President Biden’s Bid to Become Climate Change World Champion
On day one of his administration, President Biden issued what could possibly be the world’s strongest overall policy on climate change (though still not enough to prevent climate catastrophe). In particular, this applies to the section: Accounting for the Benefits of Reducing Climate Pollution. (No one else is calling it "climate pollution.")
Below is a much shortened and highlighted edit of the far-reaching Biden executive order with respect to climate change.
Read moreYour July Global Warming Emergency Update
There is a lot to update you about on global warming emergency this month especially since we missed last month's update...
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Global warming extinction emergency group members glue themselves to doorways to block members of Congress from attending evening vote.
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The Correct 2025 Global Fossil Fuel Reduction Dates & Targets Required to Survive the Climate Change Emergency
Updated 1.3.25.
1. To best understand the global fossil fuel reduction targets and deadlines described below, one must also understand our current climate change condition. If you have not read our continually updated ten most critical facts about today's climate change condition, please do so now. Without this understanding, it will be hard to grasp the intense deadline urgency and severe levels of global fossil fuel reductions needed.
2. Our politicians and governments have failed to fix climate change, use the correct global fossil fuel reduction targets, or even slow climate change down. But there is a clear and simple reason for their failure.
Our politicians and governments have been paralyzed and made ineffective by a decades-long, multibillion-dollar, highly sophisticated global climate change disinformation program designed and paid for by the global fossil fuel cartel. If you have not already read the detailed proof that this statement is not an exaggeration by any means, please do so here before reading the article below so that you have the correct perspective on who really is to blame for the climate change emergency we all now face.
As you read this article, please remember that for 60 years, our governments have been buried in global fossil fuel cartel disinformation and other coercive actions to disable our politicians, described in full on this page. Because of fossil fuel cartel disinformation actions, our governments failed year after year to make the needed but far easier and gradual global fossil fuel use reductions.
Because we wasted 60 years of easy, gradual, and incremental reductions due to the misinformation and disinformation programs of the greed-driven global fossil fuel industry, we now face the radical, honest, and painful global fossil fuel reductions that you are about to read.
The radical, honest, and painful global fossil fuel reductions that are now needed are:
1. All developed countries (including India and China) must reduce ALL fossil fuel burning in transportation, homes, businesses, and manufacturing by 75% by 2025-2031.
Please note we only have until about 2031 to make the required reductions if we are fortunate, and we do not cross any significant climate tipping points or feedbacks before 2031. So planning to prevent humanity's extinction and depending on being very lucky is not a wise or effective plan, nor does it reflect even the minimum levels of the Precautionary Principle especially when there is overwhelming scientific evidence that the climate change extinction threat is real. Therefore, all global fossil fuel reduction plans should be based on the 2025 deadline, not the 2031 date.
Also, please note that temporarily, there would need to be an exemption for military and police fossil fuel needs until they can replace their current equipment with green-energy-powered equipment. Public order will need to be maintained in this very tough transition.
2. All undeveloped countries must reach significantly lower national fossil fuel reduction targets by 2025-2031 (because of climate justice factors discussed below.) And,
3. Each nation must also reach net-zero emissions by a fixed date (discussed below.)
4. Because of the 60 years of ineffective climate action, the only way we can now reach the required global fossil fuel reductions in time to save about 50% (or less) of humanity from extinction is to enact immediate government-enforced rationing of all fossil fuel use in ALL nations. This rationing would be restricted according to the 2025 target amounts discussed below.
More than anything else, the life and death and last chance for humanity reason we must get close to these targets is a bit of complex climate science, but it is explained in simple detail on this page. Before you go on, please read the climate science for why it is so vital we hit these survival-critical targets before it is too late.
The following and full last chance 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets will cause many readers real emotional discomfort. This is because the fossil fuel targets and deadlines below are not only very difficult to reach but also contradict the commonly held public and media-forwarded illusions about what our current fossil fuel reduction targets and deadlines should be.
This article also lays bare the global fossil fuel reduction target and deadline deceptions forwarded by wealthy fossil fuel corporations or national vested interests. The commonly promoted 2050, 2040, and 2035 "too little too late" versions of incorrect global fossil fuel targets and deadlines are currently provided to governments (and most environmental groups) by "trusted authorities" like the IPCC (the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), are not only dead wrong, they are also dangerously counterproductive to humanity having any livable future. (The IPCC was formerly recognized as the world's leading authority on climate change.)
The new 2025 targets found below were critical to counteract the gross underestimation errors and twisted distortions that the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) used to comply with the influence of global and national fossil fuel industries. (If you doubt that the massive financial influence of the 28 trillion dollars a year fossil fuel industry could alter how honest climate science would be presented, click here and read the amazing details about the horrible history of the IPCC twisting and underestimating climate science and the influence of the fossil fuel industry on how it presents climate science.)
In the article below, you will also find links to the documentation on why the incorrect and heavily promoted 2050, 2040, 2035, 2032, and 2030 global fossil fuel targets and deadlines are freeways to failure, gross underestimations, and a fast track to mass extinction for most of humanity by mid-century.
At the end of this article, in the Technical Notes section, you will find the calculations, compensations, and adjustments for "how and why" the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets came into being.
The honest and adjusted 2025 target information below will help organizations and individuals correct their climate change reduction activities. It presents global fossil fuel reduction targets that were not influenced by fossil fuel lobbyists or twisted by the IPCC and that we must get close to by 2025 if we are to survive as a species and civilization.
The following article lays out the facts behind why we have only until 2025 to reduce global fossil fuel use sufficiently to come as close as possible to meeting the 2025 global targets. If we fail, we lose all practical, effective, and meaningful control of our global warming future. We will lose this control of our future because we cannot stop ourselves from crossing many more global warming tipping points, climate feedbacks, and because of complex climate momentum factors and human inertia factors. If we fail to get close to the 2025 targets, we will rapidly trigger the three worst extinction-accelerating global warming tipping points.
At the end of this article, you will also find links to effective governmental actions and individual solutions that must be undertaken to meet the correct 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets and detailed technical notes. The technical notes will also explain the many detailed calculations and correct adjustments behind why the 2025 targets are valid and proper targets for where we are now.
We have wasted 60 years of valid scientific warnings. We now have less than five years left to hit the following global fossil fuel reduction targets as the only practical and proven way left to guarantee we can still save and salvage whatever we can for a livable future.
Our current runaway global heating emergency consists of the many direct, indirect, primary, and secondary consequences of climate change and runaway global heating. To save humanity at this point, we must first set a firm "last stand" atmospheric carbon (C02) in parts per million (ppm) limit of carbon 450 ppm.
If we go above carbon 450 ppm, we will push the average global temperature above 2 degrees Celsius. After 2 degrees Celsius, there will be no way to stop runaway global warming from crossing many more climate tipping points and feedbacks, which will cause increased global temperature levels of 3, 4, 5, and 6 degrees Celsius. Only a tiny portion of humanity will be able to survive a 4-degree Celsius increase, and their lives will be a living hell. (If you want to see all of the climate science and extinction nightmares we release upon the world if we go above the carbon 425 to 450 ppm range, click here.)
Unfortunately, politicians and nations will also face the horrible Garrett's Climate Dilemma when they do make the required global fossil fuel cuts described below. Garrett's Climate Dilemma is the dilemma that demonstrates that to save at least half of humanity through critical global fossil fuel cuts needed now, no matter what we do, the other half of humanity will perish from starvation and the other primary and secondary climate consequences by mid-century. (If you want to review additional climate science on why about half of humanity will go extinct by mid-century involving Garrett's Climate Dilemma, click here. We want you to have all of the science and analysis behind our half of humanity going extinct by mid-century statements. Hence, you will know that the many painful and difficult changes you will soon need to make are genuinely warranted.)
The world has waited far, far too long to fix global warming. The painful climate bill has come due. Now about half of humanity will die by mid-century.
Without the required 75% global fossil fuel reductions (described below) achieved by 2025 - 2031 and enacted exclusively through government-enforced global fossil fuel rationing, there is little realistic hope that humanity will be able to prevent its near-total extinction. At this point, only this government-enforced fossil fuel rationing will save us in time. All of our previous efforts to effectively reduce the fossil fuel usage causing global heating have failed miserably.
(If you do not understand the basics of how our fossil fuel emissions go into our atmosphere to create our current global warming emergency, please click here for a set of simple illustrations. After reading this article, we also strongly recommend that you read this most important page on our website about the four major extinction accelerating global warming tipping points.)
(At the end of this article, to counterbalance the disruptive and unsettling climate change, global warming, and fossil fuel reduction facts, you will find a link to a comprehensive four-part plan for what you can do to manage the climate change emergency! You will also find a link to the many surprising and significant benefits that humanity will acquire as together we resolve the climate change challenge and opportunity.)
And finally, please remember that the correct global fossil fuel reduction amounts you see below also consider and compensate for the global fossil fuel cartel's disinformation and undue influence over the IPCC and their summary reports used by every government, media outlet, and environmental group. (Click here to see how the global fossil fuel cartel has caused the IPPC's climate change information, solutions, and timetables to be grossly underestimated through various "invisible hand-influenced" distortions, false calculations, and assumptions.
Special Update of 2.15.24: Because of rapidly changing climate change conditions and the rapidly rising greenhouse gas levels, we now believe that the new Climate Justice Now program found here will be an indispensable tool needed to help humanity come close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets and keep much of humanity alive.
As of 10.6.23, we are still not making anything close to the required global fossil fuel reductions to meet or surpass the 2025 global fossil fuel 75% reduction target. This reduction failure means we will not be able to avoid major global temperature increases, horrendous climate calamities, and a mass extinction event far sooner than imagined.
As you can see from the C02 carbon ppm graph near the top of the page, we are not making the required cuts in our fossil fuel use to reduce the carbon going into our atmosphere to slow or reverse rising temperatures.
To adequately prepare you for the shocking REAL fossil fuel reductions that must be made to save humanity, we must first see just how poorly our previous decades of fossil fuel reduction actions have fared since we were first notified about the climate change extinction danger over 60 years ago.
What has been hidden from you:
1. We have increased fossil fuel use far more this century than in the last two decades of the 20th century. More than half of all fossil fuel emissions released over the previous 25 years are more than was released in all of recorded history before 1990.
2. Although we have had over 26 international conferences on fossil fuel reduction, and we have had international treaties since at least 1993 pledging nations would reduce global warming to agreed targets, we still are about 67% higher in carbon emissions than in the early 1990s. (Atmospheric carbon emissions are probably the best way to measure future global warming.)
3. Carbon emissions are projected to rise every year.
4. In 2018 carbon emissions increased another dramatic 2.7% and are projected to rise again in 2019. (Below is a 70-plus year graph that shows the rising carbon (CO2) levels in the atmosphere (in parts per million [ppm]) from burning fossil fuels.
This graph will help you visualize that global warming is not just going bad; it is getting exponentially worse. This worsening is occurring at the same time we are being told by our governments and the media that we are doing better at reducing carbon emissions.
Worse yet, exponential increases in carbon emissions can also mean exponential increases in future global warming consequences.)
Yes, intentionally or through ignorance, our governments, the media, and most of the world's environmental groups have not been telling us the REAL facts about how our REAL lack of any meaningful progress whatsoever in reducing the rate of fossil fuel use. As a result, there has been a complete absence of any substantive on-target fossil fuel use reductions anywhere globally.
Keep in mind the above dismal failure of previous efforts to take fossil fuel reductions seriously and our prior failures to reduce the rates of annual carbon increases. You are now ready to explore the REAL fossil fuel reductions that must be made to save our future.
(Please click here if you still don't believe we are telling the truth about our dismal failure in reducing atmospheric carbon and global warming over the last 60 years. In addition, you will be able to view a short video by climate Professor Kevin Anderson in a recent presentation to the Oxford University Climate Society.)
We now need to radically and immediately reduce our global fossil fuel use to slow or prevent going over the atmospheric carbon 425-450 ppm tipping point. If we cross that tipping point, it leads to crossing several critical extinction-accelerating tipping points.
The absolute minimum total fossil fuel reductions that must occur to prevent going about half of humanity from going extinct not sometime after 2100 but by mid-century are:
a. All industrially developed nations must reduce their total fossil fuel use by 75% by 2025 and then continue reducing fossil fuel use to net-zero carbon emissions by 2035. In this solution, net carbon zero emissions mean that no additional fossil fuel emissions are going into the atmosphere that is not also simultaneously being removed from the atmosphere by natural means. (Only about 20 countries produce 70% or more of the world's carbon emissions.)
Think of developed nations like most members of the G 20 group; Argentina, Australia, Canada, the European Union, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Japan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States, China, and India.
(Please note: There would be a necessary temporary exception for the world's military and police forces to maintain order while they convert their fossil fuel vehicles to green energy sources.)
b. All developing nations must maintain their total fossil fuel emission levels as they are at the beginning of 2019 and not allow them to go any higher. Then by 2045, all developing nations must also be at net-zero carbon emissions. They will need to drop their fossil fuel emissions by 6% each year to do this. This allowance for developing nations to stay at the current level and gradually reduce to net-zero carbon emissions by 2045 is part of an essential justice and equity equation.
The developed nations created their wealth by producing most of all carbon emissions in the atmosphere today. As a result, the developed countries have caused almost all of the current global warming extinction emergency.
Please note that the global fossil fuel reduction targets above are not the same as the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) global fossil fuel reduction targets. This discrepancy is because the current fossil fuel reduction targets presented by the United Nations and used by governments worldwide are dead wrong!
Those calculations have been politically manipulated to allow fossil fuel-producing countries and companies to maintain their sources of income. As a result, those calculations also have been regularly and significantly "cooked" and underestimated.
Some of the calculations have been "cooked" to allow for "post-2050 atmospheric carbon reduction compensation for a projected and currently non-proven, unscaled and untested for side effects carbon removal technology. However, even the IPCC says this projected new carbon capture technology will not exist, be able to be scaled up adequately or ready until maybe sometime after 2050. (The calculations Job One uses (above) are based on current climate conditions and the correct climate mathematics and physics from legitimate and unafraid climate scientists like Professor Keven Anderson.)
To read about the politicizing of the science and math in the United Nations calculations, click here.
To learn about the cooked calculations for a 2050 carbon capture technology that does not exist in a usable, scalable form and allows the uninformed to believe that we are safe and secure, click here.)
Here are more details and another way of describing why the above 2025 fossil fuel reduction targets are critical to getting close to achieving. Suppose we do not engage in the greatest government-driven mass mobilization in human history, directing all necessary resources toward radically cutting our fossil fuel use to hit the critical 2025 global reduction targets; in that case, we will, without a doubt, go over what is called our "last chance" atmospheric carbon tipping point. This last chance tipping point will occur shortly after crossing into or over the carbon 425-450 parts per million (ppm) range. (See the blue Atmospheric CO2 carbon graph near the top of the page to see how close we are to that point already.)
We call it our last chance tipping point because it truly is our last window of opportunity to keep from going over the first critical carbon 425 to 450 tipping point. Once we go over this tipping point, our average global temperature will inevitably rise well above 2°C, far faster than ever before in geological time. (Geological time is measured in hundreds of thousands to millions of years.)
This high-speed temperature rise will also create a powerful momentum that will push our average global temperature even higher even faster. This momentum comprises many factors and processes, including crossing additional global warming tipping points.
Unfortunately, we will also begin to cross tipping points much quicker once we go over the carbon 425-450 ppm tipping point.
(Click here to learn more about how global warming tipping points [like those in the illustration above] function, increases global warming temperature, accelerate climate consequences, cause sudden and complete climate, biological and human system collapses, as well as make a recovery from those climate consequences much slower, more complicated and more expensive.)
If we continue only to the carbon 425 ppm tipping point level, within about three years (or less), we can expect to lock in an eventual increase in average global temperature of about 2 -2.7° Celsius (4° - 4.9° Fahrenheit) from preindustrial levels. At just this 2°-2.7° Celsius increased average global temperature, millions more will starve, and millions of additional people from all over the world will eventually be forced to migrate or die.
This die-off occurs in part because of:
a. global warming's systemic and atmospheric carbon accumulation momentum factors,
b. profound human systems inertia and other problem factors (described in part on this page.)
c. more and other crossed tipping points.
Once we go over the carbon 425-450 ppm tipping point and hit the 2.2°-2.7° Celsius average global temperature increase level, the total heat-producing momentum of all of the previous carbon that we have ever put into the atmosphere, along with the other factors previously mentioned (in a, b and c above,) will once again quickly and inevitably push our global average global temperature even higher!
This rising temperature factor means that for all intents and purposes, once we go over the carbon 425-450 ppm tipping point and trigger its climate and human system momentum and inertia factors, we are locked into continually increasing temperatures for as much as the next 30-50 years!
Suppose we do cross the carbon 425 carbon ppm tipping point. In that case, we will then reach the next critical threshold. It is the carbon and temperature transition level where we will be unable to stop ourselves from continuing uncontrollably and quickly to 3°, 4°, 5°, and 6° Celsius average global temperature increases (5.4°, 7.2°, 9°, and 10.8° Fahrenheit.) Once we cross the 2°C carbon 425 ppm tipping point, the higher temperature levels of 3°, 4°, 5°, and possibly 6° Celsius also will be all but locked in due to:
1. our continuing to add more carbon to the atmosphere every additional year (at about three ppm per year,)
2. the momentum of ever-increasing heat-producing carbon and other greenhouse gases, and
3. our being unable to stop ourselves from crossing other global warming tipping points and triggering other positive feedback loops and points of no return within the many systems and subsystems of the global climate due to human system inertias and other climate problems.
Because of the preceding, we have no other rational alternative other than to prevent crossing into this perilous carbon 425-450 ppm threshold, range, and tipping point. At our current carbon (and other greenhouse gas levels, entering this 425-450 ppm range will, unfortunately, begin sometime around 2025.
There is something we can be sure of in this emergency. No matter what, and despite all of the challenges and bad outcomes that are possible, the single constant truth for the best possible climate change outcome for humanity in this emergency is that the faster and more we reduce global fossil fuel use:
a. the more of humanity will survive to carry on all kinds of biological life and our beautiful civilization, and
b. future generations will suffer less from an ever-increasing sequence of escalating global warming consequences.
The illustration below shows the red vertical "Must not pass, last chance battle line and range of carbon 425 to 450 ppm." As you can see, going over the carbon 425 tipping point leads us to a very steep and slippery downward slope to our rapid extinction.
The illustration above also lists at what carbon ppm levels the six distinct phases of the Climageddon extinction scenario and countdown occur (CS Phase 1-6.) (After you read the rest of the article, we recommend reviewing the primary and secondary global warming consequence found in the Climageddon extinction scenario and countdown.)
Crossing the carbon 425 ppm tipping point will set us up to rapidly cross with the next atmospheric carbon extinction-accelerating tipping point level of carbon 500 ppm, where the average global temperature will eventually increase to 4°C. If we miss the 2025 targets, carbon 500 ppm is predicted to happen in 20-25 years, 2038-2042. At a 4°C temperature increase above preindustrial levels, all ice on earth will melt, chaos will ensue, and today's organized society can no longer exist!
Once we cross the carbon 500 ppm extinction-accelerating tipping point, it is near-certain that we will also soon cross the carbon 600 ppm final extinction tipping point not too long after that. (Much more will be said about the carbon 500 and 600 ppm extinction tipping point processes and their consequences found elsewhere on this page.)
When we cross this carbon 425-450 ppm "last chance" tipping point, it will rapidly lead to the extinction of about half of humanity by mid-century. Many of the climate consequences we will experience will also be irreversible. Irreversible climate change means that we will not be able to get the dangerous levels of excess greenhouse gases (like carbon) out of our atmosphere and back down to a normal and human-safe pre-industrial level for hundreds to thousands of years. (As of July 2023, We are currently at the insane atmospheric carbon level of 420 ppm. We will soon enter the generally considered irreversible and second phase of runaway global heating sometime between 2025-2031. This is when we enter into the carbon 425-450 ppm range.)
Unfortunately, our governments have been giving global warming projections that include a 25-40% underestimation factor as well as not including any compensatory calculations for the 11 key tipping points being crossed. When you add these factors into the prediction calculations to correct them, it becomes evident that we will be facing our worst nightmares of higher global temperatures far faster than for which we are even remotely prepared.
(There is much more information, including our individual, business, and national annual fossil fuel reduction targets, what will happen if we don't hit the above targets, and technical footnotes that will help explain the severity of these fossil fuel reductions. When you finish this article, we recommend you go to this 2025 global fossil fuel reduction target explanation page.)
