The Job One for Humanity and ClimateSafe Villages Online and Offline Civility and Security Rules for all Subscribers, Members, and Volunteers

We are a non-profit organization. Part of our mission is to preserve and protect the well-being of all visitors and members. Our rules exist solely to preserve and protect that common well-being.

The Job One For Humanity online and offline rules cover all areas of our website, our website add-on apps, or stand-alone apps (like BaseCamp) used by our staff, the public, volunteers, members, subscribers, or visitors, either in online or offline actions. These rules also cover our online Virtual Eco-community.

This rules page contains several sections:

a. Why do we have these rules?

b. Online communication, civility, and security rules,

c. Volunteer rules and important volunteer legal factors,

d. Copyright rules,

e. Submissions of materials to Job One for Humanity rules.

Please review our rules as soon as possible. If you feel someone has violated our online or offline safety, communication civility, or security rules, contact us at ([email protected]). Be sure to copy the violation and any information on the poster in your rules violation email.



Repeatedly violating our online or offline rules can result in being banned or blocked from our website and organization. 

The support team at Job One for Humanity is the final authority on determining if someone has violated a rule and what the punishment should be. If the offense is severe enough, the support team may send warnings as needed or act by banning or blocking without them. These online rules will be amended or added to as necessary.

  1. Why these online and offline rules



    Having clear and open rules is essential for productive and healthy relationships. Having clear rules also helps protect and preserve civility, safety, and security, which also is essential for productive and healthy relationships.

    Secondarily, and unfortunately, understanding our rules and why we have them is also critical so that the urgent and time-critical missions of our nonprofit organizations (JobOne for Humanity and ClimateSafe Villages) can grow and thrive and not be intentionally thwarted or sabotaged by climate change deniers, trolls, troublemakers, mentally unstable individuals, fake volunteers, anti-social individuals, or individuals or organizations acting as agent provocateurs. (These would be individuals or organizations with bad intentions toward our climate change consequence victim support or remedial mission or who are paid and working for hidden financial interests like the global fossil fuel cartel and its related industries.)

    The global fossil fuel industry has the most to lose once people understand how dire the climate emergency really is, and they demand their politicians enforce the radical global fossil fuel reductions now required.

    Do not underestimate the lengths that multinational fossil fuel cartel will go to protect its massive profits. It is the world's largest single industry, producing about 1/3 of the Earth's total gross domestic product, about $28 trillion annually. It is VERY powerful, and they are exceedingly unhappy with the independent and unpoliticized Job One for Humanity climate change think tank publishing of uncensored climate change research and analysis, not to mention publishing our honest global warming consequence prediction timetables and correct global fossil fuel reduction targets, found here.

    Unfortunately, we already have dealt with numerous climate change deniers, trolls, and even several fake volunteers and agent provocateurs representing hidden interests attempting to infiltrate our organization as "volunteers" to harm our mission's progress or our organization's reputation and credibility. 

    The rules below will help keep you and our organization and its online tools civil, safe, and secure. They will also do a lot to prevent our mission from being hijacked, infiltrated, or harmed by climate deniers, trolls, fake volunteers, or paid agent provocateurs.

    Please do your part to help keep our community civil, safe, and secure by reporting violations of our civility, safety, and security rules to ([email protected]).

    As you read our rules, please remember that we are a non-profit organization. Part of our mission is to preserve and protect the well-being of all visitors and members. Our rules exist solely to preserve and protect that common well-being.

    Because of our mission's urgency and time-critical nature, we will warn you once about not following our online and offline rules. For your first offense, we will temporarily bar you from our services until in writing, you apologize for your action, verify you have read all our on and offline rules, and promise you will not violate them again.

  2. Online Conduct Rules for Safety, Civility, and Security

    By using this website or any service provided, you explicitly agree that:

    (a) you will not provide any content or conduct yourself in any way that may be construed as unlawful; illegal; threatening; harmful; abusive; harassing; stalking; tortious; defamatory; libelous; vulgar; obscene; offensive; objectionable; pornographic; designed to interfere with or disrupt the operation of this website or any service provided; infect the website with a virus or other destructive or deleterious programming or routine; or give rise to civil or criminal liability; or in violation of any applicable local, national or international law;

    (b) you will not impersonate or misrepresent your association with any person or entity; you will not forge or otherwise seek to conceal or misrepresent the origin of any content provided by you;

    (c) you will not collect or harvest any information about other users; 

    (d) you will not provide, and you will not use this website to provide, any content or service in any commercial manner or in any manner that would involve junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of unauthorized advertising or commerce; you will not use this website to promote or operate any service or content without the website's prior written consent;

    (e) you will not provide any content that may give rise to the website being held civilly or criminally liable, or that may be considered a violation of any local, national, or international law, including -- but not limited to -- laws relating to copyrights, trademarks, patents, or trade secrets.

