nuclear, biological, or chemical conflicts. These conflicts will be directly due to increasing food and other resource scarcity, the scarcity of global warming-safe land, unstoppable mass migrations, and the many other consequences listed on this page. Desperate nations' nuclear, biological, or chemical warfare will probably end humanity long, long before the worst global warming extinction consequences can fully unfold from 2050-2070.
Intensifying global conflicts due to the direct or indirect effects of global warming is another critical mega-warning sign.
15. Things will get so bad that remaining national and international courts worldwide will begin convicting and severely punishing individuals, corporations, and even governments of acts of commission or omission that directly or indirectly caused, contributed to, or enabled the ongoing climate change-related financial losses and mass human and biological extinction.
16. When all of the above items are taken collectively, it will cause even the strongest nations' economies and political systems to begin the economic and political collapse process.
17. Once many of the national governments have collapsed, the nuclear reactors, chemical and biological weapons, and their manufacturing, service, and storage facilities will become compromised. This is because there will be no or few functioning national governments to maintain basic safe operations or security for these sites. Hundreds of millions will sicken and die as nuclear reactors go critical and melt down, spewing toxic radiation worldwide. Millions more will sicken as they die from the additional releases of insecure biological weapons and unsecured toxic industrial chemicals. If too many nuclear reactors go critical and melt down, the resulting radiation circling the planets will kill off everything.
18. As all of the above intensifies, human suffering and global deaths will continue to rise exponentially! Human deaths will eventually reach mass extinction and begin approaching near-total extinction levels. What we have known to be national or global civilizations will collapse.
19. If there are any unlucky survivors after the Great Global Collapse, they will most likely enter a new Dark Age. But, this will not be like the Dark Ages that occurred during the Middle Ages. It will be far worse because most of the natural resources that were available during the original Dark Age will already have been depleted, and much of the planet will be toxic. And finally,
20. If we do not experience total extinction in a complete runaway global warming event, and we make it through the post-collapse new Dark Ages. In that case, it will take centuries to thousands of years for nature and the climate system to come back into balance. Only then will the conditions suitable for humans to thrive once again exist-- if any humans are left at that time.
Hopefully, at this far distant time, any surviving bands, clans, tribes, or communities still functioning will have learned the first great global collapse lessons, and they will have changed their behaviors. They will now model the needed new behaviors, such as the principles of sustainable prosperity and the principles of evolutionary success, among other new possible policies, to finally resolve all of the issues raised in the global challenges described above.
If these survivors have genuinely learned the lessons from the first great global collapse of civilization, they will develop a new worldview and fairer economic, political, and social systems. This new worldview will provide the tools and opportunity for a tremendous new rebuilding and reboot of humanity.
Humanity will have an opportunity to experience a unique renaissance where humankind and nature come into a balance that allows both to flourish once again. Whatever is left of humanity will, hopefully, once again, restart the greatest evolutionary adventure in our history.
No one in their right mind would even want to try to survive all of the physical, emotional, and spiritual trauma that the above climate consequences will rain down on those unlucky enough to survive the first levels of this extinction process. The above is not survivable in any way one could call living, and the above will become unsurvivable and unbearable long before the worse consequences occur.
Yet, despite everything you have read so far, some ultra-wealthy individuals still believe they can somehow survive all of the above climate change-triggered or climate-interconnected consequences. Click here to see the special place of suffering in climate change hell that these foolish individuals will be creating for themselves!
Fasten your seat belts. Strap on your shoulder harness and put on your helmets. We are entering the extreme turbulence of the beginning of a global collapse process. The COVID-19 pandemic and the current global recession/depression are just a very small beginning of it.
Unfortunately, it is going to get a whole lot worse before our governments take our current emergency situation seriously and act! The baby boomers (born from 1946 to 1964) are likely to be the last generation that will experience any near-continuous measure of stability, security, and safety during their lifespans. But even they will have a very rough ride as they approach the end of their years.
One could easily call all of the primary and secondary consequences of the global warming emergency a perfect definition for the new emotional malady many are calling a feeling of climate doom. And finally, we strongly recommend that you copy these global collapse warming signs and consequences and post them on a wall. As you hear new media reports, you will be able to see the patterns evolving, and this will assist you in adjusting your emergency preparations. This will help manage any feelings of climate doom you might be feeling.
What you can still do about what you have just read
If you have experienced any damages to your home, business, or farm from climate change-related consequences, you need to begin a lawsuit against all related parties ASAP. There are wealthy companies that have either directly caused the climate change emergency and the damages you have experienced or that should have informed you of the relevant climate change risks.
The number of court cases focused on the global climate change crisis and its consequent damages has doubled since 2015, bringing the total number to over 2,000, according to a report led by European researchers last year. More than two dozen US cities and states are suing big oil, alleging the fossil fuel industry knew for decades about the dangers of burning coal, oil, and gas and actively hid that information from consumers and investors.
If you have just experienced a climate change-related extreme weather event involving any heatwaves, droughts, wildfires, hurricanes and cyclones, flooding, rain bombs, wind storms (Derechos), dust storms, wildfire smoke events, unseasonable cold spells, and abnormal unseasonal weather and, you need to begin the process for financial recovery and restitution by reading this page as soon as possible due to time limitations on filing for restitution from harmful acts. This page will connect you to successful law firms handling this specialty.
For More Consequence Information
See this page for longer explanations of many of the primary consequences of climate change.
Click this page for the specific climate change consequence predictions for 2022.
Additional References
Reference Topic 1: We have been given far lower incorrect global fossil fuel reduction targets by fossil fuel-compromised "trusted" authorities. Learn why you can't believe the so-called world's leading authority on climate change (the UN IPCC) for legitimate global fossil fuel reduction targets or their consequence predictions and timetables:
Click here to understand the long-term history of the IPCC underestimating the consequences, timeframes, and the needed global fossil fuel reduction targets by as much as 20-40% or more.
Click here to see the eleven key climate change tipping points that have been mostly excluded from the IPCC calculations on how much fossil fuel use we must reduce each year globally.
Click here to see the four key reasons why the IPCC's 26 global climate conferences have failed to produce results or legitimate global fossil fuel reduction targets.
Click here to see the REAL 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets and why we must get close to a 75% reduction in total global fossil fuel use (oil, natural gas, coal, etc.) by 2025, not the far, far less net-zero emission levels they have pledged by 2050 or 2040! (In the technical notes at the bottom of the 2025 fossil fuel reduction specification page, you will see each calculation and compensation for the various factors that make up the required correct global fossil fuel reduction numbers.)
Click Here to learn about the IPCC's most dangerous of all deficiencies called the climate change computer modeling Perfect Day problem.
Click here to see precisely how the IPCC "cooked the books" and grossly skewed the current IPCC global fossil fuel reduction calculations by including unproven and non-existent "carbon-sucking unicorn" technology into their projections.
To see the many mass mobilization actions our governments must now take to get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets and save humanity from near-total extinction, click here.
Reference Topic 2: How can the probability (or even the possibility) of a soon-arriving near-total human extinction be accurate?
Click here to see a detailed "big picture" catastrophic meltdown of our global warming consequences and tipping points. Their interactions with our other 11 major global crises will produce starvation and extinction for much of humanity by mid-century and near-total extinction beginning as soon as 2070.
Click here to see the four major global warming extinction-evoking tipping points and how close we are to crossing them. The first tipping point of carbon 425-450 ppm will explain precisely why climate change consequences will start growing exponentially in about 3-9 years.
Reference Topic 3: What governments must do to save the future
It is time to also call for global warming legal accountability, the immediate termination of all global fossil fuel subsidies, and placing a worldwide price for all corporations on their carbon, methane, and other greenhouse gas emissions and pollution.
Click here to learn more about the Fee and Dividend carbon pricing and other critical actions our governments and corporations must immediately take to reach the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.
Reference Topic 4: The deep causes of this whole climate catastrophe mess
To understand the most profound reasons behind our current global warming emergency and our 11 other most dangerous global crises, please get the book Overshoot. In it, you can learn about the concept of the Earth's carrying capacity (the land and sea acreage available and needed for any given population's critical survival needs.)
Reference Topic 5: Miscellaneous
Click here to see the 10 most important facts about climate change.
Click here to see the 10 most misunderstood and dangerous facts about climate change.
Click here and read our Job One for Humanity policy on the necessary disruption of all false or dangerous climate, global warming, and environmental acts or ideas.
Please continue to educate yourself about these life-critical climate issues by exploring the documentation and analysis found on this website.
To help do something about the climate change and global warming emergency, click here.
Lawrence Wollersheim published FAR Too Slow, Failed Strategies in Critical Government Climate Actions 2022-01-20 11:39:12 -0800
Indirect Ways to Influence Our Governments and Billionaires on Climate Change
Last updated 11.24.23.
Important Update: The following was produced by the independent and 100% publicly funded Job One for Humanity climate change think tank. It is an much older climate strategy that, while it theoretically could at some point contribute to resolving the climate change extinction emergency. It alone is not enough at this very late stage of the climate change extinction emergency.
It has been completely ineffective in actually reducing fossil fuel carbon and methane emissions going into our atmosphere.
It is an indirect and very slow method of influencing politicians. Unfortunately, indirect methods have proven over many decades to be far too little, far too late, especially with so little time remaining to get close to the legitimate 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.
We have included it on our website for to educate other organizations what has been tried and will not work with so little time left.
(Special Notice about something powerful, that may work better to end climate change than anything tried previously: If you have been harmed by climate change consequences, we strongly recommend you take advantage of our Climate Justice NOW program, which helps the victims of climate change consequences get financial restitution.
Obtaining legal restitution is a very powerful way to make the global fossil fuel cartel pay for the damages it has caused worldwide and to inhibit its future ability to harm millions more people with the toxic atmosphere-polluting poison from its products. Click here for our Climate Justice Now program.)
If you or someone you know has not suffered climate change damages, we strongly recommend you focus first on this new direct protest strategy and our billionaire strategy if you you want to survive what is coming.
This older strategy is about what you can do if you do not have a direct connection to or an influence with billionaires and the 1%. It also is designed to help us ethically motivate resistant one-percenters to join our new one-percenter Billionare's coalition to prevent climate change extinction.)
Section 2 will not make sense unless you read the materials in Part 4 Section 1. Please do not start these Section 2 indirect strategies below until we post the list of remaining resistant one-percenters despite our direct educational efforts. It is vital to give our direct contact and education team a chance to educate them on the climate extinction emergency, to be fair!)
The Section 2 action strategy sections below are designed specifically for individuals who mostly do not have any direct connections to the 1% of the wealthiest individuals, corporations, and celebrities but could help us influence the education-resistant one-percenters.
These are the one-percenters who have continued to resist joining the one-percenter climate extinction prevention coalition. They are not working to influence our politicians to enforce the required 2025 global fossil fuel reduction laws to get us close to the 2025 reduction targets and save the future.
Once our organization publishes this list of resistant one-percenters on this page further below, you may specifically target them using the indirect influence actions and strategies listed in Section 2 below.
You will find many creative options prioritized for the maximum possible indirect influence on the 1% to help us achieve the critical governmental action steps of the Job One Plan found here. Do what you can to independently self-organize and get the indirect influence action steps below done on the listed resistant one-percenters!
You can begin any listed indirect influence action below in any order that you feel will work best for your current desires, resources, and circumstances. And finally, be sure to share any successes you have on the indirect influence action steps below with us at ([email protected]). That way, others can learn from your success and genius, and we can resolve this climate extinction emergency even faster!
If you have any doubts about either the 3-9 years left urgency (2025-2031) or the critical importance of why we need to work on Part 4, Section 2 of the Job One Plan at this time, please click here and review the ten most important facts about runaway global heating and our destabilizing climate; before continuing with this page. This page will also help build your motivation to keep working on Part 4, Section 2 below. The tactics and strategies below are mostly indirect tactics and strategies in that their participants have only indirect and minor influence over their politicians and governments.
