The Deep Causes of Climate Change & Environmental Destabilization and How to Create Sustainable Prosperity and a Great Global Rebirth.
Last updated 1.3.25.
Our current climate change emergency is not a simple issue. It has about 40+ layers and complex causes, each occurring at increasing scale and complexity as you go deeper. Understanding these causes will take you on a journey through humanity's recent history and long-term evolution, a journey that is both fascinating and challenging.
Understanding the many layers of deep or contributing causes of climate change is like peeling back the layers of an onion. It's a challenging process that requires thoughtfulness and patience.
Climate professionals at the forefront of this issue are grappling with the 40+ causes that need to be addressed to tackle the climate change emergency. Understanding and resolving these causes, along with the other interconnected human crises it exacerbates, is a crucial step towards a sustainable future.
If you are a Mensa-type individual who loves to dive deep into causality, you will do well with all of the evaluation opportunities this page offers.
Of course, the most obvious physical cause of the climate change emergency exists because we are burning fossil fuel, which produces the greenhouse gases of carbon, methane, and nitrous oxide. While that is the most apparent physical surface cause that has to be managed, it is also the many deeper causes behind our expanding use of fossil fuels that must be addressed to solve this emergency.
To start learning about the many layers of deeper causes for the climate change emergency, begin here:
1. This article assumes that you understand that the climate change emergency on a purely physical level is the direct result of humanity burning fossil fuels since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. If you already understand this, go on to the next point. (This article explains the current, correct 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. They are far from what you're being told in the media or by your governments.)
2. This deep causes of the climate emergency analysis also assumes you already have this critical article on how the global fossil fuel cartel's global disinformation campaigns and other criminal acts have prevented our governments for at least the last 60 years from effectively reducing global fossil fuel use and have also prevented our governments from subsidizing and expediting humanity's transition to clean green energy generations and applications.
3. This additional climate change emergency cause analysis article covers the 30+ problems directly or indirectly causing or contributing to the climate change emergency that must be managed and fixed soon, or much of humanity will not survive. These 30+ climate change emergency problems and causes will prepare you for the even deeper level problems discussed in the article below.)
4. The article below also assumes you understand the principles of extract, exploit, and waste greed capitalism, which passes toxic corporate pollution and ecological damage (like fossil fuel burning caused global warming) onto the public to deal with and pay for with little to no penalty. The principles of extractive, exploitive, and wasteful greed capitalism are also the major causes of resource Overshoot.
Below are additional deeper reasons for the climate change emergency and many of humanity's many emergencies that are so deep they are rarely considered.
At a more profound causal level, the current climate change extinction emergency, our deteriorating environment, and many of the world's other 11 major global crises are directly (or indirectly) caused by the following:
a. 10,000 years ago, we evolved from hunter-gatherers to farmers. We created a new agricultural system that created food surpluses that allowed some individuals to specialize in professions outside of farming, like kings, administrators, warriors, etc. These food surpluses and this labor specialization facilitated the creation of patriarchal hierarchies that could and would impose their dominance on and over perceived lower-class individuals, citizens, or foreigners.
b. At the same time, Judeo-Christian religions developed and propagated two fundamental dominance-related principles that would affect almost everyone within their direct or indirect sphere of influence. Those two principles were:
1. God gave humanity the natural world, and all other species on Earth were there to serve humanity's needs. Humanity's early religions taught that the Earth belonged to humanity to use as it pleased.
2. Humanity was not primarily an evolved ape species. Humanity was created by God and was not just another species on Earth. Humanity was something more and above all other life on Earth. Unfortunately, the truth of human evolution was initially unknown and then actively suppressed by Judeo-Christian religions.
c. Judeo-Christian religions became the dominant religious worldview in the world's most technological nations. It's mentioned because "religious logic" was used to rationalize, dominate, and exploit non-developed nations and the natural world alike.
d. All of the above hierarchal, patriarchal, religious, and dominance-driven technologically empowered factors helped create today's unhealthy hierarchies, resource Overshoot problem, and our current climate change emergency. (Please note, not all hierarchy is inherently unhealthy or bad. In fact, hierarchy is a natural phenomenon of evolution on physical and cultural levels. But, humanity will need to evolve healthy hierarchical systems that protect and support ALL of humanity and not only a privileged few as part of the whole system changes that must occur in the future for humanity to survive.)
