Everything you need to about the climate change emergency in our new frequently asked questions FAQ

Last updated 1.19.24.

Not everyone who comes to our website understands that almost all climate change information they have heard from the media and their governments is highly censored and significantly underestimated. For decades, the global fossil fuel cartel has spent billions of dollars on climate change disinformation to protect its 28 trillion dollar-a-year income.

This prior censorship experience means they can easily become shocked or upset when they read the uncensored, accurate climate change information found below for the first time. To protect individuals new to learning about the climate change emergency, we have created a rating system for every question you see below in our FAQ. 

At the end of every question in every topic section below, you will find the following ratings so that you will not be unpleasantly surprised or dive into materials that may be too difficult for you.

We rate each FAQ answer according to difficulty and emotional upset potential levels. The difficulty levels of B, I, or A are beginner, intermediate, or advanced, and the emotional upset levels of 1, 2, and 3 are low, medium, and high.

Our FAQ contains everything you want to know about climate change and its causes, consequences, and solutions. It contains the uncensored and unpoliticized answers to questions our climate change think tank has been repeatedly asked over the last 13 years. 

This FAQ contains serious and often upsetting adult climate change matters and is not for children under 16 without a parent or adult filtering which information is appropriate for the young person.




Climate Change FAQ Question Topics Found on this Page:

There are 16 climate change climate change-related topic sections (below.) Each section has numerous questions and answers.

To find what you are looking for quickly:

1. Find the topic area most like your question. Click the link for that topic section to take you to that topic in our FAQ.

2. Select your question from the list of questions found there.


Here are the topic sections in this FAQ:


Section 1: What is climate change (global warming)? How does climate change happen?

This section has 11 questions and answers.


Section 2: What are the primary and secondary consequences of climate change (global warming) occurring both today and over the following five decades?

This section has 6 questions and answers.


Section 3: How does your independent climate change think tank analyze and establish climate change risks, consequence timeframes, and solutions?

This section has 3 questions and answers.


Section 4: What is everything I need to know about the possibilities, probabilities, and timeframes of our currently escalating climate change causing mass to near-total human extinction by as soon as 2050-2070?

This section has 12 questions and answers.


Section 5: What do our governments need to do to save the future of humanity from mass extinction?

This section has 7 questions and answers.


Section 6: How do we get our politicians to act to get our governments to make the required 2025 global fossil fuel reductions? 

This section has 10 questions and answers.


Section 7: What can I do to protect myself and my family from both the worsening and now unavoidable climate change consequences and reduce climate change?

This section has 6 questions and answers.


Section 8: How can the Climatesafe Villages project help me have a safer climate future and be supported as I get ready for what is coming? 

This section has 13 questions and answers.


Section 9: What are the benefits of fixing the climate change emergency? (Our most read pages.)

This section has 4 questions and answers.


Section 10: Why have our governments failed to fix climate change for over sixty years?

This section has 10 questions and answers.


Section 11: What critical climate research and analysis is in the Members-Only Section of the Job One for Humanity Website?

This section has 20 questions and answers.


Section 12: How do I heal my climate change anger, sadness, anxiety, etc.?

This section has 3 questions and answers.


Section 13: What is Job One for Humanity climate change think tank? What is our research and analysis methodology? Who is our audience? What are our mission and goals? Who is our board and advisory board? 

This section has 14 questions and answers.


Section 14: How do I volunteer? What are your volunteer projects and positions?

This section has 4 questions and answers.


Section 15: How do I donate to your organization?

This section has 7 questions and answers.


Section 16: Miscellaneous information

This section has 6 questions and answers.


Section 1: What is climate change and global warming? How does it happen?

What are climate change and global warming, and how do they work? (B, 1)  Click here.

What are four essential things to know about climate change? (I, 2)

1. climate change is dangerous and deadly air pollution caused by humanity burning fossil fuels. (Continuing to burn additional fossil fuels creates an ever thicker blanket of carbon and other greenhouse gas pollution (methane and nitrous oxide) in our atmosphere, trapping ever-increasing levels of heat on Earth.) 

2. this fossil fuel burning air pollution then, directly or indirectly, causes record-breaking; heatwaves, heat domes, droughts, hurricanes, cyclones, tornados, floods and flooding, rain bombs, wind storms [Derechos], dust storms, wildfires, wildfire smoke events, unseasonable cold spells, and other abnormal and unseasonal weather.

3. some heat-increasing polluting greenhouse gases, like carbon, the largest one, remain in our atmosphere for centuries to thousands of years. This long-term persistence of carbon in our atmosphere means that the relatively stable weather you experienced when you were younger is now gone forever, or at least until all of the additional fossil fuel-burning carbon, which we have been polluting our atmosphere with since the beginning of the industrial revolution has been removed (hundreds to thousands of years from now.) 

4. not only is the relative stability of the climate of your younger memories gone forever, every day, as humanity burns more fossil fuels (which adds even more greenhouse gas pollution to our atmosphere,) we will continue to break new records and make today's existing climate change problems and weather significantly worse in our own future and for the future four children and future generations. 

What are today's ten most important climate change facts and consequences I should know that will most change and affect my life? (I, 2) Click here. (This ten-facts summary is updated weekly as new climate research comes in. This is also one of the three most-read pages on our website.)

How do I know that climate change causes extreme weather and record-breaking weather? (B, 2) Click here.

What is most misunderstood about climate change? (I, 2) Click here.

Will geo-engineering, carbon capture, or other "new technologies" work in time to save us from the climate change emergency? 

Here is our position on new technologies and geoengineering. We hold the position that:

1. We should fund appropriate technologies to help us rapidly achieve complete and non-toxic global green energy generation as soon as is technologically possible. (Please be sure you understand the definition of appropriate technologies.)

Appropriate new technologies will have a major role in the long-term retooling and reorientation of our economy to facilitate the final transition to green renewable energy. It can improve smart grid systems, energy storage capabilities, electricity-based mass transportation, retrofitting buildings, sustainable agriculture, zero waste, and more. Appropriate green technology can even help provide access to cleaner and greener cooking for the poorest 3 billion people who spend hours each day collecting solid biomass fuels and burning them for cooking. 

Appropriate new technologies are not some new upgraded version of nuclear power or scaling up the older versions of nuclear power. Nuclear power is not the solution. It is another cool new set of problems that avoid the real solution which is radically reducing global fossil fuel usage to the levels mentioned above. Additionally, there is no possible way to physically scale up building enough new nuclear reactor energy generation capacity to replace ALL of global fossil fuel use in the amounts needed (mentioned above) and in the time needed to save us from the worst consequences that will occur over the next 30-50 years.  (Also please see this MIT study on the realistic timeframes for green energy generation to replace fossil fuel use.)