(Special 4.1.2022 update on the carbon 425 ppm tipping point due to new climate research: Click here to see the horrible news that the global warming Climate Cliff does not occur in 2025 as was previously calculated. We already went over the climate cliff in 2015!)
Getting real about what must be done to reduce fossil fuel use to the needed levels
To grasp how painful the required global fossil fuel cuts will be, imagine that by 2025, you will have to cut your total home, auto, plane, and business activities that use fossil fuels by at least 75%. Then, after doing that, you will have to cut back again to net-zero fossil fuel use within the next ten years. Now try to imagine everyone else in all developed nations doing the same.
If you live in a developed country, are you doing this now? Does that seem possible that you would voluntarily change your everyday life and fossil fuel use so fast? Do you see the governments of the world's developed nations coming together in a great act of cooperation, passing the needed laws, verification procedures, and enforceable punishments necessary to make sure we make the 2025 deadline?
You probably came up with the same answer we did, which is that it is nearly certain we will not make the required 2025 fossil fuel cuts in time or even get close to them. It is more likely that the developed world citizens who did not understand the urgency or importance of why they needed to make these painful fossil fuel use sacrifices would throw their politicians out of office. They would most likely overthrow any government that tried to enforce these radical fossil fuel reductions upon their comfortable or subsistence level lifestyles and livelihoods.
Now imagine all individuals, corporations, and governments in developed nations that mainly depend upon fossil fuels seeing their livelihoods disappear by at least 75% before 2025. How much of a fight and disinformation program would those individuals, industries, and nations put up or create to preserve their existing livelihoods and futures?
It's hard to imagine what the fossil fuel industry would not be capable of doing to preserve a $28 trillion year market segment.
When the above 2025 fossil fuel reduction targets (and other reasons described on this page) are collectively considered, the critical 2025 fossil fuel reductions are theoretically still possible but realistically impossible to achieve.
What is most important to remember is that if we go over the atmospheric carbon 425 ppm level, the primary and secondary global warming-triggered consequences listed on this essential page will bring about the unavoidable die-off of much of humanity mid-century.
More about your annual personal, business, and national fossil fuel reduction targets
The above total fossil fuel reduction targets break down into annual amounts for every person, every business, and every government in the developed world. Each year they must reduce their total fossil fuel use by about 25% or more per year until 2025. These annual reductions will allow us to reach the most critical 2025 overall 75% global fossil fuel reduction target.
Once we have reached that 2025 target successfully, we must then further reduce fossil fuel use at least another 10% per year over the following ten years and before 2035.
If you are in a developing nation, you cannot increase your annual fossil fuel use at all! You will need to begin reducing your fossil fuel use on average by around 6% per year for the next 26 years to hit your critical net zero emissions target by 2045.
(If you don't believe the above developed and developing nations targets are the real fossil fuel reduction targets needed to survive what you read above, click here to view a short video by climate Professor Kevin Anderson. It is a video of a recent presentation to the Oxford University Climate Society.)
What is essential to know is that these shockingly large amounts of required fossil fuel reductions by 2025 for developed nations are critical! The massive 2025 reduction amounts are in part because our past and "popular" current false reduction strategies have resulted in grossly inadequate levels of fossil fuel reductions.
At this point, you are probably angry that we have been continually deceived about our global warming reduction progress. We have also been misled about the REAL annual fossil fuel reduction targets that we should have started making beginning over 60 years ago.
Think about all of the above fossil fuel reduction targets to be met by 2025 and 2035 for developed nations and 2045 for developing nations as the necessary hitting of the emergency brake on a train that is just about to go out of control in a real emergency. If we do not hit the emergency brake by hitting the 2025 targets, our emergency will become an extinction catastrophe!
What's most important to remember about achieving and not achieving the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets
a. We have wasted 60 years of warnings by our best climate scientists, and we are nearly out of time left to control our global warming futures.
b. If we fail to come close to our 2025 targets, most of us will suffer and die or endure unthinkable economic, political, and social chaos by mid-century. This massive catastrophe will be due to the accelerating 20 worst consequences of global warming as well as our crossing three global warming's mass extinction-accelerating tipping points. (These things will be described further below.)
c. We will unfortunately not see the results of any of our successful global warming reduction efforts which we might achieve for about 20 -30 years. Invisible climate momentum and inertia factors will delay seeing current results for decades.
d. If we fail to come close to the 2025 targets, we will need to shift the world's focus and resources to emergency preparations, adaptation, resilience, and migration strategies for the coming and unavoidable mass to near-extinction consequences by mid-century and beyond.
e. If we fail to come close to the 2025 reduction targets, we are not just facing the extinction of half of humanity by mid-century, we are also facing near-total extinction by about 2070-2080! This is because we will cross the carbon 425 ppm level we cross more critical climate tipping points which then causes us to enter the accelerating phases of run-away global heating! (Run-away global heating equals eventual near-total extinction.)
(Click here to discover why total human extinction is not realistic or probable and the worst humanity will experience is near-total extinction (50 to 90+% of humanity going extinct.)
f. If we do achieve the 2025 global fossil fuel targets in time, about half of humanity will still die by mid-century because of what's known as Garret's Dilemma. Part of the dilemma is that the necessary global fossil fuel reductions are so severe that agriculture, (which depends heavily upon fossil fuel and fertilizer for large scale farming,) will crash.
This agricultural crash will cause mass starvation worldwide and much social chaos. But here's where the dire dilemma gets much worse. If you don't come close to the 2025 targets, not only do you lose half of humanity by mid-century, no matter what, but you also lose much of the surviving portion of humanity after mid-century because global warming goes into an irreversible runaway second phase.
This is the horrible Garret's Dilemma every politician in every nation now must face and respond to, or Mother Nature will take over and solve the climate problem for us. Mother nature will keep killing us until so few of us are left that we cannot keep adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.
Click here to learn more about Garrett's Dilemma's horrible reality and validity.
Why can't we just set new global fossil fuel reduction targets if we fail?
Many of you may not think the last chance 2025 targets are possible. You may also mistakenly believe that if we fail, we can still set new global targets for after 2025. Unfortunately, setting new targets after 2025 is even less likely to work.
If we fail to hit our extremely challenging 2025 targets, any new annual global fossil fuel reduction targets for the following years will have to be increased by even more than the already severe 2025 targets. Consequently, these new targets will be even less likely to be achieved in the years following 2025 than the original 2025 targets were.
For a moment, imagine we have failed to hit the original 2025 targets. We now have to set even steeper fossil fuel reductions in the years following 2025.
Reaching these new even more stringent fossil fuel reduction targets would crash the world economy even faster. They would also kill more people faster due to mass starvation. (This starvation is because as fossil fuel use is dramatically cut to global agriculture, global food production will also drop substantially.)
Additionally, the question needs to be asked. Will our already weak politicians likely propose even more economic loss or deaths due to starvation if their first attempt failed?
If we have missed our last practical chance to control our global warming future (by reaching the 2025 targets,) trying desperately to hit new even more severe global warming reduction targets will increase the "game over" probability as well as crossing the three mass extinction-accelerating tipping points (described immediately below.)
All of the above also strongly supports the painful reality that we must act decisively now. This is because acting decisively to meet the 2025 targets will, in truth, be our last practical chance to control the global warming future of humanity.
There really are many other compelling reasons we call the 2025 targets our last chance targets as you will soon discover in the next sections. (Also see the technical details and compensatory calculations concerning how the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets were arrived at in the Important Technical Details section near the bottom of this page
Essential questions to ask about your personal, businesses' and nation's progress on the 2025 global fossil fuel targets
If you are in a developed country, here are some crucial questions to ask yourself:
How are you doing on reducing your total personal fossil fuel use this year by 25%?
How is the business that you are working at doing in reducing its total annual fossil fuel use this year by 25%?
How is your nation doing in reducing its total annual fossil fuel use by its 25% target for this year?
It is critical to keep in mind that hitting the 2025 targets is tantamount to avoiding the likelihood of entering the half of humanity to-near-total extinction process. Consequently, the greatest emphasis must be made to reach this first target level.
Reaching your annual targets is important because, for every year any individual, business or nation does not hit their targets, it causes their fossil fuel reduction targets for the following years to be further increased to make up for all differences!
If you, your business, or your nation is not making its targets, please do not despair or do not beat yourself up. We have no time to waste on those kinds of activities.
Here's what you can do if you're not hitting your annual targets:
1. see what is needed to get our governments to execute all of the critical 2025 radical fossil fuel reducing actions (found prioritized in Part 3 of the Job One Plan.)
2. see what is needed to get the world's wealthiest individuals and corporations to recognize this is a no-win game for them as well. Once they see that no amount of money will save them in the long run, they will use their vastly more powerful influence to get the world's politicians to get the 2025 targets achieved. (Please see Part 4 of the Job One Plan.)
3. understand what is needed to get ourselves and our businesses to execute the annual 2025 fossil fuel reduction targets listed above and as described in Part 2 of our Job One Plan.
If you are in a developing country, here are some crucial questions to ask yourself:
How are you doing on reducing your personal total annual fossil fuel use for this year to meet your target of no new fossil fuel use?
How is the business that you are working at doing in reducing its total annual fossil fuel use for this year to meet its targets?
How is your nation doing in reducing its total annual fossil fuel use by its target for this year?
It is critical to keep in mind that hitting your annual and 2025 reduction targets is equivalent to slowing down a mass human, animal, and biological species extinction event process from occurring by mid-century. Please also keep in mind that for every year any individual, business, or nation does not hit their targets, it causes their targets for the following years to be increased accordingly.
If you, your business, or your nation is not making its targets, do not despair and do not beat yourself up. We have no time to waste on those kinds of activities.
If you're not hitting your personal or business annual targets, here's what you can get started on immediately:
1. see what is needed to get our governments to execute all of the critical 2025 radical fossil fuel reducing actions (found prioritized in Part 3 of the Job One Plan.)
2. see what is needed to get the world's wealthiest individuals and corporations to recognize this is a no-win game for them as well. No amount of money will save them in the long run.
Once they realize this, they will use their vastly more powerful influence to get the world's politicians to get the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets achieved on time. (Please see Part 4 of the Job One Plan.)
3. understand what is needed to get ourselves and our businesses to execute the annual fossil fuel reduction targets listed above and as described in Part 2 of our Job One Plan.
Why there will be massive suffering and death for much of humanity by mid-century if we miss the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets?
The four critical levels of global warming tipping points we will cross in the near future
Below please find the four most important global warming tipping point levels within our complex climate system, which will involve interacting climate, biological and human systems, and subsystems. Those four tipping point levels are:
1. The carbon 425-450 tipping point level. (This tipping point initiates a significant acceleration of the previously initiated runaway process for triggering more and more global warming tipping points at faster and faster rates. This initial triggering of the runaway tipping point process began when we went over the carbon 386 ppm tipping point about 2015.)
2. The extinction-accelerating runaway global ice melting tipping point level. (ALL ice and ALL glaciers on Earth will enter a near-unstoppable process of a complete meltdown! (Sea levels could rise up to 10 feet over decades and up to 220 feet over several centuries.)
3. The extinction-accelerating runaway massive methane release tipping point level. (Massive amounts of methane gas start being released from ocean coastal shelves and the world's permafrost.) And,
4. The runaway rising global warming temperature level. (This final global warming tipping point level leads to a near-total extinction event. This is because our average global temperatures rising so high that Earth's atmosphere is ripped off into space and everything dies.)
Click here to learn more about what each tipping point in the illustration below is, how crossing global warming tipping points function, how they accelerate global warming temperature rise, how they accelerate global warming consequences, and how they cause sudden and complete climate, biological and human system collapses as well as how they make any possible recovery from crossing tipping points much slower, harder and more expensive.
Something important to remember is that as global warming continues and we cross more and more global warming tipping points, the worst global warming consequences will increase in frequency, scale and they will increase faster and faster, but they will not grow gradually and linearly. They will grow exponentially!
(In the graph below, the red line is an example of a linear, somewhat steady, and predictable gradual global warming consequence growth trajectory. (Linear progression equals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, etc.)
The green line below is an example of a sudden, exponential, and highly unpredictable global warming consequence growth trajectory. (Exponential progression equals 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 264, etc.)
The exponential growth of global warming consequences means that few individuals, businesses, NGOs, corporations, or governments will be able to manage or compensate for these rapidly escalating consequences for very long. It also means that unless you have made your emergency preparations long before global warming consequences grow exponentially, you will probably not have the time to do so once they do. (Remember the mad rush of unprepared people for toilet paper and masks at the beginning of the pandemic.)
This getting caught unprepared danger will also exist because the social, economic, and political systems will become exponentially more unpredictable, unstable, and chaotic once global warming enters the global warming exponential curve (the green line above.).
If you have not prepared for exponential global warming consequence growth, you will find yourself in a living hell! In the carbon and methane graphs presented earlier, you can clearly see that both carbon and methane are already rising exponentially in our atmosphere compared to pre-industrial revolution levels. (For far more about the coming exponentially growing global warming consequences catastrophe, please see this page on how global warming tipping points work.)
There is one additional factor invisibly feeding the exponential growth of global warming consequences. It is the already existing carbon and methane climate momentum. We have put so much carbon and methane into the atmosphere since the beginning of the Industrial revolution, the self-reinforcing and self-amplifying effect of this climate momentum will keep pushing global warming towards exponential acceleration for decades. No matter what we do!
As the research and analysis verification links in this document reveal, there is no longer such a thing as a program of gradual fossil fuel reduction being a viable alternative. We squandered that option with our last 60 years of procrastination, denial, and delay in effectively reducing our global fossil fuel use.
Because of our lost 60 years of denial and delay, what we need to do now will be radical, painful, and costly. That is now the price of our future if, we want to have any future at all.
Don't be fooled. This extinction emergency is not far off in the future.
This emergency is now and not a "get to it later" problem for you or your children later in their life. It directly or indirectly will adversely affect you and your children within your lifetime!
By 2025 we will know if we are locked into the path of likely mass extinction and possibly near-total extinction because we are going to cross four critical extinction-accelerating global warming tipping points. We will see if we will be able to salvage any livable future for humanity for the second half of this 21st century and for the centuries to follow.
What this implies is that we also will know if we are at the practical end of history and everything humanity has ever cared about.
We do not often engage in conversations about the extinction of our species, but now is the time to do so with your friends and associates. Failure to hit the 2025 reduction targets means mass human, animal, and biological extinction within our lifetimes! That is what we mean when we say we are in a "global warming extinction emergency."
Right now this self-made suicidal tragedy is already affecting hundreds of millions of people around the world. Over the next 10 to 20+ years; it's going to get far worse even faster, affecting billions.
Most people do realize that mass human, animal, and biological extinction within their lifetime is unthinkably horrible. What they do not realize is that massive global warming catastrophes will start occurring more frequently long before the above 3 tipping point extinction process runs its full course. Within the next decade or two, we will begin seeing a significant acceleration of worldwide global warming disasters and catastrophes.
These disasters will continue to increase in frequency, severity, and scale in an oscillating pattern. This pattern is where the oscillation of these new weather extremes becomes worse and worse and then occurs at closer and closer intervals. Long before this global warming-fueled mass extinction reaches its peak 30-50 years from now, our economic, political, and social systems will experience widespread chaos and collapse.
If you can imagine a living hell on Earth, you would be adequately seeing our quickly developing future.
If you still have doubts that it will get as bad as we say, we ask you to also first read this most important global warming tipping point page on our website. As you read about these four major global warming accelerating tipping points our current extreme extinction threat will become vividly true, real, and understandable to you.
And finally, if you're a science person, do not forget about the Technical Notes at the bottom of this page. In the Technical Notes section, you will find the calculations, compensations, and adjustments for "how and why" the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets came into being.
"There can be no margin of error whenever there is a real and imminent threat of total human extinction." Lawrence Wollersheim
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The good news...
The essential positive perspective on the above disruptive global warming and climate change news
Despite the many types of challenging global warming consequences and past fossil fuel reduction mistakes that we now face, we can still learn from their feedback, and we can adapt and evolve to make life as good and as happy as is possible. No matter how severe the coming global warming consequences might become, if we wisely play the remaining cards that we have been dealt with, we can still achieve the best remaining possible outcomes.
We can yet make a significant difference to reduce global fossil fuel use to stabilize and save the future of humanity by executing a comprehensive reduction and survival plan like the Job One for Humanity global warming action plan.
We can still maintain the perseverance needed to succeed in this monumental task by regularly reviewing the many benefits which will unfold as we work successfully on this together. (Click here to review those benefits.)
We can persevere through this time of emergency. We just need to remember that our greatest challenges are also the seeds of our greatest opportunities.
We are engaged in nothing less than the most critical and meaningful evolutionary opportunity, challenge, and adventure in human history! It is our last opportunity to slow down the mass human extinction threat by getting close to these 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. Only reaching these targets will fully remove the near-total extinction threat. In reaching these targets, we also significantly improve many of the world's other 12 major challenges.
Get started today on the Job One for Humanity global warming reduction and survival plan. Help save and salvage as much of humanity and our beautiful civilization as is possible.
What you can do to ensure near-total extinction does not happen or at the least, survive longer if we lose this battle
To survive mass human extinction within our lifetimes, we must all stay calm and carry on. We must also get the world's politicians to act now because we currently are not at all safe or secure!
In the priority order given below, we must come together to take the following four life-critical action steps to save and salvage what we can before it is too late:
1. if you can directly influence any politicians, get them to understand this extinction emergency and execute the 2025 global fossil fuel reducing actions (these governmental actions are found prioritized in Part 3 of the Job One Plan.)
2. if you have any direct or indirect connections to the world's elites (i.e. ultra-wealthy corporations, individuals, celebrities, philanthropies, etc.,) get these elites to recognize this emergency is a no-win game for them as well. Help them realize that no amount of money, power, or fame will save them in the long run.
Once they understand this, many of them will use their own powerful direct influence on the world's politicians to get them to get the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets achieved on time. (Please see Part 4 of the Job One Plan for help with this step.)
3. while doing 1 and 2 above, as individuals or as businesses work toward meeting the 2025 critical fossil fuel reduction targets as described in the fossil fuel reduction actions found in Part 2 of our Job One Plan.
4. While doing 1, 2, and 3 above, get busy on your personal emergency backup Plan B. Starting Plan B is critical because the probability that we will meet the very challenging 2025 targets is extremely low. (In addition to what you have read above, see this page for many reasons it will be beyond challenging to meet the 2025 targets.)
And finally, the big remaining question is... are you going to do your urgently needed part to help make these 2025 last chance fossil fuel reductions happen?
Your and your children's immediate future depends upon the choices you make and what to do in this life and death emergency.
Ultimately, we will either succeed together, or we will die together!
The most important things to remember from this page!
1. There is only one real global warming deadline that is necessary to burn into your mind.
If we miss the 2025 fossil fuel reduction targets by a lot, half of humanity, as well as many animal and biological species, will go extinct by mid-century! If we do not get very close to the 2025 targets, humanity will enter the accelerating phase of runaway global warming and the runaway greenhouse effect, and eventually we will experience a near-total extinction event.
2. If we widely miss the 2025 targets, we go over the carbon 425-450 tipping point, no existing new technology can scale up fast enough to save us! The 2025 targets really are our last chance! Our ability to maintain effective or meaningful control over this extinction emergency ends just after we breach the carbon 425-450 ppm range. If we do not come very close to the 2025 targets, our last chance, the final window opportunity to effectively control our own destiny regarding preventing even worse extinction level tipping points from being crossed literally closes!
3. If we go over the carbon 425-450 tipping point, the worst consequences of global warming will not only increase in severity, frequency, and scale, they will also come at us faster and faster. Eventually, everything we depend upon in an organized society for our survival becomes so unstable that an organized society can no longer exist. At that not too distant point, we then starve to death, or die in resource scarcity collapses or conflicts in a "migrate or die" chaos, or in national conflicts.
4. It is the pure physics and mathematics of global warming temperature dynamics that will take over after we go over the carbon 425-450 tipping point and cross the three other extinction evoking global warming tipping points to drive our temperatures ever higher past 3, 4, and 5 degrees Celsius.
5. While you personally can do some things on your own to reduce global warming, there is nothing you can do individually (or even in large groups,) to effectively hit the 2025 targets. It is now a last chance governmental responsibility to save us. The 2025 targets can only be achieved by governments working together, mass mobilizing, and immediately issuing new global warming reduction laws, and then verifying and enforcing that they are followed to hit the 2025 targets.
To get our governments in action, we need to get our politicians in action first! Part 4 of the Job One plan will help you do this!
