ClimateSafe Villages Model 4: The Our Virtual Worldwide Online Community

Last updated 9.18.23. Newest updates in blue.

Our worldwide online Virtual ClimateSafe Villages model has started. It is our fastest-growing CSV model. Anyone can join our virtual CSV as long as they follow our online rules, our community guidelines, and social contract.

Click here to see our online communication rules.

Many people love it because it is so easy to get involved in. Others like it because it is always there to connect them to the personal support and the human connection most of us need. It is particularly useful when there is a climate or other emergency or lockdown where you can still be connected to others and share needed information and assistance.

Our ClimateSafe Village online discussion forum has several hundred participants in just its first months. We have also created advisory committees for the various topics involved in creating CSVs worldwide. These advisory committees work in a powerful online team collaboration project tool called BaseCamp, which is like Slack and allows you to do all kinds of collaborative work as a group. (Check out the excellent online BaseCamp collaboration tool here.)

The virtual community also sponsors regular online Google Meet video events for specific subjects like organic gardening and soil maintenance to general CSV meetings on particular projects.

Our online virtual village and virtual community are designed to help create, support, and connect all the different CSV community models worldwide and quickly assemble and share all of the information that is not found in our online guide table of contents here. 

The CSV virtual community empowers every worldwide community and is fun to participate in. It is our main inter-member, inter-community communication tool until we add additional online community education tools as needed.

In summary, our virtual village aims to connect physically remote individuals and members worldwide who share common ClimateSafe Villages values, or are currently unable to move into existing urban, rural, or hybrid communities or do not generally live close to each other.

A high-priority activity for the Virtual CSV community will be helping and supporting each individual and community to complete the critical actions of the Job One Plan (particularly Parts 1 and 2) before 2025-2031. 

Our Virtual ClimateSafe Village model will not be able to do everything our rural or urban land-based eco-communities can do because they are online. Still, they can provide valuable additional support, motivation, and information to those not close to each other physically. 

Several factors unite virtual members into an online eco-community:

1. They share common community values and climate change facts. (As found in this online guide and on the Job One website.)

2. They can contact other online community members for mutual support in getting through the Job One plan (particularly Parts 1 and 2) before 2025-2031. 

3. They can turn to the online community for reliable information about climate change migration, resource depletion, permaculture, net-zero home design, emergency medicine, construction, etc. 

4. Our online community will collect climate and social truth information related to their subject of interest and add it to specialized online knowledge forums and databases. These forums and databases will have novel provisions that achieve the following:

The information is easily accessible, even for complex subjects.

Data is entered in a form that allows biases to be spotted.

Knowledge entries are "comprehensive." That is, "mainstream" control is eliminated.

The information capture process overcomes the significant flaws that have disabled most internet discussions and communications.

Commercial firms or governments will no longer control knowledge with political or other biases.

All members will have no-cost access to the database to find and read information and contribute knowledge.

This combination of provisions gives a virtual eco-community membership great value because it will provide a new level of visibility for people and organizations worldwide and easy access to the highest levels of natural truth. Specifically:

They can discover wisdom and creativity in the new concepts presented by the eco-community models.

They see the personal, social, and possibly professional benefits of applying the new concepts to their efforts.

They see the benefits of belonging to the eco-community for the unique safety and security networking opportunities it will provide them.

They will come to understand the survival need for the mutual support these collaborative and supportive virtual sustainable communities can bring. 

They will eventually see within themselves the qualities and aspirations sought within the eco-community principles and values.

They will see in themselves unique talents that will contribute to and be acknowledged for improving the eco-community's efforts and the world as a whole.

To ensure our online virtual community runs smoothly, we have adopted a set of online communication rules to keep our virtual eco-community safe, civil, and secure. These online rules are similar to the online communication rules used by most well-run online communities. Click here to see our online communication rules.

In addition to our online communication rules, all virtual community prospective members must sign off on and agree to follow our facilitating Social Contract. To view a fundamental social contract for this community model, click here. 

Each CSV community model creates its application process using as many or as few advanced community application steps as found on this page.

What happens in this Virtual CSV model

A major and first part of your CSV member online time will be involved with assisting your CSV community's and other members' efforts to prepare for and adapt to climate change and the 11 other worsening global crises. To do that effectively, this CSV community model will find ways to support and motivate each other in executing the many parts Parts (1, 2, 3, and 4) of the Job One for Humanity Climate Emergency and Resilience-Building Plan.

The comprehensive Job One Plan has taken over a decade of research to develop, and it covers everything that needs to be done. While it is not everything that can be done or should be done in any of our CSV models, it is always the first thing that any CSV model must start and get done as soon as possible to protect its members from what is coming.

Here is a quick overview of the critical parts of the Job One Plan to help you improve the probability that you, your business, and your children will survive and thrive for as long and as comfortably as is possible:

1. Part One covers all of the needed emergency catastrophe and recovery preparations, including how much space or land you will need for your essential food growing needs.

