The Current Climate Change and Global Heating Extinction Emergency
We have moved the key content on this page to another page. To see the most up-to-date analysis of our current climate change and global heating condition as of 10.23.23, click here.
Once you have finished this page come back and read the rest of this material below onlyif desired.
"There can be no margin for error whenever there is a real and imminent threat of total human extinction." Lawrence Wollersheim
The Essential positive perspectives needed for today's global heating and climate change reality
Despite the many types of unavoidable, challenging global heating consequences and past fossil fuel reduction mistakes that we now face, we can still learn from their feedback, and we can adapt and evolve to make life as good and as happy as is possible. No matter how severe the coming global warming consequences might become, if we wisely play the remaining cards that we have been dealt with, we can still achieve the best remaining possible outcomes.
We can make a significant difference in reducing global fossil fuel use to stabilize and save some parts of humanity's future. We can execute a comprehensive fossil fuel reduction and survival plan like the Job One for Humanity Plan.
We can still maintain the perseverance needed to succeed in this monumental task by regularly reviewing the many benefits which will occur as we work successfully on this project together. Although we are now in what could be called a Great Global Collapse process triggered by accelerating global warming, this collapse process will eventually offer equal to (or greater than) long-term benefits beyond the coming suffering and loss.
On this page that has been read almost 2 million times and then this other critical global warming benefit page, you will find the many often hidden surprise benefits of global warming. You also will find a framework for what could be called a post-collapse Great Rebirth, no matter how bad the collapse process gets.
We can persevere through this temporary time of emergency. To do so, we need to remember that our greatest challenges are also the seeds of our greatest evolutionary opportunities. We can also never forget that we are engaged in nothing less than the most critical and meaningful evolutionary challenge, opportunity, and adventure in human history!
This is our last opportunity to slow down the accelerating mass human extinction threat by getting close to these 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.
Only by reaching these targets will we be able to remove the even worse threat of total extinction.
When we come close to these 2025 targets as a beautiful bonus, we will also significantly improve many of the world's other major challenges (listed here.)
So, get started on the Job One for Humanity Survive and Thrive plan today. Help save and salvage much of humanity and our beautiful civilization as is possible.
If you are either curious or need some extra motivation to get into action, we then strongly recommend also reading this popular page. It describes the above major consequences unfolding in a detailed step-by-step process as well as the complete scope and breadth of the extinction emergency that we are all now facing on many consequence fronts.
A quick summary of all of the above
There is just one immediate fact to know and focus upon concerning our climate change and global warming future. If we get this one right, most of the other problems will take care of themselves.
If our world governments do not immediately execute a mass mobilization of the necessary resources to come close to reducing global fossil fuel use by 75% by 2025, half of humanity will be dead by mid-century and if we miss those targets by too much, humanity faces total extinction early in the second half of the 21st century or sooner.
That is all you really need to remember and focus on. If you do not believe what we have said above is accurate, click here to see precisely how this global warming nightmare will unfold.
Here is related documentation and science prooving the 10 facts in the link above are accurate
We challenge you to decide their truth for yourself or to prove these facts wrong. Please read the expanded explanations below for each above fact and then check out their deeper dive documentation links as needed.
Our governments were not prepared for the COVID-19 pandemic and they are equally not prepared for the global warming emergency.
We are not being told the painful truth by our governments (or even by many of our most prominent environmental groups,) about how catastrophic global warming currently is or, how unbearable it's going to get. Their analysis, calculations, and consequence timetable predictions are grossly underestimated and are dead wrong by as much as 20-40%.
What has been hidden from you by our governments, the media, and inadvertently by many of our most prominent environmental groups
1. We have actually increased fossil fuel use more this century than in the last two decades of the 20th century. More than half of all fossil fuel emissions which have been released over the previous 25 years are now more than were released in ALL of recorded history before 1990.
2. We are about 67% higher in carbon emissions than the early 1990s. This is even though we have had over 21 international fossil fuel reduction conferences and treaties since 1993 pledging we would reduce worldwide global warming. (Atmospheric carbon emissions is probably the best way to measure future global warming.)