6. Not making the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets is the ultimate no-win game because we are in truth facing a near-total extinction event and the completion of the Sixth Great Extinction Event of human history. What must be realized is that we must do only and exactly what is necessary to meet the 2025 targets. Getting lost on actions that do not forward the 2025 targets critical path is at best a distraction and at worst measures that will amount to "too little too late" to save us.
7. It is critically important to understand that no compensatory calculations for the effects of any global warming tipping points being crossed were ever included in the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC,) calculations for precisely how much we have to reduce our global fossil fuel use to save ourselves from extinction. This is important because the IPCC's global fossil fuel reduction calculations are currently being used by all of the member governments of the United Nations (about 190 countries,) for setting their own internal national fossil fuel reduction programs. This horrific failure to include crossing any global warming tipping points in our current global and national fossil fuel reduction calculations is also true for the world's most recent 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. This omission of including proper calculations for crossing global warming tipping points as the world continues to warm is the recipe for mutually assured destruction. Yes, this failure to include allowance calculations for crossed tipping points shockingly also means that the national fossil fuel reduction programs of every member of the United Nations using the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement targets are also based on incomplete and inaccurate calculations.
8. The largest illustration on this page (above,) the Global Warming and the Climageddon Scenario Cascading Meltdown reflects the unfolding natural progression of ever-worsening consequences, tipping points, and human system processes that will accelerate as global warming continues. These consequences, tipping points, and human systems will also synergetically and cumulatively collide with each other and adversely interact. It is these ever-increasing interactions among and between worsening global warming consequences, tipping points, and human systems that will make each of these things worse faster and faster.
This illustration reflects the core of the final processes that will lead to our mass extinction and global economic, political, and social chaos. Its three levels of global warming interactions (consequences, tipping points, and human systems) highlight the continuous onslaught of emergencies, crises, and catastrophes that we are already experiencing and which foretell our eventual extinction if we fail to reach the 2025 targets.
9. Most of you that have understood the previous facts (that do not fall into a natural and defensive denial) will appropriately feel shocked, sad, angry, or even betrayed. The most logical and best thing to do to deal with those often overwhelming feelings is to work for "the best" while you prepare for "the worst," just in case we fail. What this means is that you will need to focus as much as your energy and resources on just two main action strategies:
a. Get busy with emergency preparations and adaptations for you, your family, and/or your business for many of the now unavoidable consequences that will be arriving soon no matter what we do and in case we fail to hit the 2025 targets. (Click here to begin this process.) and,
b. Get busy on getting the 2025 reduction targets met by getting our governments enacting and enforcing the laws needed to reach the 2025 targets. (Click here to learn what you need to know to get started on this.)
These two action-based strategies will minimize the natural feelings of being shocked, sad, angry, or feeling completely betrayed by our current world leaders until you can get additional emotional support or assistance from other outside sources or from working through the Kubler Ross model on your own.
10. The REAL crisis, challenge, and ultimately global warming question for our collective and individual future is..."How do we prevent a global warming-caused near-total extinction event from occurring while we are simultaneously dealing with an unavoidable mass extinction event, which is already occurring?"
11. Keep in mind that our government leaders have utterly failed to see the coming pain and suffering of the COVID-19 pandemic, nor did they adequately prepare for it. Our government leaders are also not seeing or adequately preparing for the global warming extinction emergency, which is already happening and will be far, far worse than COVID-19!)
12. One of the hardest things for people to grasp regarding the global warming emergency is that by the time our governments finally get serious about fixing the global warming emergency, it will probably be too late to fix it. This irony is due to the increasing temperature momentum already in the climate system.
13. We now have less than five years left to hit the following global fossil fuel reduction targets as the only practical and proven way left to guarantee we can still save and salvage whatever we can for a livable future.
14. Be sure to read the technical notes further down this page. This will help you verify the validity of the 2025 targets and the many compensatory and corrective calculations behind them.
15. The life and death and last chance for humanity reason we must get close to these targets is a bit of complex climate science, but it is explained in simple detail on this page. Please read the climate science for why it is so vital we hit these survival-critical targets before it is too late.
(Many key areas of this document were derived from the Climageddon extinction scenario and countdown document. It breaks down the complex global warming processes at the next level to help prove to you that the technical details above are accurate. If you have not yet read about the six phases of the Climageddon extinction scenario, which will take you level-by-level through the consequence and timetable details as humanity moves ever closer to extinction, we strongly recommend doing do so now by clicking here.)
In a nutshell:
This article has laid out the facts behind why we have only until 2025 to reduce global fossil fuel use sufficiently to come as close as possible to meeting the 2025 global targets. Each year we fail to hit these targets, the target for the remaining years goes up by the percentage of the missed target from the previous year, making the likelihood of meeting these targets more doubtful.
If we fail, we lose effective and meaningful control of our global warming future. We will have lost control of our future because of complex climate momentum factors, human inertia factors, as well as passing over the carbon 425-450 tipping point. Once we pass over the carbon 425-450 tipping point, we will rapidly trigger additional extinction-accelerating global warming tipping points.
Because of 60 years of ineffective climate action, the only way we can now reach the required global fossil fuel reductions in time to save about 50% (or less) of humanity from extinction is to enact immediate government-enforced rationing of all fossil fuel use in all nations. This rationing would be restricted according to the 2025 target amounts discussed above.
Why are only a few of the world's thousands of environmental groups promoting the real 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets and deadlines?
The most correct answer is that most of these environmental groups have been cleverly and invisibly deceived into accepting the incorrect analysis and interpretations of current global warming research by hidden vested interests and compromised bureaucratic "authorities."
Click here to read about how our current grossly inadequate global fossil fuel reduction targets are being presented to the general public. These targets have been twisted and promoted by hidden vested interests who have literally "cooked the books" and the proper calculations needed for honest and accurate targets.
Click here to read about other key systemic global warming consequences and timetable deceptions.
After reading the above two links, you now know why so many groups are promoting the wrong global fossil fuel reduction targets and deadlines. Please do everything you can to get the information on this page to these groups and the world's politicians!
A quick and simple way you can immediately help get us closer to achieving the challenging 2025 targets
Only a handful of ecological organizations are promoting the real 2025 targets. If you have a connection to any of the following ecological groups, Greenpeace, World Wildlife Fund,, the Sierra Club (or any other major environmental organizations around the world), please help get the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets information to them. Directly ask them to adjust their educational and promotional materials accordingly.
We are facing enormous challenges trying to achieve the 2025 fossil fuel reduction targets with so little time left. The last thing we need is the leaders in environmental education, providing out-of-date, incorrect, or fossil fuel lobbyists twisted global fossil fuel reduction targets and wrong deadlines!
Job One for Humanity needs your personal help in reaching every major environmental group on the planet with the correct 2025 targets. At least this way, everyone in the environmental movement is aiming at the correct destination on the correct deadlines.
If we can't make this happen with educational organizations fully dedicated to saving the environment, humanity, the animals, and other biological species, how will we ever get our politicians on to achieving the correct 2025 global reduction targets? (When you do this educational action, be sure to be a respectful disruptor described in this link.)
The hard facts for why we must press on and get as close to the 2025 targets as possible in spite of all the above challenges
If we do get close to the 2025 targets, most of humanity will suffer and die due to starvation over a relatively short period (by mid-century.) As horrible as most of humanity and a lot of animals and biological life suffering and dying is, this outcome is still far better than having all of humanity suffer and die if we fail to reach or come very close to the 2025 targets.
There are only three things we can always be sure of during this global warming emergency. In spite of all of the challenges and adverse global warming outcomes that are possible and discussed above and on this website, the single constant truth for the best possible outcome for humanity is that; the faster and more we reduce global fossil fuel use toward meeting or getting as close as possible to the 2025 targets:
a. the more people that will survive longer to carry on humanity, life, and our beautiful civilization into the future (See Parts 3 and 4 of the Job One Plan for how to do this.)
b. the surviving future generations will suffer far less from an ever-increasing sequence of escalating global warming consequences and catastrophes, and
c. we will "buy" ourselves more time to prepare and adapt to what we can no longer avoid (see the global warming Plan B and survival kit here.)
More people surviving longer and more people having time to prepare themselves, their families, and their businesses for what is coming is an undeniable good, particularly when you weigh it against the unavoidable consequences of doing nothing or failing to make the needed sacrifices to get global warming under control.
Click here to see where we are today on the Climate Change and Global Warming Doomsday Clock.
Important technical details on the calculations and compensations for how the 2025 targets were created
Here are the technical facts, footnotes, and disclosures which affect the validity of the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets described at the top of this document. Many global warming educational organizations are using a different climate change and global warming Doomsday Clock date. They are promoting that all nations of the world have to reduce their total fossil fuel use by 50% by 2030. This 2030 date is dead wrong for many reasons.
One of the biggest reasons is that this 2030 target date ignores principles of equity, responsibility for harm caused, and social justice. It demands that all of the undeveloped, poorer nations reduce their annual fossil fuel use the same 50% amount as all of the wealthy and developed nations. This demand for the same amount of fossil fuel reduction is even though the wealthy developed nations have caused almost all of the global warming and atmospheric carbon pollution problems that we now face.
The correct 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets mentioned further above allow the poorer, undeveloped nations to cut their annual fossil fuel use considerably less than the wealthy developed nations. Yet, we all still get to the overall 2025 critical global targets.
There are also many other reasons those organizations still promoting the erroneous 2030 Doomsday Clock global fossil fuel reduction targets are wrong. These other reasons are found in the numbered Technical Notes section found further below.
The following technical information is for fellow researchers and techies who want the detail behind the calculations and factors involved in calculating the 2025 fossil fuel reduction targets listed at the top of the page. This technical information is also useful in that it also shows you what is missing or wrong with the "too little too late" 2050, 2040, and 2035 global fossil fuel reduction targets and doomsday deadlines also being promoted by governments, the United Nations, and quite a few other environmental groups.
Here are the qualifying and essential facts and factors relevant to calculating the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets:
1. The core science and base calculations behind the 2025 fossil fuel targets described on this page are based on the work of renowned climatologist Kevin Anderson. Kevin is one of the few climatologists unafraid to speak the "truth to power" and show the errors within the highly politicized calculations of "authorities" like the United Nation's IPCC. Using his calculations as our starting base we then allowed for additional factors being added or compensated for that even Kevin Anderson did not allow for in his calculations. You will see the additional factors and corrections described in the rest of these technical notes.
(Here are the links to the two videos by climate Prof. Kevin Anderson discussing in detail the REAL fossil fuel reduction calculations needed. Click here for the first professor Anderson video. Click Here for the second professor Anderson video.)
2. Like almost all other 2050-2040 2035 and 2030 fossil fuel reduction targets, the above 2025 global fossil fuel reduction amounts and calculations also do not include any of the false and grossly misleading atmospheric carbon capture technology reduction calculations and "compensations" currently being included in our current international fossil fuel reduction calculations and the fossil fuel reduction treaties. These future carbon capture compensations are being used by "trusted authorities" like the IPCC, (the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, ) almost all governments and environmental groups.
The IPCC's newest global fossil fuel reduction target and deadline is "a global reduction in all fossil fuel use by 40% by 2030." This 40% level is far too little, far too late to save use from grave danger in the future.
The reasons the IPCC targets and 2030 deadline are far too little far too late in part is as follows:
a. The current IPCC carbon capture calculations reverse backward into today's IPCC's calculations extensive compensatory fossil fuel use allowances for what our current fossil fuel reductions should be. They base these allowances for burning more fossil fuel today because of the unproven future atmospheric carbon removal success of negative emission technologies (NETs.)
Yes, that does not make sense. Quite unbelievably, the IPPC relies upon that NETs may be put into successful operation at the proper scale sometime after 2050 for the carbon allowances they using today in today's reduction targets. (NETs are also sometimes called BECCS (bio-energy with carbon capture and storage.)
This also means that these miraculous and nonexistent atmospheric carbon removal technologies will not be deployed in time to meet the survival-critical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.
The IPCC's current mathematical reliance upon these "will be working after 2050 magical "carbon sucking unicorns" when setting today's reduction targets, allows the IPCC and the governments of the world to delude the general public as to the real nature of the worldwide warming extinction emergency. It also enables the IPCC to foist bogus and grossly inadequate current carbon reduction targets upon unsuspecting populations.
This also allows unsuspecting national populations to believe they are safe when, in fact, they are in grave peril.
These false IPCC calculations have also fooled most of the world's largest environmental groups. They have also relied on the IPCC's estimates for the current global fossil fuel reduction calculations. These false IPCC calculations are allowing the fossil fuel industries and fossil fuel-producing nations to continue with "business as usual" while the rest of the society believes there is no or little urgency for reaching the 2025 global targets listed above.
The carbon capture technologies (NETs) which are currently projected by the IPCC to eventually keep (or return) the average global temperature to near 2°C do so by removing about 100 gigatons of carbon from the atmosphere. With no scientific testing at scale, the IPCC also believes that these magical carbon-sucking unicorns operating sometime after 2050 can remove 100 gigatons of carbon from the atmosphere without any disastrous or even worse side effects.
To help you get an idea of just how big our atmospheric carbon capture problem is, consider that one gigatonne or metric gigaton (unit of mass) is equal to 1,000,000,000 metric tons. One hundred gigatons would equal 100 billion metric tons or 100,000,000,000 metric tons.
Carbon capture is an important and complex issue that should not be relevant to setting the correct and honest current global fossil fuel reduction targets to save humanity and the future. Please click here for the whole crazy story about how these "magical carbon sucking unicorns" are being used to "cook the books" for the critical fossil fuel reduction calculations by the IPCC, the world's governments, and most of the world's environmental organizations to set (or promote,) the current global fossil fuel reduction calculations.
We need honest reduction calculations we can use today based on today's resources and technology, not some theoretical calculations based on an unproven and unscaled, new technology that may or may not exist in 2050!
b. Unfortunately, our governments also have been giving global warming predictions and fossil fuel reduction calculations that include a 25-40% underestimation factor. They have also been not including any calculations for any of the 11 key tipping points being crossed.
When you add these two factors back into the prediction calculations to correct them, it becomes obvious that if we miss our 2025 reduction targets, we will be facing our worst higher temperature nightmares far faster than we are even remotely prepared. To read about the politicizing of the science and math in the United Nations calculations as well as their underestimation and tipping point exclusion errors, click here.
3. The above 2025 reduction calculations also do not include any extra reduction percentage or calculations for the massive spikes in carbon and methane emissions. These spikes will occur when we closely approach or cross new permafrost and tundra melting global warming tipping points.
To be safe, the 2025 percentages for fossil fuel emissions reduction should be significantly higher by another 10-15% to allow for approaching or crossing more global warming tipping points. Not allowing any fossil fuel reduction compensatory calculations for any tipping point crossing issues amounts to planning for perfection. Planning for perfection is always planning to fail. Click here to learn more about the tipping points that will suddenly release massive additional amounts of carbon and methane into the atmosphere.
4. The 2025 reduction calculations above are based on current and projected carbon CO2 levels in the atmosphere provided by the United Nations. They do not show the total levels of all greenhouse gases now in our atmosphere as tracked by CO2e. (CO2e measures ALL major greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.)
Because the calculations above also do not include the necessary reductions for methane and the other greenhouse gases as tracked by CO2e, the reduction calculations above probably should also be increased by another 2 to 4%. This additional 2 to 4% reduction would in part, allow for the factor that methane is 86 times more potent for increasing global warming than carbon as Co2 in our atmosphere. As shocking as it sounds, methane releases into the atmosphere from fracking or natural gas distribution is seldom measured or regulated by countries worldwide, including the US.
5. The above 2025 fossil fuel reduction targets also do not include any of the fossil fuel emissions currently produced by all import-export activities between nations. These extra emissions are significant because ocean cargo ships, trains, planes and other methods used for international import-export transport produce a lot of all global fossil fuel emissions. For some reason which defies logic, those scientists charged by the governments to measure and regulate global fossil fuel emissions also have carved out a political exemption for measuring or regulating this particular category of emissions, which could be up to 2 % of the world's total fossil fuel emissions.
6. To make the above 2025 reduction calculations work to save humanity from extinction, both China and India can no longer be considered developing nations. They must be required to make the same fossil fuel reduction targets as all other developed nations. This inclusion is necessary at this time because they are producing far too much of the world's total carbon emissions. China is already the world's largest fossil fuel polluter. There will be no way to meet the already severe fossil fuel reduction targets if they are not placed into the developed nation's category.
7. There are no effective international climate justice agreements regarding the differences in required fossil fuel reductions between developed and developing nations. All that exists today, which considers equity, and existing global warming treaty responsibilities is the usually ignored and unenforceable UNFCCC treaty.
This is the treaty most of the world signed and ratified. Its operating principles began with "Parties should protect the climate system for the benefit of present and future generations of humankind, on the basis of equity and in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities." The problem here is there is that no treaty agreement specifies the proportionate remedial responsibilities based on who did the damage. There is also no treaty on the required differences in fossil fuel reductions that each developed or developing country must make.
To make matters worse, the US and many other nations are currently not abiding by existing fossil fuel reduction treaties. Due to the nature of this emergency, to resolve current inadequacies and the inadequacies of past global warming treaties and agreements, it was necessary to come up with at least something valid, workable, and just reduction calculation that could be put into action immediately. This is our plan where developing nations were given far less initial fossil fuel reduction requirements and a longer time to reach net-zero carbon emissions. In short, the 2025 reductions mentioned above are REAL and necessary, and they can work to avert the extinction threat.
8. Having carbon neutrality, or a net-zero carbon footprint means achieving net-zero carbon emissions by balancing any measured amounts of carbon dioxide C02 released into the atmosphere with an equivalent measured quantity of carbon dioxide taken from the atmosphere and being captured for long-term storage (see carbon sequestration). In the Job One Plan, this carbon capture and sequestration(CCS) should happen almost exclusively through our already-existing natural biological, chemical, and physical processes. (See this definition of global warming for illustrations on how the climate's heat controlling systems and processes handle carbon capture and sequestration among other things).
Net-zero carbon emissions by 2035 or sooner for developed nations and 2045 or sooner for developing nations is a challenging subgoal to achieve. It will also require that strong financial disincentives be placed on fossil fuel use as well as keeping almost all existing fossil fuels in the ground and never burned (coal, oil, natural gas, tar sands, etc.) While doing this, we will also have to be heavily incentivizing natural carbon sequestration methods, as discussed in Part 3 of the Job One Plan.
9. Once we get to net-zero carbon emissions by 2035 for the developed nations, and 2045 for the developing nations we still aren't safe. There is much left to get done to restore our climate's long-term natural atmospheric carbon balance back down to around carbon 270-300 ppm (its preindustrial level.)
10. The Job One Plan or any other legitimate plans for achieving net-zero carbon emissions also does not endorse Cap and Trade methods of arriving at net zero carbon and carbon-neutrality through offset schemes. Current Cap and Trade methods are too often a disguise for "business as usual." They will not get us to the critical fossil fuel reduction levels we need in the extremely limited time left to keep us from crossing the carbon 600 ppm extinction tipping point. In Job One's targeted version of getting to carbon-neutrality, we use a method called Fee and Dividend (discussed in part three of our Job One Plan.) In our plan, you will not be able to buy Cap and Trade carbon credits to make up the difference and achieve net-zero carbon emissions through buying offsets because that inevitably promotes more fossil fuel burning.
11. Net-zero carbon emission calculations from fossil fuel use by 2035 in developed and developing countries could allow for a minimal amount of fossil fuel use for agriculture and medical uses.
12. The required fossil fuel reduction calculations discussed above are based on attempting to keep the average global temperature from rising two degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels. It is calculated that if we cross that 2°C maximum levels of average global temperature increase above the preindustrial level, somehow we will be able to control the extremely slippery slope which will quickly lead us to 3, 4, and 5° Celsius increases in average global temperature.
13. The reason undeveloped nations have considerably lower 2025 fossil fuel reduction targets is because of the principles of climate justice. Put simply; they have added so little carbon fossil fuel pollution to the atmosphere compared with the countries in the illustration below. The difference between the big polluters who primarily have caused today's global warming extinction emergency and the low-level polluting nations is staggering.
There is additional strong evidence beyond what has been discussed above that; even if we are successful in achieving the 2025 targets, the average global temperature will still rise to 3°C and likely beyond with many unavoidable and horrendous consequences. This 3°C and beyond means that we have a real problem as far as making only the above-required fossil fuel reductions.
We have to make the required 2025 fossil fuel reductions no matter what! It is also highly likely that even those steep fossil fuel reductions are still not enough to avoid unthinkable suffering or the wide-scale reduction of the human population by as much as 50%.