Signing and Sending Petitions
Signing and sending petitions are among the least effective methods of getting politicians to act. They are easy to ignore sitting on a desk or in an email folder. They are seldom read or counted by politicians.
With the little time we have left, it would be unwise to focus any more effort on sending petitions to politicians. Climate activists have been doing this for decades, and they have no actual results in slowing down fossil fuel use, lowering carbon and methane in the atmosphere, and reducing global heating to show for it.
Signing and sending petitions has mostly only helped accumulate information on individuals, such as email addresses, phone numbers, etc., for individuals interested in the climate issue.
Step 1: Begin this indirect influence action steps for 1% individuals or businesses
Using the information on our website, become a Utube or TikTok super-star and influencer by creating your own Utube and TikTok climate change educational videos that will help get the 1% active.
Desperate times call for creative, humorous, and out-of-the-box measures. Make YouTube and TikTok climate change videos or create your own Utube channel.
These videos should:
1. Educate about our climate emergency, particularly for generations X, Y, and Z.
2. "Call out" your national politicians for not acting effectively on our climate extinction emergency.
3. "Call out "the 1% ultra-wealthy individuals, corporations, and celebrities. Call them out for not doing their part in getting our politicians to enforce the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets or the critical other action steps of Part 3 of the Job One Plan. (The list of 1% names is above in this document.)
If the 1% does not respond to your educational efforts or they continue to act against enforcing the critical 2025 global fossil fuel reductions needed, it is also time to engage in a massive and continuous public shaming campaign until they finally take responsibility for the obligations of wealth to protect the public wellbeing. This resistant 1% needs to be called out and protested for their failures to act in an emergency, their selfishness, and their fossil fuel extravagant and conspicuous consumption lifestyles wherever and whenever they appear in public. (The popular media will help amplify your call-outs depending on the creativity and success of your videos and actions.
Please note that public shaming will never work on the 1% that are narcissists or sociopaths, but eventually, it will work on most of the rest. So, do not hesitate to use a public shaming tactic on the 1% resistant to the massive climate emergency education, which has already taken place for decades. These individuals do not EVER have the right to commit acts or omissions that will lead to the total extinction of humanity!
Be creative with your videos but still effective. Create numerous factual and compelling arguments from what you read above and elsewhere on this website. Convince the 1% that they must use their far greater direct influence to get our politicians to act, or no one will make survive, including them, their families, and their legacies.
Always make your videos evoke an action! One meaningful action you can ask for is to have your viewers sign our Climate Change Emergency petition and then ask them to come to our website, create videos, and become activists using all of the tactics on this page.
Never hesitate to creatively call out and challenge any 1% individual, corporation, (or environmental group) that persists in providing incorrect information on the climate change emergency and global warming. Call them out in ways that let them know what will happen to their lives and future if they fail to help end the climate change extinction emergency before it is too late.
You could become an internet influencer and super-star and have thousands learning from your climate change videos. But, best of all, your 1% call-outs would also eventually get busy helping to reach the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.
Don't forget to mention the pesky and greedy fossil fuel industry in your videos whenever you can. Talk openly about their short-sighted efforts to sell more fossil fuel to make more money --- even if it kills everyone on earth within our lifetimes, including them and their families.
If you have not done so already and before you start creating, please read about being a Necessary Disruptor as described in this Job One policy link. If you make a climate change video for Youtube or TikTok, be sure to let us know its location by emailing us at ([email protected]). We will add it to our video webpage(s), so others can see it and be inspired too.
A special note when calling out celebrities
Celebrities can help spread climate emergency ideas worldwide and influence politicians because of their celebrity access. Your Utube and TikTok videos can be super-effective by both educating and, when needed, creatively calling out your favorite celebrities who are not exercising their celebrity responsibility in helping to resolve this extinction emergency.
Never be afraid of calling out any 1% individuals, particularly celebrities, for their lifestyle excesses that use extravagant amounts of fossil fuel while so much of humanity and biological life is dying because of accelerating global warming.
Calling out the public and flagrant conspicuous consumption of the resistant 1% is a powerful and necessary tactic. No one gets a celebrity or billionaire pass during the climate change extinction emergency!
Step 2: Then begin these other indirect letter-writing influence actions steps
Supporting Action A:
Help Job One for Humanity contact the world's 1% wealthiest individuals through email and personal letters.
It is really not that hard. Some of the world's wealthiest 1% individuals like Tom Steyer, the technology billionaire, are already onboard and active. Besides the list of one-percenters above in Section 1, there are other lists such as the Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 lists of the world's wealthiest individuals available online and at most public libraries.
Here's how to begin contacting the world's wealthiest 1% individuals. With this tactic, you do not need to have friends, family, or direct personal connections with any wealthy 1% individual to help in this action.
Find our sample letters to wealthy 1% individuals here. Use them to help you write a more customized version.
Use the best personal writing advice (further below) and then send personal letters and emails. In these letters, directly ask them to contact and pressure the politicians in their circles of influence to act now on Part 3 of the Job One Plan.
If you have friends, family, or direct or indirect personal connections with any other wealthy one-percenters, use these same instructions as above.
Here are our additional suggestions for the essential personalization needed for this 1% category and any of the other letter-writing supportive action steps B-F listed further below:
It is always good to personalize and modify any sample "template" letters that we have provided here to create a more successful impact. It's vital they not be seen as obvious "form letters." Instead, they should be personalized with appropriate recipient-related details, much like a cover letter to a potential employer, where the applicant demonstrates they took time to learn about the employer and their business.
Spend the first part of the letter "connecting" with the recipient before discussing what you want as far as desired actions. Then, in your special introductory section, answer the reader's question: Why should you care about this? If the reader then feels that sense of climate risk and responsibility that you will connect them to, there is a much better chance they will read the requested actions with more interest. On the other hand, if you put this the other way around, you would lose the reader in most cases because they may think they have heard it all before.
Offer some positive strokes to the recipient where possible. Who doesn't like hearing a compliment?
You can still use our basic templates for about 80% of your letter content, but for the rest of your letter text, take some time to research the recipient.
Always request that the recipient publicly express what they are doing or will do to help get Part 3 of the Job One Plan done. Let them know that you will interpret no public statement or action on the issue to be no action on their part.
At the end of the letter, be sure to include a unique personal closing, your name, and your contact information. You may be surprised by who responds to your emotional appeal.
If the recipient you have contacted responds, don't forget to send a thank you and let the Job One for Humanity 1% recruiting team know about your contact success as well.
Keep in mind that if you're going to go to the trouble of writing to any of the suggested 1% recipients, give it the best possible shot you can. Personal letters are almost always far more effective than emails.
If you are emailing, always use unique, non-trite subject titles so that "gatekeeper" support staff do not use automatic email filters to delete your expression of deep climate concern. Once the recipient you've contacted takes a public stand against the escalating climate change emergency and uses their influence on the world's politicians to help get Part 3 of the Job One Plan done., move on to contacting other one-percenters. (Do let us know about your successes!)
Do not worry if they try to act like they're doing something and are doing nothing. Once it becomes known that they are publicly saying they are doing something to fix the climate change emergency and doing little to nothing, the media and other watchdogs will probably verify that this is just another greenwashing public relations tactic.
If the 1% wealthy corporations, individuals, or others you are contacting do not use their power to influence our politicians to resolve the climate change extinction emergency, move to Action Step G further below.
Supporting Action B:
Help Job One contact the world's 1% wealthiest celebrities through email and personal letters.
Many celebrities like James Cameron and Leonardo DiCaprio are already speaking out publicly, telling the world that we must solve the climate change extinction emergency now. See this video clip by James Cameron [2] and this article by Katie Kilkenny. [3] In addition to being able to quickly educate massive audiences on the basics of the climate change extinction emergency and get more individuals involved, celebrities in areas like entertainment, sports, the media, etc., can also have immediate and effective influence in getting the necessary new climate change reduction laws or treaties passed.
Getting more celebrities to come out, speak publicly, and act against climate change as the greatest single security threat and disruptor of the 21st century has important benefits in several areas.
They are often friends with or attend functions given by the world's wealthiest 1% individuals, politicians, or senior executives of the world's wealthiest corporations. Because of their celebrity, they have unique access to promote the benefits of resolving the climate change extinction emergency. They can also advocate that the world's richest 1% individuals, corporations, and celebrities use their access and influence on the world's politicians to get the necessary climate laws or treaties passed.
They also have the attention of and are a voice to billions of people worldwide. If they come out and actively endorse fixing the climate change emergency and promote effective steps similar to those in Part 3 of the Job One for Humanity Plan, more people worldwide will soon get involved in helping resolve this global survival-critical issue. (See this article [4] documenting how celebrities can and do capture public interest for more information.)
Here's how to begin this celebrity contact step. You do not need to have friends, family, or direct connections with any celebrity to help in this action:
Find our sample celebrity letters here.
1. Use the best letter writing advice from Supporting Action B above, then send personal letters and emails.
2. Directly ask them to contact and pressure the politicians in their circles of influence to act on the steps like those described in part 3 of the Job One for Humanity Plan.
3. If you have friends, family, or direct or indirect personal connections with any other wealthy one-percenters, use these same instructions as above using their and your contact information.
If the 1% of the wealthiest celebrities you are contacting do not use their power to influence our politicians to resolve the climate change extinction emergency, move to Action Step G below.
Supporting Action C:
Help Job One influence the world's wealthiest 1% corporations through email, personal letters, and other creative influence strategies.
The world's wealthiest 1% corporations are also an excellent place to send your email and personal letters because they are:
One might easily say in one way or another that large wealthy corporations rule the governments that rule the world because they are:
a. far more agile than governments in their ability to respond quickly to changing conditions;
b. highly motivated to preserve and grow their customers and businesses profits, as well as to secure both customer bases and markets;
c. less constrained by national borders;
d. better able to raise and control the expenditure of large sums of money;
e. subject to stakeholder pressure if they do not respond to our initial letters and emails;
f. always looking for projects that will enhance their brand's reputation and goodwill in the eyes of the public. (As the global warming catastrophes continue escalating, any corporation helping to resolve this emergency will be viewed favorably by the public and negatively if not aiding the cause.)
g. Among the single most influential sources that politicians respond to because of their financial support.
The good news here is that some of the world's wealthiest 1% corporations are already onboard and active in fighting global warming.
To help you with this step, there are long lists such as the Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 of the world's wealthiest corporations available online and at most public libraries.
Here's how to begin this wealthy 1% corporation contact step. You do not need to have friends, family, or direct connections with any wealthy corporation to help in this action.
Use the best letter writing advice given in Supporting Action B above, and send personal letters and emails. Directly ask them to assist and contact and pressure the politicians in their circles of influence to act on the steps like those described in part 3 of the Job One for Humanity Plan.
If you have friends, family, or direct or indirect personal connections with any other wealthy one-percenters, use these same instructions as above using their and your contact information.
To help you with this, see our sample letters. This sample letter or email is the starting point for selling the most positive reasons for the world's wealthiest corporations to follow their own highest and most enlightened self-interests in ending escalating global warming. These letters also contain specifics on what we want to have happen to resolve the climate change emergency. You will find our sample corporation letters here.
Wealthy 1% corporations have so much power over politicians today that this is a critical action needed to get the world's governments to enact the enforceable laws and penalties required for the rapid transition from fossil fuels to green energy and to save humanity and the future! Wealthy 1% corporations tell the politicians that they must reduce global warming immediately, or they will not be financially supported, and they will fund their political opponents. In that case, these politicians will quickly bend to the will of the corporations' massive financial power, just as they are doing every day worldwide.
Never forget that if the world's wealthiest 1% corporations do not act to influence national politicians to enact the new climate laws needed, it will be considerably harder to slow escalating global warming enough to save humanity.
If the wealthiest 1% corporations you are contacting do not use their power to influence our politicians to resolve the climate change extinction emergency, move to Action Step G below.
