Is there s an insidious, invisible hand that censors, distorts, manipulates, and underestimates the climate change information you receive from your government, the media, the United Nations, and most environmental groups? You be the judge!
Before exploring the climate change facts that the global fossil fuel cartel NEVER wants you to see, it is necessary to brief you on what the cartel has been doing for the last 60 years to blind our governments, politicians, the media, and most of our environmental groups to the real urgency, threat level, and true nature of the climate change emergency.
A history as dark as the oil and coal the global fossil fuel cartel sells
The invisible, dominant hand that distorts, underestimates, and unduly influences the climate change information you have been receiving IS the global fossil fuel cartel. Their nefarious behind-the-scenes actions have distorted and significantly underestimated the climate change information coming from:
a. the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change (IPCC). (Particularly their climate change summary reports.)
b. your government,
c. the media, and unfortunately,
c. most environmental groups who are using the IPCC's climate change summary reports for the data for their education and planning.
The hidden cartel's climate censorship and disinformation facilitating actions are the main reason our governments have not fixed the climate change emergency over the last sixty-plus years.
To open your mind to begin to see the cartel's invisible hand censoring and distorting most of the climate change information you are receiving, it is useful to review some history that everyone already knows to be true. The global cigarette industry has a proven record of ten decades of successful misinformation, disinformation, false cigarette health risk studies, and funding of "independent" think tanks to produce questionable research saying smoking was not dangerous. The cigarette industry also has an extensive public record of engaging in many undue influence to delay or prevent government regulation or proper heath risk labeling.
Like the cigarette industry's tactics, the far better-funded global fossil fuel cartel's disinformation, regulation-delaying practices, and other tactics have successfully kept and censored climate change facts, timeframes, and solutions from you, our governments, and the media for over six decades!
Does that statement still seem not possible? For decades, the global cigarette industry convinced the world's politicians and citizens that cigarettes did not cause lung cancer, health problems, or death with only a fraction of the global fossil fuel cartel's 28 trillion dollar-a-year income. How much better could the fossil fuel cartel do the same thing with many thousand times the cigarette industry's resources?
The fossil fuel cartel's lavishly-funded climate censorship actions are as follows:
- Global disinformation campaigns to make you believe we are making progress in fixing climate change when we are not.
- Global misinformation campaigns by funding think tanks and others to continuously create and spread clever new false doubts or confusion about the causes, consequences, progress, and solutions surrounding climate change and the damages the fossil fuel cartel's products produce (without looking like this false information is coming from the fossil fuel industry.)
- Successfully delaying or killing government-level regulations designed to reduce fossil fuel usage or make the fossil fuel industry pay for the deadly pollution and other dangerous, costly consequences its products cause.
- Using climate change illusion-building tactics like creating false hopes that new technologies like carbon capture (or old technologies like the increased use of "cleaner" propane) will protect us now, save us at the last minute, or that we do not need to radically reduce our fossil fuel use immediately. The insidious purpose for creating these false hope illusions and false progress distortion campaigns is to make you feel safe and secure when you are not and make you believe we are making the needed steady progress in fixing climate change when we are not. If you think there is no dangerous soon-arriving problem, you will do nothing to demand your politicians act to fix it.
The global fossil fuel cartel is using the above tactics for one reason, trillions of dollars in profits are at stake. Additionally, they are doing it because if the world's citizens knew the actual climate change facts (found on this website and a few other websites) and they understood that the fossil fuel cartel had deliberately deceived them for decades, they would angrily demand that their politicians radically cut global fossil fuel use immediately.
If you still think what we say about the cartel distorting, censoring, and unduly influencing our governments, the media, and the climate summary work and climate solutions of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change (IPCC) is untrue, click here. You will discover hundreds of well-documented articles about the many ways and tactics the global fossil fuel cartel uses to ensure that our governments, the media, and the world's citizens do not ever demand reducing global fossil fuel use to the required levels to save their own lives and the lives of their children.
