Don Morgan

  • published Share Us In Social Media in FAQ 2023-07-19 21:36:12 -0700

    Share the Uncensored Job One for Humanity Climate Change Think Tank on Social Media Here.

    It is super easy to send a completed message using the social media buttons below to tell others about the Job One for Humanity climate change think tank and its uncensored climate information. When you use the social media button below, you can privately see how many new people you have gotten involved with Job One because of your social sharing.

    You also will earn social capital points and a better future for everyone and everything you love!

    Humanity is running out of time. We still have a choice about the kind of climate change future we want, but not unless you help us get far more people to read about the uncensored facts of the climate change emergency found on our website.

    If you add a personal note to your sharing, it will be even more effective. Here is great copy you could customize for your personal message:

    "Over the last sixty years, almost every consequence and timeframe we have been told about climate change from our governments, the media, and even most all environmental groups has been underestimated by 20 to 40% or even more. These groups have also unknowingly spread other dangerous climate change disinformation designed to make you feel safe and that we are making climate change progress when neither is true. If you want to discover the uncensored and actual climate change facts or how this underestimation and disinformation happened, click here to learn how you have been systematically deceived by the global fossil fuel cartel about climate change for over sixty years."

    Click some of the social media links below now.


    Start recruiting

  • published Join ClimateSafe Community Here in Act 2023-05-01 08:11:30 -0700

    Secure Your Climate Future: Be Part of a Visionary, Self-Sufficient ClimateSafe Village

    No matter where you currently live, our four models of ClimateSafe Villages are designed to provide individuals and families with a secure, supportive, and sustainable living environment amidst the growing climate crisis challenges. By prioritizing self-sufficiency, adopting green technologies, and fostering a supportive community culture, we help ensure our members have the resources and skills to weather the many future uncertainties.

    Embrace Sustainability, Unity, and Resilience Amidst Global Challenges



    Understand the Climate Emergency

    The climate crisis is rapidly escalating, with devastating consequences for our planet and its inhabitants. Extreme weather events, biodiversity loss, and rising sea levels are just a few of our challenges. In response to this urgent situation, our ClimateSafe Villages initiative seeks to build resilient, sustainable communities that can adapt to these changing conditions. By adopting innovative models and fostering collaboration, we aim to create a more hopeful future in the face of unprecedented environmental challenges.


    Ready to take the next step?

    Don't miss the opportunity to become part of a forward-thinking community that aims to impact the world positively. First, in the links below sign up now to get more information and join like-minded individuals who are dedicated to building a better tomorrow. Next, check our our ClimateSafe Villages guide.

    Experience a unique blend of social, cultural, and environmental values that will enrich your life and help us collectively navigate future uncertainties. Let's create a brighter, greener, and more sustainable future for all.

    It is time to dive into our four unique and groundbreaking Urban, Rural, Hybrid, and Virtual ClimateSafe Village models and discover their distinctive approach to sustainability, resilience and community.


    Sign up here to learn more about ClimateSafe Villages

    Click here for our ClimateSafe Village topic index guide.




    Read More About Our Innovative Climate Safe Villages

    When we say we are creating survive and thrive new ClimateSafe Villages worldwide, people have many different ideas of what that means. They often think of similar communities like intentional communities, co-housing communities, sustainability communities, resilience communities, prepper communities, degrowth communities, ecovillages, conservation communities, simplicity communities, deep adaptation communities, evolutionary communities, agrihoods, eco-prepper, farmers cooperatives, eco-spiritual, even survivalist communities. 

    While our four new ClimateSafe Village models may include and combine the best elements from many of these kinds of communities, they are also something new and quite unique. Our four ClimateSafe Village models also strive to transcend what we perceive to be the limitations, missing parts, or flaws in these other types of communities, and they are what you also could call true climate survival communities.


    Click here for our ClimateSafe Village topic index guide.

    Sign up to learn more about ClimateSafe Villages



    For answers to all of your questions about climate change and global warming, click here for our new climate change FAQ. It has over one hundred of the most asked questions and answers about climate change.