3. In 2018 carbon emissions increased another dramatic 2.7% and they are projected to rise once again in 2019. (Here is a graph that shows the rising carbon in the atmosphere to help you visualize that things are not just going bad. As of August 2019, we are now at about carbon 414 parts per million in our atmosphere [ppm.]
Carbon in our atmosphere is getting exponentially worse while you are being told we are doing better at reducing global carbon emissions. Worse yet, exponential increases in carbon emissions will likely also mean exponential increases in future global warming consequences.)
Yes, intentionally or through ignorance or, as part of intentional systemic deception our governments, the media, and most of the world's environmental groups have not been telling us the REAL facts about our REAL lack of any meaningful progress whatsoever in reducing the rate of fossil fuel use increases, much less the complete absence of any substantive reductions anywhere across the world in reducing atmospheric carbon.
The following links will also help you decide if our current grossly underestimated public information about global warming exists because of unintentional misrepresentation, innocent mistakes, or systemic, intentional deception by hidden vested interests.
1. We are not anywhere even close to where we should be in fossil fuel use reductions to save us from unthinkable climate catastrophes and extinction. Click here to read about how "made up" calculations were used to set our current national and international fossil fuel reduction targets. These made up calculations came from including untested new technologies which even they admit, will not be available until sometime after 2050, if ever!
2. Click here to review and verify the government-promoted 20-40% global warming underestimation errors. And,
3. If you don't believe we are telling you the facts about our dismal failure in reducing global warming over the last 35 years, click here. You can view a short video by climate Professor Kevin Anderson in a recent presentation to the Oxford University Climate Society.
Something to think about once you have read the above documentation links on the underestimation, and inappropriate or incomplete calculations:
a. Can you imagine what the reasons might be for why our governments would publically give us such grossly underestimated global warming consequence timetables, threat assessments, and inadequate solutions, especially when the actual threat is so much more severe?
b. Who (what types of individuals, corporations, or government departments) would most benefit by providing such false and grossly misleading global warming information to the public?
Click here to see the REAL global fossil fuel reduction levels we must hit by 2025. You will be stunned if not shocked!
Click here to review the intentionally inappropriate or incomplete global government-supported calculations used to create the false belief that things are far better than they really are.
Why the false global warming information is so dangerous
Having grossly underestimated global warming consequences and timetable information presented by "trusted" authorities creates a false sense of public safety and removes any urgency to resolve it. This incorrect global warming timetable information is extremely dangerous because if we had more accurate information, we would, without a doubt, experience a legitimate and appropriate fear.
These falsehoods about global warming will increasingly cause extreme suffering and loss to larger and larger percentages of humanity. In part, the above false statements exist because there have been numerous government underestimation errors and intentionally inappropriate and/or incomplete calculations. This is particularly true concerning the necessary national and international fossil fuel reduction targets now being given to the public.
There has been significant deception regarding the real consequences of the current escalating global warming. This government-financed and promoted inaccurate information creates the false belief and sense of security that things are far better than they really are.
This also makes us believe that we are making sufficient and steady progress in reducing global warming when the hard truth is we are not!
Our governments are not telling us the truth about how unbearable and how bad global warming is going to get.
Many catastrophic global warming consequences are going to arrive far sooner than we are being told. Some of these coming catastrophic global warming consequences are already unavoidable!
The worst consequences of global warming will not be occurring around 2100 as we are now being told by our governments. The worst will start to occur as soon as the next 10 to 30 years in a continually worsening spiral.
Click here to review the 20 worst global warming consequences that will continue to increase in severity, frequency, and scale (area affected.)
Click here for the worst cataclysmic consequences, which are derived from crossing global warming tipping points that will also continue to increase in severity, frequency, and scale. (Crossing more major global warming tipping points also produces additional, unique, and hyper-intense extinction-evoking consequences.)
Click here to see the real time frames in which the many worst global warming consequences will be unfolding.
The terrifying thought that is completely real and critical for you to burn into your brain is that most of humanity will die by mid-century, but our ability to have any real or meaningful control over this looming emergency ends around about 2025 sometime after we enter the carbon 425-450 ppm range.
(At the very end of this document, you will find tips on how to emotionally deal with these new and painful facts of global warming.)