Supporting Action D:
If you have a connection to any of the following education groups, Greenpeace, World Wildlife Fund, 350.org, MoveOn.org, the Sierra Club, or any other large worldwide environmental organization...
Please help get this critical information from our website and the updated 2025 global fossil fuel reduction target information to them. Directly ask these groups to adjust their climate educational and promotional materials accordingly.
We face enormous challenges trying to achieve the 2025 fossil fuel reduction targets with so little time left. The last thing we need is the leaders in global environmental education, providing out-of-date, incorrect, or fossil fuel lobbyist twisted global fossil fuel reduction targets and wrong deadlines!
We need all the help we can get reaching every large environmental group on the planet with the correct 2025 targets and this update. This way, at least, everyone in the environmental movement is aiming at and promoting the same correct climate destination and deadlines.
Suppose we can't make this happen with the educational organizations dedicated to saving the environment, humanity, animals, and other biological species. In that case, it's going to be considerably harder to end the climate change extinction emergency.
When you begin this step, be sure to become a necessary disruptor, as described in this link.
Supporting Action E:
Contact your local, national, and international religious leaders.
We also need to implore our religious leaders to use their considerable moral leverage on our political leaders to get them to educate the population as to the real dangers of missing our 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.
There is an irony here. Many countries that have benefited most from fossil fuel use are those same countries in the north that will temporarily be more habitable as global warming consequences worsen. This implies a compelling moral, ethical, and justice argument because those countries have been both the greatest cause of the climate emergency and the greatest benefactors from it.
At Job One for Humanity, we hold that the most important job of our religious leaders is to make the spiritual, moral, ethical, justice, and equity arguments that our politicians must now also hear. We believe that once the religious leaders of the world realize what's coming and how their members and denominations will suffer and die in the climate chaos, they too will be motivated to persistently bring up this emergency in their churches, temples, mosques, and synagogues and to the leaders of their nations.
Our religious leaders' role also will be to continually remind us of the critical, transcendent, and inherent value of every human being, no matter what country that person may reside in.
They will remind us that if we fail to come close to the 2025 targets, every human being on earth has an equal right to live in and share the most habitable remaining northern areas, no matter their wealth, religion, race, ethnicity, or nation, or gender. Our religious leaders have a pivotal role as the climate change emergency unfolds.
Our religious leaders need to send the above message to their congregations. But, more importantly, we need our religious leaders to use their powerful moral influence to help compel our politicians to act and educate us about the painful, critical sacrifices urgently required by all to save our children and the future of our civilization.
Because there are no guarantees that we will succeed in slowing and lessening the now unavoidable climate consequences, this faith-based action step is another critical step that we must take to save our civilization and humanity.
When you get large religious organizations to lobby local, regional, or national politicians demanding they act on the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, know that you have done a vital service for the future.
You can also do this step by contacting the many cross-denominational groups like Interfaith Power and Light. Please help get them and similar groups to realize and promote the correct 2025 targets and what will happen if we miss them.
Supporting Action F:
Help Job One maximize leverage by contacting the heads and high-level staff of your nation's intelligence agencies.
If we want the world's politicians to pass the essential verifiable and enforceable laws or treaties as described in Part 3 of the Job One Plan, we have to maximize our influence leverage efforts in all effective ways. This includes:
convincing the world's wealthiest 1% individuals, corporations, and celebrities to lobby their politicians, and
to ensure our national intelligence agencies take over global warming research, analysis, and reporting responsibilities and that they are also actively educating our politicians (and the public) on all of the imminent security and economic threats the climate change extinction emergency poses to our world. (See Part 3 of the Job One Plan for more reasons why our intelligence agencies' strong and credible influence with politicians is also a vital part of our strategy to get the new climate laws or treaties needed to be passed in time.)
Please do not doubt that there are many brilliant and courageous high-level analysts and executives within the world's intelligence communities who already know much of what is in our scary climate future. Yet, they are restrained from speaking out because of current political realities. We need to give them the support and encouragement necessary to continue to champion the climate truths that will save them, their families, and all of our futures.
These brave individuals will have to fight through the negative influence or resistance exerted by the fossil fuel industry, lobbyists, other vested interests, existing political partisanship, fixed ideas, and any antiquated systems or traditions within their agencies that would prevent them from credibly educating the politicians they serve before it is too late.
These brilliant and courageous individuals can never forget that not only is the future of their nation at stake, but the world's future is also at stake. If they fail to convince their respective politicians about the full consequences and accurate timelines of the escalating climate change extinction emergency, no one will survive.
If the combined total influence of the world's wealthiest individuals, corporations, celebrities, religious leaders, and the world's intelligence agencies cannot convince our politicians to enact the needed enforceable and verifiable new climate laws or treaties, we will be at the beginning of our total extinction.
If you still need more convincing on why our national intelligence agencies must take over the climate risk analysis and fossil fuel reduction progress tracking job from the United Nations IPCC, see Part 3 of the Job One Plan.
Supporting Action G:
For the individuals, corporations, or celebrities that do not act, begin contacting them directly at their public events.
First, read our policy on necessary disruption here! Next, call them out on social media. Next, go to the one-percenters events and set up a peaceful, nonviolent demonstration that would make Gandhi proud. Demand that they immediately use their direct access and influence with all politicians to enact the necessary global warming remedial laws or treaty types listed in Part 3 of the Job One Plan. The future of humanity and civilization is at stake. They now need to become very publically aware of this!
Please remember that the Job One For Humanity Plan recommends only peaceful, nonviolent protests and demonstrations. We actively discourage any illegal or violent tactic.
The above letters and actions involving those who have influence and control can save our climate future. If large numbers of people from around the world engage in these Section 2 action steps, the world's wealthiest 1% of individuals, corporations, and celebrities will be educated on their climate responsibilities and how to best protect their self-interests. In addition, they will eventually use their direct or indirect access and effective influence on the world's politicians as we persist.
When this happens, we will resolve the climate change extinction emergency with far less damage and hopefully secure a survivable future for humanity.
There will, of course, be those 1% corporations, individuals, and celebrities so invested in the carbon and methane polluting fossil fuel industries that they will resist all efforts of education. As Upton Sinclair famously observed, "it is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it."
Do not be discouraged by those who blindly and foolishly choose their salary over the future of everyone and everything they love and the whole of humanity. Just keep the faith and continue executing the Job One Plan action steps.
Your successes and suggestions relating to Part 4 of the Job one Plan are vital to us!
They can also inspire and help others working on the various action steps of the Job One Plan. To send us your feedback, please email us at ([email protected]).
If you can, please also help support Job One for Humanity with a tax-deductible donation! Our all-volunteer organization works hard to prevent climate change extinction with honest facts and programs. And we are significantly underfunded for what we could do! Click here to donate so we can reach and help far more people worldwide.
Before starting the influence actions above, please make the following personal commitment to climate emergency action!
Because you understand both the urgency of resolving the climate change emergency and the logic of the Job One Plan goals, it is wise to make (or re-confirm) that understanding in a decision and pledge.
Here is the Job One for Humanity 3-point pledge to help resolve global warming:
- I will become an active part of the climate change solution by working effectively to help slow, lessen, and end the climate change emergency.
- I will do my part to educate my friends and others about the climate change emergency and its effective solutions.
- Until we end the climate change emergency, I will stay the course and help get new climate laws, treaties, and policies in place, so it never occurs again!
Please click here to sign this pledge online and join the Job One for Humanity honor roll for Climate Evolutioneers.
The Gallup Poll reports show up to 87% of workers feel disconnected from meaningful and purposeful work. [6] Resolving global warming is this century's greatest challenge, and it is the number one job for humanity.
"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings, and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way. Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it!" —Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Making the above pledge will change your life for the better. It will also release potentials and opportunities that would not have appeared had you not done so!
If you understand how to use visualization techniques on the goals of this page, please visualize them already being achieved. If you do not understand either the process or the importance of the goal visualization process for ending global warming, click here. [7]
To maintain your motivation to complete these new and challenging tasks below, we strongly recommend that you regularly read and re-read this page with the many individual and collective benefits we will receive when we successfully get the runaway global heating under control. It is the most read page on our website with well over 2 million views.
Be sure to also click here to sign the above pledge online and join the Job One for Humanity honor roll of Climate Evolutioneers.
Special Update of 8.24.2022
We have also just released a critical timeframe update for coming climate consequences and catastrophes based on newly released climate science.
Things have changed recently with the climate in big ways. The climate change emergency is getting worse far faster than most people understand. Our new climate timeframes update affects ALL previous climate emergency preparation and adaptation timeframes we have previously provided. This critical update shortens those timeframes considerably.
Do not let your family or business get caught off guard without understanding why the climate change preparation and adaptation timeframes have recently changed so significantly.
If you are a member, log in to this location using the same email address you used when becoming a member. Then go to this Critical Climate Change and Global Heating Timeframes link in our Member's section.
If you are not a member, it is easy to become one, and you can still get some great gifts by clicking here. Your membership will also help keep our unpoliticized, unbiased, and non-profit climate think tank operating.
What's next?
You are urgently needed! You can make a meaningful difference! Everyone can find something meaningful to contribute and do in the many action steps of the Job One Plan.
Click here for Part 1 of the Job one Plan on how to best prepare yourself, family, and business for the unavoidable 20 worst coming consequences.
Click here for Part 2 of the Job One Plan on the best individual actions to slow and lessen the unavoidable coming consequences.
Click here for Part 3 of the Job One Plan for the critical collective actions we must get done to slow extinction. Part 3 is all about the simultaneous measures governments worldwide must enact if we have any chance of achieving the life-critical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets and saving the future.
End Notes
[1] Tim McDonnell. "The fossil fuel industry is bankrolling the Paris Climate talks." Mother Jones. December 2, 2015. http://www.motherjones.com/environment/2015/12/climate-change-summit-paris-cop21-fossil-fuels-sponsors
[2] "Not Reality TV by James Cameron." YouTube video. 5:27, posted by "Democratic National Convention," July 28, 2016. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zORv8wwiadQ
[3] Katie Kilkenny. "What can celebrities do for climate change?" Pacific Standard. October 8, 2016. https://psmag.com/what-can-celebrities-do-for-climate-change-d7800b032447#.ij2p2goh7
[4] Chris Mooney. "People really do pay attention to climate change — when Leonardo DiCaprio talks about it." The Washington Post. August 5, 2016. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2016/08/05/the-leo-effect-when-dicaprio-talked-climate-change-at-the-oscars-people-suddenly-cared/?utm_term=.6129fadf4b36
[5]Wikipedia contributors, "Self-organization," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Self-organization&oldid=757928655 (accessed January 2, 2017).
[6] Steve Crabtree. "Worldwide, 13% of employees are engaged at work." Gallup.com. October 8, 2013. http://www.gallup.com/poll/165269/worldwide-employees-engaged-work.aspx
[7] Association for the Tree of Life. "Visioning for a better world: why and how." Accessed December 11, 2016. http://www.tree-of-life.works/visioning
Our new climate change risk analysis, adaptation, relocation, and migration consulting services
For individuals, businesses, or governmental bodies that desire individualized assistance, qualified members of the Job One for Humanity team are available for custom consulting on all aspects of climate change and global warming consequence risk analysis, adaptation, relocation, or migration for individuals, small businesses, large corporations, or local, regional, or national governments. Click here to learn more about our individualized consulting services.
Lawrence Wollersheim commented on Wow! Leonardo DiCaprio nails the climate science with his prediction that climate change is going to get much worse in about 9 years. 2022-01-23 11:20:08 -0800The sources for the 9-year prediction are listed in Job One article. The job One volunteer team
Lawrence Wollersheim published What are the Direct and Indirect Consequences of Climate Change? Get Prepared! in Learn 2022-01-14 13:58:21 -0800
What are the Direct and Indirect Consequences of Climate Change? Should You Get Prepared?
(The climate change consequence lists and 2024 and beyond forecasts below are not for individuals under 16 years old. They are far too complex and disturbing for children under 16 to understand or deal with in healthy and rational ways.)