Our current unhealthy hierarchies have led us to Overshoot. Overshoot means that resource demand exceeds that of a particular resource's regeneration or renewal capacity. Excessive demand, which leads to overshoot, is driven by both overconsumption and population.
Right now, the human population's needs and demands for the Earth's resources have well exceeded the Earth's carrying capacity to regenerate those resources. For example, our current fossil fuel use is causing the global warming emergency, which is caused by our increasing population demanding more consumer goods. As a result, we are depleting the non-renewable fossil fuels that took millions of years to create and polluting and poisoning our atmosphere and oceans with toxic fossil fuel by-products.
One could also call overshoot an environmental and energy management ignorance or greed in simple moral or ethical terms. But, whatever you call it, our taking more resources from the Earth than the Earth can renewably supply or resupply is another later in the chain deep cause of most of today's 11 major global crises. Moreover, it contributes significantly to our air, water, and land pollution and even many of our current economic and social inequalities.
e. While our current global warming emergency is most directly and physically caused by burning fossil fuels and polluting the atmosphere and our oceans with carbon and methane, etc., for a complete long-term solution to climate change, it is critical to address the overshoot issues and the other issues listed above on ecological, economic, social, and energy management levels.
For example, the opposite of today's overshoot crisis would also include creating a sustainable population level balanced with available renewable resources. (This is commonly known as an area's carrying capacity.) For humanity to begin to live within its carrying capacity and not continue to overshoot its resources, we will have to do something radically new by living the principles and values of Sustainable Prosperity described below.
f. Our existing human social systems (namely the economic, political, legal, religious, educational, environmental, and how we treat and think about and see ourselves within the natural environment) have been so thoroughly co-opted and corrupted by multiple sources (wealthy corporations, billionaires, authoritarian leaders, authoritarian structures, ignorance of natural systems, and various belief, opinion, and philosophic systems, (like trickle down economics) etc.,) they are no longer rational, science grounded, and suitable when it comes to those systems truly serving the short or long-term well-being of the majority of the world's people and our planetary supportive eco-systems.
Humanity is at a life-and-death environmental and resource Overshoot crossroads. Humanity will become nearly extinct if it does not immediately make simultaneous major whole-system improvements across these economic, political, legal, religious, environmental, and educational areas.
Humanity can finally create an equitable, just, and environmentally sustainable future for everyone, but only through the many processes of a major simultaneous whole systems improvement process. This major whole system improvement process will be almost impossible to achieve with the existing power structures, which are highly resistant to any significant change, correction, or lessening of their power or privilege.
It is probable that only through widespread global human system collapse across all dysfunctional human systems will there be the necessary unobstructed pathway and cleared space to create the major whole system improvement all of humanity needs to survive. For example, after a global collapse, it is reasonable to eventually see a rise of an effective form of global governance with the power to make and enforce global laws as a key part of the whole systems improvement process on a legal and political level.
The most important and effective part of the needed whole-system change will be the massive changes required in our educational systems. All educational systems, as a priority, will need to teach the natural sciences, rational thinking, systems thinking, meta-systemic thinking, and our true place and identity in the evolution of the universe and of this planet.
All educational systems will also need to remove all religious beliefs, opinions, or philosophies (but not necessarily values that support the common well-being of all people derived from various religions or philosophies) from their processes. Whole system change will need to develop a new system of politics based on a new global constitution that protects the rights of all Earth's citizens equally and justly, as well as the biological life that supports humanity.
g. An even deeper cause level of climate change and our other biggest global problems is widespread human ignorance of:
1. how our current ecosystems work scientifically,
2. the science of long-term "big history" evolution,
3. understanding our proper place within nature as evolved chimpanzees and as another evolving species that entirely depends on nature and our environment to survive. 98% of human DNA is the same as the DNA of our direct evolutionary ancestors, the chimpanzees. Only 2% of human DNA is different from the DNA of our chimpanzee ancestors. Thus, humans are 98% evolved chimpanzees and only 2% different from evolved chimpanzees at the physical level.
What you see around you today, dysfunctionality, irrationality, and injustice in so many human systems, such as religion, economics, law, politics, the environment, etc., is the creation of a majority of humans who are physically still responding in life like evolved chimpanzees that they are.