On the other side of this painful quandary is an even scarier fact. If we do not make the 2025 targets, it is very likely that we will lose nearly everybody in as little as 30 to 50 years. In 30-50 years, as much as 70 to 90% of humanity (if not all,) will suffer and die.
What other choice do we have other than to make the required 2025 fossil fuel reductions while at the same time knowing we're probably going to have to make even steeper fossil fuel reductions as more research becomes available?
What we do know is this. No matter what, and in spite of all of the challenges and adverse outcomes that are possible, the single constant truth for the best possible global warming outcome is that the faster and more we reduce global fossil fuel use:
a. the more people we will survive to carry on our civilization, and
b. that future generations will suffer less from the ever-increasing sequence of global warming consequences (as described fully in what is called the Climageddon Extinction Scenario and countdown.)
13. The above 2025 critical fossil fuel reduction targets are still significantly lower than they should be. The 2025 global fossil fuel reduction amounts described at the top of the page are the minimum essential starting reduction amounts. Based on numerous uncalculated factors and conditions described in 1-12 above, they should be significantly higher.
Based on the best current science from climate Professors like Kevin Anderson, the 2025 targets and deadlines above at least, are far closer to what we must do, and we have to start somewhere. These new working fossil fuel targets and timelines are based on both good science and climate justice and must now replace our current ridiculously impotent governmental and IPCC (UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) global warming reduction targets and deadlines.
If we really wanted to be completely safe and if we took into consideration all of the other calculation mistakes and inclusion or exclusion factors that were not considered, we probably should be targeting 80 to 85% fossil fuel reductions in all developed nations by 2025 (or earlier.) This would also require a modification to net-zero carbon in all developed nations by around 2032 or earlier. Higher fossil fuel reduction adjustments also would need to be made for the targets in developing nations that would be aligned with that which was re-targeted for developed nations. And finally,
14. In all fairness, it is critical to also candidly discuss just how enormously difficult it will be to reach the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. Unfortunately, because of our:
1. lack of progress over the last 60 years,
2. the ongoing global denial that global warming is real, and
3. the several dozen other reasons described on this 2025 many challenges page, it is highly probable that we will not be successful in achieving the 2025 targets. (Please see this detailed 2025 challenges page to understand why our probable failure to reach the 2025 targets is our most likely future.)
15. It also should be noted that many, many climate scientists have had the courage to say we are already well past the point of effectively stopping global warming from reaching a 2 degree Celcius increase in average global temperature (above our pre-industrial temperature levels.) When our average global temperature reaches a 2 degree Celcius increase, we have crossed over the last carbon 425-450 ppm battle line. This means that the mass extinction-accelerating global warming tipping points described on this page will soon be triggered.
In essence, what these "it is already too late" climate scientists are now saying is:
a. We have already gone past the midnight hour on the Climate Change and Global Warming Doomsday Clock.
b. All we can do now is prepare for and adapt to the horrible list of consequences described in this article.
c. We will not be able to avoid a mass extinction event and die-off. And,
d. The only thing our governments (not us as individuals) can still do is slow, save, and salvage what we can to still prevent a global heating-driven near-total extinction event. To do this, they need to slow down the accelerating rise in global temperature from the rate that it is now. This will allow more of us to survive a little bit longer to get prepared. (On this page, you will find our Plan B for how to prepare for and adapt to the many consequences we can no longer change.)
Our organization, which has done over a decade of extensive research analysis on the global warming emergency and which has created this Doomsday Clock, has also aligned itself with the many climate scientists who have said we are well past the point of effectively stopping global warming from reaching a 2 degree Celcius increase. (On this page you will find the almost two dozen reasons why our organization now also believes that global warming has gone out of our reasonable control and that we will face unavoidable mass extinction with just a few decades.)
If that is our current position, it is only natural to wonder why we have also created and are promoting the Climate Change and Global Warming Doomsday Clock? The answer is simple.
We wanted to promote the extreme urgency of the global warming extinction emergency so that our governments finally begin to significantly reduce global fossil fuel use to at least slow down the current global warming acceleration curve enough to prevent a near-total extinction event. Also, if more people understand the urgency of our emergency, they also will do what they can to slow it down and, they will have more time to prepare for and adapt to the upcoming horrific global warming consequences. As this happens more of humanity and civilization can also survive longer and most importantly, we still have a chance to avoid near-total extinction. It is just that simple! (Click here to see the many effective government actions needed to slow down the near-total extinction nightmare so more of us can survive longer.
16. The Global emissions target illustrated below did not happen before 2025. The average global temperature above pre-industrial level is already at 1.59°C as of January 3, 2025. Humanity is now in very deep trouble and none of our governments are doing anything effective to protect our futures!
In every situation and in spite of all of the obstacles, the only way we save any part of a liveable future is to cut fossil fuel use to meet or get very close to the 2025 targets. These 2025 reductions will slow things down enough so that we have time to prepare, migrate, and adapt as well as possible.
No matter what, we must do whatever we can and make the best of a horrible escalating emergency that may already be out of our control for decades.
It's time to get started on the effective Job One for Humanity Plan to try to meet the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. Start it today!
Now that you understand how bad things are, please help us get the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction goals met by signing this global warming extinction emergency petition now. (It only takes a few minutes.)
What our climate change think tank is doing to deal with the problem of insufficient global fossil fuel reductions being made or likely to be made
Because of of the many intensifying and unavoidable climate change consequences arriving soon, we have entered a time when emergency preparation and adaptation for these climate catastrophes is mandatory for survival. Consequently, our think tank research team and many of our volunteers have transferred more of their time and resources over to:
1. climate change preparation, adaptation, and resilience-building actions for their families.
2. helping to forward the much larger climate change preparation and adaptation actions of the worldwide collaboration called Climatesafe Villages. And,
3. focusing on the Climate Justice Now program because we believe it has a reasonable chance to help humanity get to the minimum global fossil fuel reductions that will at least save 30% to, at worst, 2% of humanity.
About the Job One for Humanity nonprofit organization and climate analysis think tank
Job One for Humanity is a not-for-profit climate change think tank that provides a unique "big picture" and holistic view of the many inter-connected and inter-dependent climate systems creating our current climate change emergency. We analyze recent climate change research for errors, omissions, and unrecognized patterns across the many consequences, timeframes, and suggested remedies of the multiple systems involved in the climate change crisis.
Unlike other climate change educational organizations, we provide prioritized, time-accurate, and critical-path solutions to the climate change emergency. These solutions are based upon the most accurate global fossil fuel reduction targets and the most dangerous climate change and global warming tipping point deadlines we currently face.
Job One for Humanity is also an all-volunteer non-profit organization, which is very rare these days. Our volunteers are independent, self-organizing individuals who have a passion for fixing climate change before it is too late.
The core of our organization is made up of think tank climate research analysts who have also volunteered their time. In many ways, one could think of us as a crowd-sourced think tank. Our volunteers also self-organize and coordinate to handle our social media, marketing, research, events, and even accounting. Our volunteers do all of the blog postings as they have done for years.
Click here to see a useful profile of our members and the audience of visitors who will most benefit from our website.
Special Update:
In March of 2022, Job One For Humanity reviewed current climate science and updated its position on climate change. It concluded that a climate change-triggered extinction event of about half of humanity by mid-century is now unavoidable! This widespread mass extinction event will be caused by the primary and secondary climate change consequences described on this page.
This first extinction-level will result from mass starvation due to climate change-related crop failures, low crop yields, soaring food prices, and growing regional conflicts as tens of millions of starving climate refugees seek to find new homes to eat and survive.
Worse yet, if humanity does not get close to making the required radical global fossil fuel use reductions (as described in detail on this 2025 global targets page,) humanity will face the second extinction level of near-total extinction beginning as soon as 2070.
The above climate change facts are currently being censored or altered by the actions of powerful fossil fuel industry lobbyists upon the media and our governments. Yet, widely visible climate change consequences and current climate science-based predictions support the above statements as accurate.
We have had to update our mission goals because of the preceding and increasingly severe global climate change consequences. We have shifted to helping individuals, families, and businesses move to a higher focus on preparing, adapting, and building climate resilience and other kinds of resilience in all of their and our essential life-supporting systems.
Accordingly, we have updated our mission and goals to help individuals, families, and businesses to:
a. prepare for, adapt to, and build enhanced resilience to survive climate change's ongoing catastrophic or unavoidable consequences while time remains to do so,
while simultaneously,
b. hard pressing our governments to radically cut global fossil fuel use to meet the 2025 global targets to slow down global climate change sufficiently so that more of humanity can live a little longer and more securely.
And, if by some very remote chance we can get close to meeting the survival-critical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets,
c. we actively support the building of many sustainable urban and rural communities worldwide that:
1. might allow at least some small part of humanity to potentially survive through the coming climate-change-propelled global collapse, extinction, and potential rebirth cycle and process, and,
2. might learn from and apply the hard climate change and other economic and political consequences, which will happen to us because of the final consequences of our current highly unsustainable and inequitable lives.
Our future depends on how fast we fix climate change. Our next 3 to 9 years will determine the future survival of humanity. (If you would like to see the analysis of many factors that bought us to the realization that, at best, climate change is only 3-9 years away (2025-2031) from going out of our control for centuries to millennia, click here.)
We understand that the above is a distressing and problematic climate update. But, the good news is, if our governments mass mobilizes and gets us close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, we still will be able to save as much as half of humanity! We will also be able to save many of the plant and animal species and other living systems of our beautiful planet.
So, let's get busy and work together to save what we need to survive and what we dearly love.
Click here to see all of the reasons why a mass extinction event by mid-century is mathematically, economically, and politically unavoidable.)
Additional technical information to further prove to you that mass human extinction and economic, political, and social chaos from the accelerating consequences of global warming will become a reality within our lifetimes:
If you are interested in understanding the climate science and analysis procedures we used to present the above information, click here for a technical explanation of our climate research process.
20 worst consequences of global warming
global warming's 11 key tipping points
Why we have failed to fix global warming for 60 years. (How fossil fuel-producing nations and fossil fuel industry lobbyists have "cooked the books," making us believe we were safe when we were not.)
Why carbon-sucking NETs won't save us in time.
If you still don't believe that once we go over the carbon 425-450 tipping point, we are basically locked into continually increasing temperatures for as much as the next 30-50 years, click here.
For those who may still believe that we can miss the last chance 2025 targets and still be safe, our organization has described what will happen in far greater detail than above in what we call the 6 phase Climageddon extinction scenario and countdown. Click here to read the Climageddon extinction scenario and countdown document.)
Click here to see where we are today on the Climate Change and Global Warming Doomsday Clock.
Click here if you are a victim of climate change damage or loss and you want to get financial and other forms of restitution for the damages you have suffered.
Are you still Feeling Sad, Angry, or Anxious About Global Warming or hitting the 2025 Global Targets? Here is What to do next.
Click this link and start feeling better.
Please send this article to politicians and social media all over the world. Ask your politicians what they are doing to prevent the coming mass extinction of most of humanity by mid-century?
Ask them why they are not adequately managing the greatest threat multiplier and global problem amplifier of the 21st century by enacting the governmental steps described here!
For answers to all of your remaining questions about climate change and global warming, click here for our new climate change FAQ. It has over one hundred of the most asked questions and answers about climate change.
Written by the research staff at
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The Job One for Humanity Website Was Created for You!
Last Updated 11.15.23
Job One for Humanity, founded in 2008, is a non-profit, 100% publicly funded, independent climate change think tank. It provides a holistic "big picture" climate overview and uncensored dialectical meta-systemic analysis of the inter-connected and inter-dependent climate systems and sub-systems creating our current climate change and runaway global heating emergency.
Job One For Humanity is also active in researching climate change justice issues, particularly concerning helping victims of climate change get financial restitution from the global fossil fuel cartel perpetrators of the climate change emergency. Job One also maintains a list of worldwide law firms and lawsuits filed against the global fossil fuel cartel members for climate change damages.
Our organization supplies research-grounded climate change consequence analysis, timeframes, risk assessment, and solutions to educational, climate, and environmental organizations worldwide without charge. We also provide a fee-based climate analysis risk assessment and solutions service to insurance companies, governments, and businesses affected by climate change emergencies.
According to Google statistics and other traffic tracking tools, over 5 million individuals have visited our climate change think tank over the last five years to review our uncensored, unbiased, and non-politicized climate change analysis and research. Scores of Internet climate newsgroups also regularly display, like, and comment upon our original climate analysis posts.
This welcome page will quickly familiarize you with our main types of audiences, members, and volunteers, as well as what we do and how we do it. At the end of this page is a link that will take you to your recommended action steps for managing and fixing our accelerating climate change emergency.
What Types of Individuals and Organizations Will Most Benefit from Our Nonprofit, Fully Independent, Climate Change Think Tank Analysis and Educational Website?
Are you or your organization on this list below?
1. Fellow climate change researchers and scientists.
2. Smart individuals who have few problems reading climate science and who usually see major problems long before others and plan wisely to avoid them. They hate suffering unnecessarily, particularly the same consequences as those far less observant. (Unfortunately, these individuals are only a tiny portion of the population (about 2-5%.) Most people learn to get out of the way of harmful future consequences only after suffering through them because they did not anticipate or plan for them.)
3. Individuals who were already caught unprepared in previous climate change disasters and have suffered significant personal and financial loss. They want to know more about the accelerating and worsening climate change emergency so they do not get caught unprepared again.
4. Observant, intelligent, or open-minded individuals that are both aware and brave enough to acknowledge that things in the world are not going well (i.e., accelerating climate change, ecological disasters, resource shortages, pollution, social inequity, etc.) They know these global challenges will likely worsen before they improve, which will be very bad for society and their personal future if they are NOT well-informed and prepared.
5. Individuals also know that as things worsen, they want to be around others with similar values and goals who are well-prepared. (Click here to see our building sustainable new climate change-resilient communities project called ClimateSafe Villages, which are communities designed to survive the worst of accelerating climate change.)
6. Individuals looking for information because they are considering relocation or migration to global warming safer areas because of the accelerating consequences of the climate change emergency.
7. Eco-Preppers, progressive preppers, climate change preppers, and traditional Preppers interested in managing the growing effects of global warming and our 11 other global crises. These individuals already know or sense hard climate times are coming. They sense they must begin (or continue) preparing and adapting for even worse climate consequences.
8. Individuals who already can see the many post-climate change emergency benefits to society and the future (even a possible new Great Global Rebirth) once we finally get the global warming emergency under control, and finally,
9. Individuals who are not in denial about the climate change emergency and who already see in climate science how bad global heating consequences are going to get.
10. Climate activists and climate change educational organizations such as Greta Thunberg, Extinction Rebellion, Fridays for the Future, Climate Mobilization, etc.
11. Insurance companies and other corporations whose future profits depend upon reducing losses from climate change-related primary and secondary consequences. (We do not accept any consulting work from any fossil fuel-related corporations due to their long history of greenwashing and co-opting or diluting the fossil fuel use reduction activities of nonprofit or for-profit organizations in which they become involved.
12. Individuals who may not be science people but whose generally reliable intuition is quietly nagging them about the climate emergency. They sense that they will soon need to make some changes to prepare for and adapt to an accelerating climate change emergency.
13. Individuals who know, believe, or sense that the long overdue climate change bill has come due and that this means many unavoidable and catastrophic climate change consequences.
14. Individuals who want to learn the facts about climate change and find an effective plan to reduce climate change.
15. sustainability advocates, environmentalists,
16. cultural or spiritual progressives, individuals who see themselves as global citizens, and the climate emergency as a crisis that must be fixed from a global perspective.
Even if you are not one of the individuals described above, it doesn't matter if it was luck or a personal referral that caused you to find our website. Reviewing the climate information on it will help make your future more secure and safe and help reduce the anxiety that you may feel about the future.
Our website was designed to help those individuals who are both open and wise enough to learn about major catastrophes before they happen. They want to be prepared, adapt, or get out of the way. Our website and mission is to work with those individuals and organizations that are cooperative, supportive, and effectively seek to win the climate change emergency.
For example, imagine you were a Jew and living in Germany before Hitler rose to power. You somehow also learned about what was about to happen with the Final Solution. You wisely then prepared and migrated out of Europe before the Holocaust occurred. Like those people and organizations who warned the Jews before the Nazi Holocaust so they should get prepared, adapt, or migrate, Job One for Humanity also serves to warn you about the many global climate change-related primary and secondary consequences arriving soon.
Who is not our audience?
Our website was not intended or designed for individuals under 13 years old. We believe that the grave nature of the climate change extinction emergency information on our website is not for children under 13 years pld. We believe that children under 13 should not have to deal with extinction-level climate change issues that they cannot change. This adult and young adult information would only disturb the peace and happiness normal and natural to their childhood with no obvious benefits.
Our role and your role at Job One for Humanity, the natural division of climate change solution labor
Our role as a non-profit educational climate think tank is to provide unpoliticized, uncensored, and accurate climate research information and analysis. We are not information marketing people, in-the-street climate protestors, activists, or for profit business managers. We are climate researchers, analysts, and educators only.
Our limited climate research and analysis role means that ALL website visitors, members, and volunteers must share the climate information and analysis they discover on our website for us! If they do not, our uncensored climate information will not reach enough people to make a difference before it is too late.
Without the hundreds of thousands of our annual visitors taking up their survival-critical role in distributing our climate information and analysis, there is little hope Humanity can avoid soon-arriving, near-total extinction climate catastrophes. So please do your part!
Actively and aggressively share and spread the climate information and analysis found oil our website and, where appropriate, become climate activists helping us to create honest climate solutions.
An Important Update to our Mission and Goals
Our overall mission strategy is always based on the principle of focusing on working wholeheartedly toward the best possible climate outcomes while also simultaneously being aware of and preparing for the worst possible climate outcomes.
In March of 2022, Job One For Humanity once again reviewed the climate science and updated its position on climate change and the runaway global heating emergency. It concluded that:
As the result of ignoring 60 years of valid scientific warnings and our not resolving the climate change and rising global heating emergency, we have already locked ourselves into the beginning phase of runaway global warming and the unavoidable extinction of about half of humanity by mid-century. Mass human extinction is now inevitable and unavoidable because we have already gone over the runaway global heating climate cliff when we reached the carbon 386 ppm level. Unfortunately, at our current carbon 420+ ppm level, we are making our extinction occur faster because we will cross even more climate tipping points and amplify climate feedback loops at faster rates.
The good news is that we can still save much of the other half of humanity, but only if we get close to reaching the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets as soon as possible. The even better news is that when we finally fix runaway global heating, there will be many positive benefits and possibly a Great Global Rebirth.
(The above is also our core message.)
This first mass extinction-level event of about half of humanity by mid-century will result primarily from mass starvation due to climate change-related crop failures, low crop yields, and soaring food prices. It will also be caused by growing resource shortages and increasing regional and national conflicts as tens of millions of starving climate refugees seek to find new homes.
If humanity does not get close to making the required and radical 2025 global fossil fuel use reductions (as described in detail on this global targets page,) humanity will also face an even worse second extinction-level of near-total extinction beginning as soon as 2070. (Click here to discover why total human extinction is not realistic or probable, and the worst humanity could possibly experience is near-total extinction (about 50 to 90+% of humanity going extinct.)
Accordingly, we have had to update our prior mission and goals because of the preceding and the increasingly severe global climate change and global heating consequences. Because the likelihood of coming close to the 2025 global targets for fossil fuel reduction is currently so low, part of our mission upgrade was to create a new Plan B for the runaway global heating extinction emergency.
With our new Plan B, while we are still working diligently on preventing near-total extinction, we have shifted a significant amount of our mission focus to also helping individuals, families, and businesses to become aware that they now need to start preparing themselves physically, emotionally, and psychologically for what can no longer be avoided; the extinction of about half of humanity by mid-century.
We are actively helping them adapt and build climate resilience (and other kinds of resilience) both in their homes and businesses and in essential local, regional, and national systems. Our new Plan B reflects our upgraded mission and focuses on maximizing all the possible human, biological and ecological good within our extremely difficult and painful current climate position by:
A. preparing for, adapting to, and building enhanced human and biological resilience to survive climate change's ongoing catastrophic or unavoidable consequences while time remains to do so. This getting prepared step also means that it is time to educate and prepare humanity for the many huge sacrifices we have to make to get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. And it is also time to start preparing humanity for the unimaginable and unavoidable, soon-arriving suffering.
while simultaneously working to prevent the worst consequences by,
B. pressing our governments hard and continuously to enforce radically cutting global fossil fuel use to get close to the 2025 global targets to slow down runaway global heating sufficiently so that we can avoid near-total human and biological extinction and more of humanity can live a little longer and more securely. (We can no longer save half of humanity, but we still have a chance to save much of the rest of humanity.)
