Actions Steps 1 to Step 8 of the Job One for Humanity Plan, Part 2
Last Updated 10.13.23
Action Step 1: Reduce your carbon footprint and protect your future food supplies by planting an organic garden
Some of the worst and first big effects of accelerating climate change will be soaring food prices and food shortages caused by climate change-related crop failures and low crop yields. It is essential to have a secure food supply and back up food supplies.
As escalating global warming worsens, failed crops, soaring food prices, and growing starvation will be amongst the first wave of major consequences to shake populations all over the earth. To survive any length of time as the emergency deepens, you will need to be able to create and manage your own food supply beyond your initial 90-120 day emergency backup supplies as mentioned in Part 1 of The Job One Plan.
Get started as soon as possible learning all the skills and resources you will need to create your organic home, urban, community or, rural garden wherever you live. There are many resources on the Internet for successfully creating and maintaining organic gardens using permaculture, aquaponics or, hydroponics to create your own long-term food supplies.
Planting and maintaining a garden also can save money on food bills and it reconnects us with the true value of food. Garden creation, as well as other kinds of personal food-producing activities, will be essential to your long-term survival wherever you end up!
Research also suggests that growing more food organically can also help store more carbon. For example, by converting 10,000 small-to-medium-sized farms to organic production practices would store carbon in the soil equivalent to taking 1,174,400 cars off the road. Want more info? Visit
One of the biggest questions people ask when creating their food supply with a garden or greenhouse is how much land or space they will need. This question is fundamental if you are in an urban or suburban area.
The answer to how much land or space is enough has many variables. This article is one of the best explanations of all the variables we have seen for determining how much land or space you will need for your garden and greenhouse. We strongly recommend you read this article before growing what you will need in your garden or greenhouse.
Now that you understand this important step, what is your plan to execute it, and when can you start? Make some to-do notes for yourself before going on to the next step.
(Support notice: Research has shown that having a support network is up to 90% of why people succeed with complex or multiple long-term tasks. So please take advantage of our email support with your questions, problems, and successes.
What you learn, struggle with, or succeed with can also help motivate others. So please take advantage of our online email support by joining our climate change program by emailing us at ([email protected]). Be sure to put "Part 2 Support" in the subject line and let us know what is happening. We may also use what you share in our newsletter to help motivate and educate others if you permit us. We are all in this nightmare together. We have a massive challenge to fix the climate change extinction emergency, and it will take ALL of us working together to do it!)
Action Step 2: Vote in politicians who will radically reduce local, regional, state, and national fossil fuel use and become a runaway global heating activist
As your first adaptive step to the acceleration of climate change consequences, we strongly recommend that you vigorously use whatever political power and local influence you might have. The more our leaders enforce the required radical reductions in fossil fuel use, the faster your future will improve and become more survivable.
This first step may in fact, be the most potent and effective adaptive action in Part 2 of the Job One Plan.
The key to humanity surviving runaway global heating extinction is to get our politicians and governments to understand and enforce radical fossil fuel cuts to come close to the 2025 targets. For our politicians to do that, they must understand the ten big facts of runaway global heating and why getting close to the 2025 targets is a life and death matter for ALL of humanity.
Most of us do not directly influence our national politicians, but that does not mean there is nothing we can do politically. You can always become a runaway global heating activist and do the local, county, regional, and state actions listed below, but if, by chance, you do have a direct influence on your national politicians, please be sure to go to this critical page first!
Here are the political actions and activism we all need to focus on:
- Use your vote to support any politician who will make the needed radical fossil fuel cuts.
- Vote out politicians who support or subsidize fossil fuels' "business as usual" ongoing use or expansion.
- Always vote locally (city or county), regionally (state), and nationally for green, non-polluting, and sustainable new energy generation methods. Also, vote for expanding natural carbon sequestration.
- Vote for politicians who understand that we now face unavoidable severe mass to near-total extinction consequences because we have wasted over six decades with ineffective climate actions.
- Vote for politicians who understand we need to immediately start runaway global heating emergency preparations and build climate change resilience at local, regional, and national levels. (Click here to see many of the coming climate consequences, many of which are already unavoidable.)
Your vote and runaway global heating activism can still make a local, regional, and state fossil fuel use difference. But, at the same time, collectively, we can politically push to create the national and international fossil fuel reductions needed to get as close to the 2025 global reduction targets as possible.
Action Step 2B: In addition to voting, educate you leaders and use whatever influence you have with or over city, county, state, or national politicians and managers to motivate them to act on the climate change emergency.
Maybe you can't change your national politicians because you have no direct contact or influence with them. Still, you can probably influence your local city council, your local zoning board, or your local city mayor. You might even be able to influence your county politicians or managers. Some of you might even be able to influence your state politicians or managers. Any level of influence you can exert influence NOW is the time to educate and get these individuals to reduce fossil fuel use in every possible way radically.
Not only will these politicians and managers have to lower fossil fuel use, but they will also have to begin emergency preparation and adaptation actions. Preparation and adaptation are needed to prevent your city, county, state, or nation from suffering far more than necessary from the known and soon-arriving consequences of accelerating climate change.
Here is part of what must be done:
- Educate your local, regional, state, and national politicians by sending them, and their staff copies of the ten facts of runaway global heating and why getting close to the 2025 targets is a life and death matter for ALL of humanity.
- Educate them about what must be done to meet the 2025 fossil fuel reduction targets by getting them copies of Part 3 of the Job one Plan on what our governments must do to save humanity from near-total extinction. (Click here to learn more about near-total extinction and why we can still save up to 50 percent of humanity.)
To help you with this critical first educational step, we have created a unique handout to use with governmental managers and politicians. This powerful handout will get them thinking about what they will eventually have to answer to the public for concerning relevant climate change disasters and recovery. Getting them this thought-provoking handout will also prevent them from saying farther down the line, "they didn't know what was coming."
If you're really motivated, get those politicians to declare a citywide, countywide, statewide, or nationwide climate change extinction emergency. Here is a link to our emergency declaration petition for just that action!