    (f) you agree and understand that this website might expose you to content that may dem to be objectionable or offensive. Job One for Humanity will not be responsible to you in any way for content displayed on this website nor for any error or omission in regulating such content.

    (g) you agree not to use language that is inconsistent with our community standards. Do not swear or use profanity.

    (h) you agree not to impede or otherwise prohibit communication. disrupt the discussion by using screen names in topical chats that are offensive to the topic and repeatedly posting off-topic comments in a topical chat.

    (i) language or images that depicts violence in a gratuitous manner, without journalistic or artistic merit, primarily intended to agitate or cause emotional distress.

    (j) language that is intended to victimize, harass, degrade, or intimidate an individual or group of individuals based on age, disability, ethnicity, gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Hate speech or images are always unacceptable anywhere on this website.

    (k) personal information from a minor (under 18 years old). Personal information includes full name, home address, home telephone number, or other identifying information enabling ("offline") contact.

    (l) information to this website that solicits for exchange, sale, or purchase of sexually explicit images and/or material harmful to minors. including, but not limited to, any photograph, film, video, or picture or computer-generated image or picture (actual or simulated).

    (m) information to this website that is illegal or incites illegal activity, such as instructional information on how to build a bomb and/or make counterfeit money.

    (n) or represent any person or entity in an attempt to deceive, harass or otherwise mislead another member.

    (o) to get a password or other private information from a user. Remember: Job One for Humanity will NEVER ask for your password.

    (p) the Job One for Humanity website team shall be the sole arbitrator of what does and what does not violate community standards.

    (q) use the website email and its private message system to spam other members.

    (r) use multiple accounts.

    (s) post or comment on behalf of any banned member. This includes all forums, private messages, blogs, comments, and email features.

    (t) If your actions involve a serious civil or criminal level crime, you understand we will provide that information to civil or criminal authorities upon request.

  3. Volunteer Rules



    Here is our Critical Legal information for ALL Job One for Humanity volunteers! 

    Getting specific legal issues out in the open and out of the way is essential for a productive and healthy relationship.

    Understanding the following is necessary so that our organization can grow and thrive and not be thwarted or sabotaged by fake volunteers or individuals or organizations acting as agent provocateurs who have either bad intentions toward our resolving climate change mission or are working for the hidden financial interests of the global fossil fuel conglomerate. (The global fossil fuel conglomerate is the largest industry, producing about 1/3 of the Earth's total gross domestic product, about $28 trillion a year. They are very, very powerful, and they are very unhappy with Job One publishing uncensored and unp[olitized climate change research and analysis, not to mention the required and honest global fossil fuel reduction targets found here.

    Unfortunately, we have already dealt with several fake volunteers and agent provocateurs representing hidden interests attempting to infiltrate our organization as "volunteers" to harm our mission or our organization's reputation and credibility. 

    The clear legal boundaries you find below keep our organization and mission from being infiltrated by fake volunteers, or thwarted by agent provocateurs or others seeking to act in a way to harm the organization, moving its mission forward. 


    Our logo and website materials: How to correctly use and copy materials on our website for your local use

    As an independent volunteer, in your efforts to help educate others, you may use (or restate) all of the non-members-only climate and runaway global heating materials you find on our website. (You may not copy and distribute anything you find in the Members section of our website.) However, we strongly recommend that you avoid rephrasing the science content of our web pages. Climate science is full of complexities and nuances that are easily misunderstood or not seen. 

    If you choose to restate or create your own climate or other materials using our materials, please always list Job One for Humanity as the source material and create a link back to the Job One for Humanity original page materials that you are using or rewriting! This way, people will ask us technical questions about the science, and they can see our linked references and methodology.

    In any independent climate videos or other written materials you may produce, always say that the information in your videos or writings represents your humble opinion! In the US (and many developed countries,) as long as something is clearly labeled as your personal opinion, you cannot be successfully sued for saying any opinion or sharing any opinion. (IMHO, at the bottom of articles or videos is short for "in my humble opinion.")

    Please also note that our educational materials are not meant for adolescents under 13 years old because of their serious and adult nature. Please allow children under 13 to be children and do not force them to deal with such an upsetting adult matter.

    Never use our Job One for Humanity name or logo on anything you independently produce or alter and publish that is also found on our website that is not our unaltered authentic website materials with a link to our original web page without our prior written permission! 