(If you are a science person, click here for a very deep dive into how the global fossil fuel cartel has corrupted and censored most of what you hear today about climate change.)
It is bitterly painful when you also finally realize that the global fossil fuel cartel is entirely willing to sacrifice the assets (and lives) of billions of people and your children to satisfy their unquenchable greed for more profit (more super-yachts, more palaces, and more ridiculously luxurious lifestyles for key fossil fuel cartel owners, executives, and investors, etc.)
Please read the ten critical climate change facts the global fossil fuel cartel never wants you to know (found just below).
It will not ease the shock when you also become aware that in the UN IPCC's commonly accepted climate change summary reports were underestimated by about 20-40% or more. Worse yet, your government, the global media, and most environmental groups rely almost entirely on these IPCC's climate change summary reports for everything they tell you about the coming climate change consequences, timeframes, and required solutions.
"Until the general population and our politicians are no longer being systematically deceived by the global fossil fuel cartel about the real threat and urgency of the climate change emergency, little will be done to fix it, just has little has been done over the last 40 years." Dan Hardy
What you can do to help fix and stop this dangerous global fossil fuel cartel travesty
1. Click here if you are a victim of climate change damage or loss and you want to get financial and other forms of restitution for the damages you have suffered.
2. Single-handedly you can break the fossil fuel cartel's well-funded disinformation machine by speaking out in your social networks or sending your social networks the following copy:
"Over the last sixty years, almost every consequence and timeframe we have been told about climate change from our governments, the media, and even most all environmental groups has been underestimated by 20 to 40% or even more. These groups have also unknowingly spread other dangerous climate change disinformation designed to make you feel safe and that we are making climate change progress when neither is true.
If you want to discover the uncensored and actual climate change facts or how this underestimation and disinformation happened, click here to learn how you have been systematically deceived by the global fossil fuel cartel about climate change for over sixty years."
(After you send the above copy to your networks, you will find additional super-easy-to-use tools on our new "Tell a Friend" page to help you spread the word about the fossil fuel cartel's extensive climate change lies. When you send the link or use the social media buttons on this social media tools page, you can privately see how many people you brought to Job One because of your sharing, and you will earn valuable social capital points.
Now that you understand the fossil fuel cartel's insidious hidden disinformation role, it is time to discover the ten uncensored climate change emergency facts the global fossil fuel cartel NEVER wants you to know!
The following summarizes the current climate change condition quickly and honestly. It is published by Job One for Humanity, founded in 2008.
Job One is a non-profit, 100% publicly funded, independent climate change think tank that provides uncensored research-grounded climate change consequence analysis, timeframes, risk assessment, and solutions to educational, climate, and environmental organizations worldwide without charge. We also provide a fee-based climate analysis risk assessment and solutions service to insurance companies, governments, and businesses affected by climate change consequences and emergencies.
The climate facts below tell the uncensored and unpoliticized story of the science behind climate change, global heating, its consequences, and our global fossil fuel reduction challenge.
Two Relevant Factors Before You Review the 10 Uncensored Climate Change Facts that Have Been Hidden from You
1. We do not expect you to believe the following ten climate facts blindly. Below the 10-facts summary, you will find an expanded version of each fact with more details and links to the climate science and analysis.
The ultimate proof of these ten climate facts below will be you watching or experiencing the worldwide climate change consequences discussed below. Nothing can be more convincing than personally witnessing or experiencing a climate change consequence or a record-breaking extreme weather event (which 90% of the world has already done.)