If your various politicians, managers and leaders do not respond after repeated educational efforts, then the only cause of action left to you is:
- Continue to engage in runaway global warming peaceful civil disobedience, and necessary disruption wherever needed and according to the wise activist policies and tactics described on this page.
- Every chance and way you can, question, challenge, and disrupt your local, regional, state, and national politicians if they appear not to understand the ten facts of runaway global heating and why getting close to the 2025 targets is a life and death matter for ALL of humanity. (Please see our policies on necessary, peaceful disruption.)
Action Step 3: Divest out of fossil fuel investments and assets
If you have any fossil fuel industry investments, divest and get out of all of your personal holdings in this dead-end industry. Next, do everything within your zone of influence to convince others within your networks to do the same. Next, work to convince businesses, pension funds, endowments, and national governments to divest completely from the dying fossil fuel industry as soon as possible. Why?
- The fossil fuel industry is a bad investment. Other than for limited use in the future for the military, air travel, space exploration, and other limited applications, the age of fossil fuel energy generation has ended. No individual or organization should want to invest in an industry with its massive subsidies soon being removed, its profits being taxed at increasing rates, and with its growing legal liability to restore all of the damage it has done to the environment over the last 130 years. Get out before you get caught!
- Money is real influential power! Money talks, and it talks effectively! One strong way to help convince our governments and the power elite that the age of fossil fuels is over and the age of green energy generation is here is to pull all financial support from the fossil fuels industry as soon as possible.
- There is little future left for fossil fuel energy use. Global fossil fuel use has to be drastically cut while we rapidly move to global green energy generation to survive. Divesting quickly aligns beautifully and wisely with the many new fossil fuel use reduction laws that will be enacted.
"Money does not just talk, it screams influence and power. If you want to see a change happen fast, properly incentivize it with strong monetary rewards or disincentivize it by removing its profit." — A Job One team member
Click here to make your pledge to divest and join the divestment honor roll!
For more information on why you should become a fossil fuel divestment promoter, please click here for a four-minute animation (1) that explains this tactic in more detail.
If you're still not convinced about the importance of immediate divestment, please watch this powerful 2-1/2 minute divestment video now by The Guardian. (2) See this article by Alister Doyle (3) for more information on why it’s important to divest now.
When you have personally divested out of fossil fuels, let us know by emailing us at [email protected]. You will be added to our Job One Plan divestment honor roll. If you have encouraged others to divest and they have done so, tell Job One your success story. Job One may share it in our Job One newsletter to help encourage others.
Now that you understand this important step, what is your plan to execute it, and when can you start? Make some to-do notes for yourself before going on to the next step. Create an ongoing personal master checklist of things you can do as you read each of the Job One Plan action steps.
Individual Action Step 4: Eat fewer animal and dairy products
Yes, you read this correctly. Other than having just one child, the single most important personal action you can take to reduce global warming and fossil fuel use is not, as much popular thinking has it, to buy an electric car, insulate your house, or cut your hot water use by 60%. It is to eat significantly less meat and dairy products.
This is because global food animal production and dairy agribusiness are leading causes of global warming, considering their total atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions.
The facts:
- Animal agriculture is a major emitter of greenhouse gases. One report (4) has estimated global agribusiness is responsible for a whopping 17% of all global warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions. The frequently incorrect United Nations' IPCC uses a figure of 14% for agribusiness' share of global greenhouse gas emissions.
Unfortunately, like many IPCC calculations, this reported 14% figure overlooks key agribusiness emissions contributors. The IPCC report also did not include any calculation for greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel-burning machinery needed for growing almost 50% of the world's total crops that are used in animal feed. This would be for things like mechanical plowing, seeding, harvesting, processing, and shipping the crops used exclusively for animal feed. The total greenhouse gas emissions from agribusiness' other systemic locked-in uses of fossil fuel that are withheld from the calculations could be equal to all other agribusiness emissions the IPCC uses to calculate its 14% allotment. In other words, the percentage of global warming being caused by agribusiness could be underestimated by half or more.
It might actually be much worse than that. Other reports listed below discuss the total greenhouse gas emissions from global agribusiness that consider all direct and indirect factors. These reports imply the real total greenhouse gas emissions attributable to agribusiness could be as high as 51% of all carbon and methane greenhouse gas emissions. (See the following article by Martin Hickman (5) and this Worldwatch report (6) for more on this higher 51% estimate.)
- By comparison, the fossil fuel industry (all industries related to the mining, distribution, and use of petroleum, coal, or natural gas) is estimated to be responsible for 40% of all carbon and methane greenhouse gas emissions.
- By comparison, even at the lower estimates, global animal agriculture may be responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than the combined exhaust from all transportation—private, public, commercial, and industrial.
- Consistently eating a plant-based diet even just one day per week reduces more greenhouse gas emissions than buying local food all year long, and switching to a full-time plant-based diet results in greater greenhouse gas reductions than switching from a gasoline-powered sedan to a hybrid vehicle.
- Vegetarian-only diets generate up to a whopping 42% fewer greenhouse gas emissions and lead to dramatically lower overall environmental impacts compared to non-vegetarian diets. (See this 1.5-minute video (7) that illustrates the above facts and adds more specifics on why reducing your animal product intake is so important to reducing global warming in our future.)
If you cannot cut out all animal products and become a full-time vegetarian, at least start a program of eating fewer animal and dairy products, such as reducing your animal and dairy dietary intake first one day a week, then two days a week, and so on. You can start by eating less beef, which demands more fossil fuel resources to produce than chicken.
Everything counts. Begin by eating 20% less of the animal products than you are eating now within 6 months or less. You will save money and, according to recent studies, you will become far healthier, look better, and live longer. Once you hit your first target, keep reducing your animal intake by another 20% over the next 3-6 months and continue until you are either animal- and dairy products-free or you are eating very little of them.
