Last Updated 1.24.2004
Job One for Humanity is a nonprofit organization wholly owned by Factnet Inc. also a nonprofit organization. All of our materials have various proprietary rights and we are liberal in granting free non-commercial use of them. If you wish to use any of our proprietary trademark, please write us and tell us if it is a commercial or non-commercial use and exactly how and where you wish to use our proprietary or copyrighted materials.
We will evaluate your request and get back to you. Until we provide you with a written agreement that changes the following proprietary rights policy do not use any of our materials in any way that violates any of the provisions above or below. Mail your proprietary use requests to [email protected] .
Proprietary Rights
1. You acknowledge and agree that Job One for Humanity a nonprofit organization wholly owned by Factnet Inc. (or Job One for Humanity's licensors) own all legal right, title and interest in and to the Services, including any intellectual property rights which subsist in the Services (whether those rights happen to be registered or not, and wherever in the world those rights may exist). You further acknowledge that the Services may contain information which is designated confidential by Job One for Humanity and that you shall not disclose such information without Job One for Humanity's prior written consent.
2. Unless you have agreed otherwise in writing with Job One for Humanity, nothing in the Terms gives you a right to use any of Job One for Humanity's trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, and other distinctive brand features.
3. If you have been given an explicit right to use any of these brand features in a separate written agreement with Job One for Humanity, then you agree that your use of such features shall be in compliance with that agreement, any applicable provisions of the Terms, and Job One for Humanity's brand feature use guidelines as updated from time to time.
4. Other than the limited license set forth in this document, Job One for Humanity acknowledges and agrees that it obtains no right, title or interest from you (or your licensors) under these Terms in or to any Content that you submit, post, transmit or display on, or through, the Services, including any intellectual property rights which subsist in that Content (whether those rights happen to be registered or not, and wherever in the world those rights may exist). Unless you have agreed otherwise in writing with Job One for Humanity, you agree that you are responsible for protecting and enforcing those rights and that Job One for Humanity has no obligation to do so on your behalf.
5. You agree that you shall not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices), which may be affixed to or contained within the Services.
6. Unless you have been expressly authorized to do so in writing by Job One for Humanity, you agree that in using the Services, you will not use any trademark, service mark, trade name, logo of any company or organization in a way that is likely or intended to cause confusion about the owner or authorized user of such marks, names or logos.
Limitation of Liability:
1. You expressly understand and agree that Job One for Humanity a nonprofit organization wholly owned by Factnet Inc., its subsidiaries and affiliates, and its licensors shall not be liable to you for:
any direct, indirect, incidental, special consequential or exemplary damages which may be incurred by you, however caused and under any theory of liability… this shall include, but not be limited to, any loss of profit (whether incurred directly or indirectly), any loss of goodwill or business reputation, any loss of data suffered, cost of procurement of substitute goods or services, or other intangible loss;
any loss or damage which may be incurred by you, including but not limited to loss or damage as a result of:
any reliance placed by you on the completeness, accuracy or existence of any advertising, or as a result of any relationship or transaction between you and any advertiser or sponsor whose advertising appears on the services;
any changes which Job One for Humanity may make to the services, or for any permanent or temporary cessation in the provision of the services (or any features within the services);
the deletion of, corruption of, or failure to store, any content and other communications data maintained or transmitted by or through your use of our services;
your failure to provide Job One for Humanity with accurate account information;
your failure to keep your password or account details secure and confidential;
2. the limitations on Job One for Humanity's liability to you in the paragraphs above shall apply whether or not Job One for Humanity a nonprofit organization wholly owned by Factnet Inc. has been advised of or should have been aware of the possibility of any such losses arising.
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