Last Updated 11.15.23
Job One for Humanity, founded in 2008, is a non-profit, 100% publicly funded, independent climate change think tank. It provides a holistic "big picture" climate overview and uncensored dialectical meta-systemic analysis of the inter-connected and inter-dependent climate systems and sub-systems creating our current climate change and runaway global heating emergency.
Job One For Humanity is also active in researching climate change justice issues, particularly concerning helping victims of climate change get financial restitution from the global fossil fuel cartel perpetrators of the climate change emergency. Job One also maintains a list of worldwide law firms and lawsuits filed against the global fossil fuel cartel members for climate change damages.
Our organization supplies research-grounded climate change consequence analysis, timeframes, risk assessment, and solutions to educational, climate, and environmental organizations worldwide without charge. We also provide a fee-based climate analysis risk assessment and solutions service to insurance companies, governments, and businesses affected by climate change emergencies.
According to Google statistics and other traffic tracking tools, over 5 million individuals have visited our climate change think tank over the last five years to review our uncensored, unbiased, and non-politicized climate change analysis and research. Scores of Internet climate newsgroups also regularly display, like, and comment upon our original climate analysis posts.
This welcome page will quickly familiarize you with our main types of audiences, members, and volunteers, as well as what we do and how we do it. At the end of this page is a link that will take you to your recommended action steps for managing and fixing our accelerating climate change emergency.
What Types of Individuals and Organizations Will Most Benefit from Our Nonprofit, Fully Independent, Climate Change Think Tank Analysis and Educational Website?
Are you or your organization on this list below?
1. Fellow climate change researchers and scientists.
2. Smart individuals who have few problems reading climate science and who usually see major problems long before others and plan wisely to avoid them. They hate suffering unnecessarily, particularly the same consequences as those far less observant. (Unfortunately, these individuals are only a tiny portion of the population (about 2-5%.) Most people learn to get out of the way of harmful future consequences only after suffering through them because they did not anticipate or plan for them.)
3. Individuals who were already caught unprepared in previous climate change disasters and have suffered significant personal and financial loss. They want to know more about the accelerating and worsening climate change emergency so they do not get caught unprepared again.
4. Observant, intelligent, or open-minded individuals that are both aware and brave enough to acknowledge that things in the world are not going well (i.e., accelerating climate change, ecological disasters, resource shortages, pollution, social inequity, etc.) They know these global challenges will likely worsen before they improve, which will be very bad for society and their personal future if they are NOT well-informed and prepared.
5. Individuals also know that as things worsen, they want to be around others with similar values and goals who are well-prepared. (Click here to see our building sustainable new climate change-resilient communities project called ClimateSafe Villages, which are communities designed to survive the worst of accelerating climate change.)
6. Individuals looking for information because they are considering relocation or migration to global warming safer areas because of the accelerating consequences of the climate change emergency.
7. Eco-Preppers, progressive preppers, climate change preppers, and traditional Preppers interested in managing the growing effects of global warming and our 11 other global crises. These individuals already know or sense hard climate times are coming. They sense they must begin (or continue) preparing and adapting for even worse climate consequences.
8. Individuals who already can see the many post-climate change emergency benefits to society and the future (even a possible new Great Global Rebirth) once we finally get the global warming emergency under control, and finally,
9. Individuals who are not in denial about the climate change emergency and who already see in climate science how bad global heating consequences are going to get.
10. Climate activists and climate change educational organizations such as Greta Thunberg, Extinction Rebellion, Fridays for the Future, Climate Mobilization, etc.
11. Insurance companies and other corporations whose future profits depend upon reducing losses from climate change-related primary and secondary consequences. (We do not accept any consulting work from any fossil fuel-related corporations due to their long history of greenwashing and co-opting or diluting the fossil fuel use reduction activities of nonprofit or for-profit organizations in which they become involved.
12. Individuals who may not be science people but whose generally reliable intuition is quietly nagging them about the climate emergency. They sense that they will soon need to make some changes to prepare for and adapt to an accelerating climate change emergency.