2. Fund other possible new technologies as an emergency PLAN B backup plan if we fail to meet the scale-down fossil fuel use targets (mentioned above), but only after we have first well-funded the actions detailed above and the major world focus is on radically cutting global fossil fuel use to come close to the 2025 targets. This is our last-chance-plan for when all other remedial actions of the Job One Plan have failed to slow or lessen escalating global warming, and we are about to go into out-of-control runaway global heating and Phase 2 and 3 of the Climageddon Scenario. (Please see this page which describes precisely when and how new technologies like geo-engineering may or will be helpful to save what is left of humanity.)

In spite of the grand promises that are being touted about how new geoengineering technologies may help us suck carbon out of the atmosphere, there are critical warnings about any rushed or desperate implementation of these new and unproven technologies. A myriad of unsolved problems attend the proposed “geoengineering” technologies, not the least of which is they are still in the “theoretical drawing board stage,” have no economically proven working models; they cannot be scaled to draw down carbon as computer-modeled, and much more. 

Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs) are particularly troublesome, and these currently nonexistent technologies are built into current IPCC prediction models. One overwhelming reason they are not feasible any time soon is that some examples of them require growing carbon crops on land the size of India each and every year for decades. The world does not have anything close to this amount of land to lend to a carbon capture scheme because the land is already being used for food crops for human use and consumption. When the choice is starving hundreds of millions of people to grow carbon-capture crops to remediate what humans did in the past, then we must say that this plan is nonsense and look for other technologies. And as Professor Kevin Anderson explains in his lucid video in March 2017,[2] that nonsense is just what many of the international IPCC models now suggest. 

The key warnings about planning for nonexistent or economically unproven new technologies (particularly those that will save us by sucking carbon out of the air) to resolve the runaway global heating extinction emergency are:

We cannot allow new, nonexistent, or economically unproven technologies to lull us into a false sense of comfort that we can continue to pour more carbon and methane pollution into our atmosphere—or preserve the dying fossil fuel energy generation business model. The emphasis on developing these new technologies must always be to move past the fossil fuel energy generation age. There can be no turning back! We have entered the age of green energy generation, and we need to go forward full speed to get us out of the existing escalating, runaway global heating extinction emergency. 

Before demonstrations at scale with proven economic viability, we cannot expect that the “theoretical drawing board” of geoengineering technologies will save us from what is coming. Relying heavily on miraculous new technologies to save us is a dangerous strategy and should never replace the primary focus of doing the most in-harmony-with-nature actions and the other systemic actions recommended in the Job One Plan. These actions do not carry the potentially disastrous side effects of many new technologies employed as last-chance solutions suggested in the most desperate of times and situations.

We must never forget that almost all new technology is based on mechanical, three-dimensional engineering principles that are far simpler than the principles of complex adaptive systems like the biological and climate systems of our precious planet. Engineering is generally a simple and linear three-dimensional set of cause-and-effect actions. Biology and the climate are complex adaptable systems with nonlinear, self-organizing, and unpredictable spontaneously emergent They should be seen as having many more non-cause-and-effect “dimensions.” They also have far more unknown and complex tipping points, interconnectivities, and interdependencies than are found within the limited mechanical rules and solutions characteristic of the nonliving, mechanical world. Frequently, applying mechanical solutions to complex adaptive systems such as our biological and climate systems results in unpleasant surprises in the form of unintended negative consequences. 

We cannot allow our individual or collective hubris about our many great mechanical engineering accomplishments to blind us to the risk of overlooking the possibility that new mechanical technology solutions applied to global warming’s complex adaptable systems may, in fact, produce equal or even greater damage than the problem they're meant to solve. For example, placing massive amounts of sun-reflecting particles into the complex adaptive system of the atmosphere and global climate is being widely discussed as a mechanical new technology solution to the runaway global heating extinction emergency. What if, as an unintended side effect, those particles blocked the normal rainfall in a nuclear-armed country like China and caused immediate mass starvation and death? With its own population dying before its eyes, where do you think the Chinese government would point its nuclear weapons, or from whom would they demand immediate restitution? The unintended risks could easily and quickly get out of hand, leading to unpredictable and potentially worse consequences if any of the nations harmed have nuclear weapons. Additionally, once our ecological and climate systems have been stressed beyond their respective tipping points and points of no return, it will be far too late to develop or deploy any technologically useful geoengineering repair or cooling For additional information on the many problems and dangers of geoengineering solutions to the runaway global heating extinction emergency, see these articles by Andrew Revkin,[3] Chelsea Harvey,[4] and John Vidal.[5]

We also cannot expect to extend the use or lifespan of fossil fuels by increasing fossil fuel consumption efficiency. Collective experience and research have repeatedly shown that using technology to increase fossil fuel consumption efficiency or conservation frequently increases overall fossil fuel use rather than reducing it. This is because of the economic savings that increased fossil fuel energy efficiency or conservation provides, acting to create more cash resources to buy or use more things dependent upon using more fossil fuels. This is known as Jevons’s paradox.[6] 

In further qualification to what is been said in the section above, it is necessary to state that:

New technology will always play some role, but not the role everyone is hoping for --- the role of the miracle last-minute savior. The essential role that new technology will play will be in providing breakthroughs that will allow increased food production in the poor soils and the sunlight-poor growing seasons of the far north and the far south. New technology will no doubt also provide new solutions to moving our infrastructure to the safe zones as well as creating new types of more sustainable infrastructure and energy generation and use. New technology will also supply many other breakthroughs that will facilitate those who do survive to live longer and more comfortably.

Another major factor to consider when you hear people or organizations vigorously promoting geoengineering or new technologies as our savior from climate change is that this is also part of the decades-old disinformation strategy of the global fossil fuel cartel to distract us from the complex, painful, and radical global fossil fuel cuts that we must make right now and before we cross the 2025 deadlines. They are the invisible well-funded promoters of the inaccurate belief we do not have to radically cut fossil fuels right now because sometime in the future, new technologies and geoengineering will remove all of the toxic carbon pollution they have put into our atmosphere and, therefore, don't worry, just keep using lots of fossil fuels and keep making our fossil fuel cartel trillions of dollars a year.

If you do not believe this is a decades-old and heavily proven global fossil fuel cartel disinformation strategy to create false and unrealistic hope surrounding the capabilities and time frames of new technologies and geoengineering, please click here first, then on this additional link.

What do you mean when you say that climate change and global warming could become or is irreversible? (B, 2)

Irreversible climate change means that we will not be able to get the dangerous levels of excess greenhouse gases (like carbon) out of our atmosphere and back down to a normal and human-safe pre-industrial level for hundreds to thousands of years. (As of July 2023, We are currently at the insane atmospheric carbon level of 420 ppm. We will soon enter the generally considered irreversible and second phase of runaway global heating sometime between 2025-2031. This is when we enter into the carbon 425-450 ppm range.)