Today, we have created chimpanzee-evolved economic systems, political systems, religious systems, legal systems, social systems, etc. Many argue that we are more than evolved chimpanzees because of that 2% DNA difference. But with 98% of our exact DNA coming from chimpanzees, we certainly are no less than our 98% DNA-driven animal nature (AKA evolved chimpanzees.)
Indulge this idea for a second, and when you look around you in the world, and you see all of the dysfunction, irrationality, and injustice (like the climate change emergency and all of the other global emergencies,) do not forget that 2% humans are dragging all of the no longer applicable evolutionary emotional baggage and mental machinery of their chimpanzee ancestors and of the chimpanzee's original evolutionary environments into every human transaction.
Furthermore, unless those individuals have disciplined and educated themselves to understand the nature of their 98% chimpanzee origins and their complete embeddedness in Mother Nature while at the same time attempting to transcend the worst aspects of their chimpanzee evolutionary lineage, we will continue to get all of the dysfunction, irrationality, and injustice of a chimpanzee-evolved world.
An excellent example from the evolved chimpanzee perspective is our evolved chimpanzee legal system. Like many of today's economic systems, most legal systems still contain and forward all of the ethnic-racial, wealth, privilege, and power protective biases of the particular type or location of the evolved chimpanzees who created them.
After five thousand years of evolved chimpanzee civilization, the evolved chimpanzee legal systems have hardly created justice or equity today. Our current chimpanzee-evolved legal systems are a significant ongoing source of the inequity, injustice, and irrationality we find in the world today.
Our above-described evolved chimpanzee nature is what may be the deepest distorted identity-related cause of the climate change emergency and humanity's other currently highly dysfunctional, irrational, and unjust institutions.
h. At the deepest level behind future climate and other catastrophes and widespread global collapse is humanity's evolved chimpanzee inability to build effective dialectical mental models of the complex reality, systems, and world we live in today because it is not within the capacity or capabilities of the general evolved chimpanzee population. Today, for humanity to be successful in managing large complex systems critical to human survival, we also need to predict the consequences of our first action 3-5 dialectical consequence levels and reactions out from that first action consequence.
Gregory Bateson famously said, "The major problems in the world are the result of the difference between how nature works and the way people think." This statement of Bateson identifies humanity's most serious issue as coming up with appropriate and effective solutions to the world's greatest problems within current human systems.
"If our thinking does not enable us to build effective mental models of reality, we will be unable to understand the causes of the environmental and other crises threatening human civilization. More importantly, our mental models will be of little use in developing strategies to resolve these crises.
Without an appropriate match between the complexity of our thinking and the complexity of the world, government and business leaders will fail to meet the complex challenges they face daily in their work. It is no exaggeration to acknowledge that the future of human civilization depends on the development of humanity's thinking, which better reflects how nature and the rest of the world work." John Stewart
A breakthrough and solution have evolved to resolve the inadequacy problem of humanity's mental models and poor dialectical thinking processes, which cannot adequately reflect and analyze the world's complex systems. Unfortunately, only a few people today have been trained on it, and most people do not have the requisite inherent mental capacity or prior to use it.
We use this advanced new dialectical meta-systemic analysis and modeling process at Job One to analyze complex climate systems. (This new form of dialectical meta-systemic thinking is fully described here.)
To summarize
(The following summary is not in any particular order.)
As you can see, we are in a complex, multilayered crisis of our own evolutionary making:
a. To truly and finally resolve the climate change emergency and prevent it from reoccurring in the future, humanity as a collective whole will have to undergo major "whole systems" change. This means our social, political, religious, economic, legal, and educational systems must all evolve to a new set of scientific and cultural values and a consciousness that sees ourselves (our actual identity as evolved chimpanzees) fully embedded in nature as an essential part of our accurate and correct place in the world to eventually be able to live in more balanced and sustainable ways.
At the deepest levels, we are currently trapped between corporate (human) greed and human ignorance. New laws can eliminate corporate greed. To eradicate human ignorance, we have to reform the current education system to deal with humanity's true evolved chimpanzee identity and how to educate evolved chimpanzees about the accurate science and complexities of the modern world, the universe, and their embedded natural role in it.
