Let's prepare for a better future
(If you have any doubts about either the 3-9 years left urgency (2025-2031) or the critical importance of why you need to work on Part 1 of the Job One Plan at this time, please click here and review the ten most important facts about global heating and our destabilizing climate; before continuing with this page. This page will also help build your motivation to keep working on Part 1 below.)
The not-for-profit Job One for Humanity organization is primarily a place focused on educating individuals, businesses, and climate activists on how to both survive and thrive through the many accelerating climate and global heating catastrophes. The two sections of Part 1 of the Job One for Humanity Climate Change and Global Heating Resilience Plan (below) also are your climate change and global warming survival plan or your Plan B if you like.
Parts 1 and 2 of the Job One Resilience plan were designed to do the maximum possible human, biological and ecological good in an extremely difficult and painful situation. They will help you learn how to prepare for and adapt to it to protect your family and business and as much of our world as possible from the next wave of accelerating global heating-related catastrophes. These catastrophes will be increasing in frequency, severity, and scale starting about 2025 through 2031.
This climate change and global warming survival kit exists and is vital because it also is very highly improbable that we will meet the life-critical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.
"One has to be well-prepared in advance for what is already coming at us because of both accelerating global warming consequences and our 11 other most global crises. If you are not well-prepared before these emergencies, you will suffer needlessly. You also will not be able to act effectively to help make the many needed global heating reduction changes humanity needs to survive." Lawrence Wollersheim
In addition to strategies for adaptation, sustainability, and how to lower your personal fossil fuel use Section 2 of Part 1 of the Job One Resilience Plan below contains vital information on climate change and global warming relocation and migration. It shows you the best places and worst places to relocate or migrate to if you are concerned about climate change and global warming. The second section of Part 1 also contains disaster recovery information and actions to take if you have already experienced a global warming disaster.
Part 1 of the Job One Plan also contains many of the same actions needed to directly or indirectly improve or manage many of the 11 other most critical global challenges we are also facing.
Another key reason the Job One plan exists is that no government, corporation, or nonprofit organization (NGO) will ever have enough resources to assist you in recovering from the accelerating cascade of worsening global warming-related consequences described in detail on this page. If you are not making preparations like those described in our Job One Resilience plan, you will be subjecting yourself (and your loved ones) to more needless suffering and losses than you can imagine.
How to get the best results on Part 1 of the Job One Climate and Global Heating Resilience Plan:
We want everyone to be successful and survive what is coming. To help on this part of the Job One for Humanity Plan, we offer the following essential tips:
Step 1: Click here to join Climatesafe Villages.This support sign-up step is critical if you want the best chance of success. Extensive research has shown that having support for completing a task can be up to 90% of the why that task was completed successfully.
Step 2: from the steps below, choose a first Part 1 task that is easy for you to do and start. This first task could also be a task that is best suited for your current resources and situation. Additionally, if some area below uses your favorite skills or is an area you are already passionate about, that could be a good area for you to start first as well.
Step 3: Focus on completing that first task until it is done.
Step 4: Next, choose the easiest remaining task and stay with it until it is done. Using this method, you will build task completion momentum, and at some point, you will be done with all of the steps.
Step 5: If you have any task-related problems or questions, email us at [email protected] to see if we can help.
Step 6: Use the knowledge, experience, and successes you have gained in the steps below to help educate support, and motivate others. If you send that information to us, we might put it in our monthly newsletter to inspire and inform others. (We can post it anonymously or with only your initials.)
Step 7: If you have not already signed the climate action pledge, please do so by clicking here. It will help kick start the completion of your first selected task.
In this focused, step-by-step process, you will successfully create the needed preparations and climate change resilience for yourself, your family, or your business.
Here is a quick summary of the 11 critical action steps on this page that will show you how to survive, thrive, and maximize all the possible good in a very difficult situation:
Action Step 1: Enjoy your life now and build psychological and emotional stability, reserves, and resilience.
Action Step 2: Build your necessary backup emergency supplies and resilience for global warming disaster survival and recovery.
Action Step 3: Create a climate change emergency preparation cash or other valuable commodity reserve fund equal to 5%-10% of your annual income.
Action Step 4: Plan now for how you will adapt where you are and move critical resources, technology, and infrastructure to handle the escalating consequences of global warming.
Action Step 5: Get as personally sustainable as possible, as quickly as possible, and create renewable long-term food supplies that you can manage.
