Make One-Time or Monthly Tax Deductible Donation Here
To make a secure one-time, tax-deductible online donation:
Use the fill-in form at the bottom of this page. (You will immediately receive an email receipt for tax deduction purposes.)
To Discover All Critical Climate Change Benefits and Promotionals for Becoming a Member with a Donation:
(Climate Change Resilience-Building Guides, Relocation Guides, Free Climate Change Ebooks, Emergency updates, etc.), click here.
To make a secure automatic monthly donation, click here.
To donate by mail, make your check payable to Factnet, PMB 2167, 1650 S. Casino Dr. Laughlin, Nevada 89029.
Job One for Humanity is a 100% publicly funded nonprofit climate change think tank. It is a DBA of a 30-year-old US, tax-exempt, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization called Factnet. We have received the highest possible nonprofit financial transparency trust rating of Platinum Transparency from Candid/Guidestar.
For our accomplishments in 2023, click here. To view our funding needs for 2024, click here.
Get Free Climate Danger Alerts and Critical Climate News Updates. Signup Here!
There are two ways to get our climate change warning alerts. The first way will get you alerts as they occur. The second we will give you the alerts about once a month.
Way 1:
We have set up a new almost daily free climate consequence warning service. From now until about 2031, climate change consequences (heat domes, rain bombs, wildfires, droughts, flooding, and extreme storms) will rise dramatically and then, exponentially after that. (This is because of crossed climate tipping points, etc.)
If you want to protect your home, business, and family, get these free early warning alerts by clicking here, then Like and Follow the Job One Facebook page.
When you click Follow, on our Job One Facebook page, you automatically will be sent short, timely, and highly illustrated climate crisis warnings, which look like these:
Most of these climate alerts will be written by former UN IPCC climate change researcher Peter Carter. You can read his bio here.
The climate change train is rapidly accelerating down the tracks. Don't be someone who sees the train coming too late to get out of the way! Get Job One's free climate consequence warning alerts on Facebook and stay informed!.
Way 2:
Enter your email address in the signup box below the laptop photo and click the green Sign Up button. We will occasionally email you critical climate change danger alerts and only the most important climate change news or progress.