Unless the modern education system is stripped of all of its false information and starts teaching young people from the very start what is critical to understand about their world and their evolved chimpanzee position in it --- in rational and scientific ways, humanity may not ever be able to resolve creating for itself and endless chain of extinction level emergencies.
b. The most profound causes of climate change involve humanity's current hierarchal, patriarchal, religious, and dominance-driven technology-empowered political, economic, and social values. Our ill-informed or unworkable values in those areas have created overshoot, unsustainable overconsumption, pollution, and unsustainable population growth, among many other civilization-ending problems like the failure to evolve mental thinking models that reflect the complexity of the world or a global government that would protect the well-being of ALL.
c. The above hierarchal, patriarchal, religious, evolutionary, and dominance-driven technologically-empowered factors also directly or indirectly contribute to the economic, political, and social injustice, inequality, and many biases we find in the world today. If we do not evolve new economic, political, and social systems that are not based on hierarchy, patriarchy, outdated religious ideas, and dominance-driven technological power (collective ignorance), we will not be able to fix the climate change emergency or our existing global crises.
d. Nature and others are NOT something to be used by one favored species, race, or nationality to control, dominate, and exploit. On the contrary, nature and others are there to live with in harmony and ecological balance.
(Click here to discover why total human extinction is not realistic or probable, and the worst humanity will experience is near-total extinction (50 to 90+% of humanity going extinct.)
e. We need to improve our economic, religious, educational, and political systems and how we treat and think about the environment in major ways if we are going to survive and live together in a way that cares for the well-being of all.
f. Below are a few ideas about human crisis framing derived from the new book, An Inconvenient Apocalypse, Climate Crisis, and the Fate of Humanity by Wes Jackson and Robert Jensen. These ideas are only a small part of the new whole systems change and cultural values and consciousness evolution now required for humanity's survival.
We must decide to down power and accept limits and growth within sustainable boundaries of the Earth.
There is no way to invent our way out of having less, using less fossil fuel, and having fewer people.
We need to get to fewer people living with less energy achieved using democratically managed planning to minimize suffering.
We will have to evolve existing infrastructure and organization to that which is consistent with a sustainable future.
Behind the ecological crisis is a crisis of meaning where things versus people, knowledge and service, and other well-being issues fulfill our lives.
We must create powerful new meanings, purposes, and goals to move people away from overconsumption. Meaning and purpose are learned. But it must be practiced within a social environment that reinforces these values—our solution is to change the culture.
The Overshoot resource costs of extraction, processing, and waste disposal required to produce all the stuff humanity is now using is a core of our ecological crisis.
If we do not transcend the unlimited growth economy delusion (Overshoot), there are hard times ahead, and if we do manage to construct a new economic order, there are still hard times ahead. (Because of the damage we have already done.)
We must honestly and boldly examine full cost accounting for all suggestions for renewable energy solutions, including electric cars.
We are far less capable of controlling modern technology than we think, and we cannot manage the current high-energy, high-technology infrastructure we have created for much longer.
We must move faster than we have been and faster than it appears we are capable of.
Eventually, a population of a species that expands beyond its carrying capacity will be reduced by starvation, predation, and disease. That is a quick look into our future, with predation being the most dangerous of all in the later phases.
It is critical to advocate collectively for setting limits as an important part of rational and responsible planning. This planning has to be based on an honest assessment of the current conditions under which we live and the conditions under which we expect to live tomorrow.
Our advanced society is based on energy consumption. The economics of endless growth on a finite planet will always end badly. Because the endless growth delusion infects the whole planet, the bad ending will be global.
Techno-optimist fundamentalists believe that human knowledge is adequate to run the world. To claim such abilities, we have to assume we have and can identify all the patterns in nature and learn to control all aspects of nature. That we still clearly cannot do these things does not disturb techno-optimists fundamentalist faith... What we don't know still far outstrips what we do know and always will.
Any technology used should be directed mostly toward creating a soft landing for humanity's remnants after the collapse.
Individuals and societies must connect significant changes much faster than we have been willing to do so far and faster than it appears that the human species has been capable of acting today, perhaps faster than we will ever be able to act. It's unwise to think that a species that has resisted taking collective action (on so many major crises) at the speed necessary will find even more rapid and dramatic change easily in the future.
(To better understand many of the most profound causes of the climate change emergency and our other major global problems that we have listed above, we strongly and unequivocally recommend getting the book An Inconvenient Apocalypse, Environmental Collapse, Climate Crisis, and the Fate of Humanity by Wes Jackson and Robert Jensen as soon as possible. Please click here for our quick book review that will help explain why it is a must-read to more fully understand the most profound causes of climate change and other nightmares we are all now facing.).
