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Click here for Part 1 of the Job one Plan on how to best prepare yourself, family and business for the unavoidable 20 worst consequences of global warming.
Click here for Part 2 of the Job One Plan on the best individual actions to help slow and lessen the unavoidable 20 worst consequences of global warming so that more of us will suffer less and survive.
Click here for Part 3 of the Job One Plan for the critical collective actions we must get done to prevent extinction.
Click here for Part 4 of the Job One Plan for new ideas on how we can get the must do critical actions of Part 3 of the Job One plan done.
Check out the Job One for Humanity website!
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The Job One for Humanity Climate and Global Crises Relisience Plan guides you through 4 levels of personal and collective actions you can take to help slow, and lessen the climate change emergency.
You can make a real difference in helping to resolve escalating climate change and global warming!
Please also select what interests you most about our climate change work from the list further below if you have not done so already!
The Job One Team
Sign upWrite Climate Change Emergency Action Letters to World's Wealthiest Individuals, Corporations & Celebrities
There is not enough time left for only bottom-up action and change. We must educate the world's wealthiest individuals, corporations, and celebrities that only their great influence over the politicians of the world will end the climate change emergency in time to save us from irreversible global warming and extinction.
Please note these are only samples and need to be personalized as described in this link:
Here are sample letters you can use and other information you will need to begin writing these letters:
I pledge to help resolve climate change and the global heating emergency
(Sign at page bottom.)
I pledge:
1. I will educate my friends about the climate change emergency.
2. Within my influence and resource zones, I will begin the Job One for Humanity Plan's practical climate solutions and resilience-building actions.
3. I will become a climate education activist, and with my vote, I will keep pushing my local, state, and national politicians to act until this emergency is under control. And,
“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings, and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way.
I have earned deep respect for one of Goethe's couplets:
Whatever you can do or dream you can begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it!” William H. Murray
I pledge:
1. I will educate my friends about the climate and global heating emergency.
2. I will remain a climate educational activist until this emergency is under control. And,
3. Within my zones of influence and resources, I will enact the practical climate management actions of the Job One for Humanity Climate Plan.
“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings, and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way.
I have earned deep respect for one of Goethe's couplets:
Whatever you can do or dream you can begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it!” William H. Murray
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Sign upLevel One - Step Two: Call it what it is. We are in a planet-wide global warming State of Emergency.
Because of the endless bad news that you are hearing in the media on escalating global warming and its consequent climate destabilization, it should not come as a complete shock that we are currently in an undeclared global state of climate emergency. It is now vital to have the world publicly declare that we are in such an emergency.
If you are uncertain in any way about either why it is critical to declare this emergency, or why all the urgency for this public declaration, click here. This document provides all the science and other reasons why this needs to happen now...
There are important reasons for a public declaration of a global warming state of emergency. Having this become a formal national and international declaration puts those in power on notice that they are responsible to begin allocating resources for resolving escalating global warming. It also puts those in power on notice that they are fully responsible for making and enforcing necessary new global warming reduction laws on a priority basis.
The following is Job One’s declaration of a global warming state of emergency. We ask you to read it, sign it, and then forward to everyone you know, particularly other nonprofit organizations concerned about the climate.
Sign the Petition to Declare a Formal Global Warming State of Emergency
We, the citizens of our nation and of our Earth, are endowed with certain rights, powers, and obligations, which demand we act both individually and collectively to protect and preserve the ongoing evolution of life on Earth, including our future generations.
Based upon a preponderance of scientific evidence we recognize our global climate is rapidly warming and becoming increasingly unstable due to human-caused carbon pollution from the burning of fossil fuels. If we do not change course before global warming tipping points are crossed, this destabilization of our climate will continue to cause ever-increasing suffering and potentially irreversible devastation for both current and future generations. If left unresolved, it could cause the extinction, or near extinction, of the human species.
We further recognize that rapidly escalating global warming and its consequent climate destabilization is the greatest currently active threat to the security of all nations, comparable in scope of impact to global nuclear war. Escalating average global temperature rises will lead to destabilization affecting first millions, then billions of people forced to deal with ongoing climate catastrophes, food and other resource depletion, and mass migrations.
Nearly all of the major problems our world faces today worsen and multiply due to escalating global warming. All of the ecological, economic and political problems listed below will cross-intensify and therefore worsen as average global temperatures rises.