Job One for Humanity, founded in 2008, is a non-profit, 100% publicly funded, independent climate change think tank that provides a holistic and "big picture" overview of climate change. It provides an uncensored dialectical meta-systemic and systems theory-based analysis of the interconnected and interdependent climate systems and subsystems creating the current climate change and global heating emergency.
Job One for Humanity supplies research-grounded climate change consequence analysis, timeframes, risk assessment, and solutions to educational, climate, and environmental organizations worldwide without charge. Job One is part of a 30-year-old US, IRS-recognized tax-exempt, nonprofit organization.
The best way to inform you about the many consequences of climate change is to show you how they will unfold over the following years. Hello please find our master list of climate change consequences arranged in the order of the dates they will most likely unfold.
Because of the completeness and accuracy this page is one of our most shared web pages.
The sections found on this page contain:
- The forecasted consequences of climate change and global heating for 2024.
- The four biggest climate change tipping points and warning signs for 2024.
- How intensifying climate change consequences will affect your life will not be anything like how most people think it will happen.
- The predicted consequences of climate change and global heating in 2025-2031.
- The predicted consequences of climate change and global heating for the next 2-5 decades, 2030 to 2050.
- Conclusions.
- How to prepare, adapt, survive, and help reduce the adverse consequences of climate change, and the many benefits that humanity will reap if we fix the climate heating emergency.
- Documentation links for these consequence lists and forecasts.
Each item above is explained in detail in the sections that follow below.
Introduction to our 2024 climate change consequence predictions
In addition to the climate change consequence list in the 2024 forecast and predictions, there are longer-term predictions for the next 30 years that are further below the 2024 predictions.
Below are the many climate change consequences that you, your family, your business, or someone you know may already be experiencing or will most likely experience sometime in 2024.
Many of the climate consequences below are expressed more specifically than in the very broad climate change summary overview found in our 10-fact summary of our current climate change condition. The 2024 forecast below is more specific and different because you and I will experience or witness the climate consequences below on particular and personal levels.
You may also be quite surprised by the nature of many of the 2024 climate change forecasts and predictions!
1. The Climate Change Consequences that Will Most Affect You, Your Family, Your Business, and Your Nation in 2024
You are about to read the forecast for the many escalating consequences of climate change in 2024. We strongly recommend printing this 2024 climate change consequence forecast and then watching your region's news and weather. Then, check off each consequence you witness to verify their accuracy as you watch and experience the 2024 climate change forecast occurring.
Knowing these widely recognized climate change forecast predictions before they occur can help keep you, your family, and your business from real harm, loss, and getting caught off guard by the accelerating consequences of the global climate change emergency!
In general, people ignore one or two consequences they may experience or see in the news about climate change. When they finally see or experience the many climate change consequences listed below, they slightly begin to understand how bad things are, but they do not yet grasp how much worse they're going to get. Only after experiencing several or many intense and escalating climate change consequences do most people get serious about recognizing and dealing with the climate change emergency. The list below will help you understand what to look for so you can discover for yourself the truth of the emergency we now face.
Below, you will find the many known and researched ways that accelerating climate change is going to make your daily life more difficult, costly, and emotionally and physically painful.
In general, individuals, businesses, and nations worldwide will experience more frequent, severe, and larger-scale extreme storms and the following consequences: The saddest thing about the list of climate consequences you're about to read for 2024 is that they will get worse each year because we have not yet made the required radical global fossil fuel use reductions needed to prevent them from getting worse. (The last item on the list below may be the worst for many homeowners, business owners, and farmers.)
In 2024 humanity globally will experience:
1. increasing heat and longer heatwaves, heat domes, and considerably more 100 degrees + days annually. (More 100 degrees + days during the growing season means more crop failures and lower yields.)
In the US alone, we predict between 2,000 to 3,000 people will die directly because of extreme heat-related causes. Worldwide, we predict several hundred thousand people will die from extreme heat-related causes. Expect these death totals to rise dramatically each year in perfect lockstep with increasing global temperatures.
Increased heat and warm weather during winter will also cause more rain in winter, freezing rain, and ice storms. These winter ice and freezing rain storms will take down power lines and disrupt transportation, manufacturing, and life in general. (We will also experience freezing rain, ice storms, and damaging large hail in non-winter seasons, which will lower food production or destroy complete food crops.)
2, Increasing heat will also mean increasing wind and wind speeds almost everywhere. Think about the seldom discussed consequences of climate change, such as increasing wind. Our atmosphere will increasingly "boil and churn" as it continues to warm each year, much like you would see an increase in water boiling and churning as the heat is increased under a pressure cooker.
This "pressure cooker" wind-increasing effect is because the top layer of our atmosphere acts like a pressure cooker lid, keeping most of our climate change warming and heat inside our lower atmosphere. Increasing winds worldwide will eventually become one of the most damaging and consistent consequences of climate change. (For example, the western coast of the United States will see a significant increase in 70-100 mile per hour wind events. Worldwide, tornadoes and Derechos will occur in places they have not previously occurred, and they will become more frequent in places where they have occurred previously.)
These increased winds will create downed trees and power lines, and block roads and destroy crops.
3. more atmospheric rivers in existing and new locations where rain storm after rain storm pummels an area with little time between each new rain storm.
4. rain bombs, where a week, month, or season's worth of rain falls in a few hours or days,
5. rain bombs and all kinds of other climate-related flooding will cause city and home sewers to back up, and raw human and industrial sewage will be more frequently dumped into homes, streets, businesses, rivers, lakes, bays, and coastal waters,
5. water treatment plant purification problems because of flooding and rain bombs,
6. droughts (We are currently experiencing global warming-aggravated mega-droughts that have lasted one or more decades in the US Southwest and West, Africa, and Australia.)
7. there will be more sudden cold or freezing spells at times, and in places, this should not occur. Because these cold and freezing spells will appear in locations where it usually does not happen, there will be many frozen and busted pipes and water systems because the water froze inside of them.
There will be many more damaging and dangerous ice storms as winter weather rapidly changes from warm and rainy to freezing cold. These ice storms will disrupt personal and business transportation. This increase in ice storms will be tough on the airline industry, which will have to cancel many more flights because of heavily iced runways and airplane deicing issues.
8. smaller mountain snowpacks and/or far faster spring snowpack melting in the spring because of warmer temperatures and earlier spring rains, causing more record-breaking flash flooding downstream and less water available from the annual snowpack to be saved for crops and other uses,
9. desertification: more land will drought out and be unusable,
10. despite it often being called global warming, climate change computer modeling predicts many unseasonable and intense cold spells occurring because the jet stream has started to wobble and become more unstable. This extreme instability brings much colder air from the far north down into areas and at times where it would not usually occur.
11. larger fires spreading even faster because of predicted higher velocity winds, heat, and droughts,
12. Wildfires and wildfire smoke issues: Wildfires will increase due to increasing heat and droughts. As the temperature rises, there will be many more wildfires around the world of increasing severity, frequency, and size of the area covered. These wildfires will also cause larger and larger temporary and permanent evacuations and relocations.
With wildfires comes wildfire smoke. Wildfire smoke is full of dangerous PM 2.5 particles as well as other highly toxic materials from the homes and other buildings that are being burned. These PM 2.5 and other toxic particles that are released during wildfires have a major health effect on affected populations. It is estimated that in California alone, from 2018 to 2022, approximately 50,000 people died from the PM 2.5 and other toxic effects of wildfire smoke.
Wildfires worldwide also release massive amounts of carbon into the atmosphere, which becomes a double disaster because increased atmospheric carbon also equals increasing average global temperatures.
13. more intense or frequent hurricanes, Derechos, cyclones, tornadoes, and extreme wind events (We will see Category 6 hurricanes and cyclones. These new category six hurricanes and typhoons will occur due to the extra global warming-caused heat in our atmosphere and oceans. The category six hurricane level begins with maximum sustained winds of 182 MPH. (Just two category six hurricanes have been recorded so far: Patricia and Wilma.)
14. greatly increased air turbulence and extreme air turbulence, as reported by airlines and airline passengers. More flights will be canceled because of high wind and extreme weather conditions. More airplanes will have emergency landings or crash because of climate-related extreme weather.
15. more annual, quarterly, or monthly airplane flight cancelations due to extreme weather conditions,
16. the intervals between changing weather patterns will grow shorter, with differences in the types of weather changes becoming more extreme. For example, droughts will take less time to turn into rain bombs, and winter snow will turn into rain and ice. Calm days will go to intense wind gusts more quickly. Much of this will be because the atmosphere is heating up like a pressure cooker. The contents inside that pressure cooker (our atmosphere) are churning and moving faster and faster as the global temperature rises.
17. increased toxic fossil fuel burning-related air pollution will cause millions of additional global cases of childhood asthma and other respiratory ailments.
18. many individuals will experience allergies for the first time or more intensely as weather and growing patterns change worldwide and more carbon dioxide (good for plants) enters the atmosphere.
19. loss of biodiversity through more animal, fish, and insect extinctions,
20. more frequent and more severe power outages lasting longer and covering larger areas because of high winds, hurricanes, tornadoes, Derechos, downed trees, fires, flooding, and other climate-related extreme weather,
20. sea-level rise and weather-induced flooding near coastal areas, rivers, streams, and lakes,
21. more people will experience more commuting delays and disruptions due to climate-related extreme weather events.
22. more people will have serious health problems after climate change catastrophes (such as breathing and respiratory problems after breathing in wildfire smoke and other health problems after flooding due to chemicals, sewage, and molds in the flood waters.
23. increased toxic fossil fuel burning-related air pollution and air pollution-related deaths and diseases from burning carbon and methane-based fossil fuels. Directly or indirectly, air pollution causes approximately 11 to 13% of ALL global deaths each year. That is about one out of every eight global deaths, roughly 10 million people a year!
24. there will be more out-of-control algae blooms in lakes, rivers, and coastal areas due to the combination of rising air and water temperatures and various forms of human pollution of the lakes, rivers, and coastal waters
25. more states and nations will require energy-efficient air-conditioning to be installed in all new homes and even in many older homes as temperatures and heat deaths continue to rise.
26. more individuals and businesses will lose wages, sales, and productivity due to delays or repairs needed after climate change-driven extreme weather events. (The poor and middle class will be hardest hit financially by the endless stream of accelerating climate-related disasters.)
27. expect an increase in sudden but temporary severe spikes in prices for your energy bills and other critical commodities because of the sudden changes in climate change-driven extreme weather consequences. These unprecedented sudden weather extremes will drastically affect the prices of all kinds of energy (electric, gasoline, home heating oil, diesel, etc.) and other critical commodity inventories, reserves, and transportation.
28. more people are going deeper into debt and having bill-paying problems after being impacted by climate change-driven extreme weather events, especially since most of the damages will no longer be paid by the government's emergency relief organizations as the sheer number and severity of these climate catastrophes continue to rise,
29. more crop losses due to abnormal seasons and essential weather appearing at the wrong time of the season for crop survival, i.e., rain bombs in the sprint planting time, high wind Derechos at harvest time, etc.,
30. more resource shortages due to climate-related consequences causing rapidly rising resource prices,
31. significant unseasonable changes like rain and warm weather during winter followed quickly severe cold spells, then back to warm or rain, then cold again in both winter and summer. These rapid changes in warm-to-cold and wet-to-dry weather are because the jet stream has started to wobble and become more unstable.
32. seasons not beginning or ending when they usually would, especially dangerous for crops and gardens,
33. increased animal and insect migrations trying to adapt to climate consequences. This will bring more new insect and animal diseases to new and completely unprepared areas,
34. you will begin hearing about highways buckling and crumbling because of new higher temperatures being reached beyond their original design specifications,
35. you will begin hearing about slowed transportation services due to high temperatures or flooding. Some trains in some countries will not run or run slowly because their rails will warp in the extreme heat. More and more ports and warehouses will flood and go offline,
36. shrinking sea ice and ice shelves, glaciers and snowpack,
37. accelerating reef collapses around the world, which negatively affects fish spawning and feeding areas, which causes the collapse of critical protein global fish populations, which causes more human starvation around the world.
