Current Volunteer Projects at Job One for Humanity

Last updated 1.11.24.


Below are prioritized and critical volunteer projects that are effective and will help the world survive the climate change emergency and our climate change think tank accomplish its goals and mission.

Special skills are not needed for most projects. However, the projects below will help our city, county, state, and national governments act before it is too late.

Our think tank's primary climate change goal is to provide uncensored, independent, and climate-science accurate, climate change research, analysis, and solutions. 

The widespread sharing of our climate change solutions and analysis will help slow and then ultimately prevent mass climate change-driven extinction by educating about how to protect human and biological life from the accelerating primary and secondary consequences of climate change. 

If you have not done so already, please read this key page with today"s ten most critical climate facts. It is essential climate change reading to fully grasp the true urgency of the climate change emergency.


As a non-profit educational climate think tank, we provide unpoliticized, uncensored, and accurate climate research information and analysis. We are not:

  • Information marketing people
  • In-the-street climate activists or protestors
  • For-profit business managers

We are climate researchers, analysts, and educators only. 

Our limited climate research and analysis role means that ALL website visitors, members, and volunteers are individually responsible for sharing the climate change solutions and analysis on our website! At this time, individual word-of-mouth sharing is the best way (and most likely the only remaining effective way) to spread uncensored climate change information under the current global fossil fuel cartel's well-financed disinformation and censorship attacks. 

Personal word of mouth and one-to-one information sharing are now critical because the global fossil fuel cartel has so entirely and successfully manipulated, distorted, and censored the climate news you hear in the media and from your governments. 

If you do not share our uncensored climate change information by word-of-mouth one-on-one, it will not bypass the cartel's disinformation, censorship, and hired gatekeepers to reach enough people to make a difference before it is too late to fix the climate change nightmare! 

Few will ever know the actual climate change facts if you do not help us bypass the massive fossil fuel cartel-generated disinformation and censorship campaigns by going old-school and using the incredibly effective one-on-one word-of-mouth distribution strategy.

Click here to read a shocking article by a trusted investigative global media newspaper that vigorously supports what we are saying about the global fossil fuel cartel's disinformation and censorship making the world climate change stupid. After reading this you will never doubt that you have been systematically and continuously lied to about our true climate change condition and its real risk and urgency.

The obscene amount of money that the cartel is willing to spend to make you and your politicians "climate change stupid" (described in then link above) makes the cigarette companies disinformation campaign expenditures look like a child's piggy bank. (This page also describes in detail all of the global fossil fuel cartel's disinformation tactics and other actions to keep the world ignorant of the actual climate change dangers and, most importantly, to keep their obscene profits flowing into the banks.)

Here is the Good News!

There is no way the global fossil fuel cartel has either the tools or resources to keep you as a nearly anonymous, self-organizing "renegade" from speaking to or contacting individuals one-on-one in your circle of personal influence about the uncensored climate change facts found here. 

When you do this, you too will be a part of the growing invisible army of climate change heroes and heroines, modern Davids who single-handedly are defeating the mighty global fossil fuel cartel Goliath with their billions of dollars spent on climate change disinformation, censorship, and gatekeeping to keep the world climate change stupid. 

We cannot fix the climate change emergency in time to save humanity without a hidden army of intelligent, motivated, and self-organizing renegade volunteers, website members, and visitors helping us to educate the world about this unfolding climate change-driven extinction disaster.

You and your unstoppable one-to-one information-sharing talents are essential to the future survival of humanity!

Each time you reach out and act hidden behind your humble computer screen, munching on your Hot Pocket or other snacks, using the legal strategies we recommend, you sling another small but powerful rock at the Goliath fossil fuel cartel. Slowly but surely, with all of the other small rocks hitting Goliath at the same time from other worldwide renegade volunteers, Goliath will begin to stumble, sway and eventually fall under the weight of its crimes, that you are helping to steadily revealed and legally punish. 

Working from the safe and clandestine shadows, you will experience a tremendous and legitimate sense of satisfaction knowing that from your humble hidden computer screen tucked away in your unknown location, you really are making a HUGE difference.

You are a member of the mighty worldwide army of invisible volunteers slowly and steadily removing the multi-trillion dollar global fossil fuel cartel's ability to continue harming humanity and the world and bringing the cartel's sociopathic leaders to their knees. (Only a s true sociopath would sell a toxic, polluting product causing millions of annual deaths and then use disinformation, censorship, and coercive acts to prevent those who could prevent those deaths from occurring from doing so.)

It is most likely now true that we have, by necessity, passed beyond the time of highly public individual climate heroes and highly public leaders like James Hansen, Al Gore, Bill Mckibben, and Greta Thunberg. And yes, the work of organizations like Extinction Rebellion is still needed.

But, the next level of effective climate change remedial work that remains to be done now appears to be done best by crowd-sourcing the wisest actions to self-organizing, courageous, and intelligent young individuals who can manifest vast amounts of educational, correctional, and justice power as they sit and act from behind their publicly invisible computer screens slinging precisely aimed "rocks" at the strategic "head and heart" of Goliath's strength --- its financial resources.