13. Individuals who know, believe, or sense that the long overdue climate change bill has come due and that this means many unavoidable and catastrophic climate change consequences.
14. Individuals who want to learn the facts about climate change and find an effective plan to reduce climate change.
15. sustainability advocates, environmentalists,
16. cultural or spiritual progressives, individuals who see themselves as global citizens, and the climate emergency as a crisis that must be fixed from a global perspective.
Even if you are not one of the individuals described above, it doesn't matter if it was luck or a personal referral that caused you to find our website. Reviewing the climate information on it will help make your future more secure and safe and help reduce the anxiety that you may feel about the future.
Our website was designed to help those individuals who are both open and wise enough to learn about major catastrophes before they happen. They want to be prepared, adapt, or get out of the way. Our website and mission is to work with those individuals and organizations that are cooperative, supportive, and effectively seek to win the climate change emergency.
For example, imagine you were a Jew and living in Germany before Hitler rose to power. You somehow also learned about what was about to happen with the Final Solution. You wisely then prepared and migrated out of Europe before the Holocaust occurred. Like those people and organizations who warned the Jews before the Nazi Holocaust so they should get prepared, adapt, or migrate, Job One for Humanity also serves to warn you about the many global climate change-related primary and secondary consequences arriving soon.
Who is not our audience?
Our website was not intended or designed for individuals under 13 years old. We believe that the grave nature of the climate change extinction emergency information on our website is not for children under 13 years pld. We believe that children under 13 should not have to deal with extinction-level climate change issues that they cannot change. This adult and young adult information would only disturb the peace and happiness normal and natural to their childhood with no obvious benefits.
Our role and your role at Job One for Humanity, the natural division of climate change solution labor
Our role as a non-profit educational climate think tank is to provide unpoliticized, uncensored, and accurate climate research information and analysis. We are not information marketing people, in-the-street climate protestors, activists, or for profit business managers. We are climate researchers, analysts, and educators only.
Our limited climate research and analysis role means that ALL website visitors, members, and volunteers must share the climate information and analysis they discover on our website for us! If they do not, our uncensored climate information will not reach enough people to make a difference before it is too late.
Without the hundreds of thousands of our annual visitors taking up their survival-critical role in distributing our climate information and analysis, there is little hope Humanity can avoid soon-arriving, near-total extinction climate catastrophes. So please do your part!
Actively and aggressively share and spread the climate information and analysis found oil our website and, where appropriate, become climate activists helping us to create honest climate solutions.
An Important Update to our Mission and Goals
Our overall mission strategy is always based on the principle of focusing on working wholeheartedly toward the best possible climate outcomes while also simultaneously being aware of and preparing for the worst possible climate outcomes.
In March of 2022, Job One For Humanity once again reviewed the climate science and updated its position on climate change and the runaway global heating emergency. It concluded that:
As the result of ignoring 60 years of valid scientific warnings and our not resolving the climate change and rising global heating emergency, we have already locked ourselves into the beginning phase of runaway global warming and the unavoidable extinction of about half of humanity by mid-century. Mass human extinction is now inevitable and unavoidable because we have already gone over the runaway global heating climate cliff when we reached the carbon 386 ppm level. Unfortunately, at our current carbon 420+ ppm level, we are making our extinction occur faster because we will cross even more climate tipping points and amplify climate feedback loops at faster rates.
The good news is that we can still save much of the other half of humanity, but only if we get close to reaching the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets as soon as possible. The even better news is that when we finally fix runaway global heating, there will be many positive benefits and possibly a Great Global Rebirth.
(The above is also our core message.)
This first mass extinction-level event of about half of humanity by mid-century will result primarily from mass starvation due to climate change-related crop failures, low crop yields, and soaring food prices. It will also be caused by growing resource shortages and increasing regional and national conflicts as tens of millions of starving climate refugees seek to find new homes.