38. increased ocean acidification, making biological life harder for many species and fish stocks in the oceans.
39. increased starvation worldwide; this starvation will be primarily because of climate-related crop failures and crop yield reductions. Crops will fail or be stunted because of global warming-aggravated heatwaves, rain bombs, droughts, flooding, wildfires, out-of-season cold spells, hail, Derechos (severe wind storms), and other extreme weather or out-of-season weather destabilization.
40. Food prices will rise steadily to compensate for crop losses considerably more than the typical cost of living increases. We estimate that because of more and more climate consequence-caused low crop yields and failed crops from now on, food prices will rise 5 to 10% per year no matter what our governments do. Food costs will become a significantly larger portion of the budgets of the poor and middle class.
41. there will be more frequent, extreme weather-caused temporary and long-term evacuations from affected areas. These ordered evacuations will cause great hardship and costs to those evacuated.
42. commuting, personal road trips, and vacations will take longer or be disrupted more frequently because of more climate change-related extreme weather events.
43. far more people will suffer and die in 2024 because of climate change-related consequences than in any previous year. The number of people worldwide who will die from the direct and indirect effects of the primary and secondary climate change consequences will increase to around 120-160 million.
44. the disabled and poor will suffer disproportionately more because of climate change consequences.
45. increased methane releases from melting tundra and permafrost (methane as a heat-producing greenhouse gas is about 80 times more potent than carbon in heating the atmosphere.)
46. in 2021, 75% of the world experienced weather extremes due to climate change, like those mentioned in this document. In 2024 that percentage goes to 90% of humanity or more.
47. San Francisco, California, will wisely be the first city to change its current 2-3-foot protective bay sea wall plans and build at least a ten-foot sea wall to survive projected sea-level rise over the following decades.
48. 2024 will be another year in which more weather and climate records will be broken than in 2022. These new records will not be in areas good for humanity.
49. at some point, more individuals and businesses that have been hit repeatedly by climate-related disasters and have repaired or rebuilt after each disaster will realize that they can't keep doing the same thing and expect different results. They will eventually begin moving and migrating to the limited areas of the world where they will be significantly safer from the worst consequences of runaway global warming, at least for a while longer.
50. more COVID-19 variant outbreaks, other epidemics, and more Covid-like new pandemics. (Aids, Mers, Sars, Swine flu, Avian bird flu, and most likely Covid-19 are zoological viral diseases that have come to humans from animals. This zoological disease cross-over effect is fueled by the loss of natural animal habitat, eating more wild animals, overcrowding causing more human-to-animal interactions, less resilient health systems, mass animal and human migrations, and the melting of the permafrost and its ancient viral and bacterial pathogens.
51. a larger portion of humanity will become aware of the truth of our global warming extinction emergency and that our governments have failed for decades to make the required global fossil fuel reductions when global fossil fuel reduction would have been far easier to make and could have been far more gradual and less painful.
52. the most expensive single-incident global climate change disaster in 2024 will approach or exceed 300 billion dollars in total cost. The total cost of ALL global climate change-related damages will significantly exceed 1 trillion dollars. In 2024, the US and many other countries will, directly and indirectly, be forced to spend about 3-5% of their total gross domestic product (GDP) on climate change-related consequences. These accelerating climate damage expenses have not been planned into any national budget we know about. (The current US GDP is just over 28 trillion dollars.)
53. There will continue to be a mass human migration of climagees (climate refugees) to the safer global warming zones. In 2019, the United Nations estimated that 100 million individuals migrated from high-risk areas to safer areas or countries because of their homelands' deteriorating climate. In 2024, because of the increases in the primary and secondary consequences of climate change, the number of climagees will be from 120 million to 160 million.
54. the fossil fuel industries will continue to be able to export and transfer the above-listed financial costs and losses for the damages and suffering their products cause unfairly to the citizens of every nation. It will be you who will pay the higher local state and national taxes and higher insurance rates. Because of the above climate change effects, you will also have to pay personally for any climate-related damages and losses not covered fully by your insurance.
55. most of humanity will still not grasp that if we do not come close to the correct 75% global fossil fuel reduction targets sometime close to 2025 (but no later than 2031 if we are very fortunate,) about half of humanity will die by mid-century.
56. major environmental groups will continue to allow the fossil fuel-friendly and "far too little, far too late" fossil fuel reduction targets of the world governments to go unchallenged.
57. ocean temperatures will continue to increase, creating more intense storms and losses in ocean biodiversity,
58. more frequent hail storms with larger hail stones,
59. more banks will turn down construction or remodeling loans for buildings in climate change high-risk areas,
60. more people will die in climate change-related consequences,
61. more infrastructures, such as dams, bridges, etc., will catastrophically fail worldwide because they were constructed to withstand 100-year extreme weather events, not the record-breaking 1,000-year or 10,000-year climate change-driven extreme weather events that are here now and will continue to worsen.
62. as climate change increases heat and produces more, longer droughts covering larger areas, traditional legal water rights for nations, states, regions, and individuals will increasingly be challenged in the courts, renegotiated, and changed. This global reallocation process and changes to pre-existing legal water rights will be required to deal with today's harsh climate change realities and our better understanding of climate change and hydrology (the study of water, water conservation, etc.)
63. individuals and businesses will generally experience more climate change-related extreme weather consequences this year, resulting in significantly more inconveniences, delays, losses, and expenses. More individuals and businesses will feel impacted by what seems like a never-ending chain of bad weather events.
64. There will be a rise in religious fundamentalism and religious extremism as more people become fearful of negative climate changes they see occurring but do not understand. Matching this troubling pattern will be similar patterns in politics.
As people become more fearful, they will also elect more nationalistic and dictatorial governments looking for any quick and easy solution to alleviate their fears. Injustices (and even private and public mental breakdowns) will increase because of the continually growing stresses of intensifying climate change-related consequences.
65. in 2024, global action to fix the climate change emergency will not change significantly from its current denial and avoidance of the real, honest, and effective actions needed to fix this global emergency. Only drastically greater and widespread painful personal and business climate change disruption and experience will sufficiently increase our collective climate change emergency awareness to finally compel effective climate change action.
Do not worry. Humanity will eventually reach the point where it can no longer endure the escalating consequences of climate change, and humanity will act. But unfortunately, it may be too late for most of us to survive if humanity does not act soon.
66. In 2024, we will come close to or enter the atmospheric carbon 425-450 ppm threshold from our global burning of fossil fuels. As of January 2024, we are at the carbon 421-423 ppm range. Staying below the carbon 425-450 ppm threshold is humanity's last chance to save the future from a massive human die-off. (Click here to read why this horrible mass die-off outcome will likely happen.)
67. You will begin to see more dynamic electronic pricing in grocery stores. This dynamic pricing will allow grocery stores to change any price on any shelf item with a few computer keystrokes. Dynamic pricing will be critical for food stores to survive in the new reality of rapidly evolving food prices due to low crop and animal yields, failed crops and animal production, and stalled or lost food distribution due to climate change, extreme weather, or disasters.
68. Allergies will significantly worsen in many existing areas, and allergies will spread to areas where they have not existed before. This will be because of climate change-driven increasing temperatures and other changing conditions that will cause plant migrations and some plants to multiply dramatically.
69. Warmer seas and droughts will wreck coastal fisheries, especially salmon (which spawn in drought-ravaged rivers), crab, and lobster. The government departments that manage the fisheries will issue shorter fishing seasons more frequently, delay fishing seasons, or even cancel specific fishing seasons for a whole year or more.
70. You will begin to hear about more climate researchers currently living in high to higher-risk climate change areas quietly moving themselves and their families to lower climate change risk areas.
71. Accelerating climate change consequences will amplify and multiply the stresses on almost all of the world's major problems. This is especially true in underdeveloped countries where increased climate stresses, along with poor management or lack of existing resources, will quickly aggravate the problems in those countries beyond crisis levels. As climate change worsens, you will see ecological, political, economic, and social system collapses occurring in the weakest areas of the world first.
72. Eventual loss of all types of insurance covering climate change-related risks. Accelerating climate change consequences and their huge insurance damage payouts have thrown the global insurance industry into financial chaos. This financial chaos has led many state and national governments to desperately try to force insurance companies to maintain their coverage in medium—to high-risk climate change consequence areas.
This government enforcement strategy is a terrible way to try to create insurance justice that will not solve the problem. State and national governments forcing insurance companies to maintain climate change-related coverage in medium to high-risk areas is a fool's errand with multiple worse outcomes.
If insurance companies are unfairly forced by state or national governments to maintain insurance in medium to higher-risk climate change areas:
1. expect your insurance premiums to rise quickly by 100 to 300 percent or even more. Or,
2. expect insurance companies to cancel all their policies for homes, businesses, farms, autos, crop failure, and even life insurance in most climate change medium to high-risk areas.
If insurance companies are unfairly forced by state or national governments to maintain insurance in medium to higher-risk climate change areas, insurance companies will also demand in exchange for maintaining coverage:
1. The government guarantees that they can immediately raise their rates whenever the many different consequences of climate change increase. This would include increasing their rates exactly as much as is needed to cover all additional climate change losses, plus a fair profit margin.
2. The government guarantees that they can use new 1,000—and 10,000-year floodplain, wildfire, and extreme weather risk charts. Independent climate change researchers would create these charts because current climate change information used by the US Geological Survey and governments around the world have been wildly distorted by the billions of dollars spent on climate change disinformation by the global fossil fuel cartel. Without further state or national approval, these new charts also allow insurance companies to rapidly expand the definition and size of medium—and high-risk climate change areas to further control their risks and losses.
3. The government guarantees that the state and national governments will finally do their job to enforce the correct fossil fuel reduction regulations on toxic carbon and methane pollution from fossil fuel use, further reducing insurance companies' climate change risks and losses.
4. The government guarantees that the state or national governments will immediately establish adequate "Managed Retreat" state and national buyback funds, which would be funded by taxpayer contributions to purchase all homes and businesses in climate change high-risk areas that will be severely damaged and destroyed repeatedly. This would be done because any insurance claim payouts provided to damaged and destroyed homes and businesses in those high-risk areas would be a waste of valuable resources with no discernable benefit. Financing Managed Retreat would be the full responsibility of state and national governments to make restitution for their decades of failure to protect their citizens from escalating climate change when the horrendous consequences were well-known over 60 years ago.
Without these government guarantees, no amount of legal action will be sustained through the higher court systems that could force insurance businesses to act in a way that would most certainly destroy those very businesses.
To make things worse, soon, many more traditional mortgage insurance companies will also jump into this insurance chaos and refuse to provide ANY home, business, or farm mortgages for climate change medium to high-risk areas or skyrocket their mortgage rates. These related home, business, and mortgage insurance cancelations or radical rate increases will eventually directly result in severe real estate and business losses in all climate change medium to high-risk areas because homes, buildings, or farms will be very hard to sell without being able to secure mortgage insurance or obtain home, business or farm insurance.
Insurance companies on their own are already abandoning their previous and currently near useless 100-year floodplain, wildfire, and extreme weather risk charts and are creating 1,000-year or 10,000-year floodplain, wildfire, and extreme weather risk charts that better reflect current and future climate change risks. These new 1,000 to 10,000-year charts will result in insurance companies dramatically and rapidly expanding their climate change no-insurance zones to stay ahead of rapidly accelerating climate change consequences.
These new 1,000 to 10,000-year risk charts are critical for protecting insurance companies from bankruptcy and unfairly paying for the accelerating consequences and risks of climate change and global warming. Insurance companies also know climate change consequences are going to rise dramatically from now until 2031 and, after that, exponentially.
