Global warming is fueling a Great Global Collapse, but it also could be setting the stage for a Great Global Rebirth.
If you have not read the Great Global Collapse page, we strongly recommend doing so before reading this Great Global Rebirth challenges page. Understanding this collapse process will provide a robust and complete overview of the many consequences we must endure before our global warming-influenced lives can get better. At the end of this document, you will also find a section on the delusions and the horrible fate of the ultra-wealthy individuals and corporations who arrogantly think that because of their wealth, they will somehow survive the global warming-triggered Great Global Collapse.
Also, if you have not read about the many benefits and processes of a possible Great Global Rebirth, first, read this page and then be sure to see this page! We know this is a bit of preparatory reading. But, unless you can see the probabilities and relationships of the Great Global Collapse consequences to the possibilities of the Great Global Rebirth benefits, the following analysis and recommendations will be far less helpful to you.
Humanity now faces a global warming-fueled, highly probable Great Global Collapse and the far smaller possibility of a Great Global Rebirth once we make it through the collapse cycle. But, after the Great Global Collapse occurs, the possibility of a Great Global Rebirth is far from assured.
In fact, for the hearty souls who decide to get prepared to survive the Great Global Collapse, the probability of a high success rate is not encouraging. Therefore, the rest of this document will illuminate the challenges of making it through to the point that a Great Global Rebirth could occur.
This article is another example of how Job One candidly provides both the good and bad news about the global warming emergency, your choices, and who will be most affected.
Why the possibility for Great Global Rebirth after the Great Global Collapse is not good:
1. We are already facing the extinction of much of humanity by mid-century because of existing global warming consequences that we can no longer avoid! To prevent total extinction, we must come very close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. Unfortunately, two dozen reasons on this page will make getting close to the 2025 global targets extremely difficult.
2. Individuals and their communities will have to first survive many severe consequences described in detail in the Great Global Collapse process.
3. Long before the worst global warming-related consequences have run their full course to total extinction, the world's nations will probably initiate a Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical World War III. This new global war will likely occur because nations will be desperately fighting over the limited global warming-safer lands and other scarce resources.
4. In the post-collapse period of failed national governments, any survivors will have to deal with the toxic effects of compromised nuclear reactors, chemical weapons, and biological weapons, as well as any "leakage" from their manufacturing, service, and storage facilities. Hundreds of millions will sicken and die as unsecured and unsupervised nuclear reactors go critical and spew toxic radiation worldwide. Millions more will sicken as they die from the releases of insecure biological weapons and toxic industrial chemicals. If too many nuclear reactors go critical and meltdown, the radiation circling the planet will kill off all life within a few years of nuclear winter.
5. Survivors will not only have to deal with a physically toxic environment. They will also have to deal with an emotionally and psychologically poisonous environment. Anyone who survives the Great Great Collapse and die-off will have experienced the greatest collective trauma in human history. The emotional and psychological stresses created by watching everything you loved be destroyed, taken away, or die, will significantly diminish the health and lifespans of most post-collapse survivors.
6. If there are survivors after the Great Global Collapse process, they then will most likely enter a global New Dark Age. But, this will not be like the Dark Age that occurred during the Middle Ages. Instead, it will be far worse. This is because most of the easy-to-access natural resources available during humanity's original Dark Age will already be depleted, and much of the planet will be toxic.
This New Dark Age will likely last for many, many decades, if not more than a century. During this New Dark Age, living conditions for most of the planet will be brutal and most likely overseen by barbaric local warlords or clans. For a community of survivors to endure all of the above over greatly extended periods will be nothing short of miraculous!
And finally,
7. Even if survivors make it through the post-collapse and the New Dark Age, it will take centuries to thousands of years for our Earth's natural systems to come back into balance. Only then will the climate conditions suitable for more humans to thrive be present once again.
To survive all of the above, at the minimum, survivors will need to be a part of a strong eco-community that can help protect them and produce most of their needs. They will also need a new worldview and set of values (not unlike the unique worldview and values found at to have deep enough science and spiritual "roots" to survive all they will need to endure.
Hopefully, if this post-collapse and post-New Dark Age is survivable, any surviving clans, tribes, or communities still functioning will have learned the painful lessons of the Great Global Collapse. They will have changed their unsustainable and inequitable behaviors.
They will develop a new worldview and new economic, political, and social systems. This new worldview and its new systems will provide the essential tools and opportunities for a new re-building and reboot of humanity.