When we say self-organizing, we mean that after you pick one of the projects on this page, you then creatively organize yourself on what you believe to be the best ways to get that project done. We provide a lot of ideas and details on how to do most projects and will always answer questions for volunteers when needed or asked. 

However, we do not plan, manage, or otherwise get involved in how our growing invisible army of volunteers decide how to accomplish a chosen project best. This self-organization principle for all volunteers allows us as climate researchers and analysts to continue to do what we do best, and it also allows smart volunteer climate renegades to get things done without distraction and as much anonymity as they desire.

Some volunteer climate renegades never contact us once they choose and begin a project, but we can still often see or hear about their success in bringing climate justice to the fossil fuel cartel from others in our amazing worldwide network.

More Good News

You will be able to bring the Goliath fossil fuel cartel to justice most effectively by self-organizing and being involved our Job One for Humanity recommended online actions that: 

a. remove the cartel's climate change disinformation and censorship advantages by providing uncensored climate facts. (By getting this document to your networks.)

b. remove their trillions of dollars in resources to keep harming people and the environment by directing all climate change victims to the legal resources needed to sue the cartel for full financial restitution for all the climate damages it has caused. (See this document.)

c remove the cartel's future financial resources by getting information on their crimes against humanity (found here) to university endowments, pension funds, bank PR departments, and investment fund PR departments and demanding they divest of all fossil fuel investments. And, 

d. some of you will even work worldwide behind the scenes to get your local, state, or national justice departments to bring new lawsuits against the cartel for the local, state, or national climate change damages the cartel has caused in those areas. (More about this on this page.)

Knowledge is not just power. It is equally responsibility for what that knowledge means. We now know that the cartel-caused climate change emergency is a sociopathic near-ultimate evil in the sheer scope of its death and destruction. 

Humanity will not survive the climate emergency without everyone who knows the true climate change threat and emergency self-organizing and performing their one-on-one, word-of-mouth responsibility to help climate educate others.

Please actively and aggressively share the uncensored climate information, analysis, and solutions in our volunteer projects and on our website.

No matter where you live worldwide, you can start sharing our climate change information online, one-to-one, by word-of-mouth using the steps below. If you need more help or advice on how to get started on any project after reviewing a project below, also check out our Volunteer Success Guide here.

Be one of the self-organizing heroes or heroines and climate change renegades finally bringing a long delayed but now critically necessary "tough justice" to the cartel.

As a member of the invisible army of climate change education and justice renegades you truly are the global fossil fuel's worst nightmare! 

Never forget that you do not need anyone's permission to do good in the world.



First project preparation steps for all volunteers:

Before you start your first project please do these two things: 

Prep Step 1: If you have not done so, please click here and take a two paragraph climate change action pledge. It is motivating, easy, and fast.

Prep Step 2: If you have not done so already, create your Job One for Humanity volunteer account by clicking the Sign-In link at the top right of every page on our website. You will be asked to create a new account if you have not done this previously. Once you have created your new account, please fill in as much location and other information about yourself and your location in your profile as possible so that our volunteer manager can get to know you better, we can support you better, and we can connect you to other people in your area. (We never sell or share this information with anyone other than our team members there to help you be a successful volunteer.)

If you want to volunteer completely anonymously, you do not have to create a profile.


The Job One for Humanity volunteer projects

"You do not need anyone's permission to do good in the world! Do not hesitate to act alone whenever needed. The climate stakes are far too high to wait for someone else to act or lead. Look what Greta Thunberg could do because she was willing to act by herself." Dan Hardy

Project 1, Action Step A: Our SINGLE most important climate change educational project 

Although we have many volunteer projects (below) that you can work on either online or offline right where you live anywhere in the world, we strongly recommend that you begin with Project One A. below! 

Start volunteering with Project 1, Action Step A and then later go next on Action Step B, C etc. Action Step A involves a bit of reading, but once you have done the reading the rest is super easy.

About Action Step A: There are three parts to this action step. The first step directly works to fix the global fossil fuel cartel's decades of climate change disinformation and undue their coercive influence keeping our politicians from passing laws requiring reduced global fossil fuel use.

The second step is to help everyone recover financially who has suffered financial or other losses directly or indirectly caused by climate change consequences which are in fact, caused by global fossil fuel cartel. This step is also designed to remove all ill-gotten global fossil fuel cartel profits so that the global fossil fuel cartel is financially unable to keep producing and selling more fossil fuels worldwide. It's a powerful and easy step that will eventually work even if our politicians are fossil fuel cartel-compromised, cowardly, or incompetent. The cartel members will eventually be sued out of existence as they are justly forced to pay for all of the harm and damages they have caused.

The third step is you contacting your local, state or national governments to let them know about these cartel climate damage lawsuits so they do not miss out on getting financial restitution for the climate change consequences the cartel has caused in their area.

Action Step A, Part 1: 

Please read this essential page first. We have discovered that it is best to break the current illusion of climate change progress or safety as soon as possible to be an effective climate change educators. This is because 99.9% of people do not understand how bad the climate change situation is. This is because of the 30-60% gross underestimation of climate change consequences and timeframes they have been hearing from the government the media and even many environmental groups for decades.