2. Do you already know enough about climate change? If you understand climate change basics, you already know:
a. climate change is dangerous and deadly air pollution caused by humanity burning fossil fuels. (Continuing to burn additional fossil fuels creates an ever thicker blanket of carbon and other greenhouse gas pollution (methane and nitrous oxide) in our atmosphere, trapping ever-increasing levels of heat on Earth. (It is estimated 10 million people a year die from fossil fuel pollution's health effects alone.)
b. fossil fuel burning air pollution directly or indirectly, causes record-breaking; heatwaves, heat domes, droughts, hurricanes, cyclones, tornados, floods and flooding, rain bombs, wind storms [Derechos], dust storms, wildfires, wildfire smoke events, unseasonable cold spells, and other abnormal and unseasonal weather.
c. some heat-increasing polluting greenhouse gases, like carbon, the largest one, remain in our atmosphere for centuries to thousands of years. This long-term persistence of carbon in our atmosphere means that the relatively stable weather you experienced when you were younger is now gone forever, or at least until all of the additional fossil fuel-burning carbon, which we have been polluting our atmosphere with since the beginning of the industrial revolution has been removed (hundreds to thousands of years from now.) And,
d. not only is the relative stability of the climate of your younger memories gone forever, every day, as humanity burns more fossil fuels (which adds even more greenhouse gas pollution to our atmosphere,) we will continue to break new records and make today's climate change problems and weather much worse for our own future and for the future four children and future generations.
If you do understand the four general climate facts above, skip to the next ten facts section.
If do not understand the four basic climate facts above or what is causing today's climate change, click here and get a quick understanding of how climate change happens.
And finally, we understand how disturbing it may be for you to review the ten uncensored climate change facts below. Accordingly, we have also provided links to practical solutions tailored to the climate change remedies and resilience-building actions with the time left that you can personalize to maximize your local situation and resources.
Ten uncensored, unpoliticized climate change facts that everyone needs to know before it is too late to fix the climate change emergency
Here are the ten crucial facts about the climate change emergency that the global fossil fuel cartel never wants you to see. The ten facts below best define our current climate change emergency.
Our think tank challenges you or any climate change scientist or researcher to prove any of the following climate facts wrong:
Fact 1: Because of the ongoing climate change disinformation campaigns and the undue influence of the global fossil fuel cartel on our politicians and government leaders, our governments have completely failed to fix the climate change emergency over the last six decades. Our governments are not making any effective progress or the required progress on lowering greenhouse gases that could save humanity from eventual mass extinction.
It is a horrible shock to hear that our governments have not made any effective or the required progress when the news, most environmental groups, and our politicians keep telling us climate change progress is being made. What our politicians and leaders are not telling us is that what they are actually doing is:
a. rearranging the deck chairs on the climate change Titanic,
b. not steering away from the iceberg with mass extinction looming directly in front of them, and then,
c. calling their hectic, obvious deck chair dance real climate change progress.
Here is the simple proof that we are not making ANY climate change reduction progress, which the global fossil fuel cartel never wants you to see.
Measuring atmospheric greenhouse gas levels is the most accurate measure of real climate change reduction progress. The graph below shows the story of the three major fossil fuel-burning atmospheric greenhouse gases, carbon (CO2), methane (CH4), and Nitrous Oxide (N2O). The numbers at the bottom of the illustration are the AD dates in history. The IPCC is the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. AR6 is the IPCC's climate summary report. NOAA is the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. PPB is parts per billion. PPM is parts per million.
Please notice how fast greenhouse gases have risen in the gray vertical rectangle on the right. Also, at around 1800 AD, greenhouse gases increase far beyond any earlier levels. About 1800 AD was the beginning of the fossil fuel-burning industrial revolution.
As you can see from above, our governments have failed to make any real progress that reduces global fossil fuel use, (as shown in the actual reduction of the three biggest and most dangerous greenhouse gases.) If our governments had made real progress, the lines on the greenhouse gases graph above would go down and not up at even faster and steeper rates.
Yes, the global fossil fuel cartel's wealth and undue influence tactics have caused our politicians worldwide to block the critical fossil fuel reduction regulations that would reduce global fossil fuel use to the levels required to save humanity and our future. The global fossil fuel cartel has also compromised the world's climate media coverage and the UN's IPCC climate change summary reports so that the media and the IPCC consistently censor and significantly underestimate:
a. the coming severity of climate consequences,
b. the timetables for the most severe climate consequences, and
c. the correct 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets to avoid an endless chain of ever-worsening climate change catastrophes.