It will take nature centuries to thousands of years to remove the carbon from our atmosphere with its natural processes. So when you hear the word irreversible, think of centuries to thousands of years the atmosphere that supported humanity's flourishing can return back to normal.

What are the five decision-action options for dealing with climate change that everyone will eventually consciously or unconsciously choose? (B,1)  Click here.

What is the difference between prioritized, effective critical path climate change action that meets key humanity extinction prevention deadlines and simple climate change progress? (B, 2)

You will hear lots of people and environmental claim we are making climate progress, but that progress is not necessarily what is critically needed to meet extinction-preventing climate change deadlines.

Many things are being done by climate and environmental groups worldwide that can and should be honored as climate change and runaway global heating progress. Unfortunately, we have so little time left to save ourselves from the extinction of the surviving post-2050 half of humanity; we must now focus only on those prioritized, truly effective critical path climate actions that will successfully achieve crucial extinction-prevention deadlines and save, at least, that part of humanity. Unfortunately, these effective prioritized, critical path climate actions are also the most difficult.

To create a climate change critical path action plan, one must first know the most critical deadline and the point where climate change and runaway global heating actually go beyond our control for centuries to millennia. Unfortunately, many climate activists and environmental organizations do not honestly know where this critical climate change survival deadline is! 

Consequently, they develop climate change action programs that do not fit the true urgency of our emergency. Many climate and environmental groups are merely rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic instead of simply steering away from the looming iceberg. They do not have their climate change humanity-saving priorities right.

Fortunately, this critical climate change deadline is known and available here, so they can quickly correct this once attention is called to this additional critical 10-fact information.

If climate and environmental education and action organizations do not shift their mission tactics away from the many feel-good, off-critical path actions that produce minor climate progress, we cannot save the surviving half of humanity post-2050, and humanity is in deep trouble. 

Therefore, if you see any climate and environmental organizations focusing on many feel-good, off-critical path climate progress minor steps designed (often to keep members motivated and donating), it is necessary to disrupt them and these activities.

With these climate and environmental organizations, start with our climate educational tactics first! Let them see the correct climate extinction deadline we must work toward. Then, many will change strategies once they see their minor climate progress actions in the light of "all hands on deck" for the rapidly approaching runaway global heating extinction and points of no return. Many will also begin to work on critical path actions like those found in Part Four and Part Three of the Job One Climate and Runaway Global Heating Solutions and Resilience Plan. 

We do not have the luxury with so little time remaining (2025-2031) to soothe ourselves with bits and pieces of "feel good" off-deadline, off-critical path minor, and deck chair rearranging climate progress. Instead, we must be entirely focused on the effective remaining prioritized critical path actions that can and will save about half of humanity from extinction by 2050 and before it is too late!

That being said, it is balanced and wise to know that ongoing individual actions in reducing fossil fuel use are also essential to save as much of humanity as possible. In many areas of our website, we have emphasized our government's critical first and primary role as being the most effective and necessary tool to enforce the required 2025 global fossil fuel reductions. While that is a true priority to save half of humanity post-2050, there is also an essential role for the ongoing growing individual-driven fossil fuel reductions that are off the critical path that you do see many environmental organizations promoting.

While individual fossil fuel reductions by hundreds of millions of us are presently too little and too late to save about half of humanity before about 2050, they can still and hopefully will play an important role in what remaining percentage of humanity survives post-2050. After humanity has hit the climate change catastrophe "rock bottom" described here, the net result of our steadily accumulating individual fossil fuel reduction actions could make just enough difference so that as much as 30% of humanity will survive after 2050. If individual fossil fuel reduction actions do not continue to grow and grow significantly, as few as five percent or less of humanity may survive until about 2070. These numbers illuminate the important role of individual actions in reducing fossil fuel use for our post-2050 future.

What are the best climate change videos and books on climate change? (B, 1) Click here.

Do You have a climate change glossary for key terms? (B,1)  Click here.

Why is Job One so open about the painful climate facts of 1/2 of humanity perishing by about 2050?

1. We see it as a painful near-certainty as we look at climate research and our lack of adequately responding to it.

2. Progressive, non-climate deniers around the world and undeveloped nation citizens need to understand the actual intensity of the threat and consequences they face so that they may begin their emergency preparation adaptations or migrations while they still have a chance or their chances are good that they can get these things accomplished before they will be challenging to complete.

3. Well, we know these things produce fear. There are two ways to deal with fear. The evolutionary highest purpose of fear is to mobilize the individual or group for remedial action.

That is what we hope that the legitimate fear generated by the reality of our current climate change double dilemma and pending global holocaust will do with those who respond to fear in proactive ways.

Those who respond to the climate nightmare proactively may be the only ones who will survive, or at least their descendants will survive because that evolutionary fear powerfully motivates them to adapt.


Section 2: What are the primary and secondary consequences of climate change occurring both today and over the next three to five decades?

Is there a comprehensive list of climate change's primary and secondary consequences and a general sequence for how these climate change consequences might occur? (B,2) Click here.

What are the ten most important current climate change facts and consequences I should know that will most change and affect my life? (I, 2) Click here.

What are the climate change consequence predictions for 2023? (B, 2) Click Here.

Do you have short descriptions for each of the main climate change consequences? (B,1) Click here.

What are the worst consequences of climate change? (I, 3) Click here.

How will the many worsening climate change consequences affect my daily life and normal routines?  (B, 2)

The many consequences of climate change will not unfold steadily. In general, climate change consequences usually develop in cyclical sporadic surges. These erratic but cyclical climate change consequence surges will continue to increase in severity, frequency, and scale, often reaching new record levels. 

After reaching new record levels, the climate change consequence will quickly fall back to near-normal or even below-normal levels. After the consequence falls from record levels, it most likely will move into a plateau level (either below or above the previous normal level) before beginning another cycle of increased severity, frequency, and scale, often reaching another new record level and then, once again, falling back down quickly to near-normal levels.

This three-phased cyclical steep up, quick down, and back to the near previous normal pattern will prevent many individuals from seeing climate change's long-term patterns and trends. This climate consequence pattern ignorance will make individuals and businesses vulnerable to the next sporadic intensifying cycle of climate change-driven catastrophes. 

In part, the most common climate change-driven extreme weather consequences are defined as heatwaves, heat domes, droughts, wildfires, hurricanes, cyclones, tornados, floods and flooding, rain bombs, wind storms [Derechos], dust storms, wildfire smoke events, unseasonable cold spells, and other abnormal unseasonal weather. But those are only a few of the many climate change consequences we will soon be experiencing at intensifying levels. 

If you begin to think about climate change consequences occurring in the pattern of more frequent, more severe, and larger-scaled sporadic "waves" that eventually affect and break down the normal patterns of our lives, you would have a good idea about how climate change consequences will unfold this year and over the following decades. Do not panic or worry if a climate change consequence spikes to a new record, like soaring land or sea temperatures for a week, a month, or even a season. It will eventually drop to near its normal range, but that is only a tiny part of the climate consequence problem. 