2. Part Two covers the necessary lifestyle and livelihood resilience-building adaptions that will be required.

3. Part Three covers all of the crucial climate change remedial actions our governments must execute now and that they should have started 60 years ago. 

4. Part Four covers what our politicians must do to force our governments to finally act. And,

5. At some point, the urban/suburban CSV community must reach out and help educate local politicians and government agency officials on the city areas they must address to build full local community climate change resilience. Click here for the list of critical whole local community-level resilience-building issues that must be completed before more major climate change tipping points are crossed.

This means that either mutually as a group or through your local CSV village coordinators, you will collectively and individually decide which actions within Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the Job One for Humanity Plan you want to start first, second, third, etc. Each local ClimateSafe Village will have different situations, priorities, and resources; therefore, they may work on different Parts (1, 2, 3, and 4) of the Job One for Humanity Plan in different sequences and ways.

How to join our Worldwide Virtual CSV community model:

1. If you have not done so already, join this "survive and thrive" ClimateSafe Village by clicking the Join link on this page.

2. Please fill in the following survey by clicking here.

3. Learn more about us by reviewing our CSV online guide table of contents here. Be sure to read at least our CSV quick overview page here.

4. If you have questions not covered in our CSV online guide please also check our CSV frequently asked questions FAQ here.

5. If you have not done so already, please email [email protected] to let us know:

a. which model of CSV do you want to join: the rural, urban, only virtual community or the Bellingham headquarters CSV,

b. that you want access to the private CSV group discussion forums 

c. let us know about your skills and experience, which would most apply to the CSV model you selected. (We also have set up a special online team project collaboration tool called BaseCamp for all CSVs to use. It is open to individuals actively helping to create any CSV community model.) 

d. if you have remaining questions.

6. In your email to us, tell us that you agree to our online communication rules found here, and you agree to the principles found in our social contract found here. After we receive your email, our ClimateSafe Villages support team will get back to you within three business days or less with your next steps and possible other connections. In addition, they may ask for additional information before accepting you as a member, depending on the information you provide in your email. 

7. Become a subscriber on the Job One for Humanity website by going to the Sign-in link at the top left of every page and creating a new subscriber account. Then, go to your personal profile area as a new user and fill in as much information as possible. This unique profile information will be kept confidential and will help us connect you with the right support team. The Job One website will provide the latest climate change news and alerts.

8. To view a basic social contract for any CSV model, click here. 

Please note: We also have set up a special online CSV team project collaboration tool called BaseCamp for all members and CSVs to use. It is open to individuals actively helping to create any CSV community model. 

Please note that our CSV virtual network is growing so fast that we also urgently need additional tech and website-savvy volunteers to help administer our virtual network communication and information-sharing tools and to help oversee our Basecamp potent online project collaboration and management software. 

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More Potential Income and Ongoing Funding Sources for the ClimateSafe Villages and Their Members

Failed intentional communities and eco-villages did so most often because those communities did not have reliable and steady income sources for themselves or their members. Therefore, all CSVs must generate sustainable, fair exchange-based income for themselves and their members. This does not mean that building or running CSVs should ever be treated as an investment opportunity or a property development scheme for the profit of a few early-entry individuals. 

Most income sources within CSVs should be co-ops or community-owned and managed except for those individually owned businesses brought to or created within the community that are sustainable, eco-friendly, and meet that community member's approval and community standards. All co-ops or community-owned businesses within the community should also experiment with the new economic models of fair exchange and merit and responsibility-based incomes.

Here are just a few of the ways ClimateSafe Villages can fund or support themselves either before or once established and operational, but always in fair exchange and community-value congruent ways.

Income for CSVs:

1. Selling online educational courses on many community-related subjects and skills.

2. Selling online climate adaptation and resilience courses.

3. Selling at the eco-community on-site courses and day-long, weekend, or longer sustainability and organic gardening retreats.

4. Selling surplus organic food to the surrounding community.

5. Selling community and sustainably made crafts, art, and other products to the surrounding community.

6. Individual members running their on-site businesses, which are value-compatible with eco-community values.

7. Allowing retirees who want to live in net-zero homes within the community to contribute more significant amounts to help build or maintain the community because they may be unable to provide as much labor to help run the community.

8. Rural CSVs allow visitors to stay in their RVs for several weeks to experience CSV living. (They would have to build approved RV spaces, which could be a substantial income source. These rural CSVs could also offer organic meals to short- and longer-term community kitchen visitors.)

9. Housing leasing payments for homes, apartments, and dorm rooms constructed in rural CSVs on community-owned land.

10. Rural CSVs can lease agreed upon secure storage space or even vacant living spaces to urban or virtual CSV members for storage of emergency backup supplies and temporary or permanent occupancy during an emergency.