Even though most people already know they are supposed to eat less animal and dairy products because of the many documented bad health impacts, this is a significant change for many people in their diet. Most of the time medical warnings don't change our behaviors, but when people also learn the hard science behind why reducing animal and dairy product intake is also important to their planet's future, many individuals are finally ready to make the commitment and change.
To help you understand the facts about how powerful changing your diet will be to reducing global warming, we strongly recommend you read this fact summary at: and see this 1.5-minute trailer for the documentary here. (8) (Cowspiracy is also available on Netflix.)
If you still need convincing on why reducing your animal products food intake is important to help slow escalating global warming, please read these two amazing articles by Khushbu Shah (9) and Felicity Carus (10) on how "voting" with your "low or no" animal and dairy products diet will help lessen global warming, as well as resolve other key global challenges to our shared future.
To help you make the change to eating fewer animal and dairy products, we also strongly recommend you read Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Furhman. You will not only discover how to have a tasty diet that will help save the planet from global warming, but you will also understand how this new low-to-no animal products diet will help you become healthier, look better, and live longer.
In summary, the most highly leveraged action any individual can take to reduce global warming is to reduce or eliminate the consumption of animal and dairy products. When you have reduced your animal and dairy product intake, send us an email to [email protected] and enter the following in the subject line: “I am eating fewer animal products to reduce global warming.” Job One will add you to our global warming dietary honor roll. If you have encouraged others to do the same, tell us your success story. Job One can share it in our newsletter to help encourage others.
Now that you understand this important step, what is your plan to execute it, and when can you start? Make some to-do notes for yourself before going on to the next step.
Individual Action Step 5: Reduce your carbon footprint by conserving energy at your home and business
Once you have stopped adding to the carbon and methane pollution problem with your current fossil fuel use by going green, you can then look at the issue of home and business energy conservation. For every $1 spent on home or office energy conservation, $1.80 is saved over time. Home or office conservation also can reduce energy bills by 32%, and energy-efficient households save an average of $218 per year on their energy bills. In the U.S. 21% of all energy used is consumed in homes. 40% of home energy use goes to heating and cooling; 20% goes to water heating; and lighting and appliances, including refrigeration, use more than 15%.
The key to home and business energy conservation is simply finding those places where your home or business is losing energy or using existing energy inefficiently. The U.S. Department of Energy has a lot of information on “Do-It-Yourself Home Energy Assessments,” including ideas for locating air leaks, inspecting heating and cooling equipment, perfecting insulation, and evaluating the lighting throughout your home or office.
No-cost energy conservation projects include closing blinds, shades, and curtains on cold cloudy days to retain heat; opening them on cold sunny days for solar warming; and closing them on hot days to hold heat out; making sure that your fireplace has a tight-fitting damper; and removing window-unit air conditioners in the winter to eliminate air leakage.
Low-cost and easy-to-do projects include blanketing your hot water heater, insulating hot water pipes, sealing holes around outlets with inexpensive outlet gaskets, and weather-stripping doors and caulking windows. Other projects include adding more ceiling and wall insulation, upgrading to energy-efficient units, insulating and properly sealing heating ducts, and sealing air leaks around doors, windows, and chimneys.
Once you have done all you can to conserve more energy in your home or business, you can hire a professional energy auditor to carry out a more thorough assessment. A professional auditor uses a variety of techniques and sophisticated equipment like infrared cameras to determine the energy efficiency of a structure and reveal hard-to-detect areas of air infiltration and missing insulation.
A word of caution: Regarding conservation, research has repeatedly shown that technology used to increase fossil fuel consumption efficiency more often than not increases overall fossil fuel use rather than reduces it. This is known as Jevons’s paradox. (16)
This happens because of the economic savings that fossil fuel energy conservation provides, which then frees additional resources to buy or use more things dependent upon fossil fuels. Don't let your fossil fuel energy conservation increase global warming by accelerating fossil fuel in other areas. Just pocket the savings and use it elsewhere.
Now that you understand this important step, what is your plan to execute it, and when can you start? Make some to-do notes for yourself before going on to the next step.
(Support notice: Research has shown that having a support network is up to 90% of why people succeed with complex or multiple long-term tasks. So please take advantage of our email support with your questions, problems, and successes.
What you learn, struggle with, or succeed with can also help motivate others. So please take advantage of our online email support by joining our climate change program by emailing us at ([email protected]). Be sure to put "Part 2 Support" in the subject line and let us know what is happening. We may also use what you share in our newsletter to help motivate and educate others if you permit us. We are all in this nightmare together. We have a massive challenge to fix the climate change extinction emergency, and it will take ALL of us working together to do it!)
Individual Action Step 6: Reduce your transportation-related energy use
Tips to reduce your carbon footprint from driving:
- In the U.S. 40% of all trips people make are 2 miles or less. 90% of those trips are taken by car. If the trip is longer than 2 miles and too far to bike, consider carpooling or mass transit. If you must drive alone, be sure to combine trips, completing as many errands in one trip as possible.
- Drive a low-carbon vehicle. All vehicles now have an estimated miles-per-gallon rating (11) and pollution ratings. If electric cars are charged with clean electricity, they contribute no carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. After incentives and gas savings, it essentially costs nothing to switch to an electric car like the Nissan Leaf (12) or Toyota Prius. If you don’t charge the electric car with your home’s solar panels (or other clean electricity if it’s available), you’re better off with a high-MPG (miles per gallon) gas/diesel car or a hybrid. Here’s why. (13)
- Don't forget that “high MPG” doesn’t always mean “low carbon dioxide emissions.” Always check the emission ratings before you buy.
- Take fewer vacations that are far away. Take more frequent and driveable “staycations” closer to home.
- Use cruise control. Unnecessary acceleration and speeding reduce mileage by up to 33%, (14) waste money and gas, and increase your carbon footprint.
- Avoid traffic congestion. Being unnecessarily stuck in traffic creates unhealthy carbon dioxide pollution and wastes gas. Use traffic apps and websites to go a different way or wait for less congested times.