Additionally, insurance companies are legally digging in. They are taking the position that they did not cause the highly preventable climate change emergency if governments had done their due diligence and were not grossly negligent. They are also holding the legal position that climate change is not an act of God. They are vigorously forwarding the correct, fair, and legal position that climate change and global warming are a direct result of the long-term inaction and incompetency of state and national governments in regulating fossil fuel companies and fossil fuel use.
Insurance companies are aggressively holding the legal position that state and national governments have failed for over 60 years to regulate the escalating toxic carbon and methane pollution of the global fossil fuel cartel and manage the very well-known rising climate change risks and global warming threat. They are refusing to become the financial "fall guys" for the known and intentional destructive acts of others.
Not unlike corporations, which are held legally responsible for their negligence or harmful acts, insurance companies are taking the legal position that state and national governments (along with the global fossil fuel cartel) are also fully responsible for paying for all of the consequences of climate change because of their decades of unconscionable failure to set and enforce climate change regulations to prevent the climate consequences and losses we are now experiencing.
If state and national governments continue to try to force insurance companies to maintain coverage in medium to high-risk areas (as they are already doing in some areas), insurance companies will find legal and other ways to keep raising rates astronomically so they never lose money, no matter how much climate change's consequences accelerate. Insurance companies have painfully realized they have no choice but to skyrocket insurance rates or rapidly cancel home, business, and mortgage policies in all climate change medium—to high-risk areas to prevent their going bankrupt for a highly predictable and preventable man-made problem.
Accelerating climate change is a known no-win crisis for global insurance companies, and skyrocketing insurance rates or cancelations are already causing a rapidly expanding global insurance coverage crisis. Soon, the climate change-fueled insurance crisis will also cause a real estate and business crisis.
State and national governments unfairly forcing insurance companies to maintain coverage in medium to high-risk climate change areas will prove to be just another failed government policy, not unlike their failure to regulate the toxic fossil fuel pollution of fossil fuel companies causing our current climate change.
Because many insurance companies globally are refusing to cover climate change risks in medium—to high-risk areas no matter what the state or government threatens, many states and governments have started their own climate change-related insurance funds. The problem with these state-run funds is that they are grossly underfunded.
Those citizens who depend upon and pay for these government-run policies as insurance of last resort will get a fraction of what was promised as climate consequences continue to worsen. At some point, these state-run, underfunded insurance policies will collapse, and those who paid into them will lose everything in the next chain of climate change disasters.
Currently, the state-run climate change insurance funds have no required minimum cash reserve levels besides being grossly underfunded to begin with. A good example of these poorly conceived, underfunded state-run climate change insurance funds is found in the brainchild of California Governor Gavin Newsom and his climate change advisory team. It seems like our politicians will do anything but confront the actual facts of the climate change emergency and immediately enact and enforce the correct fossil fuel use reductions needed to save humanity from climate change chaos and widespread extinction.
At its very best, governments attempting to force insurance coverage will only result in insane premiums that no one can pay but billionaires.
Click here for another detailed article on this accelerating wave of insurance problems and the growing difficulty in obtaining home and mortgage insurance in quickly growing climate change high-risk areas.
Discover amazing information, tools, climate disaster alerts, and promotional benefits for becoming a Job One for Humanity climate change think tank donor/supporter/member by clicking here!
Last thoughts for our 2024 climate change consequence and extreme weather forecast:
1. The consequences of climate change are no longer growing slowly year to year. They are dramatically accelerating in frequency, severity, and size because we are crossing more climate systems and subsystem tipping points, feedbacks, and points of no return. At this point, it would be prudent for every home, business, and community to have a backup energy supply system. You will need a backup energy system because widespread power outages will continue to accelerate as record-breaking extreme weather events occur more frequently and cover larger areas worldwide.
2. Get prepared for what is coming. Start our comprehensive Job One Climate Change Resilience Plan today by clicking here.
3. If you have not yet read our uncensored ten-fact summary of the current climate change condition, we strongly recommend doing so now. It will help you better understand why the above consequences of climate change are happening.
In 2024, where you live in the world will also determine the severity, frequency, and scale of climate change's steadily increasing consequences
In general, other than for microclimates, if you live between the 35th parallel north and the 35th parallel south, your climate change primary and secondary consequences will be considerably worse than in other areas of the world. On the other hand, if you live between the 35th and 45th parallels, either north or south, your climate change consequences will be less severe but still horrible.
If you live between the 45th and 55th parallels, your consequences will be lighter than most other areas but still painful. If you live above the 55th parallel north or south, you will still have many severe consequences. In many ways, these consequences are worse than for those living between the 45th and 55th parallel. You will experience more wildfires, and temperatures will be much higher than ever before; melting permafrost and tundra will cause all kinds of infrastructure problems, and growing food in these areas will be harder.
Receive Free Climate Change & Global Warming Updates!2. The Biggest Climate Change Tipping Points and Disaster Warning Signs to Monitor in 2024
A. Methane feedback emissions are the single biggest climate change tipping point and warning sign to monitor closely in 2024.
Methane is about 80 times more potent than carbon in the atmosphere in raising global temperature.
Methane emissions are now being released in rapidly increasing quantities from the peat-rich wetlands of the world's mostly tropical wetlands, some from subarctic peatlands and thawing permafrost.
This methane release from tropical wetlands and subarctic peatlands is one of many climate change positive feedback loop situations. (Below is an illustration of a positive feedback loop for melting ice that will help you understand the danger of self-reinforcing and amplifying positive feedback loops in climate change. Notice how feedback loops are circular, where each thing then adds more to the next item on and on.)
Worse yet, few national governments currently have methane tracking regulations, and even fewer have methane reduction laws or programs. This absence of methane tracking and reduction targets is no accident. The fossil fuel industry and its lobbying efforts have been unbelievably successful in hiding the methane extinction climate time bomb from the general public.
Methane is also released from:
a. fossil fuel industry fracking,
b. gasoline and diesel fuel production, and
c. the billions and billions of cattle and other livestock,
d. the many other methane-releasing climate change feedback loops discussed here.
We are facing nothing less than a global methane time bomb that could render almost all of humanity extinct within a few decades.
The global methane extinction time bomb is discussed here. It is described as the third extinction accelerating climate tipping point about 2/3 done the page.
The methane graph below soars to levels not seen over the last 10,000 years. (Notice how methane in the atmosphere started to soar at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, about 1870.)
B. The next worst climate issue is the climate feedback loop of the loss of Arctic sea ice for most of the summer.
The earliest published projection for the Arctic Sea to be completely ice-free during the summer is 2035. But, it is possible for there to be an abrupt and catastrophically huge loss of Arctic sea ice any year before 2035.
A huge ice loss or the complete loss of Arctic summer sea ice will drive even larger methane and carbon emissions from subarctic peatlands and thawing permafrost.
When all Arctic sea ice is gone in the summers, many of the Arctic amplifying feedbacks will interact and become inter-reinforcing. As a result, the climate system and life will be pushed orders of magnitude harder than ever before. So, stay tuned and carefully monitor the news for major Arctic summer sea ice losses!
C. The next most critical global climate tipping point is major worldwide rivers drying up or dropping dangerously low.
For example, this happened to the drying Colorado River in the US and the Yangtze River in China. Hundreds of millions of people will be severely affected by water shortages, skyrocketing electric bills, crop failures, etc., as more worldwide rivers dry up in the summers.
This article about the Colorado River crisis explains how millions could be harmed by skyrocketing electric and water bills and much more.
This article discusses the Yangtze River crisis.
D. There are many other critical climate tipping points and climate feedback loops to watch carefully in the news.
We know the above is terrible news for 2024, but please do not forget the most crucial thing after reading our 2024 forecast.
Our governments and politicians have squandered the last 60 years in inaction or ineffective climate change actions. If they had acted effectively, fixing climate change could have been much easier and more gradual.
If our governments enforced the now-required fossil fuel reductions and came close to the legitimate and radical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets for their nation, we still can avoid many but not all of the worst consequences listed on this page.
But, we only can save much of humanity if we all work together to compel our governments and politicians to act NOW!
And finally, if you are concerned about what you can do about the climate change emergency and protect yourself, click here.
3. How the intensifying climate change consequences will affect your life will not be anything like how most people think it will happen.
The many consequences of climate change will not unfold steadily. In general, climate change consequences usually develop in cyclical sporadic surges. These erratic but cyclical climate change consequence surges will continue to increase in severity, frequency, and scale, often reaching new record levels.
After reaching new record levels, the climate change consequence will quickly fall back to near-normal or even below-normal levels. After the consequence falls from record levels, it most likely will move into a plateau level (either below or above the previous normal level) before beginning another cycle of increased severity, frequency, and scale, often reaching another new record level and then, once again, falling back down quickly to near-normal levels.
This three-phased cyclical steep up, quick down, and back to the near previous normal pattern will prevent many individuals from seeing climate change's long-term patterns and trends. This climate consequence pattern ignorance will make individuals and businesses vulnerable to the next sporadic intensifying cycle of climate change-driven catastrophes.
In part, the most common climate change-driven extreme weather consequences are defined as heatwaves, heat domes, droughts, wildfires, hurricanes, cyclones, tornados, floods and flooding, rain bombs, wind storms [Derechos], dust storms, wildfire smoke events, unseasonable cold spells, and other abnormal unseasonal weather. But those are only a few of the many climate change consequences we will soon be experiencing at intensifying levels.
If you begin to think about climate change consequences occurring in the pattern of more frequent, more severe, and larger-scaled sporadic "waves" that eventually affect and break down the normal patterns of our lives, you would have a good idea about how climate change consequences will unfold this year and over the following decades. Do not panic or worry if a climate change consequence spikes to a new record, like soaring land or sea temperatures for a week, a month, or even a season. It will eventually drop to near its normal range, but that is only a tiny part of the climate consequence problem.
The real problem, which is invisible to most people, will be that almost all climate change consequences will continue to sporadically increase in severity, frequency, and scale season-by-season, year-by-year, and decade-by-decade:
1. From now until 2025, on average, most climate change consequences will increase in intensity at a significantly accelerated rate.
2. From 2025-2031, on average, the intensity of most climate change consequences will increase dramatically. There will be a dramatic increase in serious global climate catastrophes.
3. From 2031-2050, on average, the intensity of many of the worst climate change consequences will increase near-exponentially. Many serious global climate catastrophes will occur regularly, making it very difficult to stay up with all the waves of damage and losses.
The good news is that by understanding how climate change will unfold in sporadic intensifying waves over the following decades, you will have time to prepare, adapt, and hopefully help change the dangerous direction of the world's accelerating climate change consequences.
Use the above graphic to imagine how climate change consequences will unfold. The green bars represent how new records will be broken over time (left to right). The blue bars represent how, after each new broken climate change consequence record, that consequence will drop back steeply and quickly to plateau at near-normal levels and stay that way for a while. But unfortunately, even the normal plateau levels of many consequences will also continue to increase gradually over time.
The only very scary thing that can change the above-described cyclical, more gradual climate change consequence escalation pattern is humanity crossing major climate tipping points or major climate feedback loops, as we are doing now. Crossing these two things separately or together will cause global climate change consequences to accelerate dramatically and then exponentially.
Please see the graph below to understand what we mean by saying that almost all climate change consequences will first rise dramatically and then exponentially after crossing tipping points. This illustration shows not only the gross failure of your governments to regulate and protect you from the accelerating consequences of climate change caused by burning more and more fossil fuel, but it also illustrates how the acceleration of climate change consequences after tipping points are crossed will directly follow and parallel the steep rise of the three major greenhouse gases polluting our atmosphere.
The graph below shows the three major fossil fuel-related greenhouse gases: carbon (CO2), methane (CH4), and Nitrous Oxide (N2O). The numbers at the bottom of the illustration are dates in history AD. PPB is parts per billion. PPM is parts per million. (The IPCC is the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. AR6 is the IPCC's climate summary report. NOAA is the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.) As you can see below, we are walking into a very dangerous climate change consequence future.