If we keep going the way we are now, and we continue to ignore the critical fossil fuel reduction science, we are about five years away (2025) from missing our last practical opportunity to reduce global warming enough to be able to control our global warming futures and prevent the most catastrophic of global warming outcomes from occurring.
Additionally, it is far too late for individual fossil fuel reduction actions to make a significant difference. Only government-driven actions by all nations will save us in time.
In part, this is because the real facts and true urgency about the global warming crisis were hidden from us by our governments and the fossil fuel industry. We did not do what was necessary to resolve global warming over the last 35 years after we were informed about it by our scientists.
We have squandered valuable time. This valuable time could have been used while the "cure" was still easier and far more manageable.
Saddest of all, we are still trying to do "far too little far too late" to make any real difference. This far too little far too late is also occurring because we are still using fossil fuel reduction targets that are grossly incorrect for the emergency we really are in.
Had we started fixing global warming gradually and effectively 35 years ago, it would be far easier to control and manage now.
Being out of meaningful control of our global warming crisis means that average global temperatures will most probably continue increasing more rapidly for at least another 30-50 years. There will be a series of cataclysmic consequences.
More extinction-evoking tipping points will be crossed. And, unless we meet or get very close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, this can not be avoided!
Below please find the best REAL estimates for time frames in which average global temperatures will continue to increase for at least another 30-50 years. The Climageddon Scenario (CS) mentioned below is a new and more complete climate model for how global warming's consequences will unfold over the next 50+ years.
Click here to see more about how the many global warming consequences and tipping points will unfold in the full Climageddon Scenario.
At this point, it is far too late for individual fossil fuel reduction actions to make a significant difference. Only government-driven actions by all nations will save us in time. Click here to see the needed effective government-driven actions.
If we keep acting the way we are now, we will not reach our last chance 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.
In spite of the horrible odds of not hitting the 2025 global reduction targets, we still must do everything we can do to come as close to meeting these targets as is possible. If we come close to these 2025 targets, we can at least can slow down a mass human, animal, and plant species extinction event, which will continue to unfold over the next 30-50 years.
Click here to read about the 4 extinction evoking global warming tipping points that we will cross in the next few decades that will push us over the cliff into a mass human extinction event. The good news is that by just getting very close to the 2025 targets, we can still give ourselves the needed time to prevent a total human extinction event from occurring. (Part 3 of our Job One for Humanity Plan will show you how you can help to do this. If needed, click here to review the horrible odds and the many reasons why it is highly unlikely we will reach our exact 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.)
Click here for the full timeline and consequence details for this climageddon extinction scenario and countdown and why mass die-offs and a climageddon-type global warming mass extinction event killing most of humanity by mid-century, but only if we miss the critical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.
Theoretically, we can still hit the very challenging 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. But, hitting the 2025 targets is highly improbable as things stand now!
Reaching these 2025 targets (or, at the least, getting very close to them,) makes it possible to retain some remaining control of our global warming futures. It will also allow us to at least slow down the worst of the currently unavoidable global warming consequences long enough to protect and preserve ourselves for a while longer. It will also allow us more preparation time to get ready for those many global warming consequences we can no longer avoid.
Unfortunately, we have a real problem! We have squandered our last 35 years of global warming warnings with denial, inaction, or ineffective actions.
Because of this 35 year delay, we have crossed many global warming tipping points and we will soon begin the process of crossing the four extinction-evoking tipping points described here. This means that we can not stop every global warming consequence that is coming. Many horrible consequences are already locked into our climate system. But, if we are successful in reaching or coming very close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, it will:
a. slow down some of the worst of the currently unavoidable global warming consequences and the mass human, animal, and biological extinction event occurring within our lifetimes. (This slowing down is very important because it means that we can prevent crossing at least some of these four extinction-evoking tipping points and more people will have more time left to prepare and adapt to the consequences we can no longer avoid.) And,
b. If we at least, get very close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, there is still some reasonable hope we can avoid a total extinction event.
