Last Updated 1.3.25.
Our climate change think tank website contains uncensored accurate climate change information. It can be pretty upsetting to read it for individuals who have been previously given highly censored and significantly underestimated climate change consequences and timetables by the media and our governments, which in turn have received this information from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
The following page contains vital information on healing climate change-related negative emotional states, stress, and shock. This page is designed to help the hundreds of millions of people worldwide who regularly and legitimately feel any of the following feelings and emotions about our seemingly out-of-control climate change and global warming emergency, and our most current climate condition described here.
Here are the most common climate change reactions today:
climate worry,
climate sadness,
climate anger,
climate anxiety,
climate change fear,
climate grief,
climate change depression,
climate change doom or dread,
climate change resignation,
climate apathy,
climate change paralysis.
Until one acknowledges, manages, and heals any of the above climate change or environment-related emotional states in a healthy way, one will likely continue to feel diminished, upset, or significantly disabled by those emotions and feelings.
This page will provide the following:
a. tools to openly acknowledge and heal and process those emotions,
b. strategies to transform those negative or limiting feelings and emotions into positive actions,
c. the many surprising benefits we will experience as we resolve the climate change emergency and the environmental crisis, And
d. If needed, we also have help and support you in the form of becoming a part of one of our four urban, rural, hybrid, or virtual eco-community models.
And finally, this page and other tools and actions on our website are also designed for anyone experiencing or feeling similar negative emotions regarding our many major global environmental crises.
How to manage upsetting climate change and environmental emotions
Unfortunately, there is a lot of horrible news to digest about the climate and environmental crises. Anyone who realizes that our governments are not doing enough to save us from unthinkable suffering will naturally experience climate change and environmental sadness, anger, depression, anxiety, etc. For the last 13 years, the Job One for Humanity staff also has had to digest all the dreadful climate and environmental news.
To get our team emotionally through it, we learned about and began using something called the Kubler Ross model of change. This emotional management model helped our team deal with all of the challenging and painful emotions that today's painful climate and environmental news evoke.
We felt it would be irresponsible to leave our website members and visitors without this and the other good tools (linked below) to manage the intense, often negative feelings that our climate and environmental emergency can create. The following images and tools should help you come to better and more balanced emotional terms with the harsh new realities of accelerating global warming and environmental damage.
Here's how these climate and environmental caused emotional reactions, transitions, and healings usually begin and look for most people:
1. If you're like most people, what you have learned about the climate and environmental emergency will cause you to initially react with denial and shock.
2. If you have the tenacity to explore more concerning how bad our governments have let these emeergencies become, you will likely also become frustrated and angry at "how could our politicians and governments ever allow this to happen.
3. If you continue examing the facts of the climate and environmental emergency and its solutions, you will most likely then enter into a bargaining or experimenting phase to find some way to deal with such disturbing and disruptive information on your life and future.
4. If you continue verifying the facts of the climate and environmental emergency as well as it's honest but difficult and painful solutions, you will most likely next enter into a transitional feeling of grief or depression.
5. As you work your way through your grief or depression, you will eventually come to a level of acceptance of what is scientifically accurate.
A bit more about the Kubler Ross Model emotional management model
The five primary emotional transition levels above are vital parts of the Kubler Ross model. Over time, this model is a useful tool to help you deal with the climate and environmental denial, anger, fear, grief, or anxiety that any healthy person would experience once they truly realize the current nature of our emergencies.
The Kubler Ross model is used to help people deal with the medical news that they are going to die. But it still has powerful relevance here.
This is true because as you wrestle with the new climate and environmental realities, you will most likely go through these five emotional phases repeatedly. You will do this in numerous waves until you finally reach a profound and deeply stable state of acceptance, peace, and, hopefully, motivation to do whatever you can to reduce this threat.
When you finally realize how bad our climate and environmental emergency is- the challenging emotional effects are real! If you don't believe us, please click here to read about a new report only on the climate side issues called, The Psychological Effects of Global Warming on the United States and Why the U.S. Mental Health Care System Is Not Adequately Prepared.
Reaching necessary emotional acceptance and finalizing your healing by --- getting into action!
"The best way to lower and manage climate change fear, anger, sadness, etc., is to get into creative action and deal with the areas of climate change you can still control or influence." Daniel Hardy
Once you reach a level of emotional acceptance for what you have learned about the climate and environmental emergency, you will be more ready and willing to get into creative action to help resolve them. You also will be better prepared to make new decisions on adapting and integrating this critical climate change information into your life and business.
Once one reaches the critical state of emotional acceptance of what one is facing, most mature adults do as they have done for millennia. They accept those things that they cannot change, and they start finding creative ways to adapt to them. They also get busy working on the actions they can fix and are still under their control.
For example:
Theyncan help inform the people who have been harmed by climate change consequences that they now can use the courts to get full financial restitution for the damages caused by the perpetrator of climate change. Click here to learn more about this simple program.
They warn others about the coming dangers and challenges. (Click here for the best way to do this.)
To prepare for the climate and environmental consequences, many of which are now unavoidable, you can begin actions such as these emergency preparations.
There are also many climate and environmental emergency adaptation steps found in Parts two of the Job One Plan B here.)
We can still do things to get our politicians to get our governments to act, found here.
You can get all the ongoing support that you will need through the coming unavoidable consequences, by joining one of our four types of eco-communities or by creating your own local eco-community.
When you are active in any of the above actions, you will lower your emotional stress, and you will be better able to protect yourself, your family, and your business and wisely maximize your chances of staying out of harm's way.
Once most mature adults accept the painful truths of the current climate change and environmental emergency, they get busy and creative, working on whatever they can do to improve it. At Job One for Humanity, we have learned over many years that the single best thing to do to minimize or remove the fear, sadness, emotional pain, anger, etc., in the fastest possible way for the climate change emergency is simply to get creatively busy on the action steps of the Job One Plan B, that best fit within your current situation and resources.
