Last Updated 1.3.25. The article below has been read over 2.5 million times.
To successfully fix climate change and our runaway global heating emergency, we will be asked (or eventually ordered) to make many sacrifices, changes, and fossil fuel use reductions to save ourselves, our children, and future generations. It is, therefore, critical to understand the many benefits we can receive when we eventually make these life changes and sacrifices, which we will be called upon or ordered to make sooner or later.
In two sections, this page covers several dozen unique and surprising direct and indirect benefits that we will receive by executing better climate change reduction management:
a. climate change and the runaway global heating benefits, and
b. the many positive recovery possibilities and benefits of the post-climate change emergency (what we call a possible Great Global Rebirth.)
This page and its three related benefit subpages are visible when your cursor is held over the Learn menu, and you scroll down to the Benefits of Fixing Climate menu item. With your cursor held over the Benefits of Fixing Climate, you will see Evolutionary Benefits & Perspectives, and Climate Failure Dark Benefits, and Great Global Rebirth Challenges. This page and the three other benefit pages present a comprehensive examination of the positive and negative effects and benefits of maintaining a reasonable and appropriate hope that collectively, humanity will find a way to survive, or at least some small part will survive.
Introduction to the Many Positive Possibilities and Recovery Opportunities of Our Soon-Arriving Climate-Driven Consequences
After reading this page, you will be the one to decide if, by wisely, "playing" the many runaway global heating "cards" and climate consequences we have already been dealt, we still can make the best of a very difficult situation. Furthermore, you also get to decide if our accelerating global heating nightmare could be turned into a huge opportunity for a positive economic, social, and political global evolution that could not have arisen any other way.
Because of our 60 years of ineffective action on the climate, we are in the beginning stages of a runaway global heating. If left unresolved, escalating global heating will trigger a globally widespread, transitional, and temporary Great Die-Off and what we call the Great Global Collapse process. This transitional and temporary die-off and collapse will be triggered by accelerating climate consequences, tipping points, and feedbacks, and those consequences interact with and worsen our 11 other pre-existing global crises.
The good news is that by preventing the Great Die-Off of ALL of humanity and limiting the Great Global Collapse process from fully unfolding, climate emergency survivors could eventually experience equal to (or even greater than) long-term benefits in what we call the Great Global Rebirth. Moreover, these long-term potential Great Global Rebirth benefits could eventually reach well beyond the climate-related global suffering, financial losses, and massive die-offs described on this Great Global Collapse description page.
These many potential benefits are vital to your survival because they:
a. can help you create a more balanced and healthier perspective concerning any sad, angry, apathetic, or other negative feelings you might already have about the conditions of our current climate change emergency.
b. contain all of the good things that can happen as we work together toward achieving our new future and, eventually, the Great Global Rebirth after eliminating the threats and consequences of the climate change emergency currently looming over our heads.
We have bolded the benefits below so you can review them quickly. This page was also designed to help provide much-needed emotional support to millions worldwide who feel climate-related: grief, worry, sadness, anger, anxiety, fear, depression, defeat, doom, resignation, or even climate apathy about our current runaway global heating emergency.
In case you are curious, here is a comprehensive and effective plan for how we can eventually realize most of the benefits listed on this page.
There are many positive benefits that we will experience in fixing and recovering from the climate change emergency
As you will begin to discover from the benefits listed below, we can create the basics of a Great Global Rebirth while we are working together to slow down the runaway global heating extinction threat so that more of humanity can survive and thrive. Here is the list of achievable positive benefits if we can get climate change better managed and slowed down:
Benefit 1 - Having the beautiful world and the livable future we get --- if we make the right and required global fossil fuel reduction choices.
The best news is that we still have a small amount of time left to fix our first stage of runaway global warming before it goes beyond our control. But, when we are successful, it will make so much of our lives better.
Imagine a world:
1. with clean, fresh air that did not kill us or make our children ill.
2. with a new type of globalized sustainable prosperity for ALL. This sustainable prosperity for ALL comprises sustainable livelihoods and lifestyles described in full on these pages.
3. where dramatic increases in cooperation and collaboration replace over-consumerism, distorted greed capitalism, and conflict-generating toxic over-competition.
4. where the population lives in balance with existing resources and not overshooting resource availability.