The real problem, which is invisible to most people, will be that almost all climate change consequences will continue to sporadically increase in severity, frequency, and scale season-by-season, year-by-year, and decade-by-decade:

1. From now until 2025, on average, most climate change consequences will increase in intensity at a significantly accelerated rate.

2. From 2025-2031, on average, the intensity of most climate change consequences will increase dramatically. There will be a dramatic increase in serious global climate catastrophes.

3. From 2031-2050, on average, the intensity of many of the worst climate change consequences will increase near-exponentially. Many serious global climate catastrophes will occur regularly, making it very difficult to stay up with all the waves of damage and losses.

The good news is that by understanding how climate change will unfold in sporadic intensifying waves over the following decades, you will have time to prepare, adapt, and hopefully help change the dangerous direction of the world's accelerating climate change consequences.


Use the above graphic to imagine how climate change consequences will unfold. The green bars represent how new records will be broken over time (left to right). The blue bars represent how after each new broken climate change consequence record, that consequence will drop back steeply and quickly to plateau at near-normal levels and stay that way for a while. But unfortunately, even the normal plateau levels of many consequences will also continue to increase gradually over time.


Can climate change consequences worldwide suddenly get far worse than they are now? (B,2)

The only very scary thing that can change the above-described cyclical, more gradual climate change consequence escalation pattern is humanity crossing major climate tipping points or major climate feedback loops, as we are doing now. Crossing these two things separately or together will cause global climate change consequences to accelerate dramatically and then exponentially.

Please see the graph below to understand what we mean by saying that almost all climate change consequences will first rise dramatically and then exponentially after crossing tipping points. This illustration shows not only the gross failure of your governments to regulate and protect you from the accelerating consequences of climate change caused by burning more and more fossil fuel, but it also illustrates how the acceleration of climate change consequences after tipping points are crossed will directly follow and parallel the steep rise of the three major greenhouse gases polluting our atmosphere.

The graph below shows the three major fossil fuel-related greenhouse gases, carbon (CO2), methane (CH4), and Nitrous Oxide (N2O). The numbers at the bottom of the illustration are dates in history AD.  PPB is parts per billion. PPM is parts per million. (The IPCC is the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. AR6 is the IPCC's climate summary report. NOAA is the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.) As you can see below, we are walking into a very dangerous climate change consequence future.


What do you mean when you say that climate change and Global warming could soon be rising exponentially?

Something important to remember is that as we cross more and more global warming tipping points, the more global warming consequences will increase faster and faster. They will not grow gradually and linearly. They will grow exponentially over time. (In the graph below, the red line is an example of a linear gradual growth trajectory.  (Linear progression equals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, etc.)

The green line is an example of an exponential growth curve and trajectory. (Exponential progression equals 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 264, etc.)



An exponential growth of global warming consequences after we cross the four extinction level tipping points also means that few people or governments will be able to stay up with managing the damages from these escalating consequences for very long. It also means that unless you have made emergency preparations and adaptations and/or have migrated (where necessary) well before these four extinction-level tipping points are crossed, you will probably not have the time to do so later as things get worse faster and faster.

This is because the social, economic, and political systems will become more and more unstable and chaotic faster and faster as crossing more global warming tipping points pushes us into a steeper and steeper exponential curve (the green line above) of climate change consequences increasing severity, frequency, and scale. This means that if you have not prepared well in advance for what is coming, you will find yourself in a living hell!

It would also help to see future exponentially increasing climate change consequences in their proper time frames. Right now, climate change consequences are rising in a steady but steepening linear-like line (the red line above.) From about 2025 to about 2031, climate change consequences will get dramatically worse and dramatically increase the slope of the red line example.

From about 2030 to 2040, you will see the beginnings of the green line exponential growth in our climate change consequences. From about 2050 to 2070, climate change consequences will be nearing the steepest exponential level of the green lines rising curve.


Section 3: How does the Job One for Humanity think tank analyze and establish climate change risks, consequence timeframes, and solutions?

What climate change research do you use in your evaluations and predictions? (I, 1) Click here.

What methodologies do you use in your climate change analysis? (A, 1) Click here.

What are your organization's most current recommendations for what I should do about worsening climate change? (B, 2)  Click Here.


Section 4: What do I need to know about the possibilities, probabilities, and timeframes of our current escalating climate change emergency causing mass to near-total human extinction by as soon as 2050-2070?

(Please note: The following worse-case climate change scenarios will occur only if our governments continue to fail to reduce global fossil fuel to get close to the required 2025 targets. Please read most of the links in this section to get a balanced and comprehensive understanding of climate change and other factors pushing humanity toward extinction.)

What are climate change's four worst extinction-accelerating tipping points we must not cross? (I-A, 3) Click here.

Why do we have only until about 2025 to fix the climate change emergency and prevent climate change consequence-driven extinction of the first half of humanity by about 2050? (I-A, 3) Click here.

Why will about half of the world's population still perisheven if we immediately cut global fossil fuel radically and get close to the 2025 targets? (I-A, 3) Click here for the explanation and the only thing left we can do to save the other half of humanity post-2050.

What is Garret's Climate Change Dilemma? (I-A, 3)

What are the primary and secondary climate change-related consequences that will near certainly bring about humanity's near-total extinction by 2050-2070 unless we get close to the required 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets? (I-A, 3) Click here.

What would the sequence of climate change-driven events look like if we fail to reverse climate change soon and suffer the near-total extinction of humanity by 2050-2070? (I-A, 3) Click here. 

Why is the total extinction of humanity driven by climate change-related consequences NOT probable(I, 2) Click here for this excellent news.

How important is watching for news updates on the rapidly worsening condition of the Thwaites doomsday glacier? (I, 3) Click here.

How and when do the 11 major climate change tipping points occur? (I-A, 3) Click here For everything you need to know about these 11 climate change tipping points.

Why is a climate change-driven extinction of about half of humanity real and probable by 2050? (I-A, 3) Click here.

Are individual adaptation actions like reducing fossil fuel use essential to save as much of humanity as possible? (I, 2)

It is imperative to know that your ongoing individual adaptation actions in reducing your fossil fuel use are essential to save as much of humanity as possible. In many areas of our website, we have emphasized our government's critical first and primary role as being the most effective and required tool to enforce the 2025 global fossil fuel reductions. While that is a proper priority essential for saving half of humanity by 2050, there is also an essential role for the ongoing growing individual-driven fossil fuel reductions that are not part of our government's critical climate action path, which you see many environmental organizations promoting.

