Last Update 7.31.24.
This page contains the following sections:
1. Brief description of our organization in the prologue.
2. How Our Climate Change Research Review and Analysis Processes are Unique.
3. Information about the validity and reliability of our climate science and analysis is found on the Job One For Humanity website.
4. About our worldwide climate change risk and threat analysis accuracy challenge.
5. How to challenge anything you find on our website.
6. Our climate change research history.
Job One for Humanity, founded in 2008, is a non-profit, 100% publicly funded, independent climate change think tank that provides a holistic "big picture" climate overview and uncensored dialectical meta-systemic analysis of the inter-connected and inter-dependent climate systems and sub-systems creating our current climate change and runaway global heating emergency.
Our organization supplies research-grounded climate change consequence analysis, timeframes, risk assessment, and solutions to educational, climate, and environmental organizations worldwide without charge. We also provide a fee-based climate analysis, risk assessment, and solutions service to insurance companies, governments, and businesses affected by climate change emergencies.
While we do not do in-house original climate research, we use the published research papers of independent and respected climate scientists and climate research from organizations like the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA.)
Our organization's climate change think tank is composed of climate change research scientists and analysts. Some of the world's best climate change scientists anonymously or openly volunteer their skills, analysis, and perspectives to help us create the uncensored and unpolitized climate change analysis found on our website.
The climate scientists who contribute anonymously do so because of the long history of global fossil fuel cartel-related academic research defunding efforts, unwarranted harassment, and reputational attacks on those academics who openly speak out on the coming severe climate change consequences and mass extinction-accelerating nature of our escalating climate change emergency.
For example, climate scientists like James Hansen have experienced decades of unwarranted actions to ruin his reputation, defund his research, cut off his public speaking events, and harass him in numerous other ways. This was done because he strongly warned (and continues to warn) the public about the dangers of mass human extinction caused by the current climate emergency.
Not all climate change academics are as brave as Hansen. Consequently, they do their critical climate change work anonymously.
Many climate research papers and summary materials reviewed or used by this climate change think tank in its analysis, prediction, or solution recommendations are also found listed:
1. in this extensive but still partial master list of these related or relevant climate research papers and summaries.
2. in many available video presentations by the climate scientists or researchers describing their own research. Click here to see an example in the video of the renowned climate scientist Kevin Anderson presenting the climate emergency at Oxford.
3. in the body of many of our web pages, in the links on those pages, or in the end notes or technical notes found at the end of many pages.
We provide our climate and global heating information for individuals and organizations with the understanding that they will independently evaluate it and decide upon its usefulness and accuracy based on the best climate science and analysis currently available.
How Our Climate Change Research Review and Analysis Processes are Unique
Using the principles of system theory and dialectical metasystemic thinking applied to the climate as a complex adaptive system, we review and then analyze current and past climate change research and public climate summaries for:
1. errors,
2. omissions,
3. previously unrecognized positive or negative patterns in or between climate studies,
4. unseen interconnections or consequence connections within and between climate studies, and
5. the unseen and hidden politicization, censorship, or the watering down of climate science by governmental agencies or other types of agents in public climate summary reports.
The problems in 1-5 above can significantly affect the validity of current and future statements or positions concerning climate consequence timetables or the frequency, severity, and scale of climate consequences. Using system theory and dialectical metasystemic thinking applied to the climate as a complex adaptive system; we also review research papers and public statements on the climate for:
1. discernable or hidden biases, and
2. undeclared financial or other conflicts of interest.
The above two problems have recently become more prevalent and significantly underestimated negative climate consequences in public climate summaries and statements. Climate think tanks, individuals or groups operating as unknown fossil fuel lobbyists, and climate researchers funded by the global fossil fuel cartel have become the biggest offenders in this area.
Instead of our analyzing only one area of specialized climate studies like the oceans, glaciers, ice and snow packs, planetary temperature history, water vapor, soils, forests, or greenhouse gas factors on temperature and the atmosphere, we analyze climate research on how it holistically applies and interrelates to all different areas within and between the climate's interrelated, interconnected, and interdependent systems and subsystems.