    Volunteers are not legal agents or executives of Job One for Humanity

    Job One for Humanity has no employees, but we have many worldwide independent, self-organizing volunteers forwarding our climate and runaway global heating analysis and remedial plans. Because you operate completely independently of our organization, please do not ever represent yourself as our legal agent or representative unless we have given you this special legal status from us in writing! 


    You do not make or change Job One for Humanity's organizational policy

    As an independent, self-organizing volunteer, you are not authorized agents or legal representatives of the Job One for Humanity Organization for creating, altering, or publishing Job One policies. Only our board of directors may make policy or position statements, take public actions, or make public statements that officially represent our research or non-profit organization.


    You choose your own actions

    Job One for Humanity does not have any form of a central command center that either directs, orders, or selects your or any volunteer's independent projects. As a volunteer, only you choose, plan, and execute your projects to help resolve the runaway global heating extinction emergency. We may answer your climate questions or offer moral support for actions in alignment with our policies and the climate facts, but we will never tell you what to do or say.


    You are solely responsible for materials you may submit or post on our website

    Remember that Job One for Humanity acts as a climate change information distribution and sharing hub similar to Facebook, Reddit, Google Groups, etc. Accordingly, independent individuals and volunteers post their information and comments on our climate information distribution hub in the blog, discussion, or project management forums, our comments fields, and other areas.

    Suppose you submit or post any materials on our website as an independent volunteer. In that case, YOU are responsible for ensuring that these materials do not contain ANY copyrighted materials you do not own! If you post copyrighted materials on our website for which you do not own the copyright, you can and will be held legally and financially responsible for those copyright violations with the lawful copyright owner. 

    This means that you agree that all information or data of any kind, whether text, software, code, music or sound, photographs or graphics, video or other materials ("content"), made available publicly or privately, by you will be provided and under the sole legal responsibility of the person providing the said content, or of the person whose user account is used.

    You recognize that independent individuals who are not legal agents of Job One for Humanity regularly post information, articles, messages, and comments in numerous places on our climate change information distribution hub. If someone has a copyright issue with something you post, those copyright holders will be directed to contact the independent poster or creator of those materials directly.

    Job One for Humanity is not liable for any postings in its comments areas, blogs, and message area made by independent individuals. Job One for Humanity volunteers are not legal agents of Job One for Humanity.


    Confidential Job One for Humanity materials

    While volunteering for Job One for Humanity, you may be exposed to or work with confidential materials belonging to this website and organization, such as email lists, donor lists, or other confidential member materials. You may not copy, distribute, or use this information in any way other than what has been shown to you regarding only the uses required for your volunteer position. It is a criminal offense to steal or distribute any confidential information you may have had access to while volunteering at Job One for Humanity unless fully authorized by our organization in writing.


    Illegal or violent actions

    And finally, never do anything illegal or violent. We NEVER endorse or support ANY illegal or violent activity. If you engage in any unlawful or violent activity because you are an independent volunteer it will be you and not us that could (or will be) held legally responsible by local authorities for your actions. 

    Our organization is absolutely against all physical violence or violent revolution. We only endorse peaceful protest and peaceful civil disobedience that would make Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela proud.



  4. Copyright Rules



    You agree that all information or data of any kind, whether text, software, code, music or sound, photographs or graphics, video or other materials ("content"), made available publicly or privately, will be provided and under the sole legal responsibility of the person providing the said content, or of the person whose user account is used.

    You recognize that Job One for Humanity is a climate change think tank and also a climate change information distribution and sharing hub similar to Facebook, Reddit, Google Groups, etc. Independent individuals who are not authorized legal agents of Job One for Humanity regularly post information, articles, messages, and comments in numerous places on our climate change information distribution hub. These independent individuals are solely responsible for the materials they post, including any copyright violation issues within their postings, messages, and comments they submit or post on our website. 

    If someone has a copyright issue with something you post, those copyright holders will contact you the independent poster or creator of those materials directly. Job One for Humanity is not liable for any postings in its comments areas, blogs, and message area made by independent individuals. Job One for Humanity volunteers are not legal agents of or for Job One for Humanity.



  5. Submission of Any Content to the Job One for Humanity Web Site



    By providing any content to our website:

    (a) you agree to grant to us a worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, non-exclusive right and license (including any moral rights or other necessary rights) to use, display, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, distribute, perform, promote, archive, translate, and to create derivative works and compilations, in whole or in part. Such license will apply with respect to any form, media, or technology known or later developed:

    (b) you warrant and represent that you have all legal, moral, and other rights that may be necessary to grant us with the license terms set forth in this rule;

    (c) you acknowledge and agree that we shall have the right (but not obligation), at our sole discretion, to refuse to publish or to remove or block access to any Content you provide at any time and for any reason, with or without notice.

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