Job One for Humanity Executive Director

The honest climate change analysis it provides free will help save many lives.

  • commented on Emergency Petition Thank You 2019-11-06 09:01:49 -0800
    Your absolutely right Ronald. We have too many people for Earth’s carrying capacity and we are using too much of the Earth’s resources far too fast—- particularly fossil fuels, which are causing global warming!

    The Job One team

  • More Climate Change Migration Relocation and Managed Retreat Evaluation Factors, Part 3

    Last Updated 6.27.23

    (Please do not relocate or migrate until you have read all the pages in our relocation and migration guide. There is information throughout its pages essential for a well-informed decision. This information can help you save hundreds of thousands of dollars in unworkable choices and save you and your loved ones' lives.)


    This page contains an overview of the relocation and migration process and the best places for a safer relocation. All the information we provide is on our climate change migration or relocation evaluation pages (#1-7). These seven pages will help you reach a highly informed and wise personal position on the migration issue.

    Will you need to relocate or migrate and if so, where and you will migrate?

    You and your children are here today solely because your genetic ancestors were smart enough to see the early warning signs of a serious disaster that was going to hit them hard! They were smart enough to know when it was time to start preparing backup supplies. They were smart enough to know when it was finally time to move and migrate to get out of the way of what they could not prepare for or adapt to.

    The illustration below show past human migration routes and life conditions changed.



    Currently, multinational corporations and the ultra-wealthy are secretly far ahead of the curve compared to the rest of us in global warming extinction emergency preparation and migration plans and preparation. Their top risk and investment advisers, who can access privately created, ridiculously expensive, and confidential global warming and climate research have already aggressively warned them to prepare for the many escalating consequences of global warming (aka climate change,) described in the primary and secondary consequences of global heating. In fact, they are even being advised on how to profit from the global warming extinction emergency and how it will dramatically affect things such as real estate and stock market values.

    Many ultra-wealthy and very smart individuals, corporations, and nations (such as Saudi Arabia) have already quietly purchased vast amounts of arable and defendable land in the safest areas of Canada, Scandinavia, Russia, Ukraine, Alaska, the tip of South America, Greenland, Iceland, England, and the south island of New Zealand. This land is for their own high-security survival compounds.

    If the wealthiest individuals, corporations, and nations are already preparing to protect themselves from the escalating global warming extinction emergency mostly under the cover of secrecy, why aren't you doing the same? Why should only the ultra-wealthy and the very smart who are currently living in global warming unsafe locations have the necessary information and emergency resources in place to save themselves, their loved ones, and their assets long before the rest of us?

    Being unprepared for evolution’s periods of emergency, catastrophic mistakes, or natural disasters is dangerously unrealistic. Human history is littered with corpses from the natural, economic, political, and social catastrophes that our smartest ancestors were prepared for and our less than observant unprepared ancestors were not. Do not ever forget the deep evolutionary truth:

    your gene pool is here today solely because your smart ancestors saw the early warning signs and were prepared enough to survive or avoid the worst.

    Shrewd individuals could argue convincingly that based on humanity’s extensive history of past large-scale challenges, humanity, in general, will not respond to this global warming extinction emergency until it is too late, or the suffering and pain is so horribly severe that many of us will not survive to enjoy its eventual solution. History overflows with examples of individuals, families, businesses, and nations that did not adapt and change their behavior until the pain of going forward was less than the pain of staying where they were. Unfortunately, that was often too late to prevent widespread suffering or death or the collapse of the economic, political, or social systems of those times.



    (If you're one of those individuals who has to know all of the historical facts and principles on the proven advance warning signs for when a society is going to collapse, we strongly recommend you read The Collapse of Complex Societies by professor Joseph A. Tainter. When you add those proven archeological warning signs of collapsed societies to the global warming extinction emergency warning signs described on this Job One website or in the Climageddon book, there will be little remaining doubt about the wisdom of quickly getting you and your loved ones ready for the system collapses that will be inevitable as global warming continues to escalate.) 

    To migrate or not to migrate?

    Ultimately, migration is a personal decision no matter what age you are. In the following section, we are not promoting or endorsing any form of illegal migration. If you take the following information to heart, and you qualify for the regulations of any of the global warming safe countries there still should be plenty of time left for you to legally migrate.

    We strongly advise against any attempt to migrate illegally. The nations of the north are already tightening up their immigration laws and requirements, strengthening their border patrols, and increasing the severity of penalties for any form of attempted illegal migration.



    In addition to the many reasons discussed in this document, if you currently are in a global warming unsafe zone, you should think long and hard about migrating to a global warming safer zone, especially if you plan on helping us fight for the future of humanity and our civilization by working to get our governments to mandate immediate radical cuts in fossil fuel use. Here's why:

    1. It's going to be a long battle to save the future and to go the distance. To be effective you'll need to be in a stable and safe place and become very sustainable for the duration of this "war."

    2. If you're not in a relatively stable location and personally well prepared for the coming chain of global warming consequences and emergencies, which will be increasing in scale, severity, and frequency, it is unlikely you will be able to work consistently to help slow the fossil fuel use that will ultimately save us.

    If this or anything else in this document applies to your situation and desires, then the time to begin planning your legal migration is now!

    The following factors are some helpful things to consider if you are thinking about migrating to safer global warming zones.

    1. Mobility will be a key life-saving capability during the worst aspects of the global warming extinction emergency and the second and third Climageddon Extinction Scenario phases. Our crisis-surviving ancestors have repeatedly proven the validity and importance of the mobility principle.

    The worst escalating global warming projections point to an average global temperature increase of 4°-6° Celsius (7.2°-10.8° Fahrenheit). This makes having a backup long-term migration plan a must for numerous reasons.

    We're going to hit the middle Climageddon Extinction Scenario phases (3 and probably 4) no matter what we do. Therefore, planning to migrate to extend your life and its quality a little longer is an essential major life decision that should be carefully considered by evaluating one's current location, all of one's personal circumstances, and the best projections for how the global warming extinction emergency will affect your particular location over the coming years. You can also stagger the steps and levels of this emergency migration plan to meet the speed of global temperature increases, sea level rises, the closing of national borders to climagees (climate migrants,) and the increases in severity, scale, and frequency of all of the other global warming consequences as they occur in your particular area.

