Why Sustainable Prosperity Now?
The new ideas and practices of Sustainable Prosperity, sustainable economics, and sustainable consumerism (prosumerism) have come into being as a wise adaptation to current local, national and global conditions. Those conditions are:
1.) a rapidly growing global population needing and competing for increased amounts and levels of LIMITED energy and other resources,
2.) our destabilizing global climate due to human-caused global warming and fossil fuel burning,
3.) the negative effects of increasing other forms of air, water, and soil global pollution that waste, destabilize and further degrade LIMITED resources critically needed by our growing population for its current use and future and,
4.) the very finite level of resources present on earth forcing upon us to live by the 5,000 year reduce, recycle, and reuse rule.
The Full Definition of Sustainable Prosperity, Sustainable Economics, and Sustainable Consumerism/Prosumerism
As mentioned earlier a Sustainable Prosperity, sustainable economics, and sustainable consumerism (prosumerism) for all are defined as follows:
Sustainable prosperity is an intelligent way for everyone to have ample sufficiency as well as abundance (prosperity) in the vital areas of life and to have this prosperity sustainably over the long term.
But there is much to unpack in this definition's specifics to really understand it. To achieve the Sustainable Prosperity goals stated and its definition, Sustainable Prosperity would eventually need to utilize the total and individual productivity of ALL of humanity to create and maintain itself and its supporting biological and physical environments.
It would do this through fair and appropriate merit/value exchanges between all participating parties for greater and expanding periods of time and for greater and expanding scales (numbers of people, communities, nations, ecosystems, etc.)
Breaking down the above goals and processes a bit further, Sustainable Prosperity will always work toward satisfying the following essential needs and conditions:
the initial satisfaction of basic physiological survival (nutrition, shelter, warmth, basic health care, etc.), security and safety needs in ample sufficiency (police, army, courts, etc.).
the creation of individual and group productivity-based surpluses. These surpluses will eventually also provide for and encourage the full satisfaction of all of the other often education-enhanced physical, emotional, and spiritual needs found at the higher levels of Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy. (Click the Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy graphic link in this sentence to make these additional and higher human needs clearer.)
a stabilized maintenance for all essential humanity-supporting ecosystems (biological species, diversity, and habitat), and physical systems (clean air, water, productive soils, etc.) To do this will also require new verifiable and enforceable international laws that cause every environmental polluter to pay the full cost of their pollution and cleanup. Currently, polluters externalize the costs of their pollution by passing them on to taxpayers within the nation and human commons. The new verifiable and enforceable international pollution laws will have to ensure that this can no longer happen and all pollution costs are always internalized to that polluting individual or organization. If this was done today, they can no longer burden or destroy the common spaces, the collective wealth, and collective well-being of both individuals and humanity as a whole! All pollution economic advantages to any entity anywhere in the world must be equally punished with standardized, painful fines and restitution charges. This is done by mandating all other verification and enforcement actions needed to ensure compliance with these new International laws.
the establishment of adequate special reserves and surpluses (building redundancies and system resilience), to maintain basic group physiological survival and safety needs relating to natural disasters, accidents, mistakes, and other unpredictable "black swan" emergencies.
the utilization of all waste products through reusing and recycling (or sequestering if needed), to renew and replenish appropriate resource stocks and systems. This will naturally increase profitability for individuals, organizations, and nations adapting the no un-recycled or re-used waste policy.
create additional surplus and reserves to offer assistance, charity, and protection for the care of the ill, the incapacitated, handicapped, or elderly who truly are no longer able to be productive in fair and appropriate exchanges with others and the society. These surpluses and reserves would be created by improved or sufficient individual, group, and national meritorious productivity.
Please note: Points 1-5 above can only be attained in a sustainable way. That sustainable way is defined as a way that simultaneously also balances and integrates the appropriate needs of other living species, of our planetary biological support systems (clean air, water, etc.), and assures alignment with the interests and needs of the progressive evolution of the universe as a whole. If we do not balance and align our needs with the needs of other systems upon which we are dependent or that have a controlling or conditioning influence over us, we will soon become unsustainable as a species. (More will be said about progressive evolution and its role in bringing about the ideas of Sustainable Prosperity later in this online booklet.)
More Depth to the Definition:
In addition to the previously given Sustainable Prosperity definitions, Sustainable Prosperity has some deeper ideas that make it work and give it legitimacy. A Sustainable Prosperity practitioner or Evolutioneer also understands that:
a.) We need to live within the natural or functional limits of nature. Growth is not limitless on a finite planet or in a finite universe. The popular free-market principles of "growth economics," which are based on the theory of endless economic growth and infinite resource substitutability in the closed resource system of the Earth are in fact a dangerous delusion that will eventually bring about local, national and global collapse.
