Last Updated 1.17.24
The first six videos below will provide a great getting started overview of the climate change emergency.
1. See this new video with the Executive Director of Job One for Humanity.

2. See another new video with the Executive Director of Job One for Humanity.

2a. A Video Overview of Climate Change for 2023 and Beyond by Peter Carter.
Peter Carter was an expert reviewer for the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) fifth climate change assessment (AR5, 2014) and the IPCC’s 2018 Special Report on 1.5ºC. His video is kind and enlightening.
In this video, Peter Carter is interviewed by Roger Hallam, the co-founder of the global climate change educational organization Extinction Rebellion. While this 41-minute video was made before 2022, it is even more relevant today because of the complete ineffectiveness of our governments in doing anything meaningful to directly reduce global fossil fuel use.
This video has been viewed over 73,000 times. We believe it will help you see climate change in 2023 and beyond in new ways that will allow you to feel the need for climate justice and compassion for the emergency in which we all find ourselves.
Peter Carter is also a member of Job One for Humanity's advisory board, and our organization is proud to highlight this critical climate change "big picture" video. In addition, Peter has published numerous articles on the climate change emergency.
To view this vital climate change overview video, click here or on the image below.

3. The Earth 2100 video by ABC TV

The following article also reviews, discusses, and links you to a professional video made by ABC TV in 2009 called Earth 2100. We are reviewing it and promoting it because it is even truer today than it was in 2009
This ABC TV video also helps explain why ClimateSafe Villages exist, and it does so considerably easier than all the climate science links on the Job One website. It may send a chill through your whole being.
Please watch this gripping video and share it with anyone you know who is seriously concerned about climate change and their future.
A little Job One and CSV history is relevant here in relation to this ABC video
ClimateSafe Villages (CSV) grew from the climate research at the Job One climate change think tank. The networked climate researchers there understood that the climate change emergency would get much worse before it got better. They also could see from their climate research that creating climate change-resilient communities would be essential for long-term climate change survival.
This means that Climatesafe Villages came into existence because a small group of networked climate change researchers understood three things everyone should know about their climate change future:
1. many severe future climate change consequences are now unavoidable. (This is because our governments squandered the last 60 years with ineffective climate actions or no action.)
2. because of these unavoidable and soon-arriving climate change consequences, emergency preparation, intense adaptation, and resilience-building have now become mandatory actions that also must be completed at a community level to survive long term. (Individuals or families alone cannot do everything that needs to be prepared and managed.)
3. their most probable unprepared future would be climate change suffering, disruption, and likely death, and they also wanted to protect their families, children, and grandchildren.
Seeing their disturbing climate change future clearly, a team of volunteers at Job One then researched and developed a framework for what these new climate change-resilient communities must do to provide stable, long-term support and safety for their members.
The next challenge these climate researchers and educators had was to make the complex climate change knowledge they had acquired from studying tens of thousands of pages of climate science and research understood more easily. Many other individuals also needed to understand why these new CSV communities would be needed.
They did succeed to a degree, but still, few people were willing to spend the time reading long, complex pages of climate change science. Luckily, they also discovered the Earth 2100 ABC TV video that tells the story of our climate change future well without difficult science reading.
For those who do not want to read long climate science pages, this ABC TV video will quickly visualize the basic facts of your climate change future. It provides this information framed in an intriguing story about a girl born in 2009 and what she will face over the decades. We believe it may get you thinking deeply about how you will deal with our escalating climate change emergency.
This ABC TV video beautifully illuminates the future of humanity from 2009 to 2100. While we strongly recommend how good this video is, we also do so with important limitations and qualifications that we will share with you after you watch the video further down this page.
When you are done watching the ABC Earth 2100 video below, please fill in the survey below and continue reading the rest of the article because you also need to know the ABC TV video's climate change information has limitations and inaccuracies. Unfortunately, these "limitations and inaccuracies" make the concerns expressed in the movie even worse!

