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Showing 6 reactions

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  • Noah Rowe
    commented 2019-01-11 08:19:31 -0800
    I have written letters to President Donald J. Trump concerning Global Warming. I have known the Solution for Global Warming for some time now. President Trump was informed by me of a Scientist in North Carolina whom discovered Sun + Water equals Fuel Hydrogen Fuel and the scientist latest findings is Sun +Water Equals Hydrogen fuel Cells. With this latest discovery Hydrogen Fuel Cells is now our Solution for Climate Change, in fact I recently informed President Trump and asked him why our government has not informed our American Citizens of this breakfhrough. Noah E. Rowe
  • Lawrence Wollersheim
    commented 2018-12-31 11:49:57 -0800
    What you say is absolutely true.

    For more on the timeline see the following two pages in the given order:


  • Willis Cockrell
    commented 2018-12-30 14:06:44 -0800
    I have this feeling when you see a nasty storm brewing. The wind and clouds and smell are clear to anyone who looks. But somehow people refuse to look; and if they do look they think the storm will skirt around somehow. And there are almost 10 billion of us! Our current rules of society and economics are not sustainable. The storm will hit. It will not miss us. Humans are about to be culled not by space aliens but by our own societal structures an innate fears that hold us back from quick and radical changes. Perhaps some form of a human descendant will exist in the far north augmented by artificial intelligence, but life will no longer be what we experience now. My only uncertainty is about the timeline; how fast will the changes happen? Will I live to see our demise acknowledged and accepted? Pity our children who will never know a world of peace and stability.
  • Emma Lewis
    commented 2018-11-17 10:03:08 -0800
    Why don’t people recognize the urgency?
  • peter jort
    commented 2018-01-01 06:42:18 -0800
    just do it
  • Elizabeth Bartlett
    commented 2016-10-31 16:38:53 -0700
    This is our world let us work together to help make things better, if not fix.
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