6. where former fossil fuel workers transform our transportation system. Imagine them building fast, green bullet trains and expanding universal access to self-driving electric vehicles, eliminating the need for most private transportation and parking lots.
6. with existing parking lots and our many buildings' roofs becoming organic gardens, parks, or solar panel farms.
7. with our cities transformed into safe and healthy places and healthy forests, soils, waterways, and oceans, helping clean our air and water and feed us sustainably.
Imagine we make the right 2025 global fossil fuel reduction target choices, and in doing this, we achieve all of the above and we also become good stewards of the world and our futures.
And finally, imagine that by creating a sustainable prosperity for ALL, we have preserved the hope for both ourselves and future generations that life will go on and that the quality of our lives will be stable and improve. By acting responsibly now, we get to experience and preserve for ourselves and future generations the opportunity to survive and thrive and experience a sustainable prosperity.
To see this super-benefit in another critical way, know that when we solve the runaway global heating emergency, we will greatly limit the painful road of continually escalating economic, political, and social chaos that is unavoidable partly because of our 60 years of ignoring valid global heating warmings. When we fix runaway global heating, we will not have to watch humanity's final members pass away with much of the Earth's other biological life. (For more on the step-by-step process of a climate change-driven collapse and extinction, see this critical page.)
If you have not done so already, we strongly recommend at some point, you read about the many principles for creating a sustainable prosperity for ALL found here.
Benefit 2 - When we fix the climate and runaway global heating emergency using principles of climate justice for all, we also help significantly improve or fix many of the world's other most threatening global challenges.
When we work together to resolve the single greatest disruptor, threat multiplier, and threat amplifier of the 21st century (climate change and runaway global heating), we will simultaneously reduce many of the other negative consequences of the world's other critical systemic challenges. Below please find a brief list of the other critical global systemic challenges that will significantly improve as we complete the many government-driven actions needed to get runaway global heating under control.
We will lessen:
the loss of animal and plant biodiversity (This is because of the global temperature rise and other global warming pollutants.)
the escalating hazardous pollution of our air (with carbon, methane, and other greenhouse gases.)
the escalating pollution of our lands (with acid rain and other fossil fuel pollutants.)
the escalating pollution of our seas and waters (by overheating them and from the carbon fallout turning our waters more carbonic, making it more difficult for many animals of the seas to survive.)
the current general environmental degradation, (Fixing the global warming emergency will eventually force us all to live more sustainable and less polluting lives and livelihoods.)
rising mass migrations (growing global heating-driven mass migrations of desperate climagees (climate refugees) due to crop failures and low yields harm climagees, nations and multiple environments and animal populations.)
escalating conflicts, war, and terrorism (with rising mass migrations and resource depletion because global warming is destroying crops, water, and so many other human and animal resources, there will be more conflicts.)
increasing global economic instabilities (all of the above and accelerating global heating consequences will cause far more global economic instability.)
increasing political instability and collapsing governments (This is because of all of the earlier issues.)
economic inequality, social and racial injustice, hunger, and poverty (This is because when we prevent failing governments due to accelerating global heating consequences, the resolution of economic inequality, social and racial injustice, hunger and poverty programs, and other safety net programs can be better maintained.)
resource depletion, to resolve global warming, we will be forced to live far more sustainable lives and livelihoods and we will therefore use less resources. This new sustainability will lead to a wise and reduced use of non-renewal and renewable resources.
new COVID-19-like pandemics and other new or old epidemics that will likely occur every decade or less. (This is because of the stresses put on the world's health systems by runaway global heating and all of the previous issues.)
our current failure to evolve effective global governance, solving the global emergency of runaway global heating will also require and force us to evolve more effective global governance at least in the area of our common climate management. (Maybe we will not achieve full global governance. But as the climate worsens, we might at least achieve partial global governance. This is where all nations would allow new laws, enforcement, and punishment by all other nations within their territory for all issues relating to fixing the runaway global heating extinction emergency.)
overpopulation, to be able to live the sustainable lives and livelihoods that we must eventually live to get global warming under control, we will also have to collectively realize that our current population of about 8 billion far exceeds the carrying capacity of the Earth (about 1 1/2 to 2 billion people.) At that point of collective insight, we will install global incentives and policies to get Earth back to a sustainable population level without Overshoot. On the other hand, suppose we fail to self-regulate human reproduction and the accelerating global warming emergency. In that case, nature will reduce the population for us through the process of global collapse. (To see what an overpopulation global warming-driven global collapse process would look like, click here.)