Here are a few of the 2009 ABC video limitations and inaccuracies and the 2023 climate updates
Over half of the above video's climate change timeframe and consequence predictions are relatively accurate. But many other critical consequences and timeframes are underestimated by as much as 20 to 40%. We suspect ABC TV was using the widely available climate science funded or influenced by the well-funded global fossil fuel cartel's disinformation campaigns. (Click here if you are curious to see how the global fossil fuel cartel has wholly corrupted the process for fixing climate change, climate change severity predictions, and climate change timetables over the last 60 years.)
- Most of what the ABC video says will happen by 2100 will probably be happening between 2060 and 2070.
- ABC did get very close to James Hanson's research, where he said once humanity crosses the carbon 386 parts per million in the atmosphere level, global warming becomes runaway global warming. That occurred in 2015. (Hansen is one of the world's most respected climate change researchers.)
- At the end of the video, where ABC proposes climate change solutions, they are far from being in the correct priority sequence, and those ABC solutions will not save humanity in time from the worst climate change consequences! This ABC climate solution error is critical because they assert that our lives could be better by 2050 if we did the solutions they recommend. If we follow their suggestions, half the world's population will die by 2050. (See the documentation section below for the correct solutions governments must enact.)
- Their proposed climate solutions are also tech and Wall Street finance-friendly. The idea we will "invest our way out of this crisis" is nonsense and shows they do not understand the real climate change timeframes and consequences. We have to radically cut fossil fuels right now to have any hope of having even a much smaller portion of humanity surviving. Climate change "business as usual" means we will cross more extinction-level climate change tipping points from 2025-2031.
- Nowhere in the ABC climate solutions do they call for sacrifice for our own families and future generations.
- More 2023 climate change updates are on our website.
The ABC TV video is also great because it visually helps many understand why so many other individuals are waking up to their climate change-driven future and facing why they must immediately start preparing, adapting, and building climate change resilience in their homes, businesses, and communities.
4. Another must-watch video to review if you are considering joining or starting a ClimateSafe Village.
Watch the Extrapolations TV show on Apple Plus.

5. Watch this 37-minute motivating runaway global heating activist video by Roger Hallam, co-founder of Extinction Rebellion.
Please be aware that the video presenter speaks of revolution at the beginning. They are not speaking of violent behavior of any kind. They are discussing the needed revolution in our behavior to solve the runaway global heating extinction emergency or what will happen naturally if we fail to solve this emergency. See
Please also read our article on civil disobedience and necessary disruption by clicking here.
6. Here is a Powerful Climate Change Video by David Wallace-Wells, the Author of the Best Seller, The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming.
Author David Wallace-Wells, whose best-selling book The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming, created a video that offers climate change images, comparisons, and hopes that are appropriate for beginning 2023, But, although our organization highly recommends David Wallace-Wells, we must also point out its shortcomings. David understands the climate change emergency is terrible. Still, it is evident he is not fully aware of how far and fast we are heading into phase two of irreversible global heating. He also appears to be unaware of how much and how fast global fossil fuel emissions must drop to avoid the four extinction-triggering climate change tipping points.
Despite those significant shortcomings, his video will help many people reach the next level of understanding of the climate change emergency. It will also help prepare them for the uncensored climate analysis provided by our climate change think tank and found on this website.

Click here for the new David Wallace-Wells climate change video, or click his image above. It is 56 minutes long, but it will hold your attention because he creates vivid images to help you feel and see the emergency in many different ways.
Best Secoary Climate Change Free Videos
The first short videos will most quickly help you understand the honest but difficult news about global warming found on our website.
The Climate Emergency Forum has many highly recommended, detailed, and compelling science-grounded videos to watch here. This link will take you to a master list of all their videos.
Our other most recommended:
#1 Most Recommended:
We strongly recommend you watch this video by a respected climate researcher on our biggest global warming threat, runaway global heating. This video has lots of clear and helpful illustrations.
#2 Most Recommended
Learn what amplifying climate feedback loops or climate tipping points are and their importance to your future in a new video called Earth Emergency. It takes you through the most dangerous climate feedbacks and tipping points in an easy-to-understand way. This public broadcasting (PBS) video also makes the key points that we are making on this website. Click here to see this "don't miss it" super simple video.
