The Billionaires Funding Climate Change Denial and the Attack on Our Democracy During the 2024 US Election!
The courageous investigative reporter team at Desmog has done it again. Read how "Big Money? is hiding the coming climate change nightmare from public awareness and discussion.
The US presidential election is in days. The candidates either ignore the climate change emergency or minimize it as a distant future crisis. Why is that the worst possible position?
Your Government IS Keeping the True Climate Change Consequences Hidden. But Why?

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The Link Between Soaring Insurance Coverage And Soaring Temperatures
When the world’s largest risk assessment company says that climate change is a huge risk for the insurance industry, even legislators need to listen.
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What is the Climageddon Feedback Loop? Will It Cause Climate Chaos or Eventual Mass Human Extinction?
The Climageddon Feedback Loop is why global warming consequences will be far worse than you are being told.
New Yale Climate Article Wrong. Not 15 Years to Climate Chaos, but 6 years!
Please read the following to understand why Yale's new 15-year prediction for climate chaos is wrong and why the correct prediction is actually six years.
Insurance Companies Forced to Pay for Climate Change Damages. This is Forcing Insurance Cancellation Crisis
If you live in a medium—to high-risk climate change consequence area, right or wrong, it's only a matter of time before your insurance company skyrockets your rates or cancels your policy.
A Climate Change Emergency Preparation Video for Procrastinators That INSPIRES Action
Are you taking your escalating climate change emergency preparations seriously enough? Is it difficult to do the preparation you know you should be doing? If not, watch this inspiring video!
Read moreAn Overview of the Major Existential Predicament Created by Modern Civilization*
Hopes and solutions for ending the climate crises, preventing the massive loss of biodiversity, and continuing to supply resources to maintain the current human population are unrealistic.
Bleak Future for Airlines, Airline-Related Industries and Airline Stocks as Climate Change Accelerates
Accelerating climate change will steadily and relentlessly force airlines, airplane manufacturers, airports, and airline or airport-related businesses toward increasing insolvency.
Why is this true?
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