As we resolve runaway global heating, we will also be making most of the world's other critical global challenges (above) far, far easier to resolve! Additionally, most of our best social, economic, and political values, goals, and human rights will also become far easier and more probable to achieve once we get the greatest disruptor, threat multiplier, and threat amplifier of the 21st century (our runaway global heating extinction emergency) resolved.
The values, goals, and human rights that we can make more of and continue progress on (without the runaway global heating emergency hanging over our heads) are shown in the Sustainable Development illustration below.
Because of the severity of the coming runaway global heating consequences, we can only build a new world of far greater peace, climate justice, and security by eventually fixing the runaway global heating emergency. Said slightly differently, here are just a few of the evolutionary changes in values, goals, and processes that will be far easier to improve or create once the runaway global heating extinction emergency (which will continue to demand more and more resources if left unchecked) is finally under control.
We will be better able to:
a. end racial and educational injustice,
b. create universal healthcare,
c. end wealth and income equity and the excesses of extreme wealth and poverty,
d. create housing and employment equity,
e. reduce our destructive consume/pollute/waste consumerism,
f. end critical resource depletion and overshoot and create resource rebalancing,
g. allow for the return and strengthening of biodiversity because of reduced pollution and encroachment into natural habitats,
h. create the next evolutionary and new economic fair exchange system beyond our current corporate over-consumption, greed-based extractive-based capitalism. This new economic system will not rely upon the false fundamental principle of unlimited growth within the closed and limited Earth system. And,
i. create effective global governance based on the collective well-being of all planetary citizens vs. our current corporatocracy to benefit the wealthy few that we have now. (To begin to repair corporatocracy, we would need to remove all personhood rights from corporations, hold them strictly responsible for the triple bottom line principles and make them pay for all pollution and harm they have caused by exporting their waste and pollution upon and into the public commons.)
All of the previous items will help build a sustainable prosperity and a just and equitable future for ALL of humanity, including all of the biological life that sustains us. All of the above things can help create a global civil society with individual human rights and responsibilities held in the appropriate and proper balance with community and government rights and responsibilities.
Before reading on, please take a moment and visualize how much better your life and our world will be when all of the beautiful values and goals listed above are improved and eventually achieved!
If we do not get the global heating extinction emergency resolved, and the climate continues to de-stabilize at the current rate, there will be no practical way to fix humanity's other major global challenges or to make continued progress on, sustain, or ever realize most of the above Sustainable Prosperity and Development values, goals, and human rights. (To see a detailed and expanded description of each of humanity's other critical global challenges to better understand how important it is for us to manage our global warming emergency, click here.)
An additional warning and a tough reality check about the challenge of meaningful change in our current world situation
Our existing human social systems (the economic systems, political systems, how we treat and think about the environment, and our religious systems) have been so co-opted and corrupted so thoroughly by multiple sources (wealthy corporations, billionaires, authoritarian leaders, authoritarian structures and belief systems, etc., that they are no longer rational or suitable when it comes to those systems truly serving the short or long-term well-being of the majority of the world's people and our planetary supportive eco-systems.
Humanity is at an environmental and resource Overshoot crossroads. Humanity will become nearly extinct if it does not immediately make simultaneous major whole system improvements.
Humanity can create finally an equitable, just, and environmentally sustainable future but only through the many processes of simultaneous whole systems improvement. This whole system improvement will be almost impossible to do with the existing power structures, which are highly resistant to change or correction.
It is probable that only through the processes of widespread collapse will there be the necessary unobstructed pathway to create the whole system improvement all of humanity needs to survive.
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Benefit 3 - By being forced toward a more sustainable future to survive, we create hundreds of millions of new, well-paid green energy generation and transition jobs.
Benefit 4 - We are intelligent and adaptive beings who can resolve or adapt to almost anything. As we fully engage with ending the runaway global heating emergency (using the Job One for Humanity Plan B), we will continue to advance the natural foundation for long-term Sustainable Prosperity for everyone.
