Here is Our Basic Social Contract for ClimateSafe Villages
Last updated 3.29.23
Welcome to the original CSV master model for everything you ever would want to know about ClimateSafe Villages (CSV), the climate-resilient eco-communities of the future. Of course, the ongoing discussion forums at CSV will continue to add to the factors found in our 6-page CSV master model.
Review this page only if you are seriously interested and are near to making a final decision about creating a local version of your own or if you want to join one of our four ClimateSafe Village models. If you are browsing or want to get a beginning sense of who we are and what we are doing, we strongly recommend you explore the new ClimateSafe Villages website to more easily introduce you to the many benefits of these unique and now necessary communities.
Please click here to go to our new, far less complex ClimateSafe Village website to start exploring the many positive possibilities.
A social contract is a document that spells out the basic principles that members of a group or community agree to use to guide their actions and decisions. It is also something they agree to live by.
The following is the base social contract used in the Job One for Humanity ClimateSafe Village four models. Each independent Job One for Humanity ClimateSafe Village may add additional items or delete items as that ClimateSafe Village so chooses. Fully independent ClimateSafe Village may construct completely different social contracts.
When someone is accepted into one of the Job One for Humanity ClimateSafe Village models, they are asked to sign the following social contract signifying their agreement with its principles for guiding our ClimateSafe Villages.
The Basic Social Contract
At present, there are only 11 principles all members must understand and agree to live by:
Principle 1: Society shall respect and protect the Quality of Life for each individual. That is, this new Principle turns the focus of a new society away from the distraction of “solidifying government power” to understanding the goals of life for each individual on our planet.
Principle 2: ALL ORGANIZATIONS created by society are for the benefit of the individuals in the society. That is, every organization in society must be organized for the primary benefit of the individuals in the society, not the other way around.
Principle 3: Respect for individual thinking but not individual conclusions. While the “right” of each individual to “think” whatever they want, would still be “respected,” what they “conclude,” and specifically, “what they say or express,” is no longer unlimited. In fact, every statement or expression a person makes would be weighed according to the other principles.
Principle 4: Rewards in proportion to social contribution. This principle recognizes an inherent human need for motivation to produce effort. It also recognizes that each individual shares their space and activity on the planet with many others. It also recognizes the need to replace luck, which is an unearned reward, with the reliability of results, which are earned through effort and wisdom.
Principle 5: Sustainable world, sustainable society. This principle forces societies to use system methods and scientific measurements to plan their actions for long-term sustainability with respect for the ecosystems in which they live.
Principle 6: Efficiency to support sustainability. This requires the application of system analysis to minimize waste in both material and effort. When done in harmony with Principle 1, the human benefit is greatly increased. And with the application of wise efficiencies in a sustainable productivity there are surpluses for charity and unexpected emergencies.
Principle 7: Beauty should be captured throughout human environments. To understand this, consider the images of the architecture of the ancient world. Why has humanity replaced this with slums and miles of “strip malls”? Why have we “paved paradise to put up parking lots”?
Principle 8: Responsibility for personal, family, and local society development. A primary goal for all eco-community level actions would be to understand how to nurture value in personal, family, and social efforts for how social coordination benefits all people.
Principle 9: Respect logical thinking based on material reality. This principle rejects organizing society in any way that relies on appeals to magic, superstition, human intuition, or supernatural interventions, without proof based on tangible and verifiable natural observations. It also prevents an individual or group from imposing their views on others.
Principle 10: Understand Human Psychology, Evolution, and History. This stresses the need for society to study, in a formal and global way, the immense and often negative impact that human psychology, evolution, and history have in shaping the behaviors that create human culture. New wisdom that results from these studies should be incorporated into the guiding principles that shape world culture. Understanding human psychology, evolution, and history is also critical to understanding how to avoid the mistakes of the past and how to create a better future.
Principle 11: Understand that ALL individual and community freedoms have corresponding and equal responsibilities. This principle also creates healthy boundaries with others and the community. This principle is essential for individual and community peace, stability, and growth.
This set of 11 fundamental principles was developed to build a new foundation for an improved society. These principles capture the wisdom of the great sages of history and the discoveries of underlying flaws that caused modern society’s collapse. While superficially appearing to be simple common wisdom, they are actually a rigorous system derived by applying System Analysis design methods to over 3600 vital concepts related to social harmony. The results provide answers to many of the enduring questions of the ages. They also lay out a path to understanding the major social puzzles of our time and eliminating the world insanity we are living with.
Please also note that in the Job One for Humanity ClimateSafe Villages, members also agree to strive to achieve and live the individual and community values expressed on this page.
Other Pages in the ClimateSafe Village Guide
Page 1: Introduction, Overview, and Goals
Page 2: ClimateSafe Village Qualities, Processes, Income Sources, and Safeguards
Page 3: The Four ClimateSafe Village Models and Their Operations
Page 4: Our New Personal Democracy ClimateSafe Village Management Model
Page 5: About ClimateSafe Villages Bellingham, a Unique Rural ClimateSafe Village
Page 6: Our The ClimateSafe Villages Bellingham ClimateSafe Village Application Process
Appendix Materials
The ClimateSafe Village Social Contract Page
Online Rules for Our Virtual ClimateSafe Village
Procedures and Policies for Exiting Our ClimateSafe Villages or Applying for Membership
Personal Democracy White Paper
The ClimateSafe Villages Issues FAQ of frequently asked questions for only issues directly relating to ClimateSafe Villages issues
The ClimateSafe Villages Climate FAQ of frequently asked questions for every question you have about climate change
Click here for our ClimateSafe Village online guide master table of contents
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Your tax-deductible donation also helps pay for all CSV models' ongoing research and development. This funding allows us to add more knowledge, tools, forms, contracts, and architectural net-zero and climate change-resilient building, home, and community designs for all worldwide ClimateSafe Villages, other eco-villages, and intentional communities. Our information is always shared with everyone trying to manage the climate change emergency in an open-access manner.