Here are 10 most critical facts about your global warming future that you are not hearing from your governments or the world's largest environmental groups.
This global warming current condition statement below is updated every two weeks to consider the latest research, projections, and alerts. It is also critical that the following information gets to as many members of generations X, Y, and Z as possible. This is a vital heads-up to generations X, Y, and Z because they are the ones who will bear the worst of the global warming emergency.
The following is not meant to shock but to awaken those who do not know to the real, imminent catastrophic threats we all now face.
The facts below were last updated on 11.5.2021. These ten facts are what most governments and other global warming education and environmental groups are afraid to tell you. Once you understand them, you will be better prepared for what is happening now and soon arriving.
The 10 most important facts about today's global warming emergency
Here are the ten most essential facts to know about global warming and climate change based on today's most current science. These ten facts are what most other global warming education and environmental groups are afraid to tell you.
Once you understand them, you will be better prepared for what is happening now and coming.
We are not asking you to accept these disruptive facts blindly. Instead, we have provided links to their scientific documentation and analysis.
We also will not leave you stuck in this painful news without a solution and balancing positive perspectives. At the end of this article, you will find a link to a comprehensive four-part plan for what you can do to help manage global warming and many of the other 11 major global crises we currently face. To further counterbalance these disruptive facts, you will also find a link to a long list of the many surprising benefits that you will experience as we work toward resolving this challenge and evolutionary opportunity.
Because psychologists say it is better to get the bad news out of the way before the good news, here are essential but difficult facts you must know about today's climate change and global warming emergency:
Fact 1: We have lost four valuable global fossil fuel reduction decades when we could have gradually and easily reduced our global fossil fuel use to avoid the current global catastrophe. (Our governments have ignored more than 40 years of global warming warnings by our best climate scientists.
To save ourselves from the extinction of half of humanity by mid-century, global fossil fuel reductions will have to be radical, painful, immediate, and almost impossible.
Be warned! Our governments ignoring repeated and valid scientific warnings is far from rare. They repeatedly ignored the warnings by the world's best pandemic scientists. Despite many pandemic warnings, almost all of our governments were not still prepared for the COVID-19 pandemic, acted too slow at its onset and, it got out of control --- exactly as pandemic scientists predicted!
Our well-warned governments are grossly unprepared for the global warming-fueled extinction emergency and its many primary and secondary consequences. In the illustration below you see just a few of only the primary global warming consequences.
Fact 2: Because we have wasted decades in ineffective climate actions, we are now in a state of runaway global warming and, it is too late to prevent the extinction of half of humanity by 2050. But, we still can prevent our total extinction. Isn't that worth striving for?
Runaway global warming means that global warming will increase on a runaway course. Runaway global warming occurs because we have crossed critical global warming tipping points. Imagine a train going down a hill with no functional brakes, and you have a good concept of it! However, the scariest thing about runaway global warming is that it will continue, of, and by and of itself with no few practical ways to slow, stop or control it.
With runaway global warming, the average global temperature will continue to get warmer and warmer. This unstoppable temperature rise will be due to our crossing additional climate tipping points and many other climate factors. Once we increase the average global temperature by four degrees Celcius, adapting to global warming consequences is no longer possible!
It is now far too late for individual actions alone to stop runaway global warming and achieve the 2025 global fossil fuel reductions needed to save us from accelerating global warming-driven catastrophe and the die-off of half of humanity by mid-century. At this 11th hour, only a worldwide government-driven mass mobilization (similar in scope to the mass mobilization that occurred before World War II) can save us from total extinction. (See Part 3 of our Job One for Humanity Plan will show you how our governments can complete the required mass mobilization and the now required levels of global fossil fuel reduction to save us.)
Click here to discover all of the details on how we have created our own runaway global warming dilemma and this climate nightmare.
Fact 3: Our governments are less than five years away (2025) from missing our last realistic chance to reduce global fossil fuel use sufficiently to slow down the die-off of half of humanity by 2050. It is only by getting close to these 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets that we maintain any realistic control of our global warming futures and can prevent the total extinction of humanity around or before 2100. (Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do at this point other than to slow down the die-off of half of humanity by mid-century. We have waited and ignored the warnings of climate scientists for too long.)
