No matter where you currently live, our four models of ClimateSafe Villages are designed to provide individuals and families with a secure, supportive, and sustainable living environment amidst the growing climate crisis challenges. By prioritizing self-sufficiency, adopting green technologies, and fostering a supportive community culture, we help ensure our members have the resources and skills to weather the many future uncertainties.
Embrace Sustainability, Unity, and Resilience Amidst Global Challenges
Understand the Climate Emergency
The climate crisis is rapidly escalating, with devastating consequences for our planet and its inhabitants. Extreme weather events, biodiversity loss, and rising sea levels are just a few of our challenges. In response to this urgent situation, our ClimateSafe Villages initiative seeks to build resilient, sustainable communities that can adapt to these changing conditions. By adopting innovative models and fostering collaboration, we aim to create a more hopeful future in the face of unprecedented environmental challenges.
Ready to take the next step?
Don't miss the opportunity to become part of a forward-thinking community that aims to impact the world positively. First, in the links below sign up now to get more information and join like-minded individuals who are dedicated to building a better tomorrow. Next, check our our ClimateSafe Villages guide.
Experience a unique blend of social, cultural, and environmental values that will enrich your life and help us collectively navigate future uncertainties. Let's create a brighter, greener, and more sustainable future for all.
It is time to dive into our four unique and groundbreaking Urban, Rural, Hybrid, and Virtual ClimateSafe Village models and discover their distinctive approach to sustainability, resilience and community.
Sign up here to learn more about ClimateSafe Villages
Click here for our ClimateSafe Village topic index guide.
Read More About Our Innovative Climate Safe Villages
When we say we are creating survive and thrive new ClimateSafe Villages worldwide, people have many different ideas of what that means. They often think of similar communities like intentional communities, co-housing communities, sustainability communities, resilience communities, prepper communities, degrowth communities, ecovillages, conservation communities, simplicity communities, deep adaptation communities, evolutionary communities, agrihoods, eco-prepper, farmers cooperatives, eco-spiritual, even survivalist communities.
While our four new ClimateSafe Village models may include and combine the best elements from many of these kinds of communities, they are also something new and quite unique. Our four ClimateSafe Village models also strive to transcend what we perceive to be the limitations, missing parts, or flaws in these other types of communities, and they are what you also could call true climate survival communities.
Click here for our ClimateSafe Village topic index guide.
Sign up to learn more about ClimateSafe Villages
For answers to all of your questions about climate change and global warming, click here for our new climate change FAQ. It has over one hundred of the most asked questions and answers about climate change.
Special online support announcement of 2.28.24. The staff at Job One for Humanity have recently helped to cofound a new nonprofit organization called ClimateSafe Villages. This organization was designed to help better prepare people for what's coming with the climate. It also helps them adapt and build greater climate resilience in their homes, businesses, and communities.
In addition to joining Job One for Humanity, please join ClimateSafe Villages as soon as possible. As of this date, we have transferred all our support activities for climate change emergency preparation, adaptation, and resilience-building to this new organization.
Although we helped to cofound ClimateSafe Villages, we are no longer involved with its executive management because, as a think tank, climate change research must remain our primary focus. When asked, we continue advising ClimateSafe Villages on rapidly changing climate change conditions.
At ClimateSafe Villages, hundreds (soon thousands) of individuals are being supported in a great online community and in completing the necessary but often challenging climate change emergency preparations, adaption, and resilience-building.
Please also join ClimateSafe Villages soon. Good support has proven to be 90% of the reason people succeed in challenging tasks. And please, do not forget to become a member at Job One for Humanity for all of the benefits described on this page.
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