    Special online support announcement of 2.28.24. The staff at Job One for Humanity have recently helped to cofound a new nonprofit organization called ClimateSafe Villages. This organization was designed to help better prepare people for what's coming with the climate. It also helps them adapt and build greater climate resilience in their homes, businesses, and communities. 

    In addition to joining Job One for Humanity, please join ClimateSafe Villages as soon as possible. As of this date, we have transferred all our support activities for climate change emergency preparation, adaptation, and resilience-building to this new organization.

    Although we helped to cofound ClimateSafe Villages, we are no longer involved with its executive management because, as a think tank, climate change research must remain our primary focus. When asked, we continue advising ClimateSafe Villages on rapidly changing climate change conditions.

    At ClimateSafe Villages, hundreds (soon thousands) of individuals are being supported in a great online community and in completing the necessary but often challenging climate change emergency preparations, adaption, and resilience-building. 

    Please also join ClimateSafe Villages soon. Good support has proven to be 90% of the reason people succeed in challenging tasks. And please, do not forget to become a member at Job One for Humanity for all of the benefits described on this page.



  • published CSV Guide Contents in ClimateSafe Villages 2023-04-28 15:24:55 -0700

    Welcome to the ClimateSafe Villages Online Guide Table of Contents

    Last updated 8.4.24

    Welcome to the table of contents for our online guide to the original master model for everything you ever would want to know about the climate-resilient homes and communities of the future. 

    How to use the following Online Guide's Table of Contents 

    1. Click any linked ClimateSafe Village table of contents page listed just below that interests you. It will then take you to a list of all the sub-topic sections for that particular page.

    2. If you see a subtopic section that matches your interest on that page, click on the link to that page. 

    3. On that new page, scan down to find your selected subtopic, click it and begin reading.

    To see some pages of our original climate-safe and climate-resilient home and village models in this table of contents, you will be asked to become a member. Membership is very reasonable, and if you are too poor for our humble membership, we will give you a no-cost scholarship grant so that you can view all our "survive and thrive" critical materials.

    If you click on any member-only page, it will take you to our members' sign-in or join page. Click here before joining to see all of the amazing benefits of being a Job One for Humanity Member.

    After joining, you will be able to see every "survive and thrive" critical page on our website.


    Here Are the Major Pages of Our Online Guide

    Page 1: Introduction, Overview, and Goals


    Page 2: Village Qualities, Processes, Income Sources, and Safeguards


    Page 3: The Four Models and Their Operations


    Page 4: Our New Personal Democracy Village Management Model


    Page 5: About ClimateSafe Villages Bellingham, a Unique Rural ClimateSafe Village


    Page 6: Our The Universe One ClimateSafe Village Application Process


    Here are Additional Materials for Informed Decision-Making

    The ClimateSafe Villages Social Contract Page


    Online Rules for Our Virtual ClimateSafe Villages


    Procedures and Policies for Exiting Our ClimateSafe Villages or Applying for Membership 


    Personal Democracy White Paper


    The ClimateSafe Villages Issues FAQ of frequently asked questions for only issues directly relating to ClimateSafe Villages issues


    The ClimateSafe Villages Climate FAQ of frequently asked questions for every question you have about climate change


    If you want to donate directly to the nonprofit ClimateSave Villages, click here. 

    Please note that the ClimateSafe Village illustrations below explore just a few possibilities for rural villages. 


    Here Are Our Climate Change Migration, Relocation, and Managed Retreat Pages

    To see the special pages in the list below, you must sign into the website and be a member. Becoming a member is easy and affordable, and you get great gifts when you join:

    What are the Recommended SAFER Climate Change Relocation Areas Within the US and the World? Click here.

    How to Know Where and When to Migrate Because of Global Warming and Climate Change? Click here.

    What do I need to know about climate change migration and relocation? Click here.

    What are the Climate Change Migration, Relocation, and Managed Retreat Evaluation Factors? Click here.

    What are the Recommended Climate Change Safer Zones Within the United States and Worldwide? Click here.

    Do you have a checklist for climate change-safer land, and home purchasing, for migration, relocation, or managed retreat? Click here.