11. Community members might also develop climate change resilience-building consulting services or resilience remodeling services for the communities surrounding that CSV model.

12. Some CSV members might create small businesses to help other CSVs with their initial construction, remodeling, speciality survival equipment (solar, water capture, etc) or food-growing operations. They would temporarily move to a new CSV location and live there while helping that CSV get started.

13. Some CSVs might create a community-owned business that could provide other products like speciality survival equipment (like EMP shielding kits,) unique greenhouses, prefab homes, vertical hydroponics kits, dried food products capable of surviving years on a shelf, etc. These businesses could be driven from the advanced and always evolving CSV climate change, climate change resilience building, and food growing knowledge base, and could employ numerous community members.

14. Create a service that reviews and rates only the products that will be used in worldwide CSVs. This service could become highly-trusted because it would be executed with the integrity and thoroughness of a Consumer Reports type company.

15. Receiving donations from individuals who want to see our eco-community goals succeed. We are still working out our policies and possible exchanges to wisely accommodate the contributions of individuals who make considerably larger donations to get our eco-communities going, being maintained, or expanding. 

We understand and value that some wealthy individuals are ethical and honorable and see their wealth as a generational responsibility to use wisely to improve and protect humanity's well-being and future.

Things currently being considered for the larger donor start-up eco-community funding and contributions are as follows:

a. If the individual eco-community is a registered non-profit educational organization, large donors can be offered the standard donation tax deduction for that country. (We anticipate these eco-communities will be registered non-profit educational organizations. Each eco-community will determine its best legal structures as appropriate. 

b. Awarding large donors a week or longer for several years to live at the eco-community as a guest.

c. Allowing large donors to put their name on an eco-community structure or piece of equipment they fund.

d. Allowing large donors to join the eco-community and build a net-zero home for them and their children, but on the same terms applied to every new member.

e. We are also currently working on ways to be in fair exchange with any individuals or members who connect us to large donors and funding sources that help provide the seed finances to expedite the creation of any of the four models of eco-communities.

We can offer wealthy ethical individuals the safest place to have a home or apartment for themselves and their families as the anticipated large-scale extinction and collapse occurs. This is because they would be a part of a well-prepared eco-community with deep shared values, a commitment to mutual support and quality of life, and protection that could be relied upon, is something that money alone can never buy. These rural and hybrid eco-communities would also be located in the areas with the best survival probabilities for our current worsening global crises.

Helping to create these new eco-communities and having a home there is the ultimate insurance policy. So please click here to read about why many emergency survival plans used by the ultra-wealthy are not realistic and will likely fail.

When taking any large donations from the ultra-rich, we will carefully review their business history and past charity actions to see if they were, in general, ethical and reasonably compatible with our eco-community values and worldview. If you are fundraising for your eco-community, the wives, x-wives, children, and other relatives of an ultra-rich individual, who are also ultra-rich through divorce or inheritance, are usually better aligned with our values, worldview and can more easily pass our ethical donation review.

And finally, individuals who make large donations will be treated as any other eco-community member and be expected to participate in everyday shared community actions when they are residents in the eco-community. Great wealth or celebrity earns you no special treatment. We are evolving new social and economic systems that value merit but do not continue the economic distortions or imbalances of the past that have also contributed to our current 12 crises. 

"Only the wisest, most cooperative, and best-prepared individuals, families, and businesses living and working in highly value-aligned eco-communities with a deep and common worldview, which will give them the additional needed emotional and psychological resilience (in addition to the eco-community's physical resilience) will have the best possibility of surviving the worsening 12 global crises we all now face." Lawrence Wollersheim

16. We are also exploring and open to other eco-community value-compatible income sources for members and the eco-community. One such way is for younger adults to have their parents sponsor them and their initial expenses for building their net-zero homes in these new eco-communities. This is a common practice because parents often help their children enter their first homes. It is even more critical in this case as parents typically want to see their children survive and live longer lives. Another area we are exploring is crowdfunding apps like Kick Starter.

17. If we raise enough funding, as a community, we may pre-build all net-zero homes or apartments and long-term lease them to members or exchange their leasing fees for ongoing services rendered to the eco-community. Our ideal funding situation is to buy the land, build all of the necessary eco-community infrastructure, and simultaneously build all of the net-zero homes from the initial funding.

18. All members will be obligated to regularly contribute (most likely monthly) to fair, adequate, or, where appropriate, means-based financial support for the community. These membership payments will have clear guidelines for covering the costs of community administrators and for all reasonable administrative and related community costs required to maintain their CSV community model so that it can securely and continually forward and sustain the community's well-being.

Please also note that retired individuals or other individuals who cannot continue to work productively within these eco-communities will be allowed membership on a case-by-case basis. However, their initial and monthly financial contributions to the eco-community will be substantially larger than individuals who can provide the ongoing needed services to the eco-community.

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