Action Step 6: Evaluate if you will also need to relocate or migrate and if so, plan where and when.
Action Step 7: Carefully Watch Our Accelerating Global Warming and Other Related Consequences and Their Warning Signs to Wisely Stay Ahead of Them for as Long as You Can.
Action Step 8: If you are also of a spiritual nature, your faith can provide a critical and powerful motivation to help you persevere and survive what is coming.
Action Step 9: Work together passionately and wisely to slow and lessen the avoidable pain, suffering, and death that is and will be caused by accelerating global warming.
Action Step 10: Find an existing prepper eco-community, create one of your own, or join our Universe eco-communities team to have a prepared community helping protect you and your loved ones through the hardships ahead. Click here to join Climatesafe Villages.
Action Step 11: If you are going to build or join a climate resilience group or eco-community to increase your ability to adapt and survive, you will need this resource.
Action Step 12: Do everything possible to also protect and preserve the biological life and ecological systems within your zones of influence and resources while protecting yourself and loved ones.
Welcome to Part 1, Section 1 of the Job One for Humanity Climate Change and Global Crises Resilience Plan
If you do not have connections of direct influence to the government's politicians or, you do not have indirect connections of influence on politicians through celebrities, intelligence agencies, ultra-wealthy corporations, philanthropies, or ultra-wealthy individuals, Part 1 and then Part 2 of the Job One Plan are the areas we strongly recommend you begin first.
But, if by chance, you do have any direct or indirect connections of influence on politicians, we strongly recommend you start with Part 3 of the Job One Plan first. We only have a small amount of time left (until 2025,) to meet near-impossible global fossil fuel reduction targets. The only way we will meet these targets or even come close to them is by our politicians taking the actions described in Part 3 of the Job One Plan.
If you are here for information on how to recover from a global warming disaster that you have already experienced, you will find much helpful information (in the second section of Part 1,) and you have our deepest sympathy!
"No program that claims to have a solution to climate change and global heating can not be called legitimate unless it is designed and focused around knowing when a climate-driven near-total extinction event will probably occur, how it will occur, and what must be done when to prevent that outcome. The Job One for Humanity four-part program relentlessly follows this critical path and deadline policy." Lawrence Wollersheim
Why do we strongly recommend doing Part 1 of the Job One Climate Change Resilience Plan before the other three parts of our plan?
The reason for this is similar to what occurs on an airplane if there's an emergency underway. In an airline emergency, you are always told to put your oxygen mask on first before trying to help your children or anyone else. That way, you will be able to preserve yourself and your abilities to better manage the crisis and help others.
By doing this Part 1 step first, you will be around far longer to help others manage the causes of the global warming emergency and deal with its many consequences!
Like in an airplane emergency, individuals who become aware of the seriousness of the current global warming emergency must first prepare for and preserve themselves and their loved ones. This "save yourself first" action will allow them to have the time freedom and build the resources and resilience for the long remaining battle to slow down escalating global warming enough to prevent our near-total extinction.
Your Emergency preparations and adaptations
"You cannot be called an alarmist if there really is something to be alarmed about." Unknown
"Runaway global heating is and will be the greatest single disruptor of the 21st century." Lawrence Wollersheim
If you have understood these 10 facts about our current global heating condition, and the 28 reasons why it will be very challenging to achieve the critical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, the; emergency preparation, adaptation, and the "save and salvage what we still can" strategies (below,) will not only seem appropriate and essential, they will also seem highly rational and wise in relation to the severity of the escalating global warming extinction emergency which we are all now facing.
The illustration below highlights many of the escalating global warming consequences we are all now facing.
Because we are not currently making anything close to the required levels of the critical 2025 global fossil fuel cuts, in order to be able to survive the now unavoidable consequences, we must immediately begin emergency preparations and start adapting to the new and harsh reality we all now face.
Most website visitors who have read the above links, as well as other links on our website, have come to the conclusion that even though we still do have the time left to reach the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, we will not do so because they are so difficult to achieve. They then focus most of their attention and resources on the Job One Plan (parts 1 and 2,) where they know they can still create protective personal solutions.
(If you still have any doubts about why you will need to begin the Part 1 emergency backup plan steps below immediately, be sure to read the following two links. It is doubtful that you will hesitate to create a backup "Plan B," once you grasp the catastrophes and dilemmas we face. Once you realize that our governments will never have enough emergency resources to be able to protect most of us, your backup plan will come together quickly.