Benefit 5 - We still have time to prepare, adapt, and build global warming emergency reserves and resilience into our local and international preparedness systems. Prudent individuals will have this done before 2025 when climate change consequences will dramatically worsen. Click here for how to do this.
Benefit 6 - There will be positive climate wildcards that will at least benefit some parts of the world. Some wildcards might also be in the form of new technologies that could help us dramatically reduce fossil fuel usage and radically increase green energy generation and consumption to slow global warming.
Benefit 7 - Despite the escalating threats before us, we can still fully enjoy our normal daily lives for quite a while longer (depending on our current location) as we work together to resolve the many challenges of the rapidly escalating global warming emergency.
Benefit 8 - Ongoing scientific research is now more effectively warning more individuals about the great global warming challenge and extinction emergency before us. More individuals and organizations will get prepared and be more likely to survive.
Benefit 9 - Our accelerating global warming will inevitably force us into new levels of local, national, and international climate cooperation.
Benefit 10 - Without a doubt, accelerating global warming is human history's single greatest collective adaptive challenge and evolutionary adventure. As the single greatest "exterior" global threat and disruptor humanity has ever faced, it will eventually and literally force us to transform and grow in global cooperation, evolutionary maturity, and as one human family.
Seen from this transformational perspective, our global warming emergency may also become the greatest opportunity in human history for intentional, well-reasoned social, economic, and political evolutionary growth. If humanity wants to survive this emergency, it will force humanity to live far more sustainable lifestyles and livelihoods.
Benefit 11 - As global warming accelerates, many colder areas will get warmer and will be able to grow warmer climate crops that they could not grow previously.
Benefit 12 - In resolving the global climate extinction emergency, we will be forced to pilot new and more effective models of global governance. In fact, we will have to evolve some effective form of global governance with legislative, executive, and judicial powers, or we will not be able to solve global warming in time.
Benefit 13 - We can trust 13.8 billion years of evolutionary progress, success, and momentum to help get us through this emergency and adaptive challenge. Click here for an amazing and beautiful explanation of precisely what this means.
Benefit 14 - We now face herculean challenges and unavoidable chains of catastrophes from the global warming emergency and the world's 11 other critical systemic challenges. The global warming emergency will cause many individuals to re-examine their lives, lifestyles, and livelihoods. These chains of catastrophes will be powerful catalysts for change that may not have occurred if we were not so challenged!
When deeply understood, these catastrophes will create life-changing and life-empowering moments of metanoia (in most of its wonderful meanings here) and catharsis. These catastrophes will help us and even force us to embrace new values and behaviors and take the new paths needed to ensure a better future for all.
Benefit 15 - There is unique spiritual, meaning, purpose, and character-building benefits for individuals and faith communities in dealing with this global heating emergency and forwarding the climate re-stabilization and a global ecological, economic, and political justice and equity re-balancing process. The fact that with accelerating global warming, we are truly facing mass to near-total extinction within our lifetimes will likely serve as a catalyst to bring many individuals closer to the Great Mystery and the origin of life. (Click here to discover why total human extinction is not realistic or probable, and the worst humanity will experience is near-total extinction (50 to 90+% of humanity going extinct.)
Benefit 16 - Resolving the runaway global heating emergency while the world's other critical systemic challenges also worsen will be extremely difficult. This means that working through the challenges of this evolutionary adventure will be equally or even more rewarding, not only in having a safer and healthier world but also in increasing the overall meaning and purpose we will bring to our lives.
Benefit 17 - We do not have to "polarize to mobilize" because we are all in the same boat regarding the global heating extinction emergency and the other global challenges we now face. To be successful, we have to do this together.
Benefit 18 - it is your privilege, honor, and responsibility should you choose to accept it, to be a part of the forward-thinking team and movement to help prepare and adapt as well as to save and salvage whatever we can while we are also doing every we can to slow down the ongoing extinction of about half of humanity by mid-century, while at the same time, we work tirelessly toward preventing a near-total extinction event. It is hard to imagine a more meaningful, exciting, and wise way to protect yourself, your family, and future generations while living out as comfortably as possible, whatever years you may have left.