    Should I find, join, or create a ClimateSafe Village and eco-community to improve my climate change survive and thrive possibilities? (Click here.

    Are there other migration challenges and difficult choices I must face in a high-probability climate change-driven Great Global Collapse? Click here.


    Here is Critical Additional Climate Change Emergency Information that Could Affect Your Decision to Join our ClimateSafe Villages Models

    To see the special pages in the list below, you must sign into the website and be a member. Becoming a member is easy, affordable, and you get great gifts when you join:

    What are the most critical climate change consequence timeframes I will need to know to plan a safe future? Click here.

    What are the seven new rules for successful real estate buying, selling, and investment in the age of accelerating climate change? Click here.

    What are the coming catastrophic global financial losses of our climate change future? Click here.

    Will Climate Change Create Stock Market Opportunities and Massive Future Market Instability? Click here.

    Will Climate Change Cause Wild Fluctuations and Unpredictability in Future Commodity Prices? Click here.

    Will escalating climate change break down democracies and worldwide political stability? Click here.

    What are the Basics for How to Recover From Climate Change Related Disasters? Click here.

    How do I get All the Free Climate Related Ebooks available to all Members? (B, 1) Click here. 

    What is the Climageddon Extinction Scenario and the Timetables of a Climate Change-Driven Global Collapse? (A, 3) Click here. 

    Do you have Special Member Only Briefings On Climate Change? (B, 1) Click here. 


    Here are two essential videos to watch for why you many want to join us or create a CSV of your own.


    1. Click on the image below for a short introduction on why CSVs are needed. This CSV introductory video below has been viewed more than 5,000 times in its first several weeks online.



    2. Click here to learn more about why the climate change emergency movement exists, and to watch another powerful video created by ABC TV on the Climate change challenges in front of all of us. It is called Earth 2100.



    Page 1: Introduction, Overview, and Goals

    To immediately go to any of this page's subtitles found below, click on the Page link above.

    1. What are ClimateSafe Villages
    2. Seven Powerful Reasons to Join or Build Your Own Urban, Rural, Hybrid, or Virtual ClimateSafe Village Model at this Unique Transitional Tine
    3. A Quick  Overview of Our Basic Design Goals and Qualities
    4. The Core Purposes of Our Four Models 
    5. Features of the Rural Model
    6. Additional Goals of Our Four Models
    7. Principles for How We Will Achieve Our Goals
    8. What New Members Will Start Doing When They Join
    9. The Motivations Behind the Creation of These Four ClimateSafe Village Models
    10. What Organization is Behind the Four ClimateSafe Village Models
    11. How to Get Started and Join Any One of Our Four Models



    image.pngPage 2: Qualities, Processes, Income Sources, and Safeguards

    To immediately go to any of this page's subtitles below, click on the Page 2 link at the top of this section.

    1. Introduction to ClimateSafe Village and Member Qualities
    2. The Eco-community Physical Qualities, Processes, Income Sources, and Safeguards 
    3. Our Cultural and Social Qualities 
    4. Our Community Educational Qualities 
    5. The Community Potential Eco-Spiritual Qualities 
    6. Potential Income and Funding Sources for Our Eco-Communities and Their Members
    7. Our Internal Safety and Security Processes 
    8. Our External Safety and Security Processes 
    9. Our Key Individual Member Qualities


    Page 3: The Four Models and Their Operations

    To immediately go to any of this page's subtitles below, click on the Page 3 link above.

    1. Introduction to the Four Models
    2. Urgency Factors for Choosing and Getting Started in One or More of the Four Village Model Variations
    3. The Four Village Structure Variations and Options

    The four model options

    aVariation 1: The "Stay Where You Are" Get Prepared and Resilient Urban, Suburban, or Rural Eco-Communities

    bVariation 2: The Land-Based Rural Community Option  

    cVariation 3: The Hybrid Community

    dVariation 4: The Worldwide Virtual Community

    1. What Services Will Make These Villages Legitimate and Worthy of Membership Fees They Collect?
    2. Factors that Unite the Members of All Four Village Variations
    3. Common Similarities Between the Four Model Variations
    4. How Fast the New Villages Will Come into Existence and Grow
    5. Where the First Village is Possibly Being Launched, and What are Other Best Locations
    6. Our Projected Timeframes for When the Four Village Models Will Come into Existence,
    7. Regarding Joining or Helping to Build Any of Our New Villages
    8. How to Get Started and Join Any One of Our Four Models



    Page 4: Our New Personal Democracy Management Model



    Page 5: About the Possible ClimateSafe Villages Bellingham, a Unique Rural Village

    To immediately go to any of this page's subtitles below, click on the Page 5 link above.