- Tire inflation and engine tuning. Use the correct grade of motor oil and keep your engine tuned because some maintenance fixes (15) like fixing faulty oxygen sensors can increase fuel efficiency by up to 40%. Properly inflated tires improve your gas mileage by up to 3%.
- Remove excess weight from your car.
- If 1 out of 10 people switched to an alternative form of transportation (biking, walking or public transportation), carbon dioxide emissions would drop by 25.4 million tons per year in the U.S. alone. If you are going a distance of less than 1 mile, walk instead of drive. If it's too far to walk, ride your bike. This will help you save parking and gas costs while reducing the risks of obesity and improving health.
Air travel tips to reduce your carbon footprint:
- Until petroleum-based aviation fuel is replaced, you should fly economy class, fly shorter distances, fly less frequently, and avoid flying altogether whenever possible.
- Increase your use of video-conferencing tools like Skype and Facetime to reduce work-related travel.
Now that you understand this important step, what is your plan to execute it, and when can you start? Make some to-do notes for yourself before going on to the next step.
Individual Action Step 7: Reduce your carbon footprint by buying local
A basic diet of imported non-local ingredients can require up to four times the energy of an equivalent locally sourced diet. Where possible, buy from your local farmers’ market or co-op. The typical meal in the U.S. currently travels anywhere from 1,200 to 2,500 miles from pasture to plate.
Buying local has a strong multiplier effect in the economy in addition to reducing the transportation carbon footprint. A 10% increase in purchasing from locally owned businesses in lieu of national chain stores would yield nearly $200 million in incremental major metropolitan area economic activity and create 1,300 new jobs each year. A dollar spent on local products and services can circulate in the local community up to 15 times.
Now that you understand this important step, what is your plan to execute it, and when can you start? Make some to-do notes for yourself before going on to the next step.
Individual Action Step 7: Get your home and business converted to green energy generation systems
(Please note that this step is not a substitute for first radically reducing your fossil fuel use to help meet the 2025 fossil fuel reduction targets. Unless it is hydroelectric or geothermal, green energy generation also has many toxic by-products.)
Green energy generation can be solar, wind, hydroelectric, or some other alternative form of energy generation greener than fossil fuels. Today the reasons for converting to green energy generation in our homes and businesses are stronger than ever.
Switching to green energy as soon as possible can also be seen as a patriotic duty and national security imperative. The U.S. and many other countries in the world still get a significant portion of their polluting fossil fuel energy supplies from areas of the world that are high-conflict zones where our energy supplies could be cut off, radically reduced, or priced so high that these changes would destabilize the productivity and economic stability of all countries in any way dependent upon importing those fossil fuels.
Nations that import these fossil fuels from the high-conflict areas find themselves dragged into expensive, unending, or unresolvable conflicts in those fossil fuel-producing areas. These high-conflict fossil fuel-producing zones are also prime sources for exporting terrorism back out to the very parts of the world to which they sell their fossil fuels.
A nation with decentralized green energy systems in use by most of its population is no longer dependent upon or held hostage by the fossil fuel producers from many of the world’s high-conflict areas. Additionally, not having to send our military forces into these areas to protect our fossil fuel supplies and economic stability will also save lives and tremendous taxpayer costs in our national budgets. These savings can then be better used in other areas.
When you convert your home or business to green energy systems, you are making a powerful move to help build your national security. You are acting as a true patriot!
- Green energy generation has become cheaper than ever due to manufacturing at scale and the increasing number of people converting over. There are many improvements in green energy efficiency and in lowering the costs of installing green energy in your home or business.
- Green energy has come of age to such a degree that it is increasingly easier to finance in large and small green energy home and business installations. Soon it will be no more difficult to get financing to go green than it will be to get financing for a new car.
- Green energy generation is still subsidized in many areas with either direct subsidy payments or tax deductibility.
- Homes and businesses that are operating on decentralized green energy are far more prepared for any kind of emergency that would affect their current power systems and productivity. Having homes and businesses operating on decentralized green energy generation creates a high-level emergency reserve and a quick recovery resilience at both the local and national levels to any kind of emergency that would affect our existing centralized fossil fuel-dependent energy generation and distribution systems.
- Energy is power. When you go to green energy generation, often you can also decentralize power away from large utilities and international energy corporations. You bring real power and independence back into the hands of average citizens and small businesses.
Of all the steps listed, the step you just read is the second most powerful going greener step because it is about increasing green energy generation. Even if you don't own your own home or business, there is still something you can do here to advance national security and be a real patriot. You can convince those whom you are renting from or work for that converting to green energy generation as quickly as possible is the smart and patriotic thing to do for cost reduction, national security, reducing global warming, emergency preparedness, and protecting future generations.
Green energy generation also makes good economic sense by saving you money over the long term. Today, many individuals and businesses are converting to green energy not because they are sustainability advocates or want to save the climate from global warming but because going green saves money in their energy expenses over the long term.
Now that you understand this important step, what is your plan to execute it, and when can you start? Make some to-do notes for yourself before going on to the next step.
Individual Action Step 8: Buy energy-efficient appliances and products
Another good way to reduce your home energy consumption is to buy Energy Star™ appliances and products. Energy Star is a government-backed program using symbols that tell consumers if a product meets specific energy efficiency standards that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save energy.
The average home contributes two times the amount of greenhouse gases as the average car. In the long run, saving energy will save you money, as well as lessen your carbon pollution impact on our atmosphere and our planet. Many energy-efficient products such as windows and doors, water heaters, roofs, heating, and AC systems, and solar energy systems qualify for a Federal tax credit of up to 30% of the cost. Click here for more information. (17) Visit
You can also reduce your home and business energy use by powering down and unplugging electronics. It comes as a surprise to most people that appliances still continue to draw a small amount of power even when they are switched off.
75% of the electricity used to power home electronics and appliances is consumed in the average home while the products are turned off! When you are finished using any appliance you do not have to leave on, always unplug it.