Suppose some of humanity does survive through all of the above. In that case, it will genuinely have an opportunity to experience and create a unique renaissance where both humankind and nature come back into a balance. This will allow both to flourish. If this happens, whatever is left of humanity will carry forward and make better humanity's great evolutionary adventure on Earth.
Fasten your seat belts. Strap on your shoulder harnesses and put on your helmets. We are entering the extreme turbulence of the beginning stages of the Great Global Collapse process. What you have experienced with the COVID-19 pandemic is just a tiny beginning of it. The Covid 19 pandemic, all of its global social and economic disruptions, and its mass die-off will be considered "a day at the beach" when it is compared to what is coming.
(If you are curious to learn more about the many new Great Global Rebirth behaviors needed, please see the principles of sustainable prosperity and the Universe Principles of evolutionary success.)
What are reasonable life choices and planning options to consider with the probability of longer-term survival so challenging?
How do you plan your remaining life when looking at the high probability of increasing hardship, instability, chaos, and death for most, if not all, of humanity? The first thing we recommend to do is to look at what are the global warming-related consequences most probable to occur during the remainder of your life.
The good news here is that, depending on your current location, there is no need to panic! You still have numerous years to get prepared and adapt to what is coming. All you have to do is decide how long you want to live in relative comfort and stability and prepare accordingly.
Step One: Review the six conditional action deadlines below
Assuming you have read the Great Global Collapse and you have also made some notes on its key consequence dates, the following critical survival, and location-relevant deadlines will also help. Before you review the deadlines below, read about the many severe consequences of the Thwaites "doomsday glacier." If you are located near a coastal area, the consequences of the collapse of this one glacier (estimated to occur about 2025-2028) can significantly alter the timeframes listed below. However, even if you do not live on a coast, click the following link Thwaites "doomsday glacier" to read about the next global climate catastrophe because it will affect your future survival plans.
Critical survival deadlines:
Special Note: Up until 8.18.2022, we provided all critical timelines for preparing for the consequences of runaway global warming in one place as part of the thousands of pages of free climate information we provide. After 8.18.2022, we have moved these critical runaway global heating timeframes to the members-only section of our website.
We were forced to do this to ensure that our self-funding, non-profit climate think tank has adequate income to continue doing unbiased, unpoliticized, and accurate climate analyses and predictions. We encourage you to become an annual member to access these critical timelines and other valuable materials.
For a tax-deductible $9.00 annual member donation, you will also receive a $50 value of five climate-related ebooks and more. This link will take you to a description of all five climate-related ebooks and all other membership access information.
We sincerely hope you will understand the reason for this necessary change. Your annual membership donation will keep us online to continue speaking painful climate truth to power...
At this dangerous juncture in the evolution of humanity, it is also wholly appropriate to feel fear because of the many known consequences of accelerating global warming and the worsening of these 11 other global crises. While generalized fear or panic often paralyzes, there are positive evolutionary reasons for fear's emotion. The positive use of fear exists for those rare times when there are REAL threats to your survival. Positive fear mobilizes the observant and wise to act before it is too late!
So, here is some good news. If we at least get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, we can still prevent total human extinction. If we do not, we begin crossing too many additional extinction-triggering tipping points. This happens far too fast to prevent the worst consequences of runaway global warming multiplying the worsening effects of the other 11 major global crises.
To support your choices and timelines, we also provide highly relevant emergency preparation, adaptation, and other location/relocation safety and risk level information. It begins on this page.)
Step 2: Consider your new global warming-informed life plan options
Once you have determined what will happen and when over your expected lifespan, it's then time to decide just how you want to live and have the most stability in that remaining time. Below please find the most common options that people select.
Option 1: In a do-or-die effort, many individuals and groups will decide to pour all of their remaining resources into getting our governments to get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets as the only honest and effective way to save some of humanity. (People who chose this option may also see the many potential global warming survival benefits.)
As more individuals and groups realize they are fighting for their survival, maybe our governments will finally listen to a rising mass global outcry for action. Perhaps our governments will eventually enforce the drastic global fossil fuel reductions needed, and hopefully, it will not be too little too late.
(Our organization honors the courage and sacrifice of individuals who choose this option.)
Option 2: Despite difficult long-term survival odds, (described in the Great Global Rebirth section above) many people still will decide to take a chance and do the necessary preparation and adaptation to survive for as long as possible and, as comfortably as possible The drive to survive at all costs is very powerful in our species.
Individuals who chose to survive as long as possible might relocate to global warming safer lands as needed. They might also form or join a sustainable eco-community that will have their back as things worsen and help them produce what is needed as distribution networks stall or collapse.