If humanity does not get close to making the required and radical 2025 global fossil fuel use reductions (as described in detail on this global targets page,) humanity will also face an even worse second extinction-level of near-total extinction beginning as soon as 2070. (Click here to discover why total human extinction is not realistic or probable, and the worst humanity could possibly experience is near-total extinction (about 50 to 90+% of humanity going extinct.)
Accordingly, we have had to update our prior mission and goals because of the preceding and the increasingly severe global climate change and global heating consequences. Because the likelihood of coming close to the 2025 global targets for fossil fuel reduction is currently so low, part of our mission upgrade was to create a new Plan B for the runaway global heating extinction emergency.
With our new Plan B, while we are still working diligently on preventing near-total extinction, we have shifted a significant amount of our mission focus to also helping individuals, families, and businesses to become aware that they now need to start preparing themselves physically, emotionally, and psychologically for what can no longer be avoided; the extinction of about half of humanity by mid-century.
We are actively helping them adapt and build climate resilience (and other kinds of resilience) both in their homes and businesses and in essential local, regional, and national systems. Our new Plan B reflects our upgraded mission and focuses on maximizing all the possible human, biological and ecological good within our extremely difficult and painful current climate position by:
A. preparing for, adapting to, and building enhanced human and biological resilience to survive climate change's ongoing catastrophic or unavoidable consequences while time remains to do so. This getting prepared step also means that it is time to educate and prepare humanity for the many huge sacrifices we have to make to get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. And it is also time to start preparing humanity for the unimaginable and unavoidable, soon-arriving suffering.
while simultaneously working to prevent the worst consequences by,
B. pressing our governments hard and continuously to enforce radically cutting global fossil fuel use to get close to the 2025 global targets to slow down runaway global heating sufficiently so that we can avoid near-total human and biological extinction and more of humanity can live a little longer and more securely. (We can no longer save half of humanity, but we still have a chance to save much of the rest of humanity.)
C. pressing our governments for the creation of effective global climate governance that has the power to make effective global climate law with the ability to verify, enforce, and punish violators. Without effective global climate governance, we will never be able to at least:
1. slow down the current climate-driven extinction and collapse,
2. manage the coming and now unavoidable climate-driven population collapse and sudden global decline, and
3. wisely and equitably create and manage the post-global heating collapse recovery processes.
But first and foremost, we must quickly force our governments to create effective global climate governance that has the power to make effective global climate law AND the ability to verify, enforce, and punish violators! Without this empowered global governance mechanism, we can not adequately reduce the climate risks and threats to minimize the effects of near-total extinction.
Runaway global heating is a global emergency that only can be fixed globally. If we do not get this global climate governance working soon, humanity will suffer far more than ever needed and worse than can be imagined.
D. And, if we do not get close to the survival-critical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, with the hope that a good portion of the human population will survive we:
1. help younger individuals and families migrate from high-risk global heating areas to safer areas before it is too late to make these moves, (We forward the position that younger generations (X.Y Z, and A) who did not create or ignore the runaway global heating extinction nightmare have a far greater right to occupy the remaining global heating safest lands and to survive longer.)
2. support building urban, rural and virtual new ecologically sustainable communities worldwide for our younger generations that we call ClimateSafe Villages that:
a. might also allow at least some small part of our younger generations to survive where they are currently living, through the coming climate-change-propelled global collapse, extinction, and possible rebirth process and cycle,
b. might learn from and apply the many hard lessons of runaway global heating and the other ecological, economic, and political consequences which will happen to us because of the ultimate consequences of our current overconsuming, highly unsustainable, and inequitable lives.
For the survivors in these ClimateSafe Villages eco-communities and their eco-communities to serve as "beacons of light" modeling the critical new ideas, values, new behaviors to eventually facilitate a Great Global Rebirth. To see what these new ideas, new values, and new behaviors for a better future might look like, click here and look at Benefit 2.
Click here for more information on the new ClimateSafe Villages Project.