It is time to call out the single greatest force preventing our governments from ending the climate change emergency for what it is. Our governments and the media have been compromised and victimized by the biggest corporate fraud in history.
Below is a graph with a shorter timeline for atmospheric carbon (C02.) As you can see, it has risen steadily for the last 60 years. This graph once again highlights the horrifying truth that despite what you hear in the media, your government, and every ill-informed environmental group or not wanting to discourage its donors, there has been no real progress in reducing the dominant cause of the climate change emergency, which is rising greenhouse gases.
It is time to hold the global fossil fuel cartel criminally and financially responsible for the damages caused by their products and actions, namely massive property damage and property loss, escalating crop failures, worldwide starvation and malnutrition, and continually increasing tens of millions of annual deaths. The direct or indirect primary and secondary consequences of fossil fuel-induced and accelerating climate change cause these growing financial losses and deaths.
Fact 2: By 2025-2031, the severity, frequency, and scale of climate change-driven extreme weather events will increase radically and far beyond where it is today! Climate change-driven extreme weather events are defined in part, as heatwaves, heat domes, droughts, wildfires, hurricanes, cyclones, tornados, floods and flooding, rain bombs, wind storms [Derechos], dust storms, wildfire smoke events, unseasonable cold spells, and other abnormal unseasonal weather.
This sudden 2025-2031 radical increase in climate consequences is primarily due to the synergetic and accumulating atmospheric greenhouse gas pollution effects from over 150 years of fossil fuel burning and our crossing major climate change tipping points and climate feedback loops during that period.
Fact 3: Today's legitimate global fossil fuel reduction targets require all developed countries and governments (including China and India) to compel their citizens and businesses to reduce ALL fossil fuel use by about 75% by 2025. The 2025 legitimate global fossil fuel reduction target is so high today because our governments wasted sixty years delaying global fossil fuel reductions when the required fossil fuel reductions could have been far more gradual and manageable.
They are dead wrong when politicians, our governments, or the media tell you we must reduce global fossil fuel use only by 30- 40% or 50% by 2030, 2040, or 2050. If we continue to use the global fossil fuel cartels unduly influenced and grossly underestimated global reduction targets, billions of us will die far sooner than you could imagine.
(If we are very lucky and our governments act today, we may still have until 2031 to reach that 75% level of global fossil fuel reduction, but that most likely will not happen for many of the same 30 reasons that has prevented it from happening over the last sixty years.)
Fact 4: Significantly missing the 2025 - 2031 global fossil fuel reduction targets and consequently crossing the atmospheric carbon threshold of carbon 425-450 parts per million (ppm) means we also will:
a. trigger the first extinction-accelerating global warming tipping point.
b. enter the second phase of runaway global heating. (Runaway is defined as a thing running out of control!) And as mentioned above.
c. activate more of the primary and secondary climate change-driven or interrelated consequences. (These primary and secondary climate change-driven consequences are described here.)
d. face an almost certain near-total human extinction. (Near-total human extinction that, at best, we can save about thirty percent of humanity, and at worst, as little as one to two percent of humanity.)
We are running out of time. We are currently at the insane atmospheric carbon 420 ppm level. We will soon enter the generally considered irreversible second phase of runaway global heating sometime between 2025-2031. (Irreversible here means that we will not be able to get the dangerous excess greenhouse gases out of our atmosphere for hundreds to thousands of years.)
The renowned former NASA climate change scientist, James Hansen, warned the world that we would enter the first phase of runaway global heating when we passed the atmospheric carbon level of 386 ppm. That occurred in 2015.
