The Great Global Warming Migration and Mobilization Event. Wise Individuals are Planning Now!

Do you wonder if (or when) you should consider relocation or migration because of past, current or accelerating future global warming consequences?



Should you also be a part of The Great Global Warming Migration and Mobilization that is already occurring?

Are you thinking about the next 5 to 30 years in a world where global warming will bring about inevitable and extremely serious consequences? 

If you are thinking about relocating or migrating because of accelerating global warming disasters, please join us for a special live presentation (or streaming/video event for those of you outside the San Francisco Bay Area.) (Our video streaming video option is described at the bottom of this page.)


What will be covered and happen in the live event and streaming video: 

The author of Climageddon, The Global Warming Emergency will present new information, which is not in his book as well as answer your questions on what is the best plan and timetable for relocation or migration and what sort of locations will provide the best and longest quality of life in a rapidly changing, global warming affected world.

It will specifically cover:

    • If you should relocate or migrate based on your current location, age, and goals.
    • When to consider relocation or migration based on your current living conditions and situation, age, current location. (Are you looking for just a place to live out the rest of your life in relative safety and peace, or are you also preparing a long term survival home for your children?)
    • What areas of the US and the world will be safest from accelerating global warming consequences for the most prolonged time frames?
    • When is the best time to move based upon real estate availability, prices, rapidly increasing national migration restrictions, and your current location?
    • What are the other key factors to carefully consider before relocating or migrating? 
    • What is the best way to find a new suitable community situation for relocation and migration? Do you move to an existing value-compatible community, or do you create a new sustainable community to help you get through what is coming?

There will be a Q&A after the presentation. 

After the Q&A, there will be time to socialize and meet other people of like minds and goals. During both the Q&A and socializing parts of the event we will have a no-host bar for those who wish to relax with a drink while being a part of this event.

After sign-up, each participant will also immediately receive a free copy of the Climageddon ebook (an $8.95 value) in their choice of any one of the three most popular ebook reader formats. (They can download the ebook immediately after RSVPing and paying for the event.)

After sign-up, each participant will also receive a free 1-year membership for immediate access to the members-only sections of the Job One for Humanity website. (Annual membership is a $15.00 value.) 

Everyone attending the event will also leave with a global warming relocation and migration checklist.





Lawrence Wollersheim, the author of Climageddon, The Global Warming Emergency, and How to Survive it! (Click here to learn more about the Climageddon book or go here to read the dozens of four and five-star reviews at Amazon.) Lawrence is also the executive director of Job One for Humanity, a non-profit organization specializing in global warming education.

You should attend this live event or view the streaming video if you:

have personally experienced (or have loved ones who have experienced) global warming caused consequences such as wildfires, flooding, rain bombs, droughts, heatwaves, extreme storms or global warming-related evacuations, blackouts, smoke, and toxic air alerts.

If by studying the science or by intuition you know or sense global warming is accelerating, then join us for everything you need to know about global warming relocation and migration to stay ahead of escalating global warming emergency and consequences.

What this event is not!

We are not going to spend any time covering "is global warming real?" Or, "are there valid and legitimate reasons for people to be considering migration or relocation." If you do not believe in global warming science or sense global warming's serious consequences, please do not waste your time and attend this presentation! 

This event is not an organizing meeting or a solicitation for a specific project. It is about how to survive and thrive through the challenging new global warming consequences.

If you are still not sure if this live event or video streaming option is for you:

Please read the following website pages on the global warming emergency before you decide to attend. This recommended pre-event reading will allow us to focus on the nuts and bolts of the global warming migration and relocation process knowing that you already understand how severe the coming consequences will be and that the threat and risks are real.

The five most important facts about global warming today.

The 20 worst consequences of global warming.

The four most important global warming deadlines and tipping points.

The Job One Plan to survive and thrive, Part 1.

The surprise benefits of global warming.


The event is currently on hold until our research team gets back from its final relocation research trip in the Pacific Northwest and Northern Rockies!

We estimate the event will be in April or May from 10 am - 1 pm on a weekend day. Guests can begin arriving at 9:30 am. 


To Be announced: Projected to be On a large yacht at 110 Loch Lomond Drive, San Rafael, California 94901 Gate B, Slip 53-56. (The Loch Lomond Yacht club is on the water looking out into the bay right next to dock A. Andy's Local Market is right in front of the yacht club and they serve great and healthy breakfasts, food and coffee. You can bring food and beverages into the event if you like.)


The atmospheric carbon graph below shows the results of our increased fossil fuel burning. Anything over carbon (Co2) 350 ppm is very dangerous!


Until Dec 31st, $35. 

From Jan 1 to February 28th, $45. 

From February 28th to March 21st, $55. 

Contributions are tax-deductible and non-refundable.

This is the first time we are doing the event. The event space will hold over 100 seated guests. If we get less than 25 sign-ups, we reserve the right to reschedule or cancel this event. If we cancel, we will refund your sign-up fee in full within 10 days of cancellation. If we cancel, you get to keep the Climageddon ebook and 1-year Job One for Humanity membership for your inconvenience. 

Parking: Park your car only to the west of Andy's local market found at 75 Loch Lonond drive in San Rafael Ca. Park in the two big free parking lots to the west of Andy's or on the street. Please do not park in Andy's rear parking lot or on the east side of Andy's or, you could get towed!

All proceeds from this event except expenses go directly to the non-profit organization Job One for Humanity.

How to RSVP and Pay if you will be attending the live presentation in the San Francisco Bay Area:

Fill in the information at the bottom of this linked sign-up page.

All key event information will be emailed to you in your payment receipt after your payment is processed. Seating is limited so, tell your friends and get your tickets soon to save!

Signing up for the "video streaming option" for those outside the San Francisco Bay Area:

We will also have a video streaming event option for this live presentation for those of you outside the San Francisco Bay Area. This way you can view it at any time after the live event.

If you can only attend the then online video streaming version of this global warming relocation and migration presentation, please email [email protected] with "Streaming video" in the subject line and we will add you to our streaming video date and pricing notification list.

Once you are on the streaming video list, we will email you the early February release date. 

Do not pay and RSVP for the live San Francisco Bay area event if you want to view the streaming video for this relocation and migration presentation until we email you back with all of the streaming video release date and pricing. (There will be another sign-up page just for streaming video viewers.)


Optional pre-event reading: We also encourage you to explore the other pages of the Job One for Humanity website and/or to check out the most relevant parts of the Climageddon ebook before the event. You can download the Climageddon ebook as soon as you RSVP and pay for the live event in the San Francisco Bay area or, you can buy it on Amazon immediately by clicking here.


To help do something about the climate change and global warming emergency, click here.

Sign up for our free Global Warming Blog by clicking here. (In your email, you will receive critical news, research, and the warning signs for the next global warming disaster.)

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  • David Donnenfield
    commented 2020-01-25 10:23:35 -0800
    What happened to this event. I went to the Loch Lomond Yacht Harbor club house and it was locked. Was the location changed or the event canceled?
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