Keep in mind cancer cells grow endlessly and are the zenith of endless growth and un-sustainability. Their endless growth almost always kills their hosts. (if you are curious, also see the idea of Degrowth which is the opposite of the growth economics principles and is yet still substantially different than the ideas of Sustainable Prosperity presented here.)
b.) There are inherent and intrinsic evolutionary interdependencies and interconnectedness in life in a particular environment, economy, and society. The universe in which we in all of our systems exist is truly one single union and the "text for which no other context exists." Because we are all embedded in the one universe union, our sustainability practices must also reflect this reality.
c.) There needs to be an appropriate and fair distribution of technology, information, opportunity (access), and resources within and between the parts of any given grouping based upon merit, fair exchange, and essential basic need. Without this distributive justice element active within a Sustainable Prosperity grouping, sooner or later Sustainable Prosperity practices will break down.
d.) the universe's evolutionary principles for successfully sustaining life have been proven over billions of years of trial and error testing. The Sustainable Prosperity principles have been drawn directly from how evolution has successfully sustained individual life and groups over its history.
e.) Sustainable prosperity eventually deals with the excesses of extreme wealth and extreme poverty because unless this energy distribution imbalance is corrected it will be difficult if not impossible to establish a true Sustainable Prosperity for everyone. Applying the actions recommended in this Sustainable Prosperity online booklet as well as by applying the Universe Principles (which will be presented later in the booklet) will naturally and gradually help rectify the unsafe, unhealthy and inherently unfair energy imbalances of extreme poverty and in extreme wealth.
Sustainable Prosperity Also Implies…
“It is not hard to imagine a new kind of prosperous and sustainable world using the principles of sustainable prosperity.” -- A Sustainable Prosperity practitioner
When we say Sustainable Prosperity for everyone, we mean all individuals. But we do not mean that some individuals can freeload or steal, abusing the goodwill of a productive social group or community. Sustainable prosperity will not exist for long unless both individuals and groups are highly productive. If an individual is of able body and sound mind, can be productive and be in fair and appropriate merit exchange with others for their work --- they are part of the definition of ALL! This also implies that the social group may and should also provide support for charity situations for the truly infirm, disabled or elderly from the surplus and reserves created by the super productivity of the group. That is how wise charity has been funded in one way or another since the beginning of time.
Sustainable Prosperity is a big new vision but creates a true win/win/win at the highest levels and it is more than worth the effort and extra creativity needed. Sustainable Prosperity for all also creates a far greater sense of meaning, satisfaction, and wellbeing in the lives of those who practice it. The principles of Sustainable Prosperity also will eventually lead to the end of most wars and crimes.
This is simply because Sustainable Prosperity maintains our supporting ecosystems and satisfies most of a human's needs listed on the Maslow's Needs Hierarchy. Most people, when given the chance, find deep value in being able to achieve more and increasing levels of Maslow's different need satisfaction levels in their lives.
Research has shown that personal life satisfaction is nearly the highest in individuals when basic physiological survival and safety needs are initially met. Life satisfaction goes a tiny bit higher on this satisfaction bell curve graph when just a few extra comforts or luxuries are added. The satisfaction level drops steeply when over-consumption occurs and people seek non-essential material needs instead of pursuing the fulfillment of their higher needs on Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy.
One of the greatest beauties of sustainable prosperity is that through meritorious, fair, and appropriate productivity exchanges and wise maintenance of our essential and supporting ecosystems, we will create a lasting human civilization. (Here we are defining “lasting” in universe time frames--in which 10 million human generations is hardly even a blink of the eye in the 13.8 billion years of universe time).
"Sustainable Prosperity sustainable economics and sustainable consumerism will also involve us increasing the time scope of our understanding about the 13.8 billion-year-old evolutionary process of life in the universe. Sustainable Prosperity then moves next to our personal commitment to increasing the satisfaction and meaning of our lives on all levels and finally it ends with our commitment to allowing the same for everyone else." --Lawrence Wollersheim
How to Apply the Rich Implications of the Sustainable Prosperity Full definition to Your Life:
Before you go onto the next page, take some time to think about each part of the full definition and foundational concepts above that make Sustainable Prosperity a system that works. For some of the above ideas, all you have to do is agree with their general premise and start to live them in any way you can. You will also get help with implementing these ideas in your lives and businesses as they are embedded into many of the practices and actions that you will be reading about in the following pages of this online booklet. For now, all that is important is for you to have some familiarity with the depth and breadth of the concepts behind Sustainable Prosperity.
Next, you will read about the secret problems in the global job market. This will set up the pages after that where you will learn about the hundreds of millions of new, good-paying jobs that Sustainable Prosperity will create. Keep reading this online Sustainable Prosperity booklet by clicking the links below.
Go To Page 4: How to Resolve the Next Great Global Jobs Crisis that Politicians, Businesses and National Banks Dare Not Discuss For Fear the Millenials and Younger Generations Might Revolt! ›
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