2024 mini summary
2024 will be a year of significantly increased climate-related stress, inconvenience, and financial loss. Daily personal and business routines will be disrupted regularly or significantly delayed more frequently.
These problems will occur because of climate-related extreme weather and its consequences, particularly product or assistance distribution disruptions and crop failures. In 2024, many of us will notice significant food and other commodity price spikes and an increase in product shortages due to climate-related business and distribution disruptions and crop lower yields and failures.
Special Climate Change Financial Loss and Damage Notice
There are time limitations for collecting climate change damage restitution from the perpetrator of climate change, the members of the global fossil fuel cartel.
If you have just experienced a climate change-related extreme weather event involving any heatwaves, droughts, wildfires, hurricanes and cyclones, flooding, rain bombs, wind storms (Derechos), dust storms, wildfire smoke events, unseasonable cold spells, and abnormal unseasonal weather and, you need to begin the process for financial recovery and restitution by reading this page as soon as possible due to time limitations on filing for restitution from harmful acts. This page will connect you to successful law firms handling this specialty.
If you have experienced any damage to your home, business, or farm from climate change-related consequences, you must begin a lawsuit against all related parties ASAP. There are wealthy companies that have either directly caused the climate change emergency and the damages you have experienced or that, as part of their legally required due diligence, should have informed you of the relevant climate change risks.
The number of court cases focused on the global climate change crisis and its consequent damages has doubled since 2015, bringing the total number to over 2,000, according to a report led by European researchers last year. More than two dozen US cities and states are suing big oil, alleging the fossil fuel industry knew for decades about the dangers of burning coal, oil, and gas and actively hid that information from consumers and investors.
4. The Longer-Term Forcasted Consequences of Climate Change and Global Heating for 2025-2031
We will cross a key climate change tipping point in the next 3-8 years (2025-2031). It is the critical atmospheric carbon threshold level of carbon 425-carbon 450 parts per million (ppm).
As we cross this key climate tipping point, it will cause climate change consequences not to continue to gradually increase in frequency, severity, and scale as they are doing now. Instead, climate change consequences will increase radically in frequency, severity, and scale.
When we are pushed beyond the carbon 425-450 ppm climate change tipping point, many climate change consequences will soon begin to increase exponentially, and we will enter into a second and irreversible phase of runaway global heating!
Irreversible climate change means that we will not be able to get the dangerous levels of excess greenhouse gases (like carbon) out of our atmosphere and back down to a normal and human-safe pre-industrial level for hundreds to thousands of years. (As of July 2023, We are currently at the insane atmospheric carbon level of 420 ppm. We will soon enter the generally considered irreversible and second phase of runaway global heating sometime between 2025-2031. This is when we enter into the carbon 425-450 ppm range.)
Because we will enter and cross this critical climate threshold, the years 2025-3031 will have much worse climate change consequences. The climate science for why our climate change consequences will get so much worse from 2025 to 2031 and why this threshold is so critical to the survival of humanity is fully explained on this page.
We strongly recommend reading this page because it will help you understand how we cross over into irreversible runaway global heating. Irreversible runaway global heating is where the average global temperature keeps rising from 2°C to 3°C to 4°C and eventually far beyond any level much of humanity could survive.
To help illustrate how dangerous an exponential increase in climate change consequences is, we have provided the following graph. In the graph below, the red line is an example of a gradual linear, steady, and mostly predictable climate change consequence growth trajectory. (Linear progression equals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, etc.) The green line below is an example of a sudden, exponential, and highly unpredictable climate change consequence growth trajectory. (Exponential progression equals 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 264, etc.)
An exponential climate change consequence increase corresponds precisely to when we cross the critical atmospheric carbon 425-450 ppm threshold and climate change tipping point. Never forget that, at best, we have only until about 2025-2031 to reduce global fossil fuel use to the survival-critical 2025 target levels, or we will not just lose half of humanity by about mid-century; we will proceed toward near total extinction after mid-century. (We are at about carbon 420 ppm, currently, as shown in the CO2 graph further above.)
Here are the major consequences to watch for over the next 3-8 years, many of which will also be increasing in frequency, severity, and scale:
- There will be far more work disruptions and production stresses. The human capacity to work outside of enclosures and even inside will go down significantly as temperatures accelerate and new records are broken. Not including dealing with further extreme weather consequences, accelerating climate change will cause more and longer costly business, production, and distribution delays and interruptions.
- Worldwide, city, zoning, and planning departments and long-range corporate planners will begin amending their building and other codes and their long-term plans to compensate for or adapt to the accelerating severity of climate change-related consequences. Cities will have to start expanding their sewer systems because of rain bombs, raising highways from flood-prone areas, building expensive sea walls, and moving key electrical, communication, water purification, and sewage treatment plants from high-risk flood or fire areas. They will also have to change their building codes so that homes and buildings can survive the 1,000-year extreme storms and category six hurricanes and tornadoes that will soon be coming regularly.
- For every one degree of further global temperature rise, the atmosphere will take up and hold another 7% of water vapor through the evaporation process. This additional water vapor in the atmosphere does not only mean more rain in certain areas, but it also means that rain bombs will also grow more frequent and intense, with 20-30 inches of rain falling within a day or two common in many areas.
- Food prices will continue to soar globally because of climate consequences, causing crop yields to drop or some crops to fail. Expect to pay a much larger percentage of your total budget to buy the same or lesser amounts of food.
- More climagees (climate refugees) will also migrate from high-risk climate areas to low-risk areas within large nations. In the US and Europe, we estimate that both areas will soon reach 3 million climate migrants per year. By the late 2030s, 300 million to 1 billion or more people worldwide will be displaced or migrating because of the many interrelated and accelerating climate change consequences. (Please note that if the Thwaites Doomsday glacier collapses, the migration numbers will be closer to 1 billion or more.)
- Immigration laws in global-warming-safer countries will become stricter due to surging climate migrations. Many nations will close their borders entirely due to being overwhelmed by climate migrants.
- There will be substantial ongoing economic losses. (Most nations will spend an ever-increasing percentage of their total gross domestic product (GDP) directly or indirectly paying for the many consequences of the global warming emergency in 2024. The cost of living for repair, maintenance, building, or rebuilding in the safer global warming areas will continue to rise significantly. By the early 2030s, the US and many other countries will, directly and indirectly, spend about 5%-10% of their total gross domestic product (GDP) on climate change-related consequences and disasters.
- Global stock and commodity markets, which have grossly underestimated the costs and the multitude of business problems associated with the plethora of interrelated climate change consequences, will begin to experience wild market swings and some collapses in the weaker markets. Because of new climate-related economic shocks to the markets, the probability of an economic recession or depression on national or global levels becomes a significantly higher probability.
- The poor will get much poorer because of continuously escalating climate consequences, disasters, and work interruptions.
- A widespread crime rate increase will be survival driven by increased climate change consequences that will expand a starving, unemployed, and poorer citizen and migrant population. (Imagine hundreds of millions of desperate individuals worldwide trying to stay alive by any means possible! That increasing desperation will drive up crime rates worldwide. In 2024, the US alone will face about 3+ million annual climate migrants seeing legal and illegal entry into the US.)
- More climate scientists, climate researchers, and climate-informed individuals, as well as well-informed ultra-wealthy individuals and corporations, will be discretely migrating to or buying land in the world's remaining global warming-safe areas. This safer land is only about 5% of the world's available landmass.
- More individuals will become doomers or doomsday peppers as they grasp the severity and accelerating difficulties of the climate extinction emergency. A recent survey showed that 50% of Generation Z believes they are doomed.
- Democracies can only exist and grow with an environmental, food, and resource surplus or sufficiency. Because of accelerating climate change-related consequences and the stresses they create, democracies worldwide will become less democratic and more authoritarian. This change will happen because climate change will destroy valuable food resources. With more food destroyed or other unusable or unavailable resources, the world's population will become significantly more competitive, more aggressive, and more polarized. There will be more local, regional, and national climate migration and food and water shortages aggravated national wars and conflicts. If the nations of the world are not very careful and controlled, these regional and national climate-driven conflicts could also create a real threat of regional or national nuclear war
- The fossil fuel industry will not give up trying to make the world's population believe it is safe when it is not. To keep massive profits rolling in from its toxic products, it will start or continue promoting things like clean hydrogen made from methane from fracking, clean coal, clean gasoline, and who knows, they might even find a way to sell us clean green tar sands.
- the fundamental climate normalcy and relative stability that humanity has come to depend upon for its existence for tens of thousands of years are now gone. Severe climate instability and unpredictability are the new climate reality.
- Governments will realize they are not adequately funded to keep repairing damages from climate catastrophes. More governments worldwide will also begin to require their citizens to have at least a two-week supply of food, water, and other needed supplies due to increasing climate-related disasters and growing delays in getting disaster relief and aid to them.
- Climate change is no longer a problem for our grandchildren as it was 60 years ago. It is already a severe problem for generations X, Y, and Z. Runaway global heating is accelerating so fast that even the baby boomers and other retirees will feel its painful and bitter stings as their lives come to a close.
- Sadly, we will not likely come close enough to reach the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets! (We had to reduce ALL fossil fuel burning in developed countries (including China and India) by about 75% by close to 2025 (and considerably and justly less than that in undeveloped countries. This near-impossible 75% global fossil fuel reduction exists because our governments wasted 60 years of warnings when these reductions could have been easier and gradual.)
- Even more climate-change-driven extreme weather records will be broken.
- The ocean waters of the tropics and middle latitudes will grow warmer. This warming water will cause the plankton to migrate north or south into colder waters. When the plankton moves north or south into colder waters, the fish stocks that depend upon this plankton as the stable bottom for their food change will also move north or south. This fish stock relocation means millions of additional people who rely on fish for protein in the tropics and middle latitudes will starve.
- Food prices will skyrocket to compensate for severe crop losses. Food prices will be considerably more than the typical cost of living increases, and they will become a dominant portion of the budgets of the poor and middle class. Food insecurity will skyrocket, and world hunger and starvation will rise dramatically. Many poor to middle-class people will have to create a local garden and start hunting wildlife to survive skyrocketing food prices and food distribution shortages.
- many more people will suffer and die from 2024-2031 because of climate change-related consequences. The number of people worldwide who will die from the direct and indirect effects of the primary and secondary climate change consequences will increase by radically to around 250-350 million people. (As conditions worsen drastically, climate change-related suicides will also climb steadily in many areas.)
- If the Thwaites Doomsday glacier collapses during this period, the world is looking at a very rapid and completely unmanageable, 2 to 3-foot sea level rise.
- The total number of climate migrants trying to enter only the US legally or illegally until 2031 will be about 28-45+ million individuals. Europe will also experience massive illegal immigration.
- Long-held water rights will begin to be lost to government regulations as sporadic and long-term droughts affect vital areas of nations. Despite previous water rights and laws, governments will be forced to provide water for their citizens and other critical uses.
- Climate change-related crimes will rise significantly during this period. Governments will have to create larger police forces, courts, and jails to handle the rising crime as society becomes more unstable due to accelerating climate change loss and damage. Increasing numbers of climate change-displaced individuals whose resources have been severely depleted by climate change loss and damage will turn to crime to stay alive.
A critical global climate tipping point for irreversible sea level rise to watch over the next decade is the Thwaites glacier in Antarctica. It is often called the Doomsday Glacier. When the Thwaites glacier slides into the ocean, we have crossed a very severe climate catastrophe and climate tipping point.
When Thwaites breaks off, it is your mega-warning sign that the global sea level will quickly rise by 2-3 feet. Pay close attention to Thwaites collapse progress updates.
Current research says that over the next few decades the Thwaites glacier will continue melting adding steadily into sea levels, but the complete collapse of the grit glacier is predicted to be many decades from now.
Once the Thwaites glacier collapses, we will, unfortunately, also cross far worse extinction-accelerating climate tipping points. (Like sea level rising another 7-10 feet within decades after the initial 2-3 foot rise after the Thwaites glacier's initial collapse.)