Fact 5: Because our governments and politicians have not effectively reduced total global fossil fuel use during the last six decades, crossed climate tipping points, crossed climate feedbacks, and other accelerating climate consequences will cause a highly probable and almost certain mass extinction of as much as half of humanity by about 2050.
This mass extinction process will be driven primarily by global soaring food prices, massive crop failures, low crop yields, and mass starvation caused by climate change-driven extreme and unseasonable weather, which will severely disrupt regular growing seasons. Additionally, about half of humanity will also go extinct by about 2050 because of increasing regional and national conflicts arising directly from mass migrations and the rapid escalation of the primary and secondary climate change-driven consequences.
Fact 6: With little remaining time left to act, the only effective way to save as much of humanity as possible (about 50% at best) after mid-century from a highly probable and almost certain near-total extinction, is for our governments and politicians to collectively and immediately enforce a a new law that all developed nations get close to the correct 75% global fossil fuel reduction target by 2025-2031.
There is good news here, even with such horrible previous climate news. It is highly improbable that ALL of humanity will go extinct from accelerating climate change. Life will go on for those who understand the emergency and manage it! (This good news is explained with many illustrations here. This page is one of the most important pages on our website for maintaining a rational perspective and emotional balance in the face of so much bad climate news.)
Here are the "what we need to do IMMEDIATELY to save ourselves" climate change facts.
Fact 7: Individual fossil fuel reduction actions alone (even if done by hundreds of millions of us,) will not save about half of humanity perishing before 2050. This is fully because of 60 years of the grossly negligent government and politician ineffectiveness created and enabled by the global fossil fuel cartel's powerful invisible hand controlling and disinforming our leaders.
Only massive government-enforced action to reduce global fossil fuel use by 75% by 2025 (maybe 2031 if we are super-lucky) can save the post-2050 climate survivors from the even worse, and almost certain near-total extinction process (occurring from about 2050 to 2080.)
The good news is there still is time to save much of the post-2050 remaining half of humanity, but again, only if our governments radically and immediately reduce global fossil fuel use to get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.
Here are the detailed actions our governments must enforce.
Here is how to get our politicians to force our governments to finally act.
There is still an important role for individual actions to reduce fossil fuel use described here. While massive individual fossil fuel reductions are now too little and too late to save about half of humanity before about 2050, they still can play a significant role in what percentage of humanity survives after 2050. See this critical page to understand the important role that our steadily accumulating individual actions to reduce global fossil fuel use will play in helping save humanity once humanity finally forces its politicians and government to act after humanity has hit the climate change catastrophe "rock bottom."
Steadily accumulating individual actions could help make the difference of as much as 30% of humanity surviving after 2050. If individual fossil fuel reduction actions do not continue to grow significantly, as few as five percent or less of humanity could survive until about 2070.
Fact 8: Everything our governments are currently doing to fix the climate change emergency is still "far too little, far too late." Because effective government global fossil fuel use reduction is not happening at anything close to fast enough (the 2025 targets), our organization strongly recommends all individuals, businesses, communities, and nations immediately begin what we call our climate change Plan B. Plan B contains many types of actions, particularly the urgently needed emergency preparations and critical adaptations for the many climate change catastrophes we can no longer avoid.
Some many wise individuals and businesses have already started their "Plan B" Climate change emergency preparation, adaptation, and survival plans. By enacting their Plan B emergency backup and resilience-building plans before 2025 when climate change consequences will begin to rise radically, these prudent individuals and organizations are ensuring they, their loved ones, businesses, communities, and nations will have the best chance to make it through the coming unavoidable climate change catastrophes.
To support their Plan B actions, many individuals are also joining or creating our recommended urban, suburban, rural, hybrid, or virtual climate change-resilient eco-communities. These new, supportive, and resilient eco-communities are discussed in detail here. We call them Climate-Safe Villages.
Fact 9: There is still a lot of good climate change good news to counterbalance government climate inaction.