We can achieve both of the above goals and life-saving benefits by doing the following two steps:
Step A. immediately and radically reducing our fossil fuel use to meet the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction target levels. The minimum amount that we need to reduce fossil fuel use to slow or prevent the processes of going extinct in the next few decades is as follows:
1. All industrially developed nations (including China and India,) must reduce their total fossil fuel use by 75% by 2025. This means that to hit the 75% reduction target by 2025, developed nations must reduce their annual total fossil fuel usage by about 25% per year to hit the 75% target in six years.
Once developed nations hit the 2025 reduction target, they then must continue reducing fossil fuel use to net-zero carbon emissions by 2035. (Net carbon zero emissions means that no additional fossil fuel emissions are going into the atmosphere that is not also simultaneously being removed from the atmosphere by natural means.)
Only about 20 mostly developed countries produce 70% or more of the world's carbon emissions. Think of developed nations like most members of the G 20 group; Argentina, Australia, Canada, the European Union, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Japan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States, China, and India.
2. All developing nations must maintain their total fossil fuel emission levels as they are at the beginning of 2019 and not allow them to go any higher. Then by 2045, all developing nations must also be at net-zero carbon emissions. This means all developing nations need to reduce their fossil fuel use by about 6% per year until 2045 to meet the net-zero target.
This allowance for developing nations to stay at the level they are now and gradually reduce down to net-zero carbon emissions at 6 % per year by 2045 is part of an essential justice and equity equation. The developed nations created their wealth by producing the majority of all carbon emissions in the atmosphere today. They have caused almost all of our current global warming extinction emergency.
On this page, you will also find all the necessary documentation and technical footnotes for the 2025 targets described briefly above.
If we don't hit the above 2025 targets above, here is the information on why and how a mass human, animal, and biological extinction event will occur within our lifetimes, (full detail on this page.)
Yes, it is still possible that we can still get very close to the very challenging global fossil fuel reductions by 2025. Even though preventing a mass extinction event is highly unlikely, it is still possible to prevent a total extinction event from beginning about 50-70 years from now!
To do this, we need to immediately get VERY busy and focus on the government-driven actions from the Job One Plan. (To learn what our governments must do to meet the 2025 fossil fuel reduction targets, click here for part 3 of the Job One for Humanity Plan.) (To see how a global warming-caused total extinction event will begin about 50-70 years from now click the following link, run-a-way global warming.
Once you have read more about the 2025 targets here, also consider reading this page which explains why it will be unbelievably difficult and very near impossible for us to hit the 2025 targets. (This page provides great reasons on why it will be particularly important to do Part 1, your personal emergency preparation Plan B of the Job One Plan --- os even if we miss the 2025 targets your life will be less stressful and painful.
We need to execute a government-directed "in case we fail backup plan."
With a government-directed emergency backup plan, we may still be able to save and salvage enough of humanity and civilization in case we again delay, deny, and fail to reduce fossil fuel emissions adequately.
Click here to see what the government-directed emergency backup plan preparations must be.
(To learn what our governments must do to create this emergency backup plan, click here. You will be taken to part 3 of the Job One for Humanity Plan.)
Martin Luther King said something that is equally applicable today to the urgency of slowing down global warming enough so that at least some of humanity and civilization will go on.
"We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. In this unfolding conundrum of life and history, there is such a thing as being too late. Procrastination is still the thief of time. We must move past indecision to immediate action."
At this point, we strongly recommend that you click here and watch this 4 Minute Global Warming Video by Greta Thunberg given at the United Nations on September 23, 2019. It may help you to understand and feel the real seriousness of the global warming-caused extinction emergency we now face.
(If you still do not believe that a mass human, animal, and biological extinction event caused by global warming is a high probability within your lifetime [30-50 years from now,] click here. This page will take you through how and when the four extinction-evoking global warming tipping points will rapidly be crossed if we miss the 2025 fossil fuel reduction targets.)
All of the above also means that because we are so far behind in effectively reducing global warming and meeting the 2025 global targets, this is the proper time for wise individuals to create their own global warming emergency preparation, adaptation, and survival plans.
This way you can still effectively "work for the best while you have prepared for the worst."
By having your personal Plan B in place, you will not be unprepared for the mass suffering and death of the rapidly escalating consequences of the global warming emergency like we largely were for the COVID-19 pandemic and emergency! These Plan B emergency strategies could also include migrating to areas that would be safer from the future effects of global warming.