(Please be aware that the continuous pain and suffering any survivors will go through is so immense and unimaginable that many survivors will wish they had died in the Great Global Collapse. For most, survival will be closer to a subsistence existence. Because surviving runaway global heating will be a living hell, we must lessen that hell for survivors by getting as close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets as is possible.)
3. help our governments develop crisis plans for managing the sudden and massive loss of life and unfolding social and economic chaos from now until mid-century from the unavoidable runaway global heating consequences. Click here for those plans.
Because of our 60 years of inaction and ineffective action on the global heating emergency, the informative creative destruction that will occur as half the human population unavoidably goes extinct is unconscionable and the greatest horror in human history. Yet, it is also an equally powerful opportunity to create a better world and even a great global rebirth. (To learn more about the many benefits, improvements, and new societal values that could emerge for humanity from this unsought-after evolutionary challenge and opportunity, click here.)
The Climate and Humanity's Future
Humanity's future depends on how fast we can slow and lessen the worst effects of the runaway global heating extinction emergency. Our next 3 to 9 years will determine humanity's future viability and survival. (If you would like to see the analysis of many factors that bought us to the realization that, at best, climate change is only 3-9 years away (2025-2031) from going out of our control for centuries to millennia, click here.)
We understand that the above is a distressing and problematic climate update. But, the good news is, if our governments mass mobilize and get us close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, we still will be able to save as much as half of humanity! We will also be able to save many of our beautiful planet's plant and animal species and other living systems.
So, let's get busy and work together to save and salvage what we need to survive and what we dearly love.
(Please note: The above climate and runaway global heating facts are currently being censored or altered by the actions of powerful fossil fuel industry lobbyists upon the media and our governments. Yet, widely visible climate and runaway global heating consequences and current climate science-based predictions support the above statements as accurate.)
The above-updated mission means that our primary organizational focus is to support and work with individuals and groups that are bravely facing our many unavoidable and severe global warming and environmental consequences, while at the same time, some of which are working to slow and lessen those consequences so we still have time to save and salvage as much of humanity and our civilization as we can.
Things are going so bad in global efforts to slow accelerating climate change that our nonprofit organization has recently focused our mission on serving those individuals and groups who want to adapt to, survive and thrive through the coming Great Global Collapse and the extinction of much of humanity.
The higher purpose for trying to adapt to and survive what is coming (beyond survival itself) is to take the painful lessons learned from the causes of the Great Die-off and the Great Global Collapse and use that wisdom to create a Great Global Rebirth for humanity's survivors. We are dedicated to doing everything we can to help individuals, groups, and their children survive this long-term climate nightmare so they may eventually birth a sustainable, just, and equitable global society.
Since 2008, the Job One for Humanity nonprofit organization has been educating about the global warming extinction emergency. Some websites believe you are too weak to deal with the increasingly bad global warming news, or they dummy down their information so much that it is nearly useless. They act like if they did tell you the disheartening new research concerning the global warming emergency, you will not stick around to help, volunteer, or donate.
We will never do that. Our nonprofit global warming educational organization will tell you what few other global warming websites will tell you.
We will always give you the most accurate and current science available, no matter how painful.
We will make it understandable with lots of illustrations.
We will always treat you as an adult who can deal with and manage the truth about our current global warming emergency. And,
We believe that once you do understand the science of this emergency, you will do your part to help us fix or adapt to it.
Our website is loaded with easy-to-understand illustrations, descriptions, and documentation. Our website illuminates the "big picture" physics and math-determined interactions of the climate's many complex adaptive systems.
More About Job One for Humanity does its climate analysis and projections
Job One for Humanity, founded in 2008, is a non-profit and independent climate change think tank that provides a "big picture" holistic view and analysis of the inter-connected and inter-dependent climate systems creating our current climate change emergency.
While we do not do in-house original climate research, we use the published research papers of independent and respected climate scientists and climate research from organizations like the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA.)
Many climate research papers and summary materials reviewed or used by this organization in its analysis, prediction, or recommendations are also found listed:
1. in this extensive but still partial master list of these related or relevant climate research papers and summaries.