    1. Introduction to ClimateSafe Villages Bellingham

    2. Launch Phases
    3. Launch Steps
    4. Membership Process
    5. The Eco-Spiritual and Related Qualities at the Bellingham Model
    6. Advanced Bellingham Material
    7. Additional Reading on Progressive Evolution Theory
    8. Bellingham Contributors
    9. Other Pages in Our Home and Village Materials



    Page 6: The Bellingham Application Process

    To immediately go to any of this page's subtitles below, click on the Page 6 link above.

    1. Introduction to the Membership Application Process
    2. Who We Are Looking for as New ClimateSafe Villages Bellingham and Other ClimateSafe Village Members
    3. Our Application Requirements for Only the ClimateSafe Villages Bellingham ClimateSafe Village Membership
    4. Here are the Steps for Applying for ClimateSafe Villages Bellingham Membership
    5. ClimateSafe Villages Bellingham Membership Disqualifying Issues 
    6. Other Pages in Our ClimateSafe Village Materials





    What To Do Next

    When we say we are creating survive and thrive new ClimateSafe Villages worldwide, people have many different ideas of what that means. They often think of similar communities like intentional communities, co-housing communities, sustainability communities, resilience communities, prepper communities, degrowth communities, ecovillages, conservation communities, simplicity communities, deep adaptation communities, evolutionary communities, agrihoods, eco-prepper, progressive prepper, farmers cooperatives, eco-spiritual, even survivalist communities. 

    While our four new models may include and combine the best elements from many of these kinds of communities, they are also something new and quite unique. Our four ClimateSafe Village models also strive to transcend what we perceive to be the limitations, missing parts, or flaws in these other types of communities, and they are what you could also call true climate survival communities.

    Please Note: Nowhere on Earth will be 100% safe from all climate change consequences. But we can create climate-safer locations and communities using the practices of climate change preparation, adaptation, and resilience building. ClimateSafe Villages will help you make wherever you live as climate-safe as possible using these practices." 


    Sign up here to learn more about Job One for Humanity and our ClimateSafe Villages Vision

    Click here for the ClimateSafe Villages FAQ for additional questions not covered in our online index.

    Click here only if you have remaining questions about any climate change issue.

    The link above will take you to our comprehensive climate change frequently asked questions FAQ covering over 100 of the most commonly asked questions about the climate change emergency.

    Important History Concerning Job One for Humanity's Relationship with ClimateSafe Villages

    The Job One for Humanity team spent many years anticipating the need to build climate-resilient communities. We designed and helped create the model to save lives in the accelerating climate emergency.

    During those years, we designed a master plan for what we hoped would become climate-resilient communities that could simultaneously survive the climate change emergency and other global crises. Initially, we called these climate-resilient communities eco-communities or the Universe One community. 

    In May 2023, with the ClimateSafe Villages (CSV) new leadership, Job One helped create a new CSV non-profit organization. The primary purpose of this new CSV organization was to develop new climate-resilient communities and to support individuals in completing the many essential and complex actions of climate change emergency preparation, adaptation, and climate resilience-building.

    Job One sponsored the new CSV until December 31, 2023, just after the US government granted it full non-profit status.

    We also helped create CSV to collect and share all the information that anyone anywhere in the world would need to develop a climate-safe village in their location.

    In March 2024, one of the lead Job One team members resigned from the ClimateSafe Villages board of directors because ClimateSafe Villages had the necessary skilled management team in place and that Job One team members needed to return to their research and analysis work at Job One.

    Today, many Job One team members are active ClimateSafe Villages members for the survival of themselves and their families. 