What are these critical, required 2025 global fossil fuel use reductions? The 2025 targets will require most developed nations to reduce their total global fossil fuel use by a shocking 75% by 2025. This 75% global fossil fuel reduction means that all developed countries (including China and India) must reduce all auto, train, shipping, airline, industrial, agricultural, and home uses of all fossil fuels by 75% by 2025 to meet the life-critical 2025 targets!
These national fossil fuel reduction targets also mean the citizens of those nations must reduce all auto, train, shipping, airline, industrial, agricultural, and home uses of all fossil fuels by 75% by 2025. Now you have a realistic idea of how challenging this reduction task is and how painful it will be to save the future for all of us. (Click here to see full details and the year-by-year 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. Also, please keep in mind that, if we fail to come close to these 2025 targets, it will take centuries to millennia for the planet to recover. )
The illustration below will help you visualize how the die-off of half of humanity will unfold. Review the following global warming cascading meltdown illustration starting from the bottom up! Starting from the bottom, this illustration reflects the unfolding natural progression of ever-worsening and interacting consequences and tipping point processes that will occur as global warming continues to escalate pushing us toward our extinction.
For now just get a general idea of all the global warming consequences, tipping points, and human system factors that will be interacting and colliding as well as amplifying and multiplying each other as what we call the Climageddon extinction scenario unfolds in phases and waves.
Remember to start reviewing this illustration from the bottom up beginning with the heating of global warming escalating!
The above illustration help to illuminate how it will affect everyone in its path In one way or another, directly or indirectly, as the above list of heat-driven global warming-related consequences increase in severity, frequency, and scale. (Full explanations of each tipping point and consequence are found here, the 11 key global warming tipping points and, here the 20 worst global warming consequences.)
Fact 4: Missing the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets by a lot means we go over the first extinction-evoking tipping point, and that greatly accelerates the immutable laws of climate physics toward climate consequence catastrophe and total extinction. Going over this first critical tipping point will also quickly trigger crossing more even worse global warming extinction-accelerating tipping points faster and faster.
If we fail to meet the 2025 targets, it will produce accelerating temperatures, drought, rain bombs, flooding, and global warming's many other consequences and forms of extreme weather.
If we cross this first extinction-evoking tipping point, we will not be able to prevent the widespread collapse of global agriculture. If we allow global agriculture's widespread failure, the human population will quickly starve, and today's population will soon collapse. (See this critical page for the detailed sequence of the unfolding primary and secondary global warming consequences.)
The above is not even the worse consequence of missing the 2025 targets by a lot. If we do not get very close to these 2025 targets, a result called runaway global warming will eventually render our beautiful Planet Earth completely uninhabitable for our species and many others!
The good news about runaway global warming is that can only happen if we significantly miss the 2025 global reduction targets. If that happens, we cannot stop ourselves from going over the first extinction-evoking global warming tipping point. If that happens, we will then soon cross the two other extinction-accelerating global warming tipping points. (Click here to read about how and when these additional critical extinction-accelerating tipping points will unfold over the next few decades.)
Fact 5: Despite horrible odds for getting close to the critical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, it is still technically possible to do so. But we immediately need to execute a government-driven and government-enforced global mass mobilization. If our governments get us close to the 2025 targets, we can at least slow down (but not stop) the die-off of half of humanity by mid-century.
Fact 6: Only by getting close to the global 2025 fossil fuel reduction targets and managing most of these other 11 non-global warming global crises will we give ourselves the needed time to prevent the near-total or total extinction of humanity from occurring from 2070 to about 2100.
Here are the 11 other global crises we also have to manage while we push to reach the 2025 targets. If you still think that either the extinction of half of humanity by mid-century or humanity's total extinction beginning around 2070 are overstated, please read this page first, then this page, and then please see this recent scientific summary by respected climate scientists.
Fact 7: Our governments continue to grossly under-estimate and hide the following from us:
a. how bad global warming is going to get,
b. how soon global warming will exponentially worsen, (Click here to see when global warming consequences will go from rising gradually (and linearly) to rising exponentially!)
c. the honest correct global fossil fuel reduction targets which are critically needed to save us from the die-off of half of humanity by mid-century. (Much is 51% or more.)