The best way to break this dangerous climate change illusion is to hear about this from you, or have them examine and learn about the decades of the global fossil fuel cartel's climate change disinformation and fossil fuel reduction obstruction campaigns found on this page.

The facts on this page and its links will make individuals seriously doubt what they have been told about the climate change emergency in the media and from the government. Unless individuals understand they have been cleverly, consistently and intentionally deceived by false fossil fuel cartel generated climate disinformation (which they previously believed was true), they will not be able to easily or quickly digest the correct facts about our current climate change emergency and accordingly they will not be motivated with the time-appropriate urgency to do anything about it. (This proven disinformation deception-exposing process is known as "false data stripping." It greatly expedites getting at and to the truth.)

Telling people as soon as possible that almost everything they have heard about climate change consequences and its timeframes has been underestimated by 30-60% or more, and then exposing the fossil fuel cartel's disinformation and obstruction campaigns is effective when you also link that removal of false climate illusions to telling the 10 honest facts about climate change found here.

Sooner or later, you will have to wake others up to the big climate change lies they are still continuously hearing from their governments, the media, and most environmental groups, which are in almost all cases also unknowingly using global fossil fuel cartel-infected gross underestimation and disinformation.

When you directly confront the fossil fuel cartel's decades of disinformation, their effective regulation blocking, and their global fossil fuel use reduction obstruction campaigns early in your climate educational actions, you are also using a principle found in the martial arts called Aikido. The principle is simple.

You use the energy, the direction, and the power of the attacker and their attack directed at you as the primary way to overcome the attacker. When you bring the hidden fossil fuel cartel's disinformation and undue influence actions on our politicians into a disinfecting light, you use the peaceful, wise, and very successful principle of the Akido martial art to help disempower and break the cartel's disinformation and undue influence cycle.

Additionally, when most people find out they have been systematically deceived on a life-and-death issue that will also cause them great financial loss, they not only become angry, they become highly motivated.

Today start breaking  the fossil fuel cartel disinformation and undue influence cycle with everyone in your network and you have the better world you are helping to build!

Actions Step A, Part 2:

Please read this page next. Then start telling everyone you know who has suffered financial or other losses because of damages from cartel-caused climate change consequences about the thousands of climate change damages lawsuits going on worldwide against the cartel. Also, tell them about the list of law firms that can help them get justice and restitution for the damages they suffered but did not cause.

As part of this step, some of you will also be asked to work directly with key global players working to bring legal actions against the fossil fuel cartel.

Actions Step A, Part 3:

If the local attorney general or head solicitor for your state (or district attorney for your local city or municipality) has not already begun an individual lawsuit against the global fossil fuel cartel members, contact them immediately and refer them to the Climate Justice Now pages. Tell them they do not want to be late for this huge judgment payout. Remind them of the enormous multi-billion dollar payouts in the US against the Purdue pharmaceutical opioid manufacturing and its marketing company.

Additionally, new cases against the cartel are reputation builders for all the attorneys and solicitors involved. They will get lots of media coverage as local taxpayers and government agencies are made whole from the climate change-related consequences and damages they have had to cover previously. 

In foreign nations, go to the head of your government's branch(s) that enact lawsuits against criminals and corporate wrongdoers. Bring to their attention these Climate Justice Now pages and the rising wave of new cartel lawsuits. They won't want to be excluded from bringing a lawsuit because they came too late, and the massive cartel payouts were already over.


Please do not start Actions Step B or C or the other steps below until you have reached everyone in your one-to-one word-of-mouth circle of influence. Staying on Action Step A is especially important regarding Action Step A, Part 2 above because Action Step A, Part 2 now appears to be the last effective tactic remaining to reduce global fossil fuel use successfully.


Project 2, Action Step B 

Go to our Tell Others about Job One for Humanity page by clicking here. Share the Job One link using the quick-share tools on this page, and then use the social media buttons on the same page for fast and easy sharing of the Job One think tank's uncensored and accurate climate change information in your networks. When you send the link or use the social media buttons, you also can privately see how many you brought to the Job One website because of your sharing, and you will earn valuable social capital points. 

When you email the link and click the social media buttons on this page, you take a powerful step toward building a better climate future for everyone and everything you love! If you add a personal note to your sharing, it will be even more effective.   


Project 3, Action Step C 

Start personally contacting people in your area who may be open to learning about today's climate change condition using any one of our three short climate change "elevator pitches." These short elevator pitches will help educate them about the most critical climate change facts. 

An elevator pitch is a Silicon Valley-originated term. It is a short 2-3 minute statement about what is essential about something you should be involved in. It can be delivered in about the same time it would take for you to share an elevator with someone in a tall building, hence the elevator pitch. It is designed to capture attention with a critical mystery so the person will eventually want to know more.

Click here for the three elevator pitches.