#3 Most Recommended:
Wake Up, Freak Out - Then Get a Grip 11 minutes
Description: It gives a basic yet detailed animated explanation of what is actually happening now with global warming. Pay particular attention to the animation's excellent explanation of the various critical global warming tipping points. This video has been viewed well over a million times and has been translated into 22 different languages.
Please note that this video gives temperature degrees in Celsius. For the temperatures used in the video, a very rough Fahrenheit temperature conversion is double the Celsius amount. The video also presents near its end a somewhat polarized viewpoint. Job One for Humanity does not support or forward polarized approaches or solutions.
#4 Most Recommended:
The Most Terrifying Video You'll Ever See Version 2 10 minutes
Description: This video is an essential part of the reason for the existence of the Job One for Humanity Plan. With humor, it visually and dramatically reconfirms the urgency of action to fix global warming. It is a phenomenal video that examines the arguments of the climate destabilization deniers and critics, as well as those who believe climate destabilization has begun.
This video allows you to come to your own informed risk-rational global warming conclusions. At the end, it quickly and brilliantly concludes and summarizes what will happen to us if we do not fix the escalating Global warming issue, and rise to the greatest adaptive challenge and transformational, evolutionary adventure in human history. This video has been viewed over 1 million times.
#5 Most Recommended:
Are Humans Acting Like a Virus on Our Planet? 40 minutes
This video will help put our global warming emergency into a very helpful context with all of the other major global problems that we also face. Hugh Montgomery is the presenter in this video and is a respected physician and scientist who discovered the first gene related to fitness.
Although it is a longer video, it is worth it and the first 40 minutes are the best. Several of his many insightful comments stood out for our staff: "Even without global warming, we are in terrible trouble as a planet and global society... With global warming, our current situation is absolutely desperate.?
Click here to watch this well done professional easy to understand video with lots of illustrations.
Human Extinction and How To Prevent It 11 minutes
Please click here to watch a short video that brilliantly explains the final piece of the global warming extinction process once we start releasing methane clathrate from our coastal shelves from warming oceans. New research shows we actually begin this release process once we reach 5°C and by 6°C it is in full bloom.
Experts and scientists speak about global warming-related rising ocean waters, scorching temperatures, food scarcity, and disease. Here's how humans will ultimately be responsible for the end of the world. Click here for this great video.
This video is about 26 minutes about the critical role of melting glaciers.
A well-done video for businesses and the climate change emergency
The following video was created by Wilford Welch. Wilford Welch was a U.S. diplomat in Asia during the Johnson and Nixon administrations.
For decades he then studied the social, economic, technological, and other forces driving our world. For the past two decades, he has focused on the forces driving the climate crisis and the actions governments, corporations, and individual citizens need to take to be part of the solution.
Here is his video calling on the business community to act decisively to address the climate crisis
In this video, Wilford speaks to corporations about the risks the climate crisis poses not only to their physical facilities and supply chains but to their brands if their customers, employees, and investors turn on them once they conclude that their company is “green-washing.”
Please click here: Reinventing Business in a Time of Climate Change - Vimeo
Best Climate Books
When you purchase any books on our website you can help support our nonprofit mission
When you purchase any books on our website from Amazon, you can help support our nonprofit mission. Our nonprofit organization will receive a commission of a few percent on your purchase that will help support our critical mission. Setting up our organization to receive a commission on your purchase from Amazon is fast and easy.
Step 1. If you are not already an AmazonSmile member, simply sign up at and select our organization (Factnet Inc.) to start generating donations at no cost to you! (Factnet is the IRS-recognized 501(C)3 nonprofit that owns Job One for Humanity, Universe Spirit, and other social benefit websites.)
Step 2. Open the app and/or find 'Settings' (☰) in the main menu. (Instructions are similar for smartphones or web browsers on computers.)
Step 3. Next, tap on 'AmazonSmile' and follow the on-screen instructions to turn on AmazonSmile on your phone or computer.]