To make things easy, plug an appliance (or several of them) into a power strip. When you are done, just flip the switch to cut off the power. Gadgets like the SmartStrip (18) help by cutting the power to all electronics when it is turned off. Want more info? Visit
Although there are many types of subsidies and tax incentives for home and business energy conservation, do not put the energy conservation cart in front of the more important green energy generation horse. To slow the process of going over the carbon 500 and carbon 600 near extinction and extinction tipping points, we need to more effectively stop making the problem worse. We all can help do this by reducing our use of fossil fuels.
At this point in the global warming emergency, switching to decentralized green energy generation on a widespread basis will be a more cost-effective, time-effective, and successful strategy than trying to fix all of the much smaller energy loss inefficiencies of homes and businesses everywhere. Want more info? Visit
Now that you understand this important step, what is your plan to execute it, and when can you start? Make some to-do notes for yourself before going on to the next step.
Please check and start one of the other Part 2 action steps below:
Climate Change Adaptations and Resilience Building Actions to Survive and Thrive through Coming Climate Consequences
Last Updated 7.31.24.
The independent and 100% publically funded Job One for Humanity climate change think tank produced the following. Further down this page is a summary list of all the recommended climate change adaptive actions.
"If you want to live longer and far more comfortably with far less sacrifice and suffering as the climate change emergency worsens, you must adapt!" Dan Hardy
What does adaptation mean?
Adaptation and adaptability mean learning from the feedback surrounding a problem you perceive as important and then making the necessary and responsible adjustments required by that feedback. In doing so, you exercise choice and freedom to respond to changes and difficult situations. The climate change emergency consequences are the ultimate pressing problem to which competent individuals, businesses, and nations must now adapt.
(If you have any doubts about either the urgency of the 3-9 years remaining (2025-2031) to save the other half of humanity (and hopefully you, your loved ones, and your business) or the critical importance of why you also need to work on Part 2 of the Job One Plan at this time, please click here and review the ten most important facts about the climate change emergency before continuing with this page.)
This is both Part 2 of the Job One For Humanity Plan and the Climate Change Disaster Preparation, Adaptation, and Recovery Guidebook. This online guidebook is linked to different parts of our website and contains three parts:
1. climate change preparation, which includes climate change migration information,
2. climate change adaptation, and
3. climate change disaster recovery.
To go immediately to the area of your greatest need, select from the options below:
1. If you need information on the best actions to adapt to coming climate change consequences, continue with this page.
2. If you are looking for the essential emergency backup plans and actions needed to ride out future climate-related extreme weather and disasters, click here.
3. If you want our extensive migration evaluation and potential location information, please click here.
4. If you have just experienced a climate change-related extreme weather event involving any heatwaves, droughts, wildfires, hurricanes ad cyclones, flooding, rain bombs, wind storms (Derechos), dust storms, wildfire smoke events, unseasonable cold spells, and abnormal unseasonal weather and, you need immediate recovery information and guidance, please click here.
5. If you are experiencing debilitating or paralyzing climate change, environmental anxiety, or other related negative emotions, click here first and read our years of experience on how to lessen and free yourself from that emotional weight.
6. If you have experienced any damage to your home, business, or farm from climate change-related consequences, you must begin a lawsuit against all related parties ASAP. There are wealthy companies that have either directly caused the climate change emergency and the damages you have experienced or that should have informed you of the relevant climate change risks.
The number of court cases focused on the global climate change crisis and its consequent damages has doubled since 2015, bringing the total number to over 2,000, according to a report led by European researchers last year. More than two dozen US cities and states are suing big oil, alleging the fossil fuel industry knew for decades about the dangers of burning coal, oil, and gas and actively hid that information from consumers and investors.
If you have just experienced a climate change-related extreme weather event involving any heatwaves, droughts, wildfires, hurricanes and cyclones, flooding, rain bombs, wind storms (Derechos), dust storms, wildfire smoke events, unseasonable cold spells, and abnormal unseasonal weather and, you need to begin the process for financial recovery and restitution by reading this page as soon as possible due to time limitations on filing for restitution from harmful acts. This page will connect you to successful law firms handling this specialty.
If it is time to recover from any change-related damages you, your home, business, farm, local, or state government may have experienced using successful law firms specializing in this area, click here and start the recovery of your financial losses from the perpetrators of climate change.
Here are the 17 critical action steps on this page that will help reduce your overall fossil fuel use and maximize the possible good for you and yours in a difficult situation
It is imperative to know that your ongoing individual adaptation actions in reducing your fossil fuel use are essential to save as much of humanity as possible. In many areas of our website, we have emphasized our government's critical first and primary role as being the most effective and required tool to enforce the 2025 global fossil fuel reductions. While that is a proper priority essential for saving half of humanity by 2050, there is also an essential role for the ongoing growing individual-driven fossil fuel reductions that are not part of our government's critical climate action path, which you see many environmental organizations promoting.
While individual fossil fuel reductions by hundreds of millions of us are presently too little and too late to save about half of humanity before about 2050, there are still two powerful reasons to start reducing your personal or business fossil fuel use and completing the other adaptation actions described below:
a. They will keep you living longer and far more comfortably as you move to low or non-fossil fuel systems as you complete the many other adaptation actions on this page. The adaptation actions below will directly help you manage food supplies and other needed resources as resource scarcity increases as climate change worsens.
b. They will help determine what remaining percentage of humanity survives after 2050. After humanity has hit the climate change catastrophe "rock bottom" described here, the total net result of our steadily accumulating individual fossil fuel reduction actions could make the difference of as much as 30% of humanity surviving after 2050. If individual fossil fuel reduction actions do not continue to grow and grow significantly, as few as five percent or less of humanity may survive until about 2070.
The above survival percentages underscore just how important your role in individual fossil fuel reduction is to the future. (If you are wondering why only thirty percent to as little as one or two percent of the population survives post-2050, and you are brave, click here and read about the nightmare we enter if we fail to get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. (Click here to see the needed individual fossil fuel use reduction actions.)