As emergencies and crises all over the world have taught us, it is unwise to rely exclusively on our governments as this or any emergency worsens. Our governments like in the COVID19 pandemic will quickly run out of resources and never be able to reach and care for every citizen as things continue to worsen.
Having emergency preparations and adaptive strategies already in hand is how you will be able to save and salvage as much of your own life, family, and business as is possible. This backup plan prepare, adapt, migrate strategy is also critical because most individuals and companies are so grossly unprepared for the severity of the many global warming consequences that are arriving soon.
This emergency preparation and plan is particularly crucial if you also happen to live in one of the global warming unsafe zones.
(To learn about the location of safer and unsafe zones, click here.)
The time remaining in which to make these personal and business emergency preparations or to migrate to the limited global warming safe zones is exceedingly short. This shortness of time is real because of factors like immigration regulations in the global warming safer zones already becoming more restrictive. Additionally, future legal immigration will be all but shut down as the emergency reaches global catastrophe levels.
If you look closely, you can already see many global warming-related crisis areas developing in our overheating world. These are places that will soon initiate the greatest climagee migration in human history. (Climagees are global warming climate crisis-related refugees.)
Click here to learn about what to do for your personal emergency and adaptation preparations. This page will describe the factors behind the relatively short prepare and migrate timeframes for people living in global warming unsafe zones. These personal emergency preparations also include information on how you can physically, emotionally thrive and survive through the coming waves of economic, political, and social loss, suffering, and chaos.
What else is important to remember on this page
1. We have been deceived by intentional falsehoods as well as commonly held illusions concerning the real dangers and facts about escalating global warming for over 35 years!
2. We now need to hit the REAL and required global fossil fuel reduction targets found here. Reaching these targets will keep us from crossing the even more hazardous atmospheric carbon level of 425 to 450 parts per million (ppm.) (We are at about carbon 414 ppm right now.)
3. Once we reach the carbon 425 to 450 ppm range, there will be so much climate system momentum from all of the previously emitted carbon and other greenhouse gases that this previous momentum alone will continue to propel us towards even higher temperatures. Worse yet, stopping this massive climate momentum from moving us toward ever-higher temperatures will be like trying to stop a gigantic boulder from rolling faster and faster down a hill that keeps getting steeper and steeper.
4. There is a terrifying thought that is critical for you to burn into your mind. Half of humanity, as well as our animal species and biological species, will go extinct within as little as 30-50 years. While at the same time, our ability to have any meaningful control over this emergency ends around about 2025 just after we cross the carbon 425-450 ppm tipping point level.
5. A global warming-caused mass extinction event is already unavoidable within your lifetime but we do still have some reasonable hope of avoiding a total extinction event. We can avoid a global warming-caused mass extinction event only if we come very close to meeting the required 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.
6. In case you still think technology will save us at the last minute, no new carbon removal technologies will be able to save us in time. In part, this is because those who are relying on this technology to save us are projecting it will not even be available until sometime after 2050. 2050 is long after irreversible damage is already done and long after anything can be done for the billions of people who will suffer and die! (Click here to learn more about the new technology will save us deception.)
7. It easy to see that we are in fact, already in a global warming extinction emergency (aka climate extinction emergency.) This emergency is still occurring in significant part because of the above new information as well as intentional falsehoods and commonly held illusions about our global warming crisis.
8. If we fail to reach the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, it is as important to come as close as possible to achieving them. This way, more of us can live longer, and we can have more time to prepare, adapt, and migrate.
9. Our governments have once again failed us in preparing for and managing the global warming extinction emergency just like the failed us in preparing for and managing the COVID-19 pandemic before it became a worldwide catastrophe! Time to get your Plan B emergency survival preparations in place.
The above is all you have to remember about global warming and your future. Many of the pages on our website will show you the exact science behind these statements to verify what we are saying is true. You can start or continue that verification process here.
If you remember nothing else, remember this. We have only about 5 years left to reduce our global fossil fuel use enough to prevent a mass human extinction of most of humanity by mid-century. This extinction will be far, far worse than our current COVID-19 pandemic. The mass human extinction is being caused by our going over deadly global warming tipping points!
