Contact and encourage philanthropies to lobby our governments for immediate radical global warming reduction actions and to fund an and independent global warming emergency broadcasting and coordination center to distribute and to globally promote science-grounded accurate information and effective deadline-driven solutions.
A considerable funding stream will be needed for a Broadcast Center to catalyze and support the initial broad and honest education efforts about how bad global warming is right now and what we must begin immediately to avoid extinction. This initial Broadcast Center and education funding source would also provide effective deadline-driven remedial plans (like the Job One Plan,) and independently monitor progress. (The key reasons for why this Broadcast Center is urgently needed was discussed in Part 3 of the Job One Plan in the section that discusses what the fees from the Fee and Dividend program would be used for.)
Although this central Broadcast Center can begin its work with as little as 10 million dollars in funding, the help needed to achieve the above at a global scale will eventually be in the billions of dollars for the engagement of top-level experts across all sectors of US society and society worldwide. Except for philanthropy, there is simply no other entity with the financial and personnel resources that could more quickly and effectively help end our global warming emergency.
We must call on philanthropy worldwide to provide the funding for the Broadcast Center, which will help ring the emergency alarm that awakens humanity to the massive civilization and extinction threatening crises.
Philanthropy must fund a Broadcast Center available to all Americans and every other nationality, functioning 24/7, so that they can learn the severity of our current global warming situation. This Broadcast Center would report progress and the best systemic remedial responses at international national, local, and state levels. This Broadcast Center would allow for interactivity—people need to be able to ask questions, get answers and provide suggested content.
This financially and nationalistically independent Broadcast Center in addition to the reasons mentioned in Part 3 of the Job One Plan, is also vitally important because few organizations, politicians or media outlets existing today are not under either the direct or indirect powerful influence of the massive fossil fuel lobby, which represents a $28 trillion year industry. Representing ⅓ of the world’s financial productivity, and over 80% of the energy that drives industrial economies, fossil fuel industry lobbyists have been dangerously successful in hiding the true global warming threat level and the coming consequences.
To achieve this initial funding goal thousands of individuals will need to begin contacting philanthropy and bring them to the awareness that right now they very well might be the most essential missing initial funding piece for saving humanity and civilization from escalating global warming.
Philanthropy today is uniquely qualified to perceive the facts, the truth, of this emergency and the reality of humanity’s interconnectedness. That is what they are designed for.
We must therefore then call them to their highest duty and stated mission: to help us all to respond to the most severe emergency we have ever faced. When humanity is in need, philanthropy is the first key “go-to” place to find help and support.
Here's how to get started with this critical initial educational funding step. Send a message to the philanthropies below asking them to sound the alarm and amplify it across the US.
Pick one or more of the following:
1. The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Send an e-mail message to Vidya Krishnamurthy, Director of Communications and Liz Judge, Communications Officer, Environment, asking them to forward Delusions and Contradictions to the President of the Hewlett Foundation, Larry Kramer, and to Jonathan Pershing, Program Director for the Environment.
To: [email protected], [email protected]
Sample message:
Dear Vidya and Liz:
Attached is an essay titled Delusions and Contradictions for your review. It contains pertinent information for the Hewlett Foundation in that it explains how the Hewlett Foundation is failing to meet its strategic program objectives, particularly those related to the Environmental Program.
The failures are explained in the essay and I request that you forward the essay to Larry Kramer, your President and to Jonathan Pershing, the Program Director for the Environment.
I request that the Hewlett Foundation sound the alarm throughout its communities, as the essay explains. I ask that you help us avert the disasters related to the Hydra-Headed Dragon depicted and detailed in the essay. I ask that the Hewlett Foundation plays a supportive role in helping to plan for and broadcast effective disaster preparedness. Once Hewlett sounds the alarm and finds its appropriate role in disaster preparedness, I expect that the Hewlett Foundation will help fund the follow-through required to help all of us construct a healthy set of operating systems so that we are assured of a viable future.
(your name here)
Delusions and Contradictions attached
Copy of Climageddon attached
2. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Go to the Contact-us link,
Fill in the message link by clicking “other.” Then fill in the personal information. In the message section, you might write something like this:
I would like to send an electronic copy of an essay to Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, and CEO Susan Desmond-Hellmann. Please tell me the best way to do that.
When they respond to you, almost always by email, send them Delusions and Contradictions with whatever short introductory message appeals to you.
Copy of Climageddon attached
3. The MacArthur Foundation. The MacArthur Foundation has recently moved in the direction of making “Big Bets,” and striving toward transformative change in areas of profound concern. Their recent $100 Million Award signifies that change in focus.
MacArthur’s “big bets,” include areas of concern related to climate and ecological issues. Their Director and program staff in these areas could be open to a message something like the following:
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Sample message:
Dear Jorgen Thomsen, Mijo Vodopic, and Kate Barnes:
I am sending you an essay titled Delusions and Contradictions that is central to your program area concerns. Please review it and discuss with your MacArthur Foundation Directors and staff.
I request that the MacArthur Foundation sound the alarm throughout its communities, as the essay explains. I ask that you help us avert the disasters related to the Hydra-Headed Dragon depicted and detailed in the essay. I ask for the MacArthur Foundation to play a supportive role in helping to plan for and broadcast effective disaster preparedness. Once MacArthur sounds the alarm and finds its appropriate role in disaster preparedness, I expect that the MacArthur Foundation will help fund the follow-through required to help all of us construct a healthy set of operating systems so that we are assured of a viable future.
(your name here)
Copy of Delusions and Contradictions attached
Copy of Climageddon attached
The above use of philanthropies for essential initial funding of the global educational Broadcast Center has come from Michael Mielke and Jean Arnold of the Association for the Tree of Life. This idea was discussed in the ebook called Climate and Environmental Delusions and Contradictions that will end civilization and cause the extinction of humanity.
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