Otto Laske

  • signed up on Free Climate Danger Alerts 2022-01-08 07:34:43 -0800

    Free Climate Change Danger Alerts, Conditions and Threat Updates

    There are two ways to get our free climate change danger alerts and climate condition/threat updates:

    1. The first way, we email you climate alerts about once every month or two.

    2. The second way, you automatically get critical climate change danger alerts as or before they occur!

    Way 1: Sign-up for Emailed Monthly or Bi-monthly Updates

    Enter your email address in the signup box below the laptop photo and click the green Sign Up button. We will occasionally email you critical climate change danger alerts and only the most important climate change news or progress. 

    Way 2: Sign-up for Highly Illustrated Climate Change Danger Alerts As They Occur!

    From now until about 2031, climate change consequences (heat domes, rain bombs, wildfires, droughts, flooding, and extreme storms) will rise dramatically and then, exponentially after that. (This is because of crossed climate tipping points, etc.)

    If you want to maximize the protection of your home, business, and family, also sign up for these very short, highly illustrated climate danger alerts by:

    1. clicking here first, it will take you to our Job One for Humanity Facebook page

    2. then click the Follow link on our Job One for Humanity Facebook page. 

    When you click Follow on our Job One Facebook page, you will be automatically sent short, highly illustrated climate change danger alerts, and critical facts necessary to understand what is happening in the climate change emergency and why it is happening.

    These veery short, illustrated climate alerts will look similar to to the two examples below:





    Most of these climate alerts will be written by former United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) climate change researcher Peter Carter.

    You can read his bio here. The climate change train is rapidly accelerating down the tracks. Don't be someone who sees the train coming too late to get out of the way! Sign-up now!

    Get Job One's free climate change consequence danger alerts on Facebook and stay informed here!.






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  • signed up on New eBook Promotional Free Download 2018-04-07 06:11:12 -0700

    Get the Climageddon eBook free in All eBook Reader Formats as Our Gift

    Climageddon_Front-Cover_JPG.jpgSign up below and immediately receive your promotional free copy of the eBook shown in the image to the right. It is an $8.95 value, and it is getting scores of four and five-star reviews here on Amazon!

    After signing up with your email address below, you will automatically receive this new eBook as a PDF file in the reply email attachment. In the reply email, you will also receive instructions on how to immediately download this eBook in ALL 3 popular eBook reader formats MOBI, Epub, and Kindle.

    If you do not see our email reply and free eBook attachment within a few minutes, check your junk or spam folder or make sure you have entered the correct email.

    If you have previously signed up on our website and your name appears below, click the green UPDATE INFO button below to receive the free eBook and downloading instructions.

    Sign up and get your free eBook immediately!

    The Climageddon book is published by Job One for Humanity, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping us survive the escalating global warming emergency. If you have been given this downloading location, it is either because we are honoring your work or contributions to global warming education or activism, or you have been given this location for some limited promotion with one of our climate education allies.

    Click here or on the book image for more information about Climageddon!

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  • signed Sign Climate Emergency Petition 2023-10-26 14:53:54 -0700
    yes, there is something we can do about those irresponsible regarding their use of the planet’s resources for very minute short-term gains.

    Please Sign the Climate Change Emergency Petition

    Please sign electronically at the bottom of this page. You will receive an immediate email copy and acknowledgment. Over 100,000 individuals have signed this petition and similar petitions worldwide! 

    Climate Change Emergency Petition 

    We, the citizens of our nation and of the Earth, are endowed with certain rights, powers, and obligations, which demand we act to preserve and protect the future of humanity and Earth's other biological life.

    Our petition has four demands.

    Based on abundant scientific evidence or our own climate change experiences, we recognize that:

    a. The global climate is rapidly warming. 

    b. Despite 60 years of credible scientific warnings, climate change and global warming are still rising and have reached dangerous levels, causing widespread deterioration across our climate and environment.

    c. The global climate is becoming increasingly unstable due to atmospheric greenhouse gas pollution (carbon, methane, and nitrous oxide), which is dominantly coming from the burning of human-caused fossil fuels. This is an urgent crisis that demands immediate action.

    We are now facing a rapidly worsening climate change scenario.

    This climate change-driven environmental deterioration and escalating extinction threat can only be fixed by our politicians immediately enacting the scientifically correct 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.

    Getting close to the 2025 global targets will dramatically reduce the damaging atmospheric carbon, methane, and nitrous oxide and prevent the worst consequences of climate change.

    It will also help prevent the loss of at least 10 million lives a year worldwide from just the painful and debilitating health-related effects of the toxic air pollution caused by fossil fuel burning. 

    If we do not get close to the 2025 fossil fuel reduction targets, the frequency, severity, and size of global climate change consequences will rise dramatically from 2025-2031 and beyond and far beyond what we can quickly adapt to.

    Many of these climate change consequences will be catastrophic and last for hundreds to thousands of years.



    Therefore, I hereby demand that our politicians and government leaders meet to enact these four demands:

    1. Declare a national and international Climate Change Emergency. (We will never be able to manage worsening climate change unless we call the climate change emergency that it really is.)

    2. Immediately pass enforceable and verifiable national and international laws that will get us close to the required 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. (These climate change-related laws and actions are described here.)

    3. Order an immediate government mass mobilization of ALL necessary resources and personnel to execute ALL required governmental actions to come as close as possible to the correct 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. And finally,

    4. Start the necessary climate change disaster preparation, adaptation, and resilience-building needed for soon-arriving, severe climate change consequences that our nation can no longer avoid or prevent. (About one-half of humanity could die off by 2050-2070 if our politicians fail us once again.)

    By electronically signing this petition below, I am officially petitioning and demanding that my national politicians execute the four above actions to protect and preserve humanity and all biological life on Earth. 

    Furthermore, realizing that the climate change consequences that are already occurring will take centuries to thousands of years to repair (creating an unbearable nightmare for surviving generations), I further pledge to continue to help resolve our intensifying climate change emergency until it is fixed!

    Sign at the Bottom of this Page Now!


    Additional Petition Information, If Needed:

    1. See key information about how this petition will be used here.

    2. When you sign the petition, you give us permission to email you your petition signature acknowledgment copy and occasional climate change emergency progress updates about once a month.


    8,764 signatures
    Add signature

  • signed up on Free Climate Change Newsletter Sign Up 2016-03-02 10:20:07 -0800

    Subscribe Below and Get Our Free Monthly Climate Change Newsletter Plus Much More

    Our free Climate Change and Global Warming Blog is one of the top 3 global warming blogs on the Internet with thousands of articles.

    About once a month in your email you will receive the latest and best global warming news and research as a newsletter.

    It will contain all new critical warning signs for the next global warming disaster. It will also include important updates on our Climate Justice Now program that assists worldwide victims of climate change damage get financial restitution and climate justice. 

    Here is how to sign up:

    1. Enter your email address in the Subscribe box below the photo and click the green Sign Up button. 

    2. Next, activate your free blog subscription by clicking the activation link arriving in your email.




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Born in Poland, educated at the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory, PhD in philosophy, PsyD, Founder and Director of the Interdevelopmental Institute.
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