Lawrence Wollersheim published Will you ever need to migrate because of accelerating global warming? And... in Blog 2019-10-22 10:46:04 -0700
Will you ever need to migrate because of accelerating global warming? And...
You are not alone if you have ever thought that you might have to migrate at some point because global warming is getting worse!
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Lawrence Wollersheim commented on Millennials will pay trillions for global warming over their lifetimes 2019-10-16 08:29:03 -0700Hi Robert,
Thanks for your comment. Check out this page for what is the new number 1 factor for a livable future. https://www.joboneforhumanity.org/today_s_real_annual_fossil_fuel_reduction_targets
The Job One Team
Lawrence Wollersheim commented on What are the Most Critical Global Challenges Facing Generations Z, Y, and X crushing their future? 2019-10-09 11:51:04 -0700Thanks for your ideas.
The Job One Team
Lawrence Wollersheim published September's Global Warming News Update for Emotionally Strong Adults in Blog 2019-09-28 09:09:14 -0700
Lawrence Wollersheim commented on Copyright Information 2019-09-23 09:54:41 -0700Dear Michael,
Thank you for helping us spread the life-critical information on our website. All that we ask is that somewhere in the article you mention our organization and our web address as the source of some of what you are writing so people can find us and learn more.
You do not need our approval to use our research.
If you have not become a member/donor that would also help us keep doing what we have been doing since 2008.
The Job One Volunteer Team
Lawrence Wollersheim published Is the UN's Upcoming Climate Action Summit presenting false global fossil fuel reduction targets to help hide a dark secret? in Blog 2019-09-20 13:19:26 -0700
Is the UN's Climate Action Summit presenting false global fossil fuel reduction targets to help hide a dark secret?
The UN's Climate Action Summit on September 23, 2019, is using false global fossil fuel reduction targets and deadlines and...
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Lawrence Wollersheim commented on Big Problem with September 20th Worldwide Climate Strike! 2019-09-20 08:28:55 -0700Your absolutely right David! Thank you for having the courage to use the real 2025 global fossil fuel targets and deadline. For more about this see https://www.joboneforhumanity.org/today_s_real_annual_fossil_fuel_reduction_targets
Keep up the great work.
The Job One Team
Lawrence Wollersheim commented on Have you seen the most important and honest major media article about global warming in decades? 2019-09-13 12:55:56 -0700Excellent comment Michael!
Take a look at our Plan B. It is active acceptance and doing what we still can do. see Plan B at https://www.joboneforhumanity.org/the_global_warming_extinction_emergency_plan_b
the Job One Team
Lawrence Wollersheim commented on Are you feeling sad, angry or anxious about the global warming emergency? What you can do. 2019-08-14 16:27:28 -0700Dear William,
Well said!
One effective thing you can do is start the most applicable parts of the Job One Plan and tell others about it.
See the overview here: https://www.joboneforhumanity.org/plan
There is something everyone can do there.
The Job One team
Lawrence Wollersheim published Your July Global Warming Emergency Update in Blog 2019-07-26 08:37:01 -0700
Your July Global Warming Emergency Update
There is a lot to update you about on global warming emergency this month especially since we missed last month's update...
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Lawrence Wollersheim published Extinction Rebellion global warming emergency protesters confront politicians at US Capitol in Blog 2019-07-24 15:12:12 -0700
Members of the global warming Extinction Rebellion group confront politicians at US Capitol
Global warming extinction emergency group members glue themselves to doorways to block members of Congress from attending evening vote.
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Lawrence Wollersheim commented on Why Climate Activism is Now Critical? 2019-07-26 12:36:20 -0700Thank you Bruce.
All we are really battling is ignorance.
And, thanks for any support that you are willing to share with the organization.
The Job One team
Lawrence Wollersheim commented on New Climate Change Real Estate Rules 2019-06-16 09:54:17 -0700Not really, it is in the global warming danger zone and because of ocean acidification and reef collapse, not to mention the increasing extremes of weather, it will be a hard place to survive in. The only positive is it is tremendously isolated, which also has its own good and bad supply issues.
There are far better places to buy much safer global warming resilience land. See part one of the job one for humanity plan on
Lawrence Wollersheim published How Jay Inslee and ALL other US presidential candidates failed the global warming issue at the Democratic debates in Blog 2019-06-14 17:05:18 -0700
How Jay Inslee and ALL the other US presidential candidates failed horribly on the global warming issue at the recent Democratic debates
Jay Inslee who purports to be the global warming candidate failed terribly at the recent Democratic presidential debates, but he certainly was not alone in his failure!
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Lawrence Wollersheim commented on Four Climate Extinction Tipping Points 2019-08-02 11:21:45 -0700We normally do not allow comments that promote products, but we will allow this one as long as we do not discover that you are trying to raise money from unsophisticated investors for highly risky product development.
The Job One Team
Lawrence Wollersheim commented on The single most dangerous global warming deadline 2025 2019-08-09 10:48:09 -0700Thank you and everyone at Fridays for the Future for the amazing work you are all doing with your worldwide school walkouts calling attention to the 5 years left in which we still have some control left over our global warming futures!
The Job One Team
Lawrence Wollersheim commented on Emergency Petition Thank You 2019-11-06 09:01:49 -0800Your absolutely right Ronald. We have too many people for Earth’s carrying capacity and we are using too much of the Earth’s resources far too fast—- particularly fossil fuels, which are causing global warming!
The Job One team
Job One for Humanity Executive Director
The honest climate change analysis it provides free will help save many lives.
Preventing Global Warming Extinction, #Climageddon