Introducing a new path to a just, equitable, and survivable "No Overshoot" future. Living the principles and values of Sustainable Prosperity.
We believe that the principles of Sustainable Prosperity (below) will most likely come FULLY into being only after the Great Global Collapse has occurred. The reasons for this are:
1. Existing economic, political, and social systems and human power structures are so entrenched and self-protecting that they will never allow the needed fundamental changes, which in many cases would remove their positions of special privilege, advantage, and power.
2. The populations that support the existing economic, political, and social systems are widely ignorant of resource overshoot and its accelerating dangers. They also have become so used to the comforts these systems provide. They will resist needed improvements until something happens to them that is so devastating (the Great Global Collapse) that they will finally be ready to change. It is like the old saying, "People will only change when the pain going forward is less than the pain of staying where they are."
As you read about Sustainable Prosperity in this booklet, you will discover the many social, economic, and even political policy overshoot causes hidden behind our inability to create long-term global warming solutions and many of our other 11 major global crises. If we do not quickly apply the principles of Sustainable Prosperity to our lives, livelihoods, and societies, we and humanity will become like "dead man walking" who will be unable to slow or stop our own ecological, economic, and social demise.
Finally, after you have finished the following Sustainable Prosperity booklet, please also review the following two links to review Part 2 of the Job One for Humanity Climate Resilience Plan. They will provide additional and essential adaptation steps aligned with the principles and processes of Sustainable Prosperity to help you better manage the global warming emergency and the other 11 global crises we are now facing.
We also strongly recommend getting and reading the book Overshoot: The Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change by William Catton. This is the one book that everyone seeking a more sustainable life must have in their library!
We also strongly recommend getting and reading the book An Inconvenient Apocalypse, Environmental Collapse, Climate Crisis, and the Fate of Humanity by Wes Jackson and Robert Jensen.
This book dives even deeper into the human causes of our current climate emergency (even deeper than our highly recommended Overshoot book) going back almost 10,000 years. You may be pleasantly surprised and challenged by what you discover in this timely and soulful book.
It is based on a credible overview of climate and environmental science. It will help you quickly evolve your thinking and feelings to the new reality of our global climate-driven collapse process and what comes next.
It is a must-read for everyone you think will be there with you, trying to survive what is coming. It will not only help put everyone on the same page, but it will also help produce the emotional and psychological stability required in your family or group to survive the suffering, death, and many climate change-driven primary and secondary consequences that are no longer avoidable.
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What is Sustainable Prosperity
We all wish for prosperity (abundance) and for it to continue as long as possible (sustainability). But in these uncertain times of the runaway global heating emergency and the worsening of the world's other major 11 global crises, can we count on having this?
As we move toward raising families, wouldn't it be nice to know that we, others, our environment, and our economic and social systems will continue to prosper sustainably? Of course, we want that.
Wouldn't it be nice if there was a way to create lives and livelihoods of sustainable prosperity to create a better world, so many of us are seeking?
What are the core concepts of Sustainable Prosperity?
The core concept of Sustainable Prosperity is that:
1. there is an intelligent way for everyone to have ample sufficiency and abundance (prosperity) in the vital and meaningful areas of life and have this prosperity be sustainable over the long term without destroying other biological systems or harming the other essential Earth systems.
2. humans should strive to protect nature and improve human well-being by developing and deploying technologies (particularly appropriate technologies) that decouple human development from environmental impacts.
This new Sustainable Prosperity has processes and principles that support one person's prosperity, contributing to another's without detracting from it or the well-being of other species and the Earth.
The above are the most basic starting ideas of Sustainable Prosperity. But, there is much more to understand about its principles and its strategies, as you will find in the following pages of this online booklet.
The Sustainable Prosperity principles can:
a.) help us correct the problems of resource overshoot.
a.) sustainably improve most areas of your life besides just physical prosperity.
b.) help us resolve the tremendous adaptive challenge of escalating global warming caused by fossil fuel burning. (Practicing the action steps of Sustainable Prosperity can also do a lot to help us get close to meeting the life-critical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.)
c.) help us resolve many of our 11 other major global crises facing humanity.
d.) help us also create new sustainable economics and a new sustainable consumer (prosumer), driven economy. (This would be to replace the current modern environment-destroying, "consume, waste and pollute" consumerism.) And,
e.) create hundreds of millions of well-paying new jobs as we transition from the Second Industrial Revolution to the Third Industrial Revolution during the next 20 years.