While individual fossil fuel reductions by hundreds of millions of us are presently too little and too late to save about half of humanity before about 2050, there are still two powerful reasons to start reducing your personal or business fossil fuel use and completing the other adaptation actions described below:

a. They will help determine what remaining percentage of humanity survives after 2050. After humanity has hit the climate change catastrophe "rock bottom" described here, the total net result of our steadily accumulating individual fossil fuel reduction actions could make the difference of as much as 30% of humanity surviving after 2050. If individual fossil fuel reduction actions do not continue to grow and grow significantly, as few as five percent or less of humanity may survive until about 2070. 

b. They will keep you living longer and far more comfortably as you move to low or non-fossil fuel systems as you complete the many other adaptation actions on this page. Also, the adaptation actions on this page will directly help you manage food supplies and other needed resources as resource scarcity increases as climate change worsens.

The above survival percentages underscore just how important your role in individual fossil fuel reduction is to the future. (If you are wondering why only thirty percent to as little as one or two percent of the population survives post-2050, and you are brave, click here and read about the nightmare we enter if we fail to get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. (Click here to see the needed individual fossil fuel use reduction actions.)

How much of humanity will perish and be left after mid-century? (I-A, 3) Click here.

Section 5: What do our governments need to do immediately to save the future of humanity from mass extinction?

What are the required government actions to reduce climate change that must be done immediately to save humanity from the climate change extinction nightmare? (B, 1) Click Here.

What are the correct global fossil fuel reduction targets we must come close to by 2025? (I, 2) Click here.

Why are all of the net-zero pledges by 2030, 2040, 2050, etc., you hear in the news media or from our governments, near useless or dead wrong? (B, 2) Click here.

What is the probability that our governments will continue to fail as they have done for 60 years and not reduce global fossil fuel use in time to save anything but the smallest part of humanity? (I, 3) Click here.

When will the world's governments finally act to honestly fix the climate change emergency? Will it be too late to avoid near-total extinction? (I, 3) Click here.

What are the government-level emergency backup actions our governments must now also take? (B, 3) Click here.

What is Garret's Climate Change Dilemma, and why are nearly all politicians, governments, and even environmental groups ignorant of it or intentionally hiding it from you? (I, 3) 


Section 6: How do we get our politicians to act to get our governments to make the required 2025 global fossil fuel reductions? 

How do we get our politicians to get our governments to act immediately on the climate change emergency? (B, 1) Click here.

Why is intense climate activism now Critical? (B, 1)  Click here.

Do you have a handout to give to people, particularly politicians? (B, 1) Click here. 

Do you have a concise climate change elevator pitch to get people thinking? (B, 2) Click here.

Do you have a program to get the world's billionaires to influence politicians to radically reduce global fossil fuel use? (B, 1) Click here.

Do you have climate change political petitions I can sign? (B, 1) Click here.

What climate change remedial strategies won't work in time? (B, 2) Click here. 

What climate change corrective strategies are too slow or have failed in the past? (B, 1) Click here.

What are the advanced actions for climate change activists? (A, 2) Click here. 

Do you have policies or guidelines for political protests on the climate change issue? (B, 1) Click Here.


Section 7: How can I protect myself and my family from the worsening and unavoidable climate change consequences and reduce climate change?

What are the climate change emergency preparations everyone should be doing? (B, 2) Click here. (These actions will help you protect yourself from what humanity can no longer avoid.) 

What are the critical climate change adaptations everyone should be doing? (B, 1)  Click here. (These actions will help you reduce your fossil fuel use.)

How do I join a supportive group of like-minded individuals preparing and adapting to climate change in my local area? (B, 1) Click here.

What is the best way that I can reduce climate change as an individual? The answer to this is simple, but it does take a bit to explain the best way for you as an individual to do this. (B, 1)

As a non-profit educational climate think tank, we provide unpoliticized, uncensored, and accurate climate research information and analysis. We are not information marketing people, in-the-street climate protestors, activists, or for-profit business managers. We are climate researchers, analysts, and educators only. 

Our limited climate research and analysis role means that ALL website visitors, members, and volunteers must individually share the climate information and analysis on our website for us! Furthermore, individual word-of-mouth sharing is the best way to spread uncensored climate change information most effectively in current conditions. 

If you do not share our uncensored climate change information one-on-one and by word-of-mouth, it will not reach enough people to make a difference before it is too late! This personal word of mouth one on one sharing is critical because the global fossil fuel cartel has successfully manipulated and distorted the climate news you hear in the media and from your governments. Few will know the climate truth if we do not bypass the massive fossil fuel cartel-generated disinformation campaigns by going old-school, low-technology, and using the incredibly effective one on one word-of-mouth strategy. 

There is no way the global fossil fuel cartel has the tools to keep you from speaking to others about the uncensored climate change truth. And, in a way, when you do this, you will be single-handedly defeating the mighty global fossil fuel cartel and their billions spent on climate disinformation. (If you are wondering why we are singling out the global fossil fuel cartel for their destructive actions creating and continuing the climate change nightmare, click here.)

Actively and aggressively share and spread the uncensored climate information and analysis found on our website and, where appropriate, become climate activists helping us to create honest climate solutions. 

We cannot fix the runaway global heating emergency in time to save humanity without lots of intelligent and motivated volunteer climate activists helping us to educate the world. You and your talents are more critical than ever to the future survival of humanity!

Humanity will not survive the climate emergency without everyone who understands the real climate threat and emergency doing their educational part!

Here are tips on what to talk about one on one:

1. Use our short "elevator pitch." An elevator pitch is a Silicon Valley-originated term. It is a short 2-3 minute statement about what is essential about something you should be involved in. It can be delivered in about the same time it would take for you to share an elevator with someone in a tall building, hence the elevator pitch. It is designed to capture attention with a critical mystery so the person will eventually want to know more.

You can contact others using our quick and simple climate change "elevator pitch" found in blue. Start short 2-3 minute conversations with friends, neighbors, work associates, and strangers. This elevator pitch lets them know how severe and serious the current climate emergency is.

2. Continue one on one word-of-mouth conversations with friends, neighbors, work associates, and strangers and let them know the many wondrous benefits of fixing climate change that they, the society, and the world will receive when we control the global climate change emergency. If you have not done so already, click here to read about the many benefits of global heating and climate change. This benefits page is the most read page of our website, with over 2 million visits.

Here are some tips on who you should contact first:

a. Individuals of above-average intelligence who already know the climate change emergency is real.

b. Individuals who may have already been adversely affected financially or otherwise by accelerating climate change consequences. (Here are the kinds of issues that are now painfully real to them because of losses of time or resources; heatwaves, heat domes, droughts, wildfires, hurricanes, cyclones, tornados, floods and flooding, rain bombs, wind storms [Derechos], dust storms, wildfire smoke events, unseasonable cold spells, and other abnormal unseasonal weather.

c. Prudent, mentally strong, and mature individuals you know who intentionally and consciously plan their future over the next one to five years or longer. These are the same kind of individuals who buy insurance, create college funds for their children while their children are young, and take reasonable precautions in their daily activities. These prudent individuals will take the time to read about a serious potential threat that could significantly disrupt their lives and children's futures.

d. Individuals you know whose lives already seem stable, running well, and not being battered by one personal or business disaster after another.

e. Progressive-leaning preppers. They are survivalists who are already preparing themselves, their families, and their businesses for the hard times ahead.