Here are some tips on who you should contact first:

a. Individuals of above-average intelligence who already know the climate change emergency is real.

b. Individuals who may have already been adversely affected financially or otherwise by accelerating climate change consequences. (Here are the kinds of issues that are now painfully real to them because of losses of time or resources; heatwaves, heat domes, droughts, wildfires, hurricanes, cyclones, tornados, floods and flooding, rain bombs, wind storms [Derechos], dust storms, wildfire smoke events, unseasonable cold spells, and other abnormal unseasonal weather.

c. Prudent, mentally strong, and mature individuals you know who intentionally and consciously plan their future over the next one to five years or longer. These are the same kind of individuals who buy insurance, create college funds for their children while their children are young, and take reasonable precautions in their daily activities. These prudent individuals will take the time to read about a serious potential threat that could significantly disrupt their lives and children's futures.

d. Individuals you know whose lives already seem stable, running well, and not being battered by one personal or business disaster after another.

e. Progressive-leaning preppers. They are survivalists who are already preparing themselves, their families, and their businesses for the hard times ahead.

Here are some tips on who you should NOT contact for success:

Do not waste your valuable time and efforts trying to educate or convince the following types of individuals:

a. climate deniers, climate trolls, and individuals without open minds. (Those continually denying the truth of escalating climate change consequences will eventually meet their best and most reliable teacher. This teacher will not be you but the ultimate, certain, and unyielding disciplinarian of Reality itself, exacting its painful and costly consequences upon those who continue to ignore its feedback, laws, and lessons.)

b. those who do not or will not invest the time to carefully read the science or have the time to think deeply about what they have read.

c. those whose lives are in constant chaos and who are too distracted to do anything but cope with the endless problems that they face daily. They have no undistracted time and energy to deal with something so large and upsetting.

d. those who are mentally unstable or highly anxious and stressed out. The uncensored truth about our climate change emergency is so upsetting that these individuals should be bypassed at this time because it would make their lives that much more difficult knowing what is on our website when they are completely emotionally or psychologically unequipped to deal with it.

e. those with a hidden (or transparent) vested financial interest in the profits of the fossil fuel industry or fossil fuel economy. Never waste time on anyone whose job depends upon or profits from the fossil fuel industry continuing as it is. Mark Twain, the famous US humorist, says this far better than we do. "It's hard to teach a person something whose job depends upon not knowing it."

f. Do not give this information to children and young teens under 16 without an adult modifying it so they can still be children, have a happy future, and not fear adult matters they can do little to fix. This is an adult problem; please keep it that way.

g. those who do not have the intellectual sharpness to grasp even the easier ideas of the vast complexity of the climate system and its subsystems. (The average IQ of individuals in the world today is 100.) Unfortunately, understanding the complex and multifaceted science of the climate change emergency is significantly beyond those with 100 IQs or lower. Understanding the climate emergency's true threat level requires above-average intelligence.

The Job One for Humanity nonprofit organization is not here to convince people in one-on-one online or offline debates that we are in a runaway global heating extinction emergency! Instead, we provide honest climate data and analysis on our website, allowing individuals to read and think about that information privately and carefully in the comfort of their homes. Once they have done so, reasonable individuals will make their own decisions about the dangers and reality of the runaway global heating emergency.

There is no time left to waste on individuals or organizations that will only suck up immeasurable amounts of your time and deny climate realities or do nothing. The individuals mentioned above seldom, if ever, change their minds about the runaway global heating emergency. In fact, if they can't figure out the right climate facts by quietly reading and evaluating our extensive website information, it is not likely that any amount of educating or convincing that you do will ever make any difference whatsoever. 

After 12 years of dealing with such individuals, we have found that the best policy is to simply ignore them and not try to involve them. We discovered that almost all of them have never even read much climate science or the information on our website. They simply hold onto their prior climate opinions before engaging with us, no matter what climate science we send them to read and evaluate for themselves.

We have also discovered that some of these kinds of individuals will nearly completely ignore discussing substantive climate science or its details and merits in the posting or article. Instead, they will focus most of their negative comments or wild and unfounded attacks on the individual posting or responding personality.

We also do not spend additional time educating another type of individual We do not waste time with any individuals who psychologically or emotionally are incapable of accepting any idea that humanity could soon go near-totally extinct because of the well-documented consequences of rising runaway global heating.

This runaway global heating extinction idea creates so much psychological and emotional stress within them that accepting the possibility that runaway global heating extinction could be real would emotionally or psychologically seriously destabilize them and their lives so much that they must reject the concept of runaway global heating-driven extinction at all costs! They will suffer the pain and tension of unreconcilable cognitive dissonance if they do not reject the reality of a possible or coming runaway global heating extinctionDo not engage with this kind of individual for their health and well-being should you meet them.

And finally, the biggest underlying reason we ask our volunteers and team members not to spend time educating or convincing the individuals named above is that we are honestly almost out of time to prevent a runaway global heating-driven extinction. We do not have enough time left to spend on some types of individuals when we could and should be working with those who are ready and have the mental bandwidth, and I've already done some deep thinking about the issue.

But, the good news here is that there are many reasons, open, intelligent, internally secure, and mature enough individuals who are willing to read, think for themselves, and then decide upon the merits of the climate facts they have discovered, no matter how bad those facts might be. 

Spend your time with them, and we have a chance to save up to 50% of humanity. We are in the 11th hour. At best, we have another 3-9 years (from 2025-2031) to prevent a near-total human extinction event.