C. pressing our governments for the creation of effective global climate governance that has the power to make effective global climate law with the ability to verify, enforce, and punish violators. Without effective global climate governance, we will never be able to at least:
1. slow down the current climate-driven extinction and collapse,
2. manage the coming and now unavoidable climate-driven population collapse and sudden global decline, and
3. wisely and equitably create and manage the post-global heating collapse recovery processes.
But first and foremost, we must quickly force our governments to create effective global climate governance that has the power to make effective global climate law AND the ability to verify, enforce, and punish violators! Without this empowered global governance mechanism, we can not adequately reduce the climate risks and threats to minimize the effects of near-total extinction.
Runaway global heating is a global emergency that only can be fixed globally. If we do not get this global climate governance working soon, humanity will suffer far more than ever needed and worse than can be imagined.
D. And, if we do not get close to the survival-critical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, with the hope that a good portion of the human population will survive we:
1. help younger individuals and families migrate from high-risk global heating areas to safer areas before it is too late to make these moves, (We forward the position that younger generations (X.Y Z, and A) who did not create or ignore the runaway global heating extinction nightmare have a far greater right to occupy the remaining global heating safest lands and to survive longer.)
2. support building urban, rural and virtual new ecologically sustainable communities worldwide for our younger generations that we call ClimateSafe Villages that:
a. might also allow at least some small part of our younger generations to survive where they are currently living, through the coming climate-change-propelled global collapse, extinction, and possible rebirth process and cycle,
b. might learn from and apply the many hard lessons of runaway global heating and the other ecological, economic, and political consequences which will happen to us because of the ultimate consequences of our current overconsuming, highly unsustainable, and inequitable lives.
For the survivors in these ClimateSafe Villages eco-communities and their eco-communities to serve as "beacons of light" modeling the critical new ideas, values, new behaviors to eventually facilitate a Great Global Rebirth. To see what these new ideas, new values, and new behaviors for a better future might look like, click here and look at Benefit 2.
Click here for more information on the new ClimateSafe Villages Project.
(Please be aware that the continuous pain and suffering any survivors will go through is so immense and unimaginable that many survivors will wish they had died in the Great Global Collapse. For most, survival will be closer to a subsistence existence. Because surviving runaway global heating will be a living hell, we must lessen that hell for survivors by getting as close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets as is possible.)
3. help our governments develop crisis plans for managing the sudden and massive loss of life and unfolding social and economic chaos from now until mid-century from the unavoidable runaway global heating consequences. Click here for those plans.
Because of our 60 years of inaction and ineffective action on the global heating emergency, the informative creative destruction that will occur as half the human population unavoidably goes extinct is unconscionable and the greatest horror in human history. Yet, it is also an equally powerful opportunity to create a better world and even a great global rebirth. (To learn more about the many benefits, improvements, and new societal values that could emerge for humanity from this unsought-after evolutionary challenge and opportunity, click here.)
The Climate and Humanity's Future
Humanity's future depends on how fast we can slow and lessen the worst effects of the runaway global heating extinction emergency. Our next 3 to 9 years will determine humanity's future viability and survival. (If you would like to see the analysis of many factors that bought us to the realization that, at best, climate change is only 3-9 years away (2025-2031) from going out of our control for centuries to millennia, click here.)
We understand that the above is a distressing and problematic climate update. But, the good news is, if our governments mass mobilize and get us close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, we still will be able to save as much as half of humanity! We will also be able to save many of our beautiful planet's plant and animal species and other living systems.
So, let's get busy and work together to save and salvage what we need to survive and what we dearly love.
(Please note: The above climate and runaway global heating facts are currently being censored or altered by the actions of powerful fossil fuel industry lobbyists upon the media and our governments. Yet, widely visible climate and runaway global heating consequences and current climate science-based predictions support the above statements as accurate.)
The above-updated mission means that our primary organizational focus is to support and work with individuals and groups that are bravely facing our many unavoidable and severe global warming and environmental consequences, while at the same time, some of which are working to slow and lessen those consequences so we still have time to save and salvage as much of humanity and our civilization as we can.
Things are going so bad in global efforts to slow accelerating climate change that our nonprofit organization has recently focused our mission on serving those individuals and groups who want to adapt to, survive and thrive through the coming Great Global Collapse and the extinction of much of humanity.
The higher purpose for trying to adapt to and survive what is coming (beyond survival itself) is to take the painful lessons learned from the causes of the Great Die-off and the Great Global Collapse and use that wisdom to create a Great Global Rebirth for humanity's survivors. We are dedicated to doing everything we can to help individuals, groups, and their children survive this long-term climate nightmare so they may eventually birth a sustainable, just, and equitable global society.
Since 2008, the Job One for Humanity nonprofit organization has been educating about the global warming extinction emergency. Some websites believe you are too weak to deal with the increasingly bad global warming news, or they dummy down their information so much that it is nearly useless. They act like if they did tell you the disheartening new research concerning the global warming emergency, you will not stick around to help, volunteer, or donate.
We will never do that. Our nonprofit global warming educational organization will tell you what few other global warming websites will tell you.
We will always give you the most accurate and current science available, no matter how painful.
We will make it understandable with lots of illustrations.
We will always treat you as an adult who can deal with and manage the truth about our current global warming emergency. And,
We believe that once you do understand the science of this emergency, you will do your part to help us fix or adapt to it.
Our website is loaded with easy-to-understand illustrations, descriptions, and documentation. Our website illuminates the "big picture" physics and math-determined interactions of the climate's many complex adaptive systems.
More About Job One for Humanity does its climate analysis and projections
Job One for Humanity, founded in 2008, is a non-profit and independent climate change think tank that provides a "big picture" holistic view and analysis of the inter-connected and inter-dependent climate systems creating our current climate change emergency.
While we do not do in-house original climate research, we use the published research papers of independent and respected climate scientists and climate research from organizations like the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA.)
Many climate research papers and summary materials reviewed or used by this organization in its analysis, prediction, or recommendations are also found listed:
1. in this extensive but still partial master list of these related or relevant climate research papers and summaries.
2. in many available video presentations by the climate scientists or researchers describing their own research. Click here to see an example in the video of the renowned climate scientist Kevin Anderson presenting the climate emergency at Oxford.
3. in the body of many of our web pages, in the links on those pages, or in the end notes or technical notes found at the end of many pages.
We provide our climate and global heating educational information for individuals and organizations with the understanding that they will independently evaluate it and decide upon its usefulness and accuracy based on the best climate science and analysis currently available.
As an organization, we speak climate truth to power, and we always treat our visitors and members as adults who can process often painful facts. We candidly speak climate truth to power also because there is no time left to hide or sugar-cote the facts surrounding the runaway global heating emergency.
Our website pages offer an appropriate, proportional, and rational hope that we can still fix the climate and save humanity from the climate's worst possible extinction possibilities. We base this measured hope solely upon current climate science and advanced dialectical metasystemic analysis processes.
We are the only non-profit think tank telling the whole and unvarnished truth on how bad the runaway global warming extinction emergency will become and preparing individuals, businesses, and nations for the unavoidable, soon-arriving climate and global heating consequences.
All the runaway global heating and climate change remedial actions we recommend are provided on a self-motivated, self-organized, and self-directed, Do-It-Yourself (DIY) basis. Although we will answer climate questions and provide encouragement through our member support system, you are responsible for spreading the word and telling others about this website's climate information and tools. Responsibility for the preparations, adaptations, and global heating remedial actions necessary to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your business from what is coming remains as it should exclusively with you.
How Our Research, Review, and Dialectical Meta-Systemic Analysis Processes are Unique
Using the principles of system theory and dialectical meta-systemic thinking applied to the climate and global warming as a complex adaptive system composed of many systems and subsustems (ocean temperature and acidification, forests, soils, atmosphere, glaciers, sea ice, and ice shelves, ocean currents and the jet stream, tundra and snowpack conditions), we review and then analyze current and past climate change research and public climate summaries for:
1. errors,
2. omissions,
3. previously unrecognized positive connections or negative patterns in or between climate studies and the climate's systems and subsystems,
4. unseen interconnections or consequence connections within and between climate studies, and the climate's systems and subsystems,
5. the unseen or hidden politicization, censorship, or the watering down of climate science by governmental agencies or other types of agents or lobbyists in public climate summary reports.
The problems in 1-5 above can significantly affect the validity of current and future statements or positions concerning climate consequence timetables or the frequency, severity, and scale of climate consequences. Using system theory and dialectical metasystemic thinking applied to the climate as a complex adaptive system, we also review research papers and public statements on the climate for:
1. discernable or hidden biases, and
2. undeclared financial or other conflicts of interest.
The above two problems have become more prevalent and have resulted in significantly underestimated negative climate consequences in public climate summaries and statements. Climate think tanks, individuals or groups operating as unknown fossil fuel lobbyists, and climate researchers funded by the fossil fuel-related industries have become the biggest offenders in this area.
Instead of our analyzing only one area of specialized climate studies like the oceans, glaciers, ice and snow packs, planetary temperature history, water vapor, soils, forests, or greenhouse gas factors on temperature and the atmosphere, we analyze climate research on how it holistically applies and interrelates to all different areas within and between the climate's interrelated, interconnected, and interdependent systems and subsystems.
Using the tools of dialectical metasystemic thinking, we examine climate studies, their positions, and the related interactions of the climate system and subsystems through 28 different dialectical analysis perspectives and lenses. This allows us also to see, consider and value natural or human counteractions that may occur in response to the various primary and secondary consequences of climate change and global heating.
After that extensive analysis, we make climate consequence severity and time frame predictions and remedial recommendations for the correct global fossil fuel reduction amounts to minimize human loss and suffering. Our final analysis, forecasts, and recommendations always include all needed adjustments to compensate for any problems, errors, omissions, underestimation, or politicization which we discover in current climate research or summaries. Click here to see the many errors, underestimation, and politicization we found in a major recognized source of global climate research and recommendations.
Unlike many other climate change think tanks, we do provide prioritized, critical-path, and deadline-driven solutions to the climate change emergency. These solutions are based upon accurate global fossil fuel reduction targets and avoiding the most dangerous climate tipping points and climate feedbacks deadlines that we currently face.
Job One for Humanity is currently helping expose the current intense politicization of climate science. This intense politicization of science by the media, governments, and even the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) acts to critically underestimate our actual and current climate consequences, timeframes, remedies, and condition.
Unexpectedly, our independent climate change analysis has turned us into reluctant whistleblowers exposing how popular and politicized climate data has been distorted to serve the hidden interests of those who gain financially (or in other ways) from the ongoing global use of fossil fuels and hiding the real danger the public faces from the runaway global heating extinction emergency.
Please note that our education materials, because of their serious and adult nature, are not meant for adolescents under 16!
We are here to help you prepare, adapt, survive, and thrive!
We have an honest plan to fix the climate. Based on a careful and continuous meta-systemic analysis of the global warming emergency and its real urgency, we have also created and continually updated 4 part plan for dealing with the contingencies of this emergency, utilizing a critical, prioritized, and deadline-driven strategy quite unlike any other global warming and fossil fuel reduction plan.
Our meta-systemic analysis and evaluation results have also produced a set of prioritized and practical, urgently needed global warming and fossil fuel reduction solutions to the global warming extinction emergency in the form of the Job One for Humanity Plan. (Click on the image below for a quick overview the four parts of the upgraded Job One for Humanity Plan B.)
Your next steps for learning about climate change and what you can do about it
If you have not do so already, we invite you to start reading our website by clicking here. It will take you to the most important things to learn and do on our website.
After starting on this page, then go anywhere your interest carries you.
The staff and volunteers of Job One for Humanity
Critical positive reading to balance out the all the terrible climate change and global warming news above
We can still maintain the perseverance needed to succeed in this monumental task by regularly reviewing the many benefits which will occur as we work successfully on this project together. Although we are now in what could be called a Great Global Collapse process triggered by accelerating global warming, this collapse process will eventually offer equal to (or even greater than) long-term benefits in the form of a potential Great Rebirth beyond the coming suffering and loss.
First on this page (that has been read almost 2 million times) and then this other critical global warming benefit page, you will find the many often hidden surprise benefits of the global warming challenge. You also will find a framework and the possibilities for what could be called a post-collapse Great Rebirth, no matter how bad the collapse process gets.
Other Helpful Information
Our mission in a nutshell is currently educating individuals and businesses on preparing for adapting to the climate consequences we can no longer avoid! Our focus is to support and work with those individuals, businesses, and groups that are bravely facing our many unavoidable, severe climate change consequences. At the same time, those groups are also encouraged to work to slow and lessen those consequences so we still have time to save and salvage as much of humanity and our civilization as we can. We will do everything we can to help individuals, businesses, and groups survive this long-term nightmare so they might eventually birth a sustainable, just, and equitable global society, what we call the Great Global Rebirth.
About our all-volunteer organization is very rare these days. Our volunteers are independent, self-organizing individuals who are passionate about fixing climate change before it is too late.
Our organization's core is composed of think tank climate analysts and researchers who have volunteered their time. In many ways, one could also think of us as a unique and partially crowdsourced think tank.
Our volunteers self-organize to handle our social media, marketing, research, events, and even accounting. In addition, our volunteers do all of the Climate Change Blog postings as they have done for years. Click here or on the volunteer image above to learn more about volunteering at Job One for Humanity. It is all of our responsibility to get the runaway global warming emergency under control.
If you want to understand the climate science and analysis procedures we used to present the above information, click here for a technical explanation of our climate research process.
For answers to all of your remaining questions about climate change and global warming, click here for our new climate change FAQ. It has over one hundred of the most asked questions and answers about climate change.
Our Goals and Mission
Last Updated 1.24.25.
Who we are
Job One for Humanity is part of a 32-year-old US, IRS-recognized 501(3)c tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Job One for Humanity is an independent, 100% publicly funded climate change think tank.
Job One for Humanity provides uncensored climate change facts, analysis, solutions, and climate change consequence timeframes to the world's citizens without charge. We also provide education about climate change emergency preparation, adaptation, and resilience-building to survive the many soon-arriving climate change consequences that are now unavoidable.
What we do
Job One for Humanity, founded in 2008, is a non-profit, 100% publicly funded, independent climate change think tank. It provides a holistic "big picture" climate overview and uncensored dialectical meta-systemic analysis of the inter-connected and inter-dependent climate systems and sub-systems creating our current climate change and runaway global heating emergency.
We believe that it is imperative that uncensored climate change information is provided directly to the public to protect our common well-being, especially because the massive multi-billion dollar climate change disinformation and misinformation campaigns funded by the global fossil fuel cartel so distort and censor media and governmental coverage of the climate change emergency. There is no better way to protect the common well-being of humanity than to ensure uncensored and accurate climate change information is available. (If you are skeptical about the global fossil fuel cartel-funded climate change disinformation and misinformation campaigns, please click this link for documentation.)
Job One For Humanity is also active in researching climate change justice issues, particularly concerning helping victims of climate change get financial restitution from the global fossil fuel cartel perpetrators of the climate change emergency. Job One also maintains a list of worldwide law firms and lawsuits filed against the global fossil fuel cartel members for climate change damages.
Our organization supplies research-grounded climate change consequence analysis, timeframes, risk assessment, and solutions to educational, climate, and environmental organizations worldwide without charge. We also provide a fee-based climate analysis, risk assessment, and solutions service to insurance companies, governments, and businesses affected by climate change emergencies.
Click here to see why our climate change forecasts are considerably more accurate than those of other climate forecasting institutions.
Our Climate Change Think Tank's Mission
Our mission could be summed up by the following statement:
Despite what you are hearing in the media and from the government, climate change is currently out of our effective control, and this will go on for many decades. Therefore, the major focus for our mission must be educating the public about climate change emergency preparation, adaptation, and resilience-building to survive the many soon arriving climate change consequences that are now unavoidable.
This prepare, adapt, and resilience-building mission focus is because resolving the accelerating climate change emergency for the foreseeable future is highly improbable for these 30 reasons. (For the year-by-year and decade-by-decade details on how the climate change emergency will worsen into an unavoidable widespread global catastrophe, click here.
What We Do
We work to achieve the best possible climate change outcomes while also preparing for the worst possible climate change consequences. To do this, Job One offers information to understand the climate change emergency, how to prepare, adapt, and build resilience for it, and effectively fix it by providing:
Priority 1. Education on effective climate change emergency preparation, adaptation, and resilience-building solutions. Our climate change emergency preparation, adaptation, and resilience-building solutions will also help individuals prepare for and lessen the impacts of many of our other 11 major global crises.
One of the important ways we are educating and promoting emergency preparation, climate change adaptation, and resilience-building is through ClimateSafe Villages, a nonprofit organization that partners with us in this work. Click here to learn more about Climate Safe Villages.
Priority 2. Science-grounded, uncensored, and un-politicized climate change causes, facts, tools, and analysis. (Click here for the most current climate facts.)
Priority 3. A science-grounded realistic hope for our climate change future based on honestly facing our current climate change conditions and using effective, prioritized, and deadline-driven remedial actions.
Priority 4: Education on climate change justice and restitution for the victims of climate change by bringing effective lawsuits against the creators of the climate change emergency in what we call our Climate Justice Now program. This is the program we feel will be the most effective in saving as much of humanity as possible.
Click here for a full explanation of our Climate Justice Now program, who is creating the climate change emergency, and how to best get climate justice for climate change-related deaths and financial losses.
The widespread sharing of our uncensored climate analysis and solutions will help slow and ultimately prevent a near-total human extinction event. Individuals who discover and use our information will also need to do the following to preserve and protect as much human and biological life as possible from the primary and secondary consequences of climate change. They will need to:
1. create a widespread and uncensored awareness of the current climate change emergency,
2. create a widespread willingness to engage in immediate and effective climate change remedial action plan within individuals, groups, businesses, and nations (our PLAN B.)
2a. This would also include educating about effective climate change justice and restitution for the victims of climate change by bringing lawsuits against the creators of the climate change emergency. (Click here for a full explanation of who is creating the climate change emergency and how to best get climate justice for climate change victims.)
3. work toward minimizing climate change-related suffering and death while simultaneously maximizing the well-being of all human, biological, and ecological systems that we can do within our extremely difficult current and future climate change conditions.
Our think tank's leaning, position, or "bias"
All think tanks have open or hidden leanings, positions, or biases. These biases or leanings are almost always based directly upon who is funding them with the biggest donations or subsidies.
There are conservative-leaning think tanks and progressive-leaning think tanks. There are evangelical-leaning think tanks and Jewish-leaning think tanks. There are industry-specific leaning think tanks. No matter what they publicly profess, think tanks always openly or secretly directly represent the interests of those funding them.
Because of this avoidable funding conflict of interest, all think tanks should be treated as highly biased toward their funder's needs and interests. Unethical think tanks have even been known to regularly alter or misrepresent facts to further the financial, political, or religious interests of their funders.
100% public funding is what makes the Job One for Humanity think tank different than almost all other think tanks. Because we are 100% publicly funded, our biased leaning or position is always that of protecting the universal best interests of the common well-being and common good of all humanity. This means you will find our uncensored climate change analysis, forecasts, and facts considerably different (and usually far worse) than other climate change, environmental, or other political or industrial think tanks with transparent or hidden special interest big donor funding. (The average donation to Job One is about $15 US.)
A Job One, we only have one special interest that we are protecting: the well-being, the good, and the survival of humanity from and through the climate change emergency.
Our climate change materials are designed for moderately too highly climate changed educated individuals
Climate change is a highly complex area and is called a complex adaptive system. Individuals unfamiliar with the basic principles of climate change will have difficulties understanding the materials on our website. Individuals who do not have training in system theory, complex adaptive systems, or dialectical metasystemic thinking and analysis and who have difficulty with complex detailed information and following multiple consequence chains will also have difficulty reading our materials.
Our prioritized educational and action goals for 2025 and beyond
Currently, we have two major educational priorities for 2025 and beyond:
1. Getting lots of the new ClimateSafe Villages set up worldwide. This way, we save as many people as possible because our governments and politicians will not do this until there is a horrendous population collapse, economic losses, and social chaos.
2. Educating people about the uncensored nature of the climate change emergency (not the grossly underestimated "keep the population ignorant, quiet and not demanding change" manipulated reports from the government and the media. More people will start preparing themselves and their businesses with an accurate climate change analysis of what we can no longer avoid.