Humanity can still:
a. save much of the other half of humanity (if our governments do finally act.)
b. obtain these many worthwhile benefits in the step-by-step process of finally fixing the climate emergency.
c. learn the painful climate catastrophe lessons so we never let them happen again.
d. experience many previously unattainable benefits in a Great Global Rebirth once the climate change emergency is finally fixed!
Fact 10: We are almost out of time to save as much as a potential 50% of post-2050 climate change catastrophe survivors. We have no time left to be diverted by wild and unproven at-scale "new technology" Silicon Valley get-rich-quick IPO schemes. There is no substitute for getting close to the required radical 2025 global fossil fuel reductions, or we will face near-total extinction.
No miracle "new technology" (like carbon capture or geo-engineering) currently exists at the needed scale or cost efficiency to save humanity from our accelerating global heating nightmare before about half of humanity is dead by about 2050. So hoping for some "new technology" to be discovered and save humanity at the last minute before our critical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction deadline and that can be scaled up in time without horrible side effects--- is another global fossils fuel cartel disinformation campaign, personal strategy destined for failure, and an costly illusion dooming much of humanity to extinction.
The only thing at this 11th hour that can keep more post-2050 climate survivors from experiencing near-total extinction is to immediately reduce ALL global fossil fuel use and get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. It is that simple.
If you are curious about why it is highly unlikely for humanity to go totally extinct, please read this article, and on this page you will also will see there is a place for appropriate, legitimate, and side effect-safe new technologies.
If you are interested in more about the timeframes that humanity will experience climate-related and other global catastrophes, please review the timeframe illustrations on this page.
Knowledge is power, and Geography is Destiny
You now know what every major national intelligence agency knows about the climate change extinction emergency but will not publicly disclose because of internal national politics. These intelligence agencies legitimately believe they must first secretly prepare, protect and preserve their military and governments for what is coming and stockpile the needed resources before the general public is told how bad climate change will get.
However, our independent and uncensored climate change think tank believes you have the same right to know the same climate facts as those with the highest national security clearances know. We believe that you, your family, and your businesses also have the same right to prepare and stockpile what you will need before it is too late. You have the same right to critical climate information just as many of the world's wealthiest individuals do. (Their financial privilege gives them access to the climate facts above through expensive, secretive, and prestigious risk analysis firms.
"If we can not (or do not) see the current climate change emergency as it is, it is doubtful we will ever be prepared for it or be able to fix it before we run out of time." Lawrence Wollersheim
As you watch this climate nightmare unfold, please do not say you were not told what would happen if our governments did not reduce global fossil fuel use by 75% by 2025. But also remember the good news.
If we break through the misinformation and the denial, we still have time to manage which long-term future we choose. That choice now is: do only about half of us die pre-2050, or do most of us die post-2050?
"Denial is what you add to pain to make it last longer and hurt more." Errol Strieder
Fortunately, there is an effective plan to help you deal with our accelerating climate change nightmare and the global fossil fuel cartel-enabled grossly negligent politicians and governments.
In Summary:
Please keep in mind:
a. At least half of humanity has been condemned to horrible suffering and death because the global fossil fuel cartel has secretly hidden, distorted, manipulated, and underestimated the actual facts and dangers of the climate change emergency for more than 60 years from our governments and the media. Because of the fossil fuel cartel's behind-the-scenes manipulation of climate change facts, our governments, politicians, and media have kept the world's citizens in the dark about the true nature and urgency of the climate change threat. Consequently, our governments, politicians, and media have not mobilized the essential public understanding, support, or action to fix the climate change emergency.