Never forget that Job One for Humanity is racing to put out a REAL fire. As the Job One for Humanity fire engine rolls by, some will not like its color, and others will say the siren is too loud or the fire engine is going too fast. When racing to a real fire and emergency, you certainly don't stop dealing with such things of far lesser importance; you continue racing to your destination and extinguish the fire.


Action Step D: Email and share our ten key climate change facts link. You also can email your friends or the people you talk to this critical link to the critical climate change facts on the Job One website. This one page and its links will quickly educate anyone on our perilous climate change condition. You can also email them the global heating benefits page if you think that will be better. Or, you can pick any non-Members-only page or pages on the Job One website that you like and forward them.


Action Step E: Print out, share the link or email our compelling annual climate change predictions to whoever you think should have them. These annual climate change predictions shake people into a clear awareness that things are getting worse fast, and they can verify that truth by using our yearly climate predictions as a checklist for what they are already experiencing or hearing in the news.


Action Step F: Post the following link to the critical climate change facts to your social media accounts. This one page and its links will quickly educate anyone on our perilous climate change condition. Or, you can pick and post to your social media any non-Members-only page or pages on the Job One website that you like.


Action Step G: Ask others who are ready to sign online runaway global heating petitions found here on our website, or our even easier "I will commit to helpful climate actions pledge."

The above critical information sharing will magnify the climate change projects below effectiveness and improve the climate change accuracy of other environmental organizations' climate information. Unfortunately, many environmental groups have severely outdated and incorrect information about current climate conditions and honest solutions that WILL work. This climate information and solution problem is because of the many climate data distortions and fossil fuel industry misinformation campaigns listed on this page and its menu sub-pages.)

Please do not go onto the more complex projects below until you are doing well on the critical volunteer educational projects above, particularly Project A. We must reach many more individuals with uncensored facts about the climate change emergency before it is too late. 


Project 2. Get involved in joining or creating your own urban, rural, hybrid, or virtual ClimateSafe Village 

Enthusiastic volunteers are helping us create many new ClimateSafe Villages worldwide. These new eco-communities and groups will have improved survive and thrive potentials for the future. Get the support and companionship you need to prepare for what is coming with our accelerating climate change emergency; explore the ClimateSafe Villages models. Support has been proven to be 90% of people's success in any activity and program. These new eco-communities are also places where you and your family can better survive these other 11 global crises.

If you have ever thought about joining or helping to create a sustainable climate-safer community group where you are living currently, or online, or in a rural area, now is the time to explore the possibilities. If you want to join or start an urban, rural, hybrid, or virtual ClimateSafe Village, click this ClimateSafe Villages link.

In a ClimateSafe Villages support group, you also work through the many personal action steps of the Job One Plan B. (Click here to see the Job One for Humanity Plan B.)


Project 3: Use our climate change information sheet and send it by email, snail mail, or hand deliver it to your city, county, state, or national politicians, disaster emergency response agencies, and/or your local zoning departments. 

No matter what else you may do to manage the climate emergency, there is a new urgency for personal climate educational activism. The staggering questions below will bring up many serious climate issues that politicians and other government leaders you depend upon may not have considered.

Eventually, we are going to be asked by our governments to make many difficult sacrifices to get our climate emergency under control. However, the most critical sacrifice everyone is being asked to make today as a volunteer is to get our governments in action, which s to engage in some local level of climate educational activism at the minimum!

If we all are not educating our politicians and peers about the accelerating global heating extinction emergency, there is little hope that our governments will enact and enforce the necessary global fossil fuel reductions.

Yes, with things as bad as they are, you still need to enjoy your life while the climate remains relatively stable. But, at the same time, if you want any future life you would like to live, you also need to become an effective climate educational activist.

How can Job One for Humanity help you become a better climate educational activist?

We have been thinking about this issue and what new tools we could provide to help you educate many more politicians and government leaders about what is coming. As a result of that evaluation, we have created the following email and hand-out information sheet, and we are asking all Job One for Humanity visitors, subscribers, and members to start emailing, snail mailing, or handing it out.

The information below should go out to local zoning boards, city, county, state, and national politicians, and city, county, state, and national emergency preparation agencies. To open a climate dialog, you could even send it to your friends and neighbors and ask them what they think about the serious issues it raises.

Be especially sure to see that your most progressive and climate-friendly politicians get this document too. Many still do not understand the radical and real fossil fuel reduction amounts we must achieve or the insane costs of not solving the climate emergency as our top priority.

Most politicians, emergency response leaders, and zoning officials have a poor to outdated understanding of the current climate science and the current condition of the climate, as found in the regularly updated summary. Therefore, this document is designed to potentially sneak around the typical climate consequence ignorance or climate denial surrounding how bad the climate crisis will get.

It is specifically designed to get politicians and others thinking about the insane costs and gigantic climate problems that are already here and will get far worse as we clean up after extreme weather climate emergencies and try to adapt to the next even worse climate event. 

Because we are almost out of time to save a significant part of humanity from large-scale extinction, this document should go to every mayor, city or county council person, governor,  state and national senator, and representative for your nation. It should also go to all local, state, zoning, and emergency preparedness agencies. 

Please do your personal climate education activist part and get this handout in the hands of those with the power to act. It will make a difference.

Click here for the full climate change education handout about 1/3 of the way down this page.

