The Insane Saint Valentine's Day, Alien Takeover of Earth, Climate Change Conspiracy

Just when you think it can't get any crazier or dumber, I was told by a conspiracy buff that climate...

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Climate Change and Its Rising Inflation Threat: The Twin Monsters In Our Future

The disasters in California and Florida are omens of the accelerating consequences of global climate damage, which will drive inflation...

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An informed opinion about the current climate emergency

We rarely publish individual comments and opinions in our blog, but this one by an informed individual got our attention,...

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Uncensored Climate Change Preparation, Adaptation, Recovery & Solutions from a 100% Publicly Funded Climate Change Think Tank

Who Are We?

Job One for Humanity is a nonprofit, 100% publicly funded climate change think tank that provides uncensored climate change analysis. It also provides an effective plan for preparing for, adapting to, and recovering from the accelerating consequences of the climate change emergency. 

If we act now, we may still be able to save some of humanity from climate change-driven mass extinction.


Do you agree with any of the following ideas?

  • Disasters aggravated by climate change are growing more severe, occurring more often, and covering bigger areas. Learn more here.
  • Our media and governments are hiding how bad climate change consequences will soon become. Learn more here.
  • Current actions to slow or reverse accelerating climate change will not work in time to prevent widespread global ecological, economic, and political collapse! Learn more here.

If you agree with any of the above, sign up below for free climate change catastrophe warning alerts and updates.