Benefit 19 - If we start immediately and work together using an effective, prioritized plan like the one we created called the Job One for Humanity Plan B, many of us will still survive and thrive many now unavoidable global warming consequences. In order to create the best possible outcomes for ourselves and those we love, we are still able to squarely face this emergency and prepare for and adapt to it. (Click here for how to get started on the just upgraded Job One Plan to protect you and your loved ones, and start making the best of our difficult global warming emergency!)
Benefit 20 - In some ways, from the broadest possible evolutionary perspective, the global warming emergency and our other 11 systemic global challenges can be seen as just another period of evolutionary compression and regression. Despite our great technological advances, this social, economic, and political compression caused by many new stressful challenges and what looks like a collective human maturity period of retrogression is a natural reoccurring part of our evolution where evolution seeks to reach higher levels of unity and cooperation. (For More on this evolutionary compression and regression issue, click here for expanded positive perspectives on this natural evolutionary compression and regression factor and our current emergency and global challenges.)
Benefit 21 - Those of us who do survive and thrive through this emergency will likely do so in part by creating a Great Global Rebirth and new eco-communities and more sustainable towns and cities. These new eco-communities, towns, and cities will be more in harmony with the natural world and become "beacons of light" and living examples that will demonstrate that some of us have learned how to live sustainably and as one human family. Hopefully, these new eco-communities will have evolved and be overseen by a cooperating and facilitating new global governance system working for the common benefit of ALL humankind, and not for just wealthy individuals or corporations or narrow national interests. These actions could become important seeds and processes for a Great Global Rebirth.
Benefit 22 - Luckily, evolution will keep teaching through pain, loss, stress, and discomfort until we get "it." Modern society has become obsessed with convenience, comfort, consumption, and waste. The world is now moving in the wrong direction when you view the global systemic challenges it now faces.
The unsustainable "consume and waste" mess that we have put ourselves in with climate change and the other 11 global challenges will cause us a lot of unavoidable pain, loss, stress, and discomfort until we adapt and make the needed sustainability changes. If we do not adapt, evolution will keep increasing the pain until we adapt or die off as a species. We will eventually adapt because "almost all people, businesses, and nations change when the pain going forward is less than the pain of staying where they are." The key here is to adapt before it is too late to avoid the worst climate outcomes!
Benefit 23 - The currently excessive power of global corporations will have to come back into balance with the collective well-being to create a more sustainable world for all. Corporations like the fossil fuel industry currently wield too much control over our politicians and over the interests of our collective well-being. We can not solve the global heating extinction emergency unless we begin acting for the public well-being and reducing the influence and lobbying powers of the mega-corporations over our governments. Addressing and fixing the global warming sub-step will also help do much to help resolve the world's other critical systemic global challenges.
Benefit 24 - Although it will take centuries or thousands of years, once we do stop adding new carbon and methane pollution to our atmosphere each year, we can eventually establish a new and stable global average temperature and a climate that will support the flourishing of humanity in sustainable ways and all of biological nature.
Benefit 25 - Because we cannot eliminate all of the coming pain, suffering, and death due to global heating's many unavoidable consequences, we can at least still work together and build more and better relationships at both micro and macro levels to slow and MINIMIZE the damages of those unavoidable consequences effectively. This will allow us to save and salvage as much as possible so that more of us survive longer and better to be there to build the Great Global Rebirth.
Benefit 26 - There still exists an appropriate, rational, and science-supported hope that a portion of humanity will make it through the climate change emergency. It is highly improbable that humanity will ever experience total extinction because of climate change and the runaway global heating emergency. Click here to read the many powerful reasons that total human extinction is not a realistic future climate consequence and that, at the very worse, only near-total extinction is our possible fate.
Benefit 27: Please click here to read about the encouraging history of how as few as 200 mating pairs saved humanity from extinction in the past. It covers more about the "Big Picture" evolutionary perspectives on how the post-collapse Great Global Rebirth will likely occur. This is a Great Global Rebirth must-read!
Benefit 28 - The accelerating global heating emergency is a real and legitimate emotional issue! You have every right to be sad or angry for a while. The global warming emergency is real because if we do not radically change our global fossil fuel burning ways to come close to the challenging 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, we will face a global heating-driven extinction of about half of humanity by mid-century. But, there is good news and benefits even here.