    Almost everything on the Job One website describing ClimateSafe Villages is from our original master model research for creating individual and community climate resilience.

    The current management of ClimateSafe Villages has full access to these materials for their work. Job One for Humanity continues to collaborate with and regularly promotes ClimateSafe Villages' work.

    Click here to visit the new and fully independent Climatesafe Villages organization and website!

    A bit more CSV history

    In 2023, Leonora Camner (now executive director at CSV) came to Job One and proposed creating the new eco-communities as a project separate from Job One's ongoing climate research and analysis. Job One agreed. That was the CSV organization's official birth.

  • Signup For Worldwide Information on Starting or Joining a ClimateSafe Village

    Signup now to learn about, join, or create your own urban, rural, hybrid, or virtual ClimateSafe Village. It's free, and you can unsubscribe at any time. Always confidential; we never sell your information!

    Below the signup area, please check the box for the ClimateSafe Village model you are most interested in. Our ClimateSave Villages support team will be contacting you soon.


    Sign up

  • published Blog 2023-06-04 10:03:17 -0700

  • signed up on Special Promotional Activation Page 2022-03-23 13:37:31 -0700

    Special Promotion Activation Page: Get 5 free Climate Change Related Ebooks and 1 Year Membership a $50 Value Here

    You have been given this special downloading access link to receive five free climate-related ebooks (a $50 value) and a 1-year free membership to access climate change information available only in the members-only sections of this website. This special promotion is part of our collaborative arrangement with the organization that referred you to this downloading access link. 

    After you sign the downloading access form below, we will immediately email you the instructions for downloading your five free climate change-related ebooks and accessing the members-only sections of the Job One for Humanity website. Please also indicate which subjects most interest you on the checkbox form below the signup area.

    You have only a five-day timed access period to download your five free ebooks from the date you signup below.

    You were awarded this gift because you are an executive, member, subscriber, newsgroup, or visitor of an organization friendly to Job One for Humanity's critical climate change emergency educational mission.

    (If you would like a description of each of the five climate-related ebooks and the many other members-only benefits you will receive, click the following link, the five free ebooks description.  Then come back to this download activation page to proceed.)

    Please do not share this special program activation and downloading link with anyone else! 

    Sign up

  • published Us redirect 2020-07-02 12:57:18 -0700


  • signed up on Free Climate Danger Alerts 2020-07-13 15:11:25 -0700

    Free Climate Change Danger Alerts, Conditions and Threat Updates

    There are two ways to get our free climate change danger alerts and climate condition/threat updates:

    1. The first way, we email you climate alerts about once every month or two.

    2. The second way, you automatically get critical climate change danger alerts as or before they occur!

    Way 1: Sign-up for Emailed Monthly or Bi-monthly Updates

    Enter your email address in the signup box below the laptop photo and click the green Sign Up button. We will occasionally email you critical climate change danger alerts and only the most important climate change news or progress. 

    Way 2: Sign-up for Highly Illustrated Climate Change Danger Alerts As They Occur!

    From now until about 2031, climate change consequences (heat domes, rain bombs, wildfires, droughts, flooding, and extreme storms) will rise dramatically and then, exponentially after that. (This is because of crossed climate tipping points, etc.)

    If you want to maximize the protection of your home, business, and family, also sign up for these very short, highly illustrated climate danger alerts by:

    1. clicking here first, it will take you to our Job One for Humanity Facebook page

    2. then click the Follow link on our Job One for Humanity Facebook page. 

    When you click Follow on our Job One Facebook page, you will be automatically sent short, highly illustrated climate change danger alerts, and critical facts necessary to understand what is happening in the climate change emergency and why it is happening.

    These veery short, illustrated climate alerts will look similar to to the two examples below:





    Most of these climate alerts will be written by former United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) climate change researcher Peter Carter.

    You can read his bio here. The climate change train is rapidly accelerating down the tracks. Don't be someone who sees the train coming too late to get out of the way! Sign-up now!

    Get Job One's free climate change consequence danger alerts on Facebook and stay informed here!.