Why the principles and processes of Sustainable Prosperity are so crucial at this time
Humanity is at a crossroads. We are already in a global collapse process because our existing economic, political, and social systems do not deal with resource overshoot and the overpopulation that drives it.
These existing systems are unlikely to make the needed changes until these systems fall into the Great Global Collapse. Because of this harsh reality, humanity must begin envisioning the structural and process improvements required for the future. This way, some of humanity that survives the Great Global Collapse can use these principles and processes to create the new structures and systems required for a possible Great Global Rebirth.
The Sustainable Prosperity booklet below is starting this envisioning process for our future. Many people and groups have already adopted many of its principles and processes.
"The principles of Sustainable Prosperity are necessary evolutionary adaptations for our current economic, social, and political crises. These adaptations will help humanity both thrive and overcome the harsh realities of Earth's diminishing resources, as well as the challenges of supporting humanity's remaining population. These new Sustainable Prosperity adaptations are critical to resolving global warming and our 11 other major global crises. If humanity wishes to go on as a species, the principles and actions of Sustainable Prosperity will need to be embraced globally." Lawrence Wollersheim
After you have finished reading this booklet, please let us know if you think we have missed any essential principles or processes by emailing us at ([email protected]).
When you are reading the Sustainable Prosperity pages below, keep in mind that these are the processes and principles that we eventually will need to enact to prevent future overshoot and resolve global warming and our 11 other major global crises!
Where did the principles and processes of Sustainability Prosperity come from
Many Sustainable Prosperity principles are derived from evolution's time-proven principles for sustaining success in an individual, group, or system. Other principles and processes of Sustainable Prosperity come from various movements such as the Sustainability movement, the Simplicity movement, and the Degrowth movement.
Go Now to Page 2 of the Sustainable Prosperity booklet by clicking the following link: An Overview of the Implications of the New Sustainable Prosperity.
The 38 pages of this online booklet cover resolving overshoot from many different perspectives.
Here are All 39 pages of the Sustainable Prosperity Booklet, the Long-Term Solution to The Global Warming Emergency and Overshoot:
An Overview of the Implications of the New Sustainable Prosperity
Why the Sustainable Prosperity Revolution Now? The Full Sustainable Prosperity Definition
Sustainable Prosperity and Financial Success, Maintaining the Essential Energy Balance
How to Create a Sustainable Prosperity Lifestyle, Livelihood, and Global Society
How to Use the Personal and Collective Action Steps of Sustainable Prosperity
- The New Economic Laws of the Triple Bottom Line (People, Planet, Profit,) and Full Cost Full-Cycle Accounting for All Businesses
Live Within the Carrying Capacity of the Local, Regional and Global Ecosystems
Recognize That ALL Physical Growth Contained on Earth has limits!
Divest Out of Companies With Poor Environmental Records and Unsustainable Practices
Reduce Your Personal, Your Business, and Your Nation's Eco-footprint
Learn the Difference Between What you Want and What you Really Need!
Embrace the Sustainable Prosperity 5,000-Year Rule and the Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse principles.
Promote Sustainable Prosperity to Create More "Prosumers" and A Better World
Create Organic, Bottom-Up Democratic Self-Organizing Governance Within Sustainable Prosperity
Evolve Global International Laws, Courts, and Enforcement Mechanisms For Natural Resource Management
Get Your Home and Business Converted Over To Green Energy Systems As Quickly As Possible!
Divest Out of Companies With Poor Environmental Records and Unsustainable Practices
Stop All Current Toxic and Dangerous Environment Polluting Practices
Restore All Destroyed and Polluted Ecosystems Wherever Possible
Protect, Steward, and Build Resilience Into the Natural Environment
Use Appropriate New Technologies to Help Create Affordable and Sustainable Abundance For All
Conclusion: Becoming a Sustainable Prosperity Movement Evolutioneer
A New Science-Grounded Worldview that Supports the Principles of Sustainable Prosperity
Technical Notes on Where the Key Principles for Sustainable Prosperity Come From
Please note
For answers to all of your questions about climate change and global warming, click here for our new climate change FAQ. It has over one hundred of the most asked questions and answers about climate change.
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