This is because even though it may no longer be possible to avoid this mass extinction event because we have done so little over the last 60 years to fix global warming and we have crossed key climate tipping points and feedbacks, we still have time left to reduce global fossil fuel use to get as close to the 2025 targets to avoid near-total extinction over the next 50-70 years (Getting very close to these 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets will take nothing less than the greatest government-directed mass mobilization of resources, personnel, and actions ever attempted in human history.
Benefit 29: An honest, non-politicized, and complete plan to resolve the runaway global heating extinction emergency already exists. All you have to do is begin it. It has practical actions everyone can do and start immediately.
Every other plan we know of today for fixing climate change is either incomplete, off the critical path needed to meet survival critical deadlines, highly politicized into ineffectiveness, or far too little, far too late. Click here to see the one plan that will work in time, the Job One for Humanity, Plan B.
Benefit 30: Be sure to read more details about one of the most powerful benefits of all, the possibilities of a Great Global Rebirth, farther down this page.
Never forget that we can still create the world we and future generations will love to live in. We can build a new world of far greater peace and security and be co-creators of a Great Global Rebirth! First, we must get the runaway global heating extinction emergency slowed and then resolved to do this.
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Get started today on an honest solution to the runaway global heating extinction emergency
The not-for-profit Job One for Humanity organization primarily educates individuals and businesses on surviving and thriving through the soon-coming climate change and global heating catastrophes. Our Job One for Humanity Plan will also show you how to reduce global warming. Get started with our Job One for Humanity Plan to resolve the global warming emergency and improve our other 11 critical global challenges by clicking here or by clicking the image below.
Here are the three most important reasons why we must press on and meet or get as close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets as possible in spite of all the many challenges we will face
The most important reason that we must press on and meet or get very close to the 2025 targets is simple and powerful. Because we have squandered 60 years of climate warnings where we did little to reverse global heating, about 50% of humanity will suffer and die due to starvation over a relatively short period (2-3 decades.) As horrible as much as 50% of humanity, as well as a lot of animals and biological life, suffering and dying is, this outcome is still far better than having 70-90+% (or even all of humanity) suffering and dying over the next 3-5 decades (if we fail to reach or come very close to the 2025 targets.)
There are four things we can always be sure of during this runaway global heating extinction emergency. Despite all of the challenges and adverse global warming outcomes that are possible and discussed above, the single constant truth for the best possible outcome for humanity is that; the faster and more we reduce global fossil fuel use toward meeting or getting as close as possible to the 2025 targets:
a. the more people that will survive longer to carry on humanity, life, and our beautiful civilization into the future (See Parts 3 and 4 of the Job One Plan for how to do this.)
b. the surviving future generations will suffer far less from an ever-increasing sequence of escalating global warming consequences and catastrophes, and
c. we will "buy" ourselves more time to prepare and adapt to what we can no longer avoid (see the global warming Plan B and survival kit here.)
d. we can create many of the benefits and opportunities described on this page.
More people surviving longer and more people having time to prepare themselves, their families, and their businesses for what is coming is an undeniable good, particularly when you weigh it against the unavoidable consequences of doing nothing or failure to make the needed sacrifices to get global warming under control.
Never forget, we still have some time left:
1. to make the required critical fossil fuel reductions,
2. to complete the necessary emergency preparations,
3. to adapt to soon-arriving global warming consequences that we can no longer change, and
4. prevent total human extinction.
The essential positive perspective for all of the disruptive climate change and runaway global heating news
Despite the many types of challenging global warming consequences and past fossil fuel reduction mistakes that we now face, we can still learn from their feedback, and we can adapt and evolve to make life as good and as happy as is possible. No matter how severe the coming global warming consequences might become, if we wisely play the remaining cards we have been dealt, we can still achieve the best possible outcomes.
We can yet make a significant difference in reducing global fossil fuel use to stabilize and save the future of humanity by executing a comprehensive reduction and survival plan like the Job One for Humanity Plan.
We can persevere through this time of emergency. We must remember that our greatest challenges are also the seeds of our greatest opportunities.
We are engaged in nothing less than the most critical and meaningful evolutionary opportunity, challenge, and adventure in human history! Our last opportunity is to slow down the human extinction threat by getting close to these 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. Only reaching these targets will fully remove the near-total extinction threat. We also significantly improve many of the world's other major challenges in reaching these targets.
