Personal Action Step 12:
Begin creating or join a supportive microculture (communities of local communities), dedicated to the principles of sustainable prosperity with close friends, family or associates for honoring sustainable prosperity practices in individual lifestyles and business livelihoods! The macroculture has not yet evolved to the point of consistently regulating, supporting, or incentivizing the practices of sustainable prosperity.
In fact, in many cases the macroculture actually discourages sustainability through various additional costs or social disincentives. This means that we have to also create new microcultures that do support individual and collective sustainable prosperity practices --- if sustainable prosperity's practices are to be sustainable themselves.
This means building a family, friend, or associate network of sustainable prosperity practitioners and advocates. Wherever possible, only do business with those individuals or their sustainable businesses (even if your initial costs are higher or your personal convenience is lower!). Effectively create and grow these mini-cultures of sustainable lifestyles and livelihoods. Keep pushing for new enforceable national and international laws that support sustainable prosperity life practices. These actions will eventually reduce the profitability of non-sustainable practices. This also will make your mini-culture's sustainable prosperity practices more appealing to the self-interests of the members of the non-sustainable macro-culture.
Your increasing support for these sustainability practices in a growing mini-culture also helps reduce their costs because of the improved efficiencies that come from greater scale and repetition. Behaviorists have long known that having support from your mini or macro culture can be as much as 90% of the reason for the success of some desired change.
Unfortunately, the only way we will get this support in today's culture is to first build the mini-cultures ourselves where we do get this support and can then model the needed behavior for the macro culture! It is worth repeating that support and a supportive culture are 90% of the reason why new ideas and practices are sustained once one knows the facts!
These microculture building and support-building steps are part of the indispensable foundation that is needed to expand the practices of sustainable prosperity. Start building your local sustainable prosperity mini-culture today. Watch it grow while you enjoy what it does for your life while you work on the rest of the key sustainable prosperity steps.
Another key aspect of building or joining sustainable prosperity communities or groups is to do everything to replicate these groups so they spread all over the planet. This way microcultures of sustainability eventually become the new macroculture. To see our vision of what the structure and practices of such sustainable prosperity communities or support groups would look like, click here.
When you create thriving local communities and eco-regional cooperatives and partnerships that are self-reliant, you begin to live in harmony with the means and carrying capacity of your local and regional ecosystems. You may also want to implement the key food growing and provision providing ideas and reforms suggested and described in Life Rules by Ellen Laconte.
Life Rules is one of the best books yet written on what we can do about all of the converging global meta-challenges threatening our collective futures and how principles compatible with most of these other sustainable prosperity principles will be essential. (While our organization agrees with much of what this author says we do not agree with all of her conclusions or recommendations. We take a much stronger position on the establishment of verifiable and enforceable international law on climate and environment as well as the creation of those global judicial, executive and legislative divisions that would help this coming to being.)
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