Be sure to read this new article by prestigious climate researchers and research institutes on how our accelerating global warming will collapse much of the world's civilization within a few decades.
To understand the "if we are lucky" final 2025-2031 crucial action deadline for preventing near-total extinction, click here. To see how that near-total extinction event will unfold in dozens of primary and secondary climate-related consequences, click here.
Part One: Emergency Preparations and Adaptations for the Next Wave of Global Warming Disasters
“No matter what we do, there will be very severe and unavoidable consequences, especially for the world’s regions, peoples, and ecosystems that are most vulnerable to a hotter climate. That requires a keen focus on preparing for and adapting to the changes that are now inevitable…” —David Spratt, Climate Reality Check.
Just as there are no guarantees in life, there is certainly no guarantee humanity will be able to prevent the current runaway global heating extinction emergency from moving into the final extinction level phases of the Climageddon Extinction Scenario. This is because it is highly unlikely that humanity and the governments of the world will make the critical 2025 global fossil fuel cuts in time (for the many reasons listed on this page.)
Meeting the new 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets is the most certain way to ensure you, your family, and your small business will have a safe, stable or comfortable future, but that does not currently look to be at all realistic. Therefore, prudence dictates having an emergency backup and migration survival plan at the ready.
If we enter the late second and third phases of the Climageddon Extinction Scenario within the next 20-50 years and reach the carbon 500 to 600 ppm levels, as much as 70-90% of us will eventually suffer and die in the last Climageddon Extinction Scenario phases 4-6. Additionally, few areas of the planet will be safe or secure for very long if we enter the later Climageddon Extinction Scenario 5 and 6 phases.
This means we must do everything we can to prevent or slow ourselves from entering the late second and third phase of the Climageddon Extinction Scenario. With good emergency preparation in place, smart adaptations, and early migration where applicable, you should be able to live far longer and more comfortably than those who are either unprepared or are denying global warming exists and what is coming.
Even if by some miracle we manage not to enter the later extinction phases (4-6) of the Climageddon Extinction Scenario, the following emergency preparedness and adaptation strategies will still be of great help to you. There are many other kinds of emergencies and natural disasters that the same preparation information below will apply. (Click here to see where we are today on the Climate Change and Global Warming Doomsday Clock.)
The bad news here is that no matter what we do now, there will still be many unavoidable, terrible, and escalating future global heating aggravated disasters that will collide with and then disrupt our human economic, political, and social systems. These disasters will cause severe disruption of normal food production and supply distribution (food, medical, etc.) along with ever-increasing local, regional, and national chaos, as well as the complete system collapses of the stability of our economic, political, and social systems.
(The illustrations of the Climageddon Extinction Scenario processes on this page will help you visualize the meltdown of the many different kinds of consequences and crossed global warming tipping points that are coming.)
Maybe you do not want to believe the above or begin emergency preparations because you do not think a massive global catastrophe or extinction event could ever happen in modern times?Looking back through history, you will also discover that 99.9% of every species that has ever lived on earth has gone extinct. To think that this could also not happen to humanity is betting against very strong historic odds.
If one does not know that in all of the past five major extinction events in Earth's history there were always survivors, it would be easy to despair. Even though 99.9% of every species that has ever lived is no longer here, the fact we are here now proves that something always has lived on.
The following emergency preparedness recommended by the Job One Plan is never wasted. This is because the Job One Plan not only assists individuals with strategies to survive the current global warming extinction emergency, it's emergency preparation steps also will help ensure you survive the other 7 major global challenges we also face in other areas.
If you still think the global warming emergency is not so serious that you need to begin critical emergency supply preparations, watch this 7-minute must-see video by clicking here now! This video is so powerful that even if you know you should get prepared watch it!
In summary, the wisdom of having your emergency backup plan ready for the consequences of escalating global warming is simple:
1. It is always wise to prepare for any real and probable emergencies.
2. Once you have completed emergency backup plan preparations, you will be far more psychologically comfortable working on slowing this emergency down so that more of us will survive longer. (Part 2 of the Job One Plan is about cutting fossil fuel use and sustainably.)
3. Click here to see the latest preparation, adaptation, and migration deadlines updated on August 24, 2020.
4. It is almost impossible to get prepared during an emergency!
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