Best Global Warming Science Books:
1. Climageddon, The Global Warming Emergency and How to Survive it
What you are not being told or that is being kept secret from you about our escalating global warming emergency will eventually either bankrupt or kill (or both,) most of the human population within his little as the next 30 to 50 years. National intelligence agencies in developed countries, well-funded think tanks, and the richest investment bankers and hedge funds already have access to this information. Why don't you also have this privileged information?

The new Climageddon book honestly tells you how bad global warming is really going to get and, even more importantly, how soon those bad consequences are going to happen to you, your family, your business, and your nation.
Climageddon is a virtual encyclopedia of global warming and climate change consequences and tipping points. Its 80 simple illustrations, 450 pages, and original straight talk analysis make all of the latest global warming research understandable --- even if the global warming issue is new to you!
The information in this book is absolutely critical for use for future planning for individuals, businesses, investment firms, and governments. Climageddon describes in spellbinding detail the 20 most dangerous global warming consequences and how soon these consequences will arrive. Having that information shows you how to stay ahead of the coming global warming-related financial market unpredictability and the huge losses, which will occur naturally because of the consequences of continually rising temperatures on food crops and businesses and political stability.
Climageddon also lays out the eleven most critical global warming tipping points that should strike an appropriate and an action-redirecting fear in the minds of everyone involved in short-term, mid-range, and long-range planning. Understanding these key 11 global warming tipping points is critical because crossing just a few more of these will signal the true beginning of the end of humanity and civilization.
It is not just us telling you how important the information in this book is to your future. Climageddon is getting 4 and five-star reviews on Amazon for candidly describing the difficult truth of the escalating global warming emergency that we all now face.
Get the book that is being read by think tanks, hedge funds, investment firms, intelligence agencies, and government and non-governmental short-range, mid-range, and long-range planners all over the world.
Get Climageddon today. (Special Bonus: All book owners also will have electronic access to special web support pages that present additional new research as well as any and all necessary updates that this newer research might require to the original Climageddon book release.)
To get and purchase the printed version of Climageddon at Amazon, click here. Each purchase of Climageddon helps support the Job One for Humanity nonprofit organization and promote our new Job One Plan to help both you and the world survive global warming.)
To get and purchase the e-book version of Climageddon at Amazon,
click here.
To read the many positive reviews already at Amazon on this new book (or to write your own review,) go to the following link. Once there, look for the Customer Reviews link right next to the current 4 1/2star Amazon rating.
2. An Inconvenient Apocalypse, Environmental Collapse, Climate Crisis and the Fate of Humanity, by Wes Jackson and Robert Jensen
This book dives even deeper into the human causes of our current climate emergency (even deeper than our highly recommended Overshoot book) going back almost 10,000 years. You may be pleasantly surprised and challenged by what you discover in this timely and soulful book.
It is based on a credible overview of climate and environmental science. It will help you quickly evolve your thinking and feelings to the new reality of our global climate-driven collapse process and what comes next.
It is a must-read for everyone you think will be there with you trying to survive what is coming. It will not only help put everyone on the same page, but it will also help produce the emotional and psychological stability required in your family or group to survive the suffering, death, and the many climate change-driven primary and secondary consequences that are no longer avoidable.
This Book is also Essential Reading to Determine if your Values and Worldview would be Compatible with Our New Climate safe villages Community Vision. If you would like to learn if your values and worldview would be compatible and a good fit with the core values and worldview of our new Climatesafe Villages communities, we strongly recommend you immediately start reading this book.
This one book will not only help you understand the thinking and many reasons behind our new Climatesafe Villages community vision, it will also help you develop new attitudes, beliefs, and expectations about what is realistic, needed, and possible for our shared futures. (Here is a short review of this must-read book if you are seriously thinking about joining our community or creating a community of your own.
3. Overshoot, the Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change, By William R Catton Jr.
This book goes into some of the most profound deep causes of the climate change and environmental emergencies so powerfully that everyone concerned about climate change and our environment must read this book.