At some point before completing this more complex project, check out our volunteer getting started guide found here.


Project 4. Help us share our uncensored climate change analysis or web projects with all other climate and environmental organizations.

This climate change analysis sharing will magnify the project's effectiveness and improve the climate change factual accuracy of other environmental organizations' climate information. Unfortunately, many environmental groups have outdated and incorrect information about our current climate condition and this emergency. This underestimated and inaccurate climate change information in many other climate and environmental groups is primarily because of the many fossil fuel industry disinformation campaigns and the UN's IPCC climate data distortions listed on this page and its menu sub-pages.

When you do this information sharing, you will naturally build new organizational alliances that will vastly speed up Job One's effectiveness in helping to end the accelerating climate change and global heating nightmare.

The first step in this alliance-building process is straightforward. Using our unique software tools, you go to potential climate and environmental allies' websites and gather their key staff's email addresses. Then using our specialized software, you email their key staff critical climate change information that allows them to see where they need to upgrade their climate change materials to the most current uncensored science. (We will help you create these email letters.)

In this process, you develop personal relationships with their key staff and continue to expand our climate change think tank's relationship with them.

Click here to see some of the organizational alliances we have already participated in.

To make this project happen, an easy first step will be to collect the email addresses of key people in the target organizations we would like to join as allies. We already have special software to help you do this and a partial list of target climate change-related organizations.

At some point before completing this more complex project, check out our volunteer getting started guide found here.


Project 5: Contact the local media in your area and ask them why they are not covering the facts of the runaway global heating extinction emergency

To start the conversation, you can email then this critical link to the critical climate facts on the Job One website.

Email them other links on our website that you think will create a response and a local story. News media love controversy. You can also write a story and submit it to them. Sometimes news people can not see the value of the story without it being literally given to them. We need to get lots of local media covering the runaway global heating emergency to awaken the general public to the real risk their lives are in because of government inaction and the massive disinformation and misinformation of the well-financed fossil fuel industry.

Please keep us informed about your project successes or problems. This information will help other volunteers. Before you start the above project, we have just one important page you need to read that contains everything you need to know about being a Job One for Humanity volunteer. Click here to read this essential page.

At some point before completing this more complex project, check out our volunteer getting started guide found here.


Project 6: Start directly protesting your local, regional, or national politicians protecting or forwarding any global warming-causing action or inaction

Please see this page for all of our most current information on how to get your local, state, and national politicians effectively and ethically.

This is the most important single action if we are going to survive the climate change extinction emergency!

This page is loaded with tips and ideas on how to make your protests creative and fun.

At some point before completing this more complex project, check out our volunteer getting started guide found here.


Project 7: The Billionaire Climate Project

On this project, volunteers will work directly with our Executive Director and our billionaire and celebrity contact team. You will be working on what we believe may be our last hope left to end the climate change emergency before it is too late.

In this position, you will be facilitating the written communication, live contact, and the general administration directly with billionaires, celebrities, and their gatekeepers

To become a part of our 2,000 Billionaire Plan, here are some skills you should have:

1. You like to solve mysteries. You may even fancy yourself a bit of a detective. 

2. You have good language and writing skills. 

3. You are polite but persistent.

4. You have a decent amount of time to dedicate to this. And, 

5. As a nice to have, but not an essential factor, you have had experience dealing with the ultra-wealthy or celebrities.

If you are interested, email us at [email protected] . Tell us why you are the person we should bring on for this prized volunteer position.

If you have not read the 2,000 Billionaire Plan, please do so now by clicking here to learn about this amazing project and what you can do to be a part of it.

We firmly believe that at this point, the world's 2,000 billionaires have enough immediate governmental influence to be a significant force to help get our governments to react to the accelerating climate change emergency in time to save humanity from extinction!

At some point before completing this more complex project, check out our volunteer getting started guide found here.




Please keep us informed about your project successes or problems. This information will help other volunteers. Before you start the above project, we have just one important page you need to read that contains everything you need to know about being a Job One for Humanity volunteer. Click here to read this essential page.



Other Critical Volunteer Projects

Project A: Our Generation X, Y, and Z, TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube video creator project. Get Famous and make money by climate informing the world!

We need generations X, Y, and Z members to help create climate change and global heating education materials for peers. This is also true if you are fluent in languages other than English.

Using any of the information on our website, please become a Utube, TikTok, or Instagram star and influencer in any language by creating your own Utube, TikTok, and Instagram climate change and global heating educational videos. 

Desperate times call for creative, humorous, and out-of-the-box measures. So make YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram climate change videos and create your own climate change channels in those media. 

These videos should:

First: Educate about our runaway global heating extinction emergency, mainly geared to generations X, Y, and Z. Here is the best page to use for this basic education (but you can use any page of information from our website.)


Secondly: "Call out" your national politicians for not acting effectively on our runaway global heating extinction emergency. (Before you start calling out people, be sure to read this page which describes our policies on Necessary disruption.)


Thirdly: "Call out" ultra-wealthy individuals, corporations, and celebrities not working to end this emergency. Call them out for not doing their part in getting our politicians to enforce the last chance 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets or the critical other action steps of Part 3 of the Job One Plan. (Before you start calling out people, be sure to read this page which describes our policies on Necessary disruption.)

