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Our volunteers are true climate change heroes and heroines. They are independent, self-organizing individuals who understand if we do not fix the accelerating climate change emergency before it is too late, there is no future a rational person would want to exist in.
All volunteers work independently on self-chosen projects or positions online. Welcome to the growing worldwide army of volunteer climate change heroes and heroines.
Job One for Humanity is an all-volunteer, IRS-recognized nonprofit educational organization. Being an all-volunteer nonprofit organization with no paid staff is unheard of nowadays. It tells you much about who we are and why our team shows up.
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There are two ways to get our free climate change danger alerts and climate condition/threat updates:
1. The first way, we email you climate alerts about once every month or two.
2. The second way, you automatically get critical climate change danger alerts as or before they occur!
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From now until about 2031, climate change consequences (heat domes, rain bombs, wildfires, droughts, flooding, and extreme storms) will rise dramatically and then, exponentially after that. (This is because of crossed climate tipping points, etc.)
If you want to maximize the protection of your home, business, and family, also sign up for these very short, highly illustrated climate danger alerts by:
1. clicking here first, it will take you to our Job One for Humanity Facebook page
2. then click the Follow link on our Job One for Humanity Facebook page.
When you click Follow on our Job One Facebook page, you will be automatically sent short, highly illustrated climate change danger alerts, and critical facts necessary to understand what is happening in the climate change emergency and why it is happening.
These veery short, illustrated climate alerts will look similar to to the two examples below:
Most of these climate alerts will be written by former United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) climate change researcher Peter Carter.
You can read his bio here. The climate change train is rapidly accelerating down the tracks. Don't be someone who sees the train coming too late to get out of the way! Sign-up now!
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Our free Climate Change and Global Warming Blog is one of the top 3 global warming blogs on the Internet with thousands of articles.
About once a month in your email you will receive the latest and best global warming news and research as a newsletter.
It will contain all new critical warning signs for the next global warming disaster. It will also include important updates on our Climate Justice Now program that assists worldwide victims of climate change damage get financial restitution and climate justice.
Here is how to sign up:
1. Enter your email address in the Subscribe box below the photo and click the green Sign Up button.
2. Next, activate your free blog subscription by clicking the activation link arriving in your email.
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After you sign the downloading access form below, we will immediately email you the instructions for downloading your five free climate change-related ebooks and accessing the members-only sections of the Job One for Humanity website. Please also indicate which subjects most interest you on the checkbox form below the signup area.
You have only a five-day timed access period to download your five free ebooks from the date you signup below.
You were awarded this gift because you are an executive, member, subscriber, newsgroup, or visitor of an organization friendly to Job One for Humanity's critical climate change emergency educational mission.
(If you would like a description of each of the five climate-related ebooks and the many other members-only benefits you will receive, click the following link, the five free ebooks description. Then come back to this download activation page to proceed.)
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