    Create a 30-day emergency migration plan and then extend it out to 60, 90, and 120 days or longer. Keep in mind that it is very difficult to migrate during the actual crisis when everyone else is trying to migrate as well. One can see examples of this in many of today’s war zone migrations.

    It is essential to also include self-defense supplies in your emergency preparations supplies and in your migration plans. This is because as we proceed through the mid to later phases of the Climageddon Extinction Scenario (3-5) local, regional, and national governments and law and order will begin to break down and you will need to become fully self-reliant for your own physical protection. Having at least one firearm per adult with adequate ammunition (1,000 rounds) for extensive transitional periods of resource conflict and chaos will is essential in the highly unsafe mid to later phases of the Climageddon Extinction Scenario.



    If you are under 30 and you and your family want to survive longer and safer in relative peace, you will want to move far north or far south long before the worst of this emergency hits and real estate prices crash in the unsafe zones and soar in the safe zones. If you are under 30, you will want to migrate from unsafe zones within the next 10 years or sooner, or you will probably be priced out or locked out of climagee closed borders.

    With 10 more years of ever-escalating global warming catastrophes even the deniers, the distracted and less aware members of society will know that what is occurring is not natural weather variance or 100-year storms, but something far more dangerous. Once the general population realizes how screwed they are because they waited too long to heed the growing warning signs there will be rush mass migration and unimaginable transitional chaos.

    If you are 30 or under and you do not think you need to migrate soon read the two books by Octavia Butler mentioned further down this page. Most people have not yet realized that the single most dangerous human consequence of global warming is the violent transitional chaos of a sudden mass migration of unprepared and desperate starving climagees. This sudden and massive climagee migration alone will make the dystopian Mad Max world depicted in the movies look like a day at the beach.

    If you are over 30 without a family or, if you are older than 50, you may feel that because of your lack of dependents or shorter life expectancy, migration to extend either the quality, comfort, or length of your life may not be practical or necessary, no matter how bad it gets. If you believe you will not migrate no matter what, we understand and support you in this.

    Additionally, climate justice dictates that we voluntarily save the very limited global warmer safer areas for those 30 and younger. Additionally, it is the older generations who have most allowed this well-known nightmare to spin out of control, and it is the older generations who should take the worst medicine.

    2. In general, moving north of the 45th parallel or south of the 45th parallel should be the safest, but always check the most current and updated computer models and predictions because some areas above the 45 parallel north, particularly in Europe, will still be unsafe. “Safety” considerations always should include the availability of water and mass migration route defensibility. Some existing areas between the 45th parallel north and south will remain safe and viable longer because of unique localized changes in seasonal weather patterns, ocean currents, temperatures, and the jet stream. Use the map below to get a better idea of safe and unsafe zones.


    Chapter_4 (2)_Migrating_45th_Parallel.png


    Keep in mind that some areas near or above the 45th parallel north and south will not be safe and viable also because of unique localized changes in seasonal weather patterns, ocean currents, temperatures, and the jet stream affecting those areas as well. In general, you also do not want to live too much above the 55th parallel north or the 55th parallel south. 

    Above those areas, temperatures are rising about twice as fast which means the environment will be changing twice as fast and, the normal global warming worst consequences will be appearing twice as fast. Particularly worrisome is the tundra and permafrost releasing not only huge amounts of methane, but also lethal viruses and bacteria that have existed for hundreds of thousands of years before humans walked the earth, and for which, humanity has no immunities. Also trapped within the permafrost and tundra in rotting carcasses, are things like smallpox, anthrax, and other diseases that's few in the far north or far south will be prepared for.

    In general, the Goldilocks zone between the 45th and 55th parallel north and the 45th and 55th parallel south will likely be the safest areas to ride out the global warming extinction emergency as long as we make the required radical fossil fuel cuts immediately. There are also other critical land purchase factors that we have written about in detail in the Six Rules of Real Estate Investment in the Age of Escalating Global Warming that also might make these generally safe far northern or far southern areas unsafe. (Be sure to read this article before buying any land you may want to use for migration!)

    In general, predicting which areas will be most adversely affected can be difficult because of continuous global warming changes and the increasing variety of escalating global warming consequences. Many climate researchers and specialized big data research services are already trying to predict these safest zones for various investment banking houses, commodity traders, national governments, and the ultra-wealthy.

    Where ever you decide to go you will need a defensible or isolated position far from the most logical mass migration routes from south to north, lots of water availability, and the ability to grow all the food you will need during every season of the year. Within about 10 years crop failures will be at such a level that not only will food prices soar to a huge percentage of your budget, it is also likely that many food items will not be available at all at any price.

    Anywhere between the two yellow lines in the map further above, in general, will be an unsafe zone as global warming escalates. There will, of course, be unique and rare microclimates between the two yellow 45th parallel north and 45th parallel south lines (above,) where there will be water and it will be naturally cooler because of elevation or location and where you will be more isolated and safe and off the major and dangerous northerly mass migration routes. (If you locate one of these rare microclimates in the generally unsafer areas, you may still be able to survive for quite a while.)

    As long as the following countries have adequate freshwater supplies and you do not locate too to close to the sea coasts and they have the other critical qualities mentioned on this page, countries like Canada, Scandinavia, Russia, Iceland, Greenland, England, Switzerland, Northern France, Germany, Northern Ukraine, Northern Italy, Northern Herzegovina, Northern Serbia, Northern Bosnia, Northern Romania, Northern Kazakhstan, Northern Uzbekistan, Northern China, Mongolia, Northern Japan and the tip of South America and Alaska will most likely experience a warmer and longer growing season and improved weather conditions in the early stages of the global warming extinction emergency. Other areas like Southern Tasmania and the South Island of New Zealand should also be safe far longer than other areas of the southern hemisphere.