Hopefully, in that group of people we help educate, there will be people with direct influence on politicians who can voice the actual climate change truth to them. If we are fortunate, eventually, our politicians will act to fix the climate nightmare. But the odds do not look good for that to be done anytime soon.
Our climate research indicates that politicians will not act until climate change's human suffering and financial costs are many times beyond what they are now. Unfortunately, that point is probably a decade or longer from 2023, when 70% to 95% of humanity is already doomed to extinction by about 2070.
Here is how we will get the above two priorities done:
A. educating about preparing for, adapting to, and building enhanced human and biological resilience to survive climate change's ongoing catastrophic or unavoidable consequences while time remains to do so.
This getting prepared step also means that it is time to educate and prepare humanity for the many huge sacrifices we have to make to get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. And it is also time to start preparing humanity for the unimaginable and unavoidable, soon-arriving suffering. (The new ClimateSafe Villages will be especially helpful in completing this action step.)
while simultaneously working to prevent the worst consequences by educating individuals who will,
B. And, if we do not get close to the survival-critical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, with the hope that a good portion of the human population will survive, we will educate:
1. to help younger individuals and families migrate from high-risk global heating areas to safer areas before it is too late to make these moves, (We forward the position that younger generations (X.Y Z, and A) who did not create or ignore the runaway global heating extinction nightmare have a far greater right to occupy the remaining global heating safest lands and to survive longer.)
2. to help support building many urban, rural and virtual new ClimateSafe Villages (ecologically sustainable communities) worldwide for our younger generations that:
a. might also allow at least some small part of our younger generations to survive where they are currently living, through the coming climate-change-propelled global collapse, extinction, and possible rebirth process and cycle,
b. might learn from and apply the many hard lessons of runaway global heating and the other ecological, economic, and political consequences that will happen to us because of the ultimate consequences of our current overconsuming, highly unsustainable, and inequitable lives.
If there are survivors in these eco-communities, they and their eco-communities would serve as "beacons of light" modeling critical new ideas, values, and behaviors for an eventual Great Global Rebirth. To see what these new ideas, values, and behaviors might look like, click here and look at Benefit 1.
(Please be aware that the continuous pain and suffering any survivors will go through is so immense and unimaginable that many survivors will wish they had died in the Great Global Collapse. For most, survival will be closer to a subsistence existence. Because surviving runaway global heating will be a living hell, we must lessen that hell for survivors by getting as close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets as is possible.)
3. to help our governments develop Plan B climate crisis management plans for handling the sudden and massive loss of life and unfolding social and economic chaos from now until mid-century from the unavoidable runaway global heating consequences.
Because of our 60 years of inaction and ineffective action on the global heating emergency, the informative creative destruction that will occur as half the human population unavoidably goes extinct is unconscionable and the greatest horror in human history. Yet, it is also an equally powerful opportunity to create a better world and even a great global rebirth. (To learn more about the many benefits, improvements, and new societal values that could emerge for humanity from this unsought-after evolutionary challenge and opportunity, click here.)
C. compel our governments hard and continuously to enforce radically cutting global fossil fuel use to get close to the 2025 global targets to slow down runaway global heating sufficiently so that we can avoid near-total human and biological extinction and more of humanity can live a little longer and more securely. (We can no longer save half of humanity, but we still have a chance to save much of the rest of humanity.)
D. Educate about effective climate change justice and restitution for the victims of climate change by bringing lawsuits against the creators of the climate change emergency. (Click here for a full explanation of who is creating the climate change emergency and how to best get climate justice for climate change victims.)
Humanity's future depends on how fast we can slow and lessen the worst effects of the runaway global heating extinction emergency. Our next 3 to 6 years will determine the future viability and survival rates of humanity. (If you would like to see the analysis of many factors that bought us to the realization that, at best, climate change is only 3-6 years away (2025-2031) from going out of our control for centuries to millennia, click here.)
We understand that the above is a distressing and problematic climate update. But, the good news is, if our governments mass mobilize and get us close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, we still will be able to save as much as half of humanity! We will also be able to save many of the plant and animal species and other living systems of our beautiful planet.
So, let's get busy and work together to save and salvage what we need to survive and what we dearly love.
(Please note: The above climate and runaway global heating facts are currently being censored or altered by the actions of powerful fossil fuel industry lobbyists upon the media and our governments. Yet, widely visible climate and runaway global heating consequences and current climate science-based predictions support the above statements as accurate.)
An Important Explanation for Our Updated Mission and Goals
Our overall mission strategy is always based on the principle of working wholeheartedly toward the best possible climate outcomes while simultaneously being aware of and preparing for the worst possible climate outcomes.
In March of 2022, Job One For Humanity once again reviewed the climate science and updated its position on climate change and the runaway global heating emergency. It concluded that:
As a result of ignoring 60 years of valid scientific warnings and our not resolving the climate change and rising global heating emergency, we have already locked ourselves into the beginning phase of runaway global warming and the unavoidable extinction of about half of humanity by mid-century. Mass human extinction is now inevitable and unavoidable because we have already gone over the runaway global heating climate cliff when we reached the carbon 386 ppm level. Unfortunately, at our current carbon 420+ ppm level, we are making our extinction occur faster because we will cross even more climate tipping points and amplify climate feedback loops at faster rates.
The good news is that we can still save much of the other half of humanity, but only if we get close to reaching the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets as soon as possible. The even better news is that when we finally fix runaway global heating, there will be many positive benefits and possibly a Great Global Rebirth.
(The above is also our core message.)
This first mass extinction-level event of about half of humanity by mid-century will result primarily from mass starvation due to climate change-related crop failures, low crop yields, and soaring food prices. It will also be caused by growing resource shortages and increasing regional and national conflicts as tens of millions of starving climate refugees seek to find new homes.
If humanity does not get close to making the required and radical 2025 global fossil fuel use reductions (as described in detail on this global targets page,) humanity will also face an even worse second extinction-level of near-total extinction beginning as soon as 2070. (Click here to discover why total human extinction is not realistic or probable, and the worst humanity could possibly experience is near-total extinction (about 50 to 90+% of humanity going extinct.)
Accordingly, we have had to update our prior mission and goals because of the preceding and increasingly severe global climate change and global heating consequences. Because the likelihood of coming close to the 2025 global targets for fossil fuel reduction is currently so low, part of our mission upgrade was to create a new Plan B for the runaway global heating extinction emergency.
With our new Plan B, while we are still working diligently on preventing near-total extinction, we have shifted a significant amount of our mission focus to also helping individuals, families, and businesses to become aware that they now need to start preparing themselves physically, emotionally, and psychologically for what can no longer be avoided; the extinction of about half of humanity by mid-century.
We are actively educating them on how to adapt and build climate resilience (and other kinds of resilience) both in their homes and businesses and in essential local, regional, and national systems. Our new Plan B reflects our upgraded mission and focuses on maximizing all the possible human, biological and ecological good within our extremely difficult and painful current climate position.
What Job One for Humanity has to educate about to achieve the above goals for 2023 and beyond
1. Help everyone to understand the principle of accelerating extinction risk related to climate tipping points and amplifying feedback loops. A 2.0C global temperature rise is not just a little worse than 1.5C. It is exponentially worse.
2. Help everyone to understand that because of our six decades of ineffective climate action and climate inaction, the death of about 1/2 of humanity by mid-century is already unavoidable because of accelerating climate-related consequences by mid-century
3. Help everyone to understand that if we are very lucky, only for the next 3 to 6 years, global heating will still be at a stage and level where we may still be able to prevent a near-total human extinction caused by it.
4. Help today's youth, environmental activists, and the world's citizens understand they need to force their governments to act now to get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets and produce 10, 20, and 50-year plans that have enough detail that they know how to manage accelerating climate consequences and other critical resource collapses.
5. Help activist leaders and governments understand how to address HOW the world will humanely deal with, prepare for, and adapt to colossal population crashes and manage the many consequences of the accelerating global warming decline process. We want to help them develop their climate change emergency Plan B?
How we measure our educational success numerically
- by creating more runaway global heating-educated Job One members, subscribers, and citizens,
- by creating more global heating educator-activists.
- by preparing more people for the many soon-arriving and unavoidable runaway global heating consequences.
- by helping to create more climate resilience and sustainability-building hubs eventually in every major city and town worldwide. (These hubs will facilitate where generations X, Y, Z, and A can meet and build their climate-resilient and equitable futures.)
- by saving more generations X, Y, Z, and A from the climate-driven extinction and collapse cycle.
- by building new (or upgrading older intentional) sustainable communities that hold the possibility of surviving the extinction and collapse cycle.
Additional reasons why we do what we do
Job One for Humanity, founded in 2008, is a non-profit, independent, and 100% publicly funded climate change think tank that provides an uncensored "big picture" holistic view and analysis of the many inter-connected and inter-dependent climate systems creating our current climate change emergency and runaway global heating.
We believe that every global citizen deserves the same climate change future threat and risk information as is given to our national intelligence agencies. Every citizen should also have the same climate information purchased at great expense by hedge funds, investment banks, and billionaires from their specialty risk analysis firms.
Unrestricted and uncensored climate change current risk knowledge is critical for all citizens to wisely initiate appropriate survival-related emergency preparations, adaptations, or relocations for the coming avoidable and unavoidable climate catastrophes. Furthermore, our free climate change facts and analysis ensure that every global can protect themselves, their families, and their businesses as well as those with political privilege, high-security governmental positions, or great wealth.
Our climate articles and climate emergency analysis are completely un-influenced and uncensored by any political agenda, political party, or other political force. Unlike many other climate and environmental nonprofit educational organizations, we refuse to knowingly take any donations from fossil fuel lobbyists, producers, or fossil fuel-dependent industries to ensure no possible conflicts of interest or even the appearance of a conflict of interest.
We promise our fully-independent climate change think tank will always tell you the full climate truth and what many often do not want to hear about our current climate change emergency. Unfortunately, this IS the painful same climate change information you need to protect yourself and your future.
More About the Job One for Humanity Organization
Job One for Humanity is an independent climate change think tank that provides a "big picture" holistic view and analysis of the inter-connected and inter-dependent climate systems creating our current climate change emergency.
We do climate change analysis of existing climate research. While we do not do in-house original climate research, we use the published research papers of independent and respected climate scientists and climate research from organizations like the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA.)
There are many climate research papers and summary materials reviewed or used by this organization in its climate analysis, prediction, or recommendations.
They are found listed:
1. in this extensive but still partial master list of these related or relevant climate research papers and summaries.
2. in many available video presentations by the climate scientists or researchers describing their own research. Click here to see an example in the video of the renowned climate scientist Kevin Anderson presenting the climate emergency at Oxford.
3. in the body of many of our web pages, in the links on those pages, or in the end notes or technical notes found at the end of many pages.
We provide our climate and global heating educational information for individuals and organizations with the understanding that they will independently evaluate it and decide upon its usefulness and accuracy based on the best climate science and analysis currently available.
As an organization, we speak climate truth to power, and we always treat our visitors and members as adults who can process often painful facts. We candidly speak climate truth to power also because there is no time left to hide or sugar-cote the facts surrounding the runaway global heating emergency.
Our website pages offer an appropriate, proportional, and rational hope that we can still fix the climate and save humanity from the climate's worst possible extinction possibilities. We base this measured hope solely upon current climate science and advanced dialectical metasystemic analysis processes.
All the runaway global heating and climate change remedial actions we recommend are provided on a self-motivated, self-organized, and self-directed, Do-It-Yourself (DIY) basis. Although we will answer climate questions and provide limited encouragement through our online member support system, you are responsible for spreading the word and telling others about this website's climate information and tools. Responsibility for the preparations, adaptations, and global heating remedial actions necessary to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your business from what is coming remains as it should, exclusively with you.
More About Our Climate Change Research, Review, and Analysis Processes
Using the principles of system theory and dialectical metasystemic thinking applied to the climate as a complex adaptive system, we review and then analyze current and past climate change research and public climate summaries for:
1. errors,
2. omissions,
3. previously unrecognized positive or negative patterns in or between climate studies,
4. unseen interconnections or consequence connections within and between climate studies, and
5. the unseen and hidden politicization, censorship, or the watering down of climate science by governmental agencies or other types of agents in public climate summary reports.
The problems in 1-5 above can significantly affect the validity of current and future statements or positions concerning climate consequence timetables or the frequency, severity, and scale of climate consequences. Using system theory and dialectical metasystemic thinking applied to the climate as a complex adaptive system, we also review research papers and public statements on the climate for:
1. discernable or hidden biases, and
2. undeclared financial or other conflicts of interest.
The above two problems have recently become far more prevalent and have significantly underestimated negative climate consequences in public climate summaries and statements. Climate think tanks, individuals or groups operating as unknown fossil fuel lobbyists, and climate researchers funded by the fossil fuel-related industries have become the biggest offenders in this area.
Instead of our analyzing only one area of specialized climate study like the oceans, glaciers, ice and snow packs, planetary temperature history, water vapor, soils, forests, or greenhouse gas factors on temperature and the atmosphere, we analyze climate research on how it holistically applies and interrelates to all different areas within and between the climate's interrelated, interconnected, and interdependent systems and subsystems.
Using the tools of dialectical metasystemic thinking, we examine climate studies, their positions, and the related interactions of the climate system and subsystems through 28 different dialectical analysis perspectives and lenses. This allows us also to see, consider and value natural or human counteractions that may occur in response to the various primary and secondary consequences of climate change and global heating.
After that extensive analysis, we make climate consequence severity and time frame predictions and remedial recommendations for the correct global fossil fuel reduction amounts to minimize human loss and suffering. Our final analysis, forecasts, and recommendations always include all needed adjustments to compensate for any problems, errors, omissions, underestimation, or politicization which we discover in current climate research or summaries. Click here to see the many errors, underestimation, and politicization we found in a major recognized source of global climate research and recommendations.
Unlike many other climate change think tanks, we do provide prioritized, critical-path, and deadline-driven solutions to the climate change emergency. These solutions are based upon accurate global fossil fuel reduction targets and avoiding the most dangerous climate tipping points and feedbacks deadlines that we currently face.
Job One for Humanity is currently helping expose the current intense politicization of climate science. This intense politicization of science by the media, governments, and even the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) acts to forward a gross underestimation of our actual and current climate consequences, timeframes, remedies, and condition.
Unexpectedly, our independent climate change analysis has turned us into reluctant whistleblowers exposing how popular and politicized climate data has been distorted to serve the hidden interests of those who gain financially (or in other ways) from the ongoing global use of fossil fuels and hiding the real danger the public faces from the runaway global heating extinction emergency.
Please note that our education materials, because of their serious and adult nature are not meant for adolescents under 16!
We are an all-volunteer organization, which is very rare these days. Our volunteers are independent, self-organizing individuals who have a passion for fixing climate change before it is too late.
The core of our organization is made up of think tank climate analysts and researchers who have volunteered their time. One could also think of us as a unique and partially crowdsourced think tank in many ways.
Our volunteers self-organize to handle our social media, marketing, research, events, and even accounting. In addition, our volunteers do all of the Climate Change Blog postings as they have done for years. Click here to see a profile of our members, volunteers, and the audience of curious visitors who will most benefit from our website.
According to Google statistics, as of March 5, 2022, 4.5 million unique visitors have come to our website to review our independent and non-politicized climate change analysis and research over the last five years. Additionally, scores of Facebook climate change newsgroups regularly display, like, and comment upon our original climate analysis and articles.
Our website has easy-to-understand illustrations, descriptions, and documentation. Our website illuminates the "big picture" physics and math-determined interactions of the climate's many complex adaptive systems.
Our mission is currently educating individuals and businesses on preparing for adapting to the climate consequences we can no longer avoid! Our focus is to support and work with those individuals, businesses, and groups that are bravely facing our many unavoidable, severe climate change consequences. At the same time, those groups are also encouraged to work to slow and lessen those consequences so we still have time to save and salvage as much of humanity and our civilization as we can.
We will do everything we can to help individuals, businesses, and groups survive this long-term nightmare so they might eventually birth a sustainable, just, and equitable global society, what we call the Great Global Rebirth.
Please donate any amount to help keep our 100% publicly funded nonprofit think tank free for everyone! Help us to keep providing uncensored climate change forecasts, facts, and solutions to the public.
With every donation of any amount, you will get amazing gifts! Click the donate image below and also see what these gifts are.
Our Previous pre-2023 Goals and Mission (for Historical Purposes)
(The sections below will help you to see how our goals and mission have evolved since 2009 up until 2023. They will help you see back into our evolution and understand our history. They will also give you a good overview of the policies we have set for ourselves for how we will achieve our goals and mission.)
Because of the rapid worsening of the world's major global crises, our deteriorating environment, and the further acceleration of the climate change emergency, our organization was forced to update its mission once again on March 15, 2022. We have refocused our mission to serve those individuals, businesses, and groups who want to survive the coming Great Global Collapse and the extinction of much of humanity. The higher purpose for trying to survive what is coming (beyond survival itself) is to take the painful lessons learned from the many intertwined causes of the Great Global Collapse and use that wisdom to create a Great Global Rebirth for humanity's survivors.
The prioritized educational goals of the Job One for Humanity non-profit organization are:
One: To help individuals and businesses decide on one of the four critical climate change choices and personal action or inaction options found on this page.
Until there is a clear decision about what to do about climate change, there is inaction or confusion for both individuals and businesses. This short page is critical to help individuals and businesses make the best possible climate change decisions based on their current situations and resources. This page is the must-do starting point we need to get all individuals and businesses through to successfully help and support those who come to us for climate change emergency information and help.
Two: Get far more individuals and businesses prepared for and adapting to climate change's escalating primary and secondary economic, ecological, social, and political consequences. (How to prepare for them is found in Part One, and how to adapt to them is found in Part Two of the Job One for Humanity Climate and Global Crisis Resilience Plan.)
Three: Work to Prevent a climate change-triggered near-total human extinction event from occurring. The climate change-triggered extinction process is, unfortunately, well underway. Moreover, near-total extinction is now a growing probability because of a series of current and coming climate change consequences worsening most of the world's 11 other major global crises.
Near-total extinction is also accurate because we have waited far too long to reduce our global fossil fuel use to safe levels. Because of our 60-year global fossil fuel reduction failure, we now face an unavoidable mass die-off of about half or more of humanity by mid-century! (If such a mass die-off is not possible or pausable to you, please read this page now, which takes you through the detailed steps of the climate-triggered mass extinction process.)
At this point, we must get our governments working together to avoid near-total human extinction, which could begin as soon as 2070 or sooner.
We only prevent near-total extinction from occurring by successfully compelling our politicians and world governments to slow down the accelerating climate change and global warming nightmare before it is too late! Because of climate consequences time lags, our governments must mass-mobilize NOW. They must immediately enforce the correct extinction-preventing 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. (The precise steps of what our governments must do are found in Part Three of the Job One Plan.)
We are running out of time! In 2022, we must compel the world's governments to begin enforcing the needed 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. How to get those who do have the required real, immediate, and direct influence over the world's politicians (the 1% wealthiest individuals, corporations, and celebrities) is found in Part 4 of the Job One Plan. (With so little time left until 2025, only the 1% of wealthiest individuals, corporations, and celebrities can get the politicians to act before it is too late!
Four: Support the creation of new eco-communities of Evolutioneers in climate change safer locations. We will provide critical information needed to prepare for, adapt to, and survive the rapidly accelerating climate change emergency and the steady worsening of our 11 other major global crises.
Building sustainable new eco-communities is so essential because our governments are still failing to come even close to the life-critical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. Building many new eco-communities worldwide is so essential because individuals, small family groups, or clans will not be large enough or able to provide or make enough critical resources or defense necessary to make it through the later dark age-like stages of the Great Global Collapse.
These sustainable new eco-communities are essential if we are ever to experience a Great Global Rebirth!
Only those sustainable eco-communities that are well-prepared, well-defended, and have the deepest emotional, philosophical, and shared spiritual ties will have the physical, psychological, and spiritual resilience needed to survive the horrors and difficult daily survival decisions they will be forced to make to survive.
Both Job One for Humanity and its sister website Universe Spirit will help to provide critical physical, psychological, and universalized spiritual information these new eco-communities need. This information will help give these new Great Global Rebirth communities the best chance to make it through the Great Global Collapse to build a better world from the painful lessons learned. (Job One will focus on the physical and emotional aspects of being well prepared and adapting to what is coming, and Universe Spirit will focus on the possible philosophical and universal spiritual common ties and vision needed in these new communities.