The world's governments have grossly under-estimated the above three areas because in part, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of the United Nations has cleverly "falsified" global fossil fuel reduction calculations. These "falsified" fossil fuel reduction target calculations also contribute to the acuracy of global warming consequence timetables and predictions.
These global fossil fuel reduction target calculations are vitally important because the IPCC is the treated as world's leading research authority on global warming. All governments rely upon their reduction calculations for their nation's part of the global fossil fuel use reduction targets. Unfortunately, because of this IPCC "falsification" of the needed global fossil fuel reduction calculations, the world now falsely believes it is somewhat close to its needed reduction targets and will be safe for decades to come. Nothing could be farther from the truth! (Click here to discover how the IPCC "falsified" essential global fossil fuel reduction calculations and targets. It is a fascinating, easy read.)
Because of delays in managing global warming honestly, the world is now facing an accelerating extinction emergency. We must now make drastic global fossil fuel reductions before the end of 2025 or, we can't stop ourselves from going over our last chance, extinction-evoking tipping point. Unfortunately, because of many decades of IPCC consequence under-estimation and "falsified" reduction calculations, many global warming consequences are also now unavoidable!
If you still do not believe that we are being told the wrong survival-critical global fossil fuel reduction targets, click the following link and decide for yourself if the incorrect IPCC calculations are intentional or just honest mistakes? (Click here to see the other global fossil fuel reduction target manipulations and politicization problems from within the IPCC.)
Fact 8: The severity, frequency, and scale of global warming consequences occurring will soon start rising exponentially.
Many of the primary and secondary consequences of global warming will soon stop rising gradually and linearly as they are occurring now! As global warming continues we will cross many more of the 11 key climate tipping points. As we cross more climate tipping points, global warming consequences will not continue to gradually increase in frequency, severity, and scale. Many of the global warming consequences will soon start growing exponentially, (Within the next 3-9 years from 2025-2031.)
In the graph below, the red line is an example of a linear, somewhat steady, predictable, and gradual global warming consequence growth trajectory. (Linear progression equals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, etc.) The green line below is an example of a sudden, exponential, and highly unpredictable global warming consequence growth trajectory. (Exponential progression equals 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 264, etc.)
The sudden green line exponential growth in the severity, frequency, and scale of global warming-related or triggered consequences will also eventually produce a sudden and abrupt massive global collapse that will be all but impossible to recover from for most nations. (When we use the terms sudden and abrupt, we are speaking in geological timeframes where 3-5 decades is barely a blink of the eye.)
Never forget that the most dangerous exponential growth of global warming consequences will begin within the next 3-9 years (about 2025-2031. This exponential transition also corresponds to when we cross the carbon 425-450 ppm tipping point threshold level. Unfortunately, the exponential growth in global warming consequences will continue worsening after we cross the carbon 425 to 450 threshold level as well!
This exponential growth in the severity, frequency, and scale of global warming consequences also means that few, if any, NGOs, corporations, or governments will ever be able to either manage or recover from these accelerating consequences for long. Exponential growth also means that unless you have made your emergency preparations long before these consequences begin rising exponentially, you won't have enough time to do so later.
This rising danger of getting caught unprepared exists because our social, economic, and political systems also will become exponentially more unpredictable, unstable, and chaotic. This system instability will happen sometime after global warming consequences enter their exponential curves (the green line above.)
If you have not prepared for exponentially rising global warming consequence growth long before it is needed (2025-2031), you will find yourself in a living hell! (Our Plan B for Climate Change Resilience will provide many ideas on how to get well-prepared for what is coming and what is now unavoidable because of climate system momentum and human system inertia. Unfortunately, getting correctly prepared will take most people and organizations several years!)
Fact 9: We are so far behind where we need to be in reducing global fossil fuel use to get even close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets wise individuals and businesses should already be executing their climate change catastrophe, Plan B.
