Job One for Humanity's well-researched, prioritized, and deadline-driven list of effective actions to survive the climate change emergency
Last Updated 8.19.23
For the recommendations below to make sense, please first read our critical 10 climate change facts summary for the current climate change condition.
What we (the climate research and analysis staff at Job One) recommend for our families and friends is both nuanced and multi-layered.
1. If you have real political connections of significant direct influence, focus on using those connections to get our politicians and government agencies to make the radical fossil fuel reduction of the 2025 targets. Most of us do not have these direct influence connections, so all we can do is vote for politicians who will enforce the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.
2. If you do not have real influence with politicians, get very busy with your climate change emergency preparations and these critical climate change adaptations. Focus your time and resources on these two actions first. It is highly improbable that our fossil fuel-influence politicians will not act on the real 2025 fossil fuel reductions required until at least half of humanity has perished by about 2050.
If you are a natural leader or type A personality, you might also want to spend part of your time on this powerful politicians' influence program. (Unfortunately, there are no guarantees that even this robust program will work until humanity hits rock bottom in the massive chaos and death of the ever-intensifying climate change nightmare.)
As part of your preparation and adapt resilience-building steps, we strongly recommend that you get involved with one of the four different models of our ClimateSafe Villages program, particularly if you live in a climate change high-risk zone. The Climatesafe Villages project can help get you the knowledge and like-minded support you will need to survive and thrive through the many soon-arriving climate change consequences we can no longer avoid, no matter where you currently live. In the not-too-distant future, being in a well-prepared, like-minded community will become the major factor in who survives and thrives and who doesn't.
We recommend the above because our climate change future looks terrible, and despite how it sounds in the media, no practical, effective climate change solutions are being executed currently or in the foreseeable future, and we are almost out of time to prevent unconscionable climate consequences. We tell everyone now living in a high-risk climate change area to migrate soon. It will save you a lot of unnecessary pain, financial losses, and potential death. If you are wise and well prepared, your probability of surviving and thriving with far less pain and loss is greatly enhanced, and you may even still be around to help create a Great Global Rebirth.
Our organization's focus must, therefore in order of priority, be:
1. getting individuals, groups, and communities to quickly build high levels of climate change resilience by preparing for and adapting to the many climate change consequences we can no longer avoid. This quick overview will help you select which part(s) of our resilience-building plan to start first.
2. education on how to slow down the climate change extinction emergency. This knowledge could limit humanity to only a mass human extinction event, not a near-total extinction event. (Click here to learn why total human extinction from climate change consequences is highly improbable.)
3. saving and salvaging as much of humanity and our civilization as possible, hoping that we earn the painful lessons of climate change, mass extinction, and widespread collapse to thrive again someday.
Please check out the other climate change action decision choice options below:
Action 1: Force Our Governments to ACT
Action 2: Start the preparations and adaptations needed
Action 3: Accept runaway global heating extinction and climate collapse
Action 4: Combine elements from the three strategies
Additional Information:
Help yourself and humanity by starting one of the four parts of the Job One for Humanity Solution and Resilience Plan.
Click here for the most effective way to get our politicians and governments to save the future and us in time from accelerating climate change.
We must push our politicians and governments to mobilize and enforce the critical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.
Click here for a difficult but needed way to get our politicians and governments to do what is required.
Please click here to volunteer at Job One for Humanity and help us fix the climate change extinction nightmare.