Our Team

Last updated 7.16.24.

Our Team

We are an all-volunteer organization. We have no paid staff. This is rare and is unheard of in an era when some executive directors of nonprofit organizations have million-dollar salaries. 

Our volunteers are independent individuals, climate scientists, and climate activists. They volunteer because they are passionate about fixing the climate change emergency before it is too late for them and their families.  

Our organization's climate change think tank is composed of climate change research scientists and analysts. Some of the world's best climate change scientists anonymously or openly volunteer their skills, analysis, and perspectives to help us create the uncensored and unpolitized climate change analysis found on our website.

The climate scientists who contribute anonymously do so because of the long history of global fossil fuel cartel-related academic research defunding efforts, unwarranted harassment, and reputational attacks on those academics who openly speak out on the coming severe climate change consequences and mass extinction-accelerating nature of our escalating climate change emergency.

For example, climate scientists like James Hansen have experienced decades of unwarrented actions to ruin his reputation, defund his research, cut off his public speaking events, and harass him in numerous other ways. This was done because he strongly warned (and continues to warn) the public about the dangers of mass human extinction caused by the current climate emergency. 

Not all climate change academics are as brave as Hansen. Consequently, they do their critical climate change work anonymously.

Due to the growing harassment and punishment of climate change scientists, researchers, activists, volunteers, and staff working at climate change educational organizations by global fossil fuel cartel-funded agents and vitriolic climate change deniers and trolls, we do not release or publish the names or contact information of our climate change research and analysis team, our staff, or our volunteers, unless they have expressly permitted us to do so.

Our volunteers also handle our social media, marketing, research, local events, and accounting. Volunteers do all of the blog postings as they have done for years.

Our volunteers are not authorized agents or legal representatives of the Job One Organization. Only our board of directors makes statements, sets positions, or can take actions officially representing our non-profit organization.

Our Advisory Board

To see who is on our advisory board, click here.

The Executive Director, Lawrence Wollersheim

Since its inception in 2008, Lawrence Wollersheim has been the Executive Director of Job One for Humanity. He oversees all aspects of Job One for Humanity's mission, including global warming research analysis. He brings thirty years of experience in successful social advocacy and social advocacy litigation.

Lawrence has high-level training and is skilled in system theory and the dialectical metasystemic analysis of complex adaptive systems. These skills are used in climate research and analyzing many studies within the numerous specialty areas of climate research. In particular, he looks for newor missed omissions, errors, and patterns that could not be easily seen unless one was using those new thinking tools and looking horizontally across many research studies covering all of the different systems and subsystems of the climate. . 

As a social advocate, Lawrence also helped to win one of the largest California SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation) lawsuits to date against an organization that was using excessive litigation tactics to unfairly financially overwhelm, harass, and intimidate an under-funded non-profit social advocacy organization. His early SLAPP legal victory and precedent also has been a powerful legal aid to all non-profit organizations in legal battles with big corporations filing meritless lawsuits designed to silence and bankrupt their less-wealthy nonprofit opponents. (See Lawrence Wollersheim's Wikipedia listing here.)

Lawrence Wollersheim's LinkedIn profile is here.

Lawrence spent over 20 years earlier in his career as the founder and managing director of HealthKeeper Inc., a software company specializing in assisting dieters, diabetics, and individuals with cardiovascular problems related to weight and nutrition. At HealthKeeper, Lawrence designed software and invented the NutriCode, a colored bar code that allows the user to understand a food label’s nutritional content and its impact on their daily diet goals without having to do any math.

From his various experiences, Lawrence has an extensive 40-year background in both day-to-day business operations and information technology, which he is able to draw from for his work in the non-profit, for-profit, and social advocacy sectors.

Lawrence is also an experienced board member of a nonprofit organization. Lawrence has also been a board member of the 30-year-old non-profit organization Factnet Inc. since it began in 1993.

Other Management and Research Experience

Lawrence Wollersheim is also on the staff of the Universe Institute as a senior analyist (www.UniverseInstitute.org) and Universe Day (www.TheUniverseDay.org.)

Lawrence Wollersheim is also a director of Universe Spirit (www.UniverseSpirit.org), an organization that has helped birth the new Universe Evolutionary Worldview, the principles of Sustainable Prosperity, Universe Citizenship, and other Evolutioneer social action programs, like Evolution Spirituality, an open-source, meta-spirituality grounded solidly in the sciences and the principles of universe evolution.

Since 2002, Lawrence has also been the Executive Director for all operational aspects of Universe Spirit's Universe Evolutionary Worldview research, educational activities, publishing, web operations, and all related marketing. 

Since 1983, as a major part of his life’s passion, Lawrence has been continuously studying, experiencing, and being committed to forwarding the balanced relationship of science and healthy personal spirituality, particularly as it relates to evolutionary science and the personal direct spiritual experience of Ultimate Reality found within both science's discoveries and the discoveries of the world’s great eastern and western spiritual traditions. 

Over the years, he has written extensively about unhealthy spiritual practices.

Lawrence Wollersheim is also a polymath and autodidact. He is also dyslexic, which he credits with helping him to keep a sense of humor and humility in his personal life and his creative social advocacy work. 

Executive Director Additional Background Experience

For several decades, Lawrence was mentored by and was one of the few protégés of Dr. Margaret Singer, Professor Emeritus at UC Berkeley. Before her passing, Dr. Singer was the world’s leading authority on mind control, destructive religious practices, and destructive cults. Dr. Singer published over 160 papers and was also one of the original co-founders of Factnet in 1993. 

Since 1993, Lawrence has also been a managing board director at FactNet Inc. (www.factnet.org), a nonprofit educational organization. Over a 30-year period, both before and during his tenure at FactNet and Job One for Humanity, Lawrence was involved in a series of 5 lawsuits against the infamous Scientology cult. His litigation success in all 5 of these lawsuits against Scientology established important new legal precedents on freedom of thought and informed consent in alleged religious settings.

These new legal "freedom of thought and belief" precedents are currently part of many US law students' first-year constitutional law studies. To date, Lawrence Wollersheim has been the only individual to ever successfully sue, win in court, and fully collect over 9 million dollars in verdicts against the Scientology cult.

Please note: About 13 years ago, Factnet evolved its mission from education about coercive and unethical influence tactics to a global warming educational focus.


Our members

Click here to see a profile of our members and our audience of visitors who will most benefit from our website.


For answers to all of your remaining questions about climate change and global warming, click here for our new climate change FAQ. It has over one hundred of the most asked questions and answers about climate change.


Showing 2 reactions

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  • Lawrence Wollersheim
    commented 2020-08-26 08:19:34 -0700
    You will need to drill down through the links and you will find lots of documentation.
  • Lawrence Wollersheim
    published this page in US 2019-10-22 12:10:28 -0700