Why we must succeed?
Because of the preceding, we genuinely have no rational alternative other than to never cross the super-dangerous transitional range and the extinction forwarding tipping point of the carbon 425-450 ppm range. In spite of all of the challenges and adverse outcomes that are possible in failing to hit our 2025 targets, what we can know with certainty about this extinction emergency is this:
a. We can still fix this global warming extinction emergency but only by getting our governments to execute the governmental actions on this page immediately. These effective governmental actions are designed to hit the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets successfully.
b. The highest truth for the best possible future global warming outcomes for humanity is that even if we miss the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets by some amount, the faster and more we reduce our overall global fossil fuel use to come as close to these targets as possible:
1. the more people who will not suffer or die over the next 30 to 50 years in a mass extinction event,
2. future generations will suffer far less from an escalating chain of global warming consequences,
3. we will have more time to prepare for, adapt to, or migrate away from the many now unavoidable global warming consequences,
4. we may still be able to avoid a total extinction event caused by run-a-way global warming, and,
5. it will be much harder to impossible to get control of and manage these 12 other major global challenges.
The ultimate and still remaining global warming question for every person, business, religion, and the government on Earth
We were grossly unprepared for the COVID-19 pandemic despite repeated warnings by our scientists. We are woefully unprepared for the coming global warming extinction emergency and we have once again have ignored the warnings of our scientists.
If we continue to fail to act effectively, we face unavoidable mass human extinction for most of humanity by mid-century and total extinction within as little as 50-70 years.
We have already all but lost the battle to avoid global warming mass extinction by our being so far away from hitting the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.
The ultimate remaining global warming question for every person, business, religion, and the government should be most concerned about at this time is:
"Will we, at least, come close enough to the critical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets so that humanity can avoid total extinction?"
Click here to see where we are today on the Climate Change and Global Warming Doomsday Clock.
Some good news
With the information on this page and in the links above, you are now better...
The extra good news here is that no matter what and, in spite of how severe this emergency is or will become until we miss our 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets (and even afterward if we are close to reaching them,) we still have time left to cooperate in slowing it down its consequences. And, we can also still have enjoyable and meaningful lives while we face and overcome this challenge or its consequences.
Click here for what you can individually do to slow down global warming.
One simple action you can take to help resolve the global warming emergency in just 2 quick clicks.
Help us get the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction goals met by signing the global warming extinction emergency petition now!
Despite Everything Disheartening that You Have Read Above, the Job One For Humanity organization is NOT an End-of-the-World, all-is-lost organization
Please click here to read our recently updated balanced, positive approach toward the monumental challenges we face to avoid extinction and the widespread collapse of our global systems.
Are you feeling sad, upset, depressed, angry, or anxious about the global warming emergency?
There is a lot of horrible news to digest about global warming. Any person who realizes that our governments are not doing enough to save us from unthinkable suffering and loss will naturally experience sadness, anger, depression, or significant anxiety.
The Job One for Humanity staff also has had to digest all the dreadful global warming news. To get our team though it emotionally, we learned about something called the Kubler Ross model of change. This emotional management model helped our team deal with all of the challenging emotions that today's global warming news evokes.
We felt it would be irresponsible to leave our readers without some of these tools to manage the intense feelings that the global warming emergency can create. Accordingly, we are providing the following images and tools that should help you come to emotional terms with the new realities of global warming. Here's how these global warming caused emotional reactions, transitions, and healings usually look for most people:
1. If you're like most people, what you have learned about the global warming emergency will cause you to initially react with denial and shock.
2. If you have the tenacity to explore more concerning how bad our governments have let global warming become, you will likely also become frustrated and angry at "how could our politicians and governments ever allow this to happen.
3. If you continue examing the facts of the global warming emergency and its solutions, you will most likely then enter into a bargaining or experimenting phase to find some way to deal with such disturbing and disruptive information on your life and future.
4. If you continue verifying the facts of the global warming emergency as well as it's honest but difficult and painful solutions, you will most likely next enter into a transitional feeling of grief or depression.
5. As you work your way through your grief or depression, you will eventually come to a level of acceptance of what is scientifically accurate. (Even though it is currently is being suppressed by the fossil fuel industry, mass media, and the politicians owned by the fossil fuel industry.)