Get started today on the Job One for Humanity Plan. Help save and salvage as much of humanity and our beautiful civilization as possible.
Additional Positive Perspectives, Benefits, and Climate-related Emotional Support
Until one processes their distressing climate or environmental emotions in a healthy way, one may continue to feel upset by them. Therefore, in addition to what is on this page, to help you, we also have provided the following:
1. If you have not done so previously, please click here to see precisely how mother nature and humanity working together will eventually save us from ourselves and total extinction, even if we miss the 2025 targets. The essential page describes why and how total extinction from climate change-related consequences is not probable or realistic. This page is also one of the most-read pages on our website.
2. For a super-powerful new video we highly recommend for emotional and spiritual support due to global warming, environmental, or emotional upset, click here.
3. This critical additional page to proven techniques for processing the above difficult climate emotions.
4. The big last bonus benefit if climate change and global heating are still getting you down. As you learn more about the enormity of our runaway global heating emergency now unfolding within our lifetimes, you, like many others, may become disheartened. You may even join the millions worldwide who have become legitimately depressed as they face the genuine probability of a human, animal, and biological mass extinction event occurring within a few decades.
Do not feel alone if you are feeling sad or depressed about the sometimes seemingly unsolvable problem of climate change and global heating. Psychologists and psychiatrists from all over the world also are now reporting an increasing amount of clients bringing anxiety, anger, and depression about the global warming crisis in their therapy sessions. Numerous religious and social groups have also created global warming support groups to address this growing worldwide issue.
To help you with any lingering upset about our global warming emergency, our whole staff also strongly recommends you also read the following new media article to help you see more benefits and to particularly manage any remaining anxiety, anger, or depression that one can feel once they understand how bad global warming has become. The following New Yorker Magazine media story has many unique perspectives and benefits not covered in the materials above that also will emotionally help you make it through this crisis and still find a way to have a good, purposeful, and meaningful life. (Please click here to read this fantastic article in the New Yorker magazine called, "What if we stop pretending." Read this article to the very end.)
5. If you are of a spiritual nature and would like to expand your emotional and spiritual support as we go through the hard times ahead, please click here. It will take you to our sister website Universe Spirit where you can explore Evolution Spirituality, an open-source, science-grounded new form of personalizable spiritual practice.
If you still have any remaining doubts that our global society will experience a climate-related Great Global Die-Off and Great Global Collapse process, we strongly recommend reading this step-by-step description of the climate-driven Great Global Collapse.
The most critical factors on why a Great Global Die-off and Great Global Collapse process will most likely precede the possibilities of a Great Global Rebirth
"Well over 200 major civilizations have risen and collapsed in the 10,000 years of modern human evolution. This fact tells you that past major civilizations appear to rise naturally and then just as naturally collapse. Currently, there are many strong warning signals that our global civilization has entered a collapse cycle.
Logically, this does not mean our current global civilization will collapse entirely or forever. Instead, the history and natural rise and fall of major civilizations would more rationally point to the fact and greater likelihood that, once again, a new major civilization will rise after the collapse.
The natural collapse process and cycle imply that rather than giving up all hope and doing nothing, humanity should be getting very busy preparing for this collapse, but even more busy preparing for the next rise of human civilization. It would be far more logical to embrace all the possibilities that the rise of a new global civilization could embody from the best lessons learned over the 10,000 years of modern human evolution." Lawrence Wollersheim
Unfortunately, the many benefits of a Great Global Rebirth are only realistically possible after we go through the globally widespread, transitional, and temporary Great Global Die-off and collapse. But fortunately, there is a benefit to the die-off and collapse process.
This great die-off and collapse process will do what we (our governments and other power institutions) appear unable to do. This massive global collapse process will act to break down our nonadaptive and change-resistant economic, political, and social institutions and vested power structures, which would never allow humanity to make the critical economic, political, and social changes needed to fix the climate change emergency and our 11 other worsening global crises. (This natural evolutionary die-off, collapse, and rebirth process is described in detail on this page.)
Never forget that the primary reason for this current die-off and collapse process is that humanity has waited too long to fix the global heating extinction emergency, which acts to amplify and multiply our other 11 major global crises. Unfortunately, at this point, we have crossed too many critical climate tipping points, which now have unavoidably condemned us to suffer far too many of climate change's primary and secondary consequences and soon cross a critical extinction-triggering climate tipping point.