People who chose this option also may see the many potential global warming survival benefits. They also may become motivated by the great evolutionary adventure of being one of the new Evolutioneers (individuals or groups who choose to be co-creators) of the Great Global Rebirth no matter how difficult.
(For all of the potential benefits of becoming an Evolutioneer and co-creator of the Great Global Rebirth, first, see this page and then be sure to read this page!)
While individuals who chose this second option are preparing and adapting, they also might be doing everything they can to get our governments to finally enforce the life-critical 2025 targets to reduce global fossil fuel use.
Option 3: Other individuals have decided to accept the collapse and probable extinction situation (described here) as it is. Their goal is simple. They want to use the remaining time they have that is still relatively stable to live as meaningfully and as enjoyably life as is possible.
They have decided to live within a smaller, more controllable life scale. This is because they believe that the bigger life-scale of global collapse and extinction is entirely out of their control. They may also believe that pushing our governments to radically and immediately reduce global fossil fuel use at this late stage is a waste of their time, energy, and resources.
Instead, they want to use their remaining time and environmental stability to put their affairs in order and start living their remaining dreams or "bucket lists."
In one way or another, individuals who choose this option have decided that now is the perfect time to drop out of the modern "consume and waste" social rat race and tune in to what is truly important with their remaining time! Younger people who have chosen this option also may decide that it is not ethical to have more children. This is because they know what we face and there is a high probability their children will have painful short lives.
Option 4: Many people combine and customize their self-chosen elements from the three strategies above as time and resources permit.
No Blame or Judgement, But...
In such an extreme and challenging situation as we now find ourselves, our organization does not blame or render judgment upon any individuals or groups choosing any of the above options. However, we have many helpful adaptation suggestions and survival recommendations for anyone who chooses option two above. (You can find them both here and in the Members section of our website.)
Even though we do not blame or judge, our organization forwards the position that because of love or enlightened self-interest, each of us should act deliberatively to slow and lessen what is coming so more individuals can live longer and more stably.
Here is what we mean by this. If you love nature and the planet, you should allow that love to motivate you to act slow and lessen this emergency. But, on the other hand, at the minimum, we believe ALL individuals and organizations, out of wise self-interest, have an ethical and moral duty to sustain nature and the earth because nature and the earth have sustained them through their many resources.
The "We-Will-Survive no matter what" delusions of ultra-wealthy individuals, corporate executives, politicians, and nations
No wealthy individual, corporation, or nation will be able to use its wealth to escape the escalating instability, chaos, collapse, and coming mass extinction!
From what many of you may have read so far on our website, you can see that we are in a no-win game if we do not get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. Yet, there are always those wealthy and arrogant individuals, corporations, and nations who will believe their vast wealth and power will somehow still insulate and save them from what is coming.
Despite wealthy individuals and corporations already buying land and facilities in safer northern countries, they will not be safe there either. The mass migrations of desperate, aggressive, and armed climagees (climate refugees) and national armies will eventually overrun any safer nation border security measures. These locked-out climagees will angrily take their share of what's left and severely punish anyone who they even remotely believe had any significant part in letting this horrific global warming-related catastrophe occur either by acts of commission or by failing to act (acts of omission.)
Eventually, even the private security companies of the ultra-wealthy individuals and corporations hired to protect their secret compounds in the global warming safer zones will ultimately turn against their affluent bosses. They will realize they live in a new world, where only firepower, brute strength, and military-style training determine an individual's or groups' day-to-day survival, absolute ownership, and safety.
Not unlike Holocaust survivors, climagee survivors will also relentlessly hunt down anyone they believe knew about the extinction emergency and had the influence or resources to address it but did not. Those individuals, corporations, and politicians will most certainly lose all of their financial and political power and resources in the massive globalized backlash of anger and punishment that will be directed toward exclusively at them.
There will be no place on Earth or Swiss bank that will save them and their assets from what will be viewed by the survivors as justifiable punishment for their gross, global warming crimes against the survival of the whole of humanity.
Things will be even worse for wealthy corporations, individuals, or nations who act in ways to profit from the escalating global warming catastrophes, real estate or market crashes, and the coming 20 worst global warming consequences as they are unfolding. When those wealthy individuals, corporate executives, or politicians are identified by enraged climagee survivors, ALL of their wealth will likely be removed or clawed back from their trusts, secret bank accounts, businesses (and even their heirs.) It is also highly likely that such super-responsible individuals, corporate executives, and politicians will be put into hard labor camps for the rest of their lives.