Using the tools of dialectical metasystemic thinking, we examine climate studies, their positions, and the related interactions of the climate system and subsystems through 28 different dialectical analysis perspectives and lenses. This allows us also to see, consider and value natural or human counteractions that may occur in response to the various primary and secondary consequences of climate change and global heating.
After that extensive analysis, we make climate consequence severity, time frame predictions, and remedial recommendations for the correct global fossil fuel reduction amounts to minimize human loss and suffering. Our final analysis, forecasts, and recommendations always include all needed adjustments to compensate for any problems, errors, omissions, underestimation, or politicization which we discover in current climate research or summaries. Click here to see the many errors, underestimations, and politicization we found in a major recognized source of global climate research and recommendations.
Unlike many other climate change think tanks, we do provide prioritized, critical-path, and deadline-driven solutions to the climate change emergency. These solutions are based on accurate global fossil fuel reduction targets and avoiding the most dangerous climate tipping points and climate feedback deadlines that we currently face.
Job One for Humanity is also helping to expose the current intense politicization of climate science. This intense politicization of science by the media, governments, and the UN's IPCC acts to forward a gross underestimation of our actual and current climate consequences, timeframes, remedies, and condition.
Unexpectedly, our independent climate change analysis has turned us into reluctant whistleblowers exposing how popular climate data has been distorted to serve the hidden interests of those who gain financially (or in other ways) from the ongoing global use of fossil fuels and hiding the real danger the public faces from the runaway global heating extinction emergency.
Information about the validity and reliability of our climate science and analysis is found on the Job One For Humanity website.
The scientific method deals with probabilities, not certainties. This is especially true for making climate change predictions, given the complexity of factors that interact to create the climate. While scientific findings on climate change necessarily include uncertainty, the process of deciding public policy for dealing with climate change seeks a certainty that science cannot provide.
In this situation, many concerned climate researchers and scientists urge the application of the precautionary principle. The precautionary principle asserts that policy-makers have a social responsibility to prevent public exposure to harm when scientific investigation has found a plausible risk — even though there can be no assertion of certain risk.
Climate science has shown we are well beyond mere plausible risk with today's runaway global heating emergency. Instead, we are now at probable to highly probable climate risk levels. Therefore the precautionary principle must be applied and should've been used many decades ago.
Because climate science is constantly evolving and will always be some inherent level of uncertainty, we continually update our climate analysis and conclusions as new climate research becomes available. Wherever possible, we present predictive information in data ranges (such as carbon 425-450 ppm or temperature increases of 2 C to 2.7, etc.) Based on the climate data we are reviewing, we do our best to present what we understand to be the most accurate climate picture. However, as mentioned previously, no one can establish 100% scientific certainty about any future phenomena.
Therefore, we also maintain a wise and continual openness to scientific falsification. We invite our website visitors to make up their minds about the usefulness and validity of our current climate analysis, conclusions, and remedial action steps. And, if you see any error in our climate data, presentation, or predictions, please follow the instructions further below.
We also acknowledge that due to the paucity of climate tipping point and climate feedback loop research, Job One for Humanity could be partially or even wholly wrong concerning any of its predictive climate analysis regarding future levels of average global temperature, atmospheric carbon, global warming consequences, global warming timetables, or correct global fossil fuel reduction targets.
We fully appreciate that the climate is a very complex adaptive system. Many unknowns remain about how it and its subsystems react with each other and with other human, geological, and ecological systems outside the climate.
And finally, we always do our best to provide documentation links to any underlying climate research or analysis upon which we are basing a climate statement or position.
About our worldwide climate change risk and threat analysis accuracy challenge:
1. We are engaged with other climate researchers, readers, and critics in a mutual search for the most accurate climate facts and the best runaway global heating extinction emergency solutions. We also have learned much from outside legitimate science-based criticisms over the years.