We understand the following necessary climate change emergency adaptation actions will be costly and time-consuming. Despite those costs, please do not forget to support our nonprofit Job One for Humanity organization to help us keep our critical information online and expanding.
In the Action Step links at the bottom of the page, you will find the full explanations and how-tos for each action step below:
Action Step 1: Reduce your carbon footprint and protect your future food supplies by planting an organic garden. Some of the worst and first big effects of accelerating climate change will be soaring food prices and food shortages caused by climate change-related crop failures and low crop yields. It is essential to have a secure food supply and backup food supplies.
Action Step 2: Vote for politicians who understand the ten facts of runaway global heating and will radically reduce fossil fuel use to get close to the 2025 global targets. Vote out politicians who support or subsidize fossil fuels' ongoing use or expansion. In addition to voting, use whatever influence you have with or over city, county, state, or national politicians to educate and motivate them to act on the climate change emergency.
Action Step 3: Divest out of fossil fuel investments and assets.
Action Step 4: Eat fewer animal and dairy products.
Action Step 5: Reduce your carbon footprint by conserving energy at your home and business.
Action Step 6: Reduce your transportation-related energy use.
Action Step 7: Reduce your carbon footprint by buying locally.
Action Step 8: Convert your home and business to green energy generation systems.
Action Step 9: Buy energy-efficient appliances and products.
Action Step 10: Use durable, reusable products to reduce your carbon footprint.
Action Step 11: Buy carbon offsets for your annual fossil fuel use that will go directly to help reduce carbon emissions and increase green energy generation.
Action Step 12: Do water conservation.
Action Step 13: If you are of a spiritual nature, work within your faith community to help educate others to help them survive climate change and runaway global heating.
Action Step 14: If you plan on having a family, consider having only one child.
Action Step 15: Apply Sustainable Prosperity's life principles to your current lifestyles and livelihoods.
Action Step 16: Use our effective ways to educate others about the climate change extinction emergency and engage them in its solution.
Action Step 17: Think in new ways.
Action Step 18: Additional critical climate change resilience-building factors for your home or business.
In this focused, step-by-step process, you will successfully create the needed sustainability and resilience for yourself, your family, or your business, and you will do your part to reduce your personal and business fossil fuel use.
We actively invite you to improve the Job One Plan with your own critical path action steps we have not considered. Don’t be afraid to experiment with the Job One individual or collective action steps. Wisely use any feedback from your own experiments (and those of others) to quickly adapt and tweak all of the action step tactics into better, faster solutions. Experimenting with alternate solutions not foreseen in the Job One Plan is good, provided such solutions will also forward the critical goals and targets outlined in the Job One Plan and do not repeat steps that are already known to be ineffective.
If you have tested a more effective way to complete any step or a new solution to some step, please collaborate and let the Job One team know about your success by emailing them at [email protected]. Job One staff will do their best to help spread your successes worldwide in our newsletters.
How to get the best results on Part 2 of the Job One Climate Change and Global Heating Resilience Plan:
We want everyone to be successful and survive what is coming. To help on this part of the Job One for Humanity Plan, we offer the following essential tips:
Step 1: Join our supportive ClimateSafe Villages community dedicated to getting its members through emergency preparation, adaptation, and climate change solution actions. Click here to learn all about these new communities or how to create a local supportive community.
Having the proper support has been proven in studies to be 90% of the reason why some are successful, and so many others are not. Join our climate resilience-building support community NOW and ensure your success in the actions below. Do not try to do all that is needed without the willing and friendly support that is available. Ongoing email support is critical if you want the best chance of success.
Step 2: Email us at ([email protected]) if you have any questions or suggestions relating to this part of the Job One Plan or feel stuck. We will get back to you in two business days or less.
Step 3: If joining or creating a group is not your thing, find a buddy or friend to go through the various Job One recommended steps while doing them. Having a task buddy is also one of the most successful methods of motivating yourself. In addition, many people see how bad the climate consequences are getting and would love to know about and be part of a program like ours.
Step 4: From the steps in this section, choose a first Part 1 task that is easy for you to do and start. This first task could also be a task that is best suited for your current resources and situation. Additionally, if some area below uses your favorite skills or is an area you are already passionate about, that could be a good area for you to start first as well.
Step 5: Focus on completing that first task until it is done.
Step 6: Next, choose the easiest remaining task and stay with it until it is done. Using this method, you will build task completion momentum, and at some point, you will be done with all of the steps.
Step 7: Use the knowledge, experience, and successes you have gained in the steps below with us and in your local eco-community to help educate, support, and motivate others. If you send that information to us at ([email protected]), we might put it in our monthly newsletter to inspire and inform others. (We can post it anonymously or with only your initials.)
Step 8: If you have not already signed the climate action pledge, please do so by clicking here. It will help kick-start the completion of your first selected task.
Step 9: To maintain your motivation to complete these new and challenging tasks below, we strongly recommend that you regularly read and re-read this page with the many individual and collective benefits we will receive when we successfully control the runaway global heating. It is the most-read page on our website, with well over 2 million views.
Please note that our plan is a self-motivated, self-organized, and self-directed do-it-yourself (DIY) system. You are the one that is responsible for the preparations and adaptations that are necessary to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your business from what is coming.
We strongly recommend that you do not depend upon others or your government to save you from the coming runaway global heating catastrophes. We also strongly recommend that before you begin any of the Job One Plan steps, you go to our page, which discusses the critical preparation and adaptation time frames depending on your current location or desired future location.
Not everyone has direct influence over their national politicians, as discussed in Part 3 of the Job One Plan. Although not everyone can be effective in Part 3 of the Job One plan, everyone can be effective on a personal level or at local, regional, or even state levels.