The links below will also help you better understand how the reality of the Great Global Die-Off and collapse process occurring before a Great Global Rebirth can fully come into being is both logical and reasonable:
Underlying the climate change primary cause of humanity's failure to act in time behind the globally widespread, transitional, and tempory Great Global Collapse and Die-off is a well-established evolutionary theory. This theory is explained in great detail in this link.
How the many interrelated and interconnected processes involved in how the Great Global Die-off and collapse will occur is explained on this page.
Why about half or more of humanity will now unavoidably go extinct by about mid-century is explained in this link.
Why ALL of humanity will not likely go extinct is explained in this link.
The four major extinction-triggering climate tipping points are explained here in this link.
For many additional potential benefits of becoming a Climate Evolutioneer, directly helping to build a positive and beautiful future for humanity, and becoming a co-creator of the Great Global Rebirth, read this page, and then be sure to see this page!
Even if everything goes wrong and we fail to fix the runaway global heating extinction emergency, there are still very long-term benefits
Please note that even if we fail to manage the global heating extinction emergency and endure a global climate collapse process (as described here), we can still achieve many of the benefits on this page. This will be possible because almost all of the institutions, organizations, and governments supporting the climate and other policies that either block or that make the above benefits impossible to achieve will themselves have mostly collapsed in an accelerating global heating-driven global collapse!
Thus, for those survivors who have learned the hard lessons from this great global heating collapse trauma, there will be fresh and fully cleared "economic, social and political ground to build anew." On this cleared ground, the Great Global Rebirth can still take place, possibly even easier than it could have been built by having to fight the well-established, supremely powerful, and entrenched financial vested interests for every change that would benefit the common well-being of humanity.
Once the "ground" has been cleared, any survivors can build new, more sustainable systems and structures from the ground up based on what they have learned from the great collapse, and that will finally help resolve almost all of the other current global crises. They will not have to fight a powerful and rigged system that now appears to be working against the common best interests of all humanity and for the interests of the privileged few.
To read about the other "dark" benefits that will exist even if everything goes horribly wrong with our climate future and we fail utterly, click here.
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Benefits Summary and Conclusion
1. You now know the benefits of fixing global heating and climate change and creating a Great Global Rebirth.
2. You should be able to stay better motivated to make the needed changes to help save the future.
3. You can now access a practical and effective plan to resolve the global warming and heating emergency.
4. Periodic and cyclical collapse is just another normal part of the evolutionary process.
5. We also have discovered that regular review of the climate change and global heating benefits on this page was critical to keeping our Job One staff and volunteers from worrying too much about the current often discouraging climate news. These materials have motivated our volunteer team to stay on our difficult educational mission over the last 13 years.
6. This website will help you understand this real and multifaceted global emergency that we all now face.
7. When we are successful, half or more of humanity will survive!
Never forget that by helping us to educate about the runaway global heating emergency and our practical Job One for Humanity plan to fix it, you are doing something noble and beautiful. You are not only acting to save yourself and your loved ones but also helping to reduce suffering and save the lives of billions of others.
You are also becoming a true global heating hero or heroine and a runaway global heating educator or activist.
Please be sure to read our continuously updated page, Today's Climate Change Condition Facts. If you understand these current climate change facts, the following benefits will make even more sense to you.
There are three more essential pages to understanding all Climate Change benefits
These three other benefit pages present a comprehensive examination of the positive and negative effects and benefits of maintaining a reasonable and appropriate hope that collectively, humanity will find a way to survive, or at least some small part will survive.
These other pages are
1. Evolutionary Benefits & Perspectives,
2. Climate Failure Dark Benefits, and
3. Great Global Rebirth Challenges.
If you want to understand the climate science and analysis procedures we used to present the above information, click here for a technical explanation of our climate research process.
Showing 3 reactions
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catostropes can happen. this is very well depicted in a movie produce many years back , tittled RATOPOLIS A shorter version few minutes video is also awailable. people have ran away. please look it up on google, you will find it. There is most recently published book " We are borrowing from our Children . must read. appreciate your 16 points benifits. Impactable action needs COCREATION
mohan bajikar-india
91.9717977756, 91.9810618066