In addition to our accelerating global warming emergency, we have also failed miserably to manage most of these other 11 critical global challenges to our severe detriment. The amplifying, accelerating, and interacting of these 12 major global crises with each other will soon begin causing a widespread accelerated or abrupt collapse of the critical food production, economic, ecological, and social systems first in weaker nations, but eventually even in the strongest.
Below, you see the complete and utter failure of the IPCC and our governments in doing anything effective to reduce global fossil fuel-related greenhouse gases, which has caused our accelerating global warming, particularly over the last 40 years. The graph below shows the 3 most dangerous greenhouse gasses in atmospheric parts per billion (ppb).
Now is the time for wise individuals and businesses also to create their own Plan B emergency backup survival plans. Plan B is simply an emergency preparation, adaptation, and survival plan. It might even include migration or relocation to safer areas away from the worst of accelerating global warming and the worsening 11 other major global threats.
It is no longer reasonable to rely solely upon our limited-resourced governments to save you, your family, or your business from the rapidly accelerating global warming extinction emergency interacting with our 11 other major global crises. With your Plan B firmly in place, you can keep working with all the rest of us to help slow down global warming and achieve the best remaining possible outcomes after you have prepared your family and business for its worst outcomes and soon-arriving unavoidable consequences. And, if we eventually do get through this extinction emergency, you will have preserved your future opportunity to create a better life from the painful lessons you and all of us will be learning.
Click here to see the Job One for Humanity Plan B. Plan B also includes saving and salvaging as half of our global civilization as we can for as long as we can so; it will be there for us in the post-collapse future.)
(Click here to see the many best possible remaining positive outcomes if our governments mass mobilize and act in time.)
Fact 10: Critical timeframes for getting global warming catastrophe prepared. Depending on your current location, you should still have time left to prepare for and adapt to the myriad of now unavoidable global warming-related primary and secondary consequences. To help you determine how much time you have to prepare, adapt, or relocate, we have provided the global warming and interrelated global crisis timetable below.
Keep in mind that this timetable significantly depends on your current location's safety and global warming risk level. If you are in a higher-risk area, the timeframes are shorter. Also, please keep in mind that while you are preparing and adapting keep pushing our governments to radically reduce global fossil fuel use so that some of humanity will be able to survive mass extinction or near-total extinction even though the current odds are terrible.
In general, the higher global warming risk areas will be between the 45th parallel north and the 45th parallel south. The highest risks will be between the 30th parallel north and the 30th parallel south.
Most global warming consequence-related deaths will occur within the poor and undeveloped countries between the 40th parallel north and the 4Oth parallel south. In the image below, the red line marks the 40th parallel north. The yellow line marks the 40th parallel south.
Here are the critical survival and location-relevant deadlines and timeframes to know and use for your personal and business survival:
a. The 5-year deadline: (From now until the end of 2025.) At this time, it is appropriate to admit it is all but impossible for us to fully meet the total 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets! But, we still do have enough time left to slow down (but not avoid) a mid-century mass extinction event for half of humanity by getting close to them. Thus, although we have passed the point of avoiding the die-off of half of humanity, we still can maintain some level of control of our global warming future. And most importantly, we can still prevent total extinction by getting very close to the 2025 targets!
This total extinction danger also means we have to educate the world about the extinction-evoking global warming tipping point deadlines after preparing our survival provisions and after creating safe and sustainable community cooperatives or sanctuaries. (See this Plan B emergency plan page, which discusses how to prepare in the safest locations and what are the least safe places to ride out the global warming extinction emergency.)
b. The 5-10-year deadline: (This assumes we will miss the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets and did not get close to them.) From 2020 to 2027, global warming consequences will steadily worsen in a rising but steeper linear progression. More people will wisely migrate to safer areas. Millions will die because of climate-related food shortages and other global warming-related catastrophes.
If you have prepared, adapted, and if applicable, are in a global warming safer location before 2027, and you have a good Plan B in place, depending upon your location, relative stability and security for family and business are probable until about 2030 to 2040. (See this Plan B emergency plan page, which discusses how to prepare in the safest locations and what are the least safe places to ride out the global warming extinction emergency.)
c. The 10-15 year deadline: (This assumes we will miss the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, and we did not get close to the 2025 targets.) After 2030-2035 many other climate, human, ecological, political, and economic tipping points will be crossed due to accelerating global warming consequences and global warming amplifying the consequences of most of these 11 other critical global challenges.