The single most important reason the Job One Plan exists is that no government, corporation, or nonprofit organization (NGO) will ever have enough resources to assist you in recovering from the accelerating cascade of worsening runaway global heating consequences described in detail on this page. If you are not making preparations like those described in our Job One Climate and Global Heating Resilience plan Part 2 below, you will be subjecting yourself (and your loved ones) to far more needless suffering and losses than you can imagine.
Part 2 of the Job One Plan also contains the adaptive actions needed to help improve almost all of the 12 most critical global crises we currently face.
There are even more reasons to focus initially on Part 2 and Part 1 of the Job One Plan B. New research also shows the Arctic is not heating up twice as fast as previously believed. Instead, the Arctic is heating four times as fast. And critical climate consequences will now occur far sooner than previously predicted.
These two climate changes greatly accelerate the arrival of many painful unavoidable consequences that were predicted to arrive decades later. This leads us to strongly recommend that you focus on completing the action steps of Part 1 of our plan first and then go to Part 2 of our plan. Then, while working on Part 1 and Part 2 of the Job One Plan, whenever you can get to them, keep doing whatever you can on the government-action-focused Part 3 of our plan to get them done as well. This way, you will be doing the most practical and effective actions relevant to our current climate change condition.)
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Understanding the benefits of fixing runaway global heating
We can still slow and fix runaway global heating if we work together to get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel targets. Please remember that many but not all of the climate consequences are avoidable and unnecessary.
Not only can we still fix our climate nightmare, achieve many surprising benefits, and save a good portion of humanity, but we also may be able to bring about a Great Global Rebirth (once we have learned and applied the lessons of our climate tragedy.)
If you have not done so already, click here to see the most-read page on our website with over two million views. This page will also help you see the many benefits and a possible Great Global Rebirth that can come into being once we have made the necessary sacrifices to fix runaway global heating, and we have endured the coming climate consequences that we can no longer avoid.
Now that you understand the many payoffs for fixing the runaway global heating extinction emergency, it is time to look at how challenging it will be.
The reasons behind Part 2 of the Job One Plan.
In Part 2 of the Job One Resilience Plan, you will take new actions to better adapt to a rapidly deteriorating climate and the environment to survive and ultimately thrive. You will learn how to create sustainable lifestyles and livelihoods as well as reduce your personal and business fossil fuel use to the currently required 2025 targets.
If you have not read this 2025 targets page which describes in detail all of the personal and business annual and long-term fossil fuel reductions that we must make, click here to do so at some point while working on the many action steps below. This way, you will know exactly what targets you will need to adapt to, to be successful across all of the various methods of reducing your fossil fuel usage described below in Part 2 of the Job One Plan below.
While doing Part 2 of the Job One Resilience Plan, please remember the following critical reasons why you will need to radically cut your fossil fuel use immediately and work to make your life and lifestyle more sustainable.
They are:
1. If we miss the required fossil fuel reduction targets and deadlines, much of humanity will likely suffer and die within his little as the next 30 to 50 years.
2. In every situation, despite the obstacles, the only way we save any part of a liveable future for even a small part of humanity is to radically and immediately cut fossil fuel use to slow down adding more carbon to the atmosphere enough so that we have time to prepare, migrate and adapt as well as possible.
3. Every reduction in our personal fossil fuel use means that more people will live longer or more people will suffer less. And finally,
4. We must institute the following new sustainability practices to help you survive the coming massive global food crop failures and the lack of production and distribution of other essential items due to escalating runaway global heating emergency consequences and crossed tipping points.
As you read through Part 2 of the Job One Plan's individual action steps, remember that these personal and business sustainability steps will initially create some slowing and lessening of the current and coming worst runaway global heating consequences, but only slightly. Not nearly enough to save us from our inescapable path to much more severe consequences for at least 30-50 more years.
To save ourselves from near-total extinction and lessen the other coming consequences enough for most of us to survive, we must also successfully execute part 3 of the Job One Plan. The only way we will ever even have the possibility of making the needed levels of fossil fuel cuts is to successfully complete the collective action steps of Part 3 of the Job One Plan.
(Please also note that runaway global heating caused near-total human extinction is not total extinction. Nor is near-total extinction the same as our unfortunate and unavoidable current path to the extinction of about half of humanity by mid-century. This critical difference between the two is that total extinction is highly improbable because of the many natural and human counteractions that will ramp up as runaway global heating consequences worsen. So, if you want to see the good news (which we strongly recommend) about why total human extinction caused by the consequences of runaway global heating is not our future and should not be worried about, please click here.)
Only those actions will make enough of a collective difference in time to adequately cut our fossil fuel use to adequately slow or avoid the mass suffering, death, migration, and financial loss that is already beginning to occur and that will continue to get worse if we don't reverse the fossil fuel use emergency.
If you do not have connections of direct influence to the government's politicians or you do not have indirect connections of influence on politicians through celebrities, intelligence agencies, ultra-wealthy corporations, philanthropies, or ultra-wealthy individuals, Part 1 and Part 2 of the Job One Plan are the areas we recommend you do first. But, if you do have any direct or indirect connections of influence on politicians, we strongly recommend you start the Job One Plan by reviewing Part 3 first. We only have until 2025 to meet very difficult global fossil fuel reduction targets. How almost all of that will happen is by our politicians taking the actions described in Part 3 of the Job One Plan.
In spite of the following individual actions by themselves not being able to achieve the critical cuts in fossil fuel use actually needed, the essential individual sustainability adaptation, slow and lessen climate change and runaway global heating actions below are still VERY important because if they are done by enough of us, they will also:
a. help us personally to adapt to and survive as well as possible and for as long as possible in the new world that is coming,
b. create more additional time for emergency preparation, adaptation, transfer of infrastructure, or migration (as described in Part 1 of the Job One Plan) or more time for adapting to the extinction face-off possibility found in the fourth, fifth, and sixth phases of the Climageddon Scenario.
c. if we can survive this emergency, the actions below will teach us today how to adapt to a new post-runaway global heating world, and it will give us the time to build these new actions into habits, and
d. When the actions steps below finally become part of the lifestyles and livelihoods of most people worldwide, they will additionally serve as an ongoing preventative remedy to keep another runaway global heating emergency from ever happening again. (This particular future preventative value for the following individual action steps below presumes that we will succeed and avert the Final phases of the Climageddon Scenario extinction event, and some of us will survive in the runaway global heating safe zones.)