Job One for Humanity will provide critical information to help you understand the multi-threat global emergency we all now face due to global warming worsening with the world's other 11 major global crises. Hopefully, many individuals and businesses will use our warnings and information to help slow global warming and prepare for and adapt to it so they can survive and learn from the coming harsh lessons.
If the hard and painful evolutionary lessons of the Great Global Collapse are learned, those lessons can become the new foundation of a new and Great Global Rebirth. (Job One and Universe Spirit are both also focused on forwarding the possibilities of the Great Global Rebirth.
(See this link for more about our eco-community vision.)
Five: Collect, envision, and promote the structures, processes, and policies needed to support and maintain the post-collapse Great Global Rebirth. These will be the structures, processes, and policies required for the new surviving population level to be sustainable and always limited by and to the Earth's carrying capacity. Click here to start discovering some of those structures, processes, and policies of the new sustainable prosperity the survivors will create from the painful lessons learned from the Great Global Collapse.
The Great Global Rebirth would eventually include evolving a new form of a global country for ALL of humanity or an empowered global or world federalist-style government that would always first work for the collective wellbeing of ALL world citizens. If we already had a valid, empowered, and working global government, the global warming emergency and the other 11 global crises causing the Great coming Global Collapse would be far easier and more likely to be resolved.
The Great Global Rebirth would also include evolving new forms of economics. This new form of economics would allow all working citizens to have a living wage and not concentrate dangerous, excessive, or extreme levels of power or wealth in the hands of any individual or company.
Six: As a last resort, educate more governments worldwide to begin the steps and parts of the Job One Climate and Global Crises Resilience Plan B options.
We must also have a Plan B backup plan in motion because our governments might fail to meet the life-critical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. In that case, we must have a national Plan B in process with the needed nationwide emergency preparation, adaptation, and migration actions. Governmental level Plan B actions will be required to save and salvage whatever we can of humanity and civilization before it is too late.
If we successfully execute the Job One Climate and Global Crisis Resilience Plan B, there is a chance that some of humanity will survive. If some of humanity survives the Great Global Collapse and learns from its mistakes, humanity will have a new opportunity to usher in a Great Global Rebirth.
Having a Plan B in place directly deals with the harsh reality that humanity faces a highly probable near-total extinction, and there are no guarantees our governments act in time!
In summary of these short term goals, our initial and primary focus is to support the preparation and adaptation work of those individuals and groups that are bravely facing our many unavoidable and severe global warming and our 11 other environmental and social global crises, while at the same time, they are working to slow and lessen those consequences so we still have time to save and salvage as much of humanity and our civilization as we can. We will do everything we can to help individuals, groups, and their children survive this long-term nightmare so they may eventually birth a sustainable, just, and equitable global society.
To achieve the above goals our mission must inform and inspire individuals and businesses to:
1. make their decision on one of the four critical climate change choice options found on this page.
2. work to prevent a global warming-caused near-total extinction event. This means getting the world's governments to mass mobilize and radically slow down global fossil fuel use and get close to the real and honest 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets so that, even though we currently can't avoid a mass extinction event by mid-century, at least, we can avoid near-total extinction." (Click here to see how we must and can slow down the global use of fossil fuels to prevent the complete extinction of humanity.)
In 2022. the key way we will try to get the governments of the world to enforce the needed 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets is described in Part 4 of the Job One Plan.
And while you also do your best to,
3. prepare for and adapt to the now unavoidable global warming-related consequences and a global warming-triggered mass extinction of much of humanity by mid-century.
(Because global warming consequences are getting worse so fast we have shifted much of our focus to this step. The prepare and adapt actions found within the Job One for Humanity Climate and Global Crisis Resilience Plan also will help you prepare for and adapt to the growing consequences from the world's other 11 most critical challenges.)
The above needs to be done while you simultaneously
4. work to save and salvage as much of humanity and our civilization as you can for as long as you can. (This "save and salvage" survival action is necessary as a backup plan because as it looks now, our odds are all but impossible for successfully managing the accelerating global warming challenge to avoid the mass die-off of much of humanity by mid-century.
Even though much of humanity will be lost and the road ahead will be painful beyond anything humanity has ever endured, avoiding near-total extinction and saving and salvaging some of humanity and our civilization is far better than saving and salvaging none of humanity and our civilization! To meet this avoid near-total extinction and save and salvage something for the future goal, we must at least come close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.)
5. learn and enact the principles of Sustainable Prosperity in your lifestyle and livelihood. While we work collectively using the Job One Plan to slow down accelerating global warming and the worsening of the other 11 global crises as much as possible, we also need to build a thriving and sustainable future for those who do survive. (Click here to see what you can do to live more sustainably. This also includes creating new eco-communities where you live now or in new safer locations.)
And finally, if we survive the mess we have created for ourselves,
6. evolve effective global governance with the needed legislative, judicial, and enforceable executive powers to solve all of the global challenges that cross national borders. If you think about it deeply, you will discover that this critical evolutionary failure of not having yet developed effective global governance is a core structural cause of why most of our current 12 biggest global crises have not been resolved, and they continue to worsen.
Even though it looks like someone is managing the well-being of the planet as a whole from the United Nations or our international treaties, this is an illusion! No one governing body is effectively or responsibly driving our global "car," and this collective "car is speeding toward a cliff without any single and empowered organization in the driver's seat.
Our organization will provide knowledge and as much support as possible, but it is you who will need to put in the hard work to turn your part of this mess around!
And finally, all is not bleak, bad, and lost, just starting the process of working on fixing our mess we will also receive many surprise benefits as we work toward success and creating a Great Global Rebirth. (Please click here at some point to read The Surprise Benefits of Global Warming, the most-read page on our website.)
"We can no longer avoid many of the worse consequences of global warming interacting with the 11 other major global crises. Therefore, our goal for dealing with the accelerating near-total extinction threat must be to save as many people and as much of our civilization as we possibly can---while we still can!" Lawrence Wollersheim
More About the Global Warming Extinction Emergency
The global warming emergency is taking place within a larger context of 11 other serious global crises. We focus on the global warming because accelerating global warming represents the greatest imminent extinction threat other than a nuclear war.
Global warming IS also the greatest multiplier, disrupter, and threat amplifyer for most of our 11 other global crises.
We also focus on global warming because of the principle of "first things first."
If the statement that we are already in a process of a global collapse fueled by accelerating global warming converging with and amplyfing our other 11 other serious global crises seems untrue to you, please click here. This page will discuss the most dangerous global crises we currently face and how they are worsening.
The great news is that the steps of the Job One Plan for resolving the global warming emergency will also help slow down or mitigate many of the world's 11 other growing global challenges.
The harsh reality is --- if we do not resolve the global warming extinction threat on a "highest-priority first" basis, we will not be able to fix it later, much less resolve the world's other 11 worsening global crises which also are fueling the global collapse process.
At Job One for Humanity, we will show you how to survive and thrive through the global warming extinction emergency and many of the other 11 global crises.
Welcome to the greatest evolutionary challenge and opportunity in human history; how to prevent or survive the Great Global Collapse!
Simply stated, our collective challenge is:
1. how well can humanity manage the accelerating global warming extinction emergency and our other 11 major global challenges at the same time, and,
2. how can we save and salvage as much of humanity and the best of our civilization before it is too late. This is the bitter reality because we have waited too long to reduce global fossil fuel use. (A die-off of much of humanity by mid-century is now all but unavoidable.)
The good news here is that if we are successful with our survival-critical global warming reduction tasks and we act as one human family, we also will be able to eventually create a thriving, sustainable, and equitable future for all."
Resolving the global warming emergency while the world's other 11 critical crises are also getting worse will be difficult and painful to the extreme, but in doing so, it also will be tremendously rewarding. This is because engaging in this great challenge will also increase the meaning, purpose, and joy of our lives. Also by getting accelerating global warming under control, we also will significantly improve many of our other 11 other global crises.
More About How we will achieve our mission, (Part 1)
Within another 3-6 years of 2019, we will, unfortunately, cross the carbon 425-450 parts per million (ppm) climate cliff. This is the first critical extinction-evoking global warming tipping point. This climate cliff will occur without fail when we miss or do not come very close to reaching the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.
It is a matter of simple math and physics. The cycle of more fossil fuel carbon going into the atmosphere equals more heat, which equals continually escalating global warming consequences. (Click here to learn about those escalating consequences.)
When that happens, we will rapidly pass the next two extinction-evoking carbon 500 and 600 ppm tipping points with all of their additional unthinkable and unavoidable consequences.
Logically, what our organization must now do is to promote actions that will help us survive the consequences of crossing those three extinction-evoking tipping points and the coming mass human, animal, and biological extinction event for as long as is possible. The way some of us will survive this traumatic outcome is for Job One for Humanity to successfully achieve the following additional objectives:
a. promote the highest level of national and international cooperation and mass mobilization in human history to combat global warming. We either cooperate at the highest levels and scale, or most of us will eventually die together. If we die together, it will be in an ever-worsening meltdown of global warming consequences and crossed tipping points. (As volunteers and resources allow.)
b. shock politicians awake to the global warming extinction emergency and the new threat of near-total extinction with the scientific evidence that global warming is far, far worse than they have been told. (As volunteers and resources allow.)
c. warn society they must start preparing and adapting to survive the current out-of-control state of global warming (for as long as the next 30-50 years.) Our governments must start adapting to and preparing for what is coming and immediately reduce fossil fuel use to achieve or come very close to the 2025 targets.
d. respectfully disrupt any politicians, individuals, or organizations that do not educate or create effective policies and programs about the real global warming extinction emergency. This policy of disruption is especially valid for those individuals or organizations that present false or misleading information as to the accurate targets and deadlines needed for global fossil fuel reduction. (After focusing on politicians, this disruption would also include disrupting some of the world's most prestigious environmental organizations. If we can't get the world's leading environmental organizations working as one focusing on the correct fossil fuel reduction targets and deadlines, there is scant hope that humanity will make the correct fossil fuel reduction targets and survive. (Click here to see our respectful disruption policy.) (As volunteers and resources allow.)
e. Utilize this crisis and emergency as a great opportunity to build a smarter, better world, however, and whenever we get through this mass extinction emergency. (See this link for all the good that can still come out of our current horrible global warming situation.)
f. work to restore the carbon ppm level in the atmosphere (now at about carbon 414 ppm,) back to its original preindustrial human-safe level of about carbon 250 to 270 parts per million. This return to carbon 250-270 ppm is only possible if we can meet or get very close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. and then begin a secondary program to make the additional global fossil fuel reductions to bring atmospheric carbon levels all the way back down to carbon 250-270. (As volunteers and resources allow.)
How we will achieve our mission, (Part 2)
- We use the best and most up-to-date climate science available.
- We work toward achieving our mission in a way that embodies cooperation, empathy, and justice.
- We promote honesty and realistic global warming hopes. That hope is, that there is a real opportunity for a part of humanity and civilization to survive, learn from our mistakes, and build a much better and more equitable world. But this new world is ONLY possible if, we cooperate and prevent or long delay crossing the carbon of the carbon 600 ppm extinction-level tipping point.
- We vigorously promote that there is no other way to survive the near-total extinction emergency unless we come together immediately and work together. (As one human family, we must reach or come very close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction goals.)
- We promote a global mass mobilization and governmental actions for radically increasing green energy generation. This mass mobilization will not solve the fossil fuel problem, but it will help slow down the coming consequences a bit more to save more individuals.
- We promote doing what is deadline and effectiveness prioritized, and only in the proper sequence to save as much of humanity and civilization as we can. (See the Job One Plan here.)
- We provide honest global warming consequence prediction timetables and a new model called the Climageddon Scenario. (This is critical and continually updated prediction information will keep you from being surprised so that you have adequate time to prepare for and better adapt to the unavoidable coming consequences.
- We use the new Job One Plan to help individuals slow and lessen what is now unavoidable, cope with the emotional implications of out-of-control global warming, create emergency preparedness, and effectively adapt as long as we can for a highly uncertain future.
- We will do everything we can to get every organization, business, or nation to promote reaching the 2025 targets and the sacrifices we must now make.
- We foster tapping into your deepest philosophical and spiritual reserves. These foundations will help you endure, make sense of and transform the tremendous suffering and sacrifice ahead of us to the betterment of humanity and future generations.
- We promote utilizing this unprecedented, urgent, and challenging situation to enhance and expand the meaning and purpose of our lives, and to help us develop and broaden our character.
- We promote maintaining a positive perspective throughout all of the coming hardships. Click here to see a summary of the 16 surprise positive perspectives on things that can happen in this emergency that might help you sustain a positive outlook.
- We actively promote enjoying your life today as fully as is possible. This policy is because there are no guarantees and we may not succeed. Today may be the best it will ever be for a long time.
- We practice that there is no one to blame for this out of control global warming extinction emergency. For the last three decades, our current government systems have so protected or incentivized fossil fuel use as well as ever-increasing commercialism and waste, that curtailing it was all but impossible. Additionally, the climate is so complex that only a handful of individuals had the intellectual bandwidth and the climate expertise to fully grasp how global warming could become out of control so fast. Those few individuals who knew did not have sufficient governmental influence to prevent global warming from going out of control. The last thing we need to do in this extinction emergency is to polarize and waste resources in energy-depleting blame.
- Our organization which normally educates solely on climate change and global warming has at this time, expanded its educational blog posts to cover other areas of the other critical challenges and crises facing the world today. Recently we have covered the pandemics of COVID-19 and racial injustice. In covering the wisdom or inappropriateness of the actions and policies of any politician or political party mentioned in any post on our website, we are neither endorsing that politician or political party nor are we making a statement about what a voter should do in relation to that politician or political party.
The substeps to achieving our full mission for individuals
- to help individuals understand and then predict and adapt to the next wave of global warming-aggravated disasters that almost all of us will inevitably experience. We will provide updated warning signs. Click here for that information.
- to educate individuals and groups on how to create lifestyles and livelihoods of real Sustainable Prosperity. This sustainability, along with crucial primary collective actions by our governments will, in turn, also help slow and lessen the speed of this rapidly unfolding catastrophe.
More About Why We Upgraded Our Mission in 2021
"You cannot be called an alarmist if there really is something to be alarmed about." Unknown
Job One for Humanity is primarily a non-profit global warming research analysis organization. It uses well-researched materials and analysis on this website and from other reliable climate sources.
Because of these years of research many of our staff, members, and visitors have already come to the conclusion concluded that unless we make the required massive and extremely difficult 2025 global fossil fuel use reduction targets, a major portion of humanity is on its way to immense suffering and a mass extinction event unfolding by mid-century. Many are also aware that this imminent die-off threat comes from the accelerating global warming emergency crashing directly into and further worsening most of these other major global crises currently facing humanity.
Many (if not most) of our staff, members, and visitors have also realized the battle to prevent a global warming-caused mass extinction event from unfolding within our lifetimes has already most likely been lost! This is due to our wasting the last 35 years of valid warnings, crossing more and more critical global warming tipping points, and the extremely high probability that we will be unable to meet the required 2025 global fossil fuel use reduction targets for these many disturbing reasons.
Worse yet, if we do not come at least, very close to reaching the 2025 global fossil fuel use reduction targets near-total extinction and the end of civilization is also on the table for our long-term future. Yes, we do mean that global warming caused mass extinction is now virtually unavoidable, but we still have a little time left to act to avoid near-total extinction!
When you read our website and the often shocking facts we present, please keep in mind that our government leaders have utterly failed to see the coming pain and suffering of the COVID-19 pandemic, nor did they adequately prepare for it! Our government leaders are also not seeing or adequately preparing for the global warming extinction emergency, which is already happening and, will be far, far worse than COVID-19!
Because of this life-critical in-action by our governments, we must find a way to compensate for that failure. Our new mission focus is our way of compensating.
(If you still believe the battle to prevent a global warming-caused mass extinction event within our lifetimes is realistically probable, please read the following two links in the order given. You will discover why the Job One organization, as well as most of our staff, and many members and visitors have now been forced to deal with the bitter new reality of a global warming-caused mass extinction event occurring within the next 30-50 years.
1. and,
2. )
But, far more importantly, because of the above new runaway global heating mass extinction reality, there is a critical new battle we must fight:
1. This battle is to prepare, adapt, migrate (where necessary,) and become far more sustainable while we still have time. And,
2. While we are doing this, we also do whatever we can "to help slow down global warming enough so we can save and salvage what we can, while we still have time to prevent a near-total extinction event."
This is the new global warming battle as we see it now. Success in this new battle is still potentially achievable, but only if the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets are fully embraced and acted upon immediately!
When you are ready to begin it, here is a quick overview of our detailed four-part Job One for Humanity Plan to achieve the updated mission below. Click the image below after reading the rest of this page.
Additional Mission-Related Reading:
Our new mission statement upgrade above requires that we update our current Job One for Humanity global warming plan in the priority as shown below:
a. help individuals understand we are already facing an unavoidable global warming-caused human, animal, and biological species mass extinction event already unfolding and reaching its peak over the next 30-50 years. Our governments have once again failed us in preparing for and managing the global warming extinction emergency just like they failed us in preparing for and managing the COVID-19 pandemic before it became a worldwide catastrophe!
We can no longer avoid these mass extinction consequences but at least, we can prepare for them, adapt to them, become more individually sustainable, and, where necessary, migrate away from them and maybe, slow the global warming emergency down if, we act quickly and wisely! It is also time for us to get our Plan B emergency survival preparations in place. And lastly,
b. however, and whenever we get through this extinction emergency, if we get through it, help build a more sustainable, smarter, and more equitable world. We will also help people see that this greatest of all emergencies in human history is also the greatest of all opportunities for whoever can and will survive it. (See this link for all of the good that can still come out of this catastrophic situation.)
If we have the staff and resources at a later date we may also:
c. offer tools and information to help individuals deal with and process the tremendous emotions of anger, anxiety, and depression once they fully realize the already unfolding extinction emergency and dilemma that we have created for ourselves. (See this link for more on this.) Also, see our website And,
d. help to educate other environmental groups on what they can do to slow down and ultimately prevent the unfolding of a near-total extinction event (see Job One Plan Part 3 and Part 4.) (Preventing near-total extinction can only be achieved by coming very close to the 2025 global fossil fuel use reduction targets!)
The above mission mainly means that today is also the day to begin your global warming extinction emergency Plan B to prepare, adapt or migrate to save and salvage whatever you can while you still have the time to do so.
It also means that the combined efforts of the world's environmental groups must slow down global warming enough (by getting sufficiently close to the 2025 global fossil fuel use reduction targets,) fast enough to have enough time for humanity to prepare for, adapt to, or migrate to survive what is coming and to avoid near-total extinction.
Never lose sight of the fact that if we get very close to reaching the 2025 targets, more of humanity will survive longer and more comfortably, and that we can still prevent a near-total extinction event so that some of humanity and civilization might survive.
Please see the Job One for Humanity Global Warming Extinction Adaptation Plan here for the specifics on how we will achieve our mission.
(Please note: In its most abbreviated form on our website, we shorten our new mission statement to the slogan; To Prevent Global Warming Extinction.
A mini-summary of good news!
If we can slow global warming down to at least, come close to the 2025 global fossil fuel use reduction targets and we get prepared and adapt:
a. more individuals will survive longer and more comfortably and,
b. some part of humanity and our civilization may continue to exist.
Here is our Most Detailed Version of Our Mission Statement (Part 2)
The following full and expanded mission action steps are done in the given priority order (or simultaneously if enough staffing and financial resources allow.)
Our primary mission actions:
A. Help individuals prepare for and adapt to surviving in a world where most of humanity will suffer and die by mid-century from crop failures, starvation, resource shortage wars, and the many other horrible global warming consequences within our lifetimes while simultaneously working to prevent near-total extinction and run-away global warming.
At this point, we have to face the fact that all we may be able to do in response to our accelerating global warming is to save and salvage whatever we can to prevent the complete extinction of humanity and the end of civilization. (Information on how to prepare and adapt so more of us live longer and suffer less is contained in Part 1 of the Job One Plan and Part 2 of the Job One Plan.)
B. Motivate our politicians (and their governments) to slow down global warming enough to come as close as possible to the 2025 targets to allow us more time to prepare and adapt so we can save and salvage more of humanity and civilization for a bit longer. These actions could also help prevent near-total extinction from run-a-way global warming. (Job One is primarily a global warming research analysis and global warming solutions-engineering organization.)
This is done by getting very close to the last chance 2025 targets. To get close to the 2025 targets, our politicians have to create and enforce new global fossil fuel reduction laws quickly. (See Parts three and Part four of the Job One plan for the government-driven actions needed to do this. This action is a secondary action because Job One's few resources do not give us much political influence.)