It is not accidental that our governments and politicians have utterly failed for 60 years to fix what truly is humanity's greatest escalating threat (other than immediate global thermonuclear war.) To protect their trillions in profits, the global fossil fuel cartel has deliberately been very busy using their every asset to make it impossible for the world's population to grasp the actual facts about our accelerating climate change extinction emergency.
b. Because of our government's 60 years of previous ineffective climate change actions caused by the hidden hand of the global fossil fuel cartel, about half of humanity will perish by about 2050, mainly and unjustly in poorer third-world countries, which did not create the majority of the fossil fuel greenhouse gas air pollution.
c. Unless our global governments enforce the needed actions to get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, much of what remains of humanity's post-2050 will also perish between about 2050-2070.
d. Unless our global governments act to get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, the future of climate change is simple. Our current record-breaking and extreme weather will continue to break more records and will suddenly get far more extreme from 2025-about 2031 and then rapidly worsen from there.
e. Over the following decades, humanity is headed into an extraordinarily dangerous transitional period. However, wise individuals and businesses with access to uncensored climate information have already begun their Plan B preparations and adaptations to ensure that they can save and salvage as much of their families, businesses, and our collective future as possible.
f. We have a horrible climate change dilemma. If we do not get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, about 50% of humanity will perish before 2050 because of 60 years of government inaction on the emergency. If we do get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, 50% of humanity will still perish by 2050 because of Garret's Climate Change Dilemma. The good news is that if we do get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel targets, at least some of humanity, as much as 30%, will survive from 2050 to 2070 and beyond.
g. The climate change emergency will no longer affect only your children or grandchildren. If you are a senior citizen living in many parts of the world, you are already experiencing predicted climate change consequences. As a senior citizen, you can no longer escape what we leave as a bitter climate legacy for our children and grandchildren. From now until the government acts, you, with everyone else, will be experiencing the steady intensification of many of the worst climate change consequences.
h. Many terrible and unavoidable climate change consequences are already out of our control. All we can do now is vote, prepare, adapt, reduce our personal fossil fuel use, and build climate change-resilient And ClimateSafe communities while doing everything we can to force our governments to reduce global fossil fuel use. These are the save and salvage climate change "good deeds" still under our control where we can still do as much climate change good as possible.
(Click here to see when we think humanity will finally be successful in getting our politicians and governments to effectively act to fix the climate change extinction emergency.)
i. Please take the additional time needed to read about the scope, scale, and facts of the accelerating climate change emergency, including its catastrophic consequences and timetables. This information will profoundly change how prudent individuals plan their lives and future.
If you want to see the details of how the accelerating climate change emergency will disrupt your life this year and beyond, click here for our detailed 2023 and beyond climate change consequence predictions.
If you want to see a series of powerful graphic timeline illustrations for just how little time we have left as the climate gets wildly out of control, see the MIT Club of Rome's original collapse study and its four subsequent verification studies, along with the most recent climate change research, click here.
Please get the above uncensored climate facts widely distributed and to your politicians before it is too late for any of us!
IT IS ALMOST BEYOND THE TIME NEEDED TO ACT! This knowledge once widely shared will help illuminate the true urgency of our runaway global heating extinction emergency. Moreover, understanding the true urgency of the global heating emergency will eventually create the necessary public demand to get our politicians to begin a government-enforced global fossil fuel reduction plan that will work.
The worst consequences runaway global heating extinction emergency will not be prevented or lessened unless:
1. We get our politicians to act. Click here for how to do that.
2. You get active on the many scalable solutions in the Job One for Humanity Plan B. And,
3. You do your part to help educate others about today's uncensored climate facts before it is too late.
Unfortunately, too many climate and environmental organizations still have-not reviewed this page's climate facts and science. So, please also get their executives this information too.
Click here if you are a victim of climate change damage or loss and you want to get financial and other forms of restitution for the damages you have suffered.
To learn more about climate change research and analysis processes used by our think tank to create this summary, click here.
Receive Our Free Climate Change & Runaway Global Heating Updates!
If you are science person and want to explore more of the climate science behind the ten facts above and their documentation links, go to this page and start about half way down the page where it says,"Longer Explanations and Documentation for Why Each of the Above Current Climate Change Facts is Accurate."
Dan Hardy
To help do something about the climate change and global warming emergency, click here.
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