Be creative with your educational or call-out videos but still be effective. Create numerous factual and compelling arguments from what you read on this website. Convince your video audience that they must use whatever influence they have to get our politicians to act on our runaway global heating emergency, or no one will survive!

Make sure your videos ask for climate action!

1. Most importantly, get this to this critical webpage, which will navigate them through our website in the best possible ways.

2. Ask your viewers to sign our Climate Change and Runaway Global Heating Extinction petition or this climate action petition. And finally,

3. Ask them to visit our website and start the Job One Climate and Global Crises Resilience Plan B.

Do not be afraid to creatively call out and challenge any individual, corporation, (or environmental group) that persists in providing incorrect information on global warming. Call them out in ways that let them know what will happen to all of our futures if they fail to help end the climate change extinction emergency before it is too late. 

You could become an internet influencer and super-star and have thousands learning from your climate change videos. But, best of all, your call-out targets may eventually get busy, helping us to get close to the life-critical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. 

Don't forget to mention the greedy fossil fuel industry in your videos whenever possible. Talk openly about their disinformation and misinformation programs and their short-sighted efforts to sell more fossil fuel to make more money --- even if it kills everyone on earth within our lifetimes, including even themselves and their families.

Please keep us informed about your project successes or problems. This information will help other volunteers. 

Before you start the above project:

We have just two important pages you need to read that contains everything you need to know about being a Job One for Humanity volunteer.

1. Click here to read this essential page.

2. Please also read about being a Necessary Disruptor as described in this Job One policy link. 

And finally, If you make a climate change video for Youtube, Instagram, or TikTok, be sure to let us know its location by emailing us at ([email protected]). We will add it to our video webpage(s), so others can see it and be inspired too.


Project B: Our Generation X, Y, and Z, Podcast creator project

We need generations X, Y, and Z members to help create climate change and global heating education podcasts for peers. This is also true if you are fluent in languages other than English.

Using any of the information on our website, please create runaway global heating educational podcasts in every language.

Desperate times call for creative, humorous, and out-of-the-box measures. So make your climate change and runaway global heating podcasts and create your own climate change channels in those podcast distribution media. 

These podcasts should:

First: Educate about our runaway global heating extinction emergency, mainly geared to generations X, Y, and Z. Here is the best page to use for this basic education (but you can use any page of information from our website.)


Secondly: "Call out" your national politicians for not acting effectively on our runaway global heating extinction emergency.


Thirdly: "Call out" ultra-wealthy individuals, corporations, and celebrities not working to end this emergency. Call them out for not doing their part in getting our politicians to enforce the last chance 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets or the critical other action steps of Part 3 of the Job One Plan. 

Be creative with your educational or call-out podcasts but still be effective. Create numerous factual and compelling arguments from what you read on this website. Convince your podcast audience that they must use whatever influence they have to get our politicians to act on our runaway global heating emergency, or no one will survive!

Make sure your podcasts ask for climate action!

1. Most importantly, get this to this critical webpage, which will navigate them through our website in the best possible ways.

2. Ask your viewers to sign our Climate Change and Runaway Global Heating Extinction petition or this climate action petition. And finally,

3. Ask them to visit our website and start the Job One Climate and Global Crises Resilience Plan B.

Do not be afraid to creatively call out and challenge any individual, corporation, (or environmental group) that persists in providing incorrect information on runaway global heating. Call them out in ways that let them know what will happen to all of our futures if they fail to help end the climate change and runaway global heating extinction emergency before it is too late. 

You could become an internet influencer and super-star and have thousands learning from your climate change podcasts. But, best of all, your call-out targets may eventually get busy, helping us to get close to the life-critical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. 

Don't forget to mention the greedy fossil fuel industry in your videos whenever possible. Talk openly about their disinformation and misinformation programs and their short-sighted efforts to sell more fossil fuel to make more money- even if it kills everyone on earth within our lifetimes, including themselves and their families.

Before you start the above podcast project:

We have just two important pages you need to read that contains everything you need to know about being a Job One for Humanity volunteer.

1. Click here to read this essential page.

2. Please also read about being a Necessary Disruptor as described in this Job One policy link. 

And finally, when you make a climate change podcast, be sure to let us know its location by emailing us at ([email protected]). We will add it to our podcast webpage(s), so others can see it and be inspired too. Please also keep us informed about your project successes or problems. This information will help other volunteers. 


Project C: We invite writers, novelists, and screenwriters to use the analysis and predictions on our website to create essays, novels, and screenplays that could become books or movies to help educate the public on the climate nightmare that is coming.

We only ask that you credit Job One for Humanity as a source of information and provide a link to our site in your publication. We must educate the world as quickly as possible and have artists and writers create new ways to educate and wake up the world. This writing option is an exciting and promising project for the future of humanity, and it could be good for you in many ways as well.


Project D: Organize or get involved in existing local runaway global heating emergency protests 

At these climate protests, also pass out small 10 facts flyers asking protestors to also come to the Job One website and sign-up and get involved. This way, they can learn more and possibly volunteer as well. It does not matter which climate organization is putting on these protests. Just go to your local climate protests and educate their protestors with the 10 facts flyers that runaway global heating is far worse than most of them understand or believe. 