    In the United States only four of these states lie entirely or almost entirely north of the 45th parallel, they are Alaska, Washington, Montana, and North Dakota. Here are all of the states very near or at least partially above the 45th parallel. Remember they all offer different levels of migration safety depending primarily upon how well they do on all the other safe zone criteria mentioned on this page:






    Wyoming Close to the Montana border,

    South Dakota,

    Minnesota – above Minneapolis,

    Wisconsin above a line from Minneapolis to Green Bay,

    Upper Peninsula Michigan,

    Lower Peninsula Michigan above the 45th parallel,


    New Hampshire,


    Approximately 13 million Americans live north of the 45th parallel or 4% of our population. A reasonable population estimate for north of the 45th parallel elsewhere around the world is about 370 million in Europe, about 200 million in the former USSR, and 30 million in Canada, for a total of 600 million, or 10% of the world's population. 

    North Korea, Japan, China, and India, as well as the Central Asian republics, are almost all to the south of 45th parallel except Mongolia. Unfortunately, Mongolia has a huge water shortage problem namely the Gobi desert. When you think that these areas north of the 45th parallel often have poor soils, shorter growing seasons, and can only support limited additional populations, one can begin to see how this crisis will unfold as food shortages sweep the world and the Great Migration to the north accelerates.

    As global warming escalates, the above-listed global warming safe countries and locations will most likely become the richest and most powerful nations on earth because of their more climate-safe locations and new “friendly” warming. These countries will likely form new military alliances that will initially attempt to ensure that other global-warming-challenged nations will not be able to take their land and sovereignty. The global warming-challenged nations who may be locked out of the safer above or below the 45th parallel locations will eventually be motivated to extremely aggressive behavior because of starvation and chaos within their borders. 

    The following two additional links contain more detailed interactive maps of the US and where many global warming consequences will have the most significant impacts over the next 10-40 years. When you see global warming consequences in color it has a more tangible impact than just numbers.

    Click here to see the ProPublica color-coded interactive global warming consequence and migration maps.

    Click here to read the NY Times article on global warming migrations with some county by county consequence mapping.

    Click here for an insurance evaluation of global warming high-risk areas in the US.

    Job One strongly recommends you review the above two interactive maps if you are considering global warming-related migration anytime over the next 5-15 years. When using them, please keep in mind that these maps are based upon the UN's Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change (IPCC) data. And, this data is regularly underestimated by 20-40 percent. That underestimation factor means that the above two global warming consequence maps are also considerably underestimated in relation to future global warming consequence severity and locations.

    This underestimation issue also means any timeframes for the consequences illustrated in these two maps are also off by at least 20-40 percent. (This page on the Job One site shows a far more accurate picture of coming global warming consequences and timetables. 

    In spite of their underestimation limitations, the above two interactive color-coded global warming consequence maps are still quite beneficial for a general visualization of where you do not want to be within the US as things get worse faster and faster.

    How soon do you really need to begin preparing, adapting and/or migrating at or from your current location?

    (Please note that this section does not take into account how soon prices could soar in global warming safe zones as more people realize they must migrate to extend their lives or, how soon prices will crash in global warming unsafe areas as more people abandon them.)

    How fast global warming gets significantly worse from where we are today and how much time we have left before the 20 worst global warming consequences as well as crossing more global warming tipping points begins to directly affect you, your family, business or nation depends completely on your current location and on how fast how many other people also realize we are on a sinking ship and they need to do something fast.

    Some of you are already regularly experiencing many severe global warming consequences. If you currently live close to the seashores, (flooding,) forests (wildfires,) deserts or drier areas (drought,) or other areas that are experiencing severe heat waves, land and ocean 100-year and 1,000-year super-storms hurricanes and cyclones, rain bombs, severe seasonal or monsoon changes, droughts, crop failures, climate conflicts, and early-stage climate-related migrations, you are already experiencing a small part of what is yet to come!

    As part of this phenomenon, you may also already be experiencing precautionary evacuations in your area because the above global warming-related consequences are becoming more frequent and the local authorities are trying to get ahead of the next crisis. The more individuals and businesses that experience either the above consequences or the precautionary evacuations that will grow more and more frequent because of these consequences, the more they will say enough is enough and this is no way to live a stable life or run the business. Once they come to that conclusion, it will not be long afterward that they begin the process of migration to safer global warming zones.

    Unfortunately, consequence severity, scale, and frequency will increase more rapidly within the next 5-10 years in the areas between the 25th parallel north and the 25th parallel south. The earliest signs in these areas will be soaring food prices, failed crops, and growing malnutrition and starvation not to mention soaring heat and the many other global warming-related consequences scaling up.

    Within the next 10 to 15 years, the areas of increasing consequence severity, scale, and frequency will also begin to expand rapidly throughout the areas between the 35th parallel north and the 35th parallel south. The consequences that will scale in these areas will be similar but will in general, scale up slower than the consequences occurring in the areas between the 25th parallel north and south.

    Within 15 to 20 years, normal life will become much more unstable and chaotic for those unfortunate individuals and businesses still trying to live or operate not near or above the 45th parallel north or near or below the 45th parallel south. There are some early warning signs to particularly watch for in all three of the above zones. They are property values dropping rapidly in the unsafe global warming areas and insurance companies significantly raising rates or dropping coverage for properties and businesses in the ever-expanding unsafe global warming areas.

    The important thing to remember is that depending upon where you are currently located, there still should be adequate time left to prepare, adapt and/or migrate. There is no reason to panic, but there is also no time left to procrastinate or delay in getting started to prepare for, adapt to and/or migrate away from the unavoidable consequences.

    As you will soon see in all of the parts of the Job One Plan, there is much to be done before our current escalating global warming extinction emergency creates a "hell on earth" as James Hansen says it will as our temperatures continue to rise.  

    Do not forget that delayed action or inaction could be very costly. Many of the world's wealthiest individuals have already purchased and stocked their global warming safe locations with everything they will need. Numerous climate scientists and climate researchers, as well as some of the smartest people in the world, have also already started and/or completed many of the action steps below. 

    Do not forget that governments and nonprofit organizations will run out of money and won't be able to help their citizens recover or deal with the escalating catastrophes as soon as the mid phases (phases 3-4) of the Climageddon Extinction Scenario are reached. Long before the truth about how bad global warming has become (or will become,) is publicly known or acknowledged by our government officials and the military, they and their families will have already secretly prepared and fully stocked their own special and secure safe haven locations.