    Sign up

  • published Members 2019-04-26 18:05:18 -0700

    Become a Member: Get Full Access to All Member-Only Information Listed Below

    $9,357.11 raised
    GOAL: $20,000.00

    When you become a member and make a one-time single donation of $9.00 (or a minimum monthly $2.00 donation) to our 100% publically funded climate change think tank, you are not only supporting independent and uncensored climate change analysis and education, you also will get the following information and benefits when you partner with us with your donation:

    a. Access to survival-critical climate change-related information covered ONLY in our Members-Only section. (See the list of climate-crucial topics in the section below.)

    b. Five FREE climate change-related ebooks (a $42.00 value) as our new member supporter thank-you gift. (Described further below.)

    c. Climate change disaster updates and alerts before and as climate disasters unfold

    d. One year of members-only email support for your questions. This online support will help you get through all parts of the Job One for Humanity Climate Change Resilience Plan. You also will be able to ask climate change plan questions and share your successes, knowledge, and experiences via this new online support system. 


    Becoming a member, supporter, and partner is easy!

    We make our membership very reasonable so everyone can join and access our indispensable uncensored climate change information. If you can, please donate more than our minimum donation levels!

    1. To make a secure online one-time membership donation of $9.00, please use the donation fill-in form at the bottom of this page. Or,

    2. To make a secure, online monthly $2.00 minimum membership donation, click here. Or,

    3. To make a donation by mail, make your check payable to Factnet, PMB 2167, 1650 S. Casino, Dr. Laughlin, Nevada, 89029. Or, 

    4. If you truly cannot afford our $9.00 a year or $2.00 per month membership: 

    We feel that everyone should have access to this critical and essential climate change risk and threat assessment information, not just the ultra-wealthy. If you cannot afford $9.00 a year or live at the poverty level or below in your region and nation, email us at [email protected] if you cannot afford any level of donation.

    Send us details, and we will get you a free scholar's membership paid for by other members. This scholarship award will give you one year of full access to all of our members-only areas and all member benefits. 


    Crucial Climate Topics Covered in Members-Only Sections:

    What are the most critical climate change consequence timeframes I will need to know to plan adaptation and a safe future for myself, my family, and my business? 

    What are the safest climate locations to live in around the world?

    How to prepare, adapt, and build the climate change resilience necessary to survive the coming climate change disasters and consequences? 

    What are the seven new climate change rules for real estate buying, selling, and investment in the age of accelerating climate change? 

    We have climate-resilient home and land purchase checklists for climate-safe locations.

    Climate Change Unpredictability in Future Commodity Prices? (What commodities will be the biggest winners and losers as climate change accelerates?)

    The predictions for how climate change will affect political conflict or instability probabilities, particularly relating to a nation's regionalized specific global warming consequences. Learn how escalating climate change will steadily break down the strongest democracies, roll back existing human rights, and threaten worldwide political stability. 

    Members Only Coming Climate Disaster Warning Alerts!

    How climate change will create stock market opportunities and massive future market losses and instability? (What stocks will be the biggest winners and losers as climate change accelerates?)

    How to get a full financial recovery from climate change losses and damage? 

    Critical information about climate change migration, relocation, or managed retreat? 

    Where and When to Migrate Because of Accelerating Global Warming and Climate Change? 

    What are the Climate Change Safer Zones Within the United States and Worldwide? 

    What are the worst migration challenges and difficult choices that one must face?

    What is the Climageddon Extinction Scenario and its Timetables for a Climate Change-Driven Global Collapse? 

    What are the financial loss timeframes and percentages for the coming local, state, national, and global financial losses due to accelerating climate change consequences?

    We also continually update the members-only information as new climate change research arrives or climate disasters unfold.

    You also get five ebooks, a $42 value! 

    With your membership donation, you will also receive five free important ebooks with a $42.00 value! 

    Click here for a description of each of the five free climate-related ebooks you will get with your donation!

    Donation Receipt Information

    You will always receive either an emailed electronic or mailed tax-deductible donation receipt for your donation.The name “ Inc.” will show on the PayPal payment screen if you are using PayPal online or on the electronic record of your donation to Job One for Humanity. Job One for Humanity is a DBA and subsidiary of Factnet Inc., which since 1993 has been a recognized 501(c)(3) IRS nonprofit and social benefit organization.