2. in many available video presentations by the climate scientists or researchers describing their own research. Click here to see an example in the video of the renowned climate scientist Kevin Anderson presenting the climate emergency at Oxford.
3. in the body of many of our web pages, in the links on those pages, or in the end notes or technical notes found at the end of many pages.
We provide our climate and global heating educational information for individuals and organizations with the understanding that they will independently evaluate it and decide upon its usefulness and accuracy based on the best climate science and analysis currently available.
As an organization, we speak climate truth to power, and we always treat our visitors and members as adults who can process often painful facts. We candidly speak climate truth to power also because there is no time left to hide or sugar-cote the facts surrounding the runaway global heating emergency.
Our website pages offer an appropriate, proportional, and rational hope that we can still fix the climate and save humanity from the climate's worst possible extinction possibilities. We base this measured hope solely upon current climate science and advanced dialectical metasystemic analysis processes.
We are the only non-profit think tank telling the whole and unvarnished truth on how bad the runaway global warming extinction emergency will become and preparing individuals, businesses, and nations for the unavoidable, soon-arriving climate and global heating consequences.
All the runaway global heating and climate change remedial actions we recommend are provided on a self-motivated, self-organized, and self-directed, Do-It-Yourself (DIY) basis. Although we will answer climate questions and provide encouragement through our member support system, you are responsible for spreading the word and telling others about this website's climate information and tools. Responsibility for the preparations, adaptations, and global heating remedial actions necessary to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your business from what is coming remains as it should exclusively with you.
How Our Research, Review, and Dialectical Meta-Systemic Analysis Processes are Unique
Using the principles of system theory and dialectical meta-systemic thinking applied to the climate and global warming as a complex adaptive system composed of many systems and subsustems (ocean temperature and acidification, forests, soils, atmosphere, glaciers, sea ice, and ice shelves, ocean currents and the jet stream, tundra and snowpack conditions), we review and then analyze current and past climate change research and public climate summaries for:
1. errors,
2. omissions,
3. previously unrecognized positive connections or negative patterns in or between climate studies and the climate's systems and subsystems,
4. unseen interconnections or consequence connections within and between climate studies, and the climate's systems and subsystems,
5. the unseen or hidden politicization, censorship, or the watering down of climate science by governmental agencies or other types of agents or lobbyists in public climate summary reports.
The problems in 1-5 above can significantly affect the validity of current and future statements or positions concerning climate consequence timetables or the frequency, severity, and scale of climate consequences. Using system theory and dialectical metasystemic thinking applied to the climate as a complex adaptive system, we also review research papers and public statements on the climate for:
1. discernable or hidden biases, and
2. undeclared financial or other conflicts of interest.
The above two problems have become more prevalent and have resulted in significantly underestimated negative climate consequences in public climate summaries and statements. Climate think tanks, individuals or groups operating as unknown fossil fuel lobbyists, and climate researchers funded by the fossil fuel-related industries have become the biggest offenders in this area.
Instead of our analyzing only one area of specialized climate studies like the oceans, glaciers, ice and snow packs, planetary temperature history, water vapor, soils, forests, or greenhouse gas factors on temperature and the atmosphere, we analyze climate research on how it holistically applies and interrelates to all different areas within and between the climate's interrelated, interconnected, and interdependent systems and subsystems.
Using the tools of dialectical metasystemic thinking, we examine climate studies, their positions, and the related interactions of the climate system and subsystems through 28 different dialectical analysis perspectives and lenses. This allows us also to see, consider and value natural or human counteractions that may occur in response to the various primary and secondary consequences of climate change and global heating.
After that extensive analysis, we make climate consequence severity and time frame predictions and remedial recommendations for the correct global fossil fuel reduction amounts to minimize human loss and suffering. Our final analysis, forecasts, and recommendations always include all needed adjustments to compensate for any problems, errors, omissions, underestimation, or politicization which we discover in current climate research or summaries. Click here to see the many errors, underestimation, and politicization we found in a major recognized source of global climate research and recommendations.
