Tim Kehl

  • donated 2024-11-22 11:57:16 -0800

    Make One-Time or Monthly Tax Deductible Donation Here

    $23,909.34 raised
    GOAL: $30,000.00

    To make a secure one-time, tax-deductible online donation, use the fill-in form at the bottom of this page. 

    (You will immediately receive an email receipt for tax deduction purposes.) 

    To make a secure automatic monthly donationclick here.


    Explore All Critical Climate Change Benefits and Promotionals for Becoming a Donor/Member.

    As a Member, you will be able to access Climate Change Resilience-Building, Preparation, and Relocation Guides, Free Climate Change Ebooks, Emergency Alerts, and special donor-only videos and web updates, etc. Click here for more information.

    To donate by mail, make your check payable to Factnet, PMB 2167, 1650 S. Casino, Dr. Laughlin, Nevada 89029.

    Job One for Humanity is a 100% publicly funded nonprofit climate change think tank. It is a DBA of a 30-year-old US, tax-exempt, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization called Factnet. We have received the highest possible nonprofit financial transparency trust rating of Platinum Transparency from Candid/Guidestar.



  • signed up on Footer Signup Response Page 2022-09-24 15:55:16 -0700

    Thanks for signing up! Please activate your new account from your email now.

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    • Please go to your activation email and click the link we sent you to activate your new account. This confirms your identity and protects us both from spambots.

    • If you do not see your activation email check your junk or spam folders, or that you have entered the right email. 

    The Job One for Humanity Climate and Global Crises Relisience Plan guides you through 4 levels of personal and collective actions you can take to help slow, and lessen the climate change emergency. 

    You can make a real difference in helping to resolve escalating climate change and global warming!

    Please also select what interests you most about our climate change work from the list further below if you have not done so already! 


    The Job One Team

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