Here are some tips on who you should NOT contact for success:

Do not waste your valuable time and efforts trying to educate or convince the following types of individuals:

a. climate deniers, climate trolls, and individuals without open minds. (Those continually denying the truth of escalating climate change consequences will eventually meet their best and most reliable teacher. This teacher will not be you but the ultimate, certain, and unyielding disciplinarian of Reality itself. Reality always exacts its painful and costly consequences upon those who continue to ignore its feedback, laws, and lessons.)

b. those who do not or will not invest the time to carefully read the science or have the time to think deeply about what they have read.

c. those whose lives are in constant chaos and who are too distracted to do anything but cope with the endless problems that they face daily. They have no undistracted time and energy to deal with something so large and upsetting.

d. those who are mentally unstable or highly anxious and stressed out. The uncensored truth about our climate change emergency is so upsetting that these individuals should be bypassed at this time because it would make their lives that much more difficult knowing what is on our website when they are completely emotionally or psychologically unequipped to deal with it.

d. those with a hidden (or transparent) vested financial interest in the profits of the fossil fuel industry or fossil fuel economy. Never waste time on anyone whose job depends upon or profits from the fossil fuel industry continuing as it is. Mark Twain, the famous US humorist, says this far better than we do. "It's hard to teach a person something whose job depends upon not knowing it."

e. Do not give this information to children and young teens under 16 without an adult or parent modifying it so they can still be children, have a happy future, and not fear adult matters they can do little to fix. Climate change is a serious and often upsetting adult problem; please keep it that way.

f. those who do not have the intellectual sharpness to grasp even the easier ideas of the vast complexity of the climate system and its subsystems. (The average IQ of individuals in the world today is 100.) Unfortunately, understanding the complex and multifaceted science of the climate change emergency is significantly beyond those with 100 IQs or lower. Understanding the climate emergency's true threat level requires above-average intelligence.

Do you have any advice or restrictions for sharing your materials with minors, both under 13 and from 13 -16 years old?

Our educational materials are not meant for any adolescents under 13 years old because of their severe and adult nature. Please allow children under 13 to be children, and do not force them to deal with such an upsetting adult matter they have virtually no power to change. 

If your audience is 13-16 years old, do not focus on the consequences of the worst effects of the coming climate change. Let them have a happier and more carefree life that all younger individuals should enjoy. Be responsible in your educational efforts. There have been suicides by young people who heard the worst news about climate change, felt hopeless, and took their own lives. 

With children 13-16, always focus on hope, and we still have time to work together, prepare, and fix climate change. Be sure to also focus on the many benefits humanity will experience on this page as we progress in resolving the climate change nightmare.

Do You have an overview of all your climate change solutions? (B, 1) Click here.


Section 8: What are the new ClimateSafe Villages? How can they help me have a prepared, healthier, and safer climate future and be supported as I get ready for what is coming? 

Introduction, What is the Overview, and Goals of ClimateSafe Villages. (B, 2)

Climate Safe Village Qualities, Processes, Income Sources, and Safeguards. (B, 1)

The Four ClimateSafe Village Models and Their Operations. (B, 1)

Our New Personal Democracy ClimateSafer Village Management Mode. (B, 2)l

About Universe One, a Unique Rural ClimateSafe Village (I, 2)

Our The Universe One ClimateSafe Village Application Process. (I, 2)

The ClimateSafe Villages Social Contract Page. (I, 1)

Online Rules for Our Virtual ClimateSafe Village. (B, 1)

What kind of individuals do best in the ClimateSafe Village models?

ClimateSafe Villages is about cooperative people who create solutions in difficult situations. They are also reciprocators. They do not come only or primarily to take, receive, or be helped. They come to give and share knowledge, experience, and skills. They come to assist others while assisting themselves and being assisted.

Without finding and focusing on individuals with reciprocating natures, building the worldwide ClimateSafe Villages would be impossible to create before climate change consequences make things too unstable. If you are a natural reciprocator with a collaborative and cooperative nature, you will love Climatesafe villages and feel at home with others of a similar nature.

Who Owns ClimateSafe Villages?

ClimateSafe Villages is a nonprofit organization. It has no stock and is not owned by any member or executive of the organization. ClimateSafe Villages is also not the project of any single individual or group. A single individual or group could never achieve it. 

It is an open-source vision and project that is the goal and the creation of every prudent individual who protects themselves, their families, their communities, our unique and critical biological systems, our world, and the best of our diverse cultures and civilization. Everyone who does show up is helping to protect themselves and our future from the climate change emergency and the worsening of most of the world's other 11 serious global crises. 

ClimateSafe Villarge is not "our" project or someone else's project. It is your project if you see its merits and choose to join with others of similar mind and spirit. 

Procedures and Policies for Exiting Our ClimateSafe Villages or Applying for Membership. (B, 1) 

Personal Democracy White Paper. (A, 1)

How do I signup for more ClimateSafe Villages Information? (B, 1) Click here.

What is the current developmental status of ClimateSafe Villages as of 7.15.23 (B, 1)

It is important for individuals becoming involved with the ClimateSafe Villages project (CSV) and its forum to know where CSV is in its developmental process as of this date. (B, 1)

1. ClimateSafe Villages have a clear plan for moving forward at this point. It can be found on this page. https://www.climatesafevillages.org/about 

2. Although we have yet found the land needed or broken ground on the construction of our first climate change resilient village, or have put all of its finances together, we have spent years of extensive research developing multiple ClimateSafe models for the different conditions you may find yourself in (urban, rural, or virtual.) We have also spent years researching a comprehensive, balanced, and success-creating qualities and policies for these ClimateSafe Village. These policies and qualities can be reviewed in the comprehensive ClimateSafe Villages Online Guide and Index. https://www.joboneforhumanity.org/eco_community_guide 

3. Additionally, the nonprofit climate change think tank Job One for Humanity has spent about 13 years assembling many different types of accurate and uncensored climate change information, from predictions to solutions to where are the best places to migrate. This information is found on their website and in their frequently asked climate change questions FAQ. To see this climate change FAQ go to https://www.joboneforhumanity.org/climate_faq

In this FAQ, you will also find extensive climate change emergency preparation, adaptation, resilience building, and tactics for getting our politicians and governments to reduce global fossil fuel use (if you have any access to your politicians or government.) This FAQ contains everything you will want to know about climate change FAQ.