This action strategy works even if you have not fully reached the acceptance level in your emotional recovery. It works because it is far more difficult to be in your head and emotionally upset when you are engaged and focused on the logical actions that can and will improve your concerns.
The Job One Plan has many creative action steps proactively re-focus your attention on what can still be done about both the climate and the environment. This focus on the needed activities also redirects your available attention away from the climate and environmental negatives (once they have served their purpose of redirecting you toward getting busy on helping resolve these emergencies.)
When most individuals read about how severe our current emergencies are, they quite naturally feel overwhelmed and feel a sense of powerlessness. This powerlessness occurs in addition to the typical denial, anger, fear, anxiety, etc., they feel.
Feeling overwhelmed and powerless can often be worse than the other painful climate change emotions one usually experiences. The best good news here is that when one begins practical and known-to-be-effective action steps, one regains a new measure of control over their situation. Once you are back in action, many negative emotions diminish substantially, disappear altogether, or only reappear when you need to be re-motivated.
As you continue to understand the scale of our climate change and environmental emergency, you may also come to realize that our lives and our children's lives could be far shorter and more difficult than we ever imagined. But that can still be changed if we work together to manage these challenges!
"Analysis, no matter how grim and taking action no matter how slim the chances of success, are powerful antidotes to despair and anxiety." From An Inconvenient Apocalypse, Climate Crisis, and the Fate of Humanity by Wes Jackson and Robert Jensen.
Another great way to get into creative action and break the anger-upset cycle is to join others in one of our ClimateSafe Villages resilient eco-community groups. Their members are all about support and effective action using the Job One for Humanity plan steps. Click here to learn more about these new eco-communities forming around the world.
The last part of this get-into-action step involves helping to reduce global climate change and could eventually evolve into working for and on climate change justice issues. Climate change justice is a hugely challenging area with many possibilities for doing good. Click here to review the many climate change justice options.
Sooner or later, individuals, businesses, and nations must face their roles in creating the climate emergency and then address the climate change justice issues that will help restore those harmed. Climate change justice is always the critical last action step that may be the most difficult and, simultaneously, the most rewarding. Sooner or later, climate justice will be done.
One very important part of getting into action is getting climate justice. Click here if you are a victim of climate change damage or loss and you want to get financial and other forms of restitution for the damages you have suffered.
And do the good you still can do!
Group Support and Therapy
In addition to individualized therapy, another powerful tool appearing spontaneously worldwide is global warming support groups. Private individuals, professionals, and religious and educational groups are already setting up global warming extinction support groups. These groups are where people can find emotional support in getting through the many painful realizations evoked by the global warming extinction emergency.
Therapy support groups also can help you work through having the painful realization that humanity is in the worst existential crisis in its history and we do not have much time left (until 2025,) to effectively prevent the die-off of much of humanity by mid-century. Therapy or support groups can also help motivate you to do whatever you can on the action steps of the Job One or similar plans.
If you create or know of one of these climate or environmental support groups, let us know at [email protected] so we can post it on our website with the other climate and environmental support group listings. (We just helped promote a climate emotional support Zoon call on August 7, 2021, where over 2,400 people signed up. We will also be doing another soon with a different organization.)
The four last super-powerful emotional recovery tips
1. Not everything about our climate emergency is emotionally disheartening. But, there are many surprising benefits to this emergency. Click here to read the single most read page on our website and these many benefits. At Job One, our team reviews this list regularly to maintain their mental well-being. We also discovered that regular review of this good news and benefits list was critical to keeping our volunteers positive, on-mission, and maintaining their motivation.
2. Expand your perspective of the challenges we face. Please click here and read about the normal evolutionary processes of evolution and the evolutionary history of life. This page is a real mind-opener and perspective expander! It will provide a healthy, big-picture perspective on humanity's current crises and help balance the anxiety and other negative emotions surrounding the many challenges in front of us.
3. If you are of a spiritual nature and you would like to expand your emotional and spiritual support as we go through the hard times ahead, please click here. It will take you to our sister website Universe Spirit where you can explore Evolution Spirituality, an open-source, science-grounded new form of personalizable spiritual practice and eco-spirituality.
4. As your last step, we strongly recommend you actively promote an honest, realistic, and appropriate climate change hope for our future and young people everywhere. Click here to see precisely what that means and be surprised.
And finally, no matter how bad you may still feel about the current climate emergency and the other global environmental crises before us and their many consequences, the best way that we have found to balance out the negative emotions is to get into action and get started on what you still can do within the Job One Plan or something similar to it.
Additional Supportive Materials
For a super-powerful new video we highly recommend for emotional and spiritual support due to global warming or environmental or emotional upset, click here.
We can still maintain the perseverance needed to succeed in this monumental recovery task by regularly reviewing the many benefits which will occur as we work successfully together. Although we are now in what could be called a Great Global Collapse process triggered by accelerating global warming and environmental degradation, this collapse process will eventually offer equal to (or even greater than) long-term benefits in the form of a potential Great Global Rebirth beyond the coming suffering and loss.
On this benefit page (that has been read almost 2 million times) and then on this other critical global warming benefit page, you will find the many often hidden surprise benefits of the climate and environmental challenge. You also will find a framework and the possibilities for what could be called a post-collapse Great Global Rebirth, no matter how bad the collapse process gets.
(Click here to discover why total human extinction is not realistic or probable, and the worst humanity will experience is near-total extinction (50 to 90+% of humanity going extinct.)
For answers to all of your remaining questions about climate change and global warming, click here for our new climate change FAQ. It has over one hundred of the most asked questions and answers about climate change.
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