The stability and security of even the safest and best prepared global warming safer locations will lessen and become increasingly challenging. Those individuals in supportive cooperatives or sustainable communities should be significantly safer and better adapted than those who are not. (See this Plan B emergency plan page, which discusses how to prepare in the safest locations and what are the least safe places to ride out the global warming extinction emergency.)
d. The 15-25 year deadline: (This assumes we will miss the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, and we did not get close to meeting these targets.) Beginning around 2030, the frequency, severity, and size of the 20 worst global warming consequences will move from a steeply rising linear progression into an exponential progression. As a result, stability and security for even the best prepared, safer global warming locations, cooperatives, and sustainable communities will become far more complex and dangerous. (See this Plan B emergency plan page, which discusses how to prepare in the safest locations and what are the least safe places to ride out the global warming extinction emergency.)
e. The 25-30-year deadline: (This assumes we will miss the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, and at least, we got close to them or compensated for these targets somewhere over this period.) By mid-century, extinction for half of humanity will still be unavoidable. From 2030-2050 will be the riskiest period to survive for much to most of society. Generally, things will be better in safer global warming locations, special cooperatives, and sustainable communities. But even there, survival is far from guaranteed without the highest preparation, adaptation, and cooperation levels. (See this Plan B emergency plan page, which discusses how to prepare in the safest locations and what are the least safe places to ride out the global warming extinction emergency.)
f. The 50-year deadline: (This assumes we will miss the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, and unfortunately, we did not even get close to them.) In this case, we will face the worst consequences of runaway global warming. We will be heading toward the beginning of the runaway greenhouse gas effect, which ripped the atmosphere off Venus. Because of this escalating runaway global warming reality and not getting close to the 2025 reduction targets, humanity will, unfortunately, finally face a total extinction event beginning as soon as 2070-2100. We call this the Climageddon Scenario.
At this dangerous juncture in the evolution of humanity, it is also wholly appropriate to feel fear because of the many known consequences of accelerating global warming and the worsening of these 11 other global crises. While generalized fear or panic often paralyzes, there are positive evolutionary reasons for fear's emotion. The positive use of fear exists for those rare times when there are REAL threats to your survival. Positive fear mobilizes the observant and wise to act before it is too late!
So, here is some good timeline news. If we at least get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, we can still prevent total human extinction. If we do not, we begin crossing too many additional extinction-triggering tipping points. This happens far too fast to prevent the worst consequences of runaway global warming multiplying the worsening effects of the other 11 major global crises. (Highly relevant additional emergency preparation, adaptation, and other location/relocation safety and risk level information useful for wisely using the timetable above begins on this page.)
One Last Mini-Fact: The Common False Belief that New Carbon Removal Technology Will Save Us Just in Time
Many people falsely believe that geoengineering, carbon capture, or some other new miracle technology will ride in like a knight on a white horse at the last minute to save humanity from the natural consequences of its previous bad climate decisions, actions, inactions, and mistakes.
(Click here to read about why this fairy tale carbon capture technology is not going to happen or will be "too little too late" to save us.)
(Click here to read how challenging it will be to reach the 2025 fossil fuel reduction targets.)
The Ten Facts Summary:
1. The IPCC has deceived our governments about the true global fossil fuel reduction targets and how bad and fast global warming catastrophe and mass extinction are coming.
2. Our governments are failing horribly in achieving the real 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. This will push the world over critical global warming extinction triggering tipping points and bring about the unavoidable extinction of half of humanity and widespread social collapse by mid-century.
3. The battle to prevent the extinction of half of humanity by mid-century is over. The fight to prevent total extinction has begun. It is now the last chance for our governments to mass mobilize and act together with the correct actions to prevent global social collapse and humanity's total extinction.