4. We also created a ClimateSafe Villages frequently asked questions FAQ here:  https://www.joboneforhumanity.org/climatesafe_villages_faq

When you are ready to explore the above areas (or the versions of these materials that have been moved to ClimateSafe Villages you will discover a massive amount of time, research, thought, and planning has gone into our pre-CSV launch phase. We are now fully prepared to launch the first CSV models, and the CSV model that is further ahead is the Universe One model in Bellingham, Washington, USA. 

Do you have a separate FAQ for only ClimateSafe Villages questions? Click here. (B, 1)

Section 9: What are the many benefits of fixing the climate change emergency? (Our most read pages.)

What are the benefits of fixing the climate change emergency? Click here. (B, 1)

What are the big evolutionary benefits of fixing the climate change emergency? (B, 1) Click here. 

What are the biggest challenges to the possibility of a Great Global Rebirth once the climate change emergency is resolved? (I, 2) Click here.

Are there any “dark” benefits if we do not fix the climate change emergency? (I-3) Click here.


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Section 10: Why have our governments failed to fix climate change for over sixty years?

How has the unquenchable profit greed of the global fossil fuel cartel been directly and dominantly responsible for our governments' (and politicians' complete failure to act to protect the future of humanity from the climate change emergency? (B, 1) Click here.

Why have our governments failed for over 60 years to fix climate change so it does not create global catastrophe? (I, 2) Click here.

Has the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (the IPCC) been compromised by the global fossil fuel cartel influencing its summary reports to underestimate and censor critical climate consequence severity and time frames? (The IPCC has been previously considered the world's leading authority on climate change.) (I, 2) Click here.

Has the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change grossly skewed and "cooked" the carbon reduction calculations with 2050 carbon capture calculations that are completely unproven and should've never been used? (I, 2) Click here.

Has the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change grossly underestimated climate change consequences and time frames by using "Perfect Day" computer modeling? (I, 2) Click here.

Has the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change continuously underestimated the climate sensitivity calculation constants used in almost all critical climate change predictions and solutions? (A-2) Click here.

Has the global fossil fuel cartel engaged in disinformation and misinformation programs and well-financed political influence campaigns to keep the real facts about the climate change emergency from the world citizens trying to protect its profits? (B, 1)  Click here. 

What are the deeper causes behind the climate change emergency? (A, 2) Click here.

Why is the global fossil cartel so terrified that you will learn about Garret's Climate Change Dilemma and their dominant role in causing our government 60 years of delays in resolving the escalating climate change emergency? (I, 2) Click here.


Section 11: What critical climate change research and analysis is in the Members-Only Section of the Job One for Humanity Website?

Please note: Only members can see what is in this section.

How can I become a Job One for Humanity member, and what benefits will I receive? (B, 1) Click here.

What are the most critical climate change consequence timeframes I will need to know to plan a safe future? (B, 2) Click here.

Do You have climate change migration, relocation, or managed retreat information? (B, 1) Click here.

What are the Recommended SAFER Climate Change Relocation Areas Within the US and the World? (B, 1) Click here.

How to Know Where and When to Migrate Because of Global Warming and Climate Change? (B, 1) Click here.

What do I need to know about climate change migration and relocation? (B, 1) Click here.

What are the Climate Change Migration, Relocation, and Managed Retreat Evaluation Factors? (B, 2) Click here.

What are the Recommended Climate Change Safer Zones Within the United States and Worldwide? (B, 1) Click here.

Do you have a checklist for climate change-safer land, and home purchasing, for migration, relocation, or managed retreat? (I, 1) Click here.

Should I find, join, or create a ClimateSafe Village and eco-community to improve my climate change survive and thrive possibilities? (B, 1) Click here.

Are there other migration challenges and difficult choices I must face in a high-probability climate change-driven Great Global Collapse? (I, 3) Click here.

What are the seven new rules for successful real estate buying, selling, and investment in the age of accelerating climate change? (B, 1) Click here.

What are the coming catastrophic global financial losses of our climate change future? (B, 1) Click here.

Will Climate Change Create Stock Market Opportunities and Massive Future Market Instability? (B, 1) Click here.  

Will Climate Change Cause Wild Fluctuations and Unpredictability in Future Commodity Prices? (B, 1) Click here.

Will escalating climate change break down democracies and worldwide political stability? (B, 1) Click here.

What are the Basics for How to Recover From Climate Change Related Disasters? (B, 1) Click here.

How do I get All the Free Climate Related Ebooks available to all Members? (B, 1) Click here. 

What is the Climageddon Extinction Scenario and the Timetables of a Climate Change-Driven Global Collapse? (A, 3) Click here. 

Do you have Special Member Only Briefings On Climate Change? (B, 1) Click here. 

Why is everything free and open source on your website except the member's section?

Even though our organization is all volunteer with no paid staff and has been that way for years, we still have to pay rent for our offices, Internet charges, phone, and everyday business expenses that any business would incur. Sometimes we have to hire specialty consultants with the knowledge that no volunteer in our team has. For example, when we have to fend off hacking attempts for certain upgrades on our website, we have to hire a server security specialist.

Additionally, the information in the members-only section is information we had to spend a lot of money to obtain. It is extremely valuable migration and financial information that a standard risk assessment firm would charge businesses thousands of dollars a year to access.

We do not do that. We have a reasonable tax-deductible donation level to become a member. We even have a scholarship program for those individuals worldwide who live at the poverty level and cannot donate.

And finally, we want to serve and collaborate with reciprocal and mature individuals who know they need to support the community helping them and others. When you donate to our nonprofit organization, you also tell us that you appreciate and value what we're doing and want to help us get our uncensored and valuable climate change-related information to as many people as possible.

Section 12: How do I heal my climate change anger, sadness, anxiety, etc.?

How do I heal any climate change, anger, anxiety, or upset I feel? (B, 1)  Click here.

What are the big evolutionary benefits of fixing the climate change emergency? (B, 1) Click here. 

What are the best disaster recovery actions for climate change disasters? (B, 1) Click here.


Section 13: What is the Job One for Humanity climate change think tank? How do we do our research and analysis? Who is our audience? What are our mission and goals? Who is our board and advisory board, etc?

What is the nonprofit Job One for Humanity climate change think tank organization, and what do you do? (B, 1) Click here.

Who are your main audiences and members? (B, 1) Click here.

What are the goals of your organization? (B, 1) Click here.

Who is the management team at Job One? (B, 1) Click here.

Who is the advisory board at Job One? (B, 1) Click here.

What are your online and offline rules? (B, 1) Click here.

What are your policies on anyone posting anything on your website in comments, blogs, articles, etc? (B, 1) Click here.

What is your privacy policy? (B, 1) Click here.

What are your website's Terms of Use? (B, 1) Click Here.