C. Help individuals or groups create sustainable lifestyles and new eco-communities in global warming-safe locations so some of humanity and civilization survive.
This would help ensure that enough of these new eco-communities are established and prepared enough to survive the escalating onslaught of an unavoidable chain of global warming catastrophes.
These experimental eco-communities will also be essential to help carry forward the survival of humanity, human culture, and civilization. Please see the Universe Community sections of our sister website for the information on why these new eco-communities are essential to our future. You will also find the information you will need to create a sustainable eco-community in a global warming-safe zone.
D. Do what we can to support a government-driven migration, infrastructure transfer, and emergency backup a "Plan B" for the world.
We need to begin to save, salvage, and protect whatever we can of humanity, civilization, and animal and biological diversity by transferring as much of them as is possible to global warming safer zones. We need to put a "Plan BP into place immediately. Click here to see our current Plan B. (Also see Part 3 of the Job One Plan in Section 2 for details on these government-driven actions. See the heading called, "How to Prevent Mass Human Extinction: The World's Emergency Backup Plan." This action is a secondary action because Job One's few resources do not give us much influence in this area.)
E. Once (or if) we have survived this extinction emergency and we have learned the painful lessons it will teach us, Job One and the new eco-communities mentioned above will promote a new survival-proven understanding of equitable and sustainable living to all the mass extinction event remaining survivors.
These new eco-communities also will help transform the trauma and unthinkable losses of the coming Great Collapse and Great Die-off into a springboard for the Great Rebuilding and for a better-informed more sustainable and equitable world.
This temporary evolutionary regression and later Great Rebuilding experience described above also will create a better and more equitable world for ALL that could thrive for hundreds of more generations. If the Great Collapse and Great Die-off is inevitable because we continue to refuse to alter our unsustainable fossil fuel and other behaviors, then at least, the Great Collapse and Great Die-Off can be used as a launching pad for a new, better beginning for those parts of humanity that survive. (Click here to learn about that the new ideas of a Sustainable Prosperity for all.)
F. To help slow down the global warming extinction emergency, get governments, NGOs, and other environmental groups educated that they need to stop using the United Nation's incorrect global fossil fuel targets and deadlines and get them to start using the correct 2025 targets to help prevent near total extinction.
The UN is still using the incorrect global fossil fuel reduction targets and deadlines created by their own Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (the IPCC.) (The IPCC is considered the world's leading authority on global warming and what should be done about climate change.)
IPCC's current incorrect target and deadlines for global fossil fuel reduction are as follows; we need to make a 40% reduction in total global fossil fuel use by 2030 and then reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. The colossal danger with the IPCC's wrong targets is, these wrong deadlines and targets are now being used to set the correctional global warming strategies for the world's governments, NGOs, and largest non-profit environmental groups.
These wrong targets make it impossible to come close to reaching the 2025 legitimate targets because our governments, NGOs, and environmental groups are aiming at the wrong target destinations and deadlines. Click here to read the simple science for what makes the IPCC's current global fossil fuel reduction targets and deadlines so dangerously wrong!
The IPPC's current targets and deadlines mentioned above are entirely inadequate and will not save us from a global warming-caused mass extinction event in time. Worse yet, when you have incorrect global fossil fuel reduction targets and deadlines forwarded by recognized authorities, it thwarts and delays humanity's ability to understand or execute the correct fossil fuel reduction targets.
Ironically, if we cannot get the world's governments, NGO's and environmental groups to promote the correct 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets and deadlines, realistically, how likely is it that we will ever achieve the life-critical 2025 reductions? If we can slow down the occurrence of the predicted mass extinction event by somehow getting close to meeting the 2025 targets, we will, at least, have more time to prepare for, adapt to or migrate as needed. (For the specific government-driven actions that need to be done to at least come close to reaching the 2025 targets see Part 3 of the Job One Plan.
G. Help people move through anger, anxiety, and depression once they realize that the extinction emergency we have created for ourselves is real and, our it is current global warming reality.
We provide healing and encouraging information for processing global warming's difficult emotions, such as found on this page. Where staffing and resources allow, we also promote group discussion sessions in different locations for the same purpose.
Most importantly, we have learned that the fastest healing occurs after one accepts the correct facts as they are and then begins the process of adapting to those facts as best as is possible. How to best adapt to our current emergency can quickly occur once one gets active on the proven Job One For Humanity Plan for managing, slowing, and surviving the coming global warming consequences.
Our Best Hope to prevent near-total extinction
The best news of the Job One for Humanity mission is that our crossing of the carbon 600 parts per million (ppm,) extinction-level tipping point can still be slowed down just enough so that some smaller portion of humanity can still survive. This life-critical slowing can only be achieved by immediately enacting the greatest government-driven mass mobilization of our civilization's resources toward the singular goal of radically cutting global fossil fuel use to at least, get very close to the 2025 targets. (See Job One Plan, Part 3.)
If we fail to prevent crossing the carbon 600 ppm level we will enter the beginning phases of run-away global warming!
Unfortunately, most of our world is presently locked into some form of global warming denial, global warming ignorance, or intentional deception. Most of the world isn't even close to realizing how bad global warming already is nor, how bad it's going to get.
Most of the world still believes the distorted and incorrect IPCC global fossil fuel reduction targets and deadlines which will fast-track us to global catastrophe and Climageddon! Most of the world also has no idea things are going to get very rough far sooner than anyone's telling us (except for this organization.)
Because of the rapidly unfolding global warming mass extinction scenario, our collective Job One is first to prepare ourselves, our families, and our businesses for what is coming. Our second job is to do our best to slow down global warming enough so that a least a few of us survive. Our third job is to enlighten those few brave and bright individuals who also will soon see, feel, or understand what is coming.
The future will not be easy.
Our world will be changing dramatically in the following decades.
We at Job One for Humanity will do our best to help inform and support those who are ready to adapt to and navigate this uncertain and dangerous future which has now become a banquet of unavoidable and, unthinkable consequences.
A helpful and healing perspective on the global warming extinction emergency
Many individuals using this website also have come to see that humanity has entered a temporary evolutionary regression period as it has done so many times in the past. During this temporary regression, life as we usually know it will get worse for a while before it gets better.
In this period of temporary regression, humanity will learn the necessary hard new lessons about the real price of fossil fuel pollution, poor international cooperation, and the importance of maintaining healthy ecological systems. The great news here during this temporary regression is that if we are smart and work together, we can still have full, meaningful, and enjoyable lives while we work to restore the critical climate balance to our life-supporting Earth systems and build a better world for when we make it through this mess.
We can still maintain the perseverance needed to succeed in this monumental task by regularly reviewing the many benefits which will occur as we work successfully on this project together. Although we are now in what could be called a Great Global Collapse process triggered by accelerating global warming, this collapse process will eventually offer equal to (or even greater than) long-term benefits in the form of a potential Great Rebirth beyond the coming suffering and loss.
First on this page (that has been read almost 2 million times,) and then this other critical global warming benefit page, you will find the many often hidden surprise benefits of the global warming challenge. You also will find a framework and the possibilities for what could be called a post-collapse Great Rebirth, no matter how bad the collapse process gets.
Now that you know more about our mission, become a Job One member and supporter. Our information will be critical to protecting yourself, your family, and future generations.
Please click the secure tax-deductible donation link below or the transparency logo. Your tax-deductible donations are easy to do by clicking here.
(Job One for Humanity is part of the 25-year-old 501c(3), IRS recognized, and Guidestar Bronze Star recognized tax-deductible nonprofit organization called Factnet.)
Additional Mission-Related Reading
Our members and web visitors appreciate Job One because we tell the hard truths and we treat them with respect as adults. Those harsh new facts and additional whys behind our mission are:
a. Global warming extinction is no longer a remote possibility coming sometime after 2100 as we been lulled into believing by our government's inaction and the false and incomplete climate analysis by the IPCC. A massive human, animal, and biological extinction event will be arriving in many areas of the world as soon as the next 30 to 50 years. Again, this is because it is highly improbable we will make or even get close to the required 2025 radical global fossil fuel cuts!
b. We are already in an undeclared global warming extinction emergency. (Click here to see why.)
c. Global warming will be out of our meaningful control as long as another 30-50 years or longer (when we miss or do not get very close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.)
d. Many of global warming's very worst consequences are already unavoidable no matter what we do right now!
e. A global warming-caused mass extinction event and die-off will be unfolding and worsening over the next 30-50 years if we miss coming very close to the 2025 targets as it now appears we will do.
f. If we do not come very close to the 2025 targets we will be also facing a near-total extinction event.
The most important reasons why must meet or get as close to the 2025 targets as possible in spite of all the above challenges
If we do get close to the 2025 targets, as much as 50% of humanity will suffer and die due to starvation over a relatively short period (1-2 decades.) As horrible as much as 50% of humanity as well as a lot of animals and biological life suffering and dying is, this outcome is still far better than having most of humanity suffer and die by mid-century (or even all of humanity,) if we fail to reach or come very close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.
There are three things we can always be sure of during this global warming emergency. In spite of all of the challenges and adverse global warming outcomes that are possible and discussed above (and on this website,) the single constant truth for the best possible outcome for humanity is that; the faster and more we reduce global fossil fuel use toward meeting or getting as close as possible to the 2025 targets:
a. the more people that will survive longer to carry on humanity, life, and our beautiful civilization into the future, (See Parts 3 and 4 of the Job One Plan for how to do this.)
b. the surviving future generations will suffer far less from an ever-increasing sequence of escalating global warming consequences and catastrophes, and
c. we will "buy" ourselves more time to prepare and adapt to what we can no longer avoid, (see the global warming Plan B and survival kit here.)
More people surviving longer and more people having time to get themselves, their families, and their businesses prepared for what is coming is an undeniable good particularly when you weigh it against the unavoidable consequences of doing nothing or failure to make the needed sacrifices to get global warming under control.
In Summary, humanity may survive by achieving achieve the following objectives:
A. Ensure the world meets (or gets very close to,) meeting the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. by getting our politicians to pass and enforce the necessary laws. This will give us the time we need to prepare and adapt. (See Job One Plan Part 3 for everything our governments must do to reach the survival-critical 2025 targets.)
B. Educate the world about how to execute an individual, business, or national emergency backup "Plan B."
C. Continue to present an accurate, rational but very limited hope for humanity's future wherever we offer painful facts about our current global warming extinction emergency. This rational hope is solidly based on what is still possible and practical to do. It includes presenting the great opportunity this great emergency presents, which is to build a smarter, better world for whoever might survive! And if we have the resources,
D. Educate larger and better-funded, non-profit organizations with vastly more influence than Job One. Get these organizations to use their greater influence get our politicians to meet or get very close to the critical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. (Job One is a small, non-profit organization with very limited reach and resources.)
E. The core message of our organization and this website is:
1. We have only until 2025 to act or, global warming crosses extinction-triggering tipping points and goes out of our collective human control for centuries to thousands of years.
2. If we pass beyond global warming extinction-triggering tipping points, it will be because the forces of nature (the systems and subsystems of our climate, atmosphere, and ecosystems) have seized control. This loss of human control will happen because of the immutable laws of physics relating to our atmosphere's escalating fossil fuel carbon pollution levels.
3. If we fail to meet the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets and cross the extinction-triggering tipping points within decades, there will be an unavoidable mass human extinction event and die-off (most of humanity by mid-century.)
4. If we get our governments to act immediately to achieve the 2025 global targets using the effective fossil fuel reduction steps (described here,) we still have time to adapt, save ourselves, and thrive as well as prevent a near-total extinction event!
5. Global warming is the greatest disruptor of the 21st century. It is also a threat mega-multiplier for these other critical global challenges.
Other than avoiding nuclear war, the global warming extinction emergency has become the prime driver for having a future for humanity and our civilization on Earth. If we allow global warming to go out of our control by missing the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets by a large amount, there is little hope that we can still avoid a global warming near-total extinction event or control the escalating consequences of the world's other critical challenges.
On the other hand, if we do get the climate change and global warming emergency under control, we will experience 2 great global benefits
Climate Change and Global Warming Benefit 1 - A beautiful world and having any livable future we get if we make the right choices and meet the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.
Imagine a world with clean, fresh air that did not kill us or make our children ill. Imagine a world of new livelihoods and lifestyles where former fossil fuel workers transform our transportation system. Imagine them building fast, green bullet trains and expanding universal access to self-driving electric vehicles eliminating the need for most private transportation and parking lots.
Now imagine existing parking lots and the roofs of our many buildings becoming organic gardens or parks or, solar panel farms. Imagine our cities transformed into safe and healthy places and healthy forests, soils, waterways, and oceans again helping to clean our air and water and feed us sustainably.
We still have time to fix our global warming mess by reaching the 2025 global targets and have all these good things and much, much more. We still have one last opportunity to keep the world from getting so warm that it will kill off most of us, but only if we choose to resolve the fossil fuel-caused global warming emergency.
Imagine we make the right 2025 global fossil fuel reduction target choices, and in doing this, we also become good stewards of the world and our futures.
And finally, imagine we do we make the urgently needed 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. We have preserved hope for both ourselves and for future generations that life will go on and that the quality of our lives will get better. By acting now we get to experience and preserve for ourselves and future generations the opportunity to survive and thrive and experience a true sustainable prosperity.
Climate Change and Global Warming Benefit 2 - When we resolve the single greatest disruptor and threat multiplier of the 21st century (which is accelerating global warming and climate change,) we will be simultaneously reducing many of the negative consequences of the world's other critical systemic challenges listed near the top of this page.
As we resolve global warming At the same time we will also be making the world's critical challenges far easier to resolve! To see a detailed and expanded description of each of humanity's other critical global crises to better understand how important it is for us to manage our global warming emergency, click here.
We can build a beautiful, more sustainable world and future for all, but only if we manage global warming.
Most of our best social, economic, and political values, goals, and human rights will become far easier and more probable to achieve once we get our accelerating global warming emergency resolved. (Those values, goals, and human rights are shown in the Sustainable Development illustration below)
Resolving global warming allows us to make continuing progress on addressing all of the world's other critical systemic challenges! On the other hand, if we do not get global warming fixed and the climate continues to destabilize at the current rate, there will be no way to make continued progress or ever realize most of these vital values, goals, and human rights.
We can create a world in which we and future generations will love to live. We can build a new world of far greater peace and security!
To do this first we have to get the global warming emergency resolved. This will facilitate and expedite our possibilities for reaching all of the following wonderful life-enhancing Sustainable Development and Sustainable Prosperity Goals.
Said in a different way, here are just a few of the potential evolutionary changes in values, goals, and processes that will be far easier to improve or make once accelerating global warming is under control. We will be better able to:
1. reduce our destructive consume/pollute/waste consumerism,
2. end critical resource depletion and create resource rebalancing,
3. end racial and educational justice,
4. create universal healthcare,
5. end wealth and income equity,
6. create housing and employment equity,
7. allow for the return and strengthening of biodiversity because of reduced pollution and encroachment into natural habitats,
8. create the next evolutionary economic fair exchange system beyond our current corporate greed-based capitalism. This new economic system relies upon the false fundamental principle of unlimited growth within the closed and limited Earth system. And,
9. create effective global governance based on the collective wellbeing of all planetary citizens vs. our current corporatocracy for the benefit of a wealthy few that we have now. (To begin to repair corporatocracy we would need to remove all personhood rights from corporations, hold them strictly responsible to the principles of the triple bottom line and make them pay for all pollution and harm they cause upon the public commons.)
All of the previous items will help build a sustainable prosperity and a just and equitable future for ALL of humanity, including all biological life. All of the above things can help create a global civil society with individual human rights and responsibilities held in appropriate balance with community and government rights and responsibilities. (To learn more about the many new principles of the sustainable prosperity of the future, click here.)
Before reading on, please take a moment and visualize how much better your life and our world will be when all of the beautiful values and goals listed in Benefits 1 and 2 above are improved, stabilized, and achieved!
(To see all of the 18 other benefits of working toward solving the global warming emergency, click here.)
(To see the expanded details on the other critical global challenges we must face and resolve to have a future, click here.)
The above is all you have to remember for now about global warming and your future. Many of the pages on our website will show you the exact science behind these five simple statements to verify what we are saying is true. You can start that verification process here or continue reading.
The ultimate global warming question for every person, business, religion, and government on Earth to answer is...
We were grossly unprepared for the COVID-19 pandemic despite repeated warnings by our scientists. We are woefully unprepared for the coming global warming extinction emergency and we have once again have ignored the warnings of our scientists.
If we continue to fail to act effectively, we face unavoidable mass human extinction for most of humanity by mid-century and near-total extinction within as little as 50-70 years.
We have already all but lost the battle to avoid global warming mass extinction by our being so far away from hitting the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.
The ultimate remaining global warming question for every person, business, religion, and the government should be most concerned about at this time is:
"Will we, at least, come close enough to the critical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets so that humanity can avoid near-total extinction?"
How to keep the difficult and disruptive facts on this page in a balanced and positive perspective
We will be able to avoid or delay some of the coming global warming consequences, while other consequences are unavoidable due to our ignorance, incompetence, inaction, or selfishness. Despite the types of consequences we now face, we can learn from their feedback and adapt and evolve. No matter what we face, we can keep working toward achieving the best possible remaining outcomes.
We can make a significant difference and stabilize and save the future by executing the comprehensive Job One for Humanity global warming action plan. We also can maintain the perseverance needed to succeed by regularly reviewing the many benefits which we will unfold as we work successfully on this together.
While we persevere, we must never forget that our greatest challenges are also the seeds of our greatest opportunities. We must continually realize that we are engaged in the most critical and meaningful evolutionary adventure in human history! This adventure is nothing less than removing the global warming extinction threat and, in so doing, indirectly improving most of the world's other major challenges.
In Summary of our Mission
If you feel our mission is important to your future and you want to support it and see it succeed:
Click here to make a fast, easy tax-deductible online donation.
For additional areas of global warming information and news:
If you want to learn the story of our organization and more about how this just recently upgraded mission statement came about, click here.
Click here for some surprise benefits of our global warming extinction emergency. (We strongly recommend that everyone reads this good news section to help counterbalance the difficult news about our current global warming extinction emergency.)
To learn more about the full Job One Plan that will is designed to achieve the mission above, click here.
If you want to know how we got ourselves into this catastrophe, click here and go to the section How this Gross Misinformation Occurred.
If you want to learn the most accurate way that you can personally tell if we are making progress in reducing global warming, click here.
If global warming-caused extinction seems unrealistic to you, please see the phased global warming extinction process as it unfolds described in the Climageddon Scenario overview here or more fully in the new Climageddon book. You doing You doing
We are, unfortunately, already moving rapidly through the 6 phases of the Climageddon Scenario extinction model. Click the preceding link to learn more. (The timetables for global warming's 20 worst consequences and 11 key tipping points are found on our website and in the new book Climageddon.)
If you want to understand the climate science and analysis procedures we used to present the above information, click here for a technical explanation of our climate research process.
For answers to all of your remaining questions about climate change and global warming, click here for our new climate change FAQ. It has over one hundred of the most asked questions and answers about climate change.
Our think tank's leaning, position, or "bias"
All think tanks have open or hidden leanings, positions, or biases. These biases or leanings are almost always based directly upon who is funding them wit the biggest donations or subsidies.
There are conservative-leaning think tanks and progressive-leaning think tanks. There are evangelical-leaning think tanks, and Jewish-leaning think tanks. There are industry-specific leaning think tanks. No matter what they publicly profess, think tanks always openly or secretly directly represent the interests of those funding them.
Because of this avoidable funding conflict of interest, all think tanks should be treated as highly biased toward their funder's needs and interests. Unethical think tanks have even been known to regularly alter or misrepresent facts to further the financial, political, or religious interests of their funders.
100% public funding is what makes the Job One for Humanity think tank different than almost all other think tanks. Because we are 100% publicly funded, our biased leaning or position is always that of protecting the universal best interests of the common well-being and common good of all humanity. This means you will find our uncensored climate change analysis, forecasts, and facts considerably different (and usually far worse) than other climate change, environmental, or other political or industrial think tanks with transparent or hidden special interest big donor funding. (The average donation to Job One is about $15 US.)
A Job One, we only have one special interest that we are protecting: the well-being, the good, and the survival of humanity from and through the climate change emergency.
Please donate any amount to help keep our 100% publicly funded nonprofit think tank free for everyone! Help us to keep providing uncensored climate change forecasts, facts, and solutions to the public.
With every donation of any amount, you will get amazing gifts! Click the donate image below and also see what these gifts are.