4. While we try to get our governments to mass mobilize and come close to the 2025 targets, it IS also time for individuals and businesses to execute their emergency Plan B. Plan B consists of preparing for and adapting to the soon-arriving climate mega-catastrophes, widespread social collapse, and the inevitable mass extinction of half of humanity by mid-century. (To see precisely how widespread social collapse will occur due to the accelerating global warming emergency, please read the secondary consequences on this page.)
5. The comprehensive Job One Climate Resilience Plan offers honest, reality-based hope for surviving and thriving throughout the uncertain future. It covers:
a. the real 2025 fossil fuel targets,
b. the correct actions our governments need to do slow down mass extinction and prevent total extinction, and
c. what we as individuals, businesses, and governments must do to have the proper emergency backup Plan B in place to ride out what is coming.
6. The Job One for Humanity Plan is based on the simple logic that, if we do not come close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, when faced with unavoidable mass extinction and a highly probable total extinction event, it is best to use your remaining time and energy wisely. This wise use of remaining time and energy would include:
a.) making your remaining time as fulfilling, meaningful, and comfortable as possible for as long as you can (Parts 1 and 2 of the Job One Plan.)
b.) doing everything within your power to save and salvage whatever you can of humanity and civilization for as long as you can instead of doing nothing and losing everything! (Parts 3 and 4 of the Job One Plan.)
Unfortunately, to delay the required painful global fossil fuel reductions to save us from total extinction, our governments and politicians will continue to deny the above facts under the guise of preventing public panic. At this time, too many governments and environmental groups have been compromised by the money and influence of fossil fuel-producing nations, fossil fuel-related industries, and their lobbyists.
To keep the public calm and ignorant of the imminent extinction dangers described above, it is very likely our governments will continue to issue false or misleading global warming reduction progress reports. Our governments will likely seek to distract us with false hope solutions like the many existing and illusionary carbon capture and new geoengineering schemes.
For humanity to survive and thrive, we must go where science and the facts lead us and face the cold and bitter reality of the real threat of our current extinction emergency. We must continue to speak truth to power no matter how uncomfortable those facts might be.
The above ten facts about our global warming future are well known within the appropriate intelligence agency departments and by selected political leaders within most developed nations. Moreover, those informed individuals are already preparing themselves, their families and secretly instituting the necessary governmental preparation and control projects to deal with these future extinction-level threats.
At Job One, we feel that ordinary people worldwide also have the absolute right to have this critical information. Having it, they too can prepare in advance for what is coming. They, too, can readjust their lives while relative stability still exists. They, too, have the right to find meaning and enjoyment in the diverse relationships of their remaining lives.
The Single Most Important Summary Fact for Your and Your Family's Survival
Our failed Plan A for climate change was having our governments try to gradually reduce global fossil fuel use over the last 40 years. If we were even remotely successful with Plan A, the planet would not be rapidly overheating, we would not be on the edge of an unavoidable extinction of half of humanity by mid-century, and we also would not be staring down the high probability of total human extinction by as soon as 2070 or sooner.
Unfortunately, the history of our 40-year Plan A was a complete failure. In fact, it did not even come close to occurring for the 28+ reasons listed on this page. Accordingly, it is now long past the time for wise individuals, businesses, and nations to begin an effective emergency backup and adaptation Plan B before it is too late to slow down what we can no longer avoid! Click here to start your personal Plan B!
Now that you know the most important facts about climate change and global warming please also see the 8 facts about climate change that most people misunderstand.
Please share the above critical ten global warming facts with everyone you can and, please sign the:
Global Warming Emergency Petition, which goes to our politicians
And, if you read nothing else from the many links above, read this page!
Please also see the latest global warming and climate change predictions for 2021.
About the organization presenting the above information
The not-for-profit Job One for Humanity organization provides a unique, holistic analysis and systems-level, big picture overview of the many inter-connected and inter-dependent climate systems creating our current global warming emergency.
Unlike other climate change educational organizations, we do provide prioritized, critical-path solutions to the global warming emergency built upon unpoliticized and science-accurate global fossil fuel reduction targets, and the most dangerous global warming tipping point deadlines we currently face.
Our organization focuses on educating individuals and businesses on how to adapt to what we can no longer avoid! It will help you and your business survive and thrive through the many soon-arriving climate change catastrophes.
