The not-for-profit Job One for Humanity organization provides a unique "big picture" and holistic view of the many inter-connected and inter-dependent climate systems creating our current climate change emergency. Unlike other climate change educational organizations, we do provide prioritized, critical-path solutions to the climate change emergency built upon the most accurate global fossil fuel reduction targets and the most dangerous global warming tipping point deadlines we currently face.
Our website focuses on educating individuals and businesses on adapting to what we can no longer avoid! It will help you and your business survive and thrive through the many soon-arriving climate change crises.
Our website illuminates the "big picture" physics and math-determined interactions of the climate's many complex systems in easy-to-understand illustrations, descriptions, and documentation. We know no other website that so candidly presents such a comprehensive window into viewing our global warming future.
According to Google statistics as of March 5, 2022, over the last 5 years, 4.5 million unique visitors have come to our website to review our candid and non-politicized climate change analysis and research. Additionally, scores of climate newsgroups regularly display, like, and comment upon our climate articles.
Introduction for Climate Change Consulting Services
For individuals or businesses that desire individualized assistance, qualified members of the Job One for Humanity team are available for consulting on all aspects of climate change and global warming consequence adaptation, relocation, migration, or risk assessment for individuals, small businesses, large corporations, or local, regional, or national governments.
Global warming consequences are accelerating rapidly. Not having a global warming strategic plan will eventually adversely affect your assets and profitability. It will also affect whether you or your business survives what is yet to come.
Our climate change risk assessment and consulting services include:
1. Individualized climate change consequence adaptation plans for your family, small business, or large corporation based on the risks of your current location.
2. Should they be necessary, individualized best relocation or migration locations and plans for your family, small business, large corporation, (or for specific sections of your small business or large corporation.)
3. Strategic short-term (3-5 year) and long-term (5, 10, 25, and 50 year) business plans to adapt to and compensate for all known accelerating global warming consequences and their rapidly shortening timelines.
We consult with all industries, including agriculture, vineyards, distribution, warehousing, military, etc. We also consult for local, regional, or national governments.
Please see this page for the reliability of our climate information and our analysis processes.
Our unique climate change and global warming risk spectrum and consequence knowledge can save individuals tens of thousands of dollars in consequence avoidance or mitigation. For small businesses and large corporations, the savings can range from hundreds of thousands of dollars to millions of dollars. This is because your organization will be better able to avoid many uninformed or wrong global warming consequence-related decisions.
Our cutting-edge analysis of current and escalating climate change and global warming risks and consequences has been based upon the analytical principles of systems theory as well as dialectical, meta-systemic theory. We offer a spectrum of risk analysis and consequence prediction depth not found in any other climate change and global warming consulting services.
All consulting fees go directly to our non-profit organization to help support its mission. (Fees are based on the general complexity of the client's needs and services needed.)
1. Individual consulting: $125 per hour,
2. Small business consulting: $185 per hour,
3. Large corporation consulting: $350 per hour.
On larger consulting projects we may require a deposit to do the unique strategic research, risk analysis, or planning for that project.
How to Start
Please email us at [email protected] with your contact information. Also, tell us a little about your needs, concerns, and your organization.
We will call you back within several business days or sooner. While you wait for our response begin reviewing items of interest on our website to become more familiar with our global warming educational work.
Please view the following illustration from the bottom up to get a preview of what is already here and getting worse every year because we failing to meet the REAL global fossil fuel reduction targets.
Click here to see a useful profile of our members and the audience of visitors who will most benefit from our website.
For answers to all of your remaining questions about climate change and global warming, click here for our new climate change FAQ. It has over one hundred of the most asked questions and answers about climate change.
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