- Food and resource depletion
- Severe droughts, floods, and wildfires
- Rising sea levels
- Water pollution and water table loss
- Desertification and deforestation
- Ocean fish stock depletions
- Growing economic inequity, poverty, and instability
- Political instability and injustice
- War and regional conflicts
- Increasing potential of pandemics and other health crises
Despite 30 years of education, study, and discussion about the possible irreversible effects of human-caused carbon and methane pollution of our atmosphere, global warming temperatures have escalated to levels that may have already passed or be close to passing global warming tipping points with impacts that are irreversible. We must immediately reverse the continued rise of average global temperature by decreasing human-caused production of greenhouse gases from the burning of fossil fuels.
Failure to resolve global warming for ourselves and future generations is simply not a survivable option.
As global citizens of every nation on Earth, we ask you, our national leaders, to initiate the necessary steps to formally declare a national and international global warming State of Emergency, calling for the immediate allocation of the needed research, resources, personnel, and interventions to quickly resolve this State of Emergency and sustainably protect, preserve, and advance the continued evolution of humanity and life on Earth.
By signing this petition now, I pledge to act together with others as one human family to acknowledge and resolve the escalating global warming-caused climate destabilization crisis.
Please Add your Signature below!
Go now to Step Three: Describe it as it is! Change your global warming language to reflect the real challenge.
Get the New Book: Climageddon!
Find out what you are not being told about the global warming emergency!
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Sign upPlease Sign the Climate Change Emergency Petition
Please sign electronically at the bottom of this page. You will receive an immediate email copy and acknowledgment. Over 100,000 individuals have signed this petition and similar petitions worldwide!
Climate Change Emergency Petition
We, the citizens of our nation and of the Earth, are endowed with certain rights, powers, and obligations, which demand we act to preserve and protect the future of humanity and Earth's other biological life.
Our petition has four demands.
Based on abundant scientific evidence or our own climate change experiences, we recognize that:
a. The global climate is rapidly warming.
b. Despite 60 years of credible scientific warnings, climate change and global warming are still rising and have reached dangerous levels, causing widespread deterioration across our climate and environment.
c. The global climate is becoming increasingly unstable due to atmospheric greenhouse gas pollution (carbon, methane, and nitrous oxide), which is dominantly coming from the burning of human-caused fossil fuels. This is an urgent crisis that demands immediate action.
We are now facing a rapidly worsening climate change scenario.
This climate change-driven environmental deterioration and escalating extinction threat can only be fixed by our politicians immediately enacting the scientifically correct 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.
Getting close to the 2025 global targets will dramatically reduce the damaging atmospheric carbon, methane, and nitrous oxide and prevent the worst consequences of climate change.
It will also help prevent the loss of at least 10 million lives a year worldwide from just the painful and debilitating health-related effects of the toxic air pollution caused by fossil fuel burning.
If we do not get close to the 2025 fossil fuel reduction targets, the frequency, severity, and size of global climate change consequences will rise dramatically from 2025-2031 and beyond and far beyond what we can quickly adapt to.
Many of these climate change consequences will be catastrophic and last for hundreds to thousands of years.
Therefore, I hereby demand that our politicians and government leaders meet to enact these four demands:
1. Declare a national and international Climate Change Emergency. (We will never be able to manage worsening climate change unless we call the climate change emergency that it really is.)
2. Immediately pass enforceable and verifiable national and international laws that will get us close to the required 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. (These climate change-related laws and actions are described here.)
3. Order an immediate government mass mobilization of ALL necessary resources and personnel to execute ALL required governmental actions to come as close as possible to the correct 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. And finally,
4. Start the necessary climate change disaster preparation, adaptation, and resilience-building needed for soon-arriving, severe climate change consequences that our nation can no longer avoid or prevent. (About one-half of humanity could die off by 2050-2070 if our politicians fail us once again.)
By electronically signing this petition below, I am officially petitioning and demanding that my national politicians execute the four above actions to protect and preserve humanity and all biological life on Earth.
Furthermore, realizing that the climate change consequences that are already occurring will take centuries to thousands of years to repair (creating an unbearable nightmare for surviving generations), I further pledge to continue to help resolve our intensifying climate change emergency until it is fixed!
Sign at the Bottom of this Page Now!
Additional Petition Information, If Needed:
1. See key information about how this petition will be used here.
2. When you sign the petition, you give us permission to email you your petition signature acknowledgment copy and occasional climate change emergency progress updates about once a month.