4. In Our Hands, by Wilford Welch

The 2021 edition of In Our Hands is the result of extensive research into climate science and the use of systems thinking and driving forces analysis. Using these methods, the author Wilford Welch makes sense of the climate crisis and what we all need to do to address it. He lays out two futures, one looking back from 2050 and the actions we took to save ourselves; the other, entitled “The Road to Ruin”, shows how the world collapsed into chaos by mid-century due to our failure to take effective actions.
Wilford Welch was a U.S. diplomat in Asia during the Johnson and Nixon administrations. For decades he then studied the social, economic, technological, and other forces driving our world. For the past two decades, he has focused on the forces driving the climate crisis and the actions governments, corporations, and individual citizens need to take to be part of the solution.
Best Free Science Ebooks on Global Warming:
Delusions and Contradictions D&C explains and elaborates five major areas of Humanity’s looming breakdowns, and basically how they interacted and interconnected. These were (a) climate, (b) plastics, (c) biodiversity (with an emphasis on bio, or the life part of biodiversity), (d) Profound Overshoot illustrated by the Ecological Footprint Analysis, (e) humanity exploding Planetary Boundaries and accelerating breakdown through “the Great Acceleration. The major conclusions of D&C were that humanity collectively, particularly in developed nations like the US, needs completely new and transformed operating systems.
Our operating systems, i.e., the social, political, and moral systems (ESPMs) by which we live and “lifestyle,” will lead inevitably to breakdown, disasters, and collapse. Moreover, multiple and varied disasters are coming, many of these exaggerated by our unworkable operating systems, particularly related to how we are breaking our climate system, and the question is not “how to avoid them,” but more “how to manage cooperatively in the face of these inevitable disasters.”In essence, D&C is explicit about the need to inform and galvanize the public, with emphasis on the US, because massive collective interventions to transform our operating systems, the (ESPMs) will be necessary in order to salvage some livable parts of humans’ futures.
To avoid human extinction, a quick reduction of the human enterprise would be required since varied excessive human enterprises are driving humanity and much of Life into extinction processes. Collective reductions in the human enterprise, at whatever scale contemplated would not occur without the knowledge and involvement of the representative human communities, regions, or nations. Meanwhile, humanity is deluded or confused (contradictions in operating systems perhaps) about the factors that will determine our collective future. Earth Systems’ analysis, starting with the five factors elaborated, demonstrates the delusions and contradictions.
The Best Cli-Fi (climate science fiction) Books Educating about the global warming extinction emergency
Although the Job One for Humanity website and our new book Climageddon both express a broad and useful overview of the many factual and severe consequences global warming will bring into our lives, these science-oriented materials do not adequately portray the immense emotional and physical suffering that people will go through every day as they live in or migrate through the worsening global warming danger zones. Luckily, there are several must-read Cli_fi fiction books (2 by an award-winning writer,) that will humanize the intimate details of the approaching climagee (climate refugee) social, economic, and political meltdown.
It is an emotion-packed novel about how global warming affects the future and fate of the world’s Millennials, generation Z, corporations, and the political alliances we take for granted. It is the most scientifically accurate of all of the climate fiction books.
Get it for anyone you know who doesn’t like to struggle through global warming science as in books like Climageddon and, who would rather be entertained and educated without ever even knowing that they are being educated. It is so hard to put down you will be missing work and sleep wondering what happens next to the story’s heroes and heroines struggling with the very real future climate challenges the younger generations will face most of all.
Not only is it exceptionally well-written with compelling characters and elegant descriptions that seamlessly take you in and through every fast-changing scene, quite surprisingly, it also follows real global warming science more honestly than you will find almost anywhere else except in the newest global warming science books such as Climageddon.
2. The two spellbinding fiction books on the horrible consequences of global warming after individuals waited too long to prepare for it in time, or migrate away from it, are by an award-winning black female writer.
They are:
Butler, Octavia E. Parable of the Sower. Four Walls Eight Windows, 1993. This is part one of the two sequential novels. It is set in 2024.
Butler, Octavia E. Parable of the Talents. Seven Stories Press, 1998. This is part of two of the Parable duology. It is set in 2032
These two books are absolute must-reads to see the day-to-day ordinary and extraordinary suffering that our current runaway global warming will impose upon our future. These two books are emergency preparation must-reads! Even back then she pretty much got the global warming consequences right.