What is your copyright policy? (B, 1) Click here.

What is your trademark policy? (B, 1) Click here.

Does your organization do climate change risk consulting? (B, 1) Click here.

Do you have alliances with other organizations? (B, 1) Click here.

Section 14: How do I volunteer? What are your volunteer projects and positions?

How do I start the process of volunteering? (B, 1) Click here.

What are the projects that volunteers work on? (B, 1) Click here.

What administration positions are open for volunteers? (B, 1) Click here.

Do you have a training guide for volunteers? (B, 1) Click here.


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Section 15: How do I donate to your organization?

How do I make a secure one-time donation? (B, 1) Click here.

How do I make a monthly donation? (B, 1) Click here.

What are your membership benefits? (B, 1) Click here.

How do I donate by mail? (B, 1) Click here.

What were your accomplishments in 2022? (B, 1) Click here.

How do I do bequests etc.? Email us at [email protected] for more information.

Are you tax deductible? Yes, we have been since 1993.

Section 16: Miscellaneous Information

What are your organization's most current recommendations for what I should do about worsening climate change? (B, 1) Click Here.

How do I get your free climate change alerts and updates? (B, 1) Click here.

Do you have a Climate Change Blog? (B, 1) Click here.

How do I build a local climate change alliance group? (B, 1) Click here.

If you want to see everything we have on our website on a single topic, click this Search link and enter your keywords.

How to contact us if you have additional questions? Email us at [email protected] 

If you do not see an answer to your climate change or global warming question in our FAQ, email your query to ([email protected]). Put Climate Change Question in the subject line.

Here is Job One other information you requested that will be helpful.

1. Our climate research and analysis methodology: https://www.joboneforhumanity.org/history_job_one_for_humanity_plan
3. How to challenge the science on any climate change statement on our website: https://www.joboneforhumanity.org/climate_change_analysis_challenge
5. Advice we give on sharing climate change information:

Here are some tips on who you should contact first and share our climate change information:

a. Individuals of above-average intelligence who already know the climate change emergency is real and may have already been affected financially or otherwise.

b. Prudent, mentally strong, and mature individuals you know who plan their future over the next 1 to 5 years or longer. These are the same kind of individuals who buy insurance, create college funds for their children while they are young, and take reasonable precautions in their daily activities. These prudent individuals will take the time to read about a serious potential threat that could significantly disrupt their lives and futures.

c. Individuals you know whose lives seem stable, running well, and not being battered by one personal or business disaster after another.

Here are some tips on who not to contact and waste your time:

Do not waste your valuable time and effort trying to educate or convince certain types of individuals:

a. climate deniers, climate trolls, individuals without open minds, or those with a hidden (or transparent) vested financial interest in the profits of the fossil fuel industry or fossil fuel economy,

b. those who do not or will not invest the time to carefully read the science or have the time to think deeply about what they have read, whose lives are in constant chaos, and who are too distracted to do anything but cope with the endless problems that are facing them on a day-to-day basis. They have no undistracted time and energy to deal with something so large and upsetting.

c. Those who are mentally unstable or highly anxious and stressed out. The truth about our climate change emergency is so upsetting that these individuals should be bypassed at this time because it would make their lives that much more difficult knowing what is on our website.

d. Anyone whose job depends upon or profits from the fossil fuel industry continuing as it is. Mark Twain, the famous US humorist, says this far better than we do. "It's hard to teach a person something whose job depends upon not knowing it."

e. Do not give this information to children and young teens under 16 without an adult modifying it so they can still be children, have a happy future, and not fear adult matters they can do little to fix. This is an adult problem; please keep it that way.

f. those who do not have the intellectual sharpness to grasp even the central easier ideas of the vast complexity of the climate system and its subsystems. (The average IQ of individuals in the world today is 100.) Unfortunately, the true complexity of the climate change emergency is significantly beyond those with 100 IQs or lower. Understanding the climate emergency's true threat level requires an above-average IQ.

The Job One for Humanity nonprofit organization is not here to convince people in one-on-one online or offline debates that we are in a runaway global heating extinction emergency! Instead, we provide honest climate data and analysis on our website, allowing individuals to read and think about that information privately and carefully in the comfort of their homes. Once they have done so, reasonable individuals will make their own decisions about the dangers and reality of the runaway global heating emergency.

There is no time left to waste on individuals or organizations that will only suck up immeasurable amounts of your time and deny climate realities or do nothing. The individuals mentioned above seldom, if ever, change their minds about the runaway global heating emergency. In fact, if they can't figure out the right climate facts by quietly reading and evaluating our extensive website information, it is not likely that any amount of educating or convincing that you do will ever make any difference whatsoever. 

After 12 years of dealing with such individuals, we have found that the best policy is to simply ignore them and not try to involve them. We discovered that almost all of them have never even read much climate science or the information on our website. They simply hold onto their prior climate opinions before engaging with us, no matter what climate science we send them to read and evaluate for themselves.

We have also discovered that some of these kinds of individuals will nearly completely ignore discussing substantive climate science or its details and merits in the posting or article. Instead, they will focus most of their negative comments or wild and unfounded attacks on the individual posting or responding personality.

We also do not spend additional time educating another type of individual We do not waste time with any individuals who psychologically or emotionally are incapable of accepting any idea that humanity could soon go near-totally extinct because of the well-documented consequences of rising runaway global heating.

This runaway global heating extinction idea creates so much psychological and emotional stress within them that accepting the possibility that runaway global heating extinction could be real would emotionally or psychologically seriously destabilize them and their lives so much that they must reject the concept of runaway global heating-driven extinction at all costs! They will suffer the pain and tension of unreconcilable cognitive dissonance if they do not reject the reality of a possible or coming runaway global heating extinction. Do not engage with this kind of individual for their health and well-being should you meet them.

And finally, the biggest underlying reason we ask our volunteers and team members not to spend time educating or convincing the individuals named above is that we are honestly almost out of time to prevent a runaway global heating-driven extinction. We do not have enough time left to spend on some types of individuals when we could and should be working with those individuals who are ready and have the mental bandwidth, and I've already done some deep thinking about the issue. 

But, the good news here is that there are many reasons, open, intelligent, internally secure, and mature enough individuals who are willing to read, think for themselves, and then decide upon the merits of the climate facts they have discovered, no matter how bad those facts might be. 

Spend your time with them, and we have a chance to save up to 50% of humanity. We are in the 11th hour. At best, we have another 3-9 years (from 2025-2031) to prevent a near-total human extinction event.

Never forget that Job One for Humanity is racing to put out a REAL fire. As the Job One for Humanity fire engine rolls by, some will not like its color, and others will say the siren is too loud or the fire engine is going too fast. When racing to a real fire and emergency, you certainly don't stop dealing with such things of far lesser importance; you continue racing to your destination and extinguish the fire.


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