2. We understand that our cutting-edge climate analysis and solutions will cause many individuals severe distress and emotional incongruence issues. This distress is because those individuals believed the watered-down versions of our climate condition and future coming from the heavily global fossil fuel cartel-influenced media, governments, and environmental groups. (The media, governments, and many environmental organizations are still blindly accepting and promoting the seriously flawed climate summary reports of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Control [IPCC.] Click here to read about the IPCC's many data reliability problems.)
When those individuals read our new climate analysis and climate solutions, many experience very high stress. Initially, and quite naturally, many react with strident denial or an immediate attack on the validity of the stressful information. They do this in part to emotionally and psychologically reconcile the enormous difference between what they have been told about the climate emergency by popular media and "authorities," and what they are reading on our website. Unfortunately, the first reaction of many of these distressed individuals is often a vague and generalized attack on our whole website, an article of ours, or our organization.
We understand that this is a natural reaction to shocking new climate data that, when accepted as accurate, will mean profound and significant changes to one's life plans and sense of safety and security. We truly understand how difficult it is to deal with this shock because we, too, have had to deal with the differences between what official governmental sources and what many of the climate "authorities" are telling us and what is actually in the uncensored climate science and unbiased analysis.
In fact, most of our key staff has been through the Kubler Ross method for dealing with the painful shock of finally understanding the runaway global heating emergency is far, far worse than we are being told! (We strongly suggest this page for anyone dealing with climate shock, anger, denial, anxiety, etc.)
Because we understand the value and importance of 1 and 2 above, we encourage any individual who is shocked or upset about our website's climate research, analysis, or solutions to challenge their accuracy using the criticism and challenge procedure listed below.
This procedure allows us to respond to all legitimate and sincere criticisms and challenges instead of dealing with generalized name-calling, insults, or vague or generalized attacks on our articles, website, or organization, for which there are no effective or proactive ways to respond. On the other hand, legitimate and sincere criticisms help us forward our non-profit mission goals of educating the public about our current runaway global heating extinction emergency.
Discover amazing information, tools, alerts, and promotional benefits for becoming a Job One for Humanity climate change think tank donor/supporter/member by clicking here!
How to challenge anything you find on our website
Please follow these simple guidelines:
Step 1: Be very specific about what you are challenging. Include the exact statement or statements that you doubt or find wrong.
Being specific about some fact on our website you doubt or disagree with does not consist of generalized or vague statements or opinions like; "this is nonsense," "I do not like this fact or the way it makes me feel," or "seems extreme," "scare tactics," "not enough documentation links," "this is BS," "people will give up hope because of this" or "who are your general authorities, etc."
Instead, please tell us precisely what statement you doubt or find incorrect. We are interested in your legitimate science-grounded criticisms, not in your generalized or vague opinions without credible science to back them up.
We can do nothing to respond to vague, generalized opinions effectively. Still, with your submission of the precise statement(s) you disagree with and the climate science supporting your disagreement, we can engage in a proper academic dialogue that benefits both parties and eventually the general public.
Step 2: Include all of the climate change research and climate studies that prove your point and demonstrate what we have said is wrong. (You will need to reference the specific sections of your research study that are most applicable to proving the point of your criticism.)
We will carefully read the climate research study and your other evidence you send us and reply with either appropriate challenges to that study or results for other more current climate studies that support our position.
Step 3: Send your challenges to [email protected].
Our climate change research history
Job One For Humanity has been online since early 2008. Although there were earlier versions, the first complete version of the Job One For Humanity Climate and Global Crises Resilience Plan was created in early 2011. It was designed to help address the lack of adequate progress in fixing climate change over the several preceding decades.
Other Links
Here is a link to our climate science glossary, which will be helpful in reading current climate science.
See the Job One For Humanity Climate and Global Crises Resilience Plan here.
For answers to all of your remaining questions about climate change and global warming, click here for our new climate change FAQ. It has over one hundred of the most asked questions and answers about climate change.
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