These two books will educate you in detailed ways we at Job One for Humanity have not yet been able to do with the many climate facts and consequences found on our web pages. Frankly our website lacks the finely detailed, phase-by-phase emotional power and astute psychological and character insights into what happens to and between people, families, and communities in deep crisis as things just keep getting worse.
Franky, we are baffled as to how Octavia Butler could so accurately depict the tortuous lives of individuals who waited too long to get prepared and migrate because of global warming and then suffered horrible consequences. She skillfully compels the reader scene by scene with a brilliantly written cast of families trying to migrate up the California coast through crisis after crisis. It is impossible not to be drawn into the painful personal lives and details of what happens to these decent, regular families when societies break down at every level because of the consequences of late-stage global warming.
3. Rich, Nathaniel. Odds Against Tomorrow. Farrah, Strauss and Giroux, 2013. This is a fictional novel based on a global warming catastrophe in New York City. An entertaining and easy read. Not as detailed as Olivia E. Butler's books, but a definite contribution to humanizing and emotionalizing the effects of global warming.
4. We also strongly recommend reading the book Overshoot: The Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change by William Catton. This is the book that explains the deepest root causes of almost all of our current global crises. This is the one book that everyone seeking a more sustainable life must have in their library!
5. by Portia D Sykes is a new Cli-Fi book our staff absolutely loved! One of our team dedicated their weekend to reading it all because they could not put it down. It is not only scientifically very accurate, but it also has wonderful characters. It also is the most erotic Cli-Fi book we have reviewed so you have been warned.
Here is a little bit about the story.
Colton James Miller, a young virgin cowboy, finds it hard to ignore his anxiety about the future while his family's oil and gas business struggles. Free-spirited yet jaded, Saffron Jolie LeMay seeks inner peace from her fears in a commune, praying for spiritual guidance. Their "opposite" worlds collide in a fateful superstorm on Navajo Lake. Facing life changes, increased chaos, and the knowledge that the climate is destabilizing, they divinely envision the best way to survive and thrive.
Together, they dare to ask, "How will the world come back from the brink."
Set in the near-future in Aztec, New Mexico, this provocative first book of The Hot Mess Series blends scientific facts, spirituality, humor, and music with real-life solutions, inspiration, and Tantric sex. Like alchemy, EAT THE MOON weaves a balance of Light and Dark into a pattern that is informative and transformative, thoughtful and playful, as well as poetic and erotic.
If you've been avoiding the subject of climate change, this vivid love story intentionally aims to make it more palatable. Bon Appétit!
NonFiction Global Warming-Related Books
1. Newitz, Annalee. Scatter, Adapt, and Remember: How Humans Will Survive a Mass Extinction. Doubleday, 2013. If you have any doubts about the need to migrate as things get worse, this well-written easy to read book will get you back to basics quickly.
2. LaConte, Ellen. Life Rules: Nature's Blueprint for Surviving Economic & Environmental Collapse. New Society Publishers, 2012. This book goes a little deeper into the general principles of surviving what is coming.
Best Climate Podcasts
Our volunteers are just starting to create this section.
1. Click here for, Accelerating climate change and the seven new rules for buying, selling, or investing in real estate.
Best Articles
- An article by a Texas professor speaks to the tumultuous challenges before us on the climate and ecological front. This article is not for everyone because it uses some religious terms to frame the emergency we face in new and interesting ways. While the Job One climate change think tank does not have anything to do with any religion or religious terminology, the surprise terminology used in this article cleverly expresses the predicament humanity faces in new, both encouraging and discouraging ways. If you want to see the world's climate and environmental emergency from a unique and intriguing perspective, click here for this article. This article has helped motivate essential volunteers at Job One to keep plodding along on the near-impossible task before us: fixing the global climate change and ecological extinction emergency. If you get by the first 1/4 of the article, it gets quite good.