As you can see, there is no actual survival for the ultra-wealthy, big corporations, or wealthy nations if they continue to let this catastrophe unfold.
Additionally, please do not mistake that the Job One for Humanity organization promotes any form of an illegal individual climagee survivor or group vengeance against wealthy corporations, individuals, politicians, or nations in any way whatsoever or at any time! All we are disclosing here is these are the most probable and natural anger reactions by surviving individuals who have suffered unthinkable consequences and the pain of losing everyone and everything they have ever loved because of the greed and omissions of a few who really could have made the difference and who did or should have known about the consequences of inaction.
Our organization promotes and believes only in the peaceful execution of fair and equitable justice by impartial individuals, properly constructed courts, and the rule of law.
As an organization, we hold that what is happening now (allowing global warming to worsen to total extinction levels is ultimately a matter of ignorance. Of course, global warming is complicated to understand in the first place. Still, the self-chosen ignorance of personal greed or seeking excessive personal comfort being valued over the common well-being of society and humanity as a whole makes solving this life and death challenge even worse.
We only mention these undesirable outcomes for those ultra-wealthy individuals, corporations, and politicians who act to make matters worse or fail to act in effective ways. We do it in the hope that through this educational warning, those wealthy individuals, corporations, politicians, and nations will wake up to the fact that this emergency is the ultimate no-win game, even for them.
At some point, we hope that even the world's wealthiest individuals, corporations, and nations will recognize their money and power won't save them from this monster. They will realize that we either work together, or we die together. (Click here to see more on the long-recognized obligation of the wealthy [the Noblesse Oblige concept] to act now.
We only hope the ultra-wealthy do not discover this truth before it is too late to do anything about it. Please see this page for how ultra-wealthy individuals and corporations must use their influence on our politicians or we all go down with the ship!
Who are we talking about when we use the word ultra-wealthy:
A. Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, Make Zuckerberg, Larry Ellison, Larry Page, Bernard Arnault, Sergey Brin, Francoise Bettencourt Meyers, Steve Ballmer, Mukesh Ambani, Amancio Ortega, Zhong Shanshan, Jim Walton, Alice Walton, Rob Walton, Phil Knight and the other 100 wealthiest people in the world. If they do not start dealing with this emergency with the appropriate facts and urgency, they too will lose everything in an unsurvivable future.
Please do not hesitate to call these individuals out publically for doing little to nothing effective to use their vast political influence to resolve the global warming extinction emergency. (To see what they must get our politicians to do, click here. The list of the rest of the world's 100 wealthiest individuals is available online.)
B. the CEO's of the 500 wealthiest corporations in the world. The accelerating disruptions and uncertainties of the escalating global warming emergency will make it impossible to do business as usual and bring most big corporations to eventual bankruptcy or dissolution. Do not hesitate to call out these CEOs out publically for doing little to nothing that is effective in using their political influence to resolve the global warming emergency.
(To see what these CEOs must push our politicians to do, click here. The list of the 500 wealthiest corporations is available online.)
C. the world's biggest entertainment and sports celebrities. Although many are very wealthy, they are not as rich as the world's wealthiest individuals listed above. Still, they do have a disproportionate amount of influence on the public and on many politicians. These celebrities, like the rest of us, will share the same fate in a dying world. Please help them to understand this horrible fate described here.
Do not hesitate to call them out publically for their inaction or ineffective action on the global warming emergency as well as their counter-productive, over-consumption, lavish fossil-fueled lifestyles during our extinction emergency. (To see what our politicians motivated by our activist celebrities must do, click here.)
Additional Important Reading:
Be sure to also see our Members section on this website for information on the best and safest global warming migration locations if you are also considering Option Two above.
For the many potential benefits of becoming an Evolutioneer building the future of humanity and becoming a co-creator of the Great Global Rebirth, first, read this page and then be sure to see this page!
To see the 26 human reasons why it will be so hard to make the needed global fossil fuel reductions, click here.
To help do something about the climate change and global warming emergency, click here.
Sign up for our free Global Warming Blog by clicking here. (In your email, you will receive critical news, research, and the warning signs for the next global warming disaster.)
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Also how to explain to them that the effects of fossil fuel consumption are very small compared to the effects of hydrophobic colloidal particles on global warming and the destruction of living things!
The main question now is how to make this vital issue of the planet understandable to the world’s Illiterate scientists so that a well-proven scientific solution can be presented to the world community?