    The saving of the key politicians and the military first will always be done for the good of preserving the respective nation because these individuals will be deemed "essential personnel for the future." The rest of us nonessential citizens who have not also prepared or migrated to safe zones will, of course, be left out in the heat, and on our own to fend for ourselves in the ensuing chaos.

    To make matters worse as things continue breaking down in society, the politicians and military will always "requisition" the involving safest locations and best resources for themselves from anywhere they can get them! This includes whatever you have prepared or stored no matter where you end up finally located unless you are extremely isolated or invisible.

    The following steps will help you both plan and begin your time-critical preparation, adaptation and/or migration actions so you don't get caught unprepared, unaware, or vulnerable.

    a. Depending on your current and ultimate location, financial loss, and death tolls from global warming-related catastrophes will continue to rise steadily until we reached what we call the last phases of the Climageddon Extinction Scenario. These are the phases where as much as 70-90% of the world's total population will begin dying within as little as 30-50 years. This will occur primarily because of more crossed tipping points (carbon 500 ppm and carbon 600 ppm,) as well as starvation, migration wars, civil unrest, and many of the other 20 worst global warming consequences. 

    Please keep in mind that during this remaining time window to prepare, adapt, or migrate, we will still have control of a good portion of our lives, far longer than those individuals who deny, ignore, or are unaware of the new reality that global warming has become out of meaningful control for at least the next 30-50 years.

    If you choose to migrate, the good news is that depending on your current location, most of us will have at least 5-10 more years to migrate before:

    1. We cross the carbon 425-450 ppm level where we cross more global warming tipping points at an even faster rate and where entering late phase 2 and then phase 3 of the Climageddon Scenario is highly probable. (Once we cross into those Climageddon Scenario phases, first millions then eventually tens if not hundreds of millions of informed and prudent individuals across the world will be highly motivated migrate to save their loved ones and businesses and to stay ahead of the ever-escalating catastrophe curve. This also means the prices for safe land will skyrocket and less and less safe land will be available. It will also mean that land and real estate prices in unsafe areas will begin to tumble.)

    2. Temporarily safer areas and countries will begin charging millions of dollars per person to migrate legally or buy adequate safe land or, they will otherwise restrict or completely close their borders to the ever-escalating masses of new climagees.

    Depending upon your current location, trying to migrate to one of these temporarily safer areas after we breach the carbon 425-450 ppm boundary (in as little as 5-10 years,) is a plan that will be plagued with avoidable hardship and suffering. It is not that the worst consequences of global warming will all be upon us in just 5-10 years, it is that by that time the wealthiest or smartest early adopters all over the world will more clearly see what is coming and will be highly motivated to move.

    Even if the wealthiest or smartest early adopters and migrators are initially only 1 or 2 % of the earth's population, that is still 70-140 million climagees migrating nearly at once. If you think that the advice of not getting caught migrating too late is bad advice or an overstatement, consider just the hundreds of thousands of drought, economic or political migrants from Africa and the Middle East who have been struggling and dying in recent years trying to get into Europe, Scandinavia, Germany, or England.

    One thing you can count on. As global warming worsens and more people recognize how bad it is, the country with the safest land will continue to increase border restrictions until borders finally close. These countries will be forced to deal with the reality that they will have only so much decent land that will grow only so much food that will feed only a limited number of people. Once their populations reach the point where the land will not support adequate food production all borders will close.

    Please further note that if you think you may be subject to any kind of religious, racial, or ethnic bias trying to immigrate to a safe zone, migrating sooner may be critical because many additional immigration restrictions will be imposed quickly as safe zone nations realize that they are experiencing a mass climagee migration for which they are wholly not prepared.

    You will also need to be highly certain that the rain, water sources, soils, and growing seasons will be adequate in the area you want to migrate to.

    Carefully consider issues like wildfires, sea-level rise, floodplains of rivers and lakes, as well as how defensible and safe your new location or nation will be as desperate climagees seek safety in the later phases of the Climageddon Extinction Scenario. Additionally, if you are considering migrating out of your home country, you will need to evaluate how your new country will receive, treat, and protect you as a new immigrant. Unfortunately, in many countries, immigrants are often treated as second-class citizens.

    Essential to any decision regarding whether to migrate or not and when is also to evaluate if the new location you select will also work for your long-term future—even if there were not a global warming extinction emergency. In other words, if you have changed your life profoundly by migrating to this new location, will you still be ok living there if we were to slow and lessen the global warming extinction emergency enough to not go over the climate cliff into near extinction.

    If possible ahead of time, if you were seriously thinking about migrating to some area, it is recommended to go to that area and spend an extended amount of time there. This way you will also get to know the local culture, local economics, the social and political attitudes of the people towards newcomers, and the local weather variations. One season of the year may be beautiful, but the other three seasons may be nearly unbearable for a variety of reasons such as heat, humidity, rainfall, high wind, low sunlight, extreme cold, or even insect infestations.

    Also, see this new page on evaluating when to migrate. Trying to precisely time migration in many ways is like timing a market buy or sell. It is fraught with peril because of the many factors at play.

    If you have to migrate, our advice is, "migrate substantially before" you think you have to! Global warming and our other crises are steadily accelerating. Our governments are not doing anywhere close to what is needed to avoid the next global emergency!

    b. Find a final migration location that is as far away from the most probable northerly migration routes. The most probable migration routes around the world will be those routes closest to coastal areas (through boat access,) or where there are large highways and other forms of easy-to-access transportation that can rapidly move people away from danger zones toward safer zones. For example, mountainous terrain, dense forests or deserts as well as areas without good roads or easy transportation will not have as many climagees passing through them because of the increased difficulties in passing through these areas.

    What most people do not realize is that once this soon-to-be greatest migration in human history begins to accelerate, and as many more people realize how bad things really are, most people will be leaving unsafe stones with very little or no assets. This is because they waited too long to migrate and their land values and other assets will have radically dropped in value in those areas where food cannot be dependably grown, where droughts and wildfires are rampant, and where temperatures will become too high to sustain anything like normal life, commerce or social stability.

    Climagees without assets or few assets will be desperate to feed themselves any way they have to! This means that crime and other forms of escalating social chaos will follow these waves of unfortunate late-arriving climagees wherever they go. As the Great Global Warming Migration continues, nonprofit organizations and government aid will never be able to keep up with the skyrocketing demands of the hundreds of millions then billions of desperate migrating climagees.

    c. Your successful access to global warming safe zones by winning the desperate last hope migration lottery.

