All Ways to Donate to Us to Job One for Humanity

We are a 25-year-old, tax-deductible United States IRS recognized and approved 5013(c) non-profit organization.

We have received the Seal of Financial Transparency by Guidestar. Guidestar is the leading non-profit organization that monitors and evaluates other non-profit organizations for financial and mission transparency. 

We often have membership promotions with great gifts and values. You will discover them in the onetime and monthly donation links below.

Click here to see our current time-limited membership promotion where you get four free important ebooks worth $35 with a $9 tax-deductible donation!

Here are the many ways you can donate and help keep our mission alive:

To donate securely online one time, click here.

To make a secure monthly online donation automatically, click here.

To donate by mail, make your check payable to Factnet, PMB 2167, 1650 S. Casino Dr. Laughlin, Nevada 89029 

All donations will always receive either an electronic or mailed tax-deductible donation receipt for your donation.

Our Accomplishments in 2021

Click here to see those 2021 accomplishments now.

What We Will Be Doing in 2022 with Your Donations

Click here to see these 2022 mission actions and new expansion projects now.

Our Responsible Donation Management Policies

We have received the Seal of Financial Transparency by Guidestar. Guidestar is the leading non-profit organization that monitors and evaluates other non-profit organizations for financial and mission transparency. 

Contributions to Job One for Humanity are treated with special stewardship and the utmost respect for your intent. All donations will be used in a manner consistent with our stated goals, values, mission and in accordance with the highest administrative practices of not-for-profit spiritual organizations. Donations received in excess of our operating budget and costs, will be held in reserves and invested in a socially responsible manner.

This contributes to:

  • Conscious allocation of resources in investments with values.
  • Replenishment instead of depletion of resources.
  • Multiplying abundance and making a difference within a context of sufficiency.
  • Prospecting a sustainable future for society and the environment.

To learn more about socially responsible investing click here
To learn more about the advantage of the tax benefits associated with donating click here.


Other Ways to Donate, Personal Property, Planned Giving:

Planned Giving


Specific Bequest

Residual Bequest

Contingent Bequest

Trust Bequests

Irrevocable Trusts

Revocable Trusts

Individual Trusts

Life Income

Charitable Gift Annuity

Charitable Remainder Trust

Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust

Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Charitable Lead Trust

Life Insurance

Retirement Plans

How to donate without using any of your own money! 

Of course, we hope you will become an annual member or make a tax-deductible donation, but there is another easy way for you to donate without spending any of your money! All you have to do is sponsor our organization when you buy products at Amazon Smile by following the following simple procedure.

Keep in mind that this does not affect or add anything to the cost of your Amazon purchases. When you sponsor us, our organization gets a tiny percentage from every purchase you make. These small percentages will add up as we can get our thousands of members and visitors to sign and use it.

How to use AmazonSmile on a web browser:


Sign in with the same account you use for 

Select your charity. Be sure to select Factnet Inc. (Job One for Humanity is a DBA, and a part of the 25-year-old 501c(3), IRS-recognized, US tax-deductible, not-for-profit organization called Factnet.)

Start shopping! Remember to always start at to generate donations for your chosen charity.

Tip: Add a bookmark to make it easier to shop at for the next time you buy something.

How to use AmazonSmile using the Amazon app on your mobile phone:

Open the Amazon Shopping app.

Navigate to the main menu (=)

Tap on Settings and then select "AmazonSmile."

Select your charity. Be sure to select Factnet Inc. (Job One for Humanity is a DBA, and a part of the 25-year-old 501c(3), IRS-recognized, US tax-deductible, not-for-profit organization called Factnet.) Then follow the on-screen instructions to turn ON AmazonSmile in the mobile app

Once AmazonSmile has been activated in your app, future eligible app purchases will generate a donation for the charity you have selected.

Note: The tablet app is not yet supported. Please visit to learn more.


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Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account.
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