    Factnet has received the highest possible nonprofit trust rating of Platinum Transparency from Guidestar/Candid. (GuideStar is an independent organization that examines and rates other nonprofit organizations' financial and administrative effectiveness and ethics in executing their missions.)




  • signed up on Universe Spirit Sign Up 2017-10-30 15:06:23 -0700


        Job One for Humanity and Universe Spirit work together to create a more Sustainable Prosperity. 

        Please sign up for Universe Spirit here:

    Sign up

  • signed up on New eBook Promotional Free Download 2021-07-08 12:32:01 -0700

    Get the Climageddon eBook free in All eBook Reader Formats as Our Gift

    Climageddon_Front-Cover_JPG.jpgSign up below and immediately receive your promotional free copy of the eBook shown in the image to the right. It is an $8.95 value, and it is getting scores of four and five-star reviews here on Amazon!

    After signing up with your email address below, you will automatically receive this new eBook as a PDF file in the reply email attachment. In the reply email, you will also receive instructions on how to immediately download this eBook in ALL 3 popular eBook reader formats MOBI, Epub, and Kindle.

    If you do not see our email reply and free eBook attachment within a few minutes, check your junk or spam folder or make sure you have entered the correct email.

    If you have previously signed up on our website and your name appears below, click the green UPDATE INFO button below to receive the free eBook and downloading instructions.

    Sign up and get your free eBook immediately!

    The Climageddon book is published by Job One for Humanity, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping us survive the escalating global warming emergency. If you have been given this downloading location, it is either because we are honoring your work or contributions to global warming education or activism, or you have been given this location for some limited promotion with one of our climate education allies.

    Click here or on the book image for more information about Climageddon!

    Sign up

  • donated 2017-07-22 05:16:06 -0700

    Make a Monthly Donation and Help Us Educate the World About the Climate Change Emergency

    $15,159.03 raised
    GOAL: $30,000.00

    Fill out the form at the bottom of this page to make a recurring, secure, and automatic monthly donation of any amount.

    You will immediately receive an email receipt for tax deduction purposes.


    Explore All Critical Climate Change Benefits and Promotionals for Becoming a Donor/Member.

    As a Member, you will be able to access Climate Change Resilience-Building, Preparation, and Relocation Guides, Free Climate Change Ebooks, Emergency Alerts, and special donor-only videos and web updates, etc. Click here for more information.


    To donate by mail, make your check payable to Factnet, PMB 2167, 1650 S. Casino, Dr. Laughlin, Nevada 89029.

    Job One for Humanity is a 100% publicly funded nonprofit climate change think tank. It is a DBA of Factnet, a 30-year-old US, tax-exempt, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. We have received Candid/Guidestar's highest possible nonprofit financial transparency trust rating of Platinum Transparency.

    For our accomplishments in 2023, click here. To view our funding needs for 2024, click here.


  • signed up on ClimateMarch 2017-04-27 13:05:54 -0700

    Until May 1, We Want to Reward your Climate Activism with a New Global Warming Book -- a $10 Value Absolutely Free!!

    Climageddon_Front-Cover.pngHow would you like to get a free copy of the most important new eBook about global warming to be published in decades—the book some are calling the Silent Spring of the 21st Century? Just for attending any of the People's Climate Marches going on around the world April 29th, or for wanting to attend any of these marches and learn more, you will be able to get this new ebook--a $8.95 value--by continuing to read...

    Climageddon is a 450-page eBook jammed full of new scientific analysis of the latest climate data, plus a detailed, step-by-step plan for stopping global warming in its tracks sure to change the current global warming conversation. Job One for Humanity, a non-profit organization dedicated to slowing and ending global warming, is a main cosponsor with the People's Climate March of this free ebook gift.

    Here’s our simple gift offer:

    Email us at and tell us you attended any of the People's Climate Marches on April 29th, or let us know that you were unable to attend any of the climate marches and you want to learn more about the current global warming emergency.