Unlike many other climate change think tanks, we do provide prioritized, critical-path, and deadline-driven solutions to the climate change emergency. These solutions are based upon accurate global fossil fuel reduction targets and avoiding the most dangerous climate tipping points and climate feedbacks deadlines that we currently face.
Job One for Humanity is currently helping expose the current intense politicization of climate science. This intense politicization of science by the media, governments, and even the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) acts to critically underestimate our actual and current climate consequences, timeframes, remedies, and condition.
Unexpectedly, our independent climate change analysis has turned us into reluctant whistleblowers exposing how popular and politicized climate data has been distorted to serve the hidden interests of those who gain financially (or in other ways) from the ongoing global use of fossil fuels and hiding the real danger the public faces from the runaway global heating extinction emergency.
Please note that our education materials, because of their serious and adult nature, are not meant for adolescents under 16!
We are here to help you prepare, adapt, survive, and thrive!
We have an honest plan to fix the climate. Based on a careful and continuous meta-systemic analysis of the global warming emergency and its real urgency, we have also created and continually updated 4 part plan for dealing with the contingencies of this emergency, utilizing a critical, prioritized, and deadline-driven strategy quite unlike any other global warming and fossil fuel reduction plan.
Our meta-systemic analysis and evaluation results have also produced a set of prioritized and practical, urgently needed global warming and fossil fuel reduction solutions to the global warming extinction emergency in the form of the Job One for Humanity Plan. (Click on the image below for a quick overview the four parts of the upgraded Job One for Humanity Plan B.)
Your next steps for learning about climate change and what you can do about it
If you have not do so already, we invite you to start reading our website by clicking here. It will take you to the most important things to learn and do on our website.
After starting on this page, then go anywhere your interest carries you.
The staff and volunteers of Job One for Humanity
Critical positive reading to balance out the all the terrible climate change and global warming news above
We can still maintain the perseverance needed to succeed in this monumental task by regularly reviewing the many benefits which will occur as we work successfully on this project together. Although we are now in what could be called a Great Global Collapse process triggered by accelerating global warming, this collapse process will eventually offer equal to (or even greater than) long-term benefits in the form of a potential Great Rebirth beyond the coming suffering and loss.
First on this page (that has been read almost 2 million times) and then this other critical global warming benefit page, you will find the many often hidden surprise benefits of the global warming challenge. You also will find a framework and the possibilities for what could be called a post-collapse Great Rebirth, no matter how bad the collapse process gets.
Other Helpful Information
Our mission in a nutshell is currently educating individuals and businesses on preparing for adapting to the climate consequences we can no longer avoid! Our focus is to support and work with those individuals, businesses, and groups that are bravely facing our many unavoidable, severe climate change consequences. At the same time, those groups are also encouraged to work to slow and lessen those consequences so we still have time to save and salvage as much of humanity and our civilization as we can. We will do everything we can to help individuals, businesses, and groups survive this long-term nightmare so they might eventually birth a sustainable, just, and equitable global society, what we call the Great Global Rebirth.
About our all-volunteer organization is very rare these days. Our volunteers are independent, self-organizing individuals who are passionate about fixing climate change before it is too late.
Our organization's core is composed of think tank climate analysts and researchers who have volunteered their time. In many ways, one could also think of us as a unique and partially crowdsourced think tank.
Our volunteers self-organize to handle our social media, marketing, research, events, and even accounting. In addition, our volunteers do all of the Climate Change Blog postings as they have done for years. Click here or on the volunteer image above to learn more about volunteering at Job One for Humanity. It is all of our responsibility to get the runaway global warming emergency under control.
If you want to understand the climate science and analysis procedures we used to present the above information, click here for a technical explanation of our climate research process.
For answers to all of your remaining questions about climate change and global warming, click here for our new climate change FAQ. It has over one hundred of the most asked questions and answers about climate change.
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