Please keep us informed about your project successes or problems. This information will help other volunteers. 

Before you start the above protest project, be sure to read:

a. Everything you need to know about being a Job One for Humanity volunteer. Click here to read this essential page. And,

b. Our policy on necessary disruption and civil disobedience.


Please keep us informed about your project successes or problems. This information will help other volunteers. Before you start the above project, we have just one important page you need to read that contains everything you need to know about being a Job One for Humanity volunteer. Click here to read this essential page.


Project E: Expose any organizations giving out false or misleading information about the runaway global heating emergency

Call out and help expose the gross global heating underestimation and climate consequence prediction problems and errors in the climate summary reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of the United Nations. The IPCC is erroneously recognized as the world authority on climate change, yet its predictions and deadlines are, on average, underestimated by 20 to 40%

This continual underestimation causes the world and its governments, businesses, and individual to have a false sense of security and a greatly lessened sense of urgency concerning making the last chance and required global fossil fuel reductions to save humanity from the runaway global heating extinction emergency. Click here to learn about many serious reliability issues in the IPCC's climate summary reports. These are the summary reports currently used by almost every organization, even most environmental groups.

Before you start the above protest project, be sure to read:

a. Everything you need to know about being a Job One for Humanity volunteer. Click here to read this essential page. And,

b. Our policy on necessary disruption and civil disobedience.


Project f: Make your voice known to your billionaires and ultra-wealthy individuals or celebrities, and any corporations protecting, forwarding, or failing to use their influence to resolve runaway global heating-causing actions

Many of these individuals and groups have not listened to or heeded the polite warnings and the voices of leading climate scientists and other educators for 60 years, so it is time to disrupt their extinction-accelerating actions or messages blocking a livable future. Arrange boycotts of organizations or products as appropriate to get the attention of governments and any corporations protecting or forwarding runaway global heating-causing actions or misleading information. 

Call out and shame them publically. To do this effectively, follow the many detailed suggestions on this page in Step 2. 

Before you start the above protest project, be sure to read:

a. Everything you need to know about being a Job One for Humanity volunteer. Click here to read this essential page. And,

b. Our policy on necessary disruption and civil disobedience.

c. The billionaire project, Step 2. (We strongly recommend reading the whole article to understand why public shaming and its other draconian actions are necessary to get those in power to act before it's too late.)


Project G: Work to remove all of your or outside economic support or subsidies from any group, corporation, or system protecting or forwarding global warming and the 11 other global crises

Before you start the above protest project, be sure to read:

a. Everything you need to know about being a Job One for Humanity volunteer. Click here to read this essential page. And,

b. Our policy on necessary disruption and civil disobedience.


Project H: Get busy with your personal emergency preparation and adaption program to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Go here for the key preparation actions:

Go here for the key adaptation actions:

To see our other current volunteer administrative, managerial, or supervisory positions, click here.

If you have not signed up yet to be a volunteer, click here and go to the bottom of the page.

(Please Note: Volunteers are not authorized agents or legal representatives of the Job One Organization. Only our board of directors may make policy and issue written position statements, take action, or publish information that officially represents our non-profit organization. 


All volunteer projects above are also based upon our volunteers also doing the following wise and self-supporting actions in the background 

All volunteers should also start their personal preparation and adaptation actions as described in the Job One for Humanity Plan B to protect and preserve themselves, their families, and their businesses. Starting Plan B is everyone's ongoing volunteer project because this vital strategy is similar to what occurs on an airplane if there's an emergency underway.

In an airline emergency, you are always instructed to put your oxygen mask on first before trying to help your children or anyone else. That way, you can preserve yourself and your abilities to manage the crisis better and help others. We, indeed, are in a climate change emergency. You must maintain yourself and your loved one first! It will be a long and VERY bumpy climate change emergency ride, and we need you to be protected so you can continue to help others as the emergency unfolds.

Other Projects and Information

If you want to survive the climate change emergency and save as much of humanity as possible in the limited time our politicians and governments have left to make the many critical global changes (described in full detail on this page), and, you have real influence with your politicians then do the other politician project below as soon as you can get to them. There is much to do to get our city, county, state, and national politicians to get our governments to immediately reduce global fossil fuel use to meet the legitimate 2025 targets to save humanity and the future. 

And finally, join or start an urban, rural, hybrid, or virtual ClimateSafe Village to build local climate change resilience and have support while volunteering and preparing for and adapting to what is coming; click this ClimateSafe Villages link. We strongly recommend that everyone who likes what they read on the Job One website join the ClimateSafe Villages project. Many people worldwide are working together to support each other and get what must be done to prepare the world to survive the worst of the coming climate consequences.)

Showing 3 reactions

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  • Anabelle SJamil
    commented 2022-09-22 08:35:21 -0700
  • Mohamed Fatu Kargbo
    commented 2022-07-01 00:05:35 -0700
    Saving the soil is also one of my dreams because without the soil there will be no food.
  • Lawrence Wollersheim
    published this page in Volunteer: Be Climate Heroes/Heroines 2021-02-01 11:10:45 -0800
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