    We will immediately email you instructions on how to download your free copy of Climageddon: The Global Warming Emergency and How to Survive It by Lawrence Wollersheim.

    It really is that simple. By emailing us before midnight, May 1, 2017 we will give you this $8.95 value, 450-page breakthrough global warming eBook absolutely free! 

    Send your selfie from any Earth Day event, science march, or any Peoples Climate Marches including the Washington DC march on the 29th before May 1 at midnight to: 

    For more about the new ebook Climageddon:

    See the latest Book Reviews
    See the Prologue
    See Chapter Five and learn about just how bad the Global Warming Emergency really is!
    See Chapter One, Overview of book
    See the Preface 

    For more information on the location of hundreds of climate marches occurring April 29th all over the planet, click here.

    Sign up

  • published Earth Day Selfie in Climageddon Survival Guidebook 2017-04-21 07:55:47 -0700

    Until May 1, We Want to Reward your Climate Activism with a New Global Warming Book -- a $10 Value Absolutely Free!!


    How would you like to get a free copy of the most important new eBook about global warming to be published in decades—the book some are calling the Silent Spring of the 21st Century? Just for attending any of the climate marches going on around the world April 29th, or for wanting to attend any of these marches and learn more, you will be able to get this new ebook--a $8.95 value--by continuing to read...

    Climageddon is a 450-page eBook jammed full of new scientific analysis of the latest climate data, plus a detailed, step-by-step plan for stopping global warming in its tracks sure to change the current global warming conversation. Job One for Humanity, a non-profit organization dedicated to slowing and ending global warming, is a main cosponsor of this free ebook gift.

    Here’s our simple gift offer:

    Email us at [email protected] and tell us you attended any climate march April 29th, (if you like, include a selfie in the email body showing you attended, but not required) or let us know that you were unable to attend any of the climate marches and you want to learn more about the current global warming emergency.

    We will immediately email you instructions on how to download your free copy of Climageddon: The Global Warming Emergency and How to Survive It by Lawrence Wollersheim.

    It really is that simple. By emailing us before midnight, May 1, 2017 we will give you this $8.95 value, 450-page breakthrough global warming eBook absolutely free! 

    Send your selfie from any Earth Day event, science march, or any Peoples Climate Marches including the Washington DC march on the 29th before May 1 at midnight to: [email protected]

    For more about the new ebook Climageddon:

    See the latest Book Reviews
    See the Prologue
    See Chapter Five and learn about just how bad the Global Warming Emergency really is!
    See Chapter One, Overview of book
    See the Preface 

    For more information on the location of hundreds of climate marches occurring April 29th all over the planet, click here.

    Sign up

  • published Climageddon Epilog in Climageddon Survival Guidebook 2017-04-04 12:17:18 -0700

    Climageddon Free Epilogue Request Signup

    Climageddon_Book_Cover.pngYou have received this URL to obtain your free bonus epilogue for the Climageddon book.

    To get when it is completed, please enter your email address below. Originally this epilogue was to come out before June 17th,but has been delayed until sometime at the end of 2018 or the beginning of 2019.

    When it comes out you will receive an email from Job One for Humanity containing all the instructions needed to begin reading your free bonus copy of the Climageddon epilogue.

    By entering your name below you are giving us permission to email you.

    Thank you for requesting your free Climageddon epilogue!

    Learn More: 

    Signup Now For the Climageddon Epilog!

    If you have already signed up, click the green "Update Info" button.

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  • signed up on Job One Plan 2017-01-27 13:24:34 -0800

    Get Access to the Free Job One Plan Materials!

    1. If you have NOT already subscribed to our mail list, get the free Job One Plan materials by filling in your name and email in the form below. You will receive an email telling you where to find the free Job One Plan materials, Signup up is free and you can unsubscribe at any time.

    2, After you have completed the signup form below, you will immediately receive an email with the link needed to activate your new subscriber account so that you can access the FREE Job One PLAN materials (this confirms your identity and protects us from spam bots). If you do not see your new subscriber activation email after 10 minutes, check your junk or spam folders, or that you have entered the right email.

    3. If you have already signed up and your name appears below, click the green button again to get the access information again.


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