The pages on our website will illuminate the physics and math-determined interactions of the climate's many complex systems in easy-to-understand illustrations, descriptions, and documentation. We know no other website that so candidly presents such a comprehensive systems-level overviewing window into our global warming future.
What you can do easily and Now!
1. Like thousands and thousands of others please sign our global warming emergency petition to get our governments to execute the correct actions to save our futures.
2. Please share this critical blog post with everyone you can!
3. Start your personal global warming Plan B and get ready for what is coming!
To help do something about the climate change and global warming emergency, click here.
Sign up for our free Global Warming Blog by clicking here. (In your email, you will receive critical news, research, and the warning signs for the next global warming disaster.)
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Our Job One for Humanity Plan and this page mention the degrowth and overshoot you thought we do not cover. See this page to start: The Job One Team
Even before climate change impacts began to manifest substantially, human overpopulation was driving the Earth’s fastest mass extinction.
We can look at over-consumption, but there is only so much we can reduce, per capita — there is a high overhead to maintaining any form of advanced human civilization (transportation and communications infrastructures, higher learning, nutritious food, device-assisted labor, scientific advancements, modern medical advancements, leisure time, etc., etc., ), based on any known technologies. By some estimates, we are already consuming at 2-3x the rate that nature can replenish… and that is not to mention critical minerals that do not appreciably replenish.
It is also worth noting — when we look at relative consumption rates — that the “bottom” 90% of people (who consume less than the “top” 10% of consumers — mostly DON’T WANT TO LIVE LIKE THAT — they CAN’T WAIT to live with the benefits, security, and comforts of 1st world countries.
The most detailed estimates of the Earth’s human carrying capacity typically range from 800M to 2.0B. Those estimates are based on healthy ecosystems. Recovery from today’s heavily deteriorated ecosystems means a lower “recovery population,” almost certainly not much more than 1.0B. An egalitarian human civilization — rather than one, like today’s, that requires deep inequities — also requires lower numbers.
So, in addition to an all-out effort to mitigate the emerging climate catastrophe, it is necessary to embrace rapid de-growth, with the ultimate goal of a steady-state (“circular”) economic system of no more than ~1.0-1.5B people.
On the up-side, rapid de-growth can also be an important strategy for cutting GHG emissions. We need to abandon the concept of economic growth, and the economic rules and frameworks that value or require growth.
You are correct about this problem, but we cover it extensively on our website in the Plan B article in the section on what our governments must do. See this section, Plan B Action Steps for the World’s Governments to Save and Salvage Whatever We Can before it is too Late on this page
We, at technological peak of our civilisation, need at least one hundred years to safely dismantle just one smaller number of them, with great difficulties and uncertainty…
For instance:
But we don’t have hundred years. Our future will be very hot, and very radioactive.
there are methods with my project to reduce co2 in the atmosphere but even with taking a chunk out of the atmosphere this part of the problem i’m not confident my project would solve
but controlling the temperature of the earth is another thing. we just need 5% more clouds over the ocean to counter all the added co2 in the atmosphere
just need to control hurricanes with my 20 mile diameter structure that’s powered by the hurricane, capture a tropical storm coming off africa or one that’s going to hit landfall, turbo charge it to a cat 5 and drag it out into the middle of the ocean. with 5-10 structures one could provide water for drinking and irrigation around the world and cool the ocean and cool the earth
there is so much more to it along with advanced methods i haven’t gone over, ways to not kill billions and such, ways to better the quality of life for everyone and needing to work on r&d that will change everything
there’s the problem that it will change weather patterns cooling down the earth but weather patterns have shown that they have changed and it will get worse
right now i’m just waiting for joe to take over and scientists that can understand the physics of free methane breaking through a permafrost barrier generating a 2,000’ blow hole with a bottom made up of material frozen in place by the freezing effects of the frozen methane coming up with all the debris. it’s kinda complicated but there’s no way methane hydrates could create such a blow hole and the gasses coming out are way more than the hole could hold or so natalia has stated. so far as i know nobody has a clue, it’s so disappointing