These Animals Will Go First Due To Global Warming 5:18 minutes
"Global warming is happening, whether you believe it or not, and will cause major changes to the environment, hitting hard first in areas in the southern half of the earth. According to research published in the journal Science, there are a few species that are in the most danger of extinction or low numbers, due to their biomes being altered and having nowhere else to live."
Al Gore's new video: The case for optimism on climate change 25 minutes
The following video was released on Feb 23, 2016, by Al Gore, the former vice president of the United States. It was created on the 10th anniversary of Al Gore's global warming movie, An Inconvenient Truth. We are recommending it for its many strengths—not its many weaknesses as described below.
Its greatest strengths are the key current facts and consequences concerning the escalating global warming emergency in easy-to-understand videos, animations, and charts. It also shares a lot of good news and optimism about what is possible in an almost mythic, pep-talk fashion.
The film’s weaknesses are that it does not explain how crossing critical global warming tipping points will immediately change everything drastically for the worse! It implies that there will be rapid, miraculous advances in technology that will save us, while hiding the deeper fact that to fully implement the technology solutions suggested will take another 20-40 years of infrastructure building. We have a decade at most to make the radical, difficult, and costly changes needed to save the future of humanity.
This film fails horribly at showing the true scale, scope, and urgency of the total global mobilization needed to reverse global warming to carbon neutral in less than 10 years. (Carbon neutrality, or having a net-zero carbon footprint, refers to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by balancing a measured amount of carbon released through burning and use of fossil fuels with an equivalent amount sequestered or offset, or buying enough carbon credits to make up the difference.)
Finally and most importantly, it fails to clearly state we are already in a global warming State of Emergency and provides concrete, prioritized, and specific solutions to prevent us from going over the global warming tipping points and getting to carbon-neutral within the critical 10-year window. (We provide those specific solutions in the Job One For Humanity Plan found on this website.) However, in spite of its serious shortcomings, we still recommend this video for its strengths to help individuals new to the global warming issue quickly get the basic facts they will need to understand where we are now and that we are already in a serious State of Emergency—even if Al Gore forgets to say it.
Best Climate Change Litigation Information and Classes
Climate Change Litigation is an increasingly critical component of climate governance at the local, national, regional and global levels, exerting pressure on the executive and legislative branches of government to act on the climate change issues. At the same time, climate change-related cases have also been filed against private actors, mostly fossil fuel and cement companies, which are major greenhouse gas emitters. Young people, NGOs and others have taken to the courts to challenge governments' and corporations' actions or inactions.
This course is based around the most compelling practical issues and relevant sectors, while combining the scientific and legal frameworks and obstacles through which climate change litigation takes place. Finally, climate change litigation will be analysed as a global phenomenon, taking stock of landmark examples at the international and domestic levels, wherever they appear.
By the end of the course, participants will:
- Be cognizant of the role of climate litigation in pursuing climate action
- Have a clear understanding of the principal issues, dynamics and obstacles of climate change litigation, both from a domestic (comparative) and international perspective;
- Be better able to critically understand and assess the legal tools and principles related to climate change litigation;
- Be able to identify critical domestic, comparative and international climate-related cases and opportunities for climate action.
This course offers a comprehensive overview of climate change law and the legal responses to the current climate crisis. Bringing together a distinguished cohort of scholars and practitioners, the course is designed to provide participants with a working knowledge of the relevant legal frameworks as well as to enhance their understanding of the way climate change impacts other areas of international law including territory, human rights, trade, and investment.
By the end of the course, participants will:
- Have a clear understanding of the principal elements of International and Comparative Climate Change Law;
- Have a comprehension of the complex (scientific, economic, political and legal) framework of climate change issues;
- Better understand the international regime and the global governance of climate change, including as it relates to other areas of international law;
- Be able to critically assess the legal tools and principles related to climate change;
- Be able to analyse the principal challenges relating to the implementation and compliance of climate change law;
- Be able to identify national and international initiatives and opportunities for climate change action.
As to the prices, the courses each cost GBP 775 inclusive of VAT (if applicable).
People can register at the relevant course pages:
For answers to all of your questions about climate change and global warming, click here for our new climate change FAQ. It has over one hundred of the most asked questions and answers about climate change.