Because of the essential importance and necessary benefits of items a-d above for both you and the future, please do not neglect the action steps of Part 2 of the Job One Plan to reduce your individual fossil fuel use and increase your sustainability while you also work on part 3 and part 4 of the Job One Plan whenever you can.
Work on this Part 2 regularly and make as much progress on its action steps as you possibly can to make your lifestyle and livelihood as sustainable as possible. And, if we survive the future global heating emergency, in one way or another, we will all have to live by the guidelines and new values and ideas given in the action steps below!
And finally, take some time to think how about where you will be riding out the next several decades of the runaway global heating emergency. If you migrate to the runaway global heating safe zones, you will want to focus on doing many of the sustainability action steps below at your new home and not as much in your current location. It is essential to make wherever you're going to ride out the runaway global heating emergency as sustainable as possible. Do this not just to reduce fossil fuel use but also do this for your long-term personal survival.
Discover amazing information, tools, alerts, and promotional benefits for becoming a Job One for Humanity climate change think tank donor/supporter/member by clicking here!
The most critical individual Job One Plan Part 2 pre-action step
The key action step that you should not skip over before you begin the individual action steps below is the one that allows you, your family, and your business to wisely prepare for an endless chain of runaway global heating aggravated consequences already hitting us. This step can be done over time as you work on the other steps below.
Click here for the details on all the needed emergency preparations for protecting yourself and your loved ones from the intensifying consequences of runaway global heating and our next climate catastrophe.
If you still doubt why you must get prepared and that the runaway global heating battle against its 20 known worst consequences has already been lost, please read this page on irreversible global warming.
If you have not reviewed Part 1 of the Job One Plan, please do so before starting Part 2 below.
"No program that claims to have a solution to climate change and runaway global heating can be called legitimate unless it is designed around knowing when a global heating-driven near-total extinction event will probably occur, how it will occur, and what must be done when to prevent that outcome. The Job One for Humanity four-part program relentlessly follows this critical path and deadline policy." Lawrence Wollersheim
Click here to discover why total human extinction is not realistic or probable, and the worst humanity will experience is near-total extinction (50 to 90+% of humanity going extinct.)
(To understand the "if we are lucky" final 2025-2031 crucial action deadline for preventing near-total extinction, click here. To see how that near-total extinction event will unfold in dozens of primary and secondary climate-related consequences, click here.
And finally, we can still slow and fix runaway global heating if we work together to get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel targets. Please remember that many but not all climate consequences are avoidable and unnecessary.
Not only can we still fix this climate nightmare and save a good portion of humanity, but we can also create many surprising benefits for ourselves and even bring about a Great Global Rebirth (once we have learned and applied the lessons of this tragedy.)
(Click here to see the most read page on our website with over two million views. This page will help you see the many benefits and a possible Great Global Rebirth that can come into being once we have made the necessary sacrifices to fix runaway global heating and have endured the coming climate consequences we can no longer avoid.)
if you have effective ways to influence your national politicians or government to get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets before it is too late, make it a personal priority! This political action will allow more people to survive runaway global heating. If you do not have effective influence, then work on the other local and regional parts of the Job One Plan that you can influence.
It is challenging to do Parts 1 and Part 2 of the Job One Plan by yourself
Accordingly, we now can offer this new level of free personal support.
Special online support announcement of 2.28.24. The staff at Job One for Humanity have recently helped to cofound a new nonprofit organization called ClimateSafe Villages. This organization was designed to help better prepare (Parts 1 and 2 of the Job One Plan) people for what's coming with the climate. It also helps them adapt and build greater climate resilience in their homes, businesses, and communities.
In addition to joining Job One for Humanity, please join ClimateSafe Villages as soon as possible. As of this date, we have transferred all our ongoing support activities for Parts 1 and 2 of the Job One Plan namely the climate change emergency preparation, adaptation, and resilience-building to this new organization.
Although we helped to cofound ClimateSafe Villages, we are no longer involved with its executive management because, as a think tank, climate change research must remain our primary focus. When asked, we continue advising ClimateSafe Villages on rapidly changing climate change conditions.
At ClimateSafe Villages, hundreds (soon thousands) of individuals are being supported in a great online community and in completing the necessary but often challenging climate change emergency preparations, adaption, and resilience-building.
Please also join ClimateSafe Villages soon. Good support has proven to be 90% of the reason people succeed in challenging tasks. And please, do not forget to become a member at Job One for Humanity for all of the benefits described on this page.
The key individual adaptation action steps of Part 2 of the Job One Plan
Some of the 16 individual action steps can be challenging to complete for many people. You may skip over any of the action steps below if you feel they do not apply to your situation or you cannot do them. You also may do the steps out of sequence if that works better for you.
Please check and start one of the Part 2 action steps below:
Click here to join one of our four worldwide eco-community model variations that can help provide valuable ongoing support and information for you as you work on the many sometimes challenging actions described above.
If you want to understand the science and analysis procedures we used to present the above information, click here for a technical expiation of our climate research process.
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For answers to all of your questions about climate change and global warming, click here for our new climate change FAQ. It has over one hundred of the most asked questions and answers about climate change.
Special Note: We have turned over all daily inter-personal emergency preparation support and care activities for completing the following Climate Change emergency preparation and adaptation action steps to a new non-profit organization we helped create, ClimateSafe Villages. We strongly recommend you join ClimateSafe Villages and the many individuals who have joined to get the daily support and community interaction you will need to get through the many steps described on this climate change emergency preparation page and our adaption and climate resilence-building page.
Discover amazing information, tools, alerts, and promotional benefits for becoming a Job One for Humanity climate change think tank donor/supporter/member by clicking here!