We know the news is bad, but please do not forget the most important thing after reading our predictions for the next 3-8 years.
Our governments and politicians have squandered the last 60 years in inaction or ineffective climate change actions. If they had acted effectively, fixing climate change could have been much easier and more gradual. If our governments enforced the now-required fossil fuel reductions and came close to the legitimate and radical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets for their nation, we still can avoid many but not all of the worst consequences listed on this page.
But we still can save about half of humanity if we all work together to compel our governments and politicians to act NOW!
If you have any doubts about only having from 2025-2031 to fix climate change before it becomes irreversible and destroys humanity, see this page. And finally, if you are concerned about what you can do about the climate change emergency to protect yourself, click here.
5. The Forcsted Consequences of Climate Change and Global Heating for the Next 2-5 Decades, 2030-2070
If our governments do not enforce the required fossil fuel reductions and come close to the legitimate 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets for their nation, we will not be able to avoid near-total extinction consequences. Near-total extinction means that about 70 percent to as much as 90 percent plus of humanity (about six to seven billion people) will perish in a climate change-driven great global collapse process described in painful phase-by-phase detail here.
Current Earth system computer models (ESMs) project a dramatic slowing (28–42% by 2100) of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and Southern Meridional Overturning Circulation (SMOC) across a range of climate scenarios, with a complete shutdown of SMOC possible by the year 2300. These newest predictions for ocean current slowdown are decades ahead of previous climate-related forecasts. Maintaining this critical ocean current at the same pre-climate change speed it has held for thousands of years is essential to humanity's future survival. This ocean current slowdown is a massive climate change tipping point; see this article.
- If the Thwaites Doomsday glacier collapses early on during the next 2-5 decades, the world will begin to experience sea levels rising another 7-10 feet within decades beyond the initial and rapid 2-3 foot rise after the Thwaites glacier's initial collapse.)
- The new Biden-era US fossil fuel reductions are still based on grossly inadequate fossil fuel reduction calculations and will provide the uninformed a temporary false hope but eventually an extremely painful and harsh dose of climate reality. Unless the US government adopts the correct 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets and immediately leads the rest of the world to enforce these targets, unavoidably, half of humanity will be dead by mid-century!
- Because of increasing public demand and outrage, courts worldwide will finally begin convicting and severely punishing individuals, corporations, and even governments of acts of commission or omission that directly or indirectly caused, contributed to, or enabled the ongoing climate change-related human and biological extinction. These eco-felonies will be labeled as genocidal-enabling crimes against humanity and the future.
- If the world's governments significantly miss the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, near-total human extinction will occur within the next 50 to 70 years or less. Because humanity will be unable to recover from or adapt to the accelerating frequency, severity, and scale of worsening climate change-related consequences, humanity faces the painful road of escalating economic, political, and social chaos and collapse long before its final members pass away.
- As climate conditions worsen to unsurvivable suffering levels, climate change-related suicides will climb steadily in all areas where any solution or release from accelerating climate consequences appears hopeless.
Critical reading and documentation for our predictions for the next 2-5 decades:
To save much of humanity, here is how we must compel our governments to act.
Click here to see why human extinction should stop at near-total levels but should not go to total extinction.
Click here for a step-by-step, very detailed explanation of the processes of near-total extinction.
Click here for the four extinction-triggering climate tipping points.
For additional information on climate change-driven mass extinction and global collapse processes, please see our three-part series of articles relating to the Club of Rome/MIT study (and four related verification studies), including our updating of them with recent climate change information. See the first article here. It will take you to the other articles.
And finally, if you are concerned about what you can do about the climate change emergency to protect yourself, click here.
Discover amazing information, tools, alerts, and promotional benefits for becoming a Job One for Humanity climate change think tank donor/supporter/member by clicking here!
6. Conclusion
Until our governments have the courage to tell their citizens that we have to go through a painful period of enormous individual and collective sacrifice to get close to the 2005 global fossil fuel reduction targets, and they enforce laws to ensure we do, we are doomed to ever-increasing global suffering and death because of the immutable laws of climate physics and climate math.
Maybe a 1/2 trillion dollar single incident climate mega-disaster will finally get the world's governments serious about cutting global fossil fuels usage to, at least, get close to the 2025 global targets.
The 800-pound gorilla in the room, and the big problem today is we are not listening to the ever-louder and more costly destructive feedback that Mother Nature is giving us during this accelerating climate change emergency. Therefore, Mother Nature will do as she has always done. She will turn up her destructive climate consequence feedback to even higher, more painful levels and hopefully get our attention before it is too late.
Mother Nature can be fully trusted to continue to act as she has for the last 10,000 years of human evolution. She will continue to favor the wise, the well-informed, the best prepared, and the most cooperative. And she will punish everyone who does not listen to her repeated and rapidly intensifying climate change consequence feedback.
7. How you can prepare, adapt, survive, and help reduce the consequences of climate change, and get the many benefits humanity will reap if we fix the climate heating emergency
There is a lot of bad news in the predictions above, but we can still do many things to slow down this extinction emergency and live longer, more comfortable lives.
Here are a few of the positive and easy things we can start today:
- Sign the online global warming extinction emergency petition by clicking here.
- Start our comprehensive four-part Job One Climate Change and Global Crises Resilience Plan today by clicking here.
- Donate to keep the Job One for Humanity non-profit climate change think tank speaking uncensored painful truths to power by clicking here.
- Share these 2024 predictions everywhere and with everyone you think they should be shared, particularly with politicians and their staff.
- Become an activist/volunteer and help us sort out this climate nightmare by clicking here.
- Get super motivated by watching the Netflix movie "Don't Look Up" with many big Hollywood stars. It's not so secretly about climate change extinction and what you have just read.
A friend of Job One recently wrote us about how his life is changed in Penticton, British Columbia, Canada. "Up here in BC this year, we have had record heat for a record amount of time, record wildfires, record rainfall, and once-in-a-century flooding. Climate change deniers are just not looking at what is right in front of their eyes."
The many benefits that humanity will reap when we fix the climate change emergency
The above 2024 predictions can be disheartening, but many benefits are available if we work together and come close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. Please take the time to read these benefits to counterbalance all of the difficult news above. Then go on to the next section that will help you make the needed changes, preparations, and adaptations.
Click here to read about dozens of these worthwhile benefits. This is the most-read page on our website, with millions of views.
8. Documentation links for our 2024 prediction materials
Reference Topic 1: We have been given far lower incorrect global fossil fuel reduction targets by fossil fuel-compromised "trusted" authorities. Learn why you can't believe the so-called world's leading authority on climate change (the UN IPCC) for legitimate global fossil fuel reduction targets or their consequence predictions and timetables:
Click here to understand the long-term history of the IPCC underestimating the consequences, timeframes, and the needed global fossil fuel reduction targets by as much as 20-40% or more.
Click here to see precisely how the IPCC "cooked the books" and grossly skewed the current IPCC global fossil fuel reduction calculations by including unproven and non-existent "carbon-sucking unicorn" technology into their projections.
Click here to see the eleven key climate change tipping points that have been mostly excluded from the IPCC calculations on how much fossil fuel use we must reduce each year globally.
Click here to see the four key reasons why the IPCC's 26 global climate conferences have failed to produce results or legitimate global fossil fuel reduction targets.
Click here to see the REAL 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets and why we must get close to a 75% reduction in total global fossil fuel use (oil, natural gas, coal, etc.) by 2025, not the far, far less net-zero emission levels they have pledged by 2050 or 2040! (In the technical notes at the bottom of the 2025 fossil fuel reduction specification page, you will see each calculation and compensation for the various factors that make up the required correct global fossil fuel reduction numbers.)
To see the many mass mobilization actions our governments must now take to get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets and save humanity from near-total extinction, click here.
Reference Topic 2: How can the probability (or even the possibility) of a soon-arriving near-total human extinction be accurate?
Click here to see a detailed "big picture" catastrophic meltdown of our global warming consequences and tipping points. Their interactions with our other 11 major global crises will produce starvation and extinction for much of humanity by mid-century and near-total extinction beginning as soon as 2070.
Click here to see the four major global warming extinction-evoking tipping points and how close we are to crossing them. The first tipping point of carbon 425-450 ppm will explain precisely why climate change consequences will start growing exponentially in about 3-9 years.
Reference Topic 3: What governments must do to save the future
It is time to call for global warming legal accountability, the immediate termination of all global fossil fuel subsidies, and placing a worldwide price for all corporations on their carbon, methane, and other greenhouse gas emissions and pollution.
Click here to learn more about the Fee and Dividend carbon pricing and other critical actions our governments and corporations must immediately take to reach the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.
Reference Topic 4: The deep causes of this whole climate catastrophe mess
To understand the most profound reasons behind our current global warming emergency and our 11 other most dangerous global crises, please get the book Overshoot. In it, you can learn about the concept of the Earth's carrying capacity (the land and sea acreage available and needed for any given population's critical survival needs.)
Click here for global warming migration information and information on safer global warming areas.
Reference Topic 5: Miscellaneous
Click here and read our Job One for Humanity policy on the necessary disruption of all false or dangerous climate, global warming, and environmental acts or ideas.
Please continue to educate yourself about these life-critical climate issues by exploring the documentation and analysis found on this website.
Important additional climate change information:
If our governments had enforced fossil fuel reductions needed to avoid major climate disasters, we would not face the consequences that now confront us.
If we come close to meeting the legitimate and radical 2025 global targets for the world's nations, we may still avoid many but not all of the worst consequences listed below.
And, if we all work together to compel our governments and politicians to act NOW!, we can still save much of humanity from great suffering, financial loss, and mass extinction.
For answers to all of your remaining questions about climate change and global warming, click here for our new climate change FAQ. It has over one hundred of the most asked questions and answers about climate change.
Special thanks to our board of advisers and our volunteer staff for the creation of this annual update of our climate change predictions. Additional thanks to Peter Carter for his input on the KPMG verification study and thanks to Bruce Nappi, who has provided much of the information regarding the original Club of Rome MIT study and subsequent related studies or updates.
Please share this with others, particularly politicians and their staff members.
A Job One for Humanity Organizational Milestone
According to Google statistics, as of December 13, 2022, over the last five years, almost 5 million unique visitors have visited our website to review the uncensored and non-politicized climate change analysis and research done by our independent, 100% publicly funded climate change think tank.
Job One for Humanity supplies research-grounded climate change consequence analysis, timeframes, risk assessment, and solutions to educational, climate, and environmental organizations worldwide without charge. Job One also provide a fee-based climate change analysis and risk assessment, and solutions service to insurance companies, law firms in litigation with the fossil fuel cartel, governments, and businesses affected by climate change emergencies. Because of the fossil fuel cartel's 40 plus year history of bad faith and immoral actions, Job One for Humanity never accepts funding or consulting work from fossil fuel-related industries or businesses.
Lawrence Wollersheim published World Blindsided by the IPCC's Perfect Day Problem in Blog 2022-01-14 12:16:54 -0800
The World's Governments and Corporations Have Been Blindsided by the IPCC's "Perfect Day" Climate Change Problem and, Humanity's Survival Depends Upon Solving it!
The world's leading authority on climate change, the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC,] is not accurately telling our governments what they need to know to save us from climate extinction because of...
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Lawrence Wollersheim commented on Get Billionaires To Push Politicians 2022-01-06 10:45:39 -0800Dear David, Thank you for comment and your ongoing support. We all are facing the ultimate challenge.
The Job One volunteer team
Lawrence Wollersheim published 2025 the Single Most Dangerous Climate Change Deadline and Tipping Point in Blog 2022-01-05 10:56:24 -0800
THE 2025 Single Most Dangerous Climate Change Deadline and Tipping Point
If we miss this deadline, do go over 3 mass to total extinction-triggering tipping points within our lifetimes!
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Job One for Humanity Executive Director
The honest climate change analysis it provides free will help save many lives.
Preventing Global Warming Extinction, #Climageddon