A bit more about the Kubler Ross Model emotional management model
The five primary emotional transition levels above are vital parts of the Kubler Ross model. Over time, this model is a useful tool to help you deal with the global warming denial, anger, fear, grief or anxiety that any healthy person would experience once they truly realize the current nature of our global warming emergency.
The Kubler Ross model is used to help people deal with the medical news that they are going to die. But, it still has powerful relevance here.
This is true because as you wrestle with the new global warming realities, you will most likely go through these five emotional phases over and over again. You will do this in numerous waves until you finally reach a profound and deeply stable state of acceptance, peace, and hopefully motivation to do whatever you can to reduce this threat.
When you finally realize how bad our global warming emergency is the challenging emotional effects is a real thing! If you don't believe us, please click here to read about a new report called, The Psychological Effects of Global Warming on the United States and Why the U.S. Mental Health Care System Is Not Adequately Prepared.
Reaching necessary emotional acceptance and getting into action
Once you reach a level of emotional acceptance for what you have learned about the global warming emergency, you will be more willing and ready to begin new ways to solve the global warming emergency. You also will find yourself being better prepared to make new decisions on how to adapt and integrate this critical information into your life and business.
You may begin even emergency preparations for the unavoidable coming global warming consequences. This way, you are better able to protect you, your family and business and wisely maximize the chances of staying out of harm's way.
Once one reaches the critical state of emotional acceptance of the reality of what one is facing, most mature adults do as they have done for millennia. They accept what they cannot change and start finding ways to adapt to it. (There are also many adaptation steps found in the Job One Plan.) They also accept the truth of the bad news, and they get busy working on whatever they can do to change and improve it. (In this case, the get active on the Job One Plan action steps.)
We at Job One have found that the best thing to help minimize the emotional pain and trauma is to get busy completing the action steps of the Job One Plan. This is true even if you have not fully reached the acceptance level of your emotional recovery. The Job One Plan's many action steps proactively focus your attention on what can still be done. This focus on the needed action also minimizes your available attention on the negatives (once they have served their purpose of redirecting you to action on the deeper truths of this emergency.)
Therapy or support groups also can help you work through having the painful realization that humanity is in the worst existential crisis on its history and, we do not have much time left (until 2025,) to effectively prevent mass extinction. Therapy or support groups can also help get you motivated to do whatever you can on the many action steps of the Job One Plan.
As you continue to understand the scale of our global warming emergency, you may also come to realize that our lives and our children's lives are going to be far shorter than we ever imagined. But that still can be changed if we immediately react to the challenge of radically reducing our global fossil fuel usage to meet the 2025 targets!
One last emotional recovery tip
Not everything about our global warming extinction emergency is emotionally disheartening. There are many surprising benefits to this emergency. Click here to read the single most read page on our website on these many benefits. At Job One we review this list regularly to maintain the mental well-being of our own staff. We also discovered that regular review of this good news and benefits list was critical to keeping our volunteers on-mission and maintaining their motivation as well.
What else to consider?
1. Some of you have already reviewed the supporting science and analysis links provided above. This information will likely motivate you to begin the fossil fuel reduction actions and other global warming solutions found within the links above. Well done! You will reap the benefits.
2. Some of you will not or, did not review the science and analysis verification links. This subtle avoidance may only provide a brief escape from the discomfort of knowing the problematic facts listed above are accurate or, acting appropriately using that information. Over time, as you watch the worsening news reports about our climate, the facts above will begin to ring even more valid. Hopefully, at that time you will remember this page so that you, your family, and business can learn what to do next.
3. Click here to review the reasons why global warming might already be out of control and become a series of cataclysmic consequences and extinction-evoking tipping points, which may not be able to be avoided!
Please share the above critical ten global warming facts with everyone you can and, please sign the:
Global Warming Emergency Petition, which goes to our politicians
Please also see the latest global warming and climate change predictions for 2023.
For answers to all of your remaining questions about climate change and global warming, click here for our new climate change FAQ. It has over one hundred of the most asked questions and answers about climate change.
The Job One for Humanity research team