    If you do not legally migrate to global warming safer zones while prices are still low enough to buy something or, the borders have not been closed or otherwise tightly restricted, you will have to be insanely lucky and enter what we call the coming last hope desperation lottery.

    The last hope lottery is what the global warming safer nations of the world most likely are already working on in secret. (Do you really think the intelligence agencies of the most developed nations of the world do not understand what is coming and are not already preparing for it in secret?)

    The design of the last hope lottery will be to give a very small number of individuals from global warming unsafe zones (about one-thousandth to one ten-thousandth of one percent of the population in global warming unsafe zones,) the legal right to migrate to the global warming safer zones. The governments in the safer zones will not specify how many or what percentage of individuals will become winners in this last hope lottery because that would ultimately defeat the purpose of maintaining the appropriate allowable numbers mystery to keep the hope factor alive.

    This lottery will have no requirements other than entering it and will most likely only include the right for the immediate family (parents and children only,) of the winner to migrate with them.

    The whole purpose of the last chance lottery is to provide a sliver of hope that, if you just stay where you are while things keep getting worse, you still have a chance at salvation through this last hope lottery.

    This ridiculously low probability lottery is at best a cynical attempt by the nations in global warming safer zones to do everything possible to prevent mass panic and desperate mass migration as greater and greater portions of the population finally realize that the escalating global warming extinction emergency is not just some random bad weather. It is more like a near planet-killing asteroid that will hit on a given schedule and at a given location and if you're in the wrong location at the wrong time, game over!

    d. Finally, ask yourself if your new chosen location includes enjoyable and/or suitable work opportunities available for your knowledge, experience, or skill set.

    Not everyone who migrates will have sufficient financial reserves to survive without working some job in the new location. Be sure to carefully investigate potential employment opportunities that match your job skills in the area you are seeking to migrate to, long before you pack up everything!

    If you are seriously considering migration as a solution to extend the length and quality of your life, take the time to carefully consider ALL possible positive and negative factors before choosing any particular migration location.

    For more information on short and long-term migration to cities in North America, click here.

    All of the above global warming extinction emergency preparedness information can seem a little scary or overwhelming unless you view it from a bigger perspective. Here are a few key points to remember about preparedness in general:

    1. The history of emergency relief efforts during Hurricane Katrina, or Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, or Maria in Puerto Rico, and other climate catastrophes around the world has demonstrated most people will not have either the resources or time to create an emergency recovery program during the actual emergency. Just before or during the emergency, everything you will need to be safe will be long gone off the shelves, not working, or unavailable as others desperately struggle to quickly find what they need to survive. As a rule, if you're not well prepared long before the emergency, you're out of luck.

    2. Emergency relief history has also shown people will initially be kind and share their resources up to the point they realize the essential life-sustaining resources have become scarce. Then they usually switch over to the Darwinian “do whatever you have to do to survive” hoarding or stealing mode.

    3. No government or charity will have the ongoing capacity to respond to the ever-increasing global demands for more emergency resources and services as the costs and other consequences of escalating global warming increase in frequency, scale, and severity with each degree of temperature increase.

    4. Being physically and psychologically prepared for emergencies is the most basic form of insurance. It existed long before we ever began paying premiums to today’s insurance companies.

    5. Being prepared for emergencies, catastrophic miscalculations, and future uncertainties by creating emergency plans, physical reserves, and backup system resilience is as old as humanity itself.

    If you do consider migrating, please tell every when you love and can with an open mind about the coming global warming meltdown so that they may consider migration to safer areas and more comfortable lives as well.

    If you are still thinking about staying where you are in an unsafe global warming zone and riding out what is coming

    Please get and read at least 2 of the 4 books listed below to try to grasp a deeply personal, emotional, and detailed way of what your life will really be like if you are 30 or under and you do not migrate and if you are currently in a high-risk area. 

    Please go to Amazon Smile to get any of these books and make Factnet Inc the nonprofit benefactor of your purchase. Our organization will receive a commission on your purchase that will help support our critical mission. Setting up having our organization receive a commission on this book purchase on Amazon is fast and easy. 

    If you are not already an AmazonSmile member, simply sign up at and select your favorite charity Factnet Inc.) to start generating donations at no cost to you! First, open the app and find 'Settings' in the main menu (☰). Next, tap on 'AmazonSmile' and follow the on-screen instructions to turn on AmazonSmile on your phone. Instructions are similar for web browsers on computers. Factnet is the IRS-recognized 501(C)3 nonprofit that owns Job One for Humanity, Universe Spirit, and other social benefit websites.)

    The first three spellbinding books on the personalized effects of global warming and attempted migration after it really is too late are:

    Parable of the Sower by Octavia E Butler. Four Walls Eight Windows, 1993. This is part one of the two sequential novels. It is set in 2024.

    Parable of the Talents by Octavia E Butler. Seven Stories Press, 1998. This is part of two of the Parable duology. It is set in 2032

    On Vestige Way by David Spielberg just arrived at Amazon. 

    Octavia Butler is an Award-winning and fabulous fiction writer. On Vestige Way is an emotion-packed novel about how global warming adversely affects the future, the fate of the world’s Millennials, generation Z, big corporations, and today's political alliances. These three books are absolute must-reads to viscerally see the day-to-day ordinary and extraordinary suffering that our current out-of-control global warming will impose upon all those individuals, families, businesses that refuse to leave the high-risk zones.

    The fourth book is Climageddon, the Global Warming Emergency and How to Survive It by Lawrence Wollersheim. Click here to learn more about why this book is also useful for those of you who may still think you can ride out the coming catastrophes.

    One additional excruciating fact that needs to be in the open about trying to survive what is coming

    At some point, even the world's 1% wealthiest individuals, corporations, and nations will recognize their money and power won't save them from the primary and secondary consequences of our accelerating climate extinction monster. They will realize that we either cooperate to cut global fossil fuel use to close to the 2025 global reduction targets, or we will all eventually die together. (Click here to see our program to reach the 1% to get them to use their political influence.)

    This page is also about the blight of the 1%. It helps the 1% to realize the horror, suffering, financial loss, death, and the physical, emotional, and spiritual traumas that will be experienced and grow as global warming and climate change accelerate. It helps them realize that what is coming will be wholly unbearable to the point that life will reach the point where it will not be worth living! (This page is also an excellent page to review because if the 1% wealthiest individuals on the planet will not survive what is coming, how will people with far fewer resources survive?)

    No one can fault anyone else who chooses to migrate or prepare to live as long as possible and as comfortably as possible through the coming climate horrors. But at the same time, we must not deceive ourselves about several things:

    1. If we do not get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, we face the unfolding of the primary and secondary climate consequences and the unending traumas of the total extinction process.

    2. While preparing your emergency plans, it would be wise to do everything within your power to ensure that we get close to the  2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.

    3. If we successfully reduce global fossil fuel enough by 2025-2032, we have a slight possibility of surviving as part of a Great Global Rebirth derived from the excruciatingly painful lessons we will have learned. On the other hand, if we do not slow global warming enough, trying to survive through what is coming will make you believe that the lucky individuals were those people who died early in the emergency.

    Please, please get busy and help us get Part 4 of the Job One Plan done to get our governments to act to save us in time!

    For your next action step

    Please click here to go to Part 2 of the Job One Plan, which will cover what you need to do adapt and become more sustainable and lower your fossil fuel usage. You should still keep reading this manual while working on the steps of Part 2 of the Job One Plan.

    Also, at some point, you will want to read the goals of this organization and how we can support you as our climate and environment continues to deteriorate. Our goal for supporting new eco-communities that can survive what is coming may be of particular interest! Click here for those goals!

    For the Next Page of the Climate Change Migration and Relocation Evaluation Manual

    Click here now!

    To see more of the pages of the Climate Change Migration and relocation manual, you will need to become a member. Becoming a member is easy, it is just $9 a year and you will get $35 in relevant and valuable gifts when you join. 


    For answers to all of your remaining questions about climate change and global warming, click here for our new climate change FAQ. It has over one hundred of the most asked questions and answers about climate change.




  • commented on Evaluating the Green New Deal, Visions and Contradictions 2019-03-22 08:51:12 -0700
    Thank you for your detailed and thoughtful comments, Steven. Whilel US nonprofit organizations cannot legally endorse any political parties, we can speak about political platform positions and proposed policies. I think you will find that if you will read the recently updated Job One Plan on our website you will find many (but not all) parallels to your organization’s positions and goals. It is also our hope that you would spread knowledge of our website and our work on global warming to your peers in the Green party network because there are so many parallels in our goals and policies for reducing global warming and saving humanity from extinction. Sincerely,

    Job One executive director

  • commented on Climate Change Emergency Preparations 2019-07-29 15:58:48 -0700
    Dear Ed,

    We are already trying to do that at Job One for Humanity in a very poorly financed way. Some staff and individuals who have been reading our website have contacted us about creating a sustainable community that can survive all of the things in the Climageddon Scenario. What your comment adds to the consideration is that we should contact wealthy individuals to help us create these hail mary locations.

    Would you like to be a part of our efforts?

    Check out what we have done already at:

  • commented on What are the REAL last chance personal and national fossil fuel reduction targets to save humanity from extinction? 2019-05-03 09:09:23 -0700
    Thank you, Larry, for your thoughtful comment. Our organization will also be encouraging people to follow your advice about buying carbon offsets in our upgraded Job One Plan.

    Although it will not solve the 2025 last chance climate cliff crisis we are all facing, it is a worthy act that supports areas all over the world becoming greener.

    I also like your other ideas about more virtual meetings and virtual protests.

    Please also apply your sharp mind to the challenge that we cannot fail at, which is, we must hit the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets or most of humanity goes extinct within our lifetimes.

    That is the message that the world must understand and act upon before were out of time.

    Lawrence Wollersheim

  • commented on The 5 most important global warming facts that will help you save your life, business and loved ones! 2019-02-19 15:42:52 -0800
    Keep exploring our website and get the Climageddon on Amazon.

    We’re telling a very difficult truth about global warming and more and more people and organizations are realizing what we’re saying is accurate and real.



  • commented on We’re Losing the Global Warming and Environmental Protection Races: “So, What Do We Do Now?” 2019-01-11 10:42:56 -0800
    Dear Ed,

    Your comment should be read by everyone who visits our website. I am doing my best to address these issues along with my partners and other nonprofit organizations. We will be facing the chain of problems that you describe and we need to quickly acknowledge the reality of what is coming.

    Hopefully, you and others will join with us in proposing ideas and solutions to do whatever we can while we still can.

    Within a few months, we hope to publish a full update to the Climageddon book on Amazon that will better address some of the most important issues you have covered in your post. Once we have done that and updated the Job One Plan we will be actively looking for Job One volunteers to do whatever they can to implement the updated strategies.

    Thank you for laying out the challenges of the future so clearly,

    Lawrence Wollersheim
    Executive director
    Job One for Humanity

  • commented on Signup Landing Page 2018-12-31 11:49:57 -0800
    What you say is absolutely true.

    For more on the timeline see the following two pages in the given order:



  • commented on Look out L Gore, Bill McKibben's and Michael Bloomberg, a new global warming education hero has appeared! 2018-10-16 11:45:19 -0700
    (The executive director of the Association of the Tree of Life Michael Mielke sent the following letter to Jeremy Grantham after reading the article. It is well worth reviewing for ideas on where we go next.)

    “We’re Losing the Race: “So, What do We Do Now?”

    This letter is a “compliment” to Jeremy Grantham’s “The Race of Our Lives, Revisited,” and suggests ways and means to deal constructively with its implications.  It accepts the “Race’s” implications and expresses how we might engage the transformations required, as immediate as those need be, so that some livable futures for some parts of humanity may be engaged.

    In “The Race of Our Lives, Revisited,” a philanthropist finally has explained that the overdetermined and interconnected crises of climate breakdown, ecological overshoot, and pervasive pollutions are not problems that can be solved or even difficulties that can be sufficiently addressed.  Instead, Jeremy Grantham details how taking, making and wasting – our relentless extraction, production, then pollution processes – now yield predicaments we must endure.  The difference between problems and predicaments is stark.  Problems have solutions.  Predicaments can only be managed.

    The situation that remains – once too many humans take too much from our Earth, leaving too many poisons in our wake – is a predicament, and Grantham’s “Race of Our Lives Revisited” describes the unavoidable predicaments and necessary responses for collective survival:

    Destroy the Earth or rapidly and completely decarbonize economies. (Page 2).

    Gradual fossil fuel reductions mean coastal cities will be flooded and uninhabitable; ice caps will melt.  (Page 3).

    We are losing 1% of our global soil a year.  There are 30 to 70 good harvest years remaining. (Page 3).

    We have created a toxic environment not conducive to life, and toxics saturate our daily life. (Page 3).

    There is simply no other way to manage these crises except for extensive and overarching governmental regulation and leadership in establishing restrictions and limiting poisons. (Page 4). 

    Even with optimistic assumptions and accelerating green technologies, i.e., decarbonized energy, the projected use of fossil fuels will still be 50% of energy consumption in 2050.  The largest increase in CO2 levels was in 2017.  (Summarized on page 13).

    Grantham analyses several aspects of several more predicaments in the next 13 pages.  It is easy to become overwhelmed by the intractable nature of the illuminated crises, particularly when almost all of them are getting inexorably worse.  On page 28, however, Grantham explodes the bombshell:

    “The greatest deficiency of capitalism is its complete inability to deal with any of these things.”   A few pages later he concludes, “God help us.  For we appear incapable or at least unwilling, to help ourselves, and our great scientific skills increasingly appear insufficient.”

    To Be Resigned to Comprehensive Catastrophe:

     “Is that Our Only Option?”

    At first glance, it seems that Jeremy Grantham has argued that our Modern Wonder-world will end with “Hell and High Water,” while the water itself will be laced with toxic poison.  He does not show any way out, nor does he provide a feel-good, unrealistic ending as do so many others.  In other words, he tells it like it is, as too many green groups and most large environmental organizations have been afraid to do.  In their case, decades of advocacy have been defined by the rule of: “Don’t scare the public!”  They believe that if they do, then the public will freeze or give up.  They have certainly believed that explaining the full truth of the dire straits we are in would interfere with getting money, membership, and related support.

    For too long, the Reality of our existential situation attended by proliferating interconnected crises has been covered with fig-leaves or denied outright.  The Truth of the matter has been tailored to continuing the economic system, the social system, and bowing to what has been called “political realities.”  Yet, in order to deliver comprehensive catastrophe, all we have to do is to continue to act in ways that are “good, moral, and certainly acceptable.”  Human self-immolation means simply continuing to turn the Earth into a waste stream behind our increasing and relentlessly increasing economic activity, while we eliminate the rest of Earth’s mammals, except ourselves and our domesticated animals.

    We have no moral restraints that would stop complete self-destruction!

    Despite a laundry list of crises, all requiring management, and not finally fixable (or even solvable), Grantham plainly states that salvaging some parts of a fractured future will require collective action, extensive governmental regulation, and governmental leadership.  Clearly, individual actions and exhortations toward improved individual choices or individual behavioral changes will be futile.  As they have been for the last few decades. 

    So, is there any good news?  Or, do we just party until the Titanic goes down?  

    To Be, or Not to Be: To Do or Die

    Perhaps there is a plausible way out of the cul-de-sac that is presented by the crises, stated and otherwise.  The crises argue for collective action, extensive government regulation and governing leadership.  In the USA, the unstated belief is that there is no possible way for the government to do what is necessary.  Nonetheless, the major philanthropies, like the Hewlett Foundation and the Packard Foundation have five-year plans that are working to build political leadership and elected officials that can begin someday to start to propose the suite of policies required to salvage some part of our future and perhaps shards of civilization.  

    This is too little and too late.

    It is widely known that one political party is moving as fast as possible to drive us off the cliff of oblivion, and the other party is not proposing emergency brakes to stop forward momentum.  Somehow, though the idea leading philanthropies suggest is to support “green” and responsible politicians.  But,  (almost) no Congressional candidates are proposing actions at scale or reflecting the urgency and the breadth of the interconnected crises or looking to legitimately transform any of the conditions exacerbating the crises, the prescription does not change.

    So, there seems no escape from the comprehensive catastrophe that is fast approaching.   Something drastically different is needed.  Consider Backcasting.  Backcasting is reverse-forecasting.  So, can we start with a specific desirable future outcome and then work backward to the present conditions?  

    The desired future outcome is the entire country working together cooperatively and with focused effort to eliminates fossil fuels as soon as is possible, at something like 10%/year.  The economy and productive capacity of our nation would be focused on eliminating fossil fuels, stopping toxic release while cleaning up pollution, slashing extraction, functioning within frameworks of fairness and social justice in order to involve everyone, as we have in our past, providing benefits and incentives for population reduction, and much more. 

    The recent analogy for something close to this comprehensive effort was World War 2.  In the peak of that war, in 1943, the necessity of the emergency meant that military outlays were about half of the entire economic outputs for contending nations: the USA 42%; the UK 55%; Germany 70%; and Japan 43%.  So, how could this level of concentrated and cooperative effort be catalyzed now? 

    To begin with, who could rouse, educate, alarm, warn, and advise the people of this nation?  

    We could quickly eliminate most actors as possibilities for that role: politicians, business, green groups, climate activists, and any others who would normally come to mind.  Without much thought, we would be left with philanthropy as the only actor that could possibly have the credibility, who would care about impending human catastrophe, who could muster the resources, and who could supply the advocacy that could possibly galvanize enough people who could come to grips with the numerous parts of the crises.

    Philanthropy could devote a few dozen billion dollars over the next three years designed to hold the cultural conversation – analogous to the conversation that was unavoidable in the US in the 1850s concerning slavery, i.e., everyone was talking about it everywhere one went, where people met, where families dined, and where political conversations occurred.

    To get to effective action requiring a cohesive and comprehensive political response, Americans must give themselves over to the collective political system, in the ways we did in World War 2.  In order to do that, we must understand first that we have no choice because effective action must mean collective governmental action.  Moreover, our very survival and the survival of our children are urgently at issue.    

    To get to comprehensive and cooperative effort, nothing less will suffice.  That effort must be catalyzed by some entity who cares and who has the resources to make it happen.  Those resources are at no one else’s disposal than philanthropy.  Jeremy Grantham understands the scope, scale, and urgency of the interconnected crises that beset all of us.  He explains how concerted governmental action is required to stave off the crises’ worst aspects.  He could perceive that unless the American public is persuaded of the extant emergency, they will not motivate that collective action.  Certainly, Americans do not grasp, much less recognize and accept that continuing our economic, political and social operating systems means comprehensive catastrophe.  Similarly, the US is not conscious of how rapidly the transformations of our operating systems must take place if we are to create a viable future (since we do not have a viable future now).

    Philanthropy can come to see – as Jeremy Grantham does – that large scale and urgent government action is now necessary, and that it is necessary for Americans to have that explained, and explained as unavoidable and immediately required.  Just barely one human lifetime ago, America changed from isolationist to the leading Allied champion and changed overnight.  The wake-up alarm was Pearl Harbor and President Roosevelt’s response to it. The nation responded.

    The information, the news, the data related to the threats to our survival are all more significant and widespread than in 1941.  Yet the nation must “get the picture,” then “make sense of it.”

    Grantham gets the picture, and clearly so.  There is no reason that philanthropy cannot follow his lucid lead.  And then gather some of its copious resources.  And then communicate, in ways that cannot be avoided, and relentlessly, the reality of what all of us face.  The nation can be moved.  The nation must be moved.  Philanthropy can be catalyzed to come to our aid and succor.

    That is their role, and they must see it.  Jeremy Grantham can be their guiding light.

    Looking back from a historical perspective, sometimes it seems that the future of a culture rests on the shoulders of a significant individual, or just a few.  We believe that may have been true in the case of George Washington.  Perhaps for Abraham Lincoln.  Perhaps now, our future is in Jeremy Grantham’s hands and the fellow philanthropists who can see the need and respond to it.

    We can ask, and we can hope that Jeremy Grantham answers the call."

  • Startling research on how people respond to the possibility of the end of civilization and the extinction of humanity

    When you hear how people in a study responded to the probability of extinction most of you will be shocked.

    Read more

  • commented on Climate Change Alliance Partners 2018-06-09 13:14:52 -0700
    Dear Aleister,

    Thank you for your courage in facing a very tough reality and your kind words about my new book, Climageddon. Your insight into sharing this difficult global warming emergency message with those of sufficient intelligence and spiritual grounding to face and help manage it - is exceedingly wise.

    Would you also consider two things? One, writing a review on Amazon about the Climageddon book. It really helps us reach more people with the message.

    And two read more pages on our website particularly the recently upgraded Our Story. After you’ve done that sufficient examination of the near fully upgraded Job One Plan only on our website and not in the older version in Climageddon would you consider giving us your opinion and/or becoming a volunteer?

    Sincerely, Lawrence Wollersheim

    Executive director

  • Four ways your faith can help you survive and thrive the coming global warming climageddon.

    We have thousands of previous blog posts describing the global warming emergency and how bad it will get. It is also time the Global Warming Blog to regularly post realistic positive perspectives on how we will get through impending climageddon. Please enjoy these new entries.

    Read more

  • Why the Movie Downsizing Should be Seen by Everyone Who Cares About the Environment?

    Alexander Payne the writer and producer of Downsizing, as well as Matt Damon and the other stars, deserve the highest environmental honors. It is obvious they took a lot of professional risks in making this clever film about the dangers of global warming.

    Read more

  • commented on The Climageddon Extinction Scenario Model 2018-04-13 16:32:02 -0700
    Hi David,

    Thanks for your kind words about my book. If you get a chance, would you review it at Amazon. All you have to do is search the book title and follow the instructions and it will give you an opportunity to write a review.

    Also regarding your comments I will look up my original research regarding page 156 hopefully in the next week or two and then post any corrections as needed at this location:

    And, I will notify you by private mail if a correction update is necessary.



  • commented on Contact 2019-10-25 08:52:31 -0700
    Hi Paul,

    Have you read the tipping point pages at



    And the Climageddon Scenario at

    These pages will lead you to many links on the science behind why the carbon 425 to 450 ppm area is our climate cliff.

    If after reading all of those materials with their science links you would still like more science links on the 425 to 450 ppm area, please let us know.

    We can send you more information on why, at that point, we will have “baked in” a temperature level that will trigger so many more tipping points, that for all intents and purposes, global warming goes out of our realistic control for the next 30 to 50 years.


    Thew Job One Team,

  • signed up on Job One Plan 2018-03-19 14:20:41 -0700

    Get Access to the Free Job One Plan Materials!

    1. If you have NOT already subscribed to our mail list, get the free Job One Plan materials by filling in your name and email in the form below. You will receive an email telling you where to find the free Job One Plan materials, Signup up is free and you can unsubscribe at any time.

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    3. If you have already signed up and your name appears below, click the green button again to get the access information again.


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  • signed up on New eBook Promotional Free Download 2018-10-09 09:07:42 -0700

    Get the Climageddon eBook free in All eBook Reader Formats as Our Gift

    Climageddon_Front-Cover_JPG.jpgSign up below and immediately receive your promotional free copy of the eBook shown in the image to the right. It is an $8.95 value, and it is getting scores of four and five-star reviews here on Amazon!

    After signing up with your email address below, you will automatically receive this new eBook as a PDF file in the reply email attachment. In the reply email, you will also receive instructions on how to immediately download this eBook in ALL 3 popular eBook reader formats MOBI, Epub, and Kindle.

    If you do not see our email reply and free eBook attachment within a few minutes, check your junk or spam folder or make sure you have entered the correct email.

    If you have previously signed up on our website and your name appears below, click the green UPDATE INFO button below to receive the free eBook and downloading instructions.

    Sign up and get your free eBook immediately!

    The Climageddon book is published by Job One for Humanity, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping us survive the escalating global warming emergency. If you have been given this downloading location, it is either because we are honoring your work or contributions to global warming education or activism, or you have been given this location for some limited promotion with one of our climate education allies.

    Click here or on the book image for more information about Climageddon!

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