1. The New Millennials and the climate video
This video is about millennials and climate change. Millennials have often been disparaged for a whole series of reasons. Still, as you will discover in this uplifting video, things are very different with millennials from what we have been told.
The number of Millennials in the United States — those born between approximately 1978 and 2000 — is near 80 million people. They’re the most diverse generation in America, with 56 percent registered as politically Independent ... and every single one of them will be needed if the planet is to avoid climate catastrophe.
In THE REVOLUTION GENERATION video (linked below,) filmmakers Josh Tickell and Rebecca Tickell spotlight a generation that has been mischaracterized, mislabeled, and mistakenly mocked. Through interviews and highlighting a theory by authors/generational demographists Neil Howe and William Strauss that history can be viewed as a series of 80-year cycles — and within that, into four “seasons” that bring with them profound societal changes — the film shows the impact of the WWII Generation, Baby Boomers, and Gen X.
But Millennials occupy a special spot: They’re creators of social tech and native digital users, are anti-corporate crusaders, are more empathetic than any previous group ... and they now have to secure voting rights, equality, and the safety of the planet itself.
Can they do it? A kinetic, perceptive documentary of a generation and why they are who they are, THE REVOLUTION GENERATION is also, as Josh Tickell says, “A how-to manual for saving the earth.”
Please watch this time-limited Revolution Generation video quickly. It becomes available on or just before July 1st. After that, it will disappear around the first week of August because its creators have given us a limited time window for our thousands of members to view it.
Click here to see this uplifting video about Millenials and what they are doing about climate change.
You will be asked to sign in to see it, but you do not have to donate to see it. Please also share your opinion on this video by commenting below or emailing us your opinion of this video at ([email protected]).
2. A Controversial and disruptive climate activism video
This is a very intense video by Robert Hallam, the cofounder of Extinction Rebellion. Extinction Rebellion is a powerful worldwide group of individuals who have decided to protest and disrupt normal activities and allow themselves to be arrested. Their civil disruption protests are designed to make politicians and the world realize that we face a runaway global heating extinction emergency, and we must now act to reduce global fossil fuel use (as described in our 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.)
Please note that when Robert Hallam speaks about a revolution at the beginning of the video, he is not talking about a violent revolution. He is speaking about a revolution in how we reduce climate change and runaway global heating.
Click here to see this controversial video.
Please also share your opinion on this video by commenting below or emailing us your opinion of this video at ([email protected]).
Helpful Links
For our position on necessary disruption and peaceful civil disobedience, click here.
For our Plan B for a worsening runaway global heating